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What to cook in a slow cooker from stewed pork. How to cook stew in a slow cooker

In order not to spoil your opinion of the stew by buying it in the store, cook it yourself! And if you think that it is very long and tedious, you are mistaken.

Cooking stew is simple and easy, and a multicooker will help you with this - a miracle saucepan that saves the housewife time.

Cooking stew in a slow cooker is a pleasure: the meat will not burn, you won’t need a lot of oil or water, it is actually cooked in its own juice, which makes it much tastier and more aromatic.

Stew in a slow cooker (classic)


  • We take any meat (chicken, pork or lamb).
  • Salt.
  • Bay leaf, spices.

If desired, you can add an onion or carrot, but some believe that watery vegetables can simply ruin the taste of the dish.

Cooking stew in a slow cooker:

The process is quite simple, wash the meat and let the water drain a little. Then we cut it into portions; if there are bones or cartilage, we cut it off; they are not suitable for stewing. We put the ingredients in the multicooker and select the “stew” program - it gives the right temperature for preparing a delicious stew. Cooking time 6 hours.

There is no need to monitor the meat at this time; the released juice will allow the meat to cook without any oil. After 5 hours of cooking, add spices and laurel and continue cooking.

If you decide to make stew for the winter, sterilize the jars and lids and lay out the finished dish, pour in the remaining liquid from the multicooker, screw it on and let it cool. Afterwards we put it in the basement or pantry, or even in the refrigerator, if space allows.

Another option is storing in the freezer. Place the finished meat in dry and clean plastic containers, or in bags. Let it cool and only after that put the stew in the freezer.

Stewed chicken in a slow cooker

Stew made from chicken meat in a slow cooker has an amazing taste and does not require many ingredients.

To prepare chicken stew, you need:

  • Chicken weighing 3 kg. It is best to use domestic chicken.
  • Bay leaf - a few pieces and peppercorns.
  • Salt and other spices to taste.

How to properly cook chicken stew in a slow cooker:

Particular attention should be paid to the carcass itself. The chicken should be washed, dried with a paper towel and the remaining fluff and feathers scorched (if necessary). Remove the peel; it is not used in cooking. Large bones need to be separated from the meat, and it should be cut into medium-sized pieces.

Set the multicooker to Stewing mode, place all the meat in the bowl, cover with a lid and set the cooking time to 4 hours. If non-domestic chicken was used for the recipe, then you need to add half a glass of water to the meat. After three hours, you need to add all the seasonings; salt should be calculated per 1 kg of meat - one and a half teaspoons.

After cooking is completed, the stew must be distributed into sterilized jars, rolled up and left to cool under a warm, thick cloth. A three-kilogram chicken yields 2 liters of stew.

Using stewed meat in a slow cooker, you can quickly create many delicious dishes that will delight you and your family.

Potatoes with stewed meat in a slow cooker

The slow cooker produces very tasty and healthy dishes. In addition, each housewife’s time is significantly saved. Delicious potatoes with stew in a slow cooker are very easy to prepare.

Products needed:

  • Medium size potatoes - 8-10 pcs.
  • A can of stew.
  • Large carrots - one, small ones need 2 pieces.
  • Salts and other seasonings - to taste.
  • One large onion.
  • Bay leaf

Cooking process:

First you need to peel all the vegetables and add cold water. The onion is cut as finely as possible, the carrots are coarsely grated, and the potatoes are cut into about 8 pieces.

Remove the stew from the jar into a clean plate, remove excess fat and mash with a fork.

The multicooker is set to Fry mode, and the onions and carrots are fried in a small amount of oil. When the vegetables acquire a golden hue, add potatoes, stew and spices to the multicooker bowl.

You should add very little salt, because the meat is already salted. The contents of the bowl must be mixed well, turn on the Porridge mode and in 35 minutes the dish will be ready!

When serving, the dish can be decorated with herbs.

Pasta with stew in a slow cooker

If you need to prepare lunch in a short time, then pasta with stew in the Redmond slow cooker is the ideal option.

Required components:

  • Stew - one can, standard 300-400 g.
  • Half a pack of pasta or spaghetti (estimate 250-400 g). * Based on the ratio of stewed meat and spaghetti, be guided by your taste: some people like a lot of pasta, others like rare pasta floating in the meat))
  • Two small onions
  • Purified water
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.

Cooking method:

After adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to the multicooker and setting the Baking mode, you need to fry the chopped onion well, stirring it occasionally. After this, you need to add the stew and stir. When heated, the stew will split into pieces.

After this, the pack of pasta should be poured into a bowl, stirred and filled with water so that it barely covers the dish. The multicooker lid should be closed and the Pilaf program (or similar program) should be set for 30 minutes.

You can serve it to the table!

Buying canned meat in a modern store is like walking blindfolded through a minefield. No matter how loud the brand is on the can, instead of meat you can find inside only a mixture of fat and incomprehensible films. But if you make the stew yourself in a slow cooker, the result is so delicious you won’t be able to put it down. Add it to any side dish and you will quickly get a tasty and satisfying dish. Cooking homemade stew in a slow cooker is quite simple, but it turns out 100 times better than store-bought. To prepare homemade stew, you can use any meat: beef, pork, lamb, chicken. You can combine several types of meat, for example, pork and chicken stew turns out very tasty. But today I will make beef stew. It is better to take fattier beef.


  • Beef – 1.2-1.5 kg
  • Salt – 1 tsp.
  • Bay leaf – 4-5 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper – 0.5 tsp.
  • Dry rosemary – 0.5 tsp.

Method for preparing stew in a slow cooker

Wash the meat thoroughly and cut it into small pieces (about 2 by 2 cm).

I place the pieces of meat in the multicooker bowl.

I don't add water! The meat will release a lot of juice. I turn on the multicooker in the Stewing mode, cooking time is 7 hours. In general, cooking time directly depends on the quality of the meat. This time I found the beef quite tough, so I stewed it for 7 hours. Usually 6 hours is enough. You need to try and adjust the time in the end.

You can leave the beef alone for 3-4 hours. I don’t recommend opening the lid often and looking at it, as the liquid will begin to evaporate. You can check the condition after 3 hours. If suddenly you notice that all the juice has evaporated, then add water, otherwise it will burn. This can sometimes happen with beef because it is a leaner meat. Sometimes a little juice comes out. This doesn't happen with pork.

1-2 hours before it’s ready, add all the spices to the multicooker bowl, mix and leave to cook further. At the end, I always check the taste of the stew for salt, and if necessary, add more salt.

The finished homemade stew will be nicely brown in color.

Place the finished stew into glass jars, compact it and pour the separated fat on top.

Next comes the moment of storing homemade stew. If you plan to store stewed meat for a long time, then unrolled jars of stewed meat should be placed on a baking sheet and sterilized for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Then seal the jars with sterile lids. You need to make sure that there is no empty space at the top of the jars; fill them with fat to the very top. Cool, put in the refrigerator or cellar. In this form, the stew can be stored from six months to a year.

Well, if you made the stew for a short period of time, then it can be stored in a glass jar with a plastic lid in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

The meat boils down a lot, keep this in mind during the cooking process. From 1.2 kg of meat I got a 0.5-liter can of stew.

This is such a wonderful homemade stew that I made. Bon appetit!

The stew is prepared in a Redmond slow cooker.

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There are 6 comments in total:

    Hello! The stew takes a relatively long time to prepare. How to control it so that it doesn’t burn. Is it possible to open the multicooker after two hours? Please tell me!

    • You can open it if you just have a slow cooker and not a pressure cooker. In the “Extinguishing” mode, I have never had anything burn without any control on my part. But I think if you watch the stew for the first time, nothing bad will happen :)

    If you try real stew, you will fall in love with this dish once and for all. Unfortunately, almost the entire range of stews offered in stores does not even half match the tenderness and magical taste that real canned stews can boast of. Fortunately, you can easily prepare it yourself, especially if you have a multicooker on your household. Stewed pork in a slow cooker always turns out so tender that it literally melts in your mouth, and in this article we will tell you how to cook it.

    Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest recipe, which underlies all other methods of preparing pork stew in a slow cooker. You can change the taste of the dish at your discretion by adding certain ingredients, but even if you prepare such an “ordinary” homemade pork stew in a slow cooker, you can win the hearts of even the most fastidious gourmets.

    To prepare you will need:

    • boneless pork – 2 kg;
    • black pepper (peas) – 10-14 pcs;
    • salt - to taste;
    • bay leaf – 2 pcs.

    During the stewing process, the meat loses a lot in volume, so from 2 kg of raw pork you will get a little less than 1 kg of stew.

    Making pork stew in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears:

    1. Rinse the meat in cold water and dry with paper towels.
    2. Cut the pork into medium sized cubes. It is important that they are approximately the same, otherwise the smaller ones will cook faster than the larger ones, and the consistency of the stew will not be as tender.
    3. Remove veins and membranes from the meat.
    4. Transfer the pork to the slow cooker pan. Sunflower oil or fat should not be added, since pork is already fatty and will release a sufficient amount of moisture during heat treatment, so you can also refuse to add water.
    5. Set the “Extinguishing” program and set the timer to 5 hours.
    6. After the beep, sprinkle the meat with salt, add black pepper and bay leaf. Mix the ingredients thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed, lower the lid and leave the pork stew in the multicooker on “Warm” so that it does not cool down.
    7. At this time, prepare sterile jars if you are going to store the stew for longer than 2-3 months. But usually such a delicious dish can only be stretched out for a week or two, and if this is your case, then it is not necessary to sterilize the jars - you can simply wash them thoroughly and dry them.
    8. Divide the stewed pork in the slow cooker into the jars, pour the aromatic broth evenly, without adding 2-3 cm to the neck of the jar. Without waiting for the jars to cool, close them with iron lids (also sterilized) and place them in a warm place until they cool completely.

    Helpful tip: After stewing for such a long time, all parts of the multicooker will smell like pork. The aroma, of course, is pleasant, but it will overwhelm the smell of other dishes that you will prepare in the future. To neutralize it, pour a liter of cold water into the multicooker pan and put half a lemon in it. Place on “Cook” for 15 minutes. After this procedure, the multicooker will completely get rid of any odors.

    Fragrant pork stew in a slow cooker

    If you are lucky enough to find inexpensive, high-quality pork, or relatives from the village passed on a generous package after the slaughter of a pig, be sure to prepare the stew according to this recipe. By the way, it is suitable not only for pork, but also for any other meat and even chicken. You can also combine different types of meat, for example, pork and beef or chicken and turkey - it will also turn out very tasty.

    To prepare a delicious, fragrant pork stew in a slow cooker you will need:

    • pork – 2 kg;
    • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • marjoram – 1/3 tsp;
    • bay leaf - 4 pcs;
    • mixture of peppercorns – 1 tsp.
    1. Wash the pork thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels.
    2. Cut the meat into small cubes of equal sizes and place them in a multicooker pan.
    3. Add salt, spices and herbs, mix well.
    4. Set the “Extinguishing” program, set the timer to 6 hours, lower the lid and go about your business. What makes this dish convenient is that practically nothing is required from you, and you can leave the meat to stew overnight, and in the morning you will have a ready-made, aromatic dish.
    5. Sterilize glass jars and lids.
    6. After the beep, change the program to “Steam” and bring the stewed pork in the slow cooker to a boil.
    7. Turn off the multicooker and place the meat in jars.
    8. Pour in the remaining broth and roll up the lids.

    You can store this stewed pork in a slow cooker in the refrigerator or in the cellar. After cooling, it will harden and the juice will turn into an elastic jelly. Even one tablespoon of this jelly from concentrated meat juice is enough to give any meat broth a wonderful spicy aroma and richness.

    Stewed pork in a slow cooker with rosemary

    Many people love stewed meat, but they don’t risk buying it in stores, since this idea is akin to walking through a minefield blindfolded. Neither famous brands, nor the high cost, nor the advice of friends can guarantee that you will get high-quality stew made from real meat, and not offal and fat. Therefore, we suggest not creating problems for yourself, but preparing pork stew in a slow cooker yourself, especially since it is not at all difficult!

    To prepare a half-liter jar of stew, you will need the following products:

    • boneless pork – 1.5 kg;
    • rosemary – 0.5 tsp;
    • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
    • salt - to taste.

    If you want to get more stew, increase the amount of raw meat and seasonings accordingly, taking into account that 1 kg of pork is reduced by half.

    1. Rinse the meat in cold water, dry and cut into equal small cubes.
    2. Place the meat in the slow cooker and set it to “Stew” for 7 hours. There is no need to add water, since the pork itself is fatty and juicy. If you add water, the broth will not turn into jelly when it cools and will not be as concentrated and flavorful. By the way, the stewing time depends on the quality of the meat. If you get tough pork, simmer it for 7 hours, and if you are lucky enough to buy tender meat, 5-6 hours will be enough.
    3. Lower the lid of the multicooker and leave the meat to simmer for 3-4 hours. Do not open the lid too often so as not to release evaporated moisture (future fatty broth). If after the specified time all the broth has evaporated, add a small amount of hot water, otherwise the dish may burn. But most often this happens with beef, since, unlike pork, it has very little fat.
    4. An hour before it’s ready, add all the spices and herbs to the multicooker pan, stir, lower the lid and cook until signal.
    5. Before transferring the slow cooker pork stew into a jar, check it for salt and add salt if necessary.

    Properly prepared homemade stew should have a pleasant brownish tint. Place it in a jar, compact it well and fill it with rich broth.

    Stewed pork with onions in a slow cooker

    If you have been “lucky enough” to purchase low-quality stew at least once in a store, you know that in a side dish or soup it spreads unsightly with a greasy stain and, to put it mildly, does not contribute to improving the taste of the dish. Everything that reminds you of stew in such a dinner is limited to the aroma, but the greasy film and incomprehensible meat suggest unpleasant thoughts. This will never happen with homemade pork stew in a slow cooker, so it’s better not to play gastronomic “Russian roulette”, but to immediately buy high-quality meat and stew it yourself.

    What you need to cook pork stew in a slow cooker:

    • pork – 1.5 kg;
    • onions – 2 pcs;
    • bay leaf – 4 pcs;
    • allspice – 6 pcs;
    • ground black pepper - to taste;
    • salt - to taste;
    • water – 0.5 l.

    Please note that this recipe uses water. It allows you to get a larger amount of aromatic broth, albeit not as concentrated as in previous cases.

    How to cook pork stew in a slow cooker:

    1. Wash and dry the meat, cut it into small cubes with a side of about 3 cm.
    2. Transfer the pork to the slow cooker pan.
    3. Peel and coarsely chop the onion and add to the meat.
    4. Season the pork and onions with spices, add spices and stir.
    5. Add the required amount of water to the pan and set the “Stew” mode for 5 hours.

    After the signal, stewed pork in a slow cooker can be served with a side dish on the table or transferred to a jar, poured with hot broth and rolled up with a lid. If you do not plan to store it in reserve for a long time, close the jar with a plastic lid and use it within a week.

    Stewed pork head in a slow cooker

    Stewed pork in a slow cooker can be made not only from boneless meat, but also from a pork head. This recipe is for those who like to eat both meat and cartilage. The preparation is very simple, and the result will exceed all expectations. In addition, the cost of such stew will be much lower than pure meat, so you will also save.

    Prepare the following products:

    • pork head – 5 kg;
    • salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
    • allspice – 12 pcs;
    • bay leaf – 4 pcs;
    • ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
    • water;
    • garlic – 4 cloves;
    • onions – 2 pcs.

    The recipe is suitable for large multicookers with a spacious bowl of at least 5 liters. To make pork stew in a slow cooker as tasty and tender as possible, use only fresh meat, but never defrosted.

    Step-by-step preparation of stewed pork in a slow cooker:

    1. Wash the pork head, peel and cut into several pieces, soak in warm water for 40 minutes.
    2. Remove the skin, separate the ears and chop everything small enough to fit all the parts in the slow cooker. If it doesn’t fit, you can extend the cooking by 2 times. Don't leave your eyes! They must be removed, otherwise the dish may taste bitter.
    3. Pour enough water into the bowl to cover the meat.
    4. Set the “Cooking” mode, bring the water to a boil, leave to boil for 10 minutes, then drain the entire contents of the pan into a clean sink.
    5. Rinse all the pieces thoroughly in running water, put them back into the pan and fill with fresh water.
    6. Remove the skins from the onion, leaving the top and bottom ends of the onion uncut - this will prevent it from falling apart during cooking. Place the onions in a saucepan and set to “Stew” for 4 hours.
    7. 1 hour before the end of the program, remove the onions, salt the contents of the multicooker, season with pepper and add a bay leaf.
    8. After the signal, remove the pork and place on a plate to cool.
    9. Strain the broth and let it cool slightly.
    10. When the pork is no longer so hot, pick it apart, separating the meat and cartilage from the bones and sinews. Set aside the bay leaf, then chop all the edible pieces with your hands.
    11. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater.
    12. Stir the stew with garlic, season with ground black pepper and add salt if necessary.
    13. Divide the stew into sterilized jars, filling them not completely (leave about 3 cm to the neck). Compact the meat and fill it with broth, not reaching 1 cm from the top.
    14. Wash the multicooker pan, place a clean towel on the bottom and place the jars on it. Pour water into the pan so that it does not reach 1.5-2 cm from the neck of the jars, set the “Steam” mode and boil for 30 minutes.
    15. Remove the jars and seal them with iron lids. By the way, the lids can be sterilized along with the jars.

    This stew will be stored for quite a long time, if, of course, you have enough patience not to eat it all at once. The dish will perfectly complement any side dish; it will make aromatic gravies and hearty soups.

    Pork stew in a slow cooker is good not only for its ease of preparation, but also because as a result, a large amount of fat is released from the meat, and the more fat, the longer the product can be stored. It can be used instead of sunflower oil for frying foods.

    Helpful tip: To prevent metal lids from rusting on the back side, before rolling, grease them with fat from the stew.

    Stewed pork in a slow cooker: video

    There are often times when you don’t feel like cooking at all or simply don’t have enough time for tasty and satisfying food. What do housewives do in this case? They take out their supplies or turn their attention to a multicooker, with which you can quickly and easily prepare a dish or preparation for the winter, for example, stew.

    Stew will always help out if you don’t have time for a meat dish; it will allow you to easily prepare a delicious soup or aromatic pasta. Here's how to cook stew in a Redmond slow cooker.


    • 2 kg of any meat (lamb, pork, duck or chicken, rabbit or turkey can be used);
    • salt and pepper;
    • peppercorns, bay leaf.

    Cooking stew in a Redmond slow cooker

    As a rule, apart from the listed spices, nothing is added to the stew so as not to spoil the aroma and taste of the meat with other ingredients, but if the preparation is not made for the winter, but in order to treat yourself here and now, for variety you can experiment with herbs and greens, add The latter is better at the end of cooking.

    Let's assume that the stew will be made from beef. The meat must be washed, cleared of films and cut from the bone, if any. The pieces need to be slightly wiped with a towel or allowed to dry.

    Actually, this is the entire preparation process, there is no need to wash or cut the spices, they are added only at the end of cooking, so we place the meat in the multicooker bowl, select the “stew” program and set the time to 5 hours. No water or oil is required, but if you are too worried that the product will burn, add about a glass of hot water, no more. As for oil, it will make the dish more fatty and nothing more, so neither it nor any other vegetable or animal fat should be added.

    As soon as the signal for cooking the stew sounds, add spices, salt and pepper, bay leaves, maybe garlic, onions and carrots (but this is if the dish is eaten here and now), mix and let it sit for 10 minutes on the “warm” program. That's it, the stew in the Redmond slow cooker is ready.

    At the same time, we sterilize the jars and lids, lay out the stew with juice and roll up the container. If the dish is served, then the meat is infused, then placed on the dish and immediately served to the table.

    Why do all people, without exception, love stew? Because with its help, family and guests will be fed deliciously and satisfyingly. Using stewed meat and whatever else is lying around in the refrigerator, resourceful housewives prepare a truly royal dinner. But to make the stew really tasty and healthy, you need to cook it at home. Stew in a slow cooker is the key to a perfectly prepared dish for future use. And it doesn’t matter what kind of meat will be used: pork, chicken, rabbit, turkey or beef - the multicooker will make anything tasty.

    How to cook stew in a slow cooker

    A multicooker will prepare the most tender homemade stew, and if the device is also a pressure cooker, then the process will be quick. Choose any meat to suit your taste: beef, pork with sinews or cartilage, add lamb, a couple of chicken thighs with skin and you’ll get a stew that will lick your fingers! If you want an aristocratic option, no problem. Buy pork tenderloin and beef pulp, but in this case it is better to choose fatty pieces: the jelly in the stew is achieved after the fat has boiled away. Pay special attention to the quality of the cut. It should not be frozen, but only fresh.

    For our dish, we will take 500 g of sinewy beef, 300 g of lamb and 700 g of a fatty piece of pork. Cut everything into medium pieces, pepper, add salt to taste, and add a couple of bay leaves. Mix thoroughly and let sit for about 40 minutes. There is no need to add water, because during the marinade the tenderloin will release juice, which will be enough for the dish. After 40 minutes on the multicooker, turn on the stewing mode for 2 hours and load everything into it. After the sound signal, we leave the pressure on three, continuing to “simmer” our stew for another hour and a half, then put the finished product into jars.

    Stewed chicken

    Chicken stew in a slow cooker is even easier to prepare. The chicken using this miracle technique comes out tender and juicy. For this recipe, take 4.5 kg of gutted, unfrozen chicken and cut it into pieces. First, we cut the carcass in half lengthwise, and then cut off the ham from each part, dividing it into thigh and drumstick. Using a sharp cutting knife, we cut off the neck for the broth, and carefully wash each piece under running water to remove dirt and dried blood. Then remove the skin from all pieces, wiping dry with a paper towel.

    We cut the flesh from the bones, but do not throw away the bones, they will also be needed for the broth. The multicooker container has the required volume for such an amount of meat, so we lay out all the processed pieces, adding a small amount of water (100 ml). The chicken will release the rest of the liquid during cooking. The multicooker is set to stewing mode for 4 hours, but before the end of the program, add black peppercorns, bay leaves, salt to taste, mix and leave to cook until the end. After the end of the regime, sterilize the jars, place the finished chicken and close the lid tightly.

    Homemade elk stew

    Not many people have had the opportunity to try elk meat, but anyone who has tried elk stew will definitely confirm that this dish is excellent. Be sure to try elk meat, because elk meat is easy to prepare for future use at home, even if you do not have outstanding culinary skills. If you follow the cooking technology correctly, the multicooker will cook everything on its own. Moose meat tastes like beef, so it goes well with pasta, potatoes, pearl barley, and buckwheat.

    You only need to prepare for stewing pieces of boneless meat, peeled from films, finely chopped, as for beef stroganoff. For one kilogram of elk fillet, you should buy 60 g of fatty lard without a slot, add 6 pcs. bay leaves and about 90 g of salt. For piquancy, add a mixture of hot peppers (10 g). Next, we cut the elk meat into thin pieces and beat it, because it is a bit dry and rough. If the animal was more than 3 years old, then the meat should be soaked in white wine for about 8 hours.

    Then the elk meat is laid out in the multicooker container, a little vegetable oil is added, then in the frying mode we fry it for several minutes until it is slightly crusted, and then we switch to the stewing mode, setting the multicooker for an hour and a half. After the end of the set program, the device should automatically switch to the keep warm mode, so we leave the multicooker running for a few more hours, after which chopped onions, grated carrots and other vegetables are added to taste. Salt and pepper the elk meat and add any herbs to taste.

    Beef stew

    Beef stew is the easiest way to prepare in a slow cooker. To do this, you should stock up on 2 kg of beef, then rinse the meat, dry it with a kitchen towel, cut it, and put it in the multicooker bowl. Beef is not fatty, so it is better to add lard, approximately 100 g per kilogram of beef. Set the multicooker to simmer for 4 hours and leave the dish to cook.

    When there is one hour left before the end of time, season the meat with spices, salt, add bay leaves and herbs, if desired. After cooking is finished, the stewed beef with the resulting fat is put into jars and placed in a warm place for a day, and then stored in the cold. Stew prepared this way will be stored in the refrigerator without freezing for more than six months.

    Stewed pork

    It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to refuse stewed pork in a slow cooker. This is an exquisite delicacy and a great help to the housewife when there is no time to cook. Pork stew prepared at home is much healthier than any store-bought canned meat, where the ingredients are unknown. Sometimes it is simply impossible to do without stewed meat, stored for future use, especially if you need to urgently feed several people and a can of stew quickly turns into a whole pan of naval pasta or delicious homemade borscht.

    So, the recipe for classic pork stew:

    1. We take about three kilograms of meat, rinse it under running water, remove films, but do not over-soak it. If you want to use a pork head, you must first soak it for 6 to 8 hours. Before cooking, it is better to dry the meat with a towel, because the less water that gets into the multicooker, the tastier the finished stewed pork will be.
    2. After all the preparatory procedures, cut the pork into small pieces, no larger than a chicken egg, observing the proportions of fat content. If the meat mixture is fatty, it will taste like lard, and when there is not enough fat, the stew will not be very tasty.
    3. Lay out the pieces, add spices, bay leaves and turn on the slow cooker for 4-6 hours (time depends on the density of the pork). Once cooked, the stew is best stored in airtight containers in the cold. Hermetically sealed pork stew must be prepared using autoclaving to ensure food safety. The photo shows the use of autoclaving:

    The meat is boiled down and separated into individual fibers. Three kilograms of pork will presumably fill a 3-liter jar of stew. The slow cooker makes the stew juicy and tasty, especially since the housewife is always sure that she is feeding her family and guests with natural, high-quality products. Stewed pork can be stored in an unsealed container for up to two months in the freezer.

    Stewed rabbit

    We want to prepare stew in a slow cooker for future use, but in order for the meat to be stored for a long time, we need lard. For fatty pork, no additional fat is required, but for a diet rabbit you need to buy lard, because rabbit meat is light meat. In order to try tender rabbit stew cooked in a slow cooker, we will need:

    • Wash the rabbit carcass, cut off the meat pulp.
    • Towel-dried rabbit meat is cut into small pieces of about 2 cm and salted. Set the multicooker to frying mode, place and fry the meat for several minutes until it is golden brown.
    • There is no need to pre-cook the lard. The multicooker bowl is filled with chopped pieces of fresh lard (100 g per kilogram of rabbit meat), several black peppercorns are laid out on top and the stewing program is set for 4 hours. After the end of the program, leave the dish in the multicooker heating mode for a few more hours so that the meat is completely cooked.
    • Place the stew in pre-sterilized jars, cover with regular plastic lids and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

    Video recipe: stew in a pressure cooker for the winter

    The multicooker will prepare us a delicious beef stew, and you can see how this is done in the video:



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Why do you dream about a goat - why do you dream about a white goat dream book

According to the dream book, the deceased daughter dreams (if she is alive) of a new stage in the relationship with her. Be prepared for any...

Almost all interpretations of dreams about a goat are associated with the characteristic features of this animal.  She is known to be stubborn, changeable, eccentric.... feed-image