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Demonstrative version of OGE. Demonstration versions of the OGE in the Russian language (grade 9)

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OGE 2018

The solution to the OGE online test in the Russian language introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the 2018 OGE demo version and helps them master the necessary skills in solving CMM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to practice exercises and control knowledge.

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 1" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

The solution to the online OGE test in the Russian language 2018 introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in the Russian language is compiled in accordance with the demo version of 2018.

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 3" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 4" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 5" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 6" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 7" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 8" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 9" online

Russian language |

Take the test "OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 2" online

Take the test “OGE 2018 Russian language Training option No. 10” online

Take the test “Demo version of control measurement materials for the 2018 main state exam in MATHEMATICS” online

Mathematics |

OGE 2018

Take the test “Demo version of control measurement materials for the 2018 main state exam in MATHEMATICS” online

The solution to the OGE online test in mathematics introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of the 2018 OGE demo version and helps them master the necessary skills in solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students.

Take the test “Demo version of control measurement materials for the 2018 main state exam in MATHEMATICS” online

The solution to the 2018 OGE online test in mathematics introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving CMM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in mathematics corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "OGE 2018 Mathematics Training option No. 3" online

Take the test “Demo version of control measurement materials for the 2018 main state exam in MATHEMATICS” online

The solution to the 2018 OGE online test in mathematics introduces schoolchildren to the tasks of this OGE and helps them master the necessary skills in solving CMM problems. Teachers can use online testing for free in the classroom to train and monitor students. The training version of the OGE in mathematics corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Published on the official website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language (grade 9) for 2009 - 2020.

Consist of three parts.

The first part is a short written work based on the listened text (condensed presentation).

The second and third parts contain tasks that are performed based on the same text read. The second part contains tasks of two types: tasks where you need to choose one or more of the proposed answers, and tasks where you need to give a short answer yourself.

In the third part, you need to choose one of three tasks and give a detailed, reasoned answer to it (you need to write an argumentative essay).

Demo options OGE in Russian language also contain examination evaluation system. The assessment system contains the listening text required to complete task 1. The correct answers are given to the tasks of the second part, and the assessment criteria are given to the tasks of the first and third parts.

IN changes:

  • was number of tasks reduced in examination work with 15 before 9 ,
  • decreased With 39 before 33 ,
  • in part 2 work given 7 tasks:
    • 4 tasks (tasks 2–5)
    • 3 tasks (tasks 6–8)

Demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language

Note that demo versions of the OGE in the Russian language are presented in pdf format, and to view them you must have, for example, the free Adobe Reader software package installed on your computer.

On August 21, 2017, documents regulating the structure and content of the KIM Unified State Exam 2018 (demo versions of the Unified State Exam) were published on the official website of the FIPI. FIPI invites expert and professional communities to take part in the discussion of draft examination materials for 2018.

Demo versions of the OGE 2018 in Russian with answers and assessment criteria

There are no changes in the 2018 OGE KIM in the Russian language compared to 2017.

Total tasks – 15; of these by type of tasks: with a short answer – 13; with a detailed answer – 2; by level of difficulty: B – 14; IN 1.

Maximum primary score – 39

The total time to complete the work is 235 minutes.

Characteristics of the structure and content of KIM 2018

Each version of CMM consists of three parts and includes 15 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity.

Part 1 - summary(exercise 1).

Part 2 (tasks 2–14) – tasks with short answers. IN exam paper The following types of short-answer tasks are proposed:

- tasks open type to record a self-formulated short answer;

– tasks for choosing and recording one correct answer from the proposed list of answers.

Part 3 (alternative task 15) is an open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read.

Exam conditions

Philologist specialists are not allowed into the classroom for the Russian language exam. The organizer of the exam must be a teacher who does not teach Russian language and literature. The use of unified instructions for conducting an exam allows you to ensure compliance with uniform conditions without involving persons with special education in a given subject in organizing the exam.

The procedure for conducting the OGE 2018 exam in the Russian language in grade 9.

Having received a package of examination materials, examinees sign all the sheets or forms on which they will complete the tasks. The signed sheets or forms are folded in the required order at the examinees’ workplace and filled out during the exam.

First, examinees listen to the original text. While reading the text, examinees are allowed to make notes in their draft. After the second reading of the text, examinees present it concisely in writing. An audio recording is used to reproduce the text of the presentation.

Then students are introduced to the reading text, which is presented to each of them in printed form. Examinees are asked to complete tasks related to the content and linguistic analysis of the text they read.

During tests, when performing all parts of the work, examinees have the right to use a spelling dictionary.

The task with a detailed answer is checked by Russian language specialists who have undergone special training to check the tasks of the state final certification.

The state final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary; you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

Why then is the OGE (GIA) form more attractive for 9th grade graduates of 2019? Carrying out direct certification in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren’s preparation. All OGE assignments(GIA) are presented in the form of a special form, including questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy is drawn with the Unified State Exam. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website website will help you prepare well and realistically assess your chances. Besides,, will fully help you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life.

All materials on our site are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand form. Whether you are an excellent student in your class or an ordinary average student, everything is now in your hands. It would be a good idea for you to visit ours. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult test of the OGE, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2009
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2010
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2011
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2012
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2013
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2014
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2015
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2016
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2017
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2018
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2019
Demo version of the OGE in Russian for 2020

Scale for recalculating the primary score

  • for completing the examination work 2020 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2019 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2018 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2017 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2016 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2015 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2014 to a mark on a five-point scale,
  • scale for recalculating the primary score for completing the examination work 2013 to a mark on a five-point scale.

Changes in demo versions for Russian language

IN demo version of the OGE in Russian language 2009 The evaluation criteria have undergone changes.

In 2013 in demo version of the OGE in Russian the following were introduced changes:

  • was task C2 changed,
  • was alternative task excluded (C2.2)

In 2014 in demo version of the OGE in Russian There were no fundamental changes compared to the 2013 demo version.

In 2015 in demo version of the OGE in Russian The following changes have been made:

  • The number of tasks in the work was abbreviated With 18 before 15 .
  • The maximum score for completing the work was reduced With 42 before 39 .
  • Numbering tasks became through throughout the entire version without letter designations A, B, C.
  • The form for recording the answer in tasks with a choice of answers has been changed: the answer now needs to be written down number with the number of the correct answer(not circled).
  • Were two alternative tasks added 15.2 and 15.3 (essay-reasoning)

IN demo versions of the OGE 2016-2019 in the Russian language compared to the 2015 demo version there were no changes.

IN demo version of the 2020 OGE in Russian Compared to the 2019 demo version, the following occurred: changes:

  • was number of tasks reduced in examination work with 15 before 9 ,
  • primary score for completing the work decreased With 39 before 33 ,
  • The genre specificity of the text for presentation has changed: texts of various genres can be offered (travel notes, notes, essays, reviews, diaries, etc.),
  • in part 2 work given 7 tasks:
    • 4 tasks (tasks 2–5) check the ability to perform spelling, punctuation, and grammatical analysis;
    • 3 tasks (tasks 6–8) check the depth and accuracy of understanding the content of the text; understanding the relationships of synonymy and antonymy, important for meaningful text analysis; recognition of the studied means of expressive speech.

Algebra module

1 . Find the meaning of the expression

2. The table shows the standards for running 30 meters for 9th grade students.
What mark will a girl get if she runs this distance in 5.62 seconds?
1) mark “5” 2) mark “4”
3) mark “3” 4) standard not met

3 . A point is marked on the coordinate line A. It is known that it corresponds to one of the four numbers below.
Which number does the point correspond to? A?
1) 2) 3) 4)

4 . Find the meaning of the expression

5 . The graph shows the dependence of atmospheric pressure on altitude above sea level. The horizontal axis shows the altitude above sea level in kilometers, and the vertical axis shows the pressure in millimeters of mercury. Determine from the graph at what height Atmosphere pressure equal to 620 millimeters of mercury. Give your answer in kilometers.

6. Solve the equation. If an equation has more than one root, write down the larger root as your answer.

7. The cost of travel on an electric train is 198 rubles. Schoolchildren receive a 50% discount. How many rubles will it cost for 4 adults and 12 schoolchildren?

8. The diagram shows the content nutrients in dried porcini mushrooms.
Which of the following statements are true?
1) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 360 g of fat.
2) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 240 g of carbohydrates.
3) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 140 g of proteins.
4) 1000 grams of mushrooms contain approximately 500 g of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
In response, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas or other additional characters

9. On the plate are pies that look identical: 4 with meat, 8 with cabbage and 3 with apples. Petya chooses one pie at random. Find the probability that the pie will contain apples.

10. Establish a correspondence between the graphs of functions and the formulas that define them.

11. In a sequence of numbers, the first number is 6, and each next number is greater than the previous one by 4. Find the fifteenth number.

12. Find the value of the expression at .

13. To convert the temperature value on the Celsius scale to the Fahrenheit scale, use the formula, where - temperature in degrees Celsius, - temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. How many degrees on the Fahrenheit scale does -25 degrees Celsius correspond to?

14. Specify the solution to the system of inequalities

15. The sloping roof is mounted on three vertical supports, the bases of which are located on the same straight line. The middle support stands in the middle between the small and large supports (see figure). The height of the small support is 1.7 m, the height of the middle support is 2.1 m. Find the height of the large support. Give your answer in meters.

16 . In an isosceles triangle ABC with base A.C. external vertex angle C equals 123°. Find the angle YOU. Give your answer in degrees.

17 . Find the length of the chord of a circle with a radius of 13 cm if the distance from the center of the circle to the chord is 5 cm. Give your answer in cm.

18. Find the area of ​​the trapezoid shown in the figure.

19 . Find the tangent of the acute angle shown in the figure.

20 . Which of the following statements are true?
1) Through a point not lying on a given line, you can draw a line parallel to this line.
2) A triangle with sides 1, 2, 4 exists.
3) Any parallelogram has two equal angles.
In response, write down the numbers of the selected statements without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Algebra module

21 . Solve the equation

22 . Fisherman at 5 o'clock in the morning on motor boat set off from the pier against the flow of the river, after some time dropped anchor, fished for 2 hours and returned back at 10 o’clock in the morning of the same day. How far did he sail from the pier if the speed of the river current is 2 km/h and the boat’s own speed is 6 km/h?

23 . Graph the Function and determine at what values the straight line has exactly one common point with the graph.

Module "Geometry"

24 . IN right triangle ABC with right angle C known legs: A.C.= 6, B.C.= 8. Find the median CK this triangle.

25 . In a parallelogram ABCD dot E- middle of the side AB. It is known that EC = ED. Prove that this parallelogram is a rectangle.

26 . Base A.C. isosceles triangle ABC is equal to 12. A circle of radius 8 with a center outside this triangle touches the extensions of the sides of the triangle and touches the base A.C.. Find the radius of a circle inscribed in a triangle ABC.


1 0,32
2 3
3 2
4 165
5 1,5
6 3
7 1980
8 12;21
9 0,2
10 132
11 62
12 1,25
13 -13
14 2
15 2,5
16 57
17 24
18 168
19 2
20 13;31
21 -5;1
22 8 kilometers
23 -6,25; -4; 6
24 5
26 4,5


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