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Dialogue meeting of old friends in the Russian language. Meeting of friends after the summer holidays - dialogue - essay on any topic

- Roma, hello! Don't recognize me?
- Kolya... Kolya, friend! I am so glad to see you!
- Me too! How long have we not seen each other? Year?
- No, a year has not passed yet! I remember exactly, in the winter I met you once on the street! How are you, Kolyan?
– Yes, I’m still training, pole vaulting, just like before. It recently took fourth place in the region.
- Wow!
- What are you talking about, I’m so upset. After all, I could have taken bronze, but I made a mistake once. Enough about this sport! How are you living?
“But I’m still quietly studying.” I lean on English like

As stated in the film. What is the name of this film?... “Hipsters!” I can’t get it out of the Internet now.
- By the way, summer is coming! Give up your Internet! Are you going to our favorite camp this year?
- How did you guess? I'm going, for sure. Second and fourth shifts. And you?
“I don’t know yet, but my father promised me to take a ticket.” Now I will ask that our shifts coincide. Do you know your future squad?
- Fourth, I think.
- I’ll try to get there too! Eh, Romka, we’ll play volleyball on the beach together again!
– And scare girls at night and smear them with paste, remember?
- Otherwise! Of course I remember! Well, friend, now it's up to you. Call me when you decide on your trip. Have you lost my number yet?
- No, I saved it. I'll definitely call!

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Dialogue “Meeting of Friends”

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The most popular dialogue in English is the meeting dialogue. After all, it is then that a dialogue occurs when we meet a person we know. Often, it is with such a dialogue that learning English begins.

We have already studied. Now let's look at a full-fledged dialogue during a meeting.

As a rule, a dialogue at a meeting begins with the words Hello or Hi. However, remember that the word Hi, which translates as “hello,” is more informal, meaning it’s a better way to greet a friend or acquaintance. It is better to speak to a stranger or a person you barely know Hello, which translates as “hello.”

After greeting, the rule of polite tone is to ask how the interlocutor is doing.

How are you? How are you?
The short form is also used: How’re you?
How are you doing? How are you doing? How are you doing?

This way you can already get small dialogues:

Hi! How're you? Hello! How are you?

- I’m also good. Thank you. Also good. Thank you.

Hi! How are you doing? Hello! How are you?
- Good, thank you. Yourself? Very good thanks. How are you?
- Very well, thanks. Very good thanks.

The question "Yourself?" translated as “And you?” "And how are you?". This word is used after answering a question. In order not to repeat the same question completely, the question “Yourself?” is used. For example:
-Have you seen the movie “Godzilla”?
- Yes. And you?

How's your father? How is your father doing?
How's your mother? How is your mother?
How's your husband? How is your husband doing?
How's your wife? How is your wife doing?
How are your kids? How are your children?
How's Oleg? How is Oleg doing?
How's Maxim? How is Maxim doing?
How's Masha? How is Masha doing?

Thanks to these simple phrases we can expand our dialogue.

- I’m good, thanks. Yourself? OK, thank you. How are you?
- Good. How's Olga? Fine. How is Olga doing?
- She's good. Fine.
- How's your mother? How is your mother?
- She's good. Fine.
- How’s your job? How's your work?
- It's good. Thanks for asking. Fine. Thanks for asking.

The phrase “Thanks for asking” is a polite response when someone is interested in your affairs, family, problems, etc. The phrase is translated as “thank you for being interested, asking.”

Very often during a meeting the question “What’s new?” is heard in dialogue. This is a way to continue the dialogue.

What's new? What's new? What's new?
What's up? What's happening?

With these simple questions we can further increase our dialogue.

Hi, Olga! What's up? Hi Olga! How are you?
- I just got a new job! I just found a new job!
- Really? That's great! Good luck with your new job! Is it true? Great! Good luck with your new job!
- Thanks. Thank you.

We can use the following phrases for dialogue with a person whom we have not seen for a long time.

It's been a long time! How've you been? Long time no see! How have you been all this time?
I haven’t seen you around lately. Where have you been? I haven't seen you lately. Where have you been)? (Where have you been?)
It’s been ages since I last saw you! This phrase can be translated into Russian by the famous Russian phrase: I haven’t seen you for a hundred years!
It is so good to see you! It's so great to see you! (So ​​great to meet you!)

Thanks to these phrases, our dialogue continues to expand.

Hi, Sveta! Is that you? It's been a long time! How've you been? Hello, Sveta! Is that you? Long time no see! How are you
- I'm fine. Yourself? Wonderful! And you?
- Good, thanks. It is so good to see you! You look great! You haven't changed a bit! OK, thank you. You look great. You haven't changed at all!
- Neither have you. So, how's life? What's new? You haven't changed either. What's up? What's new?
- I’m good, thanks. OK, thank you.

Marina! Hello! Marina! Hello!
- Hi! How are you? Hello! How are you?
- Good, thanks. You look great! It's been ages since I last saw you. OK, thank you. You look beautiful! I haven't seen you for a hundred years.
- Three years exactly. Three years, to be exact.
- Right. You haven't changed a bit! So, what's up? What's been happening in your life? Right. You haven't changed at all. Well how are you? What's happening?
- Not much has been going on. Same old, same old. Nothing much happened. Everything is the same.

The last phrase "Same old, same old" is an idiom. It is used very often in English. Translated into Russian as “Everything is the same”, “Everything is the same”, “Everything is the same”.

Thanks to the phrases we have given above, we can get

Any communication comes down to dialogue. In English, dialogues play the same role as in Russian.

They are considered much easier compared to regular texts; new words are remembered faster and are also easier to learn by heart.

For example, you can consider several different dialogs. These will be dialogues between friends in English.

1. Friend: Hi Mike.

Mike: Hello.

D.: How are you?

M.: Great, how are you?

D.: Same. What are you doing today?

Me too. What are you doing today?

M.: Yes, I’m thinking about what to do.

Well, I’m thinking what to do.

D: Maybe we should go to the new car show?

What about going to the new car exhibition?

M.: Okay, when is the opening?

Ok, when does it open?

At seven o'clock.

D.: Okay.

2. -Hi, Kat, will you be at my party today?

Hello, Kate, are you coming to my party today?

Hey, what's the party for?

Hello, on what occasion is the party?

In honor of my arrival from Spain!

On the occasion of my arrival from Spain.

Oh, God, I completely forgot, sorry, of course I will!

Oh, my God, I completely forget, sorry, of course, I’ll be there!

Who else is invited?

And who else is invited?

Lily, Mary, Jenny - you know them, and some cute guys!

Lily, Marry, Jenny – you know them, and a couple of good-looking guys!

Oh, this will be fun! What to take with you?

Oh, it'll be fun! What shall I bring with me?

Please, grab a few cans of Cola and some snacks: chips, for example.

Please, take a few bottles of Cola and some snacks: crisps, for example.

It’s good that I can bring it. When can I come?

Ok, I'll bring what I can. When can I come?

We start getting ready at seven. Waiting for you!

We begin to gather at seven o'clock. Waiting for you!

3. Party. Party.

Hi glad to see you.

Hello, I'm glad to see you.

Hello, come in.

I brought what you asked for.

I brought what you asked for.

Thank you. Come in, drinks and food are on the left side, let's dance in the hall.

Thank you. Come in, drinks and meals are on the left, we are dancing in the hall.

I understood. Oh, Lily, Mary and Jenny, how glad I am to see you!

I understood. Oh, Lily, Marry and Jenny, I’m so pleased to see you!

And we you. Shall we go and dance together?

And we are pleased to see you too. Let's go and dance together?

Let's go! Oh, there are so many people here.

Let's go! Oh, so many people here!

Wow, so many cute guys!

Oh, and how many handsome guys. –

Yes, do you see this one? Do you know him?

Yes, do you see that boy? Do you know him?

I know he's new!

Yes, I know him, he is newcomer.

Introduce me to him, please!

Introduce me to him, please!

Okay, but you can do it yourself!

Ok, but you can do it yourself.

Okay, wish me luck!

Ok, wish me luck!

Good luck!

4. And one more example of ordinary everyday dialogue.

Family at dinner.

A family has dinner.

Dinner is ready, everyone sit down at the table.

The dinner is ready, sit at the table, everybody.

What are we having for dinner?

And what do we have for supper?

Everything is as you like, and dessert is a surprise.

Everything that you like, and a dessert, it is a surprise.

Can't wait to try it.

I can't wait to taste it.

You must like him!

You'll love it!

No doubt!

These were examples of simple sentences that are often found in everyday communication. They are easy to remember and learn.

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True friends are life companions. You may not see them for a long time, for various reasons, or not talk on the phone for weeks, but in your memory you will always remember those whom you can rely on and trust, with whom you can cry and laugh. Fate sometimes “scatters” people to remote corners of the globe and presents its own surprises: a classmate married an American, but a boy with whom he once played football married an Australian. Although friends are not only friends from kindergarten, school or college. When traveling, you meet such positive and congenial people with whom you want to continue to be in contact. Technologies do not stand still - calling and meeting on Skype is not a problem. But how to communicate and maintain a dialogue with a friend and his English-speaking family? For this purpose, Native English School has special , and At the moment, we propose to consider useful phrases, as well as dialogue between friends in English in several variations!

Dialogue in English: telephone conversation between friends

Sometimes you probably ask yourself: “I wonder how Vanka and Michelle are doing?” or “How is the Smith family, with whom I spent a wonderful holiday?” There is nothing easier than dialing a phone number or pressing the green tube in the application and spending a few minutes communicating.

Standard questions that will definitely be useful to you to clarify how things are going with your friends:

  • How are you? - How are you?
  • How is your wife/husband/children/parents? – How are your wife/husband/children/parents doing?
  • Where do you work? - Where do you work?
  • What do you do? - What are you doing?

And here is an example of the dialogue:

- Hi, man! How are you? Haven’t seen you for ages... – Hello, old man! How are you I haven't seen you for a hundred years...

- Hi, Jackson! I'm fine. What about you? Why did you shaved your mustache? - Hello, Jackson! I'm fine. What about you? Why did you shave your mustache?

— I found a great job in the restaurant. And now I was working as a sous-chef. – I found a great job in a restaurant. And now I am a sous chef.

- My congratulations! - Congratulations!

- Thank you! How is your job? How is Kate? - Thank you! How's your work? How is Kate doing?

— I’m still working at Intel company. I’ve been promoted to a head of my department. We bought a new house with a swimming pool. And Kate is a stay-at-home mom with the kids. – I still work at Intel. I was promoted to department head. We also bought a new house with a swimming pool. And Kate stays at home with the children.

— I’m happy to hear that everything is good in your life! – I’m very glad to hear that everything is good in your life!

- Thanks! Come to visit us this summer! - Thank you! Come visit us this summer!

— Thank you for the invitation. It could be a great family vacation! - Thanks for the invitation. This will be a great family vacation!

English dialogue: meeting old friends

Has it ever happened that you are walking down the street and then you see a friend whom you remembered the other day? She notices you and you strike up a dialogue with your friend. Not a minute one, but a long one, to find out everything down to the smallest detail. Then it will be most comfortable to sit at a table in a cozy cafe and chat to your heart's content.

Useful phrases that will express joy and surprise when meeting a dear friend whom you have not seen for a long time:

  • Hello, stranger! - Hello Stranger!
  • Look who it is! - Look who's here!
  • Long time no see. - I haven’t seen you for a hundred years!
  • Where have you been hiding? -Where were you hiding?
  • It’s been ages since I’ve seen you. - It's been an eternity since we saw each other.

Dialogue between two friends in English:

— Oh my god, Lana, it’s you? - My God, Lana, is that you?

- Hi, Nina! It's been ages since I saw you! What's new? - Hello, Nina! It's been so long since I saw you. What's new?

- I have so many things to tell you. First, I got married last month. “I have so much to tell you.” First of all, I got married last month.

- My heartiest congratulations! – Please accept my heartfelt congratulations!

- Thanks, dear! Second, I quit my job and opened my own gallery. - Thank you dear! Secondly, I quit my job and opened my own gallery.

- You've always wanted this. I'm proud of you! – You always wanted this. I'm proud of you!

- Thanks a lot! How's your life? - Thank you very much! How are you?

— I’m an editor on TV. And Richard, my husband, works in the court. He is a lawyer. This winter we are planning to go to Lapland, to acquaint children with Santa Claus. - I'm a television editor. And Richard, my husband, works in court. He's a lawyer. In winter we are planning to go to Lapland and introduce the children to Santa Claus.

- How interesting! Let's go get some coffee and talk about it! - How interesting! Let's go have some coffee and talk about everything!

- With a pleasure! - With pleasure!

A dialogue between two friends in English can be about anything. But most often, of course, we are interested in how our parents, loved ones and children are doing, how things are going at work and how the days are going. Don't forget about your friends - call them, invite them to meetings and be close! And remember that at Native English School you will also have friends who are ready to help you learn English quickly and easily. Come to conversation lessons with native speakers, and dialogue with a friend in English will definitely improve your communication skills!



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