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Aloe Vera - medicinal properties and contraindications of the agave Use of aloe vera in medicine

Aloe Vera - medicinal properties and contraindications of the agave Use of aloe vera in medicine

Aloe Vera is native to the islands of Curacao and Barbados, located in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. Like other types of aloe, the plant does not require careful ...

Origins of the Mass Effect universe characters in the comic series

Origins of the Mass Effect universe characters in the comic series

In those days, hearts were courageous and the stakes were high. The men were real men, the women were real women, and the little hairy ones ...

Boris Yeltsin - biography

Boris Yeltsin - biography

The date of birth of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin is February 1, 1931. Yeltsin lived a bright and eventful life, showed by his political actions ...

Secrets of Japanese Longevity

Secrets of Japanese Longevity

A professor from Tokyo revealed the secrets of longevity "In Japan, the task is now to lengthen the period of healthy longevity, so that even in the old ...

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