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Lush lights in a flower bed - caring for garden balsam. Varieties of universal balsams: their features, description and photos

It is called creeping hop, beer hop, climbing hop, bitter... This powerful and beautiful vine has everything to be useful to a person. Hops is revered by many peoples of the world; it is a symbol of fertility, strong economy, prowess, happiness and longevity; it is depicted on coats of arms and coins. But many summer residents are not at all happy with him. Hops tend to grow rapidly, suppressing the growth cultivated plants around you. But is it really necessary to fight it?

Pork with eggplant - a delicious stew with vegetables and spicy rice, easy and simple to prepare for dinner or lunch. It will take about half an hour to prepare, so this recipe can be classified as “if you need dinner quickly.” The dish turns out nourishing, aromatic, piquant. Turmeric gives the ingredients a beautiful golden-yellow color, while cloves, cardamom, garlic and chili add a piquant touch to the dish. For this recipe, choose lean meat.

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Despite the confusion with the name “Christmas cactus” that has accumulated over the past decades, one of the most recognizable and colorful forest cacti, epiphyllums, remains everyone’s favorites. Leafless, with flattened stems, flowering amazingly profusely, hybrid epiphyllums with their hanging shoots and delicate flowers do not require particularly complex care from their owners. They can become the most striking flowering succulent plant in any collection.

Merchant style buckwheat with meat and pumpkin is an easy recipe for a delicious dinner or lunch. I recommend finishing it in the oven, although you can also cook it on the stove. Firstly, it tastes better in the oven, as the buckwheat steams, becomes very tasty, and the meat turns out tender. Secondly, the hour that it languishes in the oven can be spent on yourself or communicating with loved ones. Perhaps many will decide that buckwheat with meat is an ordinary dish, but try cooking it according to this recipe.

Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend down to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, healthy qualities and rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. It requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. Chickpeas need to be pre-soaked in large quantities. cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Impatiens are now rightfully included in the list of the most popular, attractive and long-flowering plants that grow successfully in the house and garden.

Among several types of balsam, which are often used in indoor floriculture and landscape design, Waller's balsam, or Waller's balsam (Impatiens walleriana), is very popular among gardeners. By its nature, it is a very heat-loving perennial, and in regions with cold winter it is grown as an annual.

Modern selection of balsams, in demand by flower growers, works wonders - a great variety of varieties and hybrids of Waller's balsam with various colors of flowers (simple, semi-double or double) have been created. This encourages admirers of this plant to collect an extensive collection of balsams.

Dwarf varieties and hybrids of Waller's balsam are about 15-20 cm in height, and medium-sized ones have a height of 30-35 cm. Compact plants have a lush bush with rich green leaves and succulent shoots, the tops of which are abundantly covered with charming flowers of one or two colors.

I will share with readers of the Gardenia.ru website my experience of growing Waller's balsam from seeds and using this plant to decorate the garden.

About seed propagation of Waller's balsam

There is often an opinion that it is quite difficult to independently grow Waller's balsam seedlings from seeds. I don't share it.

Garden balsam Planting and care Growing from seeds at home

Although, indeed, many gardeners say with disappointment that they were unable to obtain Waller's balsam seedlings.
However, many years of experience (mine and many other balsam lovers) show: with proper sowing of high-quality, non-expired seeds, balsams germinate well and develop remarkably.
To assume the possible germination of purchased balsam seeds, it is especially important when the bag indicates not the deadline for their sale (as many Russian companies now indicate), but the year the seeds were harvested. It is the date of seed production in combination with the expiration date that is most often indicated on bags of imported seeds, which is very convenient for the gardener.

I really liked the new Waller impatiens with large flowers (up to 5 cm in diameter), which I grew from seeds last year (2013) - a variety series from the famous German company.

I was especially impressed by the beautiful plants of the “Advantage” variety series with very bright flowers, as well as the “Tempo Butterfly” variety series with flowers in delicate pastel colors and with a contrasting “eye”. These wonderful balsams bloomed for several months in a row in our garden - in hanging pots, in a long flower box and in open ground. Some balsams from the listed variety series are presented in the photo in this article. The spectacular varieties of various colors included in these variety series are characterized by lush, dense bushes and fairly rapid growth - about 8-10 weeks pass from the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of flowering.
Although the prices for imported seeds of Waller's balsam variety series and unique hybrid plants are high, the seedlings grown from them are much cheaper compared to expensive purchased seedlings.

In order to have flowering Waller's impatiens in the garden at the beginning of summer, sowing seeds for seedlings must be done no later than mid-March.

In the photo: flowering Waller's balsams in the open ground

Sowing Waller's balsam seeds and caring for seedlings

I sow Waller's balsam seeds in a bowl on the surface of a damp, leveled substrate.
Some floriculture literature advises sprinkling the sown balsam seeds with a thin layer of sand. From my practice, I concluded that this should not be done: under a layer of sand it is difficult to control the degree of soil moisture (after all, sand on the surface dries out quickly even with fairly moist soil), and seedlings with this method of sowing have always turned out worse for me. Therefore, now I prefer to add sand directly to the seeding substrate, which, when growing balsams, should be light and nutritious.

To sow Waller's balsam seeds, I make a mixture in advance from harvested garden soil and purchased ready-made peat-based soil (I take these parts approximately equally by volume), adding vermiculite and sand.
I spill the resulting mixture with Fitosporin solution to prevent “black leg”, which often happens when sowing small seeds of balsam and other plants. Then I dry the substrate until it reaches the normal humidity required for sowing.

When sowing, I try to place the balsam seeds more spaciously, at an equal distance from each other - this will provide the seedlings with uniform lighting. I gently press the seeds without plunging them into the soil so that they receive the light they need for germination.
I place the bowl with the crops in a transparent bag, filling it with air, and place it in a very bright (but out of direct sunlight), warm place.

I regularly ventilate the balsam crops, shaking off the condensation that has formed from the bag. I moisten the substrate with a spray bottle as needed.
At normal room temperature (about 22 degrees), Waller's balsam shoots appear in about 3 weeks. After pecking the seeds, when seedlings appear, I carefully pour moist soil onto the bare roots, to the root collar of the seedlings.
I illuminate the seedlings standing on the window with a phytolamp in the mornings and evenings, as well as on cloudy days.

The main task in the development of Waller's balsam seedlings is uniform and sufficient watering so as not to flood or dry out the soil.
I continue to keep a bowl with small seedlings in a “greenhouse” bag, since they are very sensitive to changes in humidity and air temperature. They can also be attacked and quickly destroyed by a spider mite that appears unnoticed - a very dangerous pest for balsam.

I often ventilate balsam seedlings so that there is no prolonged stagnation of air in the “greenhouse”, otherwise this can lead to a fungal infection.

Waller's balsam seedlings favorable conditions are developing relatively quickly. Soon the neighboring plants in the bowl bring their leaves closer together - it’s time to start picking them.
I plant the balsams one at a time into the smallest plastic cups (I make sure to make drainage holes at the bottom) with the same light and fertile substrate as when sowing. Balsam seedlings tolerate picking well.

With sufficient light and nutrition, the plants develop strong, stocky, and begin to bush early.
If the Waller's balsam seedlings are stretched out (this can happen due to lack of lighting), then when picking, you need to bury the lower part of the long stems into the soil.

After picking, I keep the cups with balsams in the “greenhouse” for some time. After rooting, I begin to gradually accustom the seedlings to fresh air and then open them completely.

Soon the young plants begin to grow faster and faster; then I put them on a cool glazed loggia with a north-west orientation.
If balsam seedlings do not bush on their own, then you need to pinch the top of them to form side shoots. The more branches there are, the more magnificent the bush will become, the more flowers it will have.

Regular spraying of Waller's balsams with settled water, especially in hot weather, helps maintain the decorative appearance of plants and protects them (but not always successfully) from spider mite attacks. Unfortunately, these harmful mites love to settle on the tender tips of shoots and succulent leaves of balsam, which causes great damage to the decorative appearance and health of the plant. Therefore, when hot weather sets in, many gardeners begin periodic preventive spraying of balsams (Fitoverm, other chemicals) to prevent the appearance of mites.

When the Waller's balsam seedlings have grown noticeably and their roots have entwined the earthen ball, I transfer the plants into larger cups.

Growing Waller's Impatiens in the Garden

I plant balsams in open ground after the threat of return frosts has disappeared, when stable heat has been established; For middle zone it's about mid-June. By this time, many plants have already formed a good bush and are blooming.

Continuously blooming Waller's balsams wonderfully decorate semi-shaded (without direct sun at midday) areas of the garden with light, nutritious soil, where each flower lasts longer and its color is more saturated.
It is better to plant balsams in a protected place in the garden, where there is no strong wind - it can break the succulent stems.

When planting Waller's balsam seedlings in open ground, pay attention to the recommended distance between plants (usually 25 cm), which must be maintained for a particular variety, depending on the expected dimensions of the plant. It’s good if adult bushes slightly close together - this is important for their better joint resistance to winds and heavy rains, to preserve moisture in the soil, and to achieve a better decorative effect.

In the photo: Waller's balsams in a hanging pot and in a flower box

Waller's impatiens look great in hanging pots and flower boxes. Unlike petunia seedlings, which love a large volume of fertile substrate when grown in containers, Waller's balsams are more unpretentious. They tolerate even a small amount of light nutritious soil in small pots: as long as they have enough water (this is facilitated by the hydrogel contained in the soil), and periodic fertilizing with fertilizers for flowering plants is carried out.
In hot and dry summers, mulching is very useful for balsam bushes; a layer of mulch also helps retain moisture in the soil.

In the absence of rain, balsams need regular watering so that the soil does not dry out (then leaves of dehydrated plants droop). But excessive watering should not be allowed, otherwise the plants will get sick: dark spots will appear on the leaves, and the bases of the shoots will begin to rot.

It is advisable to remove fading flowers from Waller's balsams. large flowers, since they often cover the numerous buds underneath with their petals. However, with a large number of plants, I do not always have time to perform this operation. But this must also be done so that unnecessary seed pods are not set; in the garden this often happens when flowers are pollinated by insects.

Before the coming autumn frosts, you can bring container balsams into the house or onto the veranda. And balsams growing in a flower garden can be temporarily covered with thick covering material, because often after a cold snap, warm weather sets in again.

If you want to preserve Waller’s balsams growing in open ground for further cultivation, then they need to be cut in advance (even in the summer) so that the cuttings take root faster and have time to grow before winter.
At the end of the gardening season, transplanting large balsam bushes from the flower garden into pots is very problematic and impractical - as a result, such bushes often die. Therefore, for the new season it is better to have young promising plants obtained from cuttings or from seeds.

Be sure to try growing Waller's balsam seedlings if you haven't already become a fan. After all, beautiful impatiens blooming profusely for many months are a real holiday, very bright and joyful!

I wish the flower growers of the Gardenia.ru website success in growing seedlings and many beautiful flowers!

Elena Yurievna Ziborova
Gardenia.ru Floriculture: Pleasure and Benefit

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Is it possible to plant balsam in open ground?

Impatiens: growing from seeds. When to plant balsam?

Every gardener wants the flowerbed in front of his house to be the most beautiful. Growing garden balsam from seeds and then planting it in the soil will help make the flower bed elegant and unique

Garden balsam is a tropical African plant, which in our time has spread widely throughout the world. The flower is grown everywhere in different countries because it blooms for a very long time and does not require scrupulous care. When boxes with many seeds appear in place of bright buds, you need to treat the sensitive plant with care. The slightest touch to it leads to the opening of the box and the spread of seeds throughout the garden. Garden balsam has more than one hundred species. Among them there are not only annuals, but also perennials.

Growing this small shrub is possible in different conditions:

  • in open ground;
  • in pots on the terrace;
  • on the balcony and on the windowsill.

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Impatiens are planted in early spring. It propagates both by seeds and stem cuttings. Balsam seedlings are planted in February and March. Sowing seeds for seedlings must be done no later than March. Then the flower seedlings will be ready by mid-June - at this time balsams, which love warmth, will feel comfortable in the open ground.

Soil for growing balsam

Any soil consisting of turf soil, humus and sand will do. When choosing a pot for balsam, remember that it should not be too large. To maintain a lush appearance, plants can be grown two or three in one pot.

Selection and preparation of balsam seeds

To grow balsams, purchased seeds are used. If you already have an adult flowering plant at home, you can collect the seeds yourself.

When purchasing seeds in a store, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Seeds must be of high quality, so you need to purchase them only from trusted suppliers.
  2. To obtain indoor plant, choose seeds perennial varieties, and annuals are used for planting in open ground.
  3. To preserve varietal characteristics, you should not choose a mixture of seeds; it is better to take each type separately.
  4. Despite the fact that seeds can be stored for more than 6 years, freshly harvested seeds have the highest germination rate.

You can collect seeds from homemade balsam after it has finished flowering. In place of fallen inflorescences, small fruits are formed, and when they ripen, seed pods are formed.

Before sowing, treat the seeds for 10 minutes in a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then soak for a day in clean water.

Articles for flower growers

Technique for sowing balsam seeds

  1. sifted, loose soil pour into containers, carefully level and carefully moisten with a spray bottle, avoiding compaction.
  2. Carefully scatter the seeds over the surface of the substrate, trying to place them as sparingly as possible. The optimal strategy is to place the seeds one at a time with a distance of at least 2-3, and preferably 4 cm between them.
  3. Since Waller's balsam germinates only when exposed to light, lightly sprinkle the seeds with fine sand or sifted soil on top, but do not cover them completely. The remaining balsams can be covered with 4-5 mm of sifted soil.
  4. Gently moisten the seeds with a spray bottle on top.
  5. Cover the seeds with clear glass or film.

Germination of impatiens usually takes from 4 to 15 days, and seedlings appear unevenly.

Stages of seedling development and balsam care

  1. The first stage is germination. Duration 3-5 days. The required temperature is +24…+26, high humidity and sufficient light.
  2. The second stage lasts 10 days. Seedlings develop and require more light. But direct sunlight has a negative effect on young shoots, so it is better to avoid direct exposure to light and you can begin to practice daily ventilation. During the same period, it is necessary to carry out soil prevention - water it with a solution of phytosporin. As for watering young balsams, this simple procedure must be carried out extremely carefully, avoiding extremes such as overwatering and underwatering. Both are a direct threat to the life of the plant.
  3. The third period - from 14 to 21 days in duration - is the time when balsam acquires four pairs of leaves. This is already an almost self-sufficient plant that guarantees the expected beauty - the unusually charming flowers of garden balsam. It is at the third stage that the comfortable temperature for the plant will be +20 ... +23.
  4. The fourth stage lasts only a week. It is characterized by a further decrease in temperature - a kind of hardening of balsams (+16 ... +18).
  5. The last stage of propagation from seeds involves two feedings and a division of the temperature regime into daytime (up to +24) and nighttime (+18).

Picking balsam seedlings

The balsam seedlings stretched out. What to do? Until the shoots produce the first two true leaves, the balsam is not picked. As soon as the first two true leaves appear, the seedlings are picked. When picking, many gardeners, in order to reduce the length of the cutting, bury it in the ground along the cotyledon. In most cases, the plant dies during such a transplant. Its cuttings rot without taking root. In order to reduce the length of the cutting, during picking it is cut above the cotyledons and then rooted in water.

Transplanting balsam into open ground

By the beginning of May, the seedlings will be ready for planting in the ground. But weather conditions do not always allow this to be done before June. In order for the flowers to reliably take root in a new place and bloom beautifully, the seedlings need to be prepared a little:

  1. Start lowering the temperature in the room where the seedlings lived.
  2. Gradually accustom the seedlings to outdoor conditions - take the cups with flowers to the balcony or outside, if possible. Start with 10 minutes, increasing the time by another 10 minutes every day.

Articles for gardeners and gardeners

Garden balsam: secrets of planting and care

This plant is grown as an annual.

Garden balsam boasts long-lasting flowering and low maintenance requirements. Why not grow it on your own plot?

These incredibly beautiful annual flowers are also called wet vanka. In botany, the correct name for this plant is garden balsam. The height of the flowers varies from 25 cm (reasonable for a small flower bed) to 70 cm (tall bushes look good if lower flowering plants are planted in front of them).

Planting balsam

Garden balsam prefers moderate sun. A thin crown of trees or partial shade from a fence will not be an obstacle to growth and flowering - the plant will have enough diffused light.

Growing garden balsam

But it cannot stand the scorching rays of the sun and winds - it begins to wither.

The soil for planting balsam should be loose and soft, drained, with low acidity.

Impatiens are usually grown through seedlings. To do this, seeds are sown in March, and the grown sprouts are planted in separate cups, one at a time.

Impatiens seedlings

And when the threat of spring frosts passes, they are transplanted into a flowerbed (around the 20th of May), freed from the cups and pinched the roots.

Before planting, it is worth treating the soil with a fungicide, feeding it a little with manure and moistening it.

Plants are planted sparsely - at a distance of 30 cm from each other, from this the balsams grow luxuriantly. Seeds can be sown directly in open ground. At a normal temperature of 21-26°C, the first shoots can be expected after 14 days. If the air temperature drops below 19°C, the sprouts should be covered with cellophane, or better yet, agril, creating a greenhouse effect.

Watering garden balsam

Impatiens do not tolerate flooding, but they will reward you with vigorous flowering for regular but moderate watering. When the sprouts are still young, they should be watered 2 times a week or as the soil near the plant dries out.

Impatiens do not like drought and begin to wilt if there is a lack of moisture.

Top dressing

It is better to fertilize 2 times a week - simultaneously with watering. The proportions are usually written on the packaging of fertilizer for flower plants. However, experienced gardeners advise adding half as much water as recommended. Balsam also responds well to fertilizers for geraniums.

Nitrogen fertilizers are good for young shoots that have not produced flower buds. But for flowering ones, it is better to use fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus, sometimes replacing them with nitrogen. At the end of summer, fertilization is stopped.

What to do after flowering?

Garden balsam blooms all summer, and sometimes until October if the weather is warm. When flowering ends, juicy fruits appear on the plant in the form of a translucent elongated box with seeds. You need to catch the moment the seeds ripen and carefully collect them in a bag to plant them on next year.

If you did not have time to collect balsam seeds, purchase them at a specialized store

The seeds of this plant remain viable for 6-8 years. Since the plant is an annual, at the end of summer, when flowering has ended, it is removed from the flowerbed. And on next year New things are planted - from seeds or using seedlings.

When to plant balsam in open ground?

Balsam is your frequent companion in life, even if you did not know about it before and did not notice it. My friends have been duped more than once by unscrupulous sellers who sold them roses or hibiscus, but it turned out that they brought home young balsam. True, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish it from the named plants, moreover, balsam is somehow related in common bushes to violet plants and petunias. For example, I was confused for a very long time and could not determine by eye “who is who” in the beds or flowerbeds of city squares, because you can’t tell from the first impression who is growing in front of you.

But all these nuances do not matter, because balsam grows very well in open ground, it is pleasant to care for it, and the result will definitely be worth your effort (where without investments in our time?).

When to plant balsam in open ground and what other nuances for caring for it should we know?

Impatiens can be planted even in early March, immediately after winter, if only March meets the parameters necessary for the normal development of balsam. For your information, I inform you that this is one of those plants that die in the cold. If the temperature drops a couple of marks below seven degrees and that’s it - the balsam fades before our eyes and it seems that this process is irreversible, and it can no longer be saved. Since this plant is not picky about the type of soil and does not fundamentally select certain mixtures of substrate, it means that it can be planted in any area. This means that the period when balsam can be planted begins to stretch in calendar numbers, as well as in a geographical variable, starting from the south of Ukraine, where winter leaves already in mid-February, and ending with the month of May, when it finally reaches the most remote northern parts of the territory. -spring is coming.

What else you need to pay attention to when caring for balsam in your area is watering and how to do it correctly.

This plant is picky about watering. Balsam needs it regularly, which means that if you forget about your pet for even a very short period, the plant can take revenge on both itself and you by starting to wither and die. Of course, vengeance is a strong word, but the plant absorbs and absorbs moisture extremely quickly, and therefore its level in the soil mixture needs to be replenished almost according to a schedule, which, by the way, it would not hurt you to develop and write down, so as not to keep information in your head about when the balsam was watered and when it wasn’t - it’s easier, don’t you agree?

Feeding balsam is as important as watering. Constant application of fertilizers several times in one season guarantees you unprecedented flowering in splendor and beauty on your site. Therefore, give yourself time for this measure of care by planning to feed the balsam once every two weeks. The main thing is that it does not contribute nitrogen fertilizers, which burn out the root system and will not serve you very well, but all the rest are quite normally accepted by the plant and are tolerated without difficulty or fear.

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You grow, grow, my Balsam - the secrets of planting and transplanting

Impatiens, Ogonyok, Vanka wet, Touch-me-not - there are so many names for this indoor plant. It is not difficult to grow, and the results are simply amazing.

Planting a flower in a pot is simple, but there are some features that must be taken into account in order for the plant to develop and bloom well.

In contact with

  • How to plant correctly?
  • Selecting the right soil
  • Which pot is better to choose?
  • What time of year is best to plant?
  • Does it need a transplant?
  • In what cases should it be replanted?
  • Best time to transplant

How to plant correctly?

There are no special secrets for planting this flower. It’s just important to choose the right soil and pot.

Selecting the right soil

This indoor plant prefers light, loose, slightly acidic and not very nutritious soil. A soil rich in organic matter, minerals and nitrogen will result in a lot of lush foliage and few or no flowers. On too poor soils, the flower will grow and bloom worse.

Any of these options is perfect for planting or transplanting Vanka wet. Don't forget about the drainage layer. When planting at the bottom of the pot, you need to lay out expanded clay, small stones, etc. in a layer of 2-3 cm. to avoid stagnation of water and rotting of roots.

Which pot is better to choose?

You can take any material for the flowerpot: plastic, clay, ceramics. Balsam is not picky in this regard. But with the diameter of the pot the situation is different.

The plant will flower when root system will completely fill the space inside the pot. This is why deep, wide flowerpots are not suitable for balsam.

When planted in a large flowerpot, the flower will grow into a bush, and you can forget about flowering.

A small, shallow, even cramped flowerpot would be ideal.

Or, as an option, you can plant two or three cuttings with flowers in a voluminous pot different color. Then the roots will quickly entwine the ground, and the flowering will be unusually spectacular.

What time of year is best to plant?

The best period for planting seeds is when daylight hours increase, that is, the end of February or the beginning of March.

Rooted cuttings can be planted to propagate the plant year-round.

Does it need a transplant?

Transplantation is extremely important for Vanka wet.

This plant very quickly takes the substances necessary for growth from the soil and needs to replace the soil.

Three-year-old balsam loses its attractiveness and decorative value: its shoots become thinner and longer, and its flowering is not so lush and abundant.

In what cases should it be replanted?

  • Planned transplantation. In this case, it is necessary to replace the soil and trim the shoots that have become elongated and have lost their decorative properties. The old land is depleted and quickly drying up.

    When transplanted, the plant grows better, the root system receives additional volume for growth, and access to water and air increases.

  • After the purchase. Freshly purchased balsam should definitely be transplanted into a new pot and fresh soil.

    But it should be remembered that a flowering plant cannot be replanted.

  • The flower felt cramped. If roots begin to appear from the drainage hole, then it’s time for the balsam to change the pot.

    For further development, the plant simply needs more voluminous space. The new pot should be 1-2 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Best time to transplant

Spring replanting is a necessity.

Over the course of a year, the soil loses its nutritional properties, and the plant begins to starve. The day before replanting, you need to water the flower generously. Then carefully remove it from the pot and cut off the old and dry roots. The transplant should be done quickly so that the young roots do not have time to dry out. After this, the earth is compacted and well watered. Now the pot should be placed in a dark place for several days.

In the summer, the shoots stretch out, so replanting the plant in the fall will restore its decorative appearance.

Impatiens is an unpretentious and very popular indoor plant. Even a novice gardener can grow it. Proper planting and timely replanting of a flower will help preserve its decorative properties and increase flowering.


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Garden balsam is an annual plant that blooms beautifully and for a long time. People often call it “Wet Vanka” because the flower prefers moist soil.

However, excessive watering leads to diseases. To make it happy with flowering and not get sick, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and caring for balsam.

Rules for planting balsam in the garden

Direct sunlight and dry winds will not benefit the plant.

In open areas the flower will wither.

Garden balsam: planting and care with photographs. Types for the garden

To plant balsam, take a quiet place under trees or near a fence, where sparse shade will save the flower from the heat. Balsam will reward beauties with lush and memorable flowering.

Despite the fact that “Vanka wet” is an undemanding plant, the choice of soil must be approached consciously. The flower grows well in loose, nutritious and well-drained soil. It does not tolerate stagnant moisture at the roots. Heavy acidic soils should be prepared in advance by adding lime and sand.

In the flowerbed, balsam is not placed densely, since the bushes grow well, for normal height they need enough space. The optimal distance between bushes is 30 cm.

Planting balsam with photo: sowing seeds for seedlings

There are two ways to plant garden balsam in Russian conditions:

Through seedlings;

Sowing seeds in the ground.

Each method has its own subtleties and features. Seeds are sown in the ground as soon as the soil warms up and the temperature outside reaches at least +19 C.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

Most often, balsam is planted through seedlings. Sowing of seeds begins in early March, when daylight hours increase.

Important! Before purchasing seeds, pay attention to the expiration date. The germination of planting material lasts for 7-8 years, but the fresher the seeds, the better the result.

To begin with, the seeds are processed to reduce the risk of diseases in the plant in the future. A little potassium permanganate is diluted in water and the seeds in a linen bag are dipped into the resulting solution. The seeds should be kept for no more than 10 minutes, after which the solution is poured out and the container is filled with warm water. The bag is left in water for another day.

During this time, you need to prepare the soil for sowing. Young balsams are much more sensitive than an adult plant, so the soil should be very loose and well-drained. The substrate for planting balsam can be purchased at the store or made independently:

Garden soil - 1 part;

Vermiculite - 1 part;

Coarse washed sand - 1 part;

Peat - 2 parts.

As an option, just peat with vermiculite will do if you can’t get good garden soil.

The finished substrate is disinfected by frying it in the oven. After this, the soil is watered with a solution of biological preparations, for example, Fitosporin, to improve the microflora. After such manipulations, the seedlings are not afraid of the “black leg”. There is no need to disinfect the purchased substrate.

Planting balsam seeds is carried out as follows:

Step #1. Pour boiling water over the seedling box or rinse with a disinfecting solution.

Step #2. Place a drainage layer of at least 2 cm at the bottom.

Step #3. Pour the soil into a container and lightly compact it.

Step #4. Distribute the prepared and sprouted seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. It is most convenient to do this with a toothpick or tweezers, since the seeds are small. There is no need to press the seeds deeply into the soil.

Step #5. After sowing, moisten the soil well with a spray bottle and cover the container with a bag.

Step #6. Place the box in a well-lit place out of direct sunlight. The temperature during germination should be at 22-25 C.

Advice! To avoid picking seedlings, you can plant balsam directly in peat tablets.

The first shoots appear after two weeks. After the emergence of mass shoots, the bag is removed daily and the seedlings are ventilated so that they do not suffer from high humidity.

After a few days, the package is completely removed.

Caring for balsam after emergence

Tender seedlings require comprehensive care. On cloudy days, plants need additional lighting, which needs to be taken care of in advance. As the roots of the seedlings grow, they become exposed, so you will have to regularly add loose substrate.

Among other things, it is worth remembering about regular watering, which is recommended to be done in a tray so that the root collars of the seedlings are dry. Otherwise, at the slightest disturbance in the watering regime, the plants may rot.

Remember that you cannot grow balsam in a common container for a long time. As soon as real leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in separate cups, with drainage placed at the bottom.

If the plants have stretched out a little, then it’s time to pick them up and slightly deepen them into the substrate.

After picking, young balsam seedlings need no less care. In order for plants to adapt faster and begin to grow actively, be sure to increase lighting, heat and humidity.

After a week, the seedlings will get stronger and you can pinch them to make them bush better. To do this, the tops are carefully plucked or cut off. Do not neglect this procedure, otherwise the decorativeness of the bush will suffer in the future. As a result, the gardener will receive an inconspicuous tall plant instead of a compact, chic bush.

Timing for planting balsam seedlings in the ground

Strong seedlings are transferred to open ground only at the end of May, when there is no threat of freezing. Seedlings are planted in flower beds as described above or in individual growing containers.

Flowerpots for balsam should be made spacious so that the plant is comfortable. When caring for balsam, do not forget about regularly spraying the bushes.

Transplanted strong plants quickly adapt and bloom in June. The duration of flowering of balsams depends on weather conditions; on average, the bush blooms until the beginning of autumn.

Caring for balsam in the garden

Although garden balsam is a moisture-loving plant, excessive watering leads to its death. But regular, but not abundant watering and spraying will only benefit it.

In order for “Vanka wet” to delight you with flowering, it should be fed. Before the buds appear, the plants are fed with a solution of mineral fertilizers with nitrogen. But as soon as the balsam blooms, it is better to stop feeding nitrogen.

During flowering, they switch to complex fertilizers for flowering plants. They are applied together with watering every two weeks. Use fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus. At the end of summer, cancel all fertilizing.

What to do with balsam after flowering and how to preserve it until next year?

Balsam blooms in good weather conditions until the end of October, but with the onset of cold weather its shoots wither. You need to have time to collect seeds from the boxes in order to sow them for seedlings next year.

It is important to remember that collecting seeds for further cultivation from hybrid varieties There is no need for balsam. A young plant will not inherit all its parental qualities.

Experienced gardeners advise replanting the variety you like into a flowerpot and bringing it into a room where its flowering continues throughout the winter. The plant does not have a pronounced dormant period.

1. In winter, plants are kept at a temperature no higher than 15 C, and watering is reduced.

2. In a heated room, the flower needs to be sprayed and watered with warm water.

3. With the arrival of spring, cut off the shoots to stimulate branching.

The resulting cuttings take root easily in water, after which they are planted in containers. With the onset of similar days, the plants are transferred to the garden.

This method of propagating balsam is considered the fastest and most convenient.

Garden balsam is an annual plant. It has not too tall stems - from twenty-five to seventy-five centimeters, and flowers small size- about four centimeters in diameter. There are two forms of balsam flowering: simple and double. This culture can have many shades - from white to purple. Central Asia is rightfully considered the birthplace of balsam, where it was first mentioned back in the sixteenth century.

Impatiens: growing from seeds at home

Garden balsam, growing from seeds which does not require much experience will become a real decoration of your summer cottage.

Garden balsam, growing from seeds

How to grow garden balsam?

In our country, gardeners have enjoyed Balsam due to its unpretentiousness and ease of care, which allows it to be grown both in open ground and on a windowsill. Moreover, in open space conditions, balsam is perfectly cultivated from the very beginning of summer until late autumn. Some gardeners have the mistaken opinion that since balsam is capable of scattering seeds on its own, there is no need to monitor its replanting. In fact, this is not true. It is imperative to take care of balsam. It is not a fact that the seeds left in the ground from last year will not die from the cold, which would be quite likely, given that balsam is a heat-loving crop.

Growing balsam is not at all difficult. You just need to put in a little effort during the period of planting it, after which the summer resident will definitely be rewarded with a waterfall of bright inflorescences, pleasing to the eye and decorating the surrounding space.

There are two ways to grow balsam:

  • directly into the open ground of the front garden;
  • at home to obtain seedlings.

As a rule, balsam seeds have high germination rates; they retain this ability for six to eight years. However, some peculiarities of planting them still exist.

Features of growing balsam:

  • Seeds that are selected for planting require mandatory treatment with fungicidal agents.
  • If you plan to plant the seeds of this crop outside, you should wait until any threat of frost has passed.
  • Seeds should be planted in holes spaced at least thirty centimeters apart from each other.
  • If the air temperature remains at 25 degrees, the first shoots can be expected two weeks after planting the seeds.
  • If balsam is grown for seedlings, immediately after the first shoots appear, it makes sense to put them in a slightly lower temperature (about nineteen degrees), while providing them with good lighting and a flow of fresh air.

During the period of formation of buds on balsam, it is important to maintain the temperature at sixteen degrees, this will help extend its life and improve the quality of flowering.

Caring for balsam - where to start?

Impatiens is a very beautiful plant, how can you achieve abundant and long-lasting flowering?

To do this, you must take into account a number of important aspects:

  • The flower blooms best in the shade, because too bright rays of the sun can damage not only the delicate foliage, but also the petals of this crop;
  • The heat is not for balsam; if the weather remains dry for a long time, the flower begins to fade;
  • The fragility of the stems makes them vulnerable to even the slightest breeze, so it is important to plant balsam away from strong winds and drafts.

Garden balsam, growing from seeds which is available to any summer resident, requires feeding with special minerals, which must be carried out on a regular basis. It should not be forgotten that such substances should be applied only to the leaves, but not to the soil.

See also video:

Garden balsam growing from seeds

The process of propagating balsam by cuttings

Among lovers of indoor plants, balsam, propagation by cuttings of which is the most popular method of propagation, occupies one of the leading places. This propagation method can guarantee rapid rooting and flowering that lasts for a long time. Today, more than 300 types of balsams are known. This is a perennial, herbaceous plant with succulent stems and fibrous roots. They come in a wide variety of forms: bushy, weaving, tree-like. In nature it can reach 2 m in height. Cultivated species are divided into three groups: New Guinea hybrid, Waller's balsam, and garden type. What varieties are best propagated by cuttings?

Impatiens is a very common plant with many varieties.

New Guinea hybrid

Reproduction of a flower of this species occurs precisely by cuttings. To do this, you need to take the top shoot and cut it to the last node. Next, the cutting is placed in a glass of water or a container with wet sand so that the plant has the opportunity to take root.

How to properly plant balsam in open ground, and what care does the flower require?

After 2-3 weeks, the roots will be well enough formed for replanting. Method number two: in autumn period cut a cutting about 7 cm long. Clear the stem of the lower leaves and place it in a container with substrate. Water well and cover the pot with a plastic bag, creating a greenhouse effect. After 2-3 days the package can be removed. Water with mineral solution once every 2 weeks.

Propagation of balsam by seeds is highly not recommended, since the percentage of living seeds in a flower of this species is very small. In addition, even if you manage to get sprouts, most of them will quickly die, so propagation by cuttings is the best way for the New Guinea hybrid. It is necessary to plant grown cuttings in nutritious, moist soil. The soil offered by gardening stores is ideal for indoor plants. At the bottom of the pot you need to build a drainage layer that will prevent water from stagnating.

Impatiens are propagated by cuttings, as this method gives the best results.

The young shoot needs to be fed. A weak solution of potassium or complex fertilizers will do just fine. Nitrogen should be avoided. It provokes rapid growth of stems and leaves, but inhibits flowering. Impatiens is a plant that grows quickly. After 2-3 years, a transplant is recommended. Adult balsam also needs to be updated with cuttings. Often after transplanting a cutting, the plant begins to hurt. This is a consequence of improper care of the young shoot. It is necessary to establish a feeding and watering regime.

Often in gardens you can find a rather bright, attractive plant called impatience. Not only domestic gardeners readily grow it; its popularity in Europe and America is enviable. Each nation gave the plant its own name, noting its fragility (touch-me-not, capricious), droplets of sugar dew collecting on the tips of the leaves (wet roly-poly), constant active flowering (Business Lizzie). Biologists call this plant garden balsam; the features of its propagation and cultivation will be discussed in this article.

Types of garden balsams

Balsam has quite a lot of relatives, about four hundred, this is herbaceous plants, annual or perennial. Until recently, only one species was used as a garden crop, impatiens, which, in fact, was called garden balsam. The plant is quite large, about 0.7 m high, branched, with flowers of irregular shape.

An attractive point is the long flowering period, from June until the onset of frost. The plant is also afraid of spring frosts and is planted in the ground in early June. Breeders are not particularly interested in this species; several varieties were bred in Europe; in our flower shops they are sold under the name “Garden balsam”.

Of much greater interest to breeders and gardeners is the bright, extremely colorful flowering of the summer plant, called Waller's Balsam, or Wallera. Its hybrids and varieties appear systematically, they are systematized according to the height of the plant, the range of shades or the shape of the flowers. Note that flowers can have different degrees of terry. As for the color scheme, it has 17 shades of red, white and purple, the flowers of some varieties are two-color.

New Guinea balsams are larger; in apartment conditions it can bloom all year round. It is supplied to the retail chain in containers as an adult plant, usually without specifying the variety. It can be recognized by the very bright color of the leaves and fairly large flowers of white, purple, pink and red.

Balsams are very popular among garden landscape creators today:

  • Harmony series, characterized by variegated, very bright leaves.
  • Mini Gini series, attractive with abundant flowering, the flowers themselves are small, dark green color of the leaves,
  • Java series, with amazingly bright flowers and shiny bronze or green leaves,
  • Jang Rain series, with delicate, pastel-colored flowers,
  • Rainforest Exotic, attractive two-tone colors,
  • Macarena, with orange, luminescent flowers and bronze leaves.

Among the non-decorative varieties, the following varieties should be mentioned:


ordinary, which is classified as a medicinal plant

small-flowered, which is considered a weed in agriculture.

Of the rare and exotic varieties, the most popular ones should be mentioned:

Balfour's Himalayan balsam, a rare plant, seeds are almost impossible to get,

Favored by Europeans, Niamniam balsam, or African balsam, its flowers are inconspicuous. but the sepal is elongated, large and quite bright, shaped like a jug.

  • super high grade African Orchids and miniature Jungle Jewels,
  • amazingly bright, the first variety to have a yellow flower - Blondie.

About the amazingly beautiful balsam plant, about its different varieties - in the video:

Garden balsam: planting, propagation

There are several ways to propagate balsam; in practice, growing from seeds and cuttings are more often used. Seeds allow you to breed new varieties and hybrids that are particularly attractive. If we are talking about mass planting of plants, then sometimes it is more expedient to obtain seedlings by cuttings from existing plants.

Watch a video about the propagation and cultivation of balsams:

garden balsam growing from seeds

To see the summer flowering of balsams, you need to prepare seeds for seedlings. One hundred days before the planned planting (approximately March), the seeds are placed in a container with soil.

At this time of daylight for good growth and development will be quite enough for them. Those who wish to observe flowering balsams a little earlier than usual should organize sowing even earlier and do not forget about providing the plants with additional lighting.

For planting, you should prepare special soil with a pH of 6.0-6.4. To create such a pH, it is necessary to mix vermiculite, compost, peat and sand in approximately equal proportions. To prevent the appearance of fungal formations, the container and prepared soil are treated in advance with any composition that contains a fungicide.

Immediately before planting the seeds in the soil, they must be dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes, and then rinsed thoroughly in warm water. This procedure should be carried out only in cases where the manufacturer has not carried out any seed treatment. Information on this issue can be found either on the packaging or from the seller.

After processing, the seeds are placed on the surface of the prepared and treated soil mixture, pressing them a little or sprinkling them with sand; they cannot be covered with soil!

For good and high-quality germination, certain conditions are needed: temperature range from 23 to 25 degrees, a minimum supply of nutrients, sufficiently moist soil.

Particular attention should be paid to humidity. For rapid seed germination it must be high. You can create it as follows: either place the container with the seeds in a plastic bag, or cover it with glass.

The container with the seeds must be placed in a bright place. As a result, condensation will form under the film or glass. It must be removed daily, that is, the cover must be removed for some time. Also at this time, the seeds will receive the necessary fresh air.

After the shoots appear, you should not stop ventilation. The soil should be moistened if necessary. The time spent by seedlings under cover should gradually decrease and disappear.

After the first true leaf appears, the daytime temperature must be reduced to 20 degrees and the container should not be left in direct sunlight. When three leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be transplanted into pots.

Watering the seedlings should be done regularly and the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Every ten days, you must remember to fertilize with liquid fertilizer specifically designed for this purpose.

Proper lighting and long daylight hours will have a positive effect on the timing of the first flowering. To avoid stretching the plant, the pots should be placed at some distance from each other.

Planting in open ground can be done only after the threat of a significant drop in temperature has disappeared.

we propagate the balsam flower with our own seeds

As an experiment, you can try to grow a plant of this species from self-collected seeds. 1 gram of seeds may contain different quantities pieces (from 100 to 2000). They remain suitable for sowing for eight years. But experts advise planting seeds within a year after collection.

The largest seeds are usually sown. Less often, they are planted in different containers and are not dived. Hybrid varieties of balsams have very few seeds. Collecting seeds from such plants can only be done in cases where plants of the same variety grew in the flowerbed. Different varieties growing in close proximity can be pollinated by the same insects. What exactly will germinate after planting remains a mystery. Of course, the result of such planting may be very original and new, or it may not sprout at all.

Regarding pollination of indoor flowers, it is done artificially using a brush. It is used to collect pollen and apply it to the pistils. Seeds can be collected only after the boxes with them become almost transparent. The color of fully ripened seeds should be dark. It is better to remove seed boxes in the morning, and this should be done as carefully as possible. The collected items are carefully packed in a paper bag and left there until completely dry.

propagation by cuttings

Your favorite balsam bush can be propagated by cuttings. This vegetative breeding option is considered the safest. Reproduction by cuttings occurs without any particular difficulties and occurs in the same temperature regime as propagation by seeds.

The plant from which cuttings are planned must be healthy. Only the tops of the youngest branches can be cut. The length of the cut part should be approximately 8 centimeters. The lower leaves of the cut must be removed, the upper ones (at the crown) are left untouched. The lower part of the cuttings is immersed in a container filled with water so that the remaining leaves do not have contact with water. Place the container with cuttings in a well-lit place.

In about a week, the root system will begin to form. At this time, the cuttings can be transplanted into pots. After two months, you can observe the appearance of buds.

Impatiens cuttings can be done in another way. Place one-third of the cut cuttings in a container with soil. The formation of the root system will occur from internodes, in the place of removed leaves.

Immediately before planting, to speed up the emergence of roots, cuttings are treated with a compound called Kornevin or another similar composition. Then put a transparent plastic bag of suitable size on the container with the cuttings and place the entire structure on a well-lit windowsill. The bag will maintain the required moisture concentration. Watering is carried out only with settled water; it is recommended to pour it along the edges of the flowerpot, without wetting the plant itself.

It is better to cut cuttings in summer or spring. If the room has specially equipped lighting, then cuttings can be done in winter time. Branches for such cuttings are pruned in mid-autumn. Experienced flower growers claim that such branches take root well and produce buds.

If necessary, with the arrival of spring, cuttings can be taken from them again. Impatiens propagated by cuttings begin flowering much earlier than those grown from seeds.

Reproduction using any of the described options is interesting and exciting. If desired, such a hobby can be made financially profitable.

Learn more about propagating balsams by cuttings in the video:

How to preserve garden balsam in winter

Under properly organized conditions, balsam flowering can be observed in winter. To do this, you will need a phytolamp, proper watering and appropriate temperature. In addition, the flower will need strength to bloom. Feeding will help solve this problem. But here you need to know when to stop: fertilizing can be done no more than once a month.

Preserving active life activity, including flowering, of such a whimsical plant as balsam in winter is a difficult matter. Even creating all the necessary conditions may not give the expected results. It will be better for the plant if the owner allows it to overwinter in a dormant state.

With the arrival of autumn and the decrease in the number of daylight hours, the balsam leaves gradually fall off. During this period, it is important to maintain the temperature at 15 - 16 degrees. Periodically water the plant and spray it.

There are situations when all the conditions described above are met exactly, and the plant begins to die. Experts advise not to take special measures to save it, but to extract some benefit from the current situation: use it for cuttings.

The capricious balsam plant quite often does not survive wintering well. Some owners do the following: with the arrival of autumn, parts of old plants are cut off for cuttings, and in the spring they are planted and young, healthy seedlings are obtained.

Balsam in landscape design

Impatiens are plants that are often used for landscaping local areas and when creating a landscape garden. An attractive point is the possibility of planting plants in shade and partial shade, but with conditions. that it will be possible to maintain high soil moisture. Even when grown in shaded areas, the plants will bloom, and it is possible that their flowers will be brighter.

Typically, balsams are used to create mixborders, flower beds and borders. The variety of shades of flowers allows you to create original patterns with contrasting or smooth color transitions.

Waller's balsam is often grown in garden vases, ordinary flowerpots or containers, hanging baskets, and used to decorate verandas, balconies, and terraces.

The use of special technologies makes it possible to use Waller's balsam for vertical gardening.

Creating a vertical flowering screen from balsam bushes is quite simple:

  • A plastic mesh should be secured to 4 pegs driven deep into the ground. large cell connected to black film,
  • the resulting space should be filled with soil, you will get a container for planting plants,
  • when assembling the container, do not forget to insert tubes into it for comfortable watering of plants,
  • Next, you will need to make cuts of appropriate sizes in the film and plant balsam bushes in them.

Actively growing young bushes, as they grow, will fill the entire space with their branches, creating a beautiful, bright screen of leaves and flowers. If experience allows, you can create an original panel using multi-colored varieties.

If you place them in a slightly shaded area, they will delight the eye with their blooms throughout the summer.

But growing balsams in the garden, under open air, assumes:

  • planting in a soil mixture containing peat,
  • systematic watering and fertilizing,
  • placement in shaded plots, protected from strong winds - remember that the plants are quite fragile.

Sometimes Waller's balsam is used as a ground cover plant.

The varietal diversity of balsam allows it to be used both in open ground and as a houseplant, thus modifying the crop from an annual to a perennial plant.

Growing balsam does not require special knowledge or skills. It is enough to choose a suitable place for planting and follow the basic rules of agricultural technology. All these issues will be discussed in detail in the article. Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings or sowing seeds will help a novice gardener grow balsam on his plot and admire the beauty of his labors for a long time.

Impatiens, plant description

The plant - impatiens, also known as Impatiens balsamina, belongs to the genus Impatiens of the Impatiens family.

This annual herbaceous plant is native to China. Currently, the plant is actively cultivated in Europe, Asia, India, Japan and even Far East. Being an annual in nature, balsam grows and develops well for many years in indoor conditions.

Impatiens in appearance resembles a small shrub, growing from 25 to 70 cm, and in diameter - from 15 to 45 cm.

An individual feature of the plant is the formation, during the growth process, of liquid droplets on the leaves, which is why it is popularly nicknamed “Wet Vanka.”

The stem of the plant is straight and not branched, densely planted with narrow and elongated fleshy leaves. Balsam leaves are lanceolate-shaped, pointed towards the edge.

At the base of the leaf blade, inside the axil, flowers are formed, quite large in size and of different colors. In the natural environment, the most common balsam flowers are purple and pink. Hybrids “please the eye” with both simple and lush double flowers of various shades of red, lilac, and burgundy. They can be single or collected in inflorescences, one-color or two-color. In open ground, balsam blooms already in May and blooms until the first frost.

The balsam fruit is a capsule covered with fluff. The genus Impatiens is characterized by a fragile mature capsule, which opens even with a light touch, scattering seeds.

About 500 varieties of balsam are known in gardening.

Balsam: types and varieties

There are several approaches to classifying balsam: by the shape of the flower and leaves (camelliaceae, roseate, carnation), by the height of the stem (dwarf, medium-sized, tall).

  • Garden balsam is the most popular type. Low frost resistance allows it to be grown in open ground for only one year. The petals of the flower have a slightly pointed shape. The floral palette is striking in its variety of shades. It grows indoors in a flower pot for more than 2 years. The most common varieties are "Camellia Flowered", "Baby Bush" and "Tom Thumb".

Garden balsam "ThatmThum b" is a highly branched bush, up to 25 cm in height. The leaves are lanceolate, the flowers are double, of different colors: white, red, violet, lilac or pink.

  • Waller's balsam is a colorful plant characterized by a variety of flower shapes and colors. The crop blooms from the beginning of summer until frost, delighting those around with an abundance of beautiful inflorescences densely covering the entire bush. The range of shades includes bright red, salmon, purple and carmine tones. This is a low-growing type of balsam, reaching no more than 30 cm and having a spherical, rounded shape. This type often used by breeders as a source crop for developing new hybrids. The most common varieties: “Stardust”, “Frosty”, “Symphony”. The species is recommended for use as a houseplant.

Balsam Symphony- a low-growing, miniature bush, up to 20 cm high with a variety of flower colors. Used for border plantings, annual.

  • New Guinea balsam is a perennial hybrid with a thick and dense stem growing up to 50 cm. A distinctive feature of the species is its unusual bright color leaves. Widespread as a houseplant. Balsam flowers and leaves are distinguished by their juicy, rich color. This species includes such well-known varieties as “Harmony”, “Divaro”, “Mini Jini”, “Java”, “Jungle Rain”, “Macarena” and “RainforestExotic”.
  • Balsam sultanoid is distinguished by its unusual leaf color. The leaf blade, light yellow in the center, becomes green towards the periphery, and reddish veins stand out over the entire surface of the leaf. The flowers are large, bright pink or rich red.
  • Terry balsam is an annual branched plant species. Like all members of the family, it prefers light, moisture, warmth and reacts poorly to direct sunlight and low temperatures. Looks great in flowerpots or containers on balconies and flower beds. The highlight of the species is the presence of double and large flowers of pink, red, lilac.

Planting balsam

Planting an annual plant in open ground is carried out with seedlings, seeds or a ready-made adult plant. The most acceptable and common option is planting flower seedlings. To do this, you need to sow the seeds in March, and when the sprouts grow and form at least 2 leaves, plant them in separate cups. Seedlings are grown indoors, gradually hardening off for several hours outside. In early spring, after the last frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in the ground.

To start balsam on your property, you can buy seeds for sowing, seedlings or an adult bush in a specialized store or at flower fairs. By following the basic rules of agricultural technology, the plant will quickly take root and bloom.

Landing place

Balsam feels great in penumbra or at open places with light shading. Preferring moderate sun exposure, the plant withers and fades in the scorching sun. But even in strong shade, balsam slows down its development, in particular, it begins to bloom worse. Fragile bushes also do not like drafts or strong winds.

A moisture-loving plant will actively develop near bodies of water, rivers or lakes. At the same time, balsam does not tolerate dampness and coolness well, which must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting.

The soil should be loose, fertile, light and well drained. Soil with low acidity, like loam, is ideal.

Agricultural technology for planting balsam

  • To plant seedlings, prepare holes in advance. You can immediately add organic fertilizer (compost, manure) to them. The hole is moistened abundantly with water, and in case of increased acidity and density of the soil, peat and sand are added.
  • The seedlings in the glass are well watered, then the seedling is carefully removed and, slightly straightening the roots, placed in the hole.
  • The depth of the hole approximately matches the height of the glass or pot in which it grew before. Having covered it with earth, the area is lightly compacted and mulched.
  • To acquire a compact bushy form, balsam seedlings are pinched or trimmed from above.
  • Seedlings are planted sparingly, maintaining a distance of approximately 30 cm, taking into account the subsequent growth of the bushes.
  • When planting seeds in open soil heated to 25°C, the first shoots will appear within two weeks. When the temperature drops, the area is covered with film. Impatiens cannot tolerate frost.

Impatiens, plant care

Considering that balsam is a heat-loving, moisture-loving and fragile plant with a thin, delicate stem, gardeners use appropriate agricultural technology to care for it.

Loosening the soil

Impatiens need light and well-drained soil, which means regular loosening and removal of weeds is a necessary technique to improve the growth and intensity of flowering of the crop.


Prefers moderate and uniform watering with leaf irrigation. Constant air humidity prevents spider mite infection and promotes optimal development of balsam. Along with this, excessive moisture and stagnation of moisture can lead to rotting and death of the root system of the flower. Watering is best done in the evening.

Feeding, fertilizing

Nitrogen fertilizers are indicated for young shoots on which flower buds are not yet visible, since excessive application of nitrogen can slow down the process of flower formation.

Diseased and recently transplanted plants should not be fed for about 3 weeks. It is better to apply fertilizers in cloudy weather or at the same time as watering. By August - September there is no longer a need for additional feeding.

When fertilizing, it is important to be aware of the negative consequences of excess salts in the soil, which can cause leaves to fall or turn yellow, which will negatively affect the decorative appearance of plants. To avoid this, experts recommend applying complex fertilizers at half the dose specified in the instructions.

Disease and pest control

Impatiens are susceptible to certain diseases and pests. The most common are the following:

  • Spider mites infect balsam leaves, weaving them into webs and sucking out the juice. As a preventive measure, the plant can be treated with a soap solution. If the plant is already sick, spray it with special chemicals.
  • Rot is a consequence of excessive watering, especially with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, measures that prevent stagnation of water in the soil and promote its drainage characteristics will help to avoid the appearance of rot.
  • Whitefly promotes leaf fall. The fight against this insect will be effective if special chemicals are used.
  • Viral mosaic is manifested by the appearance of twisted leaves with yellow spots. The virus is spread by aphids and thrips. When infected with this disease, the plant must be treated with chemicals.
  • Ring mosaic reflected on appearance leaves that become covered with spots, crack and seem to “wooden”. Infected balsam begins to wither and then dies. For treatment, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves, followed by treating the plant with a fungicide.
  • A disease such as leaf bronzing causes deformation of the leaf blade. It first shrinks and then falls off. The plant begins to rapidly lose leaves. Diseased plants, unfortunately, must be completely removed.

Considering that balsam is an annual plant, at the end of the season, after flowering, it is removed from the flowerbed. The next year it is planted again - from seeds or using seedlings.

Balsam propagation

There are 2 types of balsam propagation: vegetative (cuttings) and seed.

  • For vegetative propagation, select healthy apical shoots, about 5-10 cm long, cut them off and place them in a moist environment (a glass of water or wet sand). The lower leaves of the cuttings are removed so that they do not rot in the water. In order to obtain a larger number of balsam cuttings, the plant can be deliberately placed in a dark place, where the shoots begin to stretch faster.
  • After about 1-2 weeks, roots appear on the cuttings, after which they are picked and planted in the soil. The soil mixture is prepared from approximately equal parts of soil, peat and sand, making it light and breathable.
  • Seedlings grown in spring will bloom the same summer. This method is easy to implement, not labor-intensive and effective.

This method is also good for those who will transfer garden balsam into an indoor pot, then the flowering of “Vanka wet” will delight you by the New Year.

  • When propagating by seed, the seeds are pre-treated with a manganese solution, keeping them in it for about 10-15 minutes.
  • A lot of balsam seeds ripen in one boll, so you can collect a sufficient amount of seed material quickly and easily. The only caveat is the fragility of the fruit capsule, which explodes at the slightest touch, scattering seeds around. Therefore, this must be done carefully, having first hung a linen bag under the fruit, into which the seeds will be poured. The degree of maturity of a seed pod can be determined by its color, which changes from green to yellow as it ripens. It is also practiced to collect slightly unripe bolls, which are placed in a dry room for ripening, followed by the collection and storage of seed material.

  • The collected seeds are sown in a box or directly in separate pots. They can not be sprinkled with earth at all, but covered with film or glass, or lightly crushed with a light mixture. Such a mini greenhouse must be ventilated regularly. By the way, balsam seeds can be stored for up to 8 years without losing good and rapid germination.

During planting and subsequent growth, the soil substrate should be moderately moist and loose, and the ambient temperature should not be lower than 20° C. Next, the grown seedlings are planted in separate pots for growing and subsequent planting in open ground. When planting them on a site when the sprout has 6-8 leaves, the main root is pinched off a little, thus stimulating the growth of lateral roots. To obtain strong early seedlings by April-May, seeds are sown around February.

It is also practiced to plant seeds directly in open ground. Sowing is carried out in the spring, around April, covering the area with film to create a greenhouse effect and the required temperature. A heat-loving plant, balsam does not tolerate frosts and low temperatures, which can still be observed in April, especially at night. Under favorable temperature conditions with constant soil moisture, the seeds will germinate within a couple of weeks.

Growing balsam from seeds is the most common method among gardeners.

Application of balsam

Impatiens is a popular plant among gardeners, cultivated since the 16th century. Landscape designers have long chosen compact, bright bushes that bloom profusely and for quite a long time. Not every flower can boast of an abundance of colors that decorate the garden from spring until frost. And skillfully composed flower arrangements in combination with balsam impress and delight others.

Increasingly, gardeners prefer to plant balsam in groups, creating spectacular compositions. It goes well with begonias, bluebells, violets and even boxwood.

“Vanka wet” is also indispensable when decorating borders or creating mixboxers. The plant is rightfully considered a real decoration of any flower bed or alpine hill. The main thing is to choose the right “companion” crops, against which a bright accent in the form of blooming balsams will be irresistible and magnificent.

Single low-growing varieties of balsam look very impressive in flowerpots and single pots. Such flowering pots can decorate any balcony or loggia.

In addition to decorative use, balsam is also used in folk medicine. Infusions and decoctions of balsam are recommended to be taken for urolithiasis. Fresh leaves of the plant are used to heal ulcers or wounds. Externally, a decoction of the plant helps cope with rheumatism. These medicinal properties of the plant have not yet been studied well and are very controversial, since balsam is considered at the same time poisonous plant. In this regard, you need to be careful when using balsam as a medicinal crop, after consulting with your doctor.

Having made sure that growing balsam does not take much time, it will not be difficult to transform an ordinary flowerbed or bed into a constantly blooming bright front garden.

Balsam, photo

Video: “Garden balsam in the garden and at home”

Impatiens remains one of the popular plants. Today, many varieties of this crop have been developed that can be grown both in open ground and indoors. This is an unpretentious shrub with almost continuous flowering.

Impatiens flowers are simple, but very beautiful. Terry varieties, whose buds resemble roses, are especially popular. Growing impatiens is not difficult.

Universal types of balsam for indoor floriculture

Impatiens are native to tropical forests. In its natural habitat it grows as a perennial, but in our country it is most often cultivated as an annual crop. Some varieties form compact bushes that are quite suitable for planting in containers or pots. This plant is grown in a room, on a veranda, in balcony boxes. Flowering continues until frost, and if you put the pot in a warm room, the bush will be covered with buds all winter.

Popular varieties for indoor floriculture are rightfully considered:

· Waller's balsam;

· Peters' balsam;

New Guinea balsam;

· Fiesta;

· Tomb Samb.

These low-growing plants are most adapted to the conditions. They are cultivated as perennial indoor flowers or potted annuals.

Famous varieties of Waller's balsam and care features

Waller's balsam or the popularly known “Vanka wet” is distinguished by a variety of colors and flower structure. Modern hybrids with double flowers and lush green leaves are especially in demand among gardeners.

“Tick-tock” is considered the first terry variety. Flower color ranges from pink to dark red. Modern hybrids are white, purple or blue. The flowers are large, bright, and quite attractive. Varieties with brown-red leaves have been developed.

Waller's balsam series replenished with two-color varieties:

· Novetta Star.

The flowers of these plants have characteristic white stripes on the petals and a colored center.

Fanciful Tropical Series includes varieties with semi-double flowers. The color of the petals ranges from coral to salmon.

Waller's balsam has its own growing characteristics that are worth remembering. If the plant is planted in a container and is located on the balcony during the warm season, then it must be protected from strong wind and rain. Its stems are too fragile.

In indoor conditions, balsam often suffers from lack of lighting and dry air, so the lower part is exposed. This spoils the decorative appearance of the flower; it is necessary to cut the cuttings and re-root them.

For abundant flowering, balsam requires a low temperature, which is not always possible in room conditions. “Vanka wet” prefers moist soil, so watering should be plentiful. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Varietal balsam Peters: care and maintenance in the room

Variety Peters' balsam in nature reaches up to 1 m in height. Only dwarf varieties of this plant are grown in the room. They form compact bushes up to 25-35 cm. Externally, this species is similar to Waller's balsam, but it has dark foliage, and the color of the flowers is often bright red. Today there are varieties with purple, white and pink petals.

This flower is best placed on south or west windows. It requires about two hours of bright light per day to bloom fully. The bush needs to be watered 2-3 times a week. During the period of active growth, fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers. In general, the flower is not capricious and does not require high air humidity.

Varieties of New Guinea balsam for universal use

The New Guinea hybrid is widely known as a houseplant. The seeds of this hybrid are grown in greenhouses, and potted plants go on sale. You won't be able to grow a new specimen on your own.

A distinctive feature of this line of balsams are large flowers that bloom throughout the year. The color of the petals can be varied. The leaves of these plants are bright green or bronze. Externally, these are compact, attractive bushes.

All New Guinea varieties of balsams united in series:

· "Harmony". The bushes branch well, the flowers are large, the leaves are bronze.

· "Mini Genie". A small-flowered plant with dark leaves, blooms continuously.

· "Exotic". Varieties with two-color petals.

· "Macarena". A variety with dark rich leaves, the color of the petals is orange.

· "Jungle Rain". Varieties with a bed range of shades.

New Guinea balsams prefer warmth and bright light and do not tolerate gusts of strong winds or drafts. They are grown in a room, on a terrace or in balcony boxes.

Compact bushes require regular watering and fertilizing. They are planted in a peat substrate. Throughout the season, it is necessary to monitor air humidity to avoid fungal diseases.

Balsam Fiesta: characteristics of varieties and rules of care

Fiesta Series famous for its double flowers of various colors. Varieties are easily propagated by cuttings, which are cut throughout the season.

All popular varieties are collected in a series:

· "Tempo". These are low bushes up to 25 cm. There are varieties with peach colored petals and an orange core. And also with pink flowers, the middle of which is crimson.

· "Accent". The plants are compact, up to 15 cm. The color of the petals is two-tone in pink and salmon tones. The flowers are large.

· “Farefly.” Bushes up to 25 cm, blooming profusely. The flowers are small, delicate shades.

These balsams prefer moderate air temperatures, so it is recommended to spray them on hot days. In this case, you need to make sure that moisture does not get on the flowers. In winter, spray with caution, only in a warm room. If the pot with the plant is cool, then spraying is not carried out.

For irrigation use settled water. The next watering is done when the soil has dried 1 cm.

This graceful plant with large double flowers was imported from China. But today it is grown everywhere as a houseplant or potted plant.

Compact bushes are densely covered with elongated foliage. Flowers can come in a variety of colors, but most often they are soft pink tones. Petals are terry type, large. Flowering occurs in the first half of summer and continues until the end of autumn.

When growing indoors, gardeners are faced with the problem of lighting. Shoots often stretch out and lose their decorative effect. This is especially noticeable in the cold season, so pink balsam is recommended to be grown as an annual plant, landscaping balconies and terraces.

Tomb Samb shoots are fragile and watery. Do not place pots in open areas or in drafts. The variety lends itself well to cuttings, so in the fall healthy shoots can be cut and rooted in a greenhouse. All winter, young balsam is kept in cool conditions with good lighting. In spring, the plant is taken out into the fresh air.



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