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Imperfect participle presentation for a Russian language lesson (grade 7) on the topic. Imperfect participle presentation for a lesson in the Russian language (7th grade) on the topic of Gbou JSC “Vychegda Scotch”

H) Participle and gerund are auxiliary parts of speech. D) The participle is an unchangeable form of the verb. A) Participles answer the question: What are you doing? what did you do? E) Participles have the characteristics of a verb and a participle. K) Participles have the categories of aspect, transitivity and reflexivity. J) Participles with dependent words form participial turnover. T) Participial phrases are always separated by commas. Write down the codes for the correct statements

Spoiled card TypeMeaningQuestionHow is the Imperfect Incomplete additional action formed? What to do? Present time, incomplete.v.+-a-/-z- PerfectCompleted additional action What to do? Pr.v. + -v- /-lice- (vowel-based) + -shi- base per consonant) Bud.vr. + -а-/-я- Formation of gerunds

Let's compare the results... Formation of gerunds Type Meaning Question How is the Imperfect formed Incomplete additional action Doing what? Present time, not present time + -a-/-i- PerfectCompleted additional action What have you done? Pr.v. + -v- /-vshi- (base on a vowel) + -shi- (base on a consonant) Bud.vr. + -a-/-i-

Captain's vision, or noticing every participle If a sailor, making his way along the coastal road to Bristol, stopped at the Admiral Beanbow, the captain first looked at him from behind the door curtain and only then went out into the living room.

Finally, the captain burst into the room, slammed the door and, without looking around, headed straight to the table where breakfast awaited him. Finally, the captain burst into the room, slammed the door and, without looking around, headed straight to the table where breakfast awaited him. Avoid dangers without looking

Something is wrong here... Trying not to make any noise, I crawled out of the bush on all fours and rushed into the forest. As I ran away, I heard the old pirate calling out to his comrades. Their voices definitely gave me wings. The thicket was left behind. I rushed without knowing the road. With every step my fear intensified, finally turning into insane horror. Trying to escape, dismantling having turned

We worked tirelessly. We worked tirelessly. Without wanting to be verbose, I will just say that having taken several new sailors onto our ship, we arrived safely in Bristol. Without wanting to be verbose, I will just say that having taken several new sailors onto our ship, we arrived safely in Bristol. Something is wrong here...

26 “Day after day passed. And there was no end in sight to our work. Every evening we sent piles of treasures to the ship, but no smaller piles remained in the cave...” Homework § 42, 43, ex. 432 (oral), write down the text of the printout, solving spelling and punctuation problems

Public lesson In Russian in the 7th grade

Subject: “Formation of perfective participles.”


1. To familiarize students with the method of forming perfective participles;

strengthening the ability to distinguish participles from other parts of speech.

2. Develop thinking, attention, spelling vigilance; ability to compare, analyze,

draw conclusions.

3. Develop independence, organization, determination, ability to work

a team.

Lesson type: mastering new knowledge.

Form of lesson organization: lesson-game.

Teaching methods: verbal, practical, partially search.

Forms of training: aboutschclass, steam room, individual.

Visibility: table “Formation of perfect participles”, map with lesson stages,

assessment sheets, tests.

Resources: multimedia installation, demonstration slide material.

During the classes

Organizing time (preparing students for the lesson, creating a working mood).

Our lesson today can be called unusual.

Like climbers who overcome inaccessible mountain peaks, you will conquer the pinnacle of knowledge. Here is a map of the lesson stages that everyone needs to go through. It resembles a staircase. Having gone through all the steps of the ladder and overcome all the obstacles, you can rightfully call yourself climbers who have conquered the pinnacle of knowledge.

(Grades are given on the lesson stage map).

Map of lesson stages.

The pinnacle of knowledge






into silence







Testing students' knowledge.

I - stage - "Brain attack"

Target: testing students' knowledge on previous topics; development of logical thinking.

    What is a participle called?

    In what century did this term originate, and what does it mean?

    What is another name for a gerund?

    What parts of speech does the participle combine?

    What are the characteristics of a verb in a gerund?

    What are the signs of an adverb in a gerund?

    What do participles and gerunds have in common?

    What is the difference between the verb features of participle and gerund?

Why do participles have no tense form?

    What suffixes does the gerund have?

    How are participles formed? imperfect form?

    What verbs cannot be used to form imperfective participles?

    What is the peculiarity of forming the imperfective participle from a verb?be ?

II – stage - “Practical obstacles” (students check with each other

completed tasks)

1. Auditory dictation.

Goal: ability to distinguish participles from other parts of speech.

Exercise: From this list of words, write down only participles.

Rusted, rustled, rustled, rustled, rustled.

Playing, playing, playing, playing, winning, toys, playing.

2.Task: form imperfective participles from the verbs smile, protect,

worry, wait.

Goal: to consolidate the ability to form imperfective participles.


Smile - smile - smiling.

Protect - protect - protect

Worry - worry - worrying.

Wait - the imperfective participle is not formed.

Setting a goal.

Teacher: To continue to overcome obstacles, we need new information. Therefore, the goal of our next stage and the entire lesson as a whole will be to master the rules for forming perfect participles.

III – stage - "Information exchange"

Explanation of a new topic.

1. Perfective participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) of perfective verbs, mainly with the help of a suffix-V :

buy – buy V , decide - decide V .

    From a number of verbs of the perfect form, gerunds are formed using the suffix-and I ( enter - entering, subtract - subtract etc.) or suffixes- lice, - shi ( offended, upset and etc.).

    In the vast majority of cases, forms with the suffix are used-V : they are shorter and more euphonious. The cacophony of forms likehaving written M. Gorky especially emphasized. But it should be borne in mind that reflexive verbs usually have only one form -laughing, wrapped up . Suffix usage-shi instead of a suffix-V This is also typical for many verbs with a consonant as a stem:grow up - grown up; save - having saved .

    Use of suffix-and I when forming perfect participles (cf.:putting - putting, hearing - hearing, noticing - noticing ) was a fairly common phenomenon in the 19th – early 20th centuries. For example, such forms were widely used by M. Gorky:leaning, approaching, getting off etc. Currently, many of these forms are out of use.

2. The main mistake when forming participles is the use of one suffix instead of another.

For example, in the sentence:I dialed the number after hanging up – the form of a gerund with a suffix was mistakenly used-A . From verbs with a stem to a sibilant, perfective participles are usually formed using a suffix-A , but the normative version would be the form with the suffix-V ( putting phone ).

    Errors of this kind are quite common when using phraseological units. Many of them contain obsolete forms of gerunds (put A hand on heart, damn I head ). Arbitrary replacement of such forms with modern forms in some idiomatic expressions (rushed out V head ) is an error!

    Quite regularly in speech, the so-called filling of “empty cells” is also observed, that is, the erroneous formation of gerunds from verbs that in a literary language cannot have gerund forms at all (for example:Sleeping , he shuddered ).

    The perfect participle is used if the action it expresses occurs before the main one:After reading the book, he took it to the library (that is, he read it first and then took it back).

3. Work according to the reference table

Perfect participle

Having done what?


Undefined forms of the verb owl. kind

Checking the understanding of the topic. Analysis of new material. Answers on questions:

    From what type of verbs are perfective participles formed?

    What form are the original verbs in?

    What suffixes are used to form perfect participles?

    What are the special cases of formation of perfective participles?

IV - stage- "Immersion in silence."

Students review the material explained by the teacher as well as the material given in the textbook for 2 minutes.

V - stage - "Author's chair." Individual work.Cleaving a linguistic narrative.

At this stage, one of the students must retell the material studied.

VI – stage– "Knowledge Updating".

Target : application of acquired knowledge in practice (the ability to form perfect participles from verbs).

Work at the board.

Completing exercise 143 p. 74 – form and write perfect participles, highlight the gerunds’ suffixes. Make up several sentences with perfect participles.

Meet, meet, dispel, develop, out of breath, sit down, renounce, decide, decide, get carried away, hear, lose.

Completing exercise 146 p. 74 – copy down proverbs, replacing verbs with gerunds that are suitable in meaning and form; place punctuation marks.

    If you don’t (know) the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water. 2. They don’t (start) a business and think about the end. 3. (Remove) the head by the hair does not cry. 4. (Plant) a cactus, don’t wait for the grape harvest. 5. (Run away) from the smoke and fall into the fire. 6. (Send) nine fools on business, follow them so as not to be the tenth.

VII – stage "Diagnostics of assimilation". Test.

    The participle is:

A) A special form of the verb, denoting the attribute of an object by action.

B) A special form of the verb, denoting an additional action with the main one expressed by the verb.

2. The gerunds combine the following characteristics:

A) Verbs and adverbs.

B) Verb and adjective.

B) Participles and verbs.

3. The participle changes:

A) By numbers and persons.

B) By gender, cases and numbers.

B) Do not change.

4. It is not written with participles:

A) Together.

B) Separately.

C) Depending on the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed.

5. Find the correct statement:

A) The participle answers the questions what to do? what to do?

B) The participle answers the questions: What are you doing? what did you do?

C) The participle answers the questions which? whose?

6. What feature is missing from the gerund?

A) View.

B) Returnability.

B) Time.

7. Indicate the perfect participle:

A) Rushing.

B) Recognizing.

B) Freezing.

8. Participial phrase is:

A) The participle and the verb to which it refers.

B) Participle with a dependent word.

9. Indicate the imperfective participle:

A) Having completed.

B) Returning.

B) Starting.

10. How are perfect participles formed:

A) From the base of the present tense of the verb using the suffixes -em-, -im-.

B) From the base of the indefinite form of the verb using the suffixes -v, -vshi, -shi.

C) From the base of the present tense of the verb using the suffixes –v, -vsh, -sh, -im.

Key to the test











    VIII – stage "The pinnacle of knowledge".

    Summing up the lesson. Report ratings.

  1. What is the goal of the lesson and did you achieve it?

    Which part of the lesson did you like best?

    How do you rate your knowledge?

    Have you managed to conquer the peak of knowledge?

  2. Homework assignment. Theory - § 24.

    Practice – exercise 145 p. 74 – in writing;

    exercise 147 p. 75 – orally.


Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature



  • summarize and systematize the material on the topic: “Adverbial participles of the perfect imperfective form”;
  • repeat the spelling of alternating vowels in the root of the word and NOT with various parts speeches;
  • repeat the rules for constructing sentences with participial and participial phrases;

Good afternoon We came here to study Don't be lazy, but work. We work diligently Let's listen carefully!


How to spell NOT with gerunds?

- When is NOT written together with participles?

Game "Be Attentive!"

(Not) demanding, (not) waiting, (not) arriving, (not) folding, (not) reading, (not) wondering,

(not) speaking, (not) seeing, (not) smiling, (not) overcoming, (not) saying goodbye.


Written separately

It is written smoothly

Without requiring


Not arriving


Without folding


Without reading

Not talking

Without smiling

Without saying goodbye

Parsing a sentence

1 option

(If you don’t) know grief, you (don’t) know joy.

Option 2

(Without) waiting for the green signal, the traffic light (not) leave the house.

Game "Catch the Question"

-What are participles?

What does the participle mean?

- Signs of what parts of speech does the gerund have?

- What is the participle in a sentence?

-How are gerunds with the particle NOT written?

How are participles formed? What does the type of participle indicate?

-How to determine the type of participle?

Physical education minute

Now guys, stand up

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them,

Hands down and stand like that.

Leaned right, left

And we get down to business again.

Practical work Touch, suggest, jump out, grow up, get wet, spread, lock, rub, sunbathe, illuminate, offer

Practical work Touch - touching guess - guess jump out - jump out grow up - growing up get wet - getting wet spread out - spread out lock up - lock up grind - grind sunbathing - sunbathing illuminate - illuminated offer - offering

Creative work

1st group.

(Meet) with adults or (enter) a room, say hello first. (Greet) with elders, don’t extend your hand, wait until they do it themselves...i.e. (Remove) the fur...ku or hat, do not put it on until you shake...hand.

Check yourself!

Replace the verbs in brackets with gerunds.

1st group.

When meeting adults or entering a room, say hello first. When saying hello to your elders, don’t extend your hand, wait until they do it themselves. Having taken off your cap or hat, do not put it on until you shake hands.

Creative work

Replace the verbs in brackets with gerunds.

2nd group.

(Give) your hand, take off the glove, lean forward a little... . (Bow), just bend your head, and don’t bend in half and don’t wave your arms... . (Get on) a tram or bus, let your companion go first through the door.

Check yourself!

Replace the verbs in brackets with gerunds.

2nd group.

As you offer your hand, take off the glove and lean forward a little. When bowing, bend only your head, and do not bend in half and do not wave your arms. When boarding a tram or bus, let your companion through the door first.

Creative work

(If you don’t) know the ford, (don’t) stick your nose into the water. (Not) after killing a bear, the skins (are not) sold. (Do not) look at the pie and say that you are full. (Not) bowing to the ground will (not) raise the fungus. (Without) working you will (not) be full.

Check yourself!

If you don't know the ford, don't go into the water. Without killing the bear, the skins are not sold. Without looking at the pie, don’t say you’re full. Without bowing to the ground, you will not raise the fungus. If you don't work, you won't be full.

Complicated cheating

(Not) having agreed on the shore, (don’t) go to the river. (Without) grumbling, the cat will not eat the piece. (If you haven’t) seen the bear’s traces, (don’t) be afraid. (Without) checking your hearing, (don’t) bring it to someone else’s ear. You can be modest (without) being wise, but you cannot be smart without (not) being modest.


1. Complete test tasks (Appendix No. 1);

2. Write down excerpts from poems, find participles, determine their type (Appendix No. 2)


learned well

I learned it well and can put it into practice

I learned it well, but I have questions

much is unclear

1 slide

Imperfect participles Purpose of the lesson: familiarization with the ways of forming imperfect participles; developing the ability to form participles from verbs while maintaining form.

2 slide

Examination homework Read from ex. 173 adverbial phrases. Read from ex. 173 verbs with the particle not. Read from ex. 174 all participles with the particle not. Explain their spelling.

3 slide

Extract from ex. 174 all participles with the particle not. Explain their spelling. Extract from ex. 174 adjectives and nouns with no. Explain their spelling. The word is unusually written together. You will study this rule later.

4 slide

Extract from ex. 174 remaining words with spellings. 6. Write down the participial phrase without pretending to be successful. Make a proposal with him orally.

5 slide

Getting to know new material. 1. Look at the table on p. 82 (§ 29). From the stems of which verbs are imperfective participles formed? What suffix is ​​used to form imperfective participles?

6 slide

What comes after the suffix of imperfective participles if they are formed from the stem reflexive verb? Read the rule after the table on p. 82. How is the imperfective participle formed from the verb to be? What question does the imperfective participle answer? What does the imperfective participle end with?

Slide 7

Training exercises. Do the exercise. 174. - Write down the participles rusty, scooping, fiddling with accents. Do the exercise orally. 175. From what verbs cannot gerunds be formed?

8 slide

Copy the statement of L. Tolstoy. Name the imperfective participles. From what stems of what verbs are they formed? You need to write in rough drafts, without thinking about the place and correctness of expression of thoughts. Rewrite for the second time, eliminating everything unnecessary and giving a real place to each thought. Rewrite for the third time, processing the correctness of expressions

Slide 9

Why is there no comma before the conjunction and in the second sentence? What punctuation would you add if you format this text as direct speech, including the words of the author?

10 slide

Vocabulary words: pool, distance, shine. Pool (French bassin “pool, basin, bowl”). 1. An artificial reservoir built for swimming and swimming. 2. The totality of tributaries of a river, lake, as well as the area of ​​surface and groundwater flow into a reservoir. 3. Area of ​​mineral deposits.

11 slide

Distance (Polish distancja, Latin distantia “distance, interval”). 1. Distance, interval between something. 2. A section on communication routes, as well as a section where sporting events take place.

12 slide

Shine (original) 1. To emit radiance. 2. transfer Shine, expressing some joyful feelings (about the eyes), or glow with joy, happiness, love (about the face).



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