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Buryat dishes. National cuisine of Buryatia Buryat folk dishes list

We live. Perhaps this will be a series of articles. But the first one will be about Buryat national cuisine. If you are planning to come to our republic, then it will be useful for you to know where you can eat tasty and satisfying food. And most importantly, what to eat and how much it will cost.

To properly enjoy the whole range of taste and aesthetic sensations, you should try Buryat cuisine for the first time in a yurt. Today we decided to have lunch at such a yurt snack bar. A cafe usually consists of two or three yurts placed side by side. In one yurt they cook, in the other/others they take orders and have tables. If the yurt is small, then you will find small chairs and tables made in the national style:

If the yurt is larger, then the tables and chairs are of a more usual size:

Since winter temperatures in Buryatia often drop below -30, there is usually a stove in the center of the yurt:

The most famous and beloved dish by many tourists is “buuzy” (also called “poses”). The price for one pose varies from 25 to 35 rubles depending on the size and location of the cafe. Buuza is minced meat wrapped in a special way in dough. Despite its apparent simplicity, few people can prepare buuzas correctly. There are several recipes for making buuz. The recipe mainly differs in the method of grinding the meat for minced meat and the percentage of different types of meat. According to legend, a properly prepared buuza should have 33 pinches. It is customary to eat buuzas with your hands.

Less known to tourists, but no less important in Buryat cuisine, is traditional homemade noodle soup. The broth is made from finely chopped beef, to which homemade noodles are added. This is a simple, but very tasty and nutritious dish. It looks a little like a dish from Southeast Asia, but other than salt there are no spices at all. The average price is 60-100 rubles per serving.

In Buryatia, it is customary to eat simple boiled meat with broth. This dish is called buhler (possibly a more correct spelling is bukhleor or buheler). Prepared from beef or lamb. Large potatoes are sometimes added to it, but the original should contain nothing but meat. The most delicious “cafe” buffalo is served at a roadside eatery in the village. Bar Mukhorshibirsky district. The price of a serving varies from 80 to 150 rubles depending on the serving size and the meat used for cooking. Lamb buffalo is more expensive.

In proper Buryat cafes, buhler is served with a cutting board.

Another popular dish is sharbin. Fried flatbread with minced meat inside. This is not quite a Buryat dish, but rather a Mongolian one, it appeared 10-15 years ago and now occupies a place of honor on the menu of Buryat cafes. The cost of one flatbread is 40-50 rubles.

For dessert, standard pancakes and Buryat pastries - boovs - are offered. Boovs are deep-fried pieces of yeast dough. Usually served with condensed milk. Price 20-30 rubles per serving.

It may seem to you that Buryat cuisine is very fatty and high in calories, and it is so. But there’s nothing you can do about it, when winter lasts six months a year, you can’t do without such food.

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Since ancient times, the Buryats were hunters, fishermen and, of course, cattle breeders. This determined the nature of their national cuisine. All Buryat cooking is built around meat - horse meat, lamb and beef. Buryats put very little onions and spices in their dishes. In addition, they do not like very spicy and salty foods. Noodles are preferred as a side dish.

Poses (buuzes)

This dish is related to manta and khinkali, but has its own characteristics.

The minced meat for them is prepared from several types of meat. Regular dumpling dough is suitable. A lump of minced meat is wrapped in a dough cake. You need to leave a hole at the top so that the poses follow the shape of the yurt. It is believed that the most correct poses have 33 tucks in the upper part. Prepared for steam.

Another distinctive feature of this dish is that a lot of broth is stored inside each pose, which you need to drink by slightly biting the dough on the side. Only after this is everything else eaten.


This is a very simple dish, which is usually considered a soup, although in fact it is more of a broth. A solid piece of lamb needs to be boiled in water for a long time. Moreover, the meat must have a bone.

When the broth is ready, remove it from the heat and remove the meat from it. And only then raw onions and salt are added to it. You can add seasonings to taste. You must eat the buhler hot, otherwise the fat will harden and it will be tasteless.

Sliced ​​meat with noodles

The horse meat should be finely chopped into cubes. Then the meat is fried until cooked in butter along with finely chopped onion. Towards the end of cooking, you can add spices.

The finished meat is mixed with hot boiled homemade noodles and served.


This is usually prepared in winter. The beef is cut into long strips and hung in the shade. Moreover, the meat should be blown by the wind. By spring, the meat dries out and turns white. Borso is ready.

Dried meat weighs very little, has a very long shelf life, but at the same time retains its taste and nutritional value. Once upon a time, this dish was indispensable for the Buryats, who led a nomadic lifestyle. But when they settled in cities, the dish began to be forgotten. Borso is now experiencing its second heyday in the form of meat snacks.


This is milk porridge. Place the sour cream on the fire and bring to a boil. Then slowly add flour into it, stirring. When a golden brown crust forms on the walls and bottom of the pan, the salamat is ready. This porridge is eaten only warm.

Salty tea

Many Turkic and Mongolian peoples drink tea with salt. The Buryats also have their own version.

I need green tea. It is lightly fried and placed in boiling water. When the tea is brewed, strain it and add a little milk, butter and salt.

Buryat cuisine is the national cuisine of the Buryats, a Mongolian people living primarily in the Republic of Buryatia, part of the Russian Federation.

The most important products of Buryat cuisine are meat and milk.

Buryat cuisine is very rich and filling. This is due, first of all, to the difficult weather conditions in which Buryat cuisine was formed.

Characteristic Products

Food of plant origin

There is not much plant food in Buryat cuisine. These are mainly roots and greens (wild onions, field onions, wild garlic, wild garlic, rhubarb, sorrel). Red lily tubers (saranka) were also eaten.

In addition, berries are often eaten: strawberries, blueberries, bird cherry, lingonberries. Tea is made from lingonberries and rose hips.

Meat and fish

The use of different types of meat depended greatly on the time of year. In the summer season, lamb was used in Buryat cuisine, horse meat was used in the autumn season, and beef was used in the winter.

Also in Buryat cuisine you can find recipes with wild animal meat. Dishes made from tarbagan (a small mammal of the marmot family) look especially interesting.

There are a lot of options for preparing different types of sausages. Usually, in addition to meat, they add blood.

As for fish, recipes with Baikal omul are worth mentioning separately. The fact is that the Baikal omul is endemic, that is, a fish that is not found anywhere else except Lake Baikal. There are many recipes and techniques for preparing Baikal omul in Buryat cuisine. It is smoked, boiled, fried, baked, made into pies and other dishes.


Milk among the Buryats is considered a sacred product, therefore in Buryat cuisine there are a large number of different dishes using dairy products. Not just drinks and cheeses. Dairy products are used here as ingredients for soups, main courses and even bread.

Khuruud is a traditional Buryat cheese.

Ayrkhan is the national Buryat cottage cheese.

Urme is a dish made from milk foam. During the process of boiling and subsequent cooling, foam forms on the milk. It is carefully removed, cut and served as a separate dish.

Uurag is a dish prepared exclusively from colostrum (milk obtained within a few weeks after calving). Colostrum is mixed with flour and cooked in the oven.

Tarag is Buryat curdled milk.

Aaruul is sun-dried tarag.


Buryat cuisine is quite conservative in terms of spices. Basically, black pepper is used, as well as onions, garlic and various herbs.

Traditional dishes


Shanga is a traditional flatbread of Buryat cuisine. Prepared from yeast dough with sour milk.

Sharbin is a Buryat fried flatbread filled with minced meat, similar to belyash, but flatter.


Shulen (noodle soup in Buryat style) - with The most popular soup of Buryat cuisine. These are thick noodles with meat and green onions.

Buhler (or buheleer) is a rich broth made from beef or lamb (the front part of the carcass).

Khirmasa - lamb offal soup with homemade noodles and garlic.

Zoodoin shulen - Buryat soup - crucian carp soup with sour cream and wild onions.

Main courses

Buuzy - with the most famous dish of Buryat cuisine, sometimes you can find another name for it - poses . Buuz are products made from dough with meat filling, similar to manti. There are also variations where fish is added to the filling.

Bargzha - Buryat dumplings.

Khushuur - dough bags filled with meat, fried in a large amount of fat.

Shanachan zoohei is a hot dish made from flour and sour cream, considered a ritual Buryat food. Another name is salamat.

Khoshkhonog - boiled rectum of a sheep or horse.

Oreomog - lamb by-products (diaphragm, lungs, omentum), woven into a braid with the small intestine. The oreomog is then boiled or baked over coals.

Hiime - sausages made from ground beef with lard and onions in the rectum. They are formed into 15 cm sausages, then boiled and served hot.

Khotorgoyn shuhan is a Buryat sausage made from lamb blood in the duodenum.

Khotyn shuhan is a festive dish made from a boiled lamb stomach filled with blood.

Ereelzhe is a sausage made from chopped liver with onions.

Sheglehen deluun - boiled beef spleen stuffed with meat, interior fat and onions.

Honginotoy sharahan boore - lamb kidneys stuffed with onions and garlic.

Oreohon hokhor nyurgan is a charcoal-roasted roll of lamb loin.

Khugabsha is a Buryat dish made from liver, wrapped in a casing and fried over coals until crispy. Another name is “liver in a shirt.”

Arbintai elgen is frozen horse liver wrapped in visceral fat (arbin).

Dambar is lamb offal fried in butter with onions and garlic.

Dotoroor sheglehen terhenseg is a Buryat dish of lamb tripe stuffed with offal (kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, etc.) with onions and garlic. The scar is sutured and boiled.

Dala - boiled lamb shoulder. Serve with a bowl of broth in which it was boiled.

Ubsuun - boiled brisket, is an honorable treat.

Tooley - boiled lamb head. In Buryat cuisine it has rather a symbolic meaning and is served to the most honored guest or the most respected person at the table.

Sharakhan uushkhan - lamb lungs fried in butter with onions and garlic.

Shanahan galuun - wild geese boiled with onions.

Salads and snacks

Borso is beef meat dried in the wind in winter. It is usually added to soups.

Burduun is another type of dried beef. Burduun is first dipped in highly salted boiling water, then covered with flour, and after that hung to dry.

Shanakhan shuhan is a traditional Buryat blood sausage, which is prepared with the addition of milk, fat and onions.

Khushuur are meat pies cooked in boiling fat.


Boovs are a sweet flour dessert similar to brushwood.

Togoonoy beliny are traditional Buryat pancakes that are baked on greased cast iron pans.

Many desserts are made from ground dried or fresh bird cherry. Pies and cakes are baked from it, mixed with sour cream, cream or melted butter.

Urme is a simple Buryat dessert made from sour cream mixed with ground bird cherry.

Kholiso is another Buryat dessert with bird cherry. The pureed bird cherry is mixed with sugar, cottage cheese and crushed biscuits. Then frozen and cut into pieces.


The main drink of Buryat cuisine is green tea. It is boiled twice, the first time with clean water, the second with the addition of milk. Sometimes a pinch of salt is added to tea.

Zutaraan sai is a Buryat tea with the addition of wheat flour fried in fat.

Nogoon sai is green tea brewed with milk.

Ulaazhargyn sai - dried fireweed tea, brewed with milk.

Aarsa is a hearty Buryat drink made from water, cottage cheese and flour.

Khurenge (or airag) is a drink made from fermented milk or buttermilk.

Segee - Buryat kumiss, a drink made from mare's milk.


Tarasun is a national alcoholic drink of Buryat cuisine, made from sour milk or yogurt.

Serving and etiquette

It is worth noting that Buryat culture prescribes that guests should be served primarily dairy products (white food), that is, here this is a kind of analogue of bread and salt in the Russian tradition. Treats are always served to the guest with both hands or with the right hand, holding the elbow with the left hand and the right hand.

Buryat cuisine is one of the attractions of Lake Baikal, so every guest who has visited this holy place is simply obliged to try dishes such as buuzy, tarasun, salamat and, of course, stroganina. Almost the entire Buryat menu is occupied by natural products, sometimes, as in the case of stroganina, in raw form - the Buryats adapted to prepare food that helped them survive in harsh conditions.

So, the most popular dish of Buryat cuisine is buuzy, or poses, which are prepared with horse meat, beef or lamb with the addition of onions and internal fat. The meat for them is washed, cut into fairly small pieces with a cleaver, ground internal fat and finely chopped onion are added. The main condition is that the minced meat must be juicy, only then the buuzas will turn out tasty, the dough is made like for homemade noodles, and they are steamed. Dishes of Buryat cuisine look beautiful on dishes with national flavor, so the buuzas should be placed on a dish with a Buryat ornament and served.

Dairy products and dishes made from them occupy a special place in Buryat cuisine - Buryats prepare drinks, main and first courses, and even bread from milk. Such exotic names as tarasun, khuruud, shanan zohei, or salamat are all Buryat cuisine. The recipes, despite all the exotic names of these dishes, are simple and accessible; if desired, they can be prepared at home from products always available on the household. For example, khuruud is compressed dried cottage cheese; Buryats use it as bread, and salamat is sour cream, which was heated over low heat and mixed with wholemeal flour.

Dishes of Buryat cuisine are tasty and unusual, which makes them attractive to tourists; it is no coincidence that entire gastronomic tours to Buryatia are currently being organized.

To have an idea of ​​real Buryat cuisine, below are recipes and photographs of the most famous dishes.


Each nation has its own recipes for preparing dairy dishes. Among the Buryats, food made from milk has a special place. It is quite diverse, highly nutritious, and has excellent taste. Dairy products among the Buryats were among those dishes with which every festive reception began. Just as Russians greet guests with bread and salt, so Buryats greet guests with milk or other dairy foods. This custom was called “sagaalkha”.

Khuruud (Homemade cheese)

Khuruud is a natural Buryat cheese. Prepared in the following way: Place fresh whole milk in an enamel bowl in a cool place. After two or three days it usually ferments, and thick sour cream stagnates on the surface. The sour cream is skimmed off, and homemade cheese, a tasty and nutritious canned product, is made from yogurt. The curdled milk is boiled over low heat for five minutes. The resulting curd mass is filtered, then laid out into flat cakes, pressed using wooden planks and set out to dry.

From 10 liters of milk you get about 2 kg of sour cream and 3-4 kg of cheese.

Ayrkhan (Dry cottage cheese)

Boil whole milk, cool to 25-30 degrees, ferment with sour milk, put in a warm place. Carefully transfer the resulting dense clot onto several layers of gauze and allow the serum to drain. Then wrap it in gauze and put it under a press for 5-6 hours, after which the resulting curd is dried in a warm place (at a temperature of 35-40°). The product lasts for a long time (a month or more).

For 1 liter of fresh milk 2 tbsp. spoons of sour milk.

Urme (Milk foam)

This is one of the best dairy dishes.
The technology for preparing urme is quite simple. Fresh milk (preferably in a cast iron kettle) is simmered over low heat for twenty to thirty minutes until foam appears. Then put in a cool place for 12 hours. After some time, a layer of foam 1.5 to 2 cm thick forms on the surface of the milk. The thickness of the layer depends on the fat content of the milk. The foam is carefully removed with birch spatulas and dried if it is a warm season. In winter it is frozen. Dried or frozen foams are cut into waffles or any other form and served.

From 10 liters of milk, up to a kilogram of urme is obtained. Where does the remaining milk go? It is used to prepare such a very common and popular product as tarag.


Cold tarag, especially seasoned with cream or fresh milk, is especially pleasant in the summer heat. It quenches thirst well and satisfies at the same time. Possessing valuable dietary properties, Tarag has always been used as a preliminary treat for a guest while a hot meal is being prepared. It is quite possible to cook it in a city. After the foam (urme) is removed, the milk is slightly heated, then the starter (gurelge), i.e., a small cup of taraga from the previous preparation, is poured into it. If there is no starter, it can be prepared. Just mix a little sour cream and rye bread - the sourdough is ready. All that remains is to add the starter to the milk and leave it in a warm place for a day. Before serving the tarag, shake it well, adding sour cream, cream or fresh milk if desired.

Tarag made from sheep's milk is especially tasty. The cooking technology is the same.

For 1 liter of milk, 100 g of sour cream and 100 g of rye bread are required for fermentation.


Before the Buryats learned about arable farming under the influence of the Russians, they used a powdery mass from the dried roots of various edible plants to prepare salamat. Boil the sour cream over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Then they begin to slowly pour flour into it, while speeding up the stirring, otherwise lumps will form, just like when preparing, for example, semolina porridge. Continuous stirring affects the release of oil; the more it comes out, the better. To do this, add milk or even water, of course, quite a bit. Coarse rye flour is best suited for salamat. The dish is considered ready when a golden crust appears on the bottom and sides and the mushy mass itself, completely saturated with oil, stops sticking to the spoon. This dish is nutritious and high in calories.

For 6-8 people - 1 kg of sour cream, 1 glass of flour. Salt to taste.


Not a single Buryat wedding is complete without this alcoholic drink. The taste of this drink is very original and unique.

Curdled milk, or sour milk, is poured into a long high vessel (“khaba”) 1.2 - 1.3 m high and stirred with a wooden whorl. A curd mass and a liquid part are obtained. The liquid part, airag or kurunga, was used as a tonic drink.

Then the kurunga or airag was aged for several days, it became bitter. A curved wooden pipe was attached to a wooden tub with airag; the lower end was put on the neck of a cast-iron jug “tankha”. Tankha was placed in another tub with water. The airag was boiled, the steam passed through the pipe into the jug and turned into the alcoholic drink arkhi, or tarasun.

Tarasun contained little alcohol after the first distillation. A stronger and more transparent archi was obtained after the second and third distillation.


Buhler (buhler)

Take a cut from the front of the carcass. Chop pieces of about a hundred grams together with the bones. Place them in a saucepan in quantities corresponding to the composition of the family or the number of invited guests, and cover with cold water. Then add the cut head of onion, or even better, dried wild onion. Cook over low heat for 35-40 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing foam. Add salt to taste, immediately after boiling. Before removing the pan from the heat, add the bay leaf and pepper to the broth. Before serving, season it with onions, cut into strips, or wild onions, finely chopped parsley or dill.

For 4 people - 1 kg of lamb, 1-2 onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Shulep (Buryat noodle soup)

Cut the lamb flesh into strips, put it in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on the stove. To prepare noodles, the dough is kneaded only with eggs, then rolled out to a thickness of 2-3 mm, rolled into a roll and cut. The noodles are then dropped into the hot broth and cooked for 15-20 minutes until they begin to float to the surface. When cooking, constantly skim off the foam.

Second recipe: boil the bones and add noodles and meat, cut into strips, into the bone broth.

For one serving - 100-150 g of lamb, 45 g of noodles. Salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Buuzy (poses)

A widely known, popular and beloved dish. The poses are attractive in appearance, excellent in taste, and can decorate any table. The lamb flesh is washed, chopped with a cleaver in a wooden trough or passed through a meat grinder with a large grid. Add finely chopped internal fat, onions, salt, spices, sifted wheat flour, and water. Mix thoroughly. The dough is prepared as for homemade noodles. Having rolled it into a round rope, cut it into small, 2-4 cm, sticks, which are turned into thin circles.

The minced meat is placed on these mugs, the edges are pinched, leaving a small hole for steam to escape. The poses are steamed for 18-20 minutes. Readiness can be recognized by the light juice. Pozas are prepared not only from lamb. Beef and horse meat with pork are used successfully. The cooking method is exactly the same. For 4-5 people - 850 g meat, 220 g domestic fat or fatty pork, 3 onions, salt. Wheat flour - one tablespoon (to bind the juice in the minced meat), water 130 g.

For the dough - 350 g flour (two glasses), 2-3 eggs, salt. If you take 2 eggs, then 60 g of water. For 3 eggs - 20-30 g of water. One pose usually requires 20 g of dough and 50 g of minced meat.


In the Buryat national cuisine, horse meat dishes occupy a place of honor. Historical experience, as well as recent scientific research, have shown the high nutritional and dietary value of horse meat. For example, the liver and blood contain a large amount of minerals, fat - oleic acid, which stimulates the normal metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins in the human body. Moreover, horse meat is cleaner than beef and especially pork, since this animal is very picky about the environmental purity of the food it eats.

Googohotoy sharahan myakhan (horse meat fried with garlic and homemade noodles)

The meat is washed, separated from the bones, cut into thin cubes, and fried in butter. Then add boiled noodles and crushed garlic. Salt, pepper, bring to readiness. The noodles are fried. When skillfully cooked, the color of the meat turns golden.

For 5 people - 1 kg of meat, 150 g of butter, 0.5 kg of noodles, 1 head of garlic, salt, pepper.


Beef is used to prepare various dishes. There is a lot in common with Russian cuisine and the cuisine of other nations. But there are some differences that are unique to Buryat cooking, which make these dishes specific and colorful in their own way.

Khuushuur (meat pears)

Minced meat and dough for khushuur are prepared in the same way as for buuz, only a little more water is added to the minced meat. The dough is rolled out into thin round cakes, minced meat is placed on them, the edges are pinched so that the products take the shape of a pear. Khushuur is dipped into boiling fat and left to form a pale yellow crust. When the pears are ready to eat, when they are pierced, light fat flows out.

For 4-5 people, the norm for the ingredients of meat, flour and other ingredients is the same as when preparing buuz.

Sharbin (Fresh whitefish)

The technology for preparing minced meat and dough is exactly the same as when preparing buuz. Place 75 g of minced meat (a tablespoon) on a thinly rolled flat cake weighing 30 g, pinch the edges, leaving a hole in the middle. Whites are fried in a frying pan.


Without tea, it is impossible to imagine the national cuisine of the Buryats and their hospitable home, where the door is always open for friends, acquaintances and for everyone who comes with an open heart.

Nogoon sai (Green tea)

Add crushed green tea from a briquette to cold water and boil, stirring, to remove the bitter taste. Pour in the milk and boil again, stirring continuously, for 5-7 minutes. Some people drink it lightly salted. It is served with ghee and Buryat shangi. Green tea has a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains from 12 to 18.6 percent tannins, about 1.5 percent caffeine.

For 3 liters of water - 200 g of green tea, 1.5-2 liters of milk.

More information about Siberian and Buryat cuisine with photographs and detailed recipes can be found on the website

Buryat cuisine is one of the attractions of Lake Baikal, so every guest who has visited this holy place is simply obliged to try dishes such as buuzy, tarasun, salamat and, of course, stroganina. Almost the entire Buryat menu is occupied by natural products, sometimes, as in the case of stroganina, in raw form - the Buryats adapted to prepare food that helped them survive in harsh conditions.

So, the most popular dish of Buryat cuisine is buuzy, or poses, which are prepared with horse meat, beef or lamb with the addition of onions and internal fat. The meat for them is washed, cut into fairly small pieces with a cleaver, ground internal fat and finely chopped onion are added. The main condition is that the minced meat must be juicy, only then the buuzas will turn out tasty, the dough is made like for homemade noodles, and they are steamed. Dishes of Buryat cuisine look beautiful on dishes with national flavor, so the buuzas should be placed on a dish with a Buryat ornament and served.

Dairy products and dishes made from them occupy a special place in Buryat cuisine - Buryats prepare drinks, main and first courses, and even bread from milk. Such exotic names as tarasun, khuruud, shanan zohei, or salamat are all Buryat cuisine. The recipes, despite all the exotic names of these dishes, are simple and accessible; if desired, they can be prepared at home from products always available on the household. For example, khuruud is compressed dried cottage cheese; Buryats use it as bread, and salamat is sour cream, which was heated over low heat and mixed with wholemeal flour.

Dishes of Buryat cuisine are tasty and unusual, which makes them attractive to tourists; it is no coincidence that entire gastronomic tours to Buryatia are currently being organized.

To have an idea of ​​real Buryat cuisine, below are recipes and photographs of the most famous dishes.


Each nation has its own recipes for preparing dairy dishes. Among the Buryats, food made from milk has a special place. It is quite diverse, highly nutritious, and has excellent taste. Dairy products among the Buryats were among those dishes with which every festive reception began. Just as Russians greet guests with bread and salt, so Buryats greet guests with milk or other dairy foods. This custom was called “sagaalkha”.

Khuruud (Homemade cheese)

Khuruud is a natural Buryat cheese. Prepared in the following way: Place fresh whole milk in an enamel bowl in a cool place. After two or three days it usually ferments, and thick sour cream stagnates on the surface. The sour cream is skimmed off, and homemade cheese, a tasty and nutritious canned product, is made from yogurt. The curdled milk is boiled over low heat for five minutes. The resulting curd mass is filtered, then laid out into flat cakes, pressed using wooden planks and set out to dry.

From 10 liters of milk you get about 2 kg of sour cream and 3-4 kg of cheese.

Ayrkhan (Dry cottage cheese)

Boil whole milk, cool to 25-30 degrees, ferment with sour milk, put in a warm place. Carefully transfer the resulting dense clot onto several layers of gauze and allow the serum to drain. Then wrap it in gauze and put it under a press for 5-6 hours, after which the resulting cottage cheese is dried in a warm place (at a temperature of 35-40°). The product lasts for a long time (a month or more).

For 1 liter of fresh milk 2 tbsp. spoons of sour milk.

Urme (Milk foam)

This is one of the best dairy dishes.

The technology for preparing urme is quite simple. Fresh milk (preferably in a cast iron kettle) is simmered over low heat for twenty to thirty minutes until foam appears. Then put in a cool place for 12 hours. After some time, a layer of foam 1.5 to 2 cm thick forms on the surface of the milk. The thickness of the layer depends on the fat content of the milk. The foam is carefully removed with birch spatulas and dried if it is a warm season. In winter it is frozen. Dried or frozen foams are cut into waffles or any other form and served.

From 10 liters of milk, up to a kilogram of urme is obtained. Where does the remaining milk go? It is used to prepare such a very common and popular product as tarag.


Cold tarag, especially seasoned with cream or fresh milk, is especially pleasant in the summer heat. It quenches thirst well and satisfies at the same time. Possessing valuable dietary properties, Tarag has always been used as a preliminary treat for a guest while a hot meal is being prepared. It is quite possible to cook it in a city. After the foam (urme) is removed, the milk is slightly heated, then the starter (gurelge), i.e., a small cup of taraga from the previous preparation, is poured into it. If there is no starter, it can be prepared. Just mix a little sour cream and rye bread - the sourdough is ready. All that remains is to add the starter to the milk and leave it in a warm place for a day. Before serving the tarag, shake it well, adding sour cream, cream or fresh milk if desired.

Tarag made from sheep's milk is especially tasty. The cooking technology is the same.

For 1 liter of milk, 100 g of sour cream and 100 g of rye bread are required for fermentation.


Before the Buryats learned about arable farming under the influence of the Russians, they used a powdery mass from the dried roots of various edible plants to prepare salamat. Boil the sour cream over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. Then they begin to slowly add flour into it, while increasing the stirring speed, otherwise lumps will form, just like when preparing, for example, semolina porridge. Continuous stirring affects the release of oil; the more it comes out, the better. To do this, add milk or even water, of course, quite a bit. Coarse rye flour is best suited for salamat. The dish is considered ready when a golden crust appears on the bottom and sides and the mushy mass itself, completely saturated with oil, stops sticking to the spoon. This dish is nutritious and high in calories.

For 6-8 people - 1 kg of sour cream, 1 glass of flour. Salt to taste.


Not a single Buryat wedding is complete without this alcoholic drink. The taste of this drink is very original and unique.

Curdled milk, or sour milk, is poured into a long high vessel (“khaba”) 1.2 - 1.3 m high and stirred with a wooden whorl. A curd mass and a liquid part are obtained. The liquid part, airag or kurunga, was used as a tonic drink.

Then the kurunga or airag was aged for several days, it became bitter. A curved wooden pipe was attached to a wooden tub with airag; the lower end was put on the neck of a cast-iron jug “tankha”. Tankha was placed in another tub with water. The airag was boiled, the steam passed through the pipe into the jug and turned into the alcoholic drink arkhi, or tarasun.

Tarasun contained little alcohol after the first distillation. A stronger and more transparent archi was obtained after the second and third distillation.


Buhler (buhler)

Take a cut from the front of the carcass. Chop pieces of about a hundred grams together with the bones. Place them in a saucepan in quantities corresponding to the composition of the family or the number of invited guests, and cover with cold water. Then add the cut head of onion, or even better, dried wild onion. Cook over low heat for 35-40 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing foam. Add salt to taste, immediately after boiling. Before removing the pan from the heat, add the bay leaf and pepper to the broth. Before serving, season it with onions, cut into strips, or wild onions, finely chopped parsley or dill.

For 4 people - 1 kg of lamb, 1-2 onions, salt, pepper, bay leaf.

Shulep (Buryat noodle soup)

Cut the lamb flesh into strips, put it in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on the stove. To prepare noodles, the dough is kneaded only with eggs, then rolled out to a thickness of 2-3 mm, rolled into a roll and cut. The noodles are then dropped into the hot broth and cooked for 15-20 minutes until they begin to float to the surface. When cooking, constantly skim off the foam.

Second recipe: boil the bones and add noodles and meat, cut into strips, into the bone broth.

For one serving - 100-150 g of lamb, 45 g of noodles. Salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste.

Buuzy (poses)

A widely known, popular and beloved dish. The poses are attractive in appearance, excellent in taste, and can decorate any table. The lamb flesh is washed, chopped with a cleaver in a wooden trough or passed through a meat grinder with a large grid. Add finely chopped internal fat, onions, salt, spices, sifted wheat flour, and water. Exchanged carefully. The dough is prepared as for homemade noodles. Having rolled it into a round rope, cut it into small, 2-4 cm, sticks, which are turned into thin circles.

The minced meat is placed on these mugs, the edges are pinched, leaving a small hole for steam to escape. The poses are steamed for 18-20 minutes. Readiness can be recognized by the light juice. Pozas are prepared not only from lamb. Beef and horse meat with pork are used successfully. The cooking method is exactly the same. For 4-5 people - 850 g meat, 220 g domestic fat or fatty pork, 3 onions, salt. Wheat flour - one tablespoon (to bind the juice in the minced meat), water 130 g.

For the dough - 350 g flour (two glasses), 2-3 eggs, salt. If you take 2 eggs, then 60 g of water. For 3 eggs - 20-30 g of water. One pose usually requires 20 g of dough and 50 g of minced meat.


In the Buryat national cuisine, horse meat dishes occupy a place of honor. Historical experience, as well as recent scientific research, have shown the high nutritional and dietary value of horse meat. For example, the liver and blood contain a large amount of minerals, fat - oleic acid, which stimulates the normal metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins in the human body. Moreover, horse meat is cleaner than beef and especially pork, since this animal is very picky about the environmental purity of the food it eats.

Googortoy shararan myakhan (horse meat fried with garlic and homemade noodles)

The meat is washed, separated from the bones, cut into thin cubes, and fried in butter. Then add boiled noodles and crushed garlic. Salt, pepper, bring to readiness. The noodles are fried. When skillfully cooked, the color of the meat turns golden.

For 5 people - 1 kg of meat, 150 g of butter, 0.5 kg of noodles, 1 head of garlic, salt, pepper.


Beef is used to prepare various dishes. There is a lot in common with Russian cuisine and the cuisine of other nations. But there are some differences that are unique to Buryat cooking, which make these dishes specific and colorful in their own way.

Khuushuur (meat pears)

Minced meat and dough for khushuur are prepared in the same way as for buuz, only a little more water is added to the minced meat. The dough is rolled out into thin round cakes, minced meat is placed on them, the edges are pinched so that the products take the shape of a pear. Khushuur is dipped into boiling fat and kept until a pale yellow crust forms. When the pears are ready to eat, when they are pierced, light fat flows out.

For 4-5 people, the norm for the ingredients of meat, flour and other ingredients is the same as when preparing buuz.

Sharbin (Fresh whitefish)

The technology for preparing minced meat and dough is exactly the same as when preparing buuz. Place 75 g of minced meat (a tablespoon) on a thinly rolled flat cake weighing 30 g, pinch the edges, leaving a hole in the middle. Whites are fried in a frying pan.


Without tea, it is impossible to imagine the national cuisine of the Buryats and their hospitable home, where the door is always open for friends, acquaintances and for everyone who comes with an open heart.

Nogoon sai (Green tea)

Add crushed green tea from a briquette to cold water and boil, stirring, to remove the bitter taste. Pour in the milk and boil again, stirring continuously, for 5-7 minutes. Some people drink it lightly salted. It is served with ghee and Buryat shangi. Green tea has a beneficial effect on the human body. It contains from 12 to 18.6 percent tannins, about 1.5 percent caffeine.

For 3 liters of water - 200 g of green tea, 1.5-2 liters of milk.

You can choose a recreation center on the coast of Lake Baikal.



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