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Gerund as subject. This mysterious English word "gerund"

Gerund in English(gerund in English) not all words ending in -ing can be called. So, it is formed in the same way, but its function in the sentence is completely different. A gerund is most often a noun. In this article we will look in detail at what a gerund is in English.

Functions of the gerund in English

The gerund can act in several roles and positions at once. Below we will look at the functions of gerund in English and look at example sentences.

Gerund as subject

In this case, when translating into Russian, a dash is usually placed after the gerund:

Throwing kettle is wrong – Throwing away the kettle is wrong.
Drinking alone is wrong - Drinking alone is not good.
Riding makes all beginners nervous – Riding makes all beginners nervous.
Wedding makes all relatives greedy - The wedding makes all relatives greedy.
Obeying superiors is important - Obeying superiors is important.
Dancing with your wife is right - Dancing with your wife is right.
Drinking causes cirrhosis - Drinking causes cirrhosis of the liver.

Gerund as an object after “to be”

One of his duties is washing this kettle - One of his duties is to wash this kettle.
The hardest thing about learning English is understanding the gerund – The hardest thing about learning English is understanding the gerund.
One of the worst things for man is insulting women - One of the worst things for a man is to insult women.

Gerund after prepositions

Do not confuse gerund with and participle, although they have the same form.

Formation of the negative form of the gerund

To form a negative form, the gerund in English is preceded by the particle not.

Not smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health – Not smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health.
Not hugging is one of the terrible things we can do for our relationships - Not hugging is one of the most terrible things we can do for our relationships.

Formation of the interrogative form of the gerund

IN interrogative sentences The gerund takes place in accordance with its role: subject, object, etc.

When will your father give up drinking? – When will your father stop drinking?
When will Alison’s mom start skiing? — When will Alison's mom start skiing?
What does reading section contain? – What does the reading section include?
Can you see me without opening your eyes? -Can you see me without opening your eyes?
Can he listen to me without closing his heart? “Can he listen to me without closing his heart?”

How to translate gerund into Russian

There is no single rule for translating gerunds into Russian. Although the function of this part of speech coincides with the function of a noun in sentences, when translated into Russian it can either remain a noun or be replaced with a verb:

She is good at painting – She draws well / She is good at drawing.
He is bad in diving - He is bad at diving / He is bad at diving.
I am used to waiting for trams – I’m used to waiting for trams / I’m used to waiting for trams.
Hunting lions is very dangerous – Hunting lions is very dangerous / Hunting lions is very dangerous.
Killing rare birds is very bad idea - Killing rare birds is a very bad idea / Killing rare birds is a very bad idea.

Gerund forms

In total, the gerund can have four forms: two each in the active voice. For clarity, we have combined them into a table:

Gerund forms in English: table

Useful video on the topic:

Many who have studied English have come across such a concept as “gerund”.

Although this is a very simple word, many teachers explain it in incredibly complex ways, resulting in students not understanding at all what it is or why it should be used.

Also, one of the reasons for the misunderstanding is that there is no such concept in the Russian language.

In this article I will talk in detail about this type of verb in English.

What is a gerund in English?

A gerund is an action formed from a verb that carries the characteristics of an object and answers the question “what.”

To better understand this, look at these examples:

Here are some more examples:

Swim - swimming

Draw - drawing

Reading, swimming and drawing are gerunds

Using a gerund, we focus on the process of performing an action.

How are gerunds formed in English?

Very simple!

To do this, add the ending -ing to the verb.

We usually translate it into Russian as a noun ending -nie, -nie.

reading - reading
singing - singing
driving - driving

In English, you can make almost any action a gerund by adding the ending -ing.

For example:

I like shop ing.
I love walking tion for shopping.

Swim ing is my favorite thing.
Plava tion- my favorite thing.

Of course, the formation of the gerund was not without exceptions.

Let's look at them.

The rule for adding the ending -ing

There are a few things to be aware of when adding this ending:

1. If the verb ends in -e, then the letter e we remove and add to the verb -ing

danc e- danc ing- dance
mov e-mov ing- move

2. If the verb is short, we double the last consonant:

si t- si ting- sit
ba n-ba nning- forbid

Exceptions: verbs ending in -x And -w:

mi x-mi xing- mix

3. If the verb ends in -ie, then we replace this ending with -y

l ie- l ying- lie
t ie-t ying- tie

Now you know how to correctly turn a verb into a gerund. The question remains: “Why is this necessary?”

To understand this, let's look at its main functions in a sentence.

How is the gerund used in English?

It can perform 4 functions in sentences:

1. Be the main member of the sentence

In this case, we put the gerund first in the sentence.

For example:

Reading is very interesting thing.
Reading is a very interesting activity.

Jogging is her favorite sport.
Running is her favorite sport.

2. Be part of the main action

Most often in this role we place the gerund after the verb to be.

For example:

My hobby is reading books.
My hobby is reading books.

His task was writing an article.
His task was to write an article.

3. Used as a complement to action

That is, go immediately after the action. Please note that we never put to before a gerund.

For example:

4. Used with wordsmy, his, her, their or prepositions

For example:

Do you mind my asking you?
Do you mind me asking you? (verbatim)

I heard her singing.
I heard her singing.

Gerund and infinitive in English

Many people are often confused about the concepts of infinitive and gerund. And that's why they make mistakes. Let's see how they differ from each other.

1. Particle to (infinitive)

Infinitive (particle to)- this is the initial form of the verb. We put it before the action that answers the question “What to do?/What to do?”

For example:

He likes to swim.
He likes (what to do?) swim.

2. Gerund (ending -ing)

We use when we talk about action to mean process. In this case, the action answers the question “What?”

For example:

He likes to swim ing.
He loves swimming.

How does a gerund differ from an infinitive?

The difference in meaning between the use of a gerund and the particle to is often small.

  • Using a gerund, we emphasize the process of action itself
  • Using the infinitive we talk about a preference (habit) or the result of an action

However, there are some verbs in English that are followed by either only an infinitive or only a gerund.

Let's look at the table.

Verbs followed by an infinitive Verbs followed by a gerund
Afford - afford something

Allow - to allow someone

Agree - agree

Aim - strive, aim

Arrange - negotiate, arrange

Ask - to ask

Decide - decide

Deserve - deserve

Expect - expect

Fail - fail

Hope - to hope

Learn - to study

Manage - be able to do something

Offer - to offer

Plan - plan

Prepare - prepare

Pretend - pretend, pretend

Promise - promise

Refuse - refuse

Seem - seem, introduce yourself

Tend - to have a tendency

Threaten - to threaten

Turn out - turn out

Admit - acknowledge

Adore - to adore

Avoid - avoid

Can’t stand - not to stand, not to endure

Carry on - continue

Delay - put off, delay

Deny - deny

Discuss - discuss

Enjoy - enjoy

Finish - finish

Imagine - imagine

Involve - to attract

Keep (on) - continue

Look forward to - look forward to

Mind - to object, to have against

Miss - fail, miss

Practice - to practice

Quit - stop doing

Recall - remember

Resist - resist, resist

Risk - to take risks, dare

Suggest - to suggest, advise

Understand - to understand

So, now you are familiar with the concept of a gerund in English. Let's practice using it.

Reinforcement task

Translate the sentences into English. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. He enjoys drawing.
2. His hobby is collecting.
3. Reading is useful.
4. He likes to run.
5. He doesn't like her singing.

English verbs have 2 forms: personal and, accordingly, impersonal. The second differs in that its verbs do not change in persons and numbers, and also do not perform the function of a predicate, but can be included in its composition. This group includes Infinitive (infinitive), Participle (participle) and Gerund (gerund). Let's focus on the latter and study what a gerund is in English and when it should be used.

A gerund is an impersonal verb form that expresses the name of an action and has the properties of both a verb and a noun.

The gerund is not peculiar to the Russian language, so at the initial stage this topic may cause some difficulties. However, it is actually very easy to use. Studying it is necessary, since it is difficult to imagine the English language without gerunds. Therefore, let us look at this topic one by one to avoid any misunderstanding.

The gerund is formed by adding the suffix – ing – to the verb in the initial form. Example table:

Infinitive / Infinitive V+-ing
(to) provoke provoking
(to) run running
(to) say saying
(to) flirt flirting
(to) kick kicking
(to) obtain obtaining
(to) speculate speculating
(to) hit hitting
(to) irritate irritating

Note that the particle to of the verb in the infinitive is omitted when forming a gerund.

It is also worth noting certain nuances that need to be taken into account when adding –ing:

  1. If a word ends in –e, –e is omitted:
  1. If a word ends in –ie, these two letters are modified into one –y:
  1. –r will be doubled if there is no diphthong before it:

If a gerund needs to be put in a negative form, the negative particle not is added before it.

Infinitive / Infinitive +
(to) laugh laughing not laughing
(to) blow blowing not blowing
(to) proclaim proclaiming not proclaiming
(to) drink drinking not drinking
(to) entertain entertaining not entertaining

Gerund in English: forms

In addition to education, it is also necessary to know the forms of the gerund. There are 4 of them in total, let’s look at each using the word build as an example:

The form can also express a future action in relation to the action in the main verb:

The Indefinite Passive form is identical except that it uses the passive voice.

The perfect gerund is quite rare. This perfect form is necessary to show that some action occurred before another action, which is expressed by the verb in the personal form. The main thing is not to confuse order and tenses in such sentences. Let's look at one example of a perfect gerund in the active and passive voices:

Note that sometimes a gerund in the Active form can imply a Passive gerund. This case is possible with a sentence that contains the English verbs need - to need, want - to want, require - to request:

And also the adjective worth – standing:

The sentences above cannot be used in the passive voice. They will hurt the ear of a native speaker, even if he understands what you want to tell him.

Gerund in English: functions

The functions of the gerund in a sentence are very diverse. Thus, the gerund can be used in functions:

  1. Subject;
  1. The nominal part of the predicate: that is, here the gerund is used after the linking verb to be. Let's look at a few examples:
  1. Direct object: In this case, the gerund is used after the verb. Often in such situations it is not a gerund that is used, but a verb in the infinitive with the particle to. Choosing between these two options may seem difficult, but there are a number of verbs that are always followed by a gerund. Hence their name, gerundial words. Gerunds include:
admit (admit) Mr. Brown admitted smoking thirty cigarettes a day.

(Mr. Brown admitted to smoking thirty cigarettes a day.)

avoid (avoid) I avoid talking to her.

(I avoid talking to her.)

consider (consider) 22% of the employees consider quitting the jobs.

(22% of employees are considering leaving their job.

deny (deny) Paul denied hurting her.

(Paul denied hurting her.)

dislike (not to like) I just dislike being surrounded by people.

(I just don't like being surrounded by people.)

enjoy (enjoy) We enjoy playing basketball together.

(We like to play basketball together.)

keep (keep doing) I think you should keep focusing on this sphere.

(I think you should focus on this area.)

practice (practice) Ellen practices singing every single day.

(Ellen practices singing every day.)

There are not many gerund words, but they are worth knowing to avoid mistakes.

The following expressions are also used with gerunds:

It is also worth paying attention to those verbs that can be followed by both an infinitive and a gerund. Often the meaning of a sentence depends on the choice made. Explore table examples:

In some cases, the choice of verb form practically does not change the meaning and the infinitive can easily be changed to a gerund:

  1. The gerund can also act as a prepositional object. Study the table for examples:
I’m fond of speaking different languages. I love speaking different languages.
He is proud of being Jewish. He is proud to be Jewish.
Chloe is afraid of flying. Chloe is afraid of flying.
Brian will succeed in writing articles. Brian will successfully write articles.
I got used to think in English. I'm used to thinking in English.
He is tired of doing exercises. He was tired of doing the exercises.
The concept consists in creating software that will protect the information from hacking. The concept is to create software, which will protect information from hacking.
Melany blamed herself for being late that day. Melanie blames herself for being late that day.
He is bored with playing this computer game without the Internet connection. He's bored playing this computer game without an Internet connection.
  1. And also as a circumstance:

As you may have noticed from the examples above, a gerund can be preceded by a preposition.

  1. And definitions: usually in this case of use there are prepositions for and of:
  1. Separately, we can note the use of gerunds in compound nouns:
A reading-room - reading room We came into the reading-room. We entered the reading room.
A writing-table - desk I bought a writing-table to my son. I bought a desk for my son.
A drinking water - drinking water The country has lack of drinking water; that’s why the authority has asked for help. Not in the country drinking water. Therefore, the authorities asked for help.
A swimming pool - pool (literally “swimming pool”) A new swimming pool will have been built for children by 2019. By 2019, a new swimming pool will be built for children.
A washing machine - washing machine My washing machine is leaking, and I don’t know how to solve this problem. My washing machine is leaking and I don't know how to solve this problem.
A cleaning lady When Ann found a job, we decided to hire a cleaning lady, so she did not spend time on cleaning the house on the weekends. When Ann got a job, we decided to hire a cleaner so she wouldn't have to spend time cleaning the house on the weekends.
A sleeping pill When her organism develops a need to take a sleeping pill in order to sleep or run away from stress, she became addicted to it. When her body developed a need to take sleeping pills to fall asleep or escape stress, she became dependent on them.

Gerund in English: signs

The English gerund has the following features:

  1. A direct object can be used after a gerund:
  1. A gerund can be specified by an adverb:
  1. The gerund in English can also be determined by a demonstrative and possessive pronoun:

Sometimes you can see the following options in sentences:

This English form is called the gerundial phrase. It consists of two parts:

  1. The first uses either English nouns in the possessive case, or, as in the examples above, possessive pronouns. Also, the first part can be expressed as a noun in the general case or English pronoun in the objective case.
  2. The second part uses a gerund.

A few more examples for clarity:

  1. A gerund can also be defined as a noun in both cases: general and possessive:
  1. You may have noticed that gerunds are often used after prepositions. Since prepositions can only be used with nouns and pronouns, putting a regular verb in front of them would be against the rules. This is why the verb takes the form of a gerund, the closest form to a noun, so that it can be used with a preposition. In this case, the gerund can act as a definition, circumstance, prepositional indirect object, and also as a nominal part of the predicate.
  2. Another feature of the gerund is that it is not used after modal verbs. In addition, modal verbs themselves do not have finite forms, so they cannot be turned into gerunds either. If you want to construct a sentence in which there is modal verb, it must be followed by a semantic verb in the infinitive.
  3. As with modals, gerunds are not used after auxiliary verbs.

Gerund in English: translation into Russian

Based on the above examples, it is already clear how a gerund can be translated into Russian. However, let's take a closer look at this issue.

  1. A gerund can be translated as a noun conveying a process. In simple terms, a gerund is translated into a noun that can be converted into a verb if desired:
  1. Infinitive or gerund:

Example of a participle:

  1. Complex forms of the gerund in English are contrasted with subordinate clauses in Russian:

Now you know everything about English gerunds, at least we tried to explain everything as clearly as possible using the rules English grammar. If you still have any difficulties with the language and this topic itself, periodically return to the rules above, do exercises, make as many sentences as possible with your own examples and communicate with native speakers to quickly overcome the language barrier.

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Gerund- Gerund

Gerund in English expresses the name of an action and has the properties of a verb and a noun, and, therefore, can perform the functions of a subject, an object in a sentence, be part of a predicate and be used with adverbs. The gerund is translated into Russian as a noun, infinitive, gerund, or subordinate clause.

The gerund has four forms: two in the active voice and two in the passive voice.
1. Gerund in active voice:
A. Simple Gerund Simple Gerund
b. Perfect Gerund Perfect Gerund
2. Gerund in the passive voice:
A. Simple Gerund Passive
b. Perfect Gerund Passive Perfect gerund of the passive voice

Gerund form Pledge
Valid Passive
Simple IV being III
painting being painted
Perfect having III having been III
having painted having been painted

Unlike the infinitive, the gerund has one syntactic structure: the gerundial phrase. It looks like this:
Possessive Noun/Possessive Pronoun + Gerund
His buying a gift is really no excuse. Buying a gift does not justify it in any way.

Use of Simple Gerund

1. The action expressed by the gerund occurs simultaneously with the action expressed by the verb in the personal form, or refers to the future tense.
Mia avoided diving. Mia tried not to dive.
2. Gerund denotes action at all, without relating it to any time.
Vanessa dislikes swimming. Vanessa doesn't like to swim (at all).

Using Perfect Gerund

1. The action expressed by the gerund precedes the action expressed by the personal verb. Mostly after verbs like:
to admit
to regret
to deny
to remember
to forget to forget
to recall
Steven is proud of having won this prize. Stephen is proud to have won the prize.
2. After verbs:
to forgive
to remember
to thank
and after prepositions:
after after
without without
Simple Gerund can be used to indicate a previous action.
Nathaniel doesn't remember hearing this story. Nathaniel doesn't remember her hearing this story.

Rules for using gerunds in active and passive voices

1. If the action expressed by the gerund is performed object, to which it refers, the gerund is used in the active voice.
Alexa remembers having seen this photo. Alexa remembers seeing this photo.
2. If the action expressed by the gerund is performed above the object, to which it refers. then the gerund is used in the passive voice.
Alexa remembers having been shown this photo. Alexa remembers being shown this photo.
Note: After verbs:
to want
to require
and after the adjective worth (worth),
The gerund has a passive meaning, despite the fact that it is used in the active voice.
Her car requires repairing. Her car needs to be repaired (Her car needs repairs).
The Shawshank redemption is worth watching. Shawshank Redemption is worth watching.

Using gerunds as different parts of speech

1. Subject or part thereof.
Listening to classical music is nice. Listening to classical music is pleasant.
2. Predicate.
Reading is knowing. Reading means learning.
3. Part of the predicate ambassador of verbs that express:
A. Necessity, possibility, probability, desirability, etc.
to advise
to allow
to avoid
to appreciate
can't stand the bear
can't stand stand
can't help
to detest to hate
to dislike
to dread
to expect
to fell like
to intend to intend
to like
to permit
to propose
to recommend recommend
to want
He detests skating. He hates skating.
b. Beginning, end, duration of action.
to begin
to cease
to commence
to finish
to give up
to go on, keep on, to proceed, to continue, to carry on
to quit, leave, resign
to resume
to stop
It has started raining. It started to rain.
4. Addition after:
A. Verbs
to admit
to anticipate
to consider
to delay
to enjoy
to escape
to excuse
to fancy imagine, imagine
to forbid
to forgive
to imagine
to involve
to mean
to mind to object
to miss
to pardon to apologize
to postpone
to practice
to prevent
to recollect
to regret
to remember
to resent being indignant
to resist
to risk
to suggest
to understand
Do you mind my opening the windows? Do you mind if I open the window?
b. Verbs with prepositions
to account of
to aim at
to apologize for
to approve of approve
to assist in
to believe in
to complain of complain about
to depend on
to decide against
to dream of
to be engaged in to be engaged in any activity
to inform of
to insist on
to be interested in
to prevent from prevent, interfere
to think of / about
to succeed in
to rely on
to suspect of
to warn against
to look forward to look forward to
to object to object
to devote to devote oneself to something
All people dream being happy. All people dream of being happy.
5. Definition after nouns with prepositions.
an advantage of the positive side, advantage
a cause of reason
a chance of chance, opportunity
a decrease of fall, decrease
a difficulty in difficulty
a disadvantage of negative side, flaw
a fact of fact, circumstance
a fall in decline
fear of fear
a feeling of sensation
a gift of gift
an idea of ​​idea
an opportunity of opportunity
a reason for reason
a rise in rise, jump
a way of way, manner
His way of talking was rather rude. His manner of speaking was quite rude.
6. Circumstances of time, manner of action, conditions, goals, reasons after prepositions:
after after
at at, on
by to
despite in spite of; despite
for for
instead of
in spite of
on by
through by; by using
without without
upon on
In spite of living abroad for a long time he hasn't forgotten his native language. Despite living abroad for a long time, he did not forget his native language.

The gerund is one of the English parts of speech that is absent in the Russian language.

A gerund in English is a form of a verb called impersonal (non-finite), which expresses an action, but has the characteristics and properties of not only a verb, but also has the characteristics of a noun.

The gerund is also called the verbal part of speech. Answers the question: doing what?

We usually use this part of speech after verbs:

  • Indicating the beginning, duration and end of an action:
    • to start, to continue, to stop, to finish
  • Expressing an attitude towards an action: dislike, preference, etc. For example:
    • to like, to enjoy, to love, to hate, to prefer, etc.

Useful knowledge about the English gerund:

  • Can have a direct object without any preposition:
    Reading stories, growing flowers
  • A possessive pronoun (his, her, their) or a noun in the possessive case (friend's, mother's) can be used before it, but not an article.

Possible functions of a gerund in a sentence

Due to the fact that the gerund is something between English verb and noun, it can take on different functions in sentences. It can be an addition, a circumstance, a subject, a definition, unless the position of a simple predicate is beyond its capabilities. Let's consider sequentially what functions a gerund can perform in sentences:

Functions subject:

  • Running is very useful. — Running is very useful

These kinds of sentences can be easily rephrased without changing the meaning. The gerund is replaced by an infinitive; such displacement is especially common in colloquial speech:

  • It's very useful to run. — It’s very useful to run

Functions prepositional object:

  • He is fond of swimming. — He loves bathing

Functions direct object:

  • I mind your smoking here. — I object to you smoking here

Functions circumstances of the time:

  • On coming home he drank a cup of tea. — On returning home he drank a cup of tea

Functions circumstances of the course of action:

  • Instead of going school she watched TV-shows. — Instead of going to school, she watched a TV show

Could be part compound nominal predicate:

  • My mother's hobby is making cakes. — My mother’s hobby is making cakes


  • I like her manner of speaking. — I like her way of speaking

In view of so many functions performed in sentences, this variable part of speech undoubtedly deserves due attention.

Subtleties of gerund formation

The gerund is formed according to the formula:

verb + ing

The general rule for forming a simple gerund does not cause difficulties: we take the particle to from the verb in the infinitive, then add the ending to it -ing:

  • To cook - cooking
  • To listen - listening

However, there are several cases where there are some deviations from the above rule:

  1. If the verb ends in -e, That -e is omitted and added - ing:
    To make - making
    To serve - serving
  2. Verbs that end in a consonant and are preceded by a stressed short vowel require doubling the final consonant, and then -ing is added:
    To swim - swimming
    To begin - beginning
    To run - running
  3. Verbs that have a stressed last syllable and end in -r, double it, however, stressed syllable should not contain diphthongs, since their presence excludes the doubling of the final -r:
    To star - starring ( -r becomes pronounced after doubling)
    To wear - wearing (there is a diphthong, so doubling -r unacceptable)
  4. According to British rules, the final -l always doubles, despite the fact that the last syllable is stressed or unstressed.
    To travel - travelling
  5. If the infinitive has final - ie, they are replaced by -y:
    To lie - lying

End -ing, which helps form the verbal part of speech and is pronounced like a nasal , A -g We don’t pronounce it.

On the translation of gerunds into Russian

The gerund is translated into Russian as a noun or as a verb:

  1. We translate them as Russian verbal nouns (conveying process), which usually end in - aniye, —tion:
    To smoke (smoking) - smoking (smoking)
    To swim (swim) - swimming (swimming)
  2. Sometimes we translate them into Russian, like verbs

Forms that a gerund can take

Due to its relationship with the verb, the gerund can take the forms of active and passive voices, and can also be of two types: indefinite and perfect. We have 4 forms, of which one is only simple, the other three are complex, for clarity we will place them in the table.


Active voice(Active voice) Passive voice(Passive voice)


1) SellingVerb + ing

2) Being doneBeing + + 3rd form of irregular verbs / regular verb + ending -ed


Having sold3) Having + 3 form of irregular verbs / regular verb + ending -ed Having been done4) Having been + 3rd form of irregular verbs / regular verb + ending -ed
  1. First simple form is used most often in English and denotes an action that occurs simultaneously with the main verb, which is the predicate:
    I like writing the articles. — I like to write articles
  2. The second form of the gerund indicates the action that the subject or object experiences:
    I hate being deceived. - I hate being deceived
  3. The third form of the gerund expresses an action that occurred earlier than something that is conveyed through the predicate:
    I regretted having this story published. — I regretted publishing this story. (Watch the sequence of events: he first published, then regretted it.)
  4. The fourth form also indicates an action preceding the action that the predicate in the sentence expresses, while some subject or object experienced it:
    We remember having been shown the painting. — We remember that they showed us this picture

Gerund or infinitive

In English, there are cases when you need to choose a gerund or an infinitive.

The following table will help deal with this problem; it clearly distinguishes the cases of use of these two forms in English.

Gerund Verb infinitive

In view of his - ing the long form expresses a long-term action, more generalized:
They began working here in 2008. - They started working here in 2008.

Specific, shorter duration of action:
He began to read the book two hours ago. — He started reading the book two hours ago.
The expressed processes are related to the past or present:
He regret telling her this new. — He regrets telling her this news.
The action moves more towards the future:
He proposes to continue the work tomorrow. — He offers to continue work tomorrow.
To forget (forget), to remember (remember) are used with the verbal part of speech if we're talking about about something already accomplished or done:
Ann forgot writing him e-mail. - Anna forgot that she wrote (already) to him email
I remember reading the book. — I remember that I read (already) this book
To forget (to forget), to remember (to remember) are used with the infinitive if an action that should have been done but was not done is forgotten or remembered:
Ann forgot to write him e-mail. — Anna forgot to write him an email.
I remember to read the book. — I remember that I need to read this book.
To stop (stop), if it implies the cessation of some action, needs an impersonal form of the verb:
He stopped eating sweets. — He stopped eating sweets.
To stop (stop), if it implies the cessation of movement, in order to do some action requires an infinitive:
He stopped to buy some sweets for his children. — He stopped to buy sweets for his children.

So, today we figured out what a gerund is in English, found out its characteristics, forms, functions in sentences. Due to the absence of such a part of speech in the Russian language, it may seem meaningless to you, but it is not so. With a little effort, perseverance and training exercises, you will understand its meaning in English.



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