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What does it mean if you dream about a moonstone? Cancer talisman stone, moonstone

Moonstone (adularia) is a sodium calcium silicate with a milky bluish glow and a magical play of light. Moonstone from the White Sea coast is called belomorite. The so-called black moonstone is labradorite. As a talisman, it enhances the owner’s lunar qualities (emotionality, protective instincts, love of home, wanderlust). Gives dreaminess, softness, tenderness. Stimulates memories. Softens those who are inflexible and overly self-confident. Dangerous for closed and capricious natures. It is especially strong during the new moon, filling with an icy shine. It is rarely used as an amulet; it is believed to help with epilepsy and renal colic, apparently through a slight hypnotizing effect when viewed for a long time. It imparts prudence in words and caution in actions.

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Emerald is a transparent variety of beryl with green tones, sometimes with a blue tint. Beryllium and aluminum silicate, colored with an admixture of chromium (green tones) or vanadium (bluish shades). High-class gemstone; its dark green varieties are valued higher than diamond. The largest emerald with a mass of more than 7.5 kg was found in Brazil. A hexagonal giant of a juicy dark green color - the “Cocovina emerald” - the pride of the Mineralogical Museum. A. Fersman of the Academy of Sciences of Russia - found in 1833 in the Ural mines.

Set in gold is an ideal talisman: it sharpens the mind, revitalizes intelligence and ingenuity, stimulates speech and writing. Gives courage to warriors and mercy to winners. Helps to foresee the future, eliminates the insidious spells of love. With due diligence and diligence of the owner, it leads him to glory. Enhances the shine of the eyes. Stimulates and strengthens the reproductive organ. Actively fights against the deceit, depravity and unscrupulousness of its owner. Capable of self-splitting, unable to overcome the bad inclinations of the owner. If you look closely at the emerald in the morning, you will have good luck in good deeds all day.

As an amulet, it drives away snakes and scorpions. It heals those parts of the body that it comes into contact with, especially the eyes. Saves from melancholy, fever, leprosy, epilepsy. At the head of the head or under the pillow relieves insomnia. When worn around the neck, it improves vision and eliminates forgetfulness. Promotes longevity and protects marital fidelity. Protects from annoying visitors. The dreams of a person wearing an emerald come true especially often.

Chrysoberyl got its name for its golden color and beryllium content. Judging by ancient Indian manuscripts, its rolled pebbles were valued 4,000 years ago. The first literary mention is found in the ancient Indian treatise on medicine Rasaraja Tarangini, where three of its varieties were described - “the color of a bamboo leaf” (common chrysoberyl), “brilliant and iridescent like a peacock’s eye” (apparently, a variety of this gem is alexandrite) and “ sparkling like a cat's eye" (cymophane, or cat's eye).

With its help, according to legend, ancient Indian magicians tried to understand the language of animals and birds, read the future, learned to understand the present, evaluate and comprehend the past. It ensured the strength of family ties, strengthened friendships and family ties. This is a talisman for players. Ancient Indian healers recommended taking crushed vaiduriam against rheumatism, arthritis, sore throat, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Cancer talisman stone, Moonstone

How to find out why you dream about Cancer talisman stone, Moonstone? The meaning of the dream The Cancer talisman stone, Moonstone will tell you about the secret dream in detail.

The interpretation of dreams can always be found in ours.

    Why do you dream about blue stones? Dream books often associate blue stones with the dreamer’s intuition and spiritual world. Often you can see them in a dream before your personal life gets better and your dreams come true. Below we will discuss the main interpretations of dreams.

    Your feelings

    Why do you dream about sky-colored stones? They may reflect the dreamer's desire for light and sincerity. Dream books consider a good vision to be one in which you saw stones, but they did not evoke any special feelings. This means that a wide range of possibilities will soon open up before the sleeper.

    But if in a dream you became hysterical at the sight of jewelry, then expect that your hopes will not be justified. This applies to any aspirations and desires of the dreamer.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Why else would you dream about something like this? If blue stones appear in a dream, then the psychologist foretells the beginning of a white streak in life. Whatever the dreamer starts - business projects, self-development, relationships - he will be successful.

    What kind of stones?

    To understand why you dream of jewelry, the dream book recommends remembering exactly which stones you dreamed of. After all, each precious stone in a dream is identified with a certain meaning in reality. So, have you seen:

    • topaz - the dreamer has a magical gift and a penchant for secret knowledge;
    • aquamarine - expect new meetings with kindred spirits or successful endeavors;
    • sapphires symbolize fortitude or sudden profit;
    • turquoise - happiness and success in love;
    • moonstone - dreams and their implementation.

    Your dreams

    What else do dream books say about blue jewelry? They can symbolize the dreamer’s happiness and desire for high matters. If he saw a story where he received blue pebbles as a gift, then real life one of his greatest dreams is about to become a reality.

    Enough great importance has what product in the dream contained blue stones. How to interpret a dreamed ring? A love full of passion and mutual understanding awaits you, which will certainly culminate in marriage. There is a possibility of a joint project with a future or actual spouse.

    sudden love

    Why do you dream of a ring with a sapphire inserted into it? According to the interpretation, the dreamer will not have difficulties communicating with the opposite sex. In the near future you will meet an old acquaintance who will become a dear friend.

    An old ring seen in a dream indicates that in the near future you will communicate with a person with whom you are connected by fate. But be careful this one love affair can bring a lot of difficulties to the dreamer.

    How to decrypt?

    Did you dream about a ring with a blue stone? In reality, fall in love with an old friend by considering his rich inner world.

    If blue stones were inserted into a ring worn on someone else’s finger, then the interpretation of the dream depends on the material from which this piece of jewelry is made.

    What does the story mean in which you were cutting up a freshly caught bird or fish and found a ring with a precious stone in it? Dream Interpretations promise good news from another country or good earnings.

    What to expect?

    Why dream of earrings with sea-blue colored gemstones inlaid with them? To the implementation of an interesting project or good news.

    If a pregnant woman saw such a dream, then pleasant troubles await her ahead.

    Did you accept such earrings as a gift in a dream? Worries will be a thing of the past and you can simply enjoy life. But the loss of jewelry promises problems.

    Stones are a rather controversial symbol; they represent heaviness and stubbornness, inviolability and coldness. Interpreting why this object is dreamed of, the dream book draws attention to its color, breed and accompanying circumstances. Flying cobblestones symbolize hostility in a dream, regardless of who initiated the throw. Once on the path, it foreshadows difficulties in business; underwater means patience and support.

    Many minerals give the meaning of a dream a romantic character, some of them serve as a warning about possible problems, dangers and at the same time give a hint on how to avoid such troubles.

    Sometimes callous and indifferent people with a heart of stone see stones in a dream. They can also reflect a heaviness in the soul that haunts reality.

    Another interpretation of dreams is no less common: stones, as you know, are the oldest construction material, which has long symbolized stability and fundamentality. The dream means creation, achieving a goal, well-being at home.

    Decorations and Jewelry

    Why do you dream gems and decorations with them, the dream book interprets depending on what emotions they evoke in you in a dream. If you are not blinded by their magnificence, the dream suggests that you know how to truly enjoy passion and strong feelings.

    If you happen to see gold jewelry with stones in a dream, the beauty of which you cannot resist, the dream warns of possible disappointments associated with unrealistic dreams.

    The plot of the dream will also tell you why you dream of jewelry with stones. The loss of jewelry can result in disappointment, the acquisition promises good luck in reality, and the abundance of stones in the product will bring protection and patronage to the dreamer.

    To understand why you dream of jewelry with stones, the dream book advises paying attention to the signs of the Zodiac to which they correspond. As you know, each sign has certain character traits; perhaps among your friends there are bright representatives of your sign.

    Explaining what dreams mean Jewelry with stones, the dream book promises the dreamer an exciting journey, the opportunity to take part in an exciting event and other interesting events.

    Why do you dream of a ring with a stone, the dream book explains the upcoming changes in personal life. For unmarried people, the dream represents a chance to start a family, but for those who are already married, it is recommended to avoid quarrels, otherwise divorce is not far away.

    Anyone who had a ring with a stone on his finger in a dream will receive great honors in reality. The dream book also mentions such joyful and significant events as a successful marriage or the birth of a child.

    A dream about a bracelet with stones foreshadows considerable surprise: one of your old acquaintances, to whom you are not indifferent, will show itself in a completely unexpected way. It is possible that this will become clear in an unusual, not to say scandalous, situation.

    Often, what you dream of about gold earrings with stones is in one way or another connected with the news. As a rule, this is news about joyful, positive events. For example, you find out that you successfully passed the interview and got your dream job.

    Why dream of earrings with stones can serve as a warning. Don’t give in to false rumors, and especially don’t spread them. Avoid gossip and respect other people's secrets if they entrust them to you.

    A pendant with a stone is often a reflection of that strange feeling that one of the spouses is sitting on the other’s neck. It is no secret that such omissions in the family can one day develop into conflict. To avoid this, it makes sense to have a heart-to-heart talk.

    Receiving a necklace with stones as a gift is a favorable symbol indicating prosperity in your home. If someone puts it around your neck, the dream takes on a negative connotation: you are too dependent on your partner.

    Everything that you dream about beads made of stones will be a pleasant surprise for you. You will hear good news, receive an unexpected profit or gift, and be able to carry out your plans.

    In the water and on the shore

    One can only envy why you dream of stones in water: a romantic evening by candlelight awaits you. The dream book claims that you will certainly spend it with your loved one in a cozy place, almost alone.

    If you happen to see the sea and the stones on its shore in a dream, remember what they looked like. Gray and boring pebbles foreshadow tedious communication, large boulders, on which it is so pleasant to sunbathe, will bring good luck.

    Often large stones in a dream warn in advance that in reality you will have to work hard. The path to the goal will turn out to be much more thorny than expected. You will have to overcome not only physical obstacles, but also the machinations of ill-wishers.

    What it means to dream that a ship crashed on a rock can subsequently greatly frighten the dreamer. The dream book indicates a sudden incident, while promising that you will be able to get away with a slight fright.

    If you are lucky enough to see stones washed by water in a dream, the dream book claims that in the near future you will have a powerful patron. So be patient, the wait won't be long.

    Colors and properties

    What a green stone means in a dream depends on whether you found it or lost it. A find promises wisdom and self-confidence; a loss means that these are the qualities you will lack at a crucial moment.

    The dream book considers the red stone to be a favorable sign in all respects. This is a symbol of determination and the ability to win; you will soon have a chance to demonstrate these character traits. True, in interpretations there is one exception to the rules: this object, being on the path, personifies a serious rival.

    The dream book associates everything that the Alatyr stone is meant for in dreams with the solution of important issues. A successful attempt to climb onto its surface in a dream is considered a particularly favorable symbol. In this case, you can count on help, which will come in handy.

    When you dream of a blue stone, the dream book warns that in the near future it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the understanding of others. Don't even expect that they will want to share your enthusiasm and optimism, or appreciate your sparkling humor.

    The black stone is perhaps the most unfavorable symbol, a harbinger of bereavement and even mourning. However, according to other interpretations, this is a storehouse of forbidden knowledge and a receptacle of power that is not accessible to everyone. It is possible that you are among the chosen ones.

    According to the dream book, colored stones in a dream are harbingers of great success. In addition to the reward in the form achieved goal, there will be many who want to congratulate you on your triumph. Only you won’t have time for fun, the dream book doesn’t specify why.

    The white stones you dreamed of represent your eternal values, that unshakable principle that will be with you forever, the dream book suggests. The way you treated them in a dream indicates the degree of self-respect in real life.

    The psychoanalytic dream book claims that beautiful stones in a dream are a symbol of the mother. A dream represents inviolability, eternal values, and reliability. Regarding the emotional background, the dream book recommends developing sensuality and empathy.

    Everything that a blue stone dreams about is associated in the dream book with subtle world. This is the spiritual beginning, the meaning of life, romantic feelings. Perhaps the dream is trying to communicate about your hidden talents, calling on you to identify and realize them.

    When explaining why you dream about a moonstone, the dream book first of all says that your life will no longer be the same as before. This symbol of impermanence, seen in a dream, in reality foreshadows changes in your personal life, travel, or even moving to a new place.

    Semi-precious stones in a dream are not very good sign for the dreamer. According to the dream book, they may turn out to be harbingers of false or incomplete information in reality. The dream calls for double-checking any information, even obtained from reliable sources.

    Time to gather and scatter

    Anyone who often has to throw stones at living targets in a dream often masterfully makes enemies for himself in reality. The true reason for the hostility is so insignificant that, most likely, it has long been forgotten, but the sediment remains. The dream book advises you to control your anger in the future.

    According to Miller's dream book, stones thrown by you are not at all a sign of aggression. On the contrary, it is a desire to warn about something very important, as well as to protect and protect. According to the interpretation, they symbolize hardships and difficulties, most of which will be within your reach.

    If in a dream someone decided to throw stones at you, the dream book reports that in real life you have many ill-wishers who are just waiting for the right opportunity to do just that. Try to neutralize your enemies, how long can you live on a powder keg?

    When stones fall from the sky in a dream, the dream is a harbinger of disasters. The dream book does not specify the scale of the disaster; they can equally well concern an entire region or even a country, or be reduced to a personal one, however, global problem the dreamer himself.

    To make it crystal clear why you dream of stones falling from the sky, you should remember how friendly they were towards the sleeper. If a rockfall was miraculously avoided in a dream, it means that in reality it will be possible to avoid a terrible fate.

    Dreams can sometimes take on a surprising and sometimes funny character. There are often cases when the dreamer has to extract semi-precious stones from the walls in his apartment. What will the dream book say about this? It turns out that what you have been looking for for so long has been very close all this time, in your father’s house or even in yourself.

    Why you dream of collecting stones in a dream, the dream book interprets it in two ways. On the one hand, the dream represents hard work or an obstacle on the way; on the other hand, your stubbornness will help you overcome all obstacles.

    If you had to collect precious stones in a dream, a positive solution to the most pressing issue is planned. A favorable outcome will not take long to arrive and will not require much effort.

    For those who are lucky enough to find precious stones, the dream book predicts success in a long-planned commercial enterprise, which will not come alone: ​​a change in activity will help to discover new talents in oneself.



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