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Bathtub photos with foam and rose petals. What can be done with rose petals

Legends have survived to this day about the ancient Egyptian queen Cleopatra, who pampered her body, taking a fragrant bath with rose petals, adding milk and honey to it. Why did she love this procedure so much? The Egyptians had valuable knowledge in various fields life, take at least their pyramids, built in such a way that people are still surprised. This people possessed knowledge and wisdom not only in construction, but also in medicine. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the method of healing and rejuvenation used by the Egyptian queen. Why did she like the bath with rose petals so much, what are the harms and benefits of this procedure, and what are they in general?

Benefits of a rose petal bath

As soon as people learned to extract valuable essential oil from plants, they began to use it for their own benefit. Rose oil, which is contained in its buds, has a delicate delicate aroma, due to which it has a relaxing effect on the psyche. But him healing power much more powerful than we can imagine.

Rose petals contain substances that act as an antiseptic, inhibiting the activity of viruses, fungi and bacteria. By taking a rose bath, the body is cleansed of these microorganisms in a natural way, while the skin remains moisturized and tender. Rose vapors that enter through the respiratory tract help cleanse the bronchi of pathogenic bacteria.

This amazing delicate flower contains fatty oils that contribute to the deep penetration of esters into the cells of the body. Bathing in a bath with rose petals, the body literally absorbs the essential oil into every cell of the skin. The benefit of this procedure also lies in the fact that rose petals contain substances that strengthen the vascular and capillary walls.

Rose has the ability to relieve inflammation, so if there are small inflamed areas or irritation on the skin, a bath with petals will help to quickly remove them. Vitamin B5 in chemical composition rose helps prevent aging, which means that the procedure for taking such a bath also prolongs the youthfulness of the skin.

If you are very irritated or tense, you have had a difficult day, there is nothing more effective than a bath with rose petals. This flower has a wonderful property to relieve stress and fight depression. Do not neglect the aesthetic pleasure that a person experiences while relaxing in a bath, where the entire water surface is strewn with flower petals. Intensive production of endorphins is also provided by aromatherapy effects on the central nervous system.

How to prepare a bath with rose petals, recipes

If you have a lot of rose bushes in your garden, then by all means take advantage of their relaxing and rejuvenating power. If not, use the flower petals given to you. When the bouquet has lost its decorative qualities, collect all the petals and save them for a healing and romantic bath.

Bath with rose petals - recipe number 1

Take pre-dried flower petals, for one procedure you will need a little more than half a glass. fill them up hot water but not boiling water (80 degrees) to useful material have not lost their value. Draw water into the bath, pour the prepared flower vapor into it, add a glass of milk and two or three tablespoons of honey diluted in water beforehand. If you have rose oil at home, it is good to add 8-10 drops of this substance to your bathing water. If your goal is not only recovery and rejuvenation, but also maximum relaxation, get candles, dim the lights and enjoy taking a rose bath for 20 minutes.

Recipe #2

Brew a glass of dried rose petals with hot water, pour this flower infusion into bathing water, and dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt there. Immerse yourself in warm fragrant water and relax for 20 minutes. After taking the procedure, dry the body with a towel and lubricate the skin with a gentle moisturizing milk.

Harm bath with rose petals

Aroma bath with the addition of roses in itself cannot be harmful to the body, but everything should be moderate. Do not add too many essential oils to bathing water, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction. During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from relaxing water treatments using essential oils and flower components that contain them in abundance.

Abuse or frequent use of rose petals, as well as any other flowers, for bathing can lead to liver dysfunction. This is due to the accumulation in the body of an excess amount of chemicals that make up the flowers. It is allowed without harm to health to take a bath with rose petals no more than 1 time per week.

A healing and relaxing bath with rose petals is not the privilege of the queen, anyone who is tired, who feels a slight malaise, who wants to be healthy can enjoy it. A weekly procedure will strengthen blood vessels, have an anti-inflammatory effect, give strength and remove irritation that has accumulated during everyday work. Just do not forget that the concentration of active substances in flower fragments is very high, so do not abuse the pink bath, otherwise it can turn into an enemy for you - lead to allergic reactions and liver problems.

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers, it is a unique beautiful plant with a charming smell. This flower brings joy with its appearance and aroma, and it is also widely used in cosmetology. Rose petal extract is added to a wide variety of cosmetic products: body creams, eau de parfum and perfume, lotions and oils.

For true enjoyment and pleasure in familiar conditions, take a bath with rose petals. Such a procedure will relax, set in a positive way, cheer up. A pink bath will help relieve stress, plunge into romance, especially if you take your loved one with you.

Since ancient times, people have known about the benefits of roses and actively used them in cosmetology: they created perfumes, used rose water, prepared decoctions and infusions. Rose petals contain B vitamins, vitamin C, keratin, vitamin K, magnesium, iron, calcium, selenium and other trace elements.

Rose petals are used for diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas. They help with gum disease, disorders nervous systems s, and they are also used for violations of the female cycle. But most often they are used for cosmetic purposes.

Cosmetics with rose oil are suitable for absolutely any type of skin, they do not contain toxins. It is especially recommended to use products with the addition of a rose for those who have dry or problematic skin on the face and body.

A bath with petals will soothe after a hard day's work, relax, the skin will become beautiful, tender and radiant. Taking such a bath is a pleasant spa treatment in a familiar environment.

How to make a rose bath

One of simple ways- just put the petals in the water, and then enjoy the bath. And you can use the following recipe.

Sea salt (1 cup) is poured into a container, roses are also added there (10-12 drops each). You can add not lavender, but any other aromatic oil to your taste. Add oatmeal and dried petals to this mixture. It is necessary to take several pieces of fabric the size of a handkerchief, put a couple of tablespoons of the mixture on each, tighten the bags with a rope or ribbon. Hot water is poured into the bath, in which aromatic bags should be placed and left for 10-15 minutes.

After that, remove the bags, add water to get a pleasant temperature for the body. A few petals scattered on the water will create an atmosphere of romance and relaxation. Light up aroma candles and to the quiet slow music, have fun while lying in the bathroom.

Another option is called "Cleopatra's bath". You need to pour a small amount of hot water into the bath. Pour boiling water over the rose petals, let it brew for a while, then pour this infusion into the bath. There also add a liter of milk with a few tablespoons of natural honey. Make water at an acceptable temperature, and you can enjoy.

Bath with petals: the best recipes

It is recommended to pluck the petals from those flowers that have not yet wilted - this way all the necessary properties will be preserved in them. The petals are placed in the microwave for a couple of minutes to dry completely. You can dry the petals by placing them between two towels, and press down on top with some heavy object. The most useful are the petals of wild-growing roses, and not those that are sold in specialized flower shops.

A popular recipe is to pour boiling water over the petals, close the container. For about half an hour, the petals are infused, and then everything is poured into a warm bath. Together with roses, petals of jasmine, peony or wild rose are infused. If desired, add milk, cream, essential oils, sea salt.

"Bath of Aphrodite". Everyone knows the legend about how the beautiful Aphrodite appeared from the sea foam. Aphrodite's bath is considered a true pleasure, after which the skin will be like a baby's - tender and soft. To do this, put rose petals, 250 g of baking soda in the bath, drip essential oil (no more than 7 drops). The bath is taken for 15 minutes.

Cleopatra bath - rose petals with milk

Bath with rose petals and sea salt. Rose petals are placed in a jar of coarse sea salt. The jar is closed with a lid, the contents are infused for several weeks. The mixture is diluted in a liter of water, after which it is added to a warm bath.

How to take a bath with petals

In order for a bath with rose petals to bring real pleasure and benefit, the following rules should be observed.

While taking a bath, turn off the lights and light candles. It is better that they are not aromatic. It is allowed to add your favorite aromatic oils, and which ones, depends on individual wishes and preferences. Since rose petals are quite fragrant, adding just a couple of drops of essential oil will be enough.

Dear ladies, do you like relaxing baths? and how do you take them?
I personally cannot do without such procedures that help to relax, relieve fatigue and improve mood, at this time you can enjoy pleasant music, for example Enigma, dream :)

light aroma candles (I love aromatherapy - and I always like to surround myself with aromas - my favorite perfumes, I light an aroma lamp, incense sticks, and you, dear readers, how do you feel about aromatherapy?)

"Cleopatra's Bath"
The bath is done in two stages:

1. Heat 1 liter of milk without boiling. Add 100 grams of honey to a liter of milk. Leave honey with milk on a warm stove. (another option to add is a glass of hot cream, 2 tablespoons of liquid warm honey, 2 tablespoons of one of the oils: almond, olive, rose.)

2. Before taking a bath, do one more additional procedure:
Mix 0.5 cups of sour cream or cream with 0.5 cups of salt (medium). Rub this mixture into the skin in a circular motion, starting from the feet. Don't forget the neck and face. Sour cream-salt mask to withstand 15-20 minutes. Then the salt and sour cream are washed off under the shower. Rinse the bath, fill it with warm water, add milk with honey, you can add rose petals. (When Cleopatra took a bath with rose petals, she believed that bathing with rose petals would preserve her beauty and youth.) The time of admission is not limited.

"Bath of Nefertiti"
Take 1.5 liters of milk, 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile, 1.5 cups of sea salt and a quarter cup of baking soda (to soften water hardness). Warm up the milk and boil the chamomile in it. Pour the prepared broth into water, add sea salt and soda, jasmine oil.

Baths with rose petals:
1 option
A few pieces of gauze or other thin fabric the size of a handkerchief.
1 cup dried rose petals;
12 drops of rose oil;
12 drops of lavender oil;
1 glass of sea salt;
1 glass of oatmeal.
Pour salt into a bowl and add aromatic oils there. Rose and lavender essential oils are best, but you can choose the oils to your liking. Add dry rose petals and oats to it. Intervene. Place 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture in each piece of fabric. Tie with ribbon. First, pour some hot water into the bath, put aromatic bags there and leave for 10 minutes. Fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature, light candles, turn on pleasant music and enjoy the divine aroma of roses.

Option 2:
A handful of rosehip petals or garden rose in the morning rinse and fall asleep with a thermos, pour boiling water and leave for the whole day. In the evening, strain and pour into the bath. You can add a drop of rose oil.

3 option:
Lather under running water, then add 1 cup of dried rose petals or a few drops of floral perfume to the bath.

Method of preparation: 250 g of fresh rose petals and 250 g of baking soda are added to a bath with a water temperature of 37 degrees.
Bath duration: 15-20 minutes.

Option - Ylang-ylang aromatic oil - 3 drops, sandalwood - 2 drops, pink tree- 3 drops, nutmeg - 2 drops.

And one more option
You will need: three apples, a liter of milk, rose oil.
Pour milk into a saucepan, put apples in it and put the saucepan on fire. Boil apples in milk over low heat until they crack with heat. Then strain the milk and add three drops of rose oil to it. Fill a tub with warm water and pour milk into it.

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse that the cosmetic procedure is not only useful, but also as pleasant as possible. An easy way to combine these two properties is to take a romantic bath with rose petals, praised by many artists and filmmakers. Such water treatment moisturizes the skin of the body, gives it tone and a delicate aroma, relaxes, relieves stress and perfectly sets you in the right mood before a date.

Do you think that a bath with rose petals is the privilege of only heroines? historical novels and romantic melodramas? In vain! A chic, warm, fragrant bath, on the surface of which delicate rose petals float, may well become your pleasant tradition for body and soul. A rose in all its "states", from petals and oil to essence and dry tea, is quite affordable and is sold in every pharmacy and large supermarket.

What are the benefits of a rose petal bath and how to take it?

A bath with rose petals is a miracle cure for all kinds of consequences of stress, nervous tension, overwork, anxiety, emotional irritation and chronic fatigue. And what useful substances can the skin be saturated with as a result of this procedure. Rose petals contain vitamins C, B, carotene, as well as vitamin B5, which helps slow down the aging of skin cells. They also contain a lot of essential oil, which rejuvenates the skin. They have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating, soothing, deodorizing and even analgesic properties.

Rose petals will help cleanse the skin more thoroughly, and as a bonus, after the procedure, it will acquire a light pleasant aroma. If you have minor irritations, redness or rashes on the skin, then such a bath will bring relief and relieve itching. A bath "like in a movie" will strengthen your immune and nervous system. All these benefits of flowers are widely used in the cosmetics industry as well as in homemade beauty recipes. Creams and masks with rose extract tighten pores, refresh and tone the skin, accelerate microcirculation, fight black spots, cleanse the skin, remove fat, make it matte.

Take a bath with rose petals for no more than 15-20 minutes, while keeping your chest above the water. Start pouring water into the bath, and once the liquid covers the bottom, pour about a glass of well-packed petals into it, and then continue to fill the bath. In this case, the aroma of flowers is revealed just when the bath is completely filled. If you do not use other cosmetics during the procedure, then at the end of it you should not take a shower - you can simply blot your skin with a soft towel and leave the subtlest floral aroma.

What roses to choose for the bath?

Many girls prefer to use dry petals, as they retain more nutrients. But you can also use fresh ones. If you are often given flowers, don't throw them away, but use them for a relaxing bath, a slightly wilted bouquet will do. It is good if you know exactly where roses grew (for example, in your own front garden), as flower sellers often treat plants with various harmful chemicals to prolong their freshness.

Buds are best collected in the morning, when they are still washed with dew. Do not rinse the petals with running water, especially if you are going to dry them for later use (preferably in a room with a lot of air). Fragrant "raw materials" for the bath can be bought in the online store, the petals are stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for several days. Petals are sold online, as a rule, starting from a quantity of 1000 pieces. This volume is enough for several full-fledged relaxing procedures.

As for the color of the buds, the benefits for the skin, and most importantly, the soul, will be the same, both from red petals and from yellow varieties. Some online stores offer whole mixes of multi-colored flowers. The main thing - do not buy roses in unusual, aggressive colors, such as black or blue, it is quite possible that they have been artificially colored and are not suitable for taking a bath. Experts recommend, if possible, avoiding the use of “pink raw materials” from Africa, fortunately they are extremely rare - in our market, in addition to domestic ones, Dutch ones are common. Incidentally, all of the above beneficial features equally apply to the tea rose and wild rose, in which the content of vitamin C just rolls over. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant for the skin and a powerful immune system support.

rose petal bath recipe

To prepare a bath with rose petals, you need enough hot water, its temperature should be about 50 degrees, some people like it hotter - it all depends on your habits. Pour pre-prepared rose petals into the bath. Of course, you should not climb into boiling water, you just need to wait until the petals are infused and the bathroom cools down to a temperature that is comfortable for you. Dry petals can be folded into fabric bags and such "bags" can be infused in hot water before taking a bath.

If you don't like it when something else floats in the bath, you can brew the petals in a separate container, and pour the rose decoction into the bath before bathing. Take three to five tablespoons of petals and pour two liters of boiling water over them. Infuse for 45 minutes under a closed lid (so that the aroma and valuable esters do not evaporate), and then proceed to the water procedure.

In the pre-war years, the "Kremlin bath" was popular with our great-grandmothers, which gives a powerful boost of energy and at the same time perfectly relaxes. Its recipe is very simple: add rose decoction, a liter of red wine and three tablespoons of cinnamon to well-heated water, which is better to insist in boiling water beforehand. There are also "complicated" variations of the Kremlin bath - with propolis, ginseng extract and even with the addition of mountain oil (mummy).

Together with the flowers in the bath, you can add "to taste":

  • One liter of warm milk
  • A small cup of honey heated in a water bath
  • 200-250 grams of baking soda (to soften the skin)
  • A few tablespoons of almond oil (for moisturizing)
  • A glass of oat bran, folded into a cloth bag
  • Jasmine and rosehip petals will intensify the fragrance

In addition to rose petals, rose or lavender essential oil, as well as pink salt, can also be added to the bath. To prepare it, take about half liter jar sea ​​salt, and fill the rest of the container with fresh flower petals. Shake the jar so that its contents are well mixed, and send it to a warm place for two weeks. During this time, the salt will absorb not only the smell of the rose, but also all the beneficial substances contained in the petals. After that, you can apply aromatic salt whenever you want. Naturally, you can also purchase a ready-made salt mixture in the online store, but a do-it-yourself product gives more warmth and romance.

The best addition to a rose petal bath would be candles, incense sticks, pleasant music, a cup of herbal tea or a glass of wine. To prevent this water treatment from becoming commonplace, take it once a week or two. Experiment with recipes, adding your favorite scented oils to get the effect you want - but try not to overpower the delicate rose scent with stronger scents like eucalyptus or tea tree. And then the bath with the petals of the “queen of flowers” ​​will correct any, even the worst day, and also set you in a romantic mood before a date.

Bath with rose petals

Use 10 roses, tear off the petals (after they have been in a vase for a few days) and scatter them on the surface. Almost immediately, moist fragrant air will rise from the water, creating a relaxing bath. Keep the water temperature a little lower than usual to keep the rich pink color. You can also place the petals in a transparent cloth before adding them to the water. This will save time cleaning the bath.

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Rose petals most often evoke romantic associations in our minds, because most women love to receive bouquets from these flowers. But no less pleasant things can be associated with rose petals - for example, a fragrant body care bath, the recipe of which will be presented below. The benefits of recipes that use rose extract or rose oil have been proven over centuries of use.

It has been proven that roses have medicinal properties. But the most common area of ​​​​application of these colors is cosmetology. Products based on rose extract are suitable for women with any skin type. They help keep the skin fresh and smooth longer, so their benefits are obvious. They are:

  • Purify and refresh the skin
  • Perfectly tone up
  • Help in the fight against blackheads
  • Remove excess fat
  • Relieve fatigue
  • Enhance blood circulation
  • Narrow pores
  • Tone up the capillaries

In order to prepare a bath, fresh rose petals must be collected in the morning. If you don’t have your own garden, then rose petals can be bought at the store, and even roses from a decorative bouquet can be used. The main thing is that the flowers have not wilted yet - then they will bring maximum benefit. Also, fresh bath petals can be dried and stored for the future.

There are many ways to take a bath with rose petals, but the most common recipe is this: one glass of any rose petals should be poured with boiling water, and then placed in a sealed container. It is recommended to insist the petals for half an hour. After this infusion should be added to the bath with water of the desired temperature.

In addition to this recipe, there is another way that uses oatmeal. It will take a little longer to prepare a bath for it, but you will get a more pronounced and durable effect.

You will need a glass of oatmeal or cereal, rose petals and sea salt, as well as 10-12 drops of rose or lavender oil and small pieces of fabric and fabric ribbons. Prepare a hot water bath. Mix oatmeal or groats with sea salt and essential oils. Add rose petals and mix thoroughly again. Cut the fabric into pieces and put 2-3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture on them, then build small bags. Put them in prepared water for 10 minutes, adjust the water temperature and take a bath for 20-25 minutes. If you are used to taking a bath with foam, then feel free to add it to the water.

The rose petal bath, which you can see below, not only looks amazing, but also helps to make your skin soft and velvety and even out its color. In addition, rose petal water has a relaxing effect on the body.

Along with the basic recipe, you can take an aromatic bath with the beautiful name Aphrodite's bath. For such a bath, you need to prepare a composition of baking soda with rose petals. It will be enough for 250 grams of each component. Mix a few drops of rose oil (maximum 8 so as not to harm the skin) with warmed base oil. Add petals, soda and essential oil to the water. You can add lavender or jasmine flowers - it will not only look beautiful, but also bring additional benefits to the skin.

Cleopatra's bath is not inferior to the above procedure. You can make it like this: half a glass of petals filled with boiling water, a couple of tablespoons of honey and a liter of milk are added to the bath. It must be taken within 20 minutes. You can also add 400 grams of sea salt to the water, but be careful not to overdry the skin, and be sure to moisturize it after this procedure. Such a bath is useful in that it helps to get rid of age spots.

In order for the bath to be prepared correctly and give you maximum pleasure, you need to take into account some subtleties:

  • To keep the skin beautiful and well-groomed, it is enough to take a bath no more than once a week.
  • Petals can be used not only fresh, but also dry.
  • Experiment with aromatic oils - create combinations for different moods.
  • It is not necessary to abuse essential oils, add no more than 8-10 drops.
  • You can dry fresh petals like this - put them between two thin towels, press down with something heavy and wait for them to dry. You can also use the microwave - you need to dry for 2-3 minutes at a low temperature.
  • The petals remaining after all the preparations will look beautiful on the surface of the water.
  • Before taking a bath, you can light a few decorative candles.
  • Use an aroma lamp if you are going to spend 20 minutes or more in the bath.
  • You can invite your other half to the bath. Without a doubt, he will appreciate such a procedure with rose petals.

Taking a bath with rose petals is good not only for the body, but also for the soul. This is a great way to relax, put your thoughts in order and get away from everyday worries for a while. And if you take it with your loved one, the benefits will increase several times, and both will really like the procedure.

Rose petals - they are so beautiful, exude such a pleasant, delicate aroma! And when a whole "veil" of petals spreads over the surface of the water ... It's not only beautiful, but also romantic. The bath simply fascinates, beckons, awakens sensuality. It is no coincidence that many women simply love to take baths with rose petals before a date with their loved ones. And they can be understood!

In addition, ladies are sure that essential oils and other beneficial substances contained in rose petals pass into warm water and have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smoother, "silky". This is another reason for the popularity of such baths.

But is it really worth taking a bath with rose petals? Does it do harm instead of good? Such a question may seem absurd at first glance, but it is worth considering seriously. After all, a rose is a delicate and perishable flower, especially in the hot season. And the vast majority of roses that are sold in Russia are brought to us from other countries (including such distant and exotic ones as Kenya and Ecuador). In order for the flowers to withstand the road well, retain their freshness for a long time and please the eye, they are sprayed before transportation special solutions containing chemicals: preservatives and antioxidants. Of course, serious and reputable suppliers use only the minimum required amounts of such substances, but it should be remembered: absolutely harmless "chemistry" does not exist! And all of it, getting into the warm water of the bath, then comes into contact with your skin.

Of course, from one or two such procedures, harm is unlikely to occur. After all, those shampoos, gels and other detergents that we use also contain chemicals. But if rose petal baths become a common, routine procedure, then there may be negative consequences. Remember the wise parable about the straw that broke the camel's back!

What to do if you really like to take such baths? The most reasonable thing is to use rose petals grown in Russia! They will definitely be of one use. A certain number of petals can be dried to be used in winter and spring, when a rose does not bloom in our latitudes. They may not look very beautiful in appearance, but in warm water they will quickly “come to life” and not only become more attractive, but also fill your bath with a wonderful aroma.

By the way, Russian roses are distinguished by high durability and a lower price compared to the same Rose Ecuador. You can buy roses by the piece in our online flower shop "Botanica"

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In a few weeks we will celebrate a wonderful and bright holiday - International Women's Day. And according to tradition, on March 8, men present gifts to women, among which bouquets of flowers rightfully occupy a prominent place. You can, of course, buy a ready-made bouquet in a store, but many people like to assemble it with their own hands. Recently, there has been a fashion for "edible bouquets" made from fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs, but for a number of reasons (primarily related to the problem of compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules), we will recommend them.

Have you ever taken a bath with rose petals?



Have you seen it in the cinema?
Did they take it themselves?

Trust me, it's an absolutely amazing experience!

Such a bath relieves any stress, fatigue, depression, restores youth, tones, sets in a romantic mood!

The bath can be made with fresh rose petals or dry ones.

In addition to rose petals, you can add essential oils, foam to the water and decorate the bathroom with candles. Doesn't fit a glass of champagne or juice, and nice music!

Arrange a holiday for yourself!


Put the petals of 5-10 roses of any color in a half-filled warm bath, and fill it to the top.

Use the petals of not only roses, but also jasmine, peonies, rose hips.


- 200 g of coarse salt;
- petals of 4-5 roses.
Put in a jar, close tightly, shake (to mix the petals and salt), put in a warm place for two weeks. During this time, the salt will draw out the fragrant substances from the petals, soak in them, and you can add it to the water and take magnificent pink baths!

Mix 4-6 tablespoons of pink salt in 1 liter. water and pour into bathing water.

Smoothing, soothing skin:
1 liter of rose water pour the mixture into the bathing water.

For moisturizing and silky skin:
Add 2-3 teaspoons of almond oil and rose oil to your bath water.

Gives skin softness and smoothness.
- Heat 1 liter of milk without boiling;
- 1 cup of honey, melted in a water bath;
- 2 tablespoons of rose oil.
Dissolve honey in milk, mix with butter.
Pour the mixture into the bathing water.


A bath with rose petals for two is an unforgettable experience!

Prepare for this in advance, arrange a surprise for your loved one!

How to do it:

Prepare a bath: fill the bath with water, add 250 grams of fresh rose petals and 25 ml of natural herbal rose lotion or rose oil to a bath of warm water.

While the bath is being filled, sprinkle rose petals on the floor, arrange aromatic candles or sticks or aroma lamps with delicate smells (rose, tangerine, orange, lemon, grapefruit), vases with fresh flowers, turn off the overhead light, light candles or sconces.

Prepare two large terry towels and bathrobes.

Prepare drinks, fruits and berries, sweets, ice cream.

A fairy tale for two is ready! Have a nice holiday!

Rose petals - they are so beautiful, exude such a pleasant, delicate aroma! And when a whole "veil" of petals spreads over the surface of the water ... It's not only beautiful, but also romantic. The bath simply fascinates, beckons, awakens sensuality. It is no coincidence that many women simply love to take baths with rose petals before a date with their loved ones. And they can be understood!

In addition, ladies are sure that essential oils and other beneficial substances contained in rose petals pass into warm water and have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smoother, "silky". This is another reason for the popularity of such baths.

But is it really worth taking a bath with rose petals? Does it do harm instead of good? Such a question may seem absurd at first glance, but it is worth considering seriously. After all, a rose is a delicate and perishable flower, especially in the hot season. And the vast majority of roses that are sold in Russia are brought to us from other countries (including such distant and exotic ones as Kenya and Ecuador). In order for the flowers to withstand the road well, retain their freshness for a long time and please the eye, they are sprayed with special solutions containing chemicals before transportation: preservatives and antioxidants. Of course, serious and reputable suppliers use only the minimum required amounts of such substances, but it should be remembered: absolutely harmless "chemistry" does not exist! And all of it, getting into the warm water of the bath, then comes into contact with your skin.

Of course, from one or two such procedures, harm is unlikely to occur. After all, those shampoos, gels and other detergents that we use also contain chemicals. But if rose petal baths become a common, routine procedure, then there may be negative consequences. Remember the wise parable about the straw that broke the camel's back!

What to do if you really like to take such baths? The most reasonable thing is to use rose petals grown in Russia! They will definitely be of one use. A certain number of petals can be dried to be used in winter and spring, when a rose does not bloom in our latitudes. They may not look very beautiful in appearance, but in warm water they will quickly “come to life” and not only become more attractive, but also fill your bath with a wonderful aroma.

By the way, Russian roses are distinguished by high durability and a lower price compared to the same Rose Ecuador. You can buy roses by the piece in our online flower shop "Botanica"

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