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What to say when performing ablution. How to perform ablution before prayer? How close is Judgment Day?

Without special ablution it is impossible to perform a single prayer. After all, one can appear before Allah only after being ritually purified. This procedure is important and raises many questions among women. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly perform full and small ablutions for women.

There are two types: small ablution and complete ablution.

How to perform ablution correctly

Complete ablution is called ghusl in Islamic culture. For women, it is performed after sexual intercourse with a man, postpartum bleeding, the end of critical days, as well as before prayers on Fridays and for holiday prayers.

Let us describe how to properly perform a full ablution for women point by point:

  • First, you need to have an intention in your heart and say that you intend to perform a complete ablution for the pleasure and blessing of Allah.
  • Before undressing, say: “Bismillah” to begin your action with the name of the Gracious and Merciful.
  • Wash your hands three times.
  • Wash thoroughly, clean the genitals from traces intimacy, menstruation, etc.
  • Perform small ablutions.
  • Pour water over the entire body three times: start with the head, then move to the shoulders: first the right, then the left; wash your entire body and only wash your legs at the very end.

If a woman has her hair tied up during complete ablution, there is no need to deliberately let it go. The main thing is that while pouring, the roots of the hair are wet. It is also necessary to remember that complete ablution is considered completed if a Muslim woman has washed her entire body, cleared her nose and rinsed her mouth.

How to do ablution correctly

Lesser ablution is called wudu. When is small ablution necessary for a woman? For example, after a complete ablution, you visited the restroom, fell asleep, fainted, started bleeding, began to pus, vomited, or became intoxicated or any other type of mental confusion. Touching the genitals also obliges one to perform wudhu.

How to properly perform ablution for a woman:

  • It is necessary to begin small ablution with words about the intention to perform the ritual for the pleasure of Allah.
  • Next, you need to say: “Bismillah” to begin the small ablution in the name of the compassionate protector.
  • Wash your hands up to your wrists.
  • Rinse your mouth three times.
  • Clean your nose three times.
  • Wash your face three times.
  • Wash your hands again, but this time up to the elbows (also three times).
  • Wipe your head and clean your ears: wipe the inside with your index fingers, and wipe the outside with your first fingers. All these manipulations are repeated only once.
  • At the end of the small ablution, wash your feet three times. The first time you need to rinse between your fingers.

Ablution is an important but not difficult process before appearing before Allah Almighty. If you know all the nuances and perform them in the required sequence, this will ensure the ritual purity of a Muslim woman before

Both men and women who are going to perform namaz are required to perform a small ablution (wudu), and in order to enter a state of ritual purity after sexual intercourse or a wet dream, it is necessary to perform a complete ablution (ghusl), that is, to cleanse the entire body. This is a requirement. Also, for women after the end of the period of postpartum cleansing and critical days, ghusl is fard.

For the Jews and St. Lazarus there is the education of the Jews, and the high priests decide to kill the Lord. Let's look at the two remaining Gospels, Mark and Matthew. According to Matthew and Mark, Jesus was a guest in the house of Shimon Malomochny. A mad woman comes with alabaster oil of oil, and the oil pours on Jesus' head. Officials say the oil could be sold within 300 days. Therefore, we are indebted to her memoirs. Can you identify her with Mrs. Magdalena?

We have three stories about the anointing of Jesus, which has many identical but also disparate elements. Was there only one anointing in the life of Jesus? Then the anointing made by the Queen of Luksa and done by Marie in Betten was the only one. This would mean that the great mother's mother was Marian Bethney and possibly Magdalene Masha.

This is bringing the body into a state of ritual purity through ablution (and masah - running a wet hand over certain parts of the body) according to the appropriate rules. Many rituals of worship of Allah cannot be performed without ritual ablution. For example, it is not allowed to perform namaz, walk around the Kaaba (during Hajj and Umrah), or touch the Holy Quran with your hands.

Was this originally a single event, a little described? In all the Gospels we find some consensus. The woman brings to the house that Jesus visited precious oil or ointment and the body of Jesus. Mary Magdalene associates the two women with the scented oil or ointment she wanted to paint on the body of the dead Jesus after she was buried in the tomb. The taste of aromatic oil became a symbol of Magdalene.

The common denominator is the woman's strong emotional, close relationship with Jesus and his affection for them. Kaperman Jesus doesn't want to put oil on his feet and treat them. Mary of Bethania also sat with the plague at the feet of Jesus. The Gospel of John mentions that Jesus loved Martha, her sister, and Lazarus. The origins of women are extraordinary and similar in many ways: legs, oil and abundance are signs of love and emotion. Because these unusual gestures are so similar, only one woman could do it.

The order of taharat before prayer

  1. If possible, it is better to sit on an elevated place, turning your face towards the Qibla and say: “Uzu billahi mi-nash-shaitanir-rajim” (I seek refuge with Allah Almighty from the evil of the overthrown Satan) and “Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim” (I begin “with the name of the Almighty Allah, Merciful to everyone in this world and Merciful only to those who believe on the Day of Judgment”).
  2. Wash your hands up to the wrists three times. Rub the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. If there are rings or rings on your fingers, move them so that water gets under them (photo 1).
  3. Saying “Bismillah...”, draw water and rinse your mouth three times (photo 2). Brush your teeth using a miswak, or if you don’t have one, then use your thumb and forefinger (photo 3), then rinse your mouth two more times.
  4. After saying “Bismillah...” water is drawn into the nose (photo 4). If a person is not fasting, then bring the water to the wings of the nose and draw it into the nostrils, then blow the nose with the left hand. This procedure is repeated two more times.
  5. Having expressed a sincere intention and said “Bismillah...”, you should take water into your palms and wash your face from top to bottom, from the edge of your hair to your chin inclusive, your cheeks to your ears (photo 5). Rub your hand under your eyebrows. These steps are repeated two more times. When washing your face, you should wipe it.
  6. Having said “Bismillah...”, wash and rub your right hand up to the elbow (photo 6). Then repeat this two more times. The left hand is washed three times in the same way (photo 7).
  7. With the words “Bismillah...”, run a wet hand over one fourth of the head. After this, wipe the inside of the ears with your index fingers and at the same time wipe behind the ears with your thumbs (photo 9).

Run the back of three wet fingers, excluding the thumb and forefinger, along the back of the neck (photo 10). Rubbing wet hands over the entire head is sunnah. This is called complete massah (wiping) of the head. Full mash: wet your hands, move your thumbs and index fingers away, while clasping the remaining three fingers of each hand tightly together and inside put on the upper part of the forehead, where the hair begins (the closed fingers of one hand touch the closed fingers of the other hand), then run these closed fingers along the head to the back of the head, where the hair ends (the thumb and forefinger are not involved; when moving back, run your palms along the sides of the head. After this, wipe the inside of the ears with your index fingers, and rub behind the ears from top to bottom, then rub the back of the other three closed fingers of each hand behind the neck (do not wipe the throat).

In Matthew, Mark and John, a woman screams to spend money. In Lookbas, Jesus is the one who admits that he has accepted the woman. The gist may also be a reference to Jesus' previous miracles - raising the dead. Moments before the anointing of the kisses, Jesus raised a dead boy to life in the city of Naim. In the Gospel of John, Jesus revives Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Marty from Bethany.

The range of events varies between styles. The dialect context in which the narratives are set varies considerably. Jesus was anointed by kayaks at the beginning of his public affairs. At Bethany, Jesus' anointing came to an end shortly before his hiding.

5. Rinse your nose three times, drawing water with your right hand and blowing your nose with your left.

6. Wash your face three times.

7. Wash your hands up to the elbow three times (first the right, then the left)/3/.

8. Rub your scalp with wet hands (at least 1/4 of the hair) /4/.

9. Afterwards, wash your hands and wipe the inside and outside of your ears /5/; rub the neck with the front (back) of your hands/6/.

10. Wash your feet up to your ankles three times, not forgetting to wash between your toes, starting with the little toe of your right foot and ending with the little toe of your left. Wash your right foot first, then your left /7/.

After or during ablution, a person can dry the washed parts of the body using a towel.

At the end it is advisable /8/ to say the following words:

“Ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illya llaahu wahdehu laya shariyya lakh, wa ashhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuuluh.
Allahumma-j'alniy minat-tavvaabiin, vej'alniy minel-mutatohhiriin.
Subhaanakyal-laakhumma va bihamdik, ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illyaik ente, astagfirukya va atuubu ilyayk.
Wa salli, Allahumma ‘alaya sayidina Muhammad wa ‘ala eeli Muhammad.”

أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ الله ُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَريِكَ لَهُ ،
وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُولُهُ.
اَللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي مِنَ التَّوَّابِينَ
وَ اجْعَلْنِي مِنَ المْتُـَطَهِّرِينَ.
سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَ بِحَمْدِكَ أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إلَهَ إلاَّ أَنْتَ
أَسْـتَـغـْفِرُكَ وَ أَتوُبُ إلَيْكَ.
وَ صَلِّ اللَّهُمَّ عَلىَ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَلىَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ .

“I testify that there is no god but the One Lord, Who has no partners (He does not share His power with anyone). And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.
O Allah! Count me among the repentant and extremely pure.
I praise You, O Lord, and thank You. I testify that there is no god but You. I ask You for forgiveness and repent before You.
Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and his family.”

The Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “If one of you performs ablution and says after that: “Ashhadu alaya ilyayahe illya lahahu wahdehu laya sariyya lahy, wa ashhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuuluh. Allahumma-j'alniy minat-tavvaabiin, vej'alniy minel-mutatohhiriin. Subhaanakyal-laahumma wa bihamdik, ashkhadu allaya ilyayahe illyaik ente, astagfirukya wa atuubu ilyayk”, for this the eight gates of Paradise will open, through any of which he can pass [if death befalls him]”/9/.

According to the great Muslim theologian Imam al-Nawawi and other scholars, “it is advisable to pronounce these words after complete ablution (ghusl)” /10/.

Regarding other prayers (du'a) said by some believers during ablution, Imam an-Nawawi noted that “the prayers (du'a) read by some during ablution while washing individual parts of the body are not canonically justified and were not mentioned by theologians early Islamic period"/11/ . In addition, according to the opinion of the theologian Ibn al-Salah/12/, “about the necessity or desirability of this [i.e. e. saying prayers-du‘a while washing individual parts of the body] there is not a single reliable hadith” / 13 / .

As a result, we can conclude that it is desirable and canonically justified to begin the process of ablution with the name of the Creator and complete it with the above prayer.

Water for ablution. Ablution can be done with any clean water: fresh, carbonated, mineralized and even salty sea water. The permissibility of the latter is stated in one of the reliable statements of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him): “Sea water is clean and cleansing for you [that is, it is fully suitable for performing small (wudu') and full (ghusl) ablutions] , and what died in the sea [that is, everything that lives in the sea and died in it/14/] is suitable for consumption”/15/.

In addition, snow can be used for ablution /16/, provided that it melts from body heat and the surface being wiped becomes wet (moist) /17/.

The water that descends from the heavens and flows from the earth, in all forms, is permissible for use in performing ablution (wudu’) and complete ablution (ghusl) /18/.

The Holy Quran says: “We [“We” indicates the greatness of the Creator, but not His plurality] sent down from heaven pure, cleansing water” (see Holy Quran, 25:48).

/1/ Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him and welcome him) emphasized: “Truly, deeds are [evaluated] by intentions” (hadith from ‘Umar; holy kh. al-Bukhari and Muslim). The opinion of theologians is unanimous that in order to receive reward (savab) before the Almighty for performing a correct and good action, the presence of intention is necessary. Intention, from a canonical point of view, is the intention of the heart (soul) to certainly do something. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha' [Dictionary of theological terms]. Beirut: an-Nafais, 1988. P. 490.
/2/ Varnishes, paints, and glue left on the hands prevent water from penetrating the skin and nails, so you should be careful when removing these substances. However, if by nature professional activity a person constantly gets dirty with paints or varnishes, then superficial cleansing is enough for him. He falls under the provision of “umumul-balwa”, he is canonically forgiven (“ma’fuvvun ‘ankh”) for what is difficult to wash off. Naturalness is important, and complications and doubts are from Satan.
A woman's varnished nails are in no way connected with the performance of prayers and do not affect their usefulness. But as for complete ablution (or minor), they will be invalid if performed with painted nails, since water due to the varnish does not pass to the nails, therefore, those parts of the body that should be washed during these ritual hygienic procedures are not washed. washed. There is one nuance regarding complete ablution: if after performing it a woman remembers that she accidentally forgot to remove the nail polish, then she does not need to repeat it again, but will simply rinse her nails after cleaning them.
It is most practical for a woman to use varnish during her period, when she is not praying.
/3/ “The Prophet liked to start from the right in many matters: in using water when washing, when combing one’s hair and when putting on shoes” (hadith from ‘Aisha; holy kh. al-Bukhari and Muslim). See: An-Nawawi Ya. Riyad al-salihin [Gardens of the Good]. Cairo: al-Mysriya al-Lubnaniya, 1993. P. 300, hadith No. 720. It is possible that rituals in which the right side precedes the left reflect the universal human idea that the right side symbolizes good (cf. Russian “truth” , “rightness”, “righteousness”; English “right” - “right”, “correct”, “fair”; German “richtig” - “right” from “recht” - “right”, etc.).
/4/ 1/4 part is the obligatory minimum (fard) among Hanafi theologians. Shafi'i theologians say that even a slight movement of a damp hand through the hair is enough. If you wish, you can wipe the entire scalp, which is sunnah.
/5/ There is no need for a woman to remove earrings from her ears.
/6/ Those scholars who spoke about rubbing the neck classified it as possible (adab). Most theologians believed that rubbing the neck had no canonical justification.
/7/ In case of extreme lack of water or time, you can limit yourself to points No. 1, 6–8, 10 without repeating them three times. To these five points, the scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab add a sixth - the sequence in the fulfillment of the five mentioned.
If a plaster cast or a waterproof bandage is applied to that part of the body that must be washed when performing ablution, then the person wipes it with a damp hand. In this case, it counts as actual washing with water.
/8/ See: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh [Islamic law and its arguments]. In 8 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1990. T. 1. P. 255.
/9/ Hadith from ‘Umar; St. X. Muslim, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah and at-Tirmidhi.
/10/ See, for example: As-San'ani M. Subul as-salam [Paths of the world]. In 4 volumes. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1994. T. 1. P. 80.
/11/ See: As-San’ani M. Subul as-salam. T. 1. P. 80.
/12/ Abu ‘Amru Takyyuddin ‘Uthman ibn Salah (died in 1245 Gregorian, in 643 AH) - Shafi’i faqih, famous muhaddis and commentator (mufassir) of the Holy Quran. He taught in Damascus, where he died. Among his works are “Al-fatawa”, “Al-amali”, “Ma’rifatu anwa’i ‘ilm al-hadith”, “Sharh al-wasyt”.
/13/ See: As-San’ani M. Subul as-salam. T. 1. P. 80; al-Khatib al-Shirbini Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. T. 1. P. 126, 127.
/14/ For more information about what seafood can be eaten, see: Alyautdinov Sh. Answers to your questions about Islam. M., 2003. P. 54, 55 or on the website www. umma. ru.
/15/ This hadith was transmitted by the seven companions of the Prophet. See, for example: Al-Amir ‘Alayud-din al-Farisi. Al-ihsan fi takrib sahih ibn Habban [A noble act in bringing closer (to the readers) the collection of hadiths of Ibn Habban]. In 18 volumes. Beirut: ar-Risala, 1991. T. 4. P. 49, hadith No. 1243, “sahih”, and also P. 51, hadith No. 1244, “hassan”.
/16/ This refers to exceptional situations when a person living in northern latitudes, due to circumstances, cannot use water.
/17/ See, for example: ‘Alyaud-din ibn al-‘Attor. Fatawa al-Imam an-Nawawi [Fatwas of Imam an-Nawawi]. Beirut: al-Bashair al-Islamiyya, 1990. P. 26.
/18/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 volumes. T. 1. P. 265.

Many newly converted Muslims are concerned about the question of how to perform ablution before performing namaz. This is a very important procedure that cannot be omitted, since coming before God in prayer is possible only in a state of ritual purity. Below we will talk about how this ablution is performed.

Types of ablution

In Islam there are two types of ritual ablution: small and full. The small version requires washing only the hands, mouth and nose, while the full version requires washing the entire body. The result of both procedures is purity, called taharat in Arabic.

Complete ablution

This option is called ghusl in Arabic. Below we will tell you how to do a complete ablution, but first we need to talk about in what cases it is necessary. So if we're talking about about a woman, then she is prescribed to do ghusl after the end of the period of menstruation and postpartum bleeding. In addition, sexual intimacy is considered the reason for complete ablution. If we are talking about a man, then for him such a reason is also sexual contact and the fact of ejaculation in general. If a person has just converted to Islam or for some reason has not practiced namaz, then he is also ordered to perform ghusl, since the likelihood that in his previous life he did not have such moments when the rules of Islam required complete ablution is close to zero.

Rules for complete body washing

The rules of Sharia tell us how to properly perform ablution before prayer. According to them, the nose, mouth and whole body should be washed. But, before performing ablution, you need to get rid of everything that can interfere with the penetration of water. This can be wax, paraffin, cosmetics, paint, nail polish, etc. When washing, you need to especially carefully rinse the areas of the body where water is difficult to reach. For example, the ears, navel, areas behind the ears, earring holes. The scalp should also be washed with water along with the hair. Regarding how to perform ablution for women with long braided hair, it is explained that if, when braided, they do not prevent the penetration of water, then they can be left as is. But if water cannot get onto the scalp because of them, then the hair needs to be unbraided. Another recommendation on how to perform ablution for women concerns their female genital organs. Their outer part also needs to be washed, preferably while squatting.

Mouth rinse

As for rinsing the mouth, this procedure must be performed three times. At the same time, if possible, everything that interferes with the penetration of water to the surface should be removed from the teeth and from the oral cavity. When asked how to properly perform ablution if there are fillings, dentures or crowns in the teeth, the rules of the ghusl answer that these things do not need to be touched. There is also no need to remove various devices, such as correction plates and braces, which only a doctor can safely remove. During bathing, you should only get rid of those things that can be easily removed and easily put back in. Regarding how to perform ablution correctly, it must be said that certain sunnatas and adabs are attached to this action, that is, some ritual actions that are generally not obligatory. But if you fulfill them, then the reward from Allah, as Muslims believe, will be increased. But since these are optional things, we will not touch on them in this article.

What is prohibited without complete ablution except prayer?

There are things that are prohibited for Muslims who have not performed ablution. In addition to prayer itself, these include bowing to the ground while reading certain lines of the Koran and bowing to the ground out of gratitude to Allah. In addition, it is prohibited to touch the Koran or its individual parts printed in other books. While still in a state of impurity, it is forbidden to read the Quran, even if you do not touch it. It is allowed to read only individual words, the totality of which is less than one ayah, that is, a verse. This rule, however, has an exception. Thus, suras, which are prayers, are allowed to be read. Without a ritual full ablution, it is forbidden to go to the mosque and walk around the Kaaba during the Hajj.

There is one subtlety - the state without ritual washing is classified into three levels. In one of them it is allowed to fast Ramadan, but in others it is not. But this is a different topic, and we will not touch on this issue.

Lesser ablution

Now let's talk about how to do a small ablution. Firstly, it must be said that this method of washing is called wudu in Arabic. It is also important to note that it does not replace complete ablution - ghusl.

When is voodoo done?

To understand how to properly perform ablution before prayer in accordance with the rules of wudu, you need to learn when there is a need for it. Let's say you did a complete ablution, but then, before salah, you visited the toilet. In this case, you should do a small ablution. This is also necessary if you fall asleep or faint, since a state of unconsciousness leads to a partial loss of ritual purity. A voodoo ceremony is also required when a person starts bleeding, mucus or pus. The situation is similar when there is an attack of nausea and the person vomits. Severe bleeding in the mouth (if there is more blood than saliva) is also considered a reason to undergo minor ablution. Well, this list concludes with the situation of alcohol intoxication or other clouding of mind.

When should you not do wudu?

There are things for which it is not entirely clear whether ablution should be done after them or not. And probably the most common issue among them is expectoration. The rules of ritual purity in Islam state that coughing up mucus does not lead to the need to perform ablution. The same applies to cases when small parts of flesh are separated from the body - hair, pieces of skin, etc. But only if it did not cause bleeding. Touching the genitals (it doesn’t matter whether it’s your own or someone else’s) does not require repeated washing. Touching a person of the opposite sex, if he is not a Mahram, is also not considered a reason to repeat wudhu.

Voodoo procedure

Now we will tell you directly about how to perform ablution before prayer according to the rite of wudu. In accordance with Shariah norms, it includes four obligatory points - washing the face, hands, feet and nose.

To wash your face, you need to understand what is considered a face in Islam, that is, where its boundaries lie. So, if in width, then the border of the face will run from one earlobe to the other. And in length - from the tip of the chin to the point from which hair growth begins. Sharia norms also teach how to wash hands: hands must be washed up to the elbows, including the latter. Similarly, the feet are washed up to the ankles. Regarding how to perform ablution before prayer, if there is something on the surface of the skin that can prevent the penetration of water, the rules clearly say that such things must be removed. If the water does not reach the entire area of ​​the designated parts of the body, then ablution cannot be considered valid. Therefore, you need to remove all paints, decorations, etc. However, henna designs do not interfere with ablution, since it does not interfere with the penetration of water. After all parts of the body are washed, it is necessary to wash the head. How to perform a small rite of washing the head is again suggested by the rules. In fact, simply wiping a quarter of the area of ​​the head with a damp hand would be considered ablution. But you need to be careful, since wiping hair not on the head, but on the forehead, back of the head, or wiping hair twisted on the head will not be considered valid.

It should also be noted that without a small ablution (unless, of course, you have just completed a full one), some ritual actions are prohibited. Their list is identical to those that are prohibited in the absence of a performed ghusl. There are also adabs and sunnat for small ablution, which we do not consider in this article. Another important point- when performing wudu, you do not need to remove contact lenses from your eyes, since this is not required by Sharia law.

Wudu, or ablution, is a traditional ritual and practice by which Muslims maintain high levels of physical and spiritual hygiene. Traditionally, ablution is considered to be a cleansing of the mind and body by Muslims before performing the obligatory prayer - namaz.

We wrote earlier about how to do namaz.

The details of the main steps may vary among different Islamic schools. The Koran says the following:

“O you who believe! When you get up for prayer, wash your faces and hands up to the elbows, wipe your head and feet up to the ankles.” (Quran. Sura 5, Al-Maida (Meal) 5:6)

How to do ablution. Sequence of stages

Niyat (intention)

Intention is a concept in Islam of performing any action for the sake of Allah. To perform wudhu properly, a Muslim must concentrate, calm his thoughts and distract himself from external stimuli.

Niyat does not necessarily involve saying any phrases, but focusing on the word “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah) is good way achieve the required level of concentration. You can say it silently or out loud, depending on how comfortable you feel.

Washing the hands

With our left hand we wash our right hand three times. After this, we wash our left hand with our right hand three times. Make sure the water reaches all areas, including between the fingers and all the way up to the wrist.

Washing the mouth

We take water with our right hand and rinse the inside of our mouth three times. You need to rinse your mouth well and spit out the water.

Washing the nose

You need to inhale the water, collecting it with your right hand and exhale, holding one nostril with your left hand, if this is more convenient.

Washing the face

We wash ourselves, covering the areas from the right ear to the left and from the roots of the hair to the chin with water.

Washing the forearms

We wash the area of ​​the hand from the wrist to the elbow. Right hand washes with the left hand three times, and vice versa

Washing the head

With wet hands, rub the hair from the forehead to the back of the head once.

Ear washing

With the same water we wipe the area inside the ears and behind the ears (index fingers and thumbs).

Washing the feet

We wash each foot up to the ankles, making sure that the water passes between the toes. Washing the feet begins with the right foot three times and ends with washing the left foot three times.

After this, it is not necessary, but it is advisable to say a dua (supplication) to yourself.

“Ash-hadu alla illaha illaahu
ua ashkhadu anna mukhammadan abduhu wa rassulyukh
Allahuma ja'alni minat-tawabina
wa ja'alni minal-matatahirrin"

Which translated means: “I testify that there is no god but Allah and I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. God, make me repentant and make me purifying.”

Important! Ablution must be repeated if it is broken.

Actions that violate wudu

  • fainting,
  • fulfillment of natural needs,
  • flatulence (emission of gases),
  • loud laughter,
  • unclean discharge (pus, blood, etc.)
  • vomit,
  • intoxication.
  • Clear your thoughts before performing ablution (wudhu) so that you can concentrate on worshiping the Almighty.
  • It is better to relieve yourself before ablution. This reduces the likelihood that the need will suddenly arise after performing ablution.
  • Clean water is required to perform ablution. If finding water is a problem, dry ablution (tayammum) with clean dust, earth or sand is allowed.
  • The stages of ablution must be performed in the specified order without long pauses between them.
  • A beneficial practice is brushing your teeth, a practice that the Prophet Muhammad performed.
  • If the hand is in a cast, it is allowed to wash the hand on top of the cast.

Many people today think that the traditions of another people are too difficult and meaningless. But it’s not for nothing that they say that judging another is a thankless task. For Muslims, daily prayer is not hard labor, but an obligatory item. Moreover, in addition to direct prayer, one has to undergo preparation for it, which is individual for men and women.

It is more difficult for the fair sex, because a lady is not always pure before Allah. How is prayer performed for women?

What it is?

This is a special prayer in Islam, which is a strictly regulated action, since the number and time of prayers are determined, as well as the direction in which one must turn to the Almighty. Namaz for women must be preceded by ablution. That is, you need to wash your face, ears, neck, arms and legs. Many religious authorities believe that ablution is not considered complete if the lady still has nail polish on her nails. It needs to be erased. If there is no water, then it is permissible to perform ablution with sand, which is suitable for desert conditions. There is no such practice in Russia. After ablution, one should put on clothes in accordance with Islamic requirements. It should be a closed suit that does not hug the body and is not considered seductive.

Same place, same hour

Namaz for women can be performed at home, but men more often go to the mosque. If a family lives in a city without a church, then they can pray at home, although the husband and wife usually pray separately. A woman can also visit a mosque, where there is a special room for religious ceremonies. Regardless of the gender of the believer, prayer is performed five times a day. Namaz for women differs in the process itself.

You cannot raise your hands up, unlike a man. Last words"Allah Akbar!" the woman speaks with her elbows pressed to her body. And in general, she should be restrained in her movements. During the process, your arms need to be folded on your chest, and not on your stomach, as men do. There is a peculiarity when performing a bow to the ground, called “sajdah”. A woman completes the correct prayer by bringing her body as close to the ground as possible and sitting on her knees. By the way, in the text itself there are no differences from the male version, so only the movements are specific.

Allah and his slaves

The Almighty could not place on his slaves a greater burden than they could bear, so Islam is considered a religion of relief. Some types of worship for girls are limited during the menstrual cycle. For example, ablution for women before prayer does not give full results. Therefore, it is not necessary to perform prayer, and it does not require replenishment. There is no need to adhere to the fast, but then you will have to make up for it. There is no need to circumambulate the Kaaba during the Hajj, but other rituals are permitted.

They say that Aisha was talking about the journey with the Messenger of Allah, when there was a conversation about the pilgrimage, and at the end of the walk she began to menstruate, which caused profuse tears. Then the Messenger of Allah was curious about the reason for the tears. Having found out, he said that in such a state one can do everything that pilgrims do, except for walking around the Kaaba. During menstruation, a woman should not have sexual intercourse, come to the mosque, touch the Koran and read its surahs.


Each woman keeps her own calendar and therefore knows her cycle schedule. Naturally, its duration is different for everyone, but, according to scientists, it lasts from a day to 15 days. Bleeding beyond this period is considered an anomaly, therefore, if the discharge continues on the 16th day, you need to take a bath and begin performing your duties, since the nature of the bleeding is no longer considered menstrual.

If the discharge lasts less than a day, then it is not considered menstruation, and therefore it is necessary to make up for the missed fast and prayer, but there is no need to perform a complete ablution. If the bleeding is accompanied by pain, then there is no need to leave the prayer. A woman should wash herself, insert a tampon, put on a pad and put on something clean. By the way, ablution for women before prayer in the month of Ramadan excludes a tampon, since this is contrary to the rules of fasting.

Why can you postpone prayer?

Morning prayer for women can be postponed for a number of reasons, the first of which is covering the awrat.

A good reason would be going to the mosque or waiting for collective prayer. If blood comes out before prayer, then this does not interfere with prayer, since it is not the woman’s fault. It happens that a girl forgot to put tampons in or postponed prayer for worldly reasons. In such cases, only farz prayers or sunnat prayers are performed. Chronic bleeding for a woman gives the right to one obligatory prayer after each ablution. It is said that Muaza once asked Aisha about making up for missed fasts and prayers after menstruation. She replied that the Messenger of Allah ordered fasts to be compensated, but did not say anything about prayers. And Said Mansur reported that a woman who has cleared herself of menstruation during afternoon prayer should perform lunch and afternoon prayers. Continuous discharge, which lasted 5 days, must end with complete ablution and restitution of prayers and fasts.

What to do during menstruation?

I wonder how to do namaz for a newbie woman. We need to say Dhikr more often, turn to Allah with requests, surround ourselves with pious sisters and read spiritual literature. It is permissible to read verses with words of supplication when making a request. The Prophet's wife Aisha said that Muhammad spoke of monthly defilement as a blessed purification. If on the first day of desecration a woman repents before the Almighty, she will be included in the list of those freed from hellfire. Those representatives of the fairer sex who do not follow their cycle and skip prayers are called absent-minded and difficulties are predicted for them on the Day of Judgment.

How to perform namaz for women with manicure? Before bathing, you should not cut your nails, since there are words in the hadith that removed nails and hair return on the Day of Judgment in a desecrated state. Another interesting question is about a woman teaching the teachings of the Koran. According to some, she can work during menstruation, but her work is limited, but she can teach the alphabet.


After the completion of menstruation, ritual bathing, or the so-called ghusl, must be performed. It cannot be postponed, and before the procedure one should express the niyat. Now you can begin ablution with words addressed to Allah. First of all, the perineum is washed, then the head and the right side of the body are poured. Then there’s the left side. Now the whole body is washed again. Mostly in women long hair and braids, and if the water does not go inside, then they need to be unbraided and washed. In Sharia, a mark is made in case water does not enter naturally curled hair.

According to etiquette

Before performing namaz, a woman needs to fulfill all her natural needs so as not to offend Allah with them. There is even a kind of etiquette for these processes. So, you need to choose a secluded place, avoid getting your body and clothes dirty, and avoid standing in water. After this, you need to clean both passages with water or paper. A woman should not be in a state of poisoning, sleep or unconscious during ablution. You cannot eat camel meat, touch the genitals, cook food over fire, laugh or touch uncleanliness.

The question of how to perform namaz for a novice woman arises when she reaches adulthood. In addition, the girl must be of sound mind and have the intention to perform namaz. The prayer becomes invalid if a person is an apostate, refuses the obligatory actions of prayer, performs only bows or bows to the ground, distorts sounds, or deliberately eats and drinks.

Before performing namaz, a woman should not look up, put her hands on her belt, or close her eyes. In addition, one cannot express one’s intentions to perform namaz verbally or get ahead of the imam during collective prayer. There are also a number of places where it is not recommended to pray. So, how to perform namaz for women? Avoid praying in a cemetery, in a bathhouse, in a toilet, or in a camel pen. By the way, you cannot pray after childbirth or miscarriage. During such a period, fasting is also prohibited.



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