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That the Church has not yet formed its position regarding the Yekaterinburg remains.

According to him, the investigation carried out in the 1990s was characterized by opacity and a complete reluctance to let the Church into this process. Therefore, the Patriarch, discussing this topic with the President of Russia, raised the question of a re-investigation, where “from the very beginning to the end the Church should not observe from the sidelines, but it should be included in this process.”

“And as a result of a new investigation, conducted anew according to all the rules of conducting an investigative case, we received some results,” said the Primate of the Church.

He emphasized that the results of the examinations are not tied to any dates or deadlines, so there can be no haste here.

“For us, this is not just a question of how this murder was committed, what it all meant, whether the remains found are the remains of the royal family. This is also a question related to the spiritual life of our people, because the royal family is canonized and is very deeply revered by the people. Therefore, we have no room for error,” he emphasized.

Deputy Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archimandrite Savva (Tutunov), said that the issue of the authenticity of the Ekaterinburg remains will be considered at the Council of Bishops, which will be held in Moscow from November 29 to December 4.

“The people who are responsible for studying this issue will probably say something. But it’s too early to talk about what conclusions will be drawn,” he said, emphasizing that the examination will take as long as necessary to complete it.

Chairman Synodal Department on the relationship of the Church with society and the media, Vladimir Legoyda noted that the completion of the examination is also “only a stage: you need to see how the results of one examination are combined with another.”

“This process will be as open as possible,” he promised.

Interrogations and examinations

Marina Molodtsova

Senior Special Investigator important matters The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Marina Molodtsova, said that after the resumption of the investigation into the murder of the royal family, more than 20 people who discovered the burial of the remains and participated in the excavations were interrogated.

“With their participation, inspections of the crime scene were carried out - both Ganina Pit and Porosenkov Log, where they spoke about the circumstances known to them in the case,” Molodtsova said.

She also reported that the investigative authorities, after resuming the investigation into the death of the royal family, ordered 34 different examinations.

“The examination is not completed. There are only intermediate results on some issues,” the investigator said.

According to Molodtsova, “thorough research is being carried out on the remains of people found in two burials in Porosenkovo ​​Log. The experts were asked questions about the causes of death, gender identification and family ties, identifying various damages.”

We are talking about the remains of nine people found in the area of ​​​​the Old Koptyakovskaya Road in 1991 and subsequently buried in the Romanov tomb in the Peter and Paul Fortress in 1998, as well as a find in 2007. Then, during archaeological excavations to the south of the site where the supposed remains of members of the Romanov family were discovered, burnt fragments of bones and teeth of a woman and child were found.

Molodtsova noted that the molecular genetic examination has not been completed, as well as the examination of the soil in order to establish the likelihood of their burning.

Version about ritual murder

The investigator said that a psychological and historical examination would also be carried out “to resolve the issue of the possible ritual nature of the murder” and an examination “on all versions of Yurovsky’s notes (Yakov Yurovsky is the immediate leader of the execution of the family of Nicholas II in the Ipatiev House. - Ed.), since there are doubts about the authorship of these notes."

“Carrying out examinations requires significant time,” she concluded.

Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov)

The secretary of the Patriarchal Commission for the study of the results of the examination, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, also stated that the murder of Nicholas II and his family could have been of a ritual nature.

"We have the most serious attitude to the version of ritual murder. Moreover, a significant part of the church commission has no doubt that this was so,” he said.

The secretary of the commission emphasized that this version must be proven and justified. “This needs to be proven and justified. The fact that the emperor, even if he had renounced, was killed in this way, that the victims were distributed according to the killers, as evidenced by Yurovsky (one of the participants in the execution), and that many wanted to be regicides. This already suggests that for many this was a special ritual,” added Bishop Tikhon.

Denial of rumors

Vasily Khristoforov

Chief researcher at the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, researcher of the history of Russian intelligence services, Doctor of Law Vasily Khristoforov denied rumors that the Bolsheviks allegedly cut off the head of Nicholas II and sent him to the Kremlin. According to the historian, this information was not confirmed during the investigation into the circumstances of the death of the royal family.

“We do not have not only a single document, but not a single indirect evidence of a participant in the events regarding the cutting off of the head,” said Khristoforov, who is a member of the Patriarchal Commission for studying the results of the study of Yekaterinburg remains.

The search must continue

Victor Zvyagin

The head of the department of forensic medical identification of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine, Viktor Zvyagin, believes that the search for possible burial places of Emperor Nicholas II, his family members and servants must be continued.

According to the expert, this conclusion was made based on the mass of discovered bone and dental fragments of the burial, which presumably belongs to Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Anastasia. “A total of 46 bone objects were delivered, most of which were less than a gram in mass,” he said, noting that this was significantly less than what experts estimated should have been found. In addition, bone fragments were found there that do not belong to humans.

“The results show that only one of several criminal burial sites has been discovered and the search needs to continue. There is information that several places have been discovered where it is possible for them (the remains. – Ed.) to be found using 3D radar methods,” Zvyagin said.

Complete burning is doubtful

Vyacheslav Popov

Chairman of the Forensic Medical Association of North-West Russia, President International Congress forensic doctors Vyacheslav Popov is confident that the bodies of the family of Nicholas II and their servants could not have been completely destroyed by sulfuric acid and fire.

“There is no reason to overestimate the damaging effect of sulfuric acid; it, of course, could have been poured onto bodies, but it is impossible to destroy them with this method of exposure to concentrated acid,” the expert noted.

He said that experiments were carried out not only using concentrated sulfuric acid, but also an experiment examining the processes in the cremation chamber, which led experts to the conclusion that it was impossible to completely burn the bodies.

Patriarch Kirill also noted that it is necessary to once again check the version about the possible complete burning of the remains. He told how he himself witnessed the process of cremation of the dead in India.

“I was there and saw with my own eyes how cremations are carried out: they burn all day long, from early morning until late at night, using huge dry firewood. As a result of cremation, body parts still remain,” the Primate said.

At the same time, according to Marina Molodtsova, the investigation is considering all versions of the murder of members of the royal family, including the version of the complete burning of bodies in the Ganina Yama area. As part of the investigation of this version, “soil samples were discovered and taken from the territory of the monastery of the Royal Passion-Bearers.”

How the commission works: two groups

Its secretary, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, spoke about the work of the Patriarchal Commission to study the results of the examination of the Yekaterinburg remains. According to him, expert groups of church and secular specialists “do not influence each other.”

“The Church Commission, which works with the blessing of the Patriarch, consists of historians, we have a historical part. The investigation involved experts in the field of criminology, anthropology, genetics and forensic experts. Forensic scientists and anthropologists work on their own. For us it is very important. There is no impact on them,” the bishop explained.

At the same time, he noted that the results of the work of different groups of specialists are known to everyone involved in the work on this case. “Historians have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the results of anthropologists and criminologists,” he added.

The last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family were shot in the summer of 1918 in Yekaterinburg. In 2000, the Russian Church canonized Nicholas II and members of his family; after opening a burial near Yekaterinburg, the remains of members of the imperial family were buried in the tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

In the fall of 2015, investigators resumed the investigation into the death of members of the Romanov dynasty. Currently, examinations are also being carried out to establish the authenticity of the remains found in 2007, possibly of Tsarevich Alexei and Grand Duchess Maria.

According to official history, on the night of July 16-17, 1918, Nikolai Romanov, along with his wife and children, was shot. After opening the burial and identifying the remains in 1998, they were reburied in the tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. However, then the Russian Orthodox Church did not confirm their authenticity.

“I cannot exclude that the church will recognize the royal remains as authentic if convincing evidence of their authenticity is discovered and if the examination is open and honest,” Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, said in July of this year.

As is known, the Russian Orthodox Church did not participate in the burial of the remains of the royal family in 1998, explaining this by the fact that the church is not sure whether the original remains of the royal family are buried. The Russian Orthodox Church refers to a book by Kolchak investigator Nikolai Sokolov, who concluded that all the bodies were burned. Some of the remains collected by Sokolov at the burning site are kept in Brussels, in the Church of St. Job the Long-Suffering, and they have not been examined. At one time, a version of Yurovsky’s note, who supervised the execution and burial, was found - it became the main document before the transfer of the remains (along with the book of investigator Sokolov). And now, in the coming year of the 100th anniversary of the execution of the Romanov family, the Russian Orthodox Church has been tasked with giving a final answer to all the dark execution sites near Yekaterinburg. To obtain a final answer, research has been carried out for several years under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church. Again, historians, geneticists, graphologists, pathologists and other specialists are rechecking the facts, powerful scientific forces and the forces of the prosecutor's office are again involved, and all these actions again take place under a thick veil of secrecy.

Genetic identification research is carried out by four independent groups of scientists. Two of them are foreign, working directly with the Russian Orthodox Church. At the beginning of July 2017, the secretary of the church commission for studying the results of the study of the remains found near Yekaterinburg, Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Yegoryevsk, said: a large number of new circumstances and new documents have been discovered. For example, Sverdlov’s order to execute Nicholas II was found. In addition, based on the results of recent research, criminologists have confirmed that the remains of the Tsar and Tsarina belong to them, since a mark was suddenly found on the skull of Nicholas II, which is interpreted as a mark from a saber blow he received while visiting Japan. As for the queen, dentists identified her using the world's first porcelain veneers on platinum pins.

Although, if you open the conclusion of the commission, written before the burial in 1998, it says: the bones of the sovereign’s skull are so destroyed that the characteristic callus cannot be found. The same conclusion noted severe damage to the teeth of Nikolai’s presumed remains due to periodontal disease, since this person had never been to the dentist. This confirms that it was not the tsar who was shot, since the records of the Tobolsk dentist whom Nikolai contacted remained. In addition, no explanation has yet been found for the fact that the height of the skeleton of “Princess Anastasia” is 13 centimeters greater than her lifetime height. Well, as you know, miracles happen in the church... Shevkunov did not say a word about genetic testing, and this despite the fact that genetic studies in 2003 conducted by Russian and American specialists showed that the genome of the body of the supposed empress and her sister Elizabeth Feodorovna did not match , which means no relationship.

On this topic

In addition, in the museum of the city of Otsu (Japan) there are things left after the policeman wounded Nicholas II. They contain biological material that can be examined. Based on them, Japanese geneticists from Tatsuo Nagai’s group proved that the DNA of the remains of “Nicholas II” from near Yekaterinburg (and his family) does not 100% match the DNA of biomaterials from Japan. During the Russian DNA examination, second cousins ​​were compared, and in the conclusion it was written that “there are matches.” The Japanese compared relatives of cousins. There are also the results of a genetic examination of the President of the International Association of Forensic Physicians, Mr. Bonte from Dusseldorf, in which he proved: the found remains and doubles of the Nicholas II Filatov family are relatives. Perhaps, from their remains in 1946, the “remains of the royal family” were created? The problem has not been studied.

Earlier, in 1998, the Russian Orthodox Church, on the basis of these conclusions and facts, did not recognize the existing remains as authentic, but what will happen now? In December, all conclusions of the Investigative Committee and the ROC commission will be considered by the Council of Bishops. It is he who will decide on the church’s attitude towards the Yekaterinburg remains. Let's see why everything is so nervous and what is the history of this crime?

This kind of money is worth fighting for

Today some Russian elites Suddenly, interest awoke in one very piquant story of relations between Russia and the United States, connected with the Romanov royal family. The story in a nutshell is this: More than 100 years ago, in 1913, the United States created the Federal Reserve System (FRS), a central bank and international currency printing press that still operates today. The Fed was created for the newly created League of Nations (now the UN) and would be a single global financial center with its own currency. Russia contributed 48,600 tons of gold to the “authorized capital” of the system. But the Rothschilds demanded that Woodrow Wilson, who was then re-elected as US President, transfer the center to their private ownership along with the gold. The organization became known as the Federal Reserve System, where Russia owned 88.8%, and 11.2% belonged to 43 international beneficiaries. Receipts stating that 88.8% of gold assets for a period of 99 years are under the control of the Rothschilds were transferred in six copies to the family of Nicholas II. The annual income on these deposits was fixed at 4%, which was supposed to be transferred to Russia annually, but was deposited in the X-1786 account of the World Bank and in 300 thousand accounts in 72 international banks. All these documents confirming the right to the gold pledged to the Federal Reserve from Russia in the amount of 48,600 tons, as well as income from leasing it, were deposited by the mother of Tsar Nicholas II, Maria Fedorovna Romanova, for safekeeping in one of the Swiss banks. But only heirs have conditions for access there, and this access is controlled by the Rothschild clan. Gold certificates were issued for the gold provided by Russia, which made it possible to claim the metal in parts - the royal family hid them in different places. Later, in 1944, the Bretton Woods Conference confirmed Russia's right to 88% of the Fed's assets.

At one time, two famous Russian oligarchs, Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovsky, proposed to tackle this “golden” issue. But Yeltsin “didn’t understand” them, and now, apparently, that very “golden” time has come... And now this gold is remembered more and more often - though not at the state level.

On this topic

In Lahore, Pakistan, 16 police officers were arrested for the shooting of an innocent family on the streets of the city. According to eyewitnesses, the police stopped a car traveling to the wedding and brutally dealt with its driver and passengers.

People kill for this gold, fight for it, and make fortunes from it.

Today's researchers believe that all wars and revolutions in Russia and in the world occurred because the Rothschild clan and the United States did not intend to return gold to the Federal Reserve System of Russia. After all, the execution of the royal family made it possible for the Rothschild clan not to give up the gold and not pay for its 99-year lease. “Currently, out of three Russian copies of the agreement on gold invested in the Fed, two are in our country, the third is presumably in one of the Swiss banks,” says researcher Sergei Zhilenkov. – In a cache in the Nizhny Novgorod region, there are documents from the royal archive, among which there are 12 “gold” certificates. If they are presented, the global financial hegemony of the USA and the Rothschilds will simply collapse, and our country will receive huge money and all the opportunities for development, since it will no longer be strangled from overseas,” the historian is sure.

Many wanted to close the questions about the royal assets with the reburial. Professor Vladlen Sirotkin also has a calculation for the so-called war gold exported to the First World War and Civil War to the West and East: Japan - 80 billion dollars, Great Britain - 50 billion, France - 25 billion, USA - 23 billion, Sweden - 5 billion, Czech Republic - 1 billion dollars. Total – 184 billion. Surprisingly, officials in the US and UK, for example, do not dispute these figures, but are surprised at the lack of requests from Russia. By the way, the Bolsheviks remembered Russian assets in the West in the early 20s. Back in 1923, People's Commissar of Foreign Trade Leonid Krasin ordered a British investigative law firm to evaluate Russian real estate and cash deposits abroad. By 1993, this company reported that it had already accumulated a data bank worth 400 billion dollars! And this is legal Russian money.

Why did the Romanovs die? Britain did not accept them!

There is a long-term study, unfortunately, by the now deceased professor Vladlen Sirotkin (MGIMO) “Foreign Gold of Russia” (Moscow, 2000), where the gold and other holdings of the Romanov family, accumulated in the accounts of Western banks, are also estimated at no less than 400 billion dollars, and together with investments - more than 2 trillion dollars! In the absence of heirs from the Romanov side, the closest relatives turn out to be members of the English royal family... Whose interests may be behind many events of the 19th–21st centuries... By the way, it is not clear (or, on the contrary, it is clear) for what reasons the royal house of England refused the family three times The Romanovs are in refuge. The first time in 1916, in the apartment of Maxim Gorky, an escape was planned - the rescue of the Romanovs by kidnapping and internment of the royal couple during their visit to an English warship, which was then sent to Great Britain. The second was Kerensky's request, which was also rejected. Then the Bolsheviks’ request was not accepted. And this despite the fact that the mothers of George V and Nicholas II were sisters. In surviving correspondence, Nicholas II and George V call each other “Cousin Nicky” and “Cousin Georgie” - they were cousins ​​with a smaller age difference three years, and in their youth these guys spent a lot of time together and were very similar in appearance. As for the queen, her mother, Princess Alice, was the eldest and beloved daughter of Queen Victoria of England. At that time, England held 440 tons of gold from Russia’s gold reserves and 5.5 tons of Nicholas II’s personal gold as collateral for military loans. Now think about it: if the royal family died, then who would the gold go to? To the closest relatives! Is this the reason why cousin Georgie refused to accept cousin Nicky's family? To obtain gold, its owners had to die. Officially. And now all this needs to be connected with the burial of the royal family, which will officially testify that the owners of untold wealth are dead.

Versions of life after death

All versions of the death of the royal family that exist today can be divided into three. First version: the royal family was shot near Yekaterinburg, and its remains, with the exception of Alexei and Maria, were reburied in St. Petersburg. The remains of these children were found in 2007, all examinations were carried out on them, and they will apparently be buried on the 100th anniversary of the tragedy. If this version is confirmed, for accuracy it is necessary to once again identify all the remains and repeat all examinations, especially genetic and pathological anatomical ones. Second version: the royal family was not shot, but was scattered throughout Russia and all family members died a natural death, having lived their lives in Russia or abroad, while in Yekaterinburg a family of doubles was shot (members of the same family or people from different families, but similar on members of the emperor's family). Nicholas II had doubles after Bloody Sunday 1905. When leaving the palace, three carriages left. It is unknown which of them Nicholas II sat in. The Bolsheviks, having captured the archives of the 3rd department in 1917, had data of doubles. There is an assumption that one of the families of doubles - the Filatovs, who are distantly related to the Romanovs - followed them to Tobolsk. Third version: the intelligence services added false remains to the burials of members of the royal family as they died naturally or before opening the grave. To do this, it is necessary to very carefully monitor, among other things, the age of the biomaterial.

Let us present one of the versions of the historian of the royal family Sergei Zhelenkov, which seems to us the most logical, although very unusual.

Before investigator Sokolov, the only investigator who published a book about the execution of the royal family, there were investigators Malinovsky, Nametkin (his archive was burned along with his house), Sergeev (removed from the case and killed), Lieutenant General Diterichs, Kirsta. All these investigators concluded that the royal family was not killed. Neither the Reds nor the Whites wanted to disclose this information - they understood that American bankers were primarily interested in obtaining objective information. The Bolsheviks were interested in the tsar's money, and Kolchak declared himself the Supreme Ruler of Russia, which could not happen with a living sovereign.

Investigator Sokolov was conducting two cases - one on the fact of murder and the other on the fact of disappearance. At the same time, military intelligence, represented by Kirst, conducted an investigation. When the Whites left Russia, Sokolov, fearing for the collected materials, sent them to Harbin - some of his materials were lost along the way. Sokolov’s materials contained evidence of the financing of the Russian revolution by the American bankers Schiff, Kuhn and Loeb, and Ford, who was in conflict with these bankers, became interested in these materials. He even called Sokolov from France, where he settled, to the USA. When returning from the USA to France, Nikolai Sokolov was killed. Sokolov’s book was published after his death, and many people “worked” on it, removing many scandalous facts from it, so it cannot be considered completely truthful. The surviving members of the royal family were observed by people from the KGB, where a special department was created for this purpose, dissolved during perestroika. The archives of this department have been preserved. The royal family was saved by Stalin - the royal family was evacuated from Yekaterinburg through Perm to Moscow and came into the possession of Trotsky, then the People's Commissar of Defense. To further save the royal family, Stalin carried out an entire operation, stealing it from Trotsky’s people and taking them to Sukhumi, to a specially built house next to the former house of the royal family. From there, all family members were distributed according to different places, Maria and Anastasia were taken to the Glinsk hermitage (Sumy region), then Maria was transported to the Nizhny Novgorod region, where she died of illness on May 24, 1954. Anastasia subsequently married personal security guard Stalin and lived very secludedly on a small farm, died

June 27, 1980 in the Volgograd region. The eldest daughters, Olga and Tatyana, were sent to Serafimo-Diveevsky convent– the empress was settled not far from the girls. But they did not live here for long. Olga, having traveled through Afghanistan, Europe and Finland, settled in Vyritsa, Leningrad Region, where she died on January 19, 1976. Tatyana lived partly in Georgia, partly in the Krasnodar Territory, was buried in the Krasnodar Territory, and died on September 21, 1992. Alexey and his mother lived at their dacha, then Alexey was transported to Leningrad, where they “did” a biography on him, and the whole world recognized him as party and Soviet leader Alexei Nikolaevich Kosygin (Stalin sometimes called him Tsarevich in front of everyone). Nicholas II lived and died in Nizhny Novgorod(December 22, 1958), and the queen died in the village of Starobelskaya, Lugansk region on April 2, 1948 and was subsequently reburied in Nizhny Novgorod, where she and the emperor have a common grave. Three daughters of Nicholas II, besides Olga, had children. N.A. Romanov communicated with I.V. Stalin, and wealth Russian Empire were used to strengthen the power of the USSR...

Finally, it happened - the first results of the long-promised historical examination of the Tsar’s case appeared. First of all, the extremely important materials of the conference "". This assault by the whole world led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill's exploration of the mysteries of the 20th century makes a reassuring impression. A nine-hour discussion of professionals in different fields of knowledge and directions on a controversial issue that was a century old opened up new horizons for its understanding, which requires special consideration.

It is difficult to perceive the entire range of opinions by ear, but based on the published positions of some authors, one can try to judge how the examination process is moving. In, which appeared on the eve of the conference, a wide panorama of the events of 1918 is presented, an attempt is made to clarify and evaluate them results achieved. However, one cannot agree with him on everything.

His career might not have been worth paying special attention to, were it not for doubts about his ability to conduct a qualified examination. He does not have a clear formulation of its subject and methodology; the conversation is mainly about the second part of the announced historical and archival examination, namely its archival component, but new, fundamentally significant documents have not yet been identified. There is an endless retelling of materials from Sokolov, his predecessors and followers. It’s a waste of time to shuffle a hundred-year-old deck of cards; there’s no point in pounding water in a mortar. This approach will lead to the same result as in the 1993-1998 commission. Until new materials are brought in that would answer many dead-end questions, it is too early to talk about the effectiveness of the examination. True, in Mr. Pchelov’s oral presentation at the conference on November 27, the above-mentioned shortcomings sounded less pronounced, but in essence they remained. Without new materials and fresh ideas, it will be difficult to advance beyond the results of 1998.

And it is absolutely inappropriate for a young expert to engage in defamation of his predecessors when fiction about Academician Alekseev’s “versions” wander from one publication to another. Yesterday he was the author of the “version” of the salvation of the Royal Family, and today - its burning, although it is known that these versions arose 15-20 years before his birth. Mr. Pchelov puts them into a special section of his interview, which is called “On the Versions of Academician Alekseev” ( The division of the interview into sections was carried out by the editors of the Pravoslavie.Ru portal.” - Ed.).

I have repeatedly answered this ridiculous question, explaining that a historian essentially cannot formulate them competently, justify them, and, moreover, answer for them. It is unlawful to transfer legal terminology into the historical lexicon. I personally and under my scientific leadership have published over 2000 pages of various kinds of historical sources, which also include legal circumstances, but no one has made any claims to me in this regard.

Why on earth did this absurdity surface again? this interview. It is reduced to small subjects on which I was asked to speak before a press conference on November 13, 2015, when the question of extraordinary approaches to finding new sources in the Tsar’s case was raised. Then I cited as an example the instructions of Glavlit of the USSR, which prohibited reporting in the press information that the Tsar was dissolved in acid. There were several other small facts that could serve as the beginning of non-standard searches. These fragments of oral presentation were elevated to the rank of versions by Pchelov.

More resonant ones are also accused, in particular that “the daughters of the Sovereign escaped and were in Germany under the care of Kaiser Wilhelm II.” This tale was launched by investigator Solovyov in the Rodina magazine, publishing two dimensionless articles in connection with the publication of my documentary publication “Who are you, Mrs. Tchaikovskaya?” As expected, the preface to the book gave a historiographical description of previous publications on the issue of saving the female part of the Royal Family. Investigator Solovyov declared this text to be my “version”. From the same series, there is nonsense about the 1928 conference. Solovyov mixed up some unknown conference of 1948, while there was a conversation with him about the supposed, but not held conference of 1928. Then Goloshchekin visited Stalin (see the official entry in “ Stalin’s Visitors’ Book”), and the Ural security officers held a conference the day before about their anniversary, where an original report on the execution of the Royal Family was presented. The conference materials were transferred to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR. I suggest looking for them there. Maybe expert Pchelov will be lucky, I wish him success.

It is more difficult with the article by the American journalist I. Levin from the Chicago Daily News newspaper dated November 5, 1919, quoted by me (Segodnya.ru, November 1, 2017). At first there were rumors about a forgery, but after confirmation from the American side they seemed to stop. However, at the press conference in question, the question about the attitude towards this article was asked to expert Pchelov, who could not answer anything intelligible, but it continues to be criticized from different sides, without even reading it. The burning of the Royal family and servants is discussed, although there is not a word about the latter. I am forced to repeat the end of the quote: “On the night of July 17, after a short notice, the Romanovs were taken out and shot, in order to prevent the monarchists from later using the remains of the Romanovs for counter-revolutionary agitation; seven bodies were burned.”

This fact, oddly enough, is confirmed by Yurovsky’s “Memoirs” of 1922, where it is said that “one of the Red Guards brought me a rather large diamond, weighing 8 carats and said, take this stone, I found it where the corpses were burned.” (GARF. Documents on the history of the murder of the Royal Family No. 251-AP RF. F.3. Op.58. D.280. L.15).

In an article about two contradictory “truths” by Professor Pokrovsky (1919-1920 regarding the remains of the Royal Family), published by me (Segodnya.ru 11/1/2017), the question of the examination of these “truths” was raised. Now the above-mentioned quotation from Yurovsky’s “Memoirs” of 1922 is added to it. Here are “cards in the hands” of Mr. Pchelov instead of the base defamation of Academician Alekseev, and I no longer have the desire to explain myself to such experts. It is dangerous to trust them with a complex royal matter; it would not hurt to find an easier job.

Veniamin Vasilievich Alekseev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Didn't the execution of the royal family actually happen?

According to official history, on the night of July 16-17, 1918 Nikolay Romanov He was shot along with his wife and children. After opening the burial and identifying the remains in 1998, they were reburied in the tomb of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg. However, then the Russian Orthodox Church not confirmed their authenticity.

“I cannot exclude that the church will recognize the royal remains as authentic if convincing evidence of their authenticity is discovered and if the examination is open and honest,” Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, said in July of this year.

As is known, the Russian Orthodox Church did not participate in the burial of the remains of the royal family in 1998, explaining this by the fact that the church I am not sure, whether the original remains of the royal family are buried. The Russian Orthodox Church refers to the book of the Kolchak investigator Nikolai Sokolov, who concluded that all the bodies were burned. Some of the remains collected by Sokolov at the burning site are stored in Brussels, in the temple of St. Job the Long-Suffering, and they were not explored. At one time, a version of the note was found Yurovsky, who supervised the execution and burial - it became the main document before the transfer of the remains (along with the book of investigator Sokolov). And now, in the coming year of the 100th anniversary of the execution of the Romanov family, the Russian Orthodox Church has been tasked with giving a final answer to all the dark execution sites near Yekaterinburg. To obtain a final answer, research has been carried out for several years under the auspices of the Russian Orthodox Church. Again, historians, geneticists, graphologists, pathologists and other specialists recheck the facts, powerful scientific forces and the forces of the prosecutor's office are again involved, and all these actions occur again under a thick veil of secrecy.

Genetic identification research is carried out by four independent groups of scientists. Two of them are foreign, working directly with the Russian Orthodox Church. At the beginning of July 2017, the secretary of the church commission for studying the results of the study of the remains found near Yekaterinburg, Bishop Egorievsky Tikhon (Shevkunov) reported: a large number of new circumstances and new documents have been discovered. For example, an order was found Sverdlova about the execution of Nicholas II. In addition, based on the results of recent research, criminologists have confirmed that the remains of the Tsar and Tsarina belong to them, since a mark was suddenly found on the skull of Nicholas II, which is interpreted as a mark from a saber blow he received while visiting Japan. As for the queen, dentists identified her using the world's first porcelain veneers on platinum pins.

Although, if you open the conclusion of the commission, written before the burial in 1998, it says: the bones of the sovereign’s skull are so destroyed, that a characteristic callus cannot be found. The same conclusion noted severe damage to teeth Nikolai's remains are believed to have periodontal disease, since this the person has never been to the dentist. This confirms that it was not the tsar who was shot, since there are records of the Tobolsk dentist whom Nikolai contacted. In addition, no explanation has yet been found for the fact that the growth of the skeleton of “Princess Anastasia” is 13 centimeters more than its lifetime growth. Well, as you know, miracles happen in the church... Shevkunov did not say a word about genetic testing, and this despite the fact that genetic studies in 2003 conducted by Russian and American specialists showed the genome of the body of the alleged empress and her sister Elizaveta Feodorovna do not match, which means no relationship.

In addition, in the city museum Otsu(Japan) there are things left after the policeman wounded Nicholas II. They contain biological material that can be examined. Using them, Japanese geneticists from Tatsuo Nagai’s group proved that the DNA of the remains of “Nicholas II” from near Yekaterinburg (and his family) does not match 100% with DNA biomaterials from Japan. During the Russian DNA examination, second cousins ​​were compared, and in the conclusion it was written that “there are matches.” The Japanese compared relatives of cousins. There are also the results of a genetic examination of the President of the International Association of Forensic Physicians, Mr. Bonte from Dusseldorf, in which he proved: the found remains and doubles of the family of Nicholas II Filatovs- relatives. Perhaps, from their remains in 1946, the “remains of the royal family” were created? The problem has not been studied.

Earlier, in 1998, the Russian Orthodox Church, based on these conclusions and facts didn't recognize the existing remains are genuine, but what will happen now? In December, all conclusions of the Investigative Committee and the ROC commission will be considered by the Council of Bishops. It is he who will decide on the church’s attitude towards the Yekaterinburg remains. Let's see why everything is so nervous and what is the history of this crime?

This kind of money is worth fighting for

Today, some of the Russian elites have suddenly awakened an interest in one very piquant history of relations between Russia and the United States, connected with the royal family of the Romanovs. Briefly, this story is as follows: more than 100 years ago, in 1913, a Federal Reserve System(Fed) – the central bank and printing press for the production of international currency, still in operation today. The Fed was created to create League of Nations (now UN) and would be a single global financial center with its own currency. Russia contributed to the “authorized capital” of the system 48,600 tons of gold. But the Rothschilds demanded that the then re-elected President of the United States Woodrow Wilson transfer the center to their private ownership along with the gold.

The organization became known as the Federal Reserve System, where Russia owned 88.8%, and 11.2% to 43 international beneficiaries. Receipts stating that 88.8% of gold assets for a period of 99 years are under the control of the Rothschilds, in six copies were transferred to the family Nicholas II. The annual income on these deposits was fixed at 4%, which was supposed to be transferred to Russia annually, but was deposited in the X-1786 account of the World Bank and in 300 thousand accounts in 72 international banks. All these documents confirming the right to gold pledged to the Federal Reserve from Russia in the amount of 48,600 tons, as well as income from leasing it, the mother of Tsar Nicholas II, Maria Fedorovna Romanova, deposited it in one of the Swiss banks for safekeeping. But only heirs have conditions for access there, and this access controlled by the Rothschild clan. Gold certificates were issued for the gold provided by Russia, which made it possible to claim the metal in parts - the royal family hid them in different places. Later, in 1944, The Bretton Woods Conference confirmed Russia's right to 88% of the Fed's assets.

At one time, two well-known “Russian” oligarchs proposed to tackle this “golden” issue – Roman Abramovich and Boris Berezovsky. But Yeltsin “didn’t understand” them, and now, apparently, that very “golden” time has come... And now this gold is remembered more and more often - though not at the state level.

Some suggest that the surviving Tsarevich Alexei later grew into Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin

People kill for this gold, fight for it, and make fortunes from it.

Today's researchers believe that all wars and revolutions in Russia and in the world occurred because the Rothschild clan and the United States did not intend to return gold to the Federal Reserve System of Russia. After all, the execution of the royal family gave the Rothschild clan the opportunity not to give away gold and not pay for its 99-year lease. “Currently, out of three Russian copies of the agreement on gold invested in the Fed, two are in our country, the third is presumably in one of the Swiss banks,” the researcher believes Sergey Zhilenkov. – In a cache in the Nizhny Novgorod region, there are documents from the royal archive, among which there are 12 “gold” certificates. If they are presented, the global financial hegemony of the USA and the Rothschilds will simply collapse, and our country will receive huge money and all the opportunities for development, since it will no longer be strangled from overseas,” the historian is sure.

Many wanted to close the questions about the royal assets with the reburial. At the professor's Vladlena Sirotkina there is also a calculation for the so-called war gold exported to the West and East during the First World War and the Civil War: Japan - 80 billion dollars, Great Britain - 50 billion, France - 25 billion, USA - 23 billion, Sweden - 5 billion, Czech Republic - 1 billion dollars. Total – 184 billion. Surprisingly, officials in the US and UK, for example, do not dispute these figures, but surprised by the lack of requests from Russia. By the way, the Bolsheviks remembered Russian assets in the West in the early 20s. Back in 1923, the People's Commissar of Foreign Trade Leonid Krasin ordered a British investigative law firm to evaluate Russian real estate and cash deposits abroad. By 1993, this company reported that it had already accumulated a data bank worth 400 billion dollars! And this is legal Russian money.

Why did the Romanovs die? Britain did not accept them!

There is a long-term study, unfortunately, by the now deceased professor Vladlen Sirotkin (MGIMO) “Foreign Gold of Russia” (Moscow, 2000), where the gold and other holdings of the Romanov family, accumulated in the accounts of Western banks, are also estimated at no less than 400 billion dollars, and together with investments - more than 2 trillion dollars! In the absence of heirs from the Romanov side, the closest relatives turn out to be members of the English royal family... Whose interests may be behind many events of the 19th–21st centuries... By the way, it is not clear (or, on the contrary, it is clear) for what reasons the royal house of England refused the family three times The Romanovs are in refuge. The first time in 1916, in an apartment Maxim Gorky, an escape was planned - the rescue of the Romanovs by kidnapping and internment of the royal couple during their visit to an English warship, which was then sent to Great Britain.

The second request was Kerensky, which was also rejected. Then the Bolsheviks’ request was not accepted. And this despite the fact that mothers George V And Nicholas II were sisters. In surviving correspondence, Nicholas II and George V call each other “Cousin Nicky” and “Cousin Georgie” - they were cousins ​​with an age difference of less than three years, and in their youth these guys spent a lot of time together and were very similar in appearance. As for the queen, her mother is a princess Alice was the eldest and favorite daughter of the Queen of England Victoria. At that time, England held 440 tons of gold from Russia’s gold reserves and 5.5 tons of Nicholas II’s personal gold as collateral for military loans. Now think about it: if the royal family died, then who would the gold go to? To the closest relatives! Is this the reason why cousin Georgie refused to accept cousin Nicky's family? To obtain gold, its owners had to die. Officially. And now all this needs to be connected with the burial of the royal family, which will officially testify that the owners of untold wealth are dead.

Versions of life after death

All versions of the death of the royal family that exist today can be divided into three.

First version: The royal family was shot near Yekaterinburg, and its remains, with the exception of Alexei and Maria, were reburied in St. Petersburg. The remains of these children were found in 2007, all examinations were carried out on them, and they will apparently be buried on the 100th anniversary of the tragedy. If this version is confirmed, for accuracy it is necessary to once again identify all the remains and repeat all examinations, especially genetic and pathological anatomical ones.

Second version: the royal family was not shot, but was scattered throughout Russia and all members of the family died a natural death, having lived their lives in Russia or abroad; in Yekaterinburg, a family of doubles was shot (members of the same family or people from different families, but similar to family members emperor). Nicholas II had doubles after Bloody Sunday 1905. When leaving the palace, three carriages left. It is unknown which of them Nicholas II sat in. The Bolsheviks, having captured the archives of the 3rd department in 1917, had data of doubles. There is an assumption that one of the families of doubles - the Filatovs, who are distantly related to the Romanovs - followed them to Tobolsk.

Let us present one of the versions of the historian of the royal family Sergei Zhelenkov, which seems to us the most logical, although very unusual.

Before investigator Sokolov, the only investigator who published a book about the execution of the royal family, there were investigators Malinovsky, Nametkin(his archive was burned along with the house), Sergeev(removed from the case and killed), general Lieutenant Dieterichs, Kirsta. All these investigators concluded that the royal family was not killed. Neither the Reds nor the Whites wanted to disclose this information - they understood that they were primarily interested in obtaining objective information American bankers. The Bolsheviks were interested in the tsar's money, and Kolchak declared himself the Supreme Ruler of Russia, which could not happen with a living sovereign.

Investigator Sokolov conducted two cases - one on the fact of murder and the other on the fact of disappearance. At the same time, military intelligence, represented by Kirsta. When the Whites were leaving Russia, Sokolov, fearing for the collected materials, sent them to Harbin– some of his materials were lost along the way. Sokolov’s materials contained evidence of the financing of the Russian revolution by the American bankers Schiff, Kuhn and Loeb, and Ford, who was in conflict with these bankers, became interested in these materials. He even called Sokolov from France, where he settled, to the USA. When returning from the USA to France Nikolai Sokolov was killed. Sokolov's book was published after his death, and above it many people "worked hard", removing many scandalous facts from there, so it cannot be considered completely truthful.

The surviving members of the royal family were observed by people from the KGB, where a special department was created for this purpose, dissolved during perestroika. The archives of this department have been preserved. Saved the royal family Stalin- the royal family was evacuated from Yekaterinburg through Perm to Moscow and was placed at the disposal of Trotsky, then People's Commissar of Defense. To further save the royal family, Stalin carried out an entire operation, stealing it from Trotsky’s people and taking them to Sukhumi, to a specially built house next to the former house of the royal family. From there, all family members were distributed to different places, Maria and Anastasia were taken to the Glinsk Hermitage (Sumy region), then Maria was transported to the Nizhny Novgorod region, where she died of illness on May 24, 1954. Anastasia subsequently married Stalin’s personal guard and lived very secluded on a small farm, died

June 27, 1980 in the Volgograd region. The eldest daughters, Olga and Tatyana, were sent to the Seraphim-Diveevo convent - the empress was settled not far from the girls. But they did not live here for long. Olga, having traveled through Afghanistan, Europe and Finland, settled in Vyritsa, Leningrad Region, where she died on January 19, 1976. Tatyana lived partly in Georgia, partly in the Krasnodar Territory, was buried in the Krasnodar Territory, and died on September 21, 1992. Alexey and his mother lived at their dacha, then Alexey was transported to Leningrad, where he was “made” a biography, and the whole world recognized him as a party and Soviet figure Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin(Stalin sometimes called him in front of everyone prince). Nicholas II lived and died in Nizhny Novgorod (December 22, 1958), and the queen died in the village of Starobelskaya, Lugansk region on April 2, 1948 and was subsequently reburied in Nizhny Novgorod, where she and the emperor have a common grave. Three daughters of Nicholas II, besides Olga, had children. N.A. Romanov communicated with I.V. Stalin, and the wealth of the Russian Empire was used to strengthen the power of the USSR...

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