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What to eat for lunch with proper nutrition. Proper nutrition - lunch

Let's start with calories. If you are trying to lose weight, the calorie content of your lunch dish should not exceed 400-450 kcal. If you just want to stay in good shape and at the same time play sports, then 500.

A common mistake of all people starting to lose weight is to sharply reduce the amount carbohydrates. This won't lead to anything good. Slow carbohydrates are necessary for the body - they supply us with energy and make the brain work. So try to include 50-65 grams of carbohydrates in your lunch. But it’s better to completely remove fast carbohydrates (buns, chocolates, chips) - they have no benefit.

Belk at I’m luckier - they don’t try to give it up so harshly and abruptly every time they try to lose weight. The ideal amount for lunch is 20-30 grams. Protein perfectly fills you up and thereby reduces the feeling of hunger - you will definitely last until the evening without looking at sweets.

Anyone who wants to get in shape mistakenly avoids fat Switch from unhealthy fats to healthy ones, and then you will see the difference - the condition of your hair and skin will improve. The amount of fat for lunch should be 13-18 grams. Let us remind you: “good” fats are nuts, seeds, various oils, and avocados. Full list

We will not get tired of talking about the benefits fiber- it is such a valuable and important substance for the body. We tell you more about its properties here. It is recommended to eat 25 grams per day, and about 8-10 for lunch. Fiber can be “taken” from whole-grain bread (not multi-grain - we explain what the difference is) and vegetables (it’s better not to eat fruits at lunch).

Even a healthy and wholesome lunch should contain Sahara, but not more than four grams. If you like foods that contain natural sugar - grapes, dried cranberries, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, maple syrup, honey - you can consume 20. But be aware of hidden sugars in prepared foods, such as a store-bought sandwich. Therefore, always carefully read the ingredients on the labels.

Let's move on to an equally important question - when is the best time to have lunch? Ideally, 2-3 hours after the second breakfast. For example, you had breakfast at seven in the morning, the second breakfast was at 10 o’clock, which means you can have lunch at 12. If you forget to have lunch (which is very bad), set an alarm or leave a reminder in a visible place.

Here's an example of an ideal lunch - spinach and feta roll + 10-14 almonds + peach. This meal includes 452 kcal, 19.5 g fat, 54.1 g carbohydrates, 12.2 g fiber, 20.4 g sugars, 20.5 g protein.

Nowadays, many people are so preoccupied with their activities during the day that very often they do not attach much importance to the daily meal, and as a result they either overeat or undereat, or even what they eat can hardly be called food. But every person who cares about their health should at least have an idea of ​​what a full meal should be. Today we will talk about the main meal of the day - proper lunch.

What should be useful and? What foods should you eat at this meal in order to be energetic, alert and productive throughout the second half of the day? Unlike breakfast and dinner, lunch is important for any person with any daily routine.

What should a proper lunch be like?

1. It’s better to have lunch every day at the same time. In this way, the body will adjust correctly to food intake and will be ready for it by producing gastric juice.

2. In order not to feel a brutal feeling of hunger at lunch, you need be sure to have breakfast, and with the right, complete and energy-rich products. Read about breakfast.

3. Lunch is best 4 hours after breakfast, but this is provided that the breakfast was also correct.

4. For lunch it would be good to allocate 20-30 minutes. Food should be well chewed, it is better to eat slowly so as not to miss the moment of satiety, at which time it is better to finish lunch so as not to overeat, thereby loading the digestive system and to prevent yourself from craving sleep.

5. You should only eat foods that have nutritional value, that is no junk food or empty carbohydrates.

6. It’s best to start with some fresh vegetable or vegetable salad. It activates the stomach, increases appetite and increases the secretion of gastric juice. In addition, vegetable fiber will provide a lot of vitamins, carbohydrates and speed up metabolism.

7. Basics the dish must be filling and can consist of complex carbohydrates (potatoes, pasta made from durum flour, whole grain porridge) and protein products (boiled or baked meat - beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey; eggs, cottage cheese and others).

8. If you feel thirsty after eating, you can wash down your meal with a glass of compote or tea. It is possible to use freshly squeezed juice, but diluted with water.

9. The portion should be such that its use does not cause a feeling of heaviness and fatigue (overeating), that is, remember that as soon as you feel that the feeling of satiety has arrived, finish your lunch meal.

10. Preferably lunch plan ahead and if it is not possible to get to a canteen or a cafe, then it is better to take food from home. In any case, the food should arouse your appetite and it is advisable that it be varied. You shouldn’t force yourself to eat something if you don’t want it; perhaps your body is telling you that this particular food will not benefit you.

11. Avoid rich desserts, such as chocolate, cakes, bars and even dried fruits. They are very filling and high in calories. It is better to use them as a snack a little at a time.

12. After an hour and a half, it would be nice to have a snack of some kind of fruit, but better not a banana or grapes. Apple, orange, grapefruit, pear, apricot, peach, and pineapple are good for this. They are high in fiber and, compared to bananas and grapes, not as high in sugars, especially grapefruit.

We figured out what a useful and should be. Let's summarize a little: it should be tasty, healthy, satisfying, appetizing, sufficient, but not too much, and, importantly, slow and relaxed. That's it. Difficult? I think not. And for you?

A healthy lifestyle is not even a wave, but a real tsunami that has covered the modern world. Everything now has the prefix “fitness”. However, these days, a healthy lifestyle is not just a fashionable obsession, but rather a necessity. When there are so many factors around that poison our lives - from stress to the environment - to show indifference to your health is not only stupid, but also dangerous. And if you don’t want to “register” at the nearest clinic ahead of time, it’s time to switch to a healthy lifestyle, and you need to start with the basics - proper nutrition.

General concept

Your friend tells you that she has PP, and you jump away in horror, believing that it is some kind of disease? Relax, it’s not contagious: PN is just “proper nutrition.” If you think that this is only for chubby women who dream of losing weight, you are mistaken. Yes, PP helps to normalize weight, however Its main task is to maintain the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to it, you will feel cheerful and full of energy, and things like stomach problems, sugar levels and other horrors will not concern you at all. If you have a bad heredity, PN can save your health and save time that you could spend on treatment. So we advise you to think about proper nutrition now.

Do not confuse PP and diet. These are different things. The diet is associated with severe restrictions. With PP, in principle, you can eat everything, but only at different times and in certain quantities.

So, if you are switching to proper nutrition, keep in mind what is in your diet The following product categories must be present:

  • cereals – porridges and cereals;
  • animal food - eggs, meat and poultry, milk and dairy products, fish and other seafood (shrimp, etc.);
  • berries and fruits;
  • fatty oily products of plant origin: nuts, seeds, vegetable oil itself;
  • vegetables.

Important! If you don’t eat meat, then don’t forget that you still need animal food. Add more dairy products to your diet, and fill the protein deficiency in other ways.

By the way, A lot of protein is found in legumes and broccoli. Still always you can turn to protein powder(yes, these are the powders that athletes drink, and no, they are not harmful). And the lack of microelements can be compensated for with various vitamin complexes; it is better to ask your doctor which ones.

With that What I need to eat, we figured it out. Now let's talk about How. It's simple: stick to the principles listed below.

That's all the principles. Not that hard, right? You just need to get used to them.

What is the most important meal of the day?

The saying “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy” is the very case when popular wisdom is wrong. Main meal, according to researchers, – dinner.

From approximately 12:00 to 15:00 (depending on when you woke up), the body actively breaks down elements obtained from food and their maximum absorption.

A nutritious, healthy lunch can provide the necessary energy and material for this process. What is included in this vague concept? Read below.

Lunch during PP: what is it like?

When you create a menu for lunch with proper nutrition, do not forget that this meal should include a sufficient amount of necessary elements - carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Let's talk about them in more detail.


You probably know that carbohydrates can be simple (as, for example, in foods high in sugar) and complex. For lunch you need complex carbohydrates: They are the ones that are better absorbed and charge you with energy for a long time. Complex carbohydrates are mainly your side dish: rice, buckwheat, lentils, durum wheat pasta, boiled or baked potatoes (not fried!). And such foods are also rich in fiber, which saves our stomach from upset and helps remove toxins.


Lunch must include proteins. This can be lean fish or meat, as well as (ideally) poultry fillet - chicken or turkey. If you are a vegetarian, you can replace the meat with boiled eggs or cottage cheese. Add dried fruits or nuts to the latter: this will make it even healthier.

For lunch you should eat about 150 grams of protein food. Do you remember how we were fed as children - a full plate of side dish and a small cutlet? So, know this: this is wrong. The weight of the side dish should be the same as the meat. A little less is better. But by no means more.


Lunch should not contain a lot of fat
, but still they should be. Of course, we are talking about healthy fats. There are enough of them in fish and eggs, in any vegetable oil, as well as in nuts. Avocado is especially rich in fats (with its participation you can prepare many interesting dishes that will become a healthy and original side dish). It’s up to you to decide which of these fats to put on the menu.


Everyone always needs them. Therefore, it is necessary to include vegetables and fruits in lunch. You can make a salad from the first ones. Stewed and boiled vegetables are also good. And fruit is a wonderful dessert. A green apple or citrus would be perfect.

Remember! It is better to avoid sweet desserts such as cakes. From chocolate too, but don’t worry: it’s good for a snack.


Lunch with proper nutrition can be not only healthy, but also very varied. We offer you lunch options that you will definitely want to take note of.

Protein dishes

Turkey fillet cutlets

Soak bread without crusts (3 slices) in milk (0.5 tbsp), cut turkey fillet (450 g) into large pieces, pass it all through a meat grinder, add spices. If desired, you can add onions. Fry the cutlets over medium heat on both sides in vegetable oil for about 8 minutes on each side, then keep on low heat under the lid for a few more minutes.

Chicken fillet with cream cheese

Chicken fillet (280 g) thinly slice, beat, salt and pepper. Place on the foil tightly to each other without gaps. Spread a thin layer of cream cheese (200 g) on ​​the chicken. Roll into a roll. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 170 degrees.

Steamed tilapia

Mix soy sauce (2 tbsp) with any spices to taste. Dip fish fillet (500 g) into the resulting mixture. Steam (in a double boiler, multicooker) for 20-25 minutes.

Cheesecakes with dried fruits (for those who do not eat meat)

Mix low-fat cottage cheese (200 g) with egg (1 pc). Roll raisins (20 g), dried apricots (20 g) or other dried fruits in flour and add to the curd mixture. With wet hands, form cheesecakes, roll them well in flour, then lightly fry in a frying pan on both sides until they “set”. Then bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 12 minutes.

Side dishes

Buckwheat with mushrooms in pots

Wash and chop the mushrooms (370 g), simmer for 10 minutes over low heat in a frying pan, adding a glass of water, then add tomato paste (2 tbsp) and spices, simmer for another 5 minutes. Boil buckwheat (1 tbsp) in a saucepan with 2 tbsp. water. Distribute the boiled buckwheat among the pots and place the stewed mushrooms on top. Bring until cooked in the oven at 180 degrees (about another 15 minutes).

Rice and lentil meatballs

Boil rice (200 g) and lentils (200 g) separately. When cool, mix, add flour (2 tablespoons), grind with a blender into a homogeneous mass. Form meatballs. Fry in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown, if possible without oil (or with a minimal amount if you don’t have non-stick cookware).

Steamed potatoes with yogurt

Peel potatoes (1 kg), cut into small pieces. Cook in a slow cooker or steamer for 30 minutes. Mix the finished potatoes with natural yoghurt (100 g).

Salad with avocado dressing

Cut red cabbage (40 g), tomatoes (80 g) and bell pepper (80 g) in any convenient way. Mix avocado pulp (50 g) in a blender with lemon juice (2 tbsp) and peeled pumpkin seeds (20 g). Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables.

Broccoli salad

Cook broccoli (300 g) for 10 minutes. Chop lettuce leaves (50 g), tomato (1 piece) and olives (several pieces), mix, add broccoli. Season with olive oil (1 tsp), salt to taste.

Salad with radish and egg

Boiled eggs (2 pcs) cut into cubes. Cut radish (10 pcs) and cucumber (1 pc) into slices. Season with low-fat sour cream (2 tbsp.), salt.

To make it easier for you to choose your lunch, we have compiled a table of calorie content for these dishes (data per 100 grams, of course).

Dish Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Turkey fillet cutlets 12.8 7.9 6.3 147.7
Chicken fillet with cream cheese 15.4 8.7 1.5 149.5
Steamed tilapia 17.8 1.8 0.7 92.7
Cheesecakes with dried fruits 14.6 2.2 8.8 113.8
Buckwheat with mushrooms in pots 2.8 0.6 11.4 59.1
Rice and lentil meatballs 5.1 0.5 21.6 111.2
Steamed potatoes with yogurt 1.9 7.5 16.1 136.1
Salad with avocado dressing 3.1 8.6 6.4 112.6
Broccoli salad 1.9 3.2 4.5 48.5
Salad with radish and egg 3.5 2.8 2.9 51.3

As you can see, making lunch healthy is not difficult at all. You can monitor your health and weight with pleasure. Your body will thank you very much for this. Well, you will thank us for such delicious recipes. Bon appetit!

Lunch is one of the most important components of the entire daily diet. During it, 40% of the food volume for the entire day should be consumed. This will provide the body with energy for full activity in the second half of the day. This meal should never be skipped, otherwise health problems may arise, and there will also be a risk of eating heavily at night, which is undesirable and even dangerous.

It is advisable to eat foods that are high in calories, but healthy and in reasonable portions. And in order to decide what to eat for lunch with proper nutrition, you need to remember some important recommendations.

  • You should not wash down your food with liquid. You can drink a glass of water or any drink half an hour before lunch or an hour after it.
  • You need to have lunch no later than 3-4 hours after your first or second breakfast.
  • A complete and healthy lunch should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. No component can be completely excluded from the diet.
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly so that it is all moistened with saliva for better absorption.

Options for proper lunches

  1. Those who find it difficult to do without soup can prepare it for a proper lunch using low-fat or vegetable broth. The following will come in handy: mushroom soup (wild mushrooms must first be boiled for about five minutes in salted water, then drained), pickle soup, fish soup from your favorite fish, vegetable soups (you can add cereals) in meat broth, bean or pea soup, but all legumes are needed soak first to eliminate gas-forming effects. It is not recommended to add fast carbohydrates and starch to soups, that is, pasta and potatoes, moreover, together. There should be very little of them in the diet.
  2. Chicken or turkey fillet baked, steamed or boiled. You can add rice, buckwheat, millet with a small amount of vegetable oil to it. Steamed vegetables - broccoli, green beans, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini - are ideal as a side dish for fillet. And if you prepare a stew from them, this option will add variety to your diet. You can cook pilaf with chicken for lunch, but without first frying it. And the menu must include a salad of fresh vegetables or herbs. As a dressing, you can use low-fat sour cream, unrefined sunflower oil, olive oil, and sesame oil.
  3. Boiled, baked (can be topped with cheese) or steamed fish - to taste. Vegetables, baked or steamed. Fresh vegetable salad seasoned with sesame or olive oil. A slice of wholemeal bread.
  4. Boiled, baked beef. Vegetable stew. Some pasta. It would be good to eat beans baked with tomatoes in the oven for lunch as a side dish or as a separate dish. A salad of any vegetables with low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil must be present on the table.
  5. For dessert, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade are suitable, but in small quantities. You can eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate.

These are not all lunch options - you can swap ingredients or use your own original recipes. The main thing is that all the ingredients are natural and the food is prepared correctly.

It is very important not to forget the truth: human health begins with a healthy intestine.

Therefore, half an hour before lunch, it is useful to drink a glass of fermented milk drink - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural yogurt. But do not combine them with other products! They will help suppress pathogenic microflora in the intestines and improve health. After just two weeks of regular consumption of fermented milk products, you will notice positive changes. Eating right for lunch is another step towards longevity.

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