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What is transient personality disorder. Transient personality disorder: a harmless diagnosis or a serious pathology? Transient obsessions

Features of life in the modern world, especially in more or less large cities, lead to a steady increase in the number of all kinds of mental illness. This applies both to relatively mild disorders, such as transient personality disorder, and to severe psychiatric pathologies, such as various forms of schizophrenia.

The line between the norm and pathology is in many cases rather blurred, which is further exacerbated by the lack of objective diagnostic criteria in psychiatry.

So, personality disorders have many similarities with character accentuations, however, the behavioral characteristics and behavioral reactions of people with accentuations still lie within the normal range, while personality disorders are characterized by a discrepancy between the patient's behavioral reactions and socially accepted norms.

Factors Predisposing to the Development of Personality Disorders

The increased risk of developing transient personality disorder is due to a number of factors, including social ones. Thus, among the representatives of the poorest segments of the population, mental illness is much more common than among people with high incomes.

In such an environment, all mental illnesses are more common, not only transient personality disorder, but also more severe psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia. As is the case with many diseases, there is a certain hereditary predisposition, but the specific gene responsible for the possibility of developing such disorders has not yet been identified.

The likelihood of developing a transient psychotic disorder is also higher in individuals who were physically or sexually abused in childhood. A fertile ground for the emergence of a transient personality disorder can also serve as various traumatic situations such as serious losses, a problematic divorce, the sudden death of someone close.

When the same traumatic situation that occurred in childhood is repeated in adulthood, it greatly increases the likelihood of mental disorders.

Classification of disorders, types of transient personality disorder

This disorder differs from other psychoses and schizophrenia primarily in its short duration. This trait also distinguishes transient personality disorder from just personality disorder. In the latter case, the violation is closer to the accentuation of character, is permanent, not transient, and needs primarily psychotherapy, and not medication.

In the international classification of diseases, several headings are distinguished for such disorders of the psyche:

  • An acute variant of a psychotic disorder of a polymorphic nature without manifestations of schizophrenia.
  • Polymorphic variant of the acute course of psychotic personality disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • Acute schizophrenia-like disorder.
  • Other disorders, predominantly delusional.
  • Other psychotic disorders, acute as well as transient.
  • Unspecified variants of similar mental disorders.
  • Transient personality disorder - possible manifestations of this condition

    The clinical manifestations of this disorder are very similar to the onset of schizophrenia, and the final diagnosis becomes possible only after a certain time, since transient psychotic disorder is a short-term and reversible disorder.

    Whereas schizophrenia is characterized by a faster or slower progression and a much longer duration of episodes of deterioration.

    The manifestations of this condition can be:

  • Rave. Delusions of persecution are especially often observed, somewhat less often - greatness and depressive variants.
  • Hallucinations (not long-term, since the long-term variant is primarily characteristic of schizophrenia).
  • There may be a violation of orientation in space and time, up to a complete loss of such orientation.
  • Decreased criticism and affective reactions are possible.
  • Thinking disorders can be manifested by primitiveness and superficiality of judgments, excessive speed of decision-making, and often a lack of consistency in thinking.
  • There are also absent-mindedness and false recognitions.
  • As a rule, either one symptom is observed, and not several. Combinations of pathological manifestations are observed relatively rarely and are more characteristic of other, more severe mental disorders.

    Features of the differential diagnosis of such disorders

    From other mental disorders, transient personality disorder often becomes possible to distinguish only after a certain time. An underlying disease with similar symptoms (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder) can only be definitively ruled out after the patient has been observed for about six months.

    Such a diagnosis can be established if:

  • The onset was acute, with hallucinations, delirium, lack of coherent speech, both individually and as a combination of these manifestations.
  • Problems with attention, the presence of false recognitions, or impaired attention, if the examination does not reveal organic lesions of the nervous system that can lead to such manifestations.
  • The appearance of such manifestations does not correspond to an episode of depression, a manic syndrome, or a major depressive disorder.
  • The appearance of signs of a mental disorder was not provoked by the use of psychoactive substances or intoxication.
  • During additional examinations, no metabolic disorders were identified that could affect the central nervous system, as well as any organic brain damage.
  • In this case, an important point is the ultrasound examination of the vessels of the neck (including in the Doppler mode), which makes it possible to exclude the possible influence of atherosclerosis.

    Neuroimaging methods are of great value in the differential diagnosis of transient personality disorders from various mental disorders against the background of organic pathology. One of the methods with the greatest diagnostic value is magnetic resonance imaging.

    Possible Treatments for Transient Personality Disorders

    For the treatment of such disorders, detoxification therapy is used, as well as the introduction of drugs from the pharmacological group of neuroleptics. The doses of these drugs can be different, more often for the relief of such conditions, medium and even minimal dosages are sufficient, but in some cases psychiatrists have to use the maximum.

    One of the most commonly used combinations in this case is the combination of Aminazine and Haloperidol. It is important to bear in mind that the relief of the condition is not the only moment of taking these drugs. Often there is a risk of recurrence of symptoms, and therefore antipsychotics are usually prescribed for several weeks at maintenance doses.

    Take these drugs mainly in the evening. Psychotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of transient personality disorder. The methods used in psychotherapy will not only prevent the recurrence of this transient mental disorder, but also deal with the traumatic situation, which most likely was the cause of the disease.

    With appropriate treatment, individuals with transient personality disorder may well go on to serve in the armed forces (although sometimes they are marked "limited fit" or "unfit") and drive vehicles.

    Transient personality disorder does not belong to severe mental disorders. With timely diagnosis and the beginning of treatment under the supervision of an appropriate specialist, this disorder disappears without a trace, leaving no reminders of itself.

    In the modern world, various mental disorders are becoming more common. Transient personality disorder is not uncommon, but it is not a severe mental disorder, and, as a rule, does not lead to negative consequences. Transient personality disorder in most cases is not a reason for exclusion from military service.

    Interesting information on the topic of personality disorders - in the video:

    Tip 1: What is Transient Personality Disorder

    • What is Transient Personality Disorder
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    • Concept and symptoms

      Personality disorder (mental disorder) is a manifestation of behavioral tendencies characterized by a sharp deviation from accepted norms due to a distorted perception of objective reality. Transient Personality Disorder - TPD - is a mental disorder that occurs as a result of severe moral upheaval or stress. TRL does not lead to the formation of a persistent personality pathology, i.e. is not a severe mental illness and does not lead to sustainable changes in perception and consciousness.

      Transient personality disorder is determined by the duration characteristic symptoms from 1 day to 1 month. If the symptoms last for more than a month, then a more severe mental disorder, such as schizophrenia, is diagnosed. The main symptoms of a transient disorder are the following: loss of orientation in space and time, hallucinations, delirium, speech disorder (speech disorganization), catatonic (disorganized, inadequate) behavior, in some cases catatonic stupor. Usually one symptom of the above is manifested, and not all at the same time. In the presence of symptoms lasting a month, acute psychosis usually lasts no more than 1 or 2 weeks, and then there is a symptomatic attenuation.

      Causes and treatment

      The causes of transient personality disorder are aggravated prolonged stress or severe neuro-emotional shock. Prolonged stress usually occurs due to the following situations:

      - daily overexertion - for example, due to a nervous situation at work or conflict situation at home, quarrels with loved ones;
      - a long wait for an important event or someone's decision in relation to the subject;
      - a tiring trip or journey;
      - going through the divorce process;
      - forced separation from family, friends or loved one;
      - domestic violence;
      - being in places of deprivation of liberty, etc.

      Neuro-emotional shock can occur for the following reasons: death loved one, bankruptcy, sudden dismissal, betrayal, failure in personal life etc. In addition to these reasons, transient personality disorder can occur as a result of such accumulated psychological disorders as insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, and permanent confusion. In such cases, TRL usually begins with a sharp absurdity.

      In the treatment of transient personality disorder, first of all, constant monitoring is prescribed. Of the medications, neuroleptics, antipsychotic therapy, and detoxification treatment are usually used. In order to prevent a recurrence of TRL after recovery, the patient is recommended to continue the use of antipsychotics for 2-3 weeks.

      What is a personality?

      Personality is a close interweaving of the biological characteristics of a person and his social communication with other people. A person who has grown up outside of society (for example, children raised by wild animals), or who, due to his characteristics, is not able to communicate with others, cannot become a person. Each individual is unique and diverse.

      In psychology, there are different opinions about what constitutes a person. Some psychologists believe that personality is a set of motives. Others, on the contrary, consider a person to be a set of attitudes to situations and other people. Z. Freud divided personality into three parts: “I” (conscious), “It” (unconscious) and “Super-I” (ideal that controls our behavior).

      Personality levels

      The personality structure consists of several substructures. It is based on biological moments: age and gender characteristics. This also includes temperament and the type of nervous system, since they are innate. At the next level are abilities, thinking, sensations, which can be both innate and acquired. A level higher is the social experience of a person, knowledge, habits. This substructure is formed only in training. The highest level of personality is its view of the world, desires, ideals, aspirations.

      Despite the fact that the personality is formed in society with its rules and norms, the personality substructures of each person are different. It is very difficult to meet a person with the same type of temperament, character, upbringing and social experience. That is why it is often difficult for people to understand each other.

      Components of personality structure

      The structure of a personality is what it consists of, its elements and the relationship between them. The basic elements of personality are motivation, will, cognition, emotions, character, abilities, and self-awareness.

      Motivation is the needs and desires, what makes a person move forward. Will arises in difficult situations and when obstacles are encountered. It is the conscious regulation of one's behavior. Cognition is sensations, perception, imagination, memory. Emotions are a manifestation of the experience of any events. They help a person understand the significance of what is happening. Character is the skeleton of personality, stable, typical features of a particular person. Abilities are the characteristics of a person that are a condition for success in any business. Self-consciousness is the inner experience of one's "I".

      Use of antipsychotics

      Antipsychotics are used to treat various psychoses caused by both mental and organic diseases. From organic diseases most often psychoses are caused by tumors and narcotic addictions. Especially often they are used in schizophrenia. Improvement does not occur in all cases, but in many there is significant progress. Withdrawal syndrome after discontinuation of the drug is practically not observed. The use of neuroleptics reduced the number of hospitalizations of mental patients by 5 times.

      Antipsychotics do not have a hypnotic effect, suppress arousal and agitation. Agitation is a strong anxiety, turning into motor excitation. Antipsychotics also reduce the manifestations of the patient's aggression, remove manic states and hallucinations. They can also help with many chronic psychoses, delusional disorders.

      The onset of action of neuroleptics is rapid, already within the first hour after intramuscular injection. The most striking effect is observed in the first six weeks of treatment. After that, for another six months, improvements can be observed. Long-term treatment with neuroleptics can reduce the social isolation of patients. But there are many arguments against such drugs.

      Contraindications and side effects

      The effect of them is instantaneous, but unfolds too long, several weeks. In addition, it is difficult to choose a specific drug for a particular patient. He may respond to one antipsychotic and not respond at all to another. There are no data on any subtypes of schizophrenia or subtypes of symptoms that would be affected by the action of any one class of antipsychotics.

      Antipsychotics are contraindicated in the presence of allergic attacks, cardiac pathologies, glaucoma. These drugs are not combined with alcohol, opiates, barbiturates. They have a wide range of side effects: providing an overwhelming effect, a sharp drop in pressure when moving to a vertical position, dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention, disorientation, hallucinations, fever, coma.

      Hormonal imbalances are also common. Increases in men breast, impotence is observed. Both sexes have reduced sex drive. Significantly increased body weight. Rashes appear on the skin. Decreased white blood cell count, jaundice. Extensive neurological disorders: muscle tension, shuffling gait, salivation, trembling, involuntary movements of the muscles of the head or limbs.


      What is Transient Psychotic Personality Disorder?

      What is Transient Personality Disorder? A person “owes” the rhythm of modern life with all the borderline states of the psyche, especially in megacities.

      In our age of speed and high technology, a person is subjected to the strongest load due to the continuous impact on his body of various factors that radically change the psyche and lifestyle.

      Quite often, people have mixed mental states, which are usually diagnosed as transient personality disorders.

      A number of factors that give rise to fears and phobias lead to an unstable state of the psyche.

      Types of personality disorders

      Personality disorder refers to mental disorders. Usually this is a whole complex of behavioral signs that differ in striking deviations from generally accepted norms due to the patient's distorted perception of objective reality. There are no "bad" types of personality, there are successful and unsuccessful conditions for their existence, giving a harmonious, happy life or, conversely, oppressive and gloomy. Most personality disorders require psychotherapeutic treatment. Some of them originate in early childhood and even at birth.

    • dependent (search and binding to the guardian, who will bear all responsibility for the committed actions);
    • avoidant (people are afraid of being rejected and abandoned after a short relationship, so they live alone so as not to be disappointed);
    • passive-aggressive (people who yearn for freedom of action, but cannot cope with it);
    • paranoid (distrust of other people, high demands on them, but not on yourself);
    • obsessive-compulsive (people who are used to controlling and criticizing everything);
    • antisocial (sociopaths);
    • narcissistic (narcissism);
    • schizoid (living in isolation);
    • histrionic (like to make contact with others, obsessive and overly vigilant).
    • It is clear that all personality disorders in one way or another affect social adaptation. Along with this, functional disorders occur in the main areas:

    • emotions;
    • perception;
    • thinking;
    • behavior;
    • interpersonal relationships.
    • Often there is a substitution of concepts that distorts big picture perception of the world as a whole, a person's principles and approaches change, but there is no reassessment of values ​​necessary in such cases, improvements caused by the payload of information.

      Accordingly, the behavior is also changed, which usually so noticeably affects the existence and definition of oneself in society. The patient's lifestyle changes beyond recognition, oppresses him, but sometimes, without the help of relatives, the patient cannot cope with the disease and resume normal life.

      Causes of Transient Personality Disorder

      Not surprisingly, in the first place among the causes of transient personality disorder is stress or severe nervous shock.

      The causes of advanced long-term personality disorder may be the following factors:

    • daily overvoltage for a long time;
    • forced long wait for an important decision;
    • litigation;
    • divorce proceedings;
    • prolonged separation from loved ones;
    • military actions;
    • tiresome trips;
    • violence in family;
    • imprisonment;
    • loss of real estate and other valuable property;
    • bankruptcy;
    • failures in personal life.
    • In psychology, it is sometimes customary to talk about stresses that do not have a statute of limitations, haunt a person throughout life. Transient disorders, although they occur spontaneously, tend to recur. Naturally, such conditions do not pass without a trace. They cause serious harm to all systems of the body, often setting in motion the mechanisms for triggering autoimmune and psychosomatic diseases.

      Symptoms of Transient Personality Disorder

      The main symptoms of mixed disorder are:

    • delusional states;
    • hallucinations;
    • violations of speech functions;
    • loss of orientation in space and time.
    • One of the above symptoms is enough to understand that a person suffers from a transient disorder. It is very short-term: not less than one day, not more than one month. Sometimes a person falls asleep in a state of transient disorder, and wakes up already normal and calm.

      This does not always, however, indicate that the transient disorder did not affect vulnerable areas of the body. The consequences in this case can be very sad. Sleep disturbances and high anxiety can be a continuation of the disease. It is important to note that both adults and children, regardless of gender and age, are susceptible to this disease. These states are often influenced by fears from childhood.

      Treatment of transient personality disorder

      In this condition, first of all, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. This can be done by a psychologist by conducting a series of projective tests and techniques. Tests of interpersonal interactions show how the patient manifests himself in society in a communicative way.

      Depending on the type and nature of the disease, various forms of treatment are used ( medicines or psychotherapy). Unforeseen outbursts of anger can be removed with light antipsychotics, anticonvulsants. However, do not forget that drugs will not help in cases of accentuation of the patient's character. Some patients have to be treated by force at the request of their relatives, as they are a threat to others, without recognizing themselves as sick. Particularly dangerous are those whose personality disorder manifests itself in the form of hallucinations or delusions. The body of a person suffering from such an ailment can be strengthened with herbal remedies, since during the period of illness it “burns out” emotionally too much. Are being destroyed nerve cells, strong loads are experienced by the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, nervous tics appear, the quality of sleep and sexual life worsens.

      Some well-known maniacs suffered from severe personality disorders, such as Theodore Bundy, David Berkovets, Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrei Chikatilo, Gennady Mikhasevich, Anatoly Slivko, Anatoly Onoprienko. In the Western practice of diagnosing personality disorders, the term “split personality” is used, which implies that patients lead a double or even triple life in different images. Usually these are two images: a caring family man and cold-blooded killer. After the execution of Ted Bundy in the electric chair, doctors received his brain for research. This was to try to figure out how the brain of an ordinary person differs from the brain of a serial killer.

      A large scientific work, which stated that there were no characteristic differences between the brain of a killer and an ordinary person. All the main studied centers of the brain look the same in both a merciless maniac and a peaceful citizen. David Berkovets is still alive, in prison, and continues to write letters to freedom on behalf of Uncle Sam. The prison guards consider him the calmest prisoner. However, in moments of hallucinations and delusional states, such a person is able to take up arms and kill civilians. Therefore, those suffering from mixed transient personality disorders should be protected and accompanied in society until the acute condition has passed and the person has fully recovered.

      Unfortunately, personality disorders follow a person throughout life. Often they are provoked by stressful situations or mental illness. Many patients have a mixed state, where one stress is replaced by another, causing a series of unpleasant consequences that create fertile ground for personality disorders.

      Carrying out corrective measures with people suffering from mixed personality disorder is one of the most important tasks of psychiatry. A psychiatrist is able to help such a patient return to a normal life in society, in a big city, in a responsible job, in a family.


      Personality and behavior disorders: types, treatment

      Every fifteenth inhabitant of our planet suffers from a personality disorder. Moreover, he himself hardly perceives his condition as a disease that requires an appeal to specialists. He will justify all his actions and consider his behavior normal. Treatment denies, and the consequences are unpredictable.

      Personality disorder: adaptation difficulties

      Personality disorder is a maladaptive pattern of behavior caused by a persistent mental disorder that is not associated with a somatic or neurological disease. This pathology is difficult to correct, because the patient does not believe that he needs treatment. There is no motivation, which is a catalyst for positive changes. The individual himself does not seek to get rid of the violation and does not make good contact with psychotherapists.

      Late appeal to specialists leads to the fact that the patient gets an appointment with a psychiatrist already in the stage of deep neglect of the disease. It can be difficult to relieve symptoms and cure.

      The first signs of the disease are actively manifested in adolescence. Before this period, individual episodes are possible, but only after the period of puberty can we talk about the problem. Individuals with cognitive personality disorder do not understand why others talk about any of their problems. After all, they believe that behavior and actions are normal.

      People with personality disorders are poorly perceived in society. They often have difficulties in personal communication. But at the same time, patients do not feel pangs of remorse and have no sympathy for others. After a certain time, their relationship with the world is built not according to the principle of personal adaptation to society, but according to the scheme, when the society is forced to accept or not accept a problematic person. The lack of motivation and desire to be treated exacerbates the problem, since not every doctor can find an approach to such a patient, relieve the symptoms of exacerbation and help get rid of the problem.

      Specific personality disorders

      In Soviet times, overly emotional individuals were often called psychopaths. Such a characterization and classification was not inherent in Western psychiatry. Psychopathy is a serious behavioral disorder, in which, against the background of underdevelopment of a number of personality traits, one clearly dominates. This includes a number of deviations.

      Types of personality disorders:

    • Paranoid - the patient is dominated by overvalued ideas. He attaches special importance to his personality. But he treats others with hostility, suspecting them of malicious intent. A person with a pathology does not recognize its presence. When relatives or friends pay attention to a cognitive deviation and try to take him to a specialist, he will assure that everything is in order with him and deny the existence of a problem. Very sensitive to criticism.
    • Schizoid - this diagnosis is characterized by introversion, isolation, a decrease in interest in life's things. The patient does not perceive accepted norms social behavior often behaves eccentrically. Schizoid personality disorders are associated with a great passion for some kind of activity in which the individual succeeds. For example, he may be pathologically addicted to various health systems, to the point of attracting other people to his interests. Experts believe that in this way a certain asociality is replaced. Also, such patients may have problems with alcohol, drugs or other types of addiction.
    • Dissocial - a characteristic feature of such a personality disorder is the defiant cognitive behavior of the patient in order to obtain the desired. With all this, such patients are able to win over people, including doctors. especially bright this species manifests itself in late adolescence.
    • Hysterical - the main goal of such patients is to draw attention to their person in any way, including defiant behavior. The diagnosis is more typical for women. Atypical capriciousness, inconstancy of desires, extravagance, deceit are observed. In order to attract attention, the patient invents non-existent diseases for himself, the symptoms of which can be given out by the autonomic system and which is difficult to remove.
    • Obsessive-compulsive - patients with this type of personality disorder pathologically strive for order and perfection. They have no sense of humor, they try to be perfect in everything. When the set ideal goals are not achieved, they can fall into depressive states.
    • Anxious - such a personality disorder is characterized by the cultivation of a personal inferiority complex. Patients are in a state of perpetual anxiety and uncertainty. From childhood, such patients are shy and timid. Often suspect others of hostility. They are prone to depression.
    • Narcissistic - a deviation in which a person manifests narcissism from childhood, a desire to be constantly admired. Such a patient does not accept criticism: he reacts to it either with resentment or with aggression. Indifferent to the feelings of other people, prone to exploiting them to achieve their own goals.
    • Different forms of psychopathy require an individual approach to treatment. Personality disorders should not be confused with character accentuation. In the latter case, a person also has behavioral features, but they lie within the upper limit of the norm. In addition, it is adapted to social conditions. The classification of classical psychopathy is inappropriate here. Diagnosis and types are different.

      Causes that cause personality and behavioral disorders

      All specific personality disorders are usually divided into three clusters. Their classification:

    • types of psychopathy cluster A: paranoid and schizoid;
    • Cluster B psychopathy: hysterical, asocial, narcissistic;
    • types of psychopathy cluster B: obsessive-compulsive, depressive.
    • The causes of cluster A psychopathy are considered to be genetic and hereditary. The fact is that among the relatives of patients who have a personality disorder, as a rule, there is at least one with schizophrenia.

      A hereditary predisposition to pathologies can also be traced in cluster B and C psychopathy. The first option can also be aggravated by problems with alcohol: in families of people who drink, children often develop with disorders.

      There is a version that cognitive specific personality disorders may be associated with hormonal disorders in the body. If a person has elevated levels of testosterone, estrone and estradiol, the consequences of this are manifested in the form of aggression. In addition, he does not produce enough endorphins, which, in turn, leads to depressive disorders.

      The social factor also plays an important role in the formation of the psychotype. For active children, space is important. If they are forced to be brought up in a closed space, small areas, this leads to the appearance of hyperactivity. Anxious babies from birth can become balanced if they are raised by emotionally stable parents. A calm mother can help a child become confident, and an anxious one can not remove, but increase his personal anxiety state.

      Character traits become noticeable already in early childhood. In adolescence, they can already develop as a personality disorder. Cognitive impairment is manifested in a decrease in memory, increased fatigue. Pathologies of the nervous system are observed more often in people with an asocial temperament.

      Mixed personality disorder

      This type of psychopathy has been studied less than others. The classification has no special criteria. The patient manifests forms of one or the other type of disorders that are not persistent. Therefore, this type of disorder is also called mosaic psychopathy. But it is also difficult for a person with a mixed type of disorder to get along in society because of the peculiarities of their behavior.

      Instability of character is often the basis that contributes to the development different types dependencies. Mixed personality disorder may be accompanied by alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction.

      Mosaic psychopathy can combine symptoms of the schizoid and paranoid types. Such people do not know how to build social contacts in society, they are obsessed with overvalued ideas. With the predominance of paranoid symptoms, patients suffer from increased suspicion. They are prone to scandals, threats, like to write angry complaints about everyone and everything.

      Specialists are alarmed if signs (classification) of several disorders coexist in one patient: schizoid, hysterical, asthenic, excitable. In this case, there is a high risk of developing schizophrenia.

      Brain injuries or complications after a number of diseases can lead to mosaic types of pathology. This mixed personality disorder is considered acquired. If we consider the situation in detail, it will look like this: a person already has an innate tendency to mosaic psychopathy, which, due to certain circumstances, is superimposed by organic pathology.

      Mosaic disorder requires specific treatment only when symptoms worsen, or if there is organic build-up. Then neuroleptics, tranquilizers, vitamins can be prescribed by a specialist.

      Infantile personality disorder

      With this type of psychopathy, signs of social immaturity are pronounced. A person is not able to withstand stressful situations and relieve tension. In difficult circumstances, he does not control his emotions in the same way as children do. Infantile personality disorders for the first time clearly declare themselves in adolescence. Hormonal storms that occur at this time with a person cause changes in the psycho-emotional sphere. As you get older, the diagnosis can only progress. It is possible to finally talk about the presence of the disease only after reaching 16-17 years. In stressful circumstances, the patient manifests himself immature, poorly controls aggression, anxiety, fear. Such a person is not accepted military service, refuse to be hired by law enforcement agencies. Permits to carry weapons or obtain a driver's license are decided on a limited and strictly case-by-case basis, according to an assessment of signs and condition.

      transient personality disorder

      This diagnosis refers to borderline conditions, when the symptoms of deviation are difficult to attribute to any type of personality disorder. The main causes of psychopathy are long-term stressful situations.

      In the modern world, a person is surrounded by many unfavorable factors: troubles at work, military operations, difficult family circumstances, financial failures, moving... All this disrupts the usual way of life and unbalances. If such circumstances last too long, the human psyche does not always have a reserve to survive and overcome them.

      Transient personality disorder has its own characteristics:

    • disorientation;
    • rave;
    • inhibition of verbal and motor functions.
    • Even one of the symptoms may already signal a disorder. This diagnosis is special in that the disease does not last too long: sometimes only a day, and sometimes a month. It suddenly arises and just as it passes. Sometimes a person can go to sleep with a disturbance, and get up in a normal emotional state with residual effects in the form of increased anxiety or sleep disturbances. With each new stress, a spontaneous return of pathology is possible.

      Such a diagnosis does not pass without a trace. In the event that there are signs of delirium or hallucinations, such a person requires special treatment, because his condition can also threaten those around him. In the period between exacerbations, the patient experiences emotional burnout, in which nerve cells are also destroyed. Therefore, even for preventive purposes, it is recommended to take vitamins and herbal remedies.

      As historical examples show, partial transient personality disorder is not a benign condition. Many of the famous serial killers and maniacs had this diagnosis. They led a normal life, had families, work, but during the period of exacerbations they committed crimes. When Western experts studied the brains of executed criminals, they did not find significant changes in it. All areas were within normal limits. healthy person. And only stressful conditions could lead to the appearance of signs of a personality disorder, which entailed antisocial acts. Perhaps, if during the period when the first signs of the disease appeared, there would have been a person nearby who noticed this and helped to contact a specialist, such consequences could have been avoided. Being face-to-face with continuous stressful situations, the psyche simply could not stand it. The mechanism of the development of the disease was launched.

      Treatment for personality disorders

      When a person is diagnosed with psychopathy, he rarely agrees with him. The peculiarity of this disease is that the patient does not see problems in himself, but looks for them in others. Treatment in this case is always difficult. According to statistics, only one in five of them agree to accept help.

      Treatment of psychopathy is carried out individually. It includes sessions of psychotherapy and, if necessary, the use of drugs. In difficult cases, when the antisocial behavior of the patient poses a threat to others, treatment can be carried out in a hospital.

      Disputes among specialists are caused by the treatment of borderline conditions. Some believe that the patient needs help only during exacerbations, while others insist on constant support. In any case, the treatment of psychopathy has been going on for many years. With the patient's tendency to impulsive acts that can threaten life and health, psychotropic drugs are connected.


Transient personality disorder: a harmless diagnosis or a serious pathology?

Transient personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder, which is characterized by a mismatch of the components of the personality structure. Unlike other types of personality disorder, transient personality disorder occurs in a limited time period, after a certain amount of time the diagnosis can be removed. Most of all, this disorder is typical for young people. It can occur for a number of reasons, but in most cases the pathology is curable.

Transient Personality Disorder: Details

Let's look at what generally should be attributed to personality disorders. In fact, this concept in the ICD 10 classifier denotes manifestations of various behavioral disorders. Patients with a personality disorder may not conform to generally accepted norms, the reason for which is a distorted perception of objective reality.

Actually, a type of transient personality disorder is a mental disorder that can occur against the background of emotional upheavals. It is noteworthy that the disorder is not a catalyst for the development of more complex and severe pathologies, this condition is reversible, and, accordingly, cannot irrevocably change the perception of the surrounding world and self-consciousness.

In fact, transient personality disorder is a partial disorder, which, as a rule, occurs against the background of experienced unrest and severe stress, as a result of shocks.

Symptoms of Transient Personality Disorder

TPD is to some extent a borderline condition - that is, the symptoms are usually so general that diagnosing the disorder is quite a challenge. The main cause of mental disorders is the long-term effects of stress. Unfortunately, in modern realities, people quite often suffer from stress - for example, nervous work, difficult financial or family circumstances, moving, difficult situation in the country, and so on. Even the presence of one of these factors can unsettle a person, not to mention their combination.

In psychology, there are individual differences between personality types, but difficult situations affect everyone, however, everyone reacts to such situations in different ways. How does our psyche work? If some serious trouble happens, a person will feel exhausted, tired, he will have a lowered mood. However, a day or two - and everything returns to normal. But what happens if the stress factor has not disappeared anywhere? The body will continue to fight, to act actively in a critical situation (partly due to the release of large doses of adrenaline into the blood, which is typical for experiencing stress), but sooner or later the resources are depleted, and then the phase of burnout, depression, apathy or nervous breakdown begins.

One result of prolonged exposure to stress is the development of TPD. Symptoms of the disorder may include:

  • retardation in movement and communication;
  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • catatonic behavior, stupor;
  • disorientation.

These are the main signs. It is noteworthy that only one or several of them can appear in TPD. Only a qualified specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis. The duration of the disorder can take from 1 day to 1 month. If the symptoms are prolonged, and the person suffers for more than a month, it is possible that we are talking more complex pathology. For example, schizophrenia can manifest itself in this way.

Causes and Treatment of Transistor Emotional Personality Disorder

The causes of TRD can be the following factors:

  • severe and prolonged conflicts at work;
  • difficult atmosphere in the family;
  • long and exhausting journey, frequent and tedious business trips;
  • personal problems - for example, a difficult divorce process;
  • getting into a pre-trial detention center, prison or war zone;
  • regular domestic violence;
  • parting with close and dear people for a long time.

As we have already reported above, this disease is characterized by a kind of transience - for example, a person may suffer for 1-2 days, then have a good rest, and the symptoms will pass. Often, with such pathologies, nightmares can still be dreamed, and even the night's rest itself can become intermittent and painful.

But if the symptoms disappear quickly, then why do specialists pay so much attention to TPD? Because the violation can recur. With a new stress or some kind of shock, it will most likely return back. Also, doctors say that a transient disorder almost never goes away without a trace. Without proper attention, TPD can also develop into acute psychosis, which requires immediate medical attention for the patient. In turn, the symptoms of psychosis are delusions and hallucinations - these are the main manifestations of a patient's condition dangerous to health.

Also, the pathology quite seriously affects the nerve cells - for the purpose of prevention, experts often recommend their patients to take various vitamin complexes, including folic acid, vitamin B12.

As for modern treatment, it is always prescribed individually, after passing all the necessary studies and tests that will make it possible to make the correct diagnosis. In such cases, psychotherapy, drug therapy is used. In the most severe situations, when the patient has fallen into a state of psychosis, hospitalization and appropriate treatment are carried out.

Regarding treatment in remission, the opinions of experts are divided - some believe that after undergoing a course of treatment, the patient is no longer considered sick and does not need to be monitored. Other doctors believe that it is necessary to take supportive therapy and follow the doctor's recommendations in order to avoid a second attack. Our specialists have a second opinion, so we also examine patients with TPD after the course of treatment - only constant monitoring and following the recommendations will help to establish a full life.

Every young man is familiar with the spring and autumn conscription and the troubles associated with them, including the medical board, where not only his physical but also his mental health is assessed. The military registration and enlistment office provides a deferment or exemption from conscription for those who have. The army assumes rather harsh conditions for the psyche, which can be dangerous for an already unhealthy person.

A personality disorder, or psychopathy, is a pathological state of the psyche, which is manifested by inappropriate behavior that makes both the patient and the people around him suffer. People suffering from a personality disorder do not have delusions or hallucinations, but there is a rather specific one that is characteristic of each type of psychopathy.

There are several types of personality disorders in the army:

    • Schizoid. It is distinguished by extremely stingy emotions, the difficulty of establishing emotional contact with others up to its complete impossibility (but there may be a strong attachment to animals). Moreover, such patients are often distinguished by an extraordinary mind.
    • paranoid. Patients are distinguished by unreasonable suspicion and suspiciousness, they constantly suspect others of wanting to harm them. Not able to forgive insults and show tolerance.
    • Hysterical. Attention is drawn to excessive expressiveness, theatricality of behavior, simulated emotions. The patient experiences a constant need for attention, and feels discomfort in its absence.
    • Emotionally unstable (excitable psychopathy). In such patients, the ability to control their emotions is weakened or completely absent. Reactions of discontent or anger are violent and destructive, which is why relationships with loved ones are sharply conflicted.
    • Dissocial (antisocial). It involves the patient's rejection of social norms, aggressive behavior, complete indifference to his own safety and the safety of others. Patients are irresponsible about their duties and do not feel regret about this.

They gave my son 18b, I sit and read what they eat with.
Quote “According to the PDA, any restrictions based on a diagnosis are illegal. The list of possible psychiatric contraindications for certain types of activity says that in the presence of a borderline psycho. disorders, the decision on admission is made on an individual basis. According to Article 18B, mostly people with borderline psychopaths are written off. disorders. That is, it follows from the above that the decision to allow people released under Article 18B to drive vehicles should be made on an individual basis. That's what the Law says. Everything that contradicts it is illegal; including attempts to unconditionally deny access to driving vehicles to people exempted from conscription under Article 18B (in this case, the Law is violated twice). The problem is that most people do not know their rights and laws, which encourages arbitrariness and lawlessness on the part of psychiatrists. I was outraged by the answers of local consultants who mislead people. The fact that having Art. 18B you can get a driver's license is said not only by me, but also by lawyers and psychiatrists on normal forums

The rights of categories A and B are given without problems (fit without the right to work for hire).

The diagnosis in the conclusion is "transient emotional-unstable personality disorder, borderline type, a state of unstable compensation against a residual-organic background"

A familiar psychologist said that it is realistic to get rights with such a diagnosis. Here is the question of how it is customary to treat such a diagnosis in the Krasnodar Territory and Samara region. Where is it better then with this diagnosis of the son to teach rights?

Causes, symptoms and therapy of emotionally unstable personality disorder

Emotionally unstable personality disorder is a whole group of personality disorders that are united by impulsivity, a tendency to commit rash acts without considering the possible consequences. Such signs are combined with a lack of adequate self-control and mood instability. Being in a state of passion, a person with such a mental illness may experience strong outbursts of anger, pushing him to commit violent acts towards others.

In view of the fact that patients can pose a real threat, both to other members of society and to themselves, they require competent treatment.

Speaking about an emotionally unstable disorder, it should be noted that it has two main varieties (impulsive and borderline), but each of them is characterized by the symptoms described above. As part of this mental illness, aggressive and excitable personalities, as well as borderline personality disorder, can be considered.

Provoking factors

As the causes of emotionally unstable personality disorder, scientists consider genetic factors, as well as the characteristics of upbringing in childhood. According to medical observations, the described psychopathology is more common in people whose parents or other close relatives suffered from a similar disease or other mental disorders.

In addition, the risk group includes those children who are treated with conservative, cruel methods of upbringing on the part of the father. According to experts, approximately 3-5% of people suffer from an emotionally unstable disorder, while the greatest tendency to develop psychopathology is noted in females.

General manifestations

People with the mental illness in question have increased excitability and irritability, a tendency to sudden outbursts of anger and pronounced affective reactions that appear even on a minor occasion, vindictiveness, vindictiveness. An angry and gloomy mood can be abruptly replaced by bright emotional outbursts. Such people constantly show dissatisfaction and literally look for reasons for claims. They are not able to calmly assess events due to an elementary lack of judgment. Even minor annoyances that occur in Everyday life, are perceived by patients as real tragedies, provoke emotional stress and outbreaks of aggression.

In family life, people with an emotionally unstable disorder can be completely unbearable. Intra-family conflicts are usually accompanied by loud scandals with breaking dishes, furious upholding own opinion in disputes and rejection of the partner's point of view. Often these fights end physical violence. This once again proves the fact that the treatment of the disorder is becoming an urgent need.

Excitable individuals experience difficulties not only in family life, but also in professional activities. The fact is that it is extremely difficult for such people to endure any criticism and objections, they do not even try to listen and understand someone else's opinion, they do not take into account the interests and desires of others. Naturally, such behavior often provokes conflicts in which the patients themselves are usually unable to see their own guilt. Having inadequate ideas about their own importance, emotionally excitable individuals begin to believe that they are treated with prejudice.

impulsive type

Emotional instability and a tendency to impulsive actions predominate in the impulsive type of emotionally unstable disorder. Strong emotional excitability begins to manifest itself in childhood. Such children are prone to tantrums, anger, protesting the educational measures and restrictions of their parents. During schooling, the signs of psychopathology become even more noticeable, which gives reason to call children with the described disorder “difficult”.

In communicating with peers, impulsive individuals show leadership qualities, try to establish their own rules, which often leads to conflicts. Concerning learning activities, then there is no particular interest in it, which leads to a rather low academic performance of such children. If the treatment was not prescribed on time, in the future, patients will have even more problems in their personal and professional lives, not being able to establish normal relationships with others, make compromises and show perseverance when necessary.

The main characteristics of the impulsive type of emotionally unstable disorder can be identified as follows:

  • frequent bouts of rage and aggression against the background of motor excitement;
  • a tendency to commit rash acts without considering the adverse consequences;
  • high activity combined with the inability to find a common language with others;
  • possible propensity for sexual promiscuity.
  • If psychopathology is not corrected, in the future its manifestations may intensify even more, which will be greatly facilitated by a disorderly lifestyle, addiction to alcohol and general intemperance. With impaired social adaptation, patients can commit criminal acts.

    border type

    The borderline type of the described psychopathology also has a number of characteristic features. People with borderline personality disorder have the following traits:

  • affective lability;
  • high activity of cognitive processes;
  • increased impressionability;
  • developed imagination;
  • suggestibility.
  • Borderline individuals always try to be active in areas that are currently interesting to them. Trying to function within their capabilities, such people react sharply to even minor difficulties and obstacles that arise on the way to the goal. Thus, in everyday life they experience the strongest emotions that normally arise only in stressful situations.

    Starting from childhood and adolescence, personalities of the borderline type show a tendency to fantasize and increased suggestibility. As a rule, they fail to build stable relationships with peers, and their areas of interest are constantly changing. Most often, having initially good intellectual abilities, such children do not have good academic performance due to their characteristic restlessness and non-acceptance of generally established rules and norms of behavior.

    It is worth noting that among patients with a borderline personality disorder, there are often people suffering from alcohol or drug addiction, criminals, etc. The fact is that it is very easy for them to inspire any thought, and therefore, once in a “bad” company, they quickly adopt the principles of behavior in it.

    Another problem can be dependence on others, including strangers. Demonstrating overvalued attachments, patients can practice the so-called emotional blackmail, make demonstrative suicide attempts, etc. Thus, borderline individuals literally go from one extreme to another throughout their lives. In this case, patients may have periods of high activity, which can suddenly be replaced by dysthymia. In severe cases, the formation of such a phenomenon as mental anesthesia is possible. Only well-planned treatment by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist will help such patients to establish a normal life.


    The diagnosis of an emotionally unstable disorder is performed by a qualified psychiatrist, who then prescribes the appropriate treatment. To assess the patient's condition, the specialist observes his behavior, which makes it possible to detect characteristic disorders of emotional response, perception, thinking, and other signs of the disease.

    Differential diagnosis of the disease should be carried out with various organic disorders, accompanied by a similar clinical picture, but complemented by attraction disorders, cognitive and dysmnestic disorders.

    With such a mental illness as an emotionally unstable personality disorder, a competent selection of therapeutic methods is necessary that can provide effective treatment with lasting results. Gestalt therapy is actively used among psychotherapeutic methods, the main purpose of which is to help the patient in understanding the problem, taking responsibility for their actions and finding ways to solve it.

    Also nice results shows treatment with behavioral therapy, during which the patient learns to control his own behavior and emotional condition. After completing a full course of such therapy, patients acquire social interaction skills, as well as learn to use the correct defense mechanisms in response to any external stimuli. Psychotherapeutic sessions can take place both in individual and in group or family form. In the latter case, attending classes with a psychotherapist, the patient's family members also receive the necessary support and learn how to interact with the patient correctly.

    It is advisable to prescribe drug treatment only for the impulsive type of disorder. Patients are prescribed anticonvulsant medications and lithium to control the impulses. If there are signs of a depressive disorder, it is possible to take antidepressants, increased anxiety is eliminated with the help of drugs from the group of tranquilizers, and excitability is corrected with antipsychotics.

    It is worth noting that the treatment of emotionally unstable disorder can be very difficult and lengthy, and some even very experienced professionals prefer to distance themselves from such patients. Despite all the difficulties, it is very important to seek help and not interrupt the therapeutic course when the first improvements appear, because competent correction often becomes the only chance for patients to find a normal life.

    What is Transient Psychotic Personality Disorder?

    What is Transient Personality Disorder? A person “owes” the rhythm of modern life with all the borderline states of the psyche, especially in megacities.

    In our age of speed and high technology, a person is subjected to the strongest load due to the continuous impact on his body of various factors that radically change the psyche and lifestyle.

    Quite often, people have mixed mental states, which are usually diagnosed as transient personality disorders.

    A number of factors that give rise to fears and phobias lead to an unstable state of the psyche.

    Types of personality disorders

    Personality disorder refers to mental disorders. Usually this is a whole complex of behavioral signs that differ in striking deviations from generally accepted norms due to the patient's distorted perception of objective reality. There are no "bad" types of personality, there are successful and unsuccessful conditions for their existence, giving a harmonious, happy life or, conversely, oppressive and gloomy. Most personality disorders require psychotherapeutic treatment. Some of them originate in early childhood and even at birth.

  • dependent (search and binding to the guardian, who will bear all responsibility for the committed actions);
  • avoidant (people are afraid of being rejected and abandoned after a short relationship, so they live alone so as not to be disappointed);
  • passive-aggressive (people who yearn for freedom of action, but cannot cope with it);
  • paranoid (distrust of other people, high demands on them, but not on yourself);
  • obsessive-compulsive (people who are used to controlling and criticizing everything);
  • antisocial (sociopaths);
  • narcissistic (narcissism);
  • schizoid (living in isolation);
  • histrionic (like to make contact with others, obsessive and overly vigilant).
  • It is clear that all personality disorders in one way or another affect social adaptation. Along with this, functional disorders occur in the main areas:

  • emotions;
  • perception;
  • thinking;
  • behavior;
  • interpersonal relationships.
  • Often there is a substitution of concepts, which distorts the overall picture of the perception of the world as a whole, a person changes principles and approaches, but there is no reassessment of values ​​necessary in such cases, improvements caused by the payload of information.

    Accordingly, the behavior is also changed, which usually so noticeably affects the existence and definition of oneself in society. The patient's lifestyle changes beyond recognition, oppresses him, but sometimes, without the help of relatives, the patient cannot cope with the disease and resume normal life.

    Causes of Transient Personality Disorder

    Not surprisingly, in the first place among the causes of transient personality disorder is stress or severe nervous shock.

    The causes of advanced long-term personality disorder may be the following factors:

  • daily overvoltage for a long time;
  • forced long wait for an important decision;
  • litigation;
  • divorce proceedings;
  • prolonged separation from loved ones;
  • military actions;
  • tiresome trips;
  • violence in family;
  • imprisonment;
  • loss of real estate and other valuable property;
  • bankruptcy;
  • failures in personal life.
  • In psychology, it is sometimes customary to talk about stresses that do not have a statute of limitations, haunt a person throughout life. Transient disorders, although they occur spontaneously, tend to recur. Naturally, such conditions do not pass without a trace. They cause serious harm to all systems of the body, often setting in motion the mechanisms for triggering autoimmune and psychosomatic diseases.

    Symptoms of Transient Personality Disorder

    The main symptoms of mixed disorder are:

    • delusional states;
    • hallucinations;
    • violations of speech functions;
    • loss of orientation in space and time.
    • One of the above symptoms is enough to understand that a person suffers from a transient disorder. It is very short-term: not less than one day, not more than one month. Sometimes a person falls asleep in a state of transient disorder, and wakes up already normal and calm.

      This does not always, however, indicate that the transient disorder did not affect vulnerable areas of the body. The consequences in this case can be very sad. Sleep disturbances and high anxiety can be a continuation of the disease. It is important to note that both adults and children, regardless of gender and age, are susceptible to this disease. These states are often influenced by fears from childhood.

      Treatment of transient personality disorder

      In this condition, first of all, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. This can be done by a psychologist by conducting a series of projective tests and techniques. Tests of interpersonal interactions show how the patient manifests himself in society in a communicative way.

      Depending on the type and nature of the disease, various forms of treatment (drugs or psychotherapy) are used. Unforeseen outbursts of anger can be removed with light antipsychotics, anticonvulsants. However, do not forget that drugs will not help in cases of accentuation of the patient's character. Some patients have to be treated by force at the request of their relatives, as they are a threat to others, without recognizing themselves as sick. Particularly dangerous are those whose personality disorder manifests itself in the form of hallucinations or delusions. The body of a person suffering from such an ailment can be strengthened with herbal remedies, since during the period of illness it “burns out” emotionally too much. Nerve cells are destroyed, the ligamentous-tendon apparatus experiences strong loads, nervous tics appear, the quality of sleep and sexual life worsens.

      Some well-known maniacs suffered from severe personality disorders, such as Theodore Bundy, David Berkovets, Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrei Chikatilo, Gennady Mikhasevich, Anatoly Slivko, Anatoly Onoprienko. In the Western practice of diagnosing personality disorders, the term “split personality” is used, which implies that patients lead a double or even triple life in different images. Usually these are two images: a caring family man and a cold-blooded killer. After the execution of Ted Bundy in the electric chair, doctors received his brain for research. This was to try to figure out how the brain of an ordinary person differs from the brain of a serial killer.

      A large scientific paper was published, which stated that there were no characteristic differences between the brain of a killer and an ordinary person. All the main studied centers of the brain look the same in both a merciless maniac and a peaceful citizen. David Berkovets is still alive, in prison, and continues to write letters to freedom on behalf of Uncle Sam. The prison guards consider him the calmest prisoner. However, in moments of hallucinations and delusional states, such a person is able to take up arms and kill civilians. Therefore, those suffering from mixed transient personality disorders should be protected and accompanied in society until the acute condition has passed and the person has fully recovered.

      Unfortunately, personality disorders follow a person throughout life. Often they are provoked by stressful situations or mental illness. Many patients have a mixed state, where one stress is replaced by another, causing a series of unpleasant consequences that create fertile ground for personality disorders.

      Carrying out corrective measures with people suffering from mixed personality disorder is one of the most important tasks of psychiatry. A psychiatrist is able to help such a patient return to a normal life in society, in a big city, in a responsible job, in a family.


      Scientists and psychologists have established the fact that most of the registered cases of mental disorders occur in residents of large cities, while rural residents are more emotionally stable and mentally healthy.

      The age of high technology implies an excessive burden on human body both moral and physical. These negative influences can radically affect the psyche and lifestyle of a person, which leads to mixed mental states(they give rise to fears and phobias) - they are diagnosed as transient disorders.

      Any personality disorder related to transient has a number of distinctive features that deviate in behavior from generally accepted norms. There are no right and wrong personality types, there are only conditions for their development and transformation into successful and harmonious, or depressive and oppressive manifestations. Personality disorders are divided into the following types:

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      Psychotherapy is important point in the treatment of transient disorders. Methods are selected not only those that cope with acute conditions, but also those that identify the causes of the disorders that have arisen - this is psychoanalysis, individual and group cognitive psychotherapy.

      After receiving appropriate treatment, individuals who have suffered from a transient disorder may serve in the military, in some cases such employees are marked "not fit" or "fit with a restriction" in their personal file. Sometimes, with an exacerbation of the condition, such patients are commissioned ahead of schedule and treated on an inpatient or outpatient basis. But in most cases, such a pathology does not entail a recall from military service.

      Transient personality disorder: what it is, how it manifests and is treated

      Transient personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by its short duration. This state is characterized by a mismatch of the personality structure, mainly, it manifests itself in adolescents and emotionally unstable people. This mental pathology is a sharp deviation of behavior from generally accepted norms due to a distorted perception of real events.

      A violation can develop due to excessive stress or moral shock, it occurs at different time intervals, most often from 1 day to 1 month. The disorder does not belong to the category of severe mental pathologies and does not form permanent changes in the patient's consciousness and perception. With the timely start of treatment, the symptoms of the disease quickly subside, and the patient returns to a normal lifestyle.

      Types of personality disorders

    • avoidant - people prefer to live alone, after unsuccessful attempts to create relationships and disappointments;
    • passive-aggressive - a person longs for freedom of action, but does not cope with it;
    • obsessive-compulsive - exposure to criticism of the behavior of other people;
    • narcissistic - admiring one's own person;
    • schizoid - suggesting complete isolation;
    • Causes of transient disorder

    • daily stressful situations;
    • forced long wait for some important decision (for example, a court decision);
    • loss of tangible property;
    • inability to create a family;
    • violence physical and moral from relatives.
    • Signs by which a transient form of personality disorder can be identified:

    • disorientation - spatial and temporal;
    • reduced criticism;
    • distraction of attention.
    • In most cases, with a transient disorder, there is not a whole series of symptoms listed, but some one. The manifestation of several signs at the same time may indicate the progression of the disorder and the transition of the pathology to a more complex form that distinguishes a serious mental illness.

      • problems with attention, which may be due to lesions of certain parts of the central nervous system;
      • mental disorder was not provoked by the use of psychotropic or narcotic substances, as well as a large dose of alcohol;
      • For differential diagnosis, ultrasound of the vessels of the neck is extremely important, since it is necessary to exclude the influence of atherosclerosis. Equally valuable in diagnosing transient disorders are neuroimaging techniques, such as MRI.

        Drug therapy of such disorders involves the appointment of drugs that reduce intoxication, as well as antipsychotics. Doses of drugs are selected individually, in most cases of the disease medium and low are used, although some situations require the maximum amount of drugs.

        Most often, doctors combine Aminazine with Haloperidol, but taking these drugs does not mean only getting rid of an acute condition. In many cases, transient disorders have the ability to relapse, which requires the appointment of these drugs for a long course, for several weeks after the end of the main therapy. It is preferable to take medication in the evening.

        It must be remembered that a transient disorder is a mild degree of mental disorder, however, one should not treat it irresponsibly. If the diagnosis is carried out in a timely manner, and treatment is started immediately, then therapy usually quickly gives positive results, and there is no trace of the pathology. If the symptoms are ignored, the disease will progress, turning into more complex forms, such as schizophrenia and affective states.

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