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Millefeuille dish. "Milfeuil": the famous French cake from Alexander Seleznev

Millefeuille (the name literally translates as “thousand sheets”) is the original French dessert or puff pastry appetizer (we are all familiar with this dessert called “Napoleon”). This dessert is a small rectangular cake, but sometimes they are made large and round. Millefeuille cake is layered with fruits, various sweet creams, fruit jams, nuts, cheese and various other dessert goodies. Top with sugar-based icing. Unsweetened snack millefeuille can be with layers of fish or lobsters, various vegetables, pates, thick sauces. It is usually served at the beginning of lunch or dinner. The first recipe for millefeuille was published by the French cook Francois Pierre in 1651. The recipe was brought to perfection by the famous confectioner Marie-Antoine Careme.

classic millefeuille


Ingredients (for dough):

  • 200 g of natural unsalted butter (and another 100 grams);
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a little white wine vinegar;
  • 100 ml of ice water.


From these ingredients we will prepare classic puff pastry (the process is not fast, in several steps with 3 times cooling). We will bake cakes from the rolled dough (preferably of approximately the same shape) - they are baked quickly, for about 5 minutes each at a temperature of 200ºС. Baked cakes can be cut into small plates (if we want to collect cakes).

cream for millefeuille

Millefeuille cream is prepared in several versions. The most common is a cream based on Mascarpone cheese, to which egg yolks and a little powdered sugar are added. Since Mascarpone is not so much cheese as very thick and fatty cream, the dessert turns out to be very high in calories. Another option is custard.

Ingredients (for cream):

  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 80 g of premium flour;
  • 6 yolks;
  • a little vanilla and cinnamon;
  • a tablespoon of cognac;
  • 0.8 l of milk.


To prepare the cream, carefully separate the yolks from the proteins. You can make meringue or marshmallows from proteins, and beat the yolks with powdered sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Gradually add flour and mix until smooth. We heat the milk, pour a third of the milk into the yolks and mix well. When the remaining milk boils, in a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour the yolk mass into it. We will cook, stirring constantly so that the cream does not burn, until the cream begins to thicken. Pour in brandy, mix and cool the cream. To make it plastic, you can add 200 g of butter until the cream is completely cooled. To make vanilla millefeuille, a vanilla bean is added to the milk, heated, then the vanilla is scraped off and the bean is removed. The cakes are greased with a cooled cream, berries or fruits are placed on it.

Millefeuille with strawberries

Berry millefeuille is a traditional dessert, most often it is prepared with strawberries or wild strawberries. Strawberry millefeuille is very delicate, it must be eaten a maximum of 5 hours after preparation, until the cakes are soaked.



Roll out the puff pastry into a thin layer, cut out the cakes of the desired shape, prick them with a fork and bake until done. Cool the cream well and beat with sugar. We wash the strawberries when the berries drain, remove the stalks and cut each berry into 2-3 parts. We put whipped cream or custard on the cakes, put the berries. Dessert can be of any height. Millefeuille with raspberries also turns out to be very tasty, while you can use both berries and berry mousse. The main thing is that the berries should not be damaged and not overripe.

Take the dough out of the freezer to defrost.

In the meantime, prepare the cream: pour 1 glass of milk (or cream) into a ladle or saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil, add sugar and vanilla sugar, reduce heat and, stirring thoroughly, bring to complete dissolution of sugar.

Combine the 2nd glass of milk with eggs and flour, mix until smooth.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Cut the thawed dough into equal parts - squares or rectangles, put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment, grease with yolk.

Wash strawberries, dry and cut into slices.

Assembling of Millefeuille cakes.

Cut all the puffs-disassemble into two parts (for 2 cakes). For 1 Millefeuille cake you will need - 1.5 baked puffs or 3 cakes (obtained after cutting each baked puff into 2 parts).

Put the lower parts on a cutting board or a large dish, using a pastry bag or a plastic bag, drop small balls of cream over the entire surface of the cake.

Spread strawberries in one layer on top, apply a few drops of cream on it too (so that the top cake sticks).

Cover with second layer.

Repeat the procedure - cream, strawberries, a little cream,

cover with a third layer.

That's it, delicious Millefeuille cakes are ready - they can be served immediately!

Happy tea!

It is blueberries, strawberries or raspberries that lift and hold the layers of flour, create an original and multidimensional form for millefeuille. If the berries are removed, the catchy picturesqueness will be lost, but the cake will turn into an equally worthy Napoleon. Many will find similarities with baklava. That's right, soaked in honey, nougat or caramel, unleavened cakes are glued together, then the oriental sweetness is cut into bars, squares, rhombuses.

And in the menu of innovative restaurants there is also a snack option: with crab meat, salmon, spinach and all kinds of sauces and cheeses. Beautiful and versatile! Now I propose, together with home cooking enthusiasts, to explore the versatility of the recipe using the example of a dessert - millefeuille with blueberries.

Prep time: 60 minutes / Serves: 2-4


  • premium wheat flour about 300 g
  • butter 100 g
  • sour cream 100 g
  • milk cream 33% 200 ml
  • powdered sugar 50 g
  • blueberries 125 g


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    Sour cream (fat content does not matter), we measure soft butter in equal proportions - 1 to 1. Sprinkle flour, optionally throw salt, but very little and only fine. Thoroughly knead a homogeneous dough by hand or with a combine. Do not rush to add the entire portion of flour at once, add in parts during the kneading. We need plasticity, softness, but not hardness and dryness.

    With the dough for millefeuil, you can continue working right there, without cooling or resting. But if there is a break, wrap the bun with film or paper, do not let the shell get weathered.

    We pull out an oblong cake - roll it out on parchment. Usually there is no problem with this, since the semi-finished dough does not stick to either the rolling pin or the paper / board, does not resist and does not tear. Even if you find a gap, confidently fasten the edges of the hole with your fingers - elasticity allows you to patch. Pre-determine the dimensions of the product or products (for several small desserts), while aiming for a thickness of about 2-3 mm and remember that there are three cakes for each millefeuille dessert.

    For accuracy and simplicity, we arm ourselves with a clerical ruler, measure three identical rectangles. I have - 25 by 10 cm each. We often pierce with a fork around the entire perimeter, when baking in some places, the dough exfoliates, swells up with bumps. Do the same with large Napoleon cake layers. We leave illiquid trimmings nearby, later crush into crumbs (useful for sprinkling various sweet pastries). We substitute a baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to the maximum. We bake cakes for millefeuille for 15-17 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Be careful not to let the cakes get too dark.

    At the same time, without wasting time, beat the milk cream with a fat content of at least 30% with a mixer. We start the first two or three minutes on our own, then pour in powdered sugar in two or three doses. Do not replace with sugar - the crystals will not have time to dissolve and will spoil the delicate layer with their crunch. But flavoring with vanilla or citrus concentrate is welcome.

    Please note that whipped cream with powder has acquired the consistency of thick sour cream. In this composition, a light texture, a pleasant note of a natural product without any ambiguous aftertaste. If you want to create stable pyramids, voluminous decor, then choose more fatty-dense rustic cream, confectionery substitutes based on vegetable fats, aerosol creams, or include thickeners. Other types of cream are also possible: cream with custard, oil, protein. So, silk buttercream, cooled unleavened shortbreads and pure blueberries are at hand.

    In addition to fleshy blueberries, raspberries are suitable. strawberries, but the berries must be fresh. Let's start assembling. We generously cover each flour rectangle with sweet cream, lay the blueberries in the middle and closer to the edges, “powder” a little. And so we do with two other cakes, covering with a pile. Without ramming, the berries should become a support for the next tier and be clearly visible from the side.

    All! A little arbitrary decoration on top - a couple of branches of green mint, the last handful of blueberries, and homemade millefeuille soak for half an hour in the cold. We serve for dessert.

Mille Feuille is a French dessert widely known throughout the world. Even those who don't like sweets can't resist the taste of this extraordinary cake. This dessert gets its name due to its structure.

Translated from French, it means thousands of petals. It is the many layers impregnated that create such an unusual and delicate taste.

Millefeuille recipes with photos

Do not confuse "Milfeuille" with "Napoleon". These desserts have different cooking techniques. Today, there are many options and variations for the preparation of Millefeuille. Let's take a closer look at the most popular confectionery recipes.

Classic cake recipe

To prepare a classic millefeuille, you will need the following ingredients:

Strawberries or raspberries - 0.4 kg;
Frozen puff pastry - 0.4 kg.
Sugar - 125 g.
Protein - 1, yolk -2 pcs.
Flour - 20 g.
Milk - 0.5 l.
Starch - 20 g.

Algorithm for baking a classic dessert:

  • Frozen dough is laid out on a baking sheet;
  • The dough is divided into small pieces 10X20;
  • The resulting rectangles are baked in the oven at a temperature of 20 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Readiness is indicated by a ruddy crust;
  • We divide the workpiece into layers and leave to cool.

Let's move on to the preparation of custard:

  • Sugar and eggs are beaten;
  • Starch and flour are introduced into the resulting mass;
  • Bring milk and vanilla to a boil;
  • Add hot milk to the previously obtained mixture;
  • The future cream is placed in a water bath and boiled before it takes on a thick form;
  • The cream rubs off.

Everything is ready to assemble the confectionery. In the classic version, the dessert consists of three layers of dough, 2 layers of berries and three sheets of cream. A pastry syringe is used to cover the dough layers with cream. Berries are placed on the coated layer, then again the dough and cream. Millefeuille can be cooked with strawberries, raspberries and other berries. This recipe can be called basic, because it was he who became the basis for the development of new recipes for this confectionery dish. Ready vanilla millefeuille can be decorated with wild berries to taste.

berry millefeuille

To prepare a berry millefeuille, you will need the following ingredients:

Mascarpone - 0.5 kg;
Sugar - 150 g.
Frozen puff pastry - 0.4 kg.
Dark chocolate - 50 g.
Strawberries and cherries - 250 g each.
Yolk - 3 pcs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The dough is prepared in the same way as in the basic recipe and left to cool;
  2. Prepare the cream: beat the yolks with sugar. We introduce mascarpone cheese into the mass (another version of custard);
  3. We prepare the berries by cutting them into halves and quarters (depending on the original size)
  4. We collect the cake according to the following scheme: dough, cream, berries, dough, etc.
  5. Chocolate can be used to decorate the top layer. It can also be decorated with any berries or fruits to taste. Some choose mint leaves. When decorating a finished cake, the main thing is to show your imagination.

With apples and chocolate

Chocolate millefeuille with apples is a favorite dessert of many sweet teeth. It is characterized by a delicate and unique taste. The following ingredients are required for its preparation:

Chocolate -100 g
Butter - 2 teaspoons;
Green apples - 2 pcs.
Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
Rum - 1 teaspoon;
Puff pastry - 250 gr.
Eggs - 6 pcs;
Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
Cinnamon - 50 gr.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The preparation of the dough is similar to the previous recipes;
  2. Grated chocolate is melted in a water bath;
  3. Apples are peeled and cut into small cubes;
  4. Butter is melted;
  5. The oil is combined with rum and honey, and apples are added to it;
  6. The yolks are whipped. They add powdered sugar and cinnamon. After that, glazed apples and chocolate are added to the mixture;
  7. Dessert is collected in layers: dough and chocolate-apple mass. As a rule, three or four layers of dough are made. A decorative skewer is suitable for fastening the dessert.

Vegetable millefeuille from zucchini and eggplant

To prepare vegetable millefeuille from eggplant and zucchini, you will need the following ingredients:

Tomato - 1 pc.
Zucchini - 1 pc.
Eggplant - 1 pc.
Yellow pepper - 1 pc.
Garlic - 2 cloves;
Salt and pepper;
Spices to taste;
Vegetable oil.

The cooking process is the following process:

  1. Zucchini and eggplant are cut into small circles in thickness. Garlic is passed through a press. The pepper is prepared and cut into strips. A large tomato must be peeled and cut into cubes. If you scald this vegetable with boiling water, the process of peeling will be easier;
  2. Sliced ​​eggplant and zucchini are fried in vegetable oil. The finished ingredient will be soft. It must be laid out on paper napkins that will draw out excess fat;
  3. The tomato is stewed for 10 minutes with prepared garlic;
  4. The resulting frying should be ground in a blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. It will be used as a "cream" for vegetable millefeuille;
  5. A circle of zucchini is covered with a vegetable mixture and covered with a circle of eggplant. The process is repeated 2-3 times. Ready millefeuille can be garnished with herbs to taste and served as a cold appetizer.

How to make mascarpone cream for dessert

Mascarpone serves as the basis for the preparation of a variety of dessert dishes. This ingredient allows you to realize both very simple and very complex recipes. The most popular dish based on mascarpone is tiramisu. Its taste is known and appreciated by all gourmets. Tiramisu has a distinctive feature - a delicate taste. For this characteristic, such an ingredient as mascarpone is responsible.

A popular and delicious version of mascarpone-based custard dough is prepared as follows:

  • Three yolks are knocked down, 125 gr. is added here. Sahara.
  • After that, mascarpone (0.5 kg) is added to the resulting mass.

This is a simple and popular version of the cream, which will complement many confectionery masterpieces, including millefeuille.

Banana Millefeuille Cake Video Recipe

But in no case do not confuse the classic French dessert with the Napoleon cake! What is the difference and how to cook "Milfeuille" with custard will be told by the maestro of confectionery skill Alexander Seleznev.



2 sheets of puff pastry

500 ml milk
1 vanilla pod
3 eggs
125 g sugar
20 g flour
20 g cornstarch
500 ml cream 33%
1 tbsp cognac


powdered sugar - for decoration

How to cook:

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, add the seeds from the vanilla pod. Boil.

2. Mix eggs with sugar so that there are no lumps. Add flour and corn starch, mix vigorously. Add some unboiled milk. Whisk the mixture vigorously with a whisk.

3. As soon as the milk boils, pour in the egg mixture in a very thin stream, in no case ceasing to beat the cream. Boil for a minute. Once the cream begins to thicken, remove from heat. Transfer to a clean bowl, cover with a lid so that a crust does not form, cool to room temperature.

4. Roll out the puff pastry as thin as possible, after dusting the table with flour. Carefully transfer the rolled out dough onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper. In order for the dough to rise evenly during baking, it is necessary to make punctures around the entire perimeter with a knife.

5. Send the dough to the oven, heated to 200 ° C, and bake for 20 minutes.

6. Back to the custard. Add cognac and mix thoroughly with a whisk. Gently fold in the whipped cream until stiff peaks. Mix with a silicone spatula.

7. Cut the finished puff pastry into even strips so that each cake consists of three layers.

8. Use a blender to make crumbs from dough scraps.

9. Fill a pastry bag with cream. On the first layer of dough, deposit a cream 1 cm thick. Arrange fresh strawberries. Drop some cream. Cover with the second layer of dough. Drop off the cream. Add raspberries and red currants. Decorate with cream. Cover with the third layer of dough.

10. Using a knife, flatten the sides of the cake and sprinkle them with cooked crumbs. Sprinkle the surface of the cake with powdered sugar.

11. For the sauce, cut the strawberries into quarters. Pour 1 tbsp into a heated frying pan. sugar and melt to caramel. Add berries. So that they do not lose their shape, the sauce must be prepared very quickly. Pour in the liqueur and flambé. Evaporate the alcohol.

12. Serve Millefeuil with hot berry sauce.



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