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Cystitis in women from overexcitation. What are the causes of cystitis after intimacy? What to do when cystitis appears after sex

Cramps during urination, pain in the lower abdomen, a feeling of incomplete emptying can occur both once and after each sexual intercourse.

Almost half of perfectly healthy women face problems typical for cystitis after intimacy and are unaware of the true causes of the ailment.

Why can a woman develop cystitis after intercourse?

There are many reasons why, after sexual contact, a woman's urinary tract becomes infected and cystitis occurs. Among the most common:

First sexual experience.

The girl's hymen is disturbed, as a result of which temporary micro-adhesions can form on the vaginal mucosa, which interfere with the complete closure of the urethral opening. Through free access, bacteria enter the urethra and attack the bladder.

Violation of hygiene in intimate areas by both partners.

The genitals of men and women contain a huge number of both bad and the bacteria you need... In case of violation of hygiene procedures, pathogenic microorganisms take over, multiply and along the urinary tract rise to the bladder, infecting it.

Mechanical impact.

During sex, the male penis acts on the vagina, which is next to the urethra. This provokes excessive pressure on her and the possible ingress of pathogens.

Infected semen.

Sperm can contain bacteria, which, when entering a woman's vagina, suppress its natural microflora and cause cystitis.

Factors that can aggravate the situation include:

  • Venereal diseases;
  • Types of sexual intercourse (anal sex);
  • Manner sexual relations;
  • Lack of natural lubrication.
Important! If intimate relationship accompanied by the use of alcohol, hypothermia of the body, then the likelihood of developing cystitis after intimacy in a woman increases significantly.

Postcoital cystitis or "honeymoon cystitis"

After the young woman begins sex life, loses its virginity, the vaginal microflora is completely changed due to the introduction of foreign bacteria.

It is during the first sexual intercourse that there is a massive penetration of microorganisms from the vagina into the urethra. The walls of the bladder react to an attack by inflamed. This process was named according to the moment - "honeymoon cystitis".

In medical terminology, cystitis after sex is called postcoital. Postcoital cystitis in women develops against the background of her sexual activity and depends on the frequency, duration and regularity of sexual intercourse.

Another name for this ailment that accompanies the step into adulthood is defloration cystitis (from Lat. Defloratio - rupture). Losing your virginity can be a step towards becoming familiar with cystitis and seeking help from a urologist. The fact is that the first sexual intercourse is considered stress for the body and leads to a temporary weakening of the body.

Features of the treatment of postcoital cystitis

Like any other disease, postcoital cystitis requires specific treatment.

Drug treatment

Aimed at blockage spreading through the urinary tract. Depending on the type pathogenic microorganisms treatment is:


Antibiotics such as Ofloxin, Monural, which are considered broad-spectrum drugs, are taken. They destroy the DNA of bacteria, prevent infection from causing irreparable harm to health.


A popular pharmacological representative is Cycloferon, known not only for its antiviral, but also for its immunomodulatory effect.


With a fungal infection, cystitis is successfully treated with Fluconazole, which significantly improves the clinical picture after the first therapeutic doses.

The main treatment is supported:


To reduce pain and restore the urinary tract. Treatment involves a choice - Nurofen, No-shpu, Kanefron, Cyston.

Immunostimulating complexes.

Viferon, Likopid, Lavomax stimulate the activity of healthy cells to fight infection.


Vitamins of group A and C provide tremendous support to the body, which increase activity and preserve healthy cells.

Important! Everything medications have contraindications and side reactions! Their use must be agreed with your doctor!

Treatment with folk remedies

Funds traditional medicine successfully and actively treat cystitis after intercourse due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect:

Decoctions and infusions of such medicinal herbs John's wort, bearberry leaves, horsetail, hop cones increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, support local immunity.

For the preparation of a medicinal elixir, raw materials are taken according to the recipe, filled with water and infused in a steam bath for 15-20 minutes. After straining and diluting to the desired volume, the infusion is applied throughout the day in a specific course.

Also, complex therapy includes remedial gymnastics, a special diet and drinking regimen.

With timely referral to specialists, cystitis after intimacy can be successfully treated and managed without complications. Although it is worth noting that some women do without treatment and their cystitis symptoms begin to disappear as they get used to their sexual partner.

How to have sex to avoid bladder inflammation?

No one is immune from the appearance of cystitis after proximity. However, there are a number of rules, following which you can significantly reduce the risk of developing this ailment. Preventive actions include:

Hygienic procedures in the genital area.

Thorough washing before intercourse and the use of antiseptics afterwards leave no chance for pathogenic microbes to reach the bladder.

Condom use.

Which exclude cystitis after sex, as they make it impossible for bacteria to get from man to woman.

Application of lubricant.

This will save the vaginal mucosa from mechanical damage, rubbing and, as a result, additional infection.

Refusal of intimacy.

In the presence of an inflammatory process in the urinary system or a reduction in sexual intercourse is minimal. If a focus of infection is found, it is necessary to immediately take measures for a complete cure.

Experimenting with a partner.

Unnatural postures should be avoided, during which the penis can injure the urethra.

It is helpful to urinate immediately after intercourse.

Washing off with urine most of the bacteria left by the man.

Maintaining a relationship with one partner.

It involves getting used to its microflora and is a great way to avoid trouble.

Avoiding hypothermia.

Which leads to spasm of the blood vessels of the pelvic organs and weakening of local immunity.

The use of herbal preparations.

To prevent infection of a woman with any suspicion.

One should not be manically afraid of intimacy because of a possible temporary malaise. This can cause misunderstanding on the part of the partner, cause psychological trauma to both.

The problem must be solved together with a specialist urologist who will advise modern treatment, will take control of its flow, return interest in life.

Over the years, the possibility of continuing love pleasures immediately after the first orgasm appears less and less. Men (sometimes very young guys) are looking for ways to quickly recover from sex and not disappoint their beloved woman / girl. They can help a representative of the stronger sex both, and in combination with.

How long does a man recover from sex?

The average man recovers from intercourse from half an hour to 1 hour. During this period, he rests, gaining strength for a new erection and subsequent ejaculation.

German researchers have shown that, despite the statistics, this process is very individual for each man. For some, the norm will be the need for rest throughout the day. Presumably, such a long recovery depends on, which, standing out immediately after ejaculation, blocks the erection for the period necessary for full accumulation of strength.

However, if after a day there is no spontaneous erection or excitement in the circumstances predisposing to it, it is necessary. There may be some problems that need to be addressed with medicine.

What does it depend on?

The length of the rest depends on many factors:

  • Age features, in adolescence, recovery often takes much less time than in adulthood;
  • The frequency of masturbation can influence the timing of a new erection; if you do it often, it significantly prolongs the period of accumulation of strength;
  • Abuse has a similar effect on the duration of rest;
  • Wrong diet, deficiency in the body also negatively affects the process;
  • Smokers often have trouble re-intercourse;
  • Medication therapy and chronic overwork can reduce the likelihood of multiple sexual intercourse per night.

How to activate the process and start the second sexual intercourse after the first?

There are many ways to activate the body, but it must be remembered that there should be a rest period, at least short-term. At this time, you can even take a nap - in a dream, a person recovers faster. Or you can talk to your beloved woman, give her a massage and even watch a movie clip.

However, if there is a psychological desire for repeated sexual intercourse, but an erection does not occur, you should resort to additional methods.

Re-excitement can be achieved without application. In order for a man to recover faster after sex, several ways will help:

  • Choosing a pose. The second time, stronger stimulation will be required, therefore, an optimal position should be found in which the woman's sensations will retain their original state, and the men's ones will increase;
  • ... The partner can massage the base of the penis for early relaxation and recovery, in addition to aesthetics, such manipulations improve blood circulation;
  • Start before. Sometimes it is worth making love before the penis is fully erect. During foreplay, arousal will peak naturally;
  • ... A cool shower invigorates and activates an erection; to increase performance, you can take it with your partner (important: you should not overdo it);
  • Warm. Alternative shower option. It is recommended to take a bath together (you can add aromatic foam there).


In some cases, the use of drugs cannot be avoided. They are used for 2 reasons: the characteristics of the body require additional stimulation, or a man thus seeks to get new sensations and expand the scope of his own sexual ideas.

Dietary supplements

a good option for those who avoid the powerful. These funds consist entirely of components, are distinguished by a mild effect and have a minimum of side effects and negative effects.

The supplement is used for topical application, respectively, it can be used to stimulate the second and subsequent intercourse.

Active components of the drug:

  • Guarana extract - known to the Indian tribes. and enhances sex drive;
  • - an amino acid necessary for the production of nitric oxide. Due to this, good blood circulation is carried out, and it becomes resistant;
  • Magnesium - positively affects the production of sperm, normalizes the psychological state, stimulates blood circulation;
  • Glycine - reduces nervous tension that interferes with achieving an erection.

Biomanix. One of the indications for the use of dietary supplements is to increase the rate of recovery after intercourse. It is also effective for correcting various sexual dysfunctions.

As part of the supplement:

  • Maca root, which has a general positive effect on potency;
  • Tongkat Ali, which stimulates attraction at the psychological level;
  • Muira puama, which increases the degree of activity in the intimate sphere;
  • L-arginine, which ensures the filling of the corpora cavernosa with blood;
  • Natural inhibitors of PDE5 that activate the reproductive system.

Pay attention to the following dietary supplements:

Type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors

Selective inhibitors have a similar effect to each other. All of them affect the circulation of blood in the genitals and cause a stable erection, but do not increase the production of testosterone. The main condition for the activation of active components is additional stimulation of the penis.

-,. Each of them counts, so only one application per day is allowed. Their benefit for the possibility of repeated intercourse is that they all have a prolonged effect. Viagra is active for 4 hours, Levitra - for half a day, Cialis - up to 36 hours.

This property makes it possible to carry out repeated sexual intercourse, however, it is recommended to use them with caution and only after consulting a doctor. Medicines have a number of contraindications and can cause. They should be resorted to only in cases where more gentle methods do not give the desired result.


An alternative option for activation is the use of lubricants. These include stimulating creams and lubricants. They are in demand due to the fact that their use has a double effect: active substances penetrate into the blood, activating work, and mechanical stimulation additionally affects arousal.

The market for such drugs is vast. You can choose creams with a mild effect, or choose those that cause additional sensations, such as cold or a slight burning sensation. Before applying the gel to the skin, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and make sure that it does not harm any of the partners.

You can use natural options:

  • Healthy;
  • XXL Power Life.

Folk remedies and products

For fans of alternative medicine, there are folk remedies helping to stimulate re-erection. You should not expect immediate results from them, but prolonged use will allow you to quickly recover from the first sexual intercourse and quickly move on to the second.

To increase male endurance, "healers" recommend:

  • Mix the broth with

    Special aphrodisiac products also solve the problems of a man's activity and stamina during the night. Cold-pressed oils from, and hemp activate the synthesis of testosterone, which is necessary for sustained arousal.

    For a quick result, it is recommended to prepare light snacks before the night of love. Shrimp salad, a couple of chocolate bars and a plate with strawberries, bananas and will help a man to accumulate enough strength for repeated sexual feats and demonstrate his capabilities at the highest level.

    IMPORTANT: a romantic dinner should be light and refined, otherwise you can provide a healthy one instead of an enchanting "marathon".


The idyll of the intimate life of spouses can be destroyed with the appearance of various kinds of diseases. genitourinary system... The most common problem is cystitis after sex, the symptoms of which appear 2 hours after the act of intimacy. If you start treating the disease immediately, then it will no longer bother you. Otherwise, postcoital cystitis will become your constant companion.

Reasons for the development of postcoital cystitis

Cystitis after intimacy is a purely female disease, because the urethra is too short, from which the infection can almost freely enter the bladder. The likelihood of inflammation increases with congenital anatomical abnormalities of the reproductive system. Men were more fortunate in this case. Nature has endowed them with a long, winding urethra, which is a serious obstacle to infection.

Often, inflammation can develop due to non-observance of the simplest rules of personal hygiene. Alternating vaginal and anal sex can also cause cystitis. Cystitis can also appear after oral sex, for example, if your partner has caries and you have weak immunity. The infection gets inside during intercourse. When the disease progresses with pronounced symptoms, it becomes a reason to see a doctor. Then the chances of a full recovery are maximized. The situation is exacerbated in the absence of any signs of inflammation. The woman simply does not notice that she is sick. And postcoital cystitis can develop into a chronic form.

Streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, Escherichia coli and other bacteria also cause an exacerbation of the disease. While in the intestines, they do no harm. And getting into the bladder, they begin to multiply rapidly and provoke an inflammatory process.

Bacterial vaginosis and dysbiosis are dangerous for women's health. Such a violation of the microflora inside the vagina contributes to the spread of opportunistic microflora. As a result of infection with any sexually transmitted infection, cystitis begins in most cases.

The main symptoms of the disease

For women who are closely familiar with postcoital cystitis, the intimate side of family life often turns into a real torture.

On the basis of a constant feeling of a threat to health, a mental disorder often develops. The main symptoms of the disease are pain, burning and tingling sensation during urination. The urge to go to the toilet appears more often, and the amount of fluid released during this process is significantly reduced.

Cystitis after sex can be accompanied by recurrent pain in the lower back and abdomen, as well as in the pubic region. Changes in the color or odor of urine, traces of blood may appear. Common cystitis should not be confused with a disease that occurs after intercourse. The main difference between the latter is in the manifestation of the main symptoms immediately after sex.

Painful urination after an active stormy night with alternating vaginal and anal sex is the first sign of an exacerbation. After a few days, the pain disappears, but in the case of the slightest injury to the urethra during intimate contact, everything can repeat itself. Sexual, like family, life in such conditions becomes a real nightmare, a reason for constant quarrels and neuroses. But even in such a situation, not all women are in a hurry to see a doctor, but prefer to self-medicate.

Diagnostics and treatment

When the inflammation has already begun and is accompanied by severe burning, pain and frequent urges to urinate, women begin to panic. Putting a heating pad in the perineum will help reduce discomfort... But cystitis cannot be cured this way, it does not go away without antibiotics, but develops into a chronic form. Over time, the attacks of the disease will only get worse.

It is necessary to visit a urologist as soon as possible. As a result of the examination, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of the disease. But before starting treatment, you will need to undergo an examination, do urine and blood tests to identify the causative agent of the infection. In addition, you will have to do an ultrasound of the genitourinary organs, get advice from a gynecologist. When the aggravation begins chronic form cystitis after sex, it becomes mandatory to examine the inner surface of the bladder with a cystoscope. In the process of diagnostics, the degree of its inflammation and the condition of the walls, a decrease in basic functions are revealed. If necessary, an X-ray examination can be prescribed.

Treatment of cystitis begins with the selection of antibiotics for local and internal use, takes place under the regular supervision of a doctor with periodic laboratory tests. Doctors also recommend increasing your fluid intake, along with warming up and physical therapy. Often, special exercises are prescribed to strengthen the pelvic muscles. Means that increase immunity and improve blood circulation in the organs of the genitourinary system also become useful in the process of treatment. Operations are prescribed when the cause of cystitis lies in the incorrect location of the external opening of the urethra.

There are diseases that aggravate the situation, causing various kinds of complications. For example, diabetes reduces the natural immunity of internal organs. The risk of developing cystitis from bacteria entering the vagina from the anal passage increases. Long-term use of antibacterial drugs, which reduce the body's natural defenses, has a detrimental effect on health.

How to avoid recurrence of the disease

It is advisable to refrain from performing marital duties during treatment, especially during a period of severe exacerbation. It will be possible to resume regular intimate relationships at the end of the antibiotic intake. Remember that cystitis, due to the abnormal location of the urethra, begins as a result of microtrauma, so you should not resume too active sex life immediately after treatment or surgery. Take an appropriate antibiotic as a preventive measure after sex.

You can avoid the recurrence of postcoital cystitis if you follow some simple rules. The most important thing is hygiene. Before starting intimate pleasures, be sure to wash your hands and genitals, refuse to alternate vaginal and anal sex. Use a condom to protect yourself from dangerous sexually transmitted infections. Prevent damage to the vaginal walls, apply lubricant if necessary during sex. Don't get too carried away with the missionary position.

Try to empty your bladder before and after marital duties. This helps to remove harmful microorganisms and bacteria from the urethra. If before the illness you used spermicidal contraceptives as a protection against unwanted pregnancy, now you should abandon them. This method of protection can provoke intestinal or vaginal dysbiosis and become an additional catalyst for the development of cystitis after sex.

It is advisable to replace strong tea or coffee herbal decoctions or plain water, so as not to aggravate the exacerbation of the disease. Drink more cranberry juice. The berries contain a natural antibiotic that helps to cope with inflammation and improve the condition of microflora.

Cystitis after sex is called the disease of the newlyweds, linking it with the onset of active sex life during the honeymoon. However, the disease is also common in those for whom sex with regular or casual partners has become regular. Acute bladder inflammation often affects people who prefer unprotected intercourse.

Why cystitis may appear after sex

Partners are at risk of getting sick after every intercourse. At the same time, the risk is always higher for women than for men. Cystitis after sex can be the result of careless experimentation by partners.

There are also less common causes - the abnormal structure of the female genital organs, in which the urethra is too close to the entrance to the vagina.

The opinion that hypothermia provokes cystitis is incorrect. With hypothermia, an already existing disease is only exacerbated.

After oral

This way of getting pleasure is considered the safest, but it is not true. Microorganisms in the human oral cavity enter the partner's bladder and irritate its walls.

The bacteria contribute to inflammation and can trigger cystitis. Oral sex is not the main route of infection. But in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity (caries, gingivitis, stomatitis), the risk of infection is high.

After anal

Feces leave toxins, E. coli and bacteria on the rectal mucosa. If anal intercourse alternates with vaginal intercourse, cystitis can occur in both partners.

Among women

Any unprotected contact with a partner can lead to infection. Girls who have weak immunity and neglect the hygiene of the genitals are more likely to get sick.

Even a small amount of bacteria provokes cystitis. Treating a man with respect can reduce the risk of infection. Rough intercourse damages the vaginal walls and urethra, making it easier for bacteria to enter the body.

The penetration of bacteria is the result of defloration, in which the hymen ruptures. Cystitis is not uncommon after a girl's first sex. Due to the violation of microflora, the body is not always able to cope with bacteria unfamiliar to it. The vagina of a virgin receives more trauma than the vagina of a woman who has been sexually active for a long time.

In men

Unlike women, symptoms of cystitis are rare in men. This condition is uncommon for young men. Those who have crossed the forty-year line are more susceptible to it.

Inflammation of the bladder in a man appears against the background of genital infections or urolithiasis.

The body is exposed to additional stress. If there is frequent urination and pain in the urethra, inflammation of the bladder appeared against the background of prostatitis.

Symptoms of the disease

The disease can be detected in the first few hours of finding the infection in the body.

Signs and manifestations:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen and in the urethra.
  2. Increased body temperature. If you do not start treating cystitis after sex when the first symptoms appear, the temperature rises the next day.
  3. Painful sensations when urinating.
  4. Discomfort during sexual intercourse for both partners.
  5. Frequent urge to urinate. The bacteria in the bladder irritate the mucous membrane and urethra, causing a feeling of fullness.
  6. Blood in the urine. The appearance of blood in the urine should force you to immediately seek qualified help.

Treatment of cystitis after sex

The disease is treated using an integrated approach. In especially severe cases, surgical intervention is used. Traditional medicine offers effective means for the treatment of the bladder, however, medication should not be abandoned. It is possible to treat cystitis after sex with folk recipes with the permission of a doctor.


The patient can be assigned:

  1. Antipyretic and analgesic drugs (Citramon, Analgin, Aspirin). They are used in cases where the disease is accompanied by fever and pain.
  2. Medicines for cystitis of plant origin (Cyston, Phytolysin, Kanefron).
  3. Antibiotics (Cefradin, Monural, Furagin). This group medicines it is used for various forms of cystitis. Antibiotics kill bacteria in the bladder.
  4. Immunomodulators and probiotics (Timogen, Acipol, Linex). With the help of these groups of drugs, you can strengthen the immune system and prevent relapse. Taking such medications completes the course of treatment.

Folk remedies

Among the popular folk recipes treatment of cystitis - baths with herbal decoctions. Warm water helps to relax muscles and relieve spasms. Baths should not be hot. To prepare the broth, you can take 100 g of chamomile and 100 g of calendula in 0.5 liters of water. Pour boiling water over chamomile and calendula and leave for at least 40 minutes. The broth is poured into a bath of warm water. The procedure takes 30 minutes. The water should reach the chest.

  1. Cystitis should also be treated with decoctions and infusions for oral administration. Recipes can be as follows: Take ½ cup of cranberry juice every half hour throughout the day. The juice of this berry has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 2 tbsp. l. chicory, leave for 30 minutes, strain, and then drink 1 glass 3 times a day. The diuretic effect of chicory helps clear the bacteria that cause cystitis from the bladder.
  3. 1 tsp chopped dill seeds must be poured with 1 cup boiling water and left for 2 hours. The drink is taken 1 glass during the week in the morning on an empty stomach.


To avoid cystitis, you must:

  1. Refuse casual relationships.
  2. Use a condom to protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Observe the rules of personal hygiene. Both partners should shower before and after contact.
  4. Refuse oral sex in the presence of diseases of the oral cavity.
  5. It is permissible to have anal sex only with a condom. To prevent cystitis, do not alternate between vaginal and anal contact.
  6. Refuse hard sex that can injure the vagina and urethra.

Preventive measures should be especially strictly observed by pregnant women and women during menopause.

Pain when urinating after intercourse should not bother either men or women. Even minor discomfort must be eliminated, since such a pathological phenomenon can provoke psychogenic pathology.

For what reasons can there be a painful syndrome when urinating after sex

Unpleasant symptoms after intercourse during urine outflow occur for several reasons:

Groin pain

  • inflammatory processes of organs in the small pelvis, urinary tract;
  • penetration of infection transmitted after sexual intercourse;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • psychogenic factors.

The most common cause of painful manifestations during the emptying of urea after sexual intercourse is the inflammatory process that has arisen in the urinary canals.

The main diseases that provoke an outbreak of this symptom are:

Genitourinary infections
  • ureaplasmos;
  • mycoplasmos.

Inflammation in the urethra is accompanied by a burning sensation, an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

The next pathology that causes unpleasant symptoms in the outflow of urine is cystitis (prostatic). In this case, the man feels frequent urges, a burning sensation with stinging. The disease in question may occur due to an incorrect, anatomical location of the urethral canal.

Painful syndrome after intercourse in a man

Men feel acute, cutting, painful symptoms after intercourse during the emptying of urea in cancer. However, there are a number of reasons why it is painful to write after intercourse.

Of these, marked:

Inflammation of the prostate
  • inflammatory process of the urethra, testicles, urea, seminal vesicles, prostate;
  • STD diseases (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis);
  • hypothermia, inflammation of the head of the genital organ, foreskin;
  • aggravated course of prostatitis, trauma to the frenum.

According to medical research, it has been proven that during infectious processes of the urinary and genital canal, only a fifth of the male population has pronounced symptoms, in all other cases, this is the only deviation that makes patients seek medical help.

Painful syndrome after intercourse in women

Cutting pains after sex in women occur due to the existing cystitis. Cystitis is not the only reason for such a pathology; factors can also come from another disease. If we take into account the anatomical peculiarity of the fact that the female canal is shorter than the male (4-5 times). This feature explains the fact that bacteria penetrate into it faster than into the male urethra. The infection spreads very quickly and reaches the urea, where the inflammatory process develops with discomfort when emptying the bladder.


Pain in women

A disease with very painful symptoms. Every person has encountered this pathology, at least once in his life. The disease has a pronounced symptomatology, which manifests itself most of all after intercourse during the emission of urine.

Perceived Symptoms:

  • burning, feeling of incomplete emptying;
  • pain syndrome.

If you do not start medical therapy on time, the pathology can turn into serious complications for women's health.

Painful urination after sex is possible in women who have other diseases that may have contracted from a partner:

  • genital herpes;
  • scarring after deprivation of virginity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse;

Unpleasant symptoms after sexual intercourse are accompanied by:

  • cramps and burning sensation in the urethral canal;
  • difficult urine control;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • cloudy urine;
  • rarely an increase in temperature.

Untimely therapy of the infectious process leads to the development of diseases, first into the acute phase, then into the chronic one. Chronic cystitis, this is not the most terrible pathology, pyelonephritis can also occur, and this is much more serious. Serious illnesses take much longer to heal.

What symptomatology still occurs in the male and female population with pathological outflow of urine

In women and men, painful urination is accompanied by other symptoms. It can be pain in the lower peritoneum, discomfort during sexual intercourse, general malaise. A weak immune system, discharge, and sometimes high fever are also noted.

This symptomatology, which recurs after urination, should be discussed with a specialized specialist. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination and find the reason that complicates the usual way of life.

How is the cause of painful urination after intercourse ascertained?

In some cases, to diagnose the onset of a pathological process, it is required to be examined by several specialists. The patient must first visit a gynecologist or venereologist.

Patients are examined, urine and plasma tests are prescribed. If a venereal infection, impaired urea function, an inflammatory process is detected, antibiotic therapy is recommended.

Women are assigned a study on an ultrasound machine, where the condition of the internal organs in the small pelvis is diagnosed.

In some cases, painful urination occurs due to a psychological mood, internal fear. This mainly happens to women who have been raped, or after the first, unsuccessful, sexual intercourse.

How painful discomfort with discomfort is eliminated

It is possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and cure the diseases associated with it only after the cause of the outbreak of pathology has been found.

At different types sexually transmitted diseases are necessary different methods therapy. Antibacterial therapy is aimed at killing harmful bacteria, but antibacterial medicines are powerless against viruses. Anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce inflammation, but will not kill bacteria.


Drug therapy

Medical therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Basically, diseases such as cystitis are treated with cephalosporin, norfloxacin. For greater efficiency, complex therapy is recommended using various techniques.

Fungal diseases are treated with Nystatin, Flucanazole. Also, there is a prescription of drugs that are supportive for the microflora. Basically, this applies to the female sex, since the infection kills healthy flora.

To relieve the symptoms of burning during the emptying of urea after intercourse, prostatitis should be treated. This is a male disease. In this case, self-medication is completely excluded.

Traditional medicine help

My own doctor

The home technique helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms thanks to its diuretic and antiseptic effects. However, the use of such methods is allowed to be used only in complex therapy along with the intake of other medications.

Folk methods are based on the use of natural medicines: chamomile color, pumpkin seeds, cranberries, aspen bark, juniper, goldenrod.

Herbal preparations are treated before and after sexual intercourse, they are taken by mouth or washed by the genitals.

Men and women should follow the rules of personal hygiene, strengthen the immune system, visit a gynecologist and urologist every year.



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