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What where when to send a question. How to send a question to “What? Where? When? ”: step-by-step instructions and recommendations

What? Where? When?- an intellectual game, the most common in the Russian-speaking environment. It was founded in 1975 by TV presenter Vladimir Voroshilov. The game very quickly became so popular that in addition to the original television version, a sports version of the game appeared. The essence of the game is to confront Connoisseur teams(game team of six people) to the TV viewers team (how to send your question to the game you can find out by following this link chgk.tvigra.ru). Connoisseurs must in one minute, with the help of their own minds, find the answer to the question sent by the viewer. As a rule, players are asked questions that can be answered with the help of general knowledge and logic. For each correct answer, the team of Experts receives one point, in case of an incorrect answer, a point is awarded to the team of TV viewers. The game is played up to six points.

The rules of the TV game are constantly changing, but it always takes place (with the exception of the first few seasons) in the Hunting Lodge of the Neskuchny Garden in Moscow. There is a special room equipped with a tape measure, on which a spinning top with an arrow is installed. The questions are in envelopes laid out on the table, signed by the names of the cities of the participants who sent the question. The spinning top spins the steward, and the question on which the arrow stops is chosen for the game. If the dropped question has already been played, then the question that has not yet played the next one clockwise is selected. The discussion lasts for one minute. At the end of the discussion, the team captain should name an expert who will give an answer. As a rule, the word is given to the author of the version.

If, during the announcement of the question by the leader, the expert understood the answer to it, he can give a sign (usually it is a fist with the thumb bent upwards), after which the team captain can tell the leader before the question is directly discussed that the answer is ready. If the answer is correct, in addition to the score in favor of experts, the team has the opportunity to take an additional minute of discussion. The number of minutes depends on the number of correct answers given early, and a team may take more than one extra minute in a row.

A rule such as "club assistance" was also introduced. If the experts did not know the answer to question asked, they can refer to the connoisseurs in the hall. The time that can be used for these purposes is 20 seconds. In 2007, this rule was slightly changed, after which you can take help only if the score is not in favor of experts. Previously, there was such a rule as "assistance of the masters", in which the masters of the game could prompt the experts for 20 seconds, but this rule was subsequently canceled.

Since the connoisseurs are not alone in the room, there is the potential for unauthorized clues. To prevent this, during the discussion of the issue, there is a manager in the hall who, upon discovering this, raises a red card. In addition, several operators are involved in the hall, which makes it possible to film the hint on video. If the rules are violated, the person who suggested the answer is, in most cases, removed from the hall. The presenter has the right not to count the answer of experts.

Question types:

  • Blitz. In addition to the usual questions, for which a minute is given to answer, “blitz questions” were introduced. Such a question consists of three simpler questions, but for each of them the team has only 20 seconds. The team gets a point for three correct answers. First, this type of questions appeared in the TV game, and later it was included in the sports version of the game. At a time when Vladimir Voroshilov was the host, he himself went into the hall to the experts and asked questions. At the moment, the blitz proceeds in the same way as regular questions.
  • super blitz- similar to blitz, the difference lies in the fact that one player from the team participates in it.
  • multimedia questions. These are questions asked using video or audio recordings, or using pictures. In a TV game, the video recording is simply shown on the monitor. In the sports version, a printout is placed on each table before voicing the question. Often before reading the question, to avoid tedious rewriting, long texts (for example, poems) are also distributed.
  • Question with subject. The team is shown an object and asked, for example, to guess what it serves (or served), to use the object (s) to achieve a certain result, etc.
  • black box question. Here you need to answer what is in the black box in front of the players. By the size of the box, you can approximately guess the size of the item you are looking for. In addition, the box obviously cannot contain anything abstract (although once there was nothing there - and this was the correct answer, but this case is rather an exception).
  • Decisive round. In the event that a team of experts has earned 5 points in their favor, but would like to increase the result of the game to a score of 6:0 in their favor, the team can take the decisive round. In this case, the strongest, according to the team, expert remains at the table, after which, in a standard way, with the help of a top, a question is selected, to which the expert must answer without anyone's help. At the same time, an obligatory condition is that there should be absolute silence in the hall and a complete absence of discussion of the issue. This type questions helps the team to get to the final of the season with more successful performance of the previous teams of this season.
  • Since 1984, the best connoisseurs and the best viewers have been awarded an honorary prize - the "Crystal Owl". Since 2002, the best player at the end of the year was awarded the "Diamond Owl". Since 1995, in each anniversary season, one of the connoisseurs has been awarded the honorary title of Club Master. In 1995 it was Alexander Druz, in 2000 Maxim Patashov, in 2005 Viktor Sidnev.

    Most of the questions in the history of television and sports games What where When? stored in the ChGK question database - db.chgk

    Useful sites:

    • chgk.com - game portal, you can learn about breaking news, dates of games, tournaments, photos of participants

    For over 35 years now, the television game - “What? Where? When? does not lose its popularity. The game is played by two teams - connoisseurs and viewers. As a rule, connoisseurs are asked questions related mainly to the area of ​​general knowledge and logic. At the same time, in the program, any viewer can win serious cash prizes. So maybe you are the spectator who could compete with the mind with six connoisseurs? Then you just need to know how to do it.


    Viewers can send their questions to the program in two ways - by mail and via the Internet. Your question can be both written and in video format. You can also ask the players a question right during the broadcast of the game in - “13th sector.

    If you intend to send your question by mail, then in the letter clearly state its essence. Also give details of the source of information you used, the author of the book, its title, year of publication, publisher, and page number. Do not forget to indicate your data: last name, first name, patronymic, your address and telephone number for communication. In addition, put a photo in the envelope and write a little about yourself - indicate your age, what education do you have, where do you work, tell us about your hobbies. The letter must be sent to the address: 127427, Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, 12, transmission - “What? Where? When? .

    If you decide to send game video question, then remember that it should not sound for more than one minute. Also, the recording quality should be high, without extraneous noise. Video is accepted in DVD, VHS, MINI DV formats. In the attachment letter, fully decipher the text of the entry, indicate all your data.

    Another way to play with experts in this game is the “13th sector. In this sector, those questions are played that viewers send via the Internet right during the broadcast. The computer randomly selects one of the questions, and that is what experts must answer. You can send your question to the address: 13.mts.ru. Formulate the question in such a way that it is clear and short, since the program has a question limit on the number of printed characters. And it is very possible that it is you who will become the happy owner of a certain amount when the connoisseurs lose.

    Many people wonder how to send a question to “What? Where? When?". The answer is easy, because in fact everything is not as difficult as it seems. To make your dream come true, you need to write your question with an answer, and then send it to the program in any of the available ways.

    Step by step instructions will help you in solving the problem. Remember, it is not a fact that you will be able to get into the program, because no one has canceled the qualifying round. So try if your question does not sound in the program.

    Come up with a question

    Let's start with the simplest. Thinking about how to send a question to “What? Where? When?"? Then the first thing to do is think carefully about what you want to ask the players. Your question should be interesting and original. Once you come up with it, write it down on a piece of paper. Don't forget to answer with justification.

    But that's not all. Want to send a letter to What? Where? When?" and don't know where to send questions? More on this later. To begin with, remember that in the letter you must provide information about yourself. Don't forget to attach a photo. In principle, nothing difficult. Please note that if you make a mistake and during the check it turns out that you gave the wrong answer, the letter will not get into the program. Therefore, try to check its correctness first.


    Are you interested in the TV program “What? Where? When?". Where to send questions you would like to ask players? You can use the services of the most ordinary mail. This is the most simple and familiar method. True, it requires a serious time investment. To answer our today's question, you need to find out the address where the editorial office of the program is located. It is there that the verification of the reliability of the answers, as well as the selection of candidate letters, will take place.

    The address to which you can send a question to “What? Where? When?: Russia, Moscow, street 12. Zip code 127427. Write on the envelope "What? Where? When?" program. Seal the letter and send it by normal mail.

    Now it remains only to wait. Not the most the best choice if you want to participate in this TV program as soon as possible. There are several other options for solving the problem. They are more suitable for the modern population. What methods can be suggested?

    Electronic communication

    The first option for solving the problem under consideration is if your letter is received by regular mail “What? Where? When?". Emailing the question is the second solution. And it, by the way, will be the fastest and most modern:

    1. To get started, go to your email.
    2. There click on "Write a letter".
    3. Next, create a message that you would like to send to the editors of the program. Start by talking about yourself. It should be small.
    4. After that, type the question, and then the answer to it. It is desirable to highlight these components in some font. Just for clarity.
    5. Now attach your photo to the email. By the way, you should be on it without strangers - this is important. If this rule is not observed, your letter will not be considered by the editors.
    6. That's all. It remains to send a message, because we need the letter to be in the mail “What? Where? When?".
    7. You can send a question by e-mail without any problems. After forming the message in the column "recipient" specify the address: [email protected] It's all. You can wait for the result.


    What if you decide to record a video question? In principle, exactly the same as in all previous cases:

    1. First you need to create a video. It should contain a question (or material for it), as well as an answer.
    2. Compose a message. In it, write information about yourself, as well as a question with an answer. Specify that you want to show the video that will be sent along with the email.
    3. Next, attach your photo to the message. If you need any other documents, do not forget about them.
    4. Next, upload the video directly to the message in the same way.
    5. Now it remains only to send an email to the address and wait for a response.

    Thinking about how to send a question to “What? Where? When?", presented by the video? You already know the answer. Email comes to the rescue! It's not as difficult as it seems in reality.

    "13 sector"

    The program in question has such a game section as "Sector 13". You can also ask a question in this gaming column. This is more difficult than just sending a letter to the editor. After all, "Sector 13" is an automatic choice of a question from users who contacted the editorial office directly during the program.

    So, the game “What? Where? When?". How to send a question to the section "Sector 13":

    1. To do this, you will need the Internet and a computer. Go to: 13.mts.ru and fill in the relevant fields here.
    2. Then click on "Submit" and that's it. No more manipulations are required from you.

    By the way, the site "Sector 13" is available even when "What? Where? When?" is not broadcast live. Only from this address there is no sense. Here, only information will be written that all questions are accepted only during the live broadcast. There are no more options for solving the problem.

    You should pay attention to some rules and tips on the fact that many people have a question about how to write a message to the editors of the game “What? Where? When?". It has already been said that you must necessarily indicate information about yourself, your question and the answer to it. More specifically, you should type:

    • your full name;
    • residential address;
    • E-mail address;
    • phone number;
    • question;
    • answer to it;
    • source of information in which you found the answer (with the author, year of publication of the journal or book, and the name or address of the site).

    If a we are talking about the video question, then you will additionally need to fully decipher what is said in the video. These are required items. If you do not follow these recommendations, you can simply forget about participating in the program.

    Among other things, it is advisable to indicate in the text your main hobby, education and age (date of birth will do). Try to form a message in the form of a questionnaire or short story About Me.

    Please note that the question that will be displayed in the letter will sound the way you wrote it. Therefore, try to clearly choose the wording of this component. Now it’s clear how to send a question to “What? Where? When?". You have a choice, but it is recommended to use email editorial. This is the fastest way to bring ideas to life.

    "What? Where? When?" came into my life in my childhood, becoming for a long time a weekly Sabbath tradition. It was a legal opportunity to go to bed with parents and the whole family to watch the program, trying to answer questions from viewers. I was not always able to watch the program to the end, because. the dream became stronger. But I grew up, and soon I could not only watch the program, but also discuss its ups and downs with my parents. The game lets you shine interesting question among friends, perplexing them for a long time.

    Today I want to tell you how anyone can get into this elite club and visit the game.

    In the spring of this year, I managed to visit the filming of this program, which takes place live. You can view my report at this link:

    That report interested many, because getting into the hunting lodge where the shooting takes place and talking with experts is the dream of a large number of people. And today I want to tell you how anyone can do it!

    The secret is simple. The program has an official website: http://chgk.tvigra.ru
    Back in 2004, host of "What? Where? When?" Boris Kryuk said that for each episode he would invite several people from the forum of this site. It has been 10 years since that moment, and more than one hundred viewers have been on the set. They are treated like special guests, they are interviewed before the broadcast, they give gifts, they drink tea! And of course they help to communicate with connoisseurs. If you say who your idol is, then they will introduce you to him and help you overcome embarrassment. Tempting, isn't it?

    If you still want to get into the program, then you need to follow a few simple steps:

    1. Register on the game forum: http://chgk.tvigra.ru/forum

    3. To submit the questionnaire, you need to fill out the following items:

    1. Surname, name, patronymic (in full)
    2. Age (full years)
    3. Height (accurate to centimeter)
    4. Actual photo, on a resource that does not require registration (excluded social networks). It is convenient to use Yandex photos, or any photo hosting.
    5. Where are you from?
    6. Tell us about your studies or work.
    7. Tell us about your hobbies.
    8. Tell us why you want to visit the Hunting Lodge
    9. Tell us about previous visits to the Hunting Lodge and provide links to your previous reports and/or photographs.

    Hurry up, applications are accepted until 00.00 August 20 Moscow time.

    4. Wait for the voting to end (this time it will last from August 20 to August 27). Members of this forum will vote for the questionnaires.
    5. After the end of the voting, a list of participants will be formed, and the place they took according to the voting results.
    6. Wait in the same thread for a message from Admin (program editorial team) about how many people and what games will be invited to the next series of games.
    7. If you are among the lucky ones, then you will need to send a letter to the post office: [email protected] and indicate in it your full name, passport data, which game you would like to get into.
    8. Wait for an answer about what time and where to come and look for a black suit or dress.
    9. On the day of the game, come to Boring Garden and make your dream come true! Don't forget your camera, you'll need it!

    Everything seems to be clearly described. I advise you to write the questionnaire from the heart, not limited to template answers and phrases. After all, you will be chosen by real people, and they are interested in reading an unusual profile, rather than regular phrases that I love the program and cannot live without it. The autumn series of games is coming soon, and I hope to see on the TV screen those who were able to get to the shooting thanks to this instruction!
    I am sure that with the help of my instructions everyone can do it! If you get to the game, then write to me about it :)

    This guide was motivated by comments from the following people:
    lady_catari , kashanya , milaya_ochen , ambalmark , tremens_de_liry , ahax , ladushcki , yakut_cakes , trunov_dmitry , kuxlya , ilonaborisovna , val_dao , artyom_ivanoff , k_soloviov , ljubavka , yozhkin_kot , alkorikova ,

    September 4, 1975 at exactly 12:00 for the first time went on the air program "What? Where? When?". Today, even a child can tell the rules of this game, but few people remember that 38 years ago there were no experts, no top, no famous crystal owl. In the first games, two families played against each other, in whose house 2 rounds were filmed, and then the plots were edited using photos from the family album of the participants. Later, students began to take part in the game and the program was called the "youth television club", and in 1991 it turned into an "intellectual casino".

    The first questions for experts were invented by Vladimir Voroshilov himself and a team of editors, but a few years later the program began to receive letters from viewers with questions, the answers to which were sometimes the most unexpected.

    "RG" chose a few interesting questions that sounded on the air of the game "What? Where? When?".

    Question #1

    In 1926 and 1948, Germany was punished for starting wars in the same way that Sparta had once been punished. What is this punishment?

    Answer: German athletes were banned from participating in the Olympics.

    Question #2

    The Weekly World News conducted a poll in five major American cities to find out who would agree to go naked to work for $1 million. 84% of men agreed. Women, as it turned out, are somewhat more bashful: only 20% would demonstrate their charms. True, the explanation may be contained in the words of one of the participants in the survey, who would expose herself on the condition that she was warned several weeks in advance. Why does she need these few weeks?

    Answer: To lose weight

    Question #3

    The Mexican resort of Acapulco is world famous. It owes its popularity largely to the local climate, which is the best suited for recreation. Guessing what the word "acapulco" means in the Aztec language, name the famous traveler who visited, among others interesting places, and in the city of the same name.

    Answer: Dunno

    Question #4

    This device was invented in the USA in the early 1920s. It was first produced by a company that had previously been involved in the production of cocktail mixers, and quickly gained popularity among a significant part of the population. In the 1930s and 1940s, models with adjustable heating and speed appeared. And why did sales of these devices soar in the 1960s?

    Answer: Because men began to wear long hair and they also needed hair dryers.

    Question #5

    The radical avant-garde association of artists of the beginning of the last century, which broke away from the "Jack of Diamonds", had an unusual two-word name, denoting an item that was once presented to its rightful owner. What was the name of this association?

    Answer: "Donkey tail"

    Question #6

    English psychologist David Lewis argues that it is safe only for women, while for men it can become a source of dangerous diseases. Studies have shown that only a quarter of women had any minor abnormalities, such as heartbeat. Men, on the contrary, reacted extremely negatively to this: their pulse quickened, arrhythmia began to appear, and blood pressure jumped sharply. name it English word, which relatively recently penetrated into the Russian language.

    Answer: shopping

    Question #7

    Many do not believe in its existence. However, Kant believed that any human knowledge begins with it. And they say that it brings only those who have it. Name her.

    Answer: intuition

    Question #8

    Oddly enough, these two have a lot in common. Both have Italian roots. Their patronymics would be the same, if, of course, there were any. But their relations with Russia have developed in different ways. As a result, the first visit to Russia brought only troubles, although at first everything turned out very successfully for him. The second is not only known in Russia to everyone from young to old, in fact, here he was born. Name them both.

    Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte and Pinocchio

    Question #9

    In each of them there is something inhuman, mechanistic. At the same time, the first one is friendly to others, although a certain woman suffered a lot from him. The second, on the contrary, is very unfriendly, but a certain woman managed to avoid the threat from him in the end. Interestingly, both made the same promises. Who are they?

    Answer: Carlson and the Terminator



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