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Why do you dream of a dry and wet puddle? Why did you dream about the puddle? Seeing a Puddle in a dream


A dream consisting of several, little interconnected, episodes. First, my mother and I find ourselves in our own yard and go to our house, in which (in a dream) we are supposed to get a new apartment. Rain, slush, puddles everywhere, especially on the lawns. Mom got to the entrance, and I fell behind. There is no one in the yard, although it is daylight. I want to quickly run to my mother, and therefore I don’t go around the black puddle on the lawn, but step on it. I feel like I won't get too wet in the puddle because it's not deep. But when I step on a puddle, I suddenly fall waist-deep into it, quickly jump out and run to the entrance so as not to get too cold and catch a cold. I run to the entrance and apartment, look at myself in the huge mirror in the hallway and am surprised to see that only my jeans are soaked, and even then there are dark streaks from water down my legs. It turns out that I was so worried in vain. And now I’m looking at a new apartment. It is much like the old one, only where there used to be a bedroom is now a large living room. To the right is a long corridor. And in this corridor the ceiling is terribly low, my head hits it, and it’s also kind of flimsy, cardboard or something, consisting of loosely fitting plates that are blown down. This ceiling makes me extremely angry, and my mother doesn’t like it either, but she says she’ll have to be patient. How much is unknown. Behind the low ceiling is the kitchen, it’s difficult to get there because of it. Then an insert story: I am in Yalta, which looks like a very bright and clean town with streets flooded with sunlight, damp and shiny from the recent rain. The houses in Yalta are somehow sterile. There are some people with me in Yalta, however, I feel lonely, driving through the streets in a restored old-fashioned convertible car and just can’t find anything. I don’t know what. Then I find myself back in that apartment. Two of my cousins ​​come to visit me, one (in the dream) is plump and ugly, with a pimply face, the second is skinny and tall, like a mop. I'm angry with them because we don't have enough food and they'll eat the whole house. It seems to me that their mother called them. I see the second sister from the back, as she walks along the long and twilight common corridor and rings our door, large and gray, without a number and a “peephole”. I’m receiving them in the living room and thinking about what to treat them to. The living room is a mess, the kind that happens when renovating or moving, there are several long tables, all sorts of different things are piled on them, but there is no food, only a few boxes of chocolates, one of them is open. I look, and there are a few sweets there and I offer them to my sisters, secretly being greedy. An elegant, beautiful middle-aged woman appears; she was in the car with me in Yalta. I treat her to candy too, and take the second open box. There are few sweets, not enough for everyone. Suddenly I drop the box, the candies fall to the floor, and I realize with horror that now there definitely won’t be enough candy for everyone, and hardly anyone will eat from the floor, and it’s indecent to offer it, although the floor is shiny, parquet, too clean and new for such a cluttered room (no dust, just a lot of stuff). I bend down, collect candies and discover that not just one or two, but a lot of them fell on the floor, I collect a whole bunch. The candies are dark, lumpy, like chocolate-covered prunes. Suddenly an elegant woman says: “Let’s go out and buy some lavash, after all, this is a southern city.” I understand that they are hungry, and I answer: “You can, of course, but where can you find good pita bread? I don't trust the people here. We once traveled by car to Evpatoria and on the way we got very hungry. At a tavern on the side of the road we bought a huge pita bread and a bucket of apricots. So we ate this lavash all two weeks by the sea and even brought a piece home. It did not become moldy or stale, but only shriveled. This is quality lavash! Where can I find one like this? Inserted episode: I’m sitting on the sofa and holding a handful of chess pieces that I loved to play with as a child. They are the same, I consider pawns. As a child, I drew faces on them, but it turned out that the faces of the pawns were half erased, and they had second faces painted behind them. Pawns with double faces, one behind the other. I look through the pawns and wonder where they came from, since they were long ago thrown into the far corner of the house, and how and why they ended up in my hands. Another inserted episode: I go to the toilet at night. I sit and see a dark long shadow, as if from a snake that slithered away from the toilet. “There are snakes in the toilet,” I am horrified. Where are they from? Then I feel that a heavy, slippery stream is flowing out of me, and I see a medium-width viscous ribbon of some dark brown liquid, like machine oil. Liquid flows directly from me (probably from the female organs). Then the liquid literally runs away, and a lizard slips out of me, the same dark brown color and the same heavy consistency. The lizard is quite large; at first I mistook it for a snake. I return to the apartment again and look at the ceiling with anger. It seems he sank even lower. My mother told me that this was a temporary ceiling, but I was so tired of it that I grabbed the cardboard sheets and tore them off. They fall off easily. It turned out that the ceiling was white, smooth and high, even too high. And there is even space in the wall for a mezzanine. Immediately sunlight streamed into the corridor, it became more comfortable. With that I woke up.

fall into a puddle in a dream

If you saw in a dream how you fall into a puddle of fairly clean and unclouded water, then expect minor troubles, but do not be upset, as soon these unpleasant events will be replaced by more good ones. Falling into a puddle of mud in a dream promises a series of unpleasant incidents in the near future.

what does it mean to fall into a puddle in a dream?

If you fell into a puddle in a dream, this signals an impending dangerous situation for your reputation. You should beware, as there are many people who want to tarnish your pure name.

Why do you dream of falling into a puddle?

If you fell into a puddle of crystal clear water in a dream, expect an increase in your financial status and income. But if you fell into a puddle of mud in a dream, beware of falling into unfavorable company.

Why do you dream of falling into a puddle?

Falling into a puddle in a dream in reality represents a warning to the sleeper about an upcoming clash with the hypocritical behavior of people, as well as the threat of slander and slander against you.

fall into a puddle in a dream

Falling into a puddle in a dream foreshadows an impending illness, in particular diseases of the reproductive system, especially if the puddle is dirty. Also, such a dream may signal a possible problematic pregnancy, or in the worst case, it promises the woman the inability to become pregnant.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water, some kind of trouble awaits you, but very soon something good will replace it.

If you stepped into a dirty puddle in a dream, troubles will haunt you repeatedly.

Getting your feet wet by stepping into a puddle means that your joy today will later turn into grief.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Puddle - profit; fall into a puddle - you will find yourself in bad company; jump over it - avoid danger.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Family dream book

If you dreamed that you stepped into a puddle of clean water, some kind of trouble awaits you. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because very soon something good will come to replace it.

If you step into a dirty puddle, you are in for a series of troubles.

If you get your feet wet in a puddle, your joy today will turn into worries later.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A puddle in a dream symbolizes wasted emotions. Usually such dreams indicate that you cannot concentrate on any task and are wasting your energy.

A dirty puddle preventing you from passing is a sign that the cause of your difficulties in life and conflicts with others may be your carelessness.

A puddle of clean water is a sign of your curiosity and shallow interest in certain issues. Most likely, the dream encourages you not to waste your time on trifles, but to focus your energy on one thing.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

A puddle of oil - you may be humiliated or you will have to humiliate yourself.

Puddle - to colds, minor, quickly eliminated troubles.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are walking along the sidewalk and a car passing by splashes you with water from a puddle, in reality this threatens you with unnecessary financial expenses that could have been avoided.

If you yourself step in a puddle of dirty water, this means troubles that will inevitably haunt you in the next day or two.

However, if the water in the puddle is settled and clean, troubles will soon be replaced by a streak of success.

Getting your shoes dirty or soaked through in a puddle means that you will have a reason to invite a small group of friends to visit.

Seeing water bubbling in puddles during heavy rain means the emergence of a new source of income.

If you fall into a puddle in a dream, it means you will find yourself in a society with a bad reputation.

Jumping over a small puddle means that you will be able to avoid a seemingly imminent danger.

A frozen puddle portends a cooling of love feelings and a sad ending to the novel.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Puddle - Profit - dirty - gossip - fall into it - you will end up in bad company - jump over it - avoid danger

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water, you will encounter minor troubles, which will very soon be replaced by a joyful event.

If it is a dirty puddle, troubles will haunt you for some time.

Getting your feet wet in a puddle in a dream means that what made you happy today will later turn into grief.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Esoteric dream book

Stepping on, falling into a puddle - you may find yourself in an unenviable position.

See - get ready to laugh at yourself.

With clear water, healthy humor will not hurt in the upcoming situation.

With dirty water, you can become an object of ridicule.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Finding yourself in a puddle of clean water in a dream means some kind of trouble, which will be replaced very soon by something good.

Getting into a dirty puddle portends a series of troubles.

If you get your feet wet, your joy will soon turn into bitter experiences.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

profit, if net;

stepping into a puddle is bad company.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Modern dream book

Walking through puddles of clear water is an omen of frustration. However, this dream also promises commercial profits in the future.

If the water in the puddle is cloudy and dirty, expect a series of troubles.

If you dream that you got your feet wet in a puddle, in reality you will soon have to pay for your current pleasures.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Eastern dream book

A dream in which you happily splash through puddles of warm, clean water promises simple human joys.

If the water in the puddle is cloudy and dirty, expect a series of troubles.

You got your feet wet in a puddle, which means you will have to pay for the pleasures of today tomorrow.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Puddle - You see a large puddle in a dream - the dream indicates: your position in society is precarious; you must improve your affairs in an honest way, give up the dubious connections that you have made. You stepped into a puddle of clear water - the streak of troubles is about to end. You stepped into a puddle of dirty water that has bloomed and stinks - there will be so many troubles, as if the whole world has turned against you. You got your feet wet by stepping into a puddle - the pleasures you get today will have bad consequences tomorrow.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Puddle - a lucky chance will help in small matters, help from your intuition.

A dirty puddle is an obstacle.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Puddle - Momentary joy will turn into trouble. Imagine filling a puddle with sand or gravel.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Psychoanalytic dream book

What does a Puddle mean in a dream - see also Water and Pool. 1. A puddle, even if it is smaller in size than a pool or lake, is nevertheless endowed with the same meaning. When it appears in a dream, we become aware of how to cope with our emotions. 2. What happens to the puddle may be important. If we drain it, then we are trying to reabsorb an emotion that we consider unnecessary. If we leave it, we may need help from other people to recognize either their emotions or ours. 3. From an esoteric point of view, a puddle provides an opportunity to look into the future - you can look into it like into a magic mirror. Looking into a puddle in a dream means trying to decide what action to take.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Seeing a Puddle in a dream - If you dreamed that you were standing in a puddle, this indicates that you did not pay due attention to your affairs, and they fell into disrepair. A small puddle you encounter on your way symbolizes minor obstacles. If you see a puddle of dirty water and go into it to wash your shoes, then the dream prophesies that your rash actions will aggravate your already difficult life situation.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Home dream book

Symbolizes security in case of difficulties in business. This image may suggest that in unfavorable circumstances, unity, and perhaps unity of command, will help you, and the inconvenience associated with this will be more than compensated for by future success. A puddle of oil - you may be humiliated or you will have to humiliate yourself. Puddle - to colds, minor, quickly eliminated troubles.

Interpretation of the dream book: You dreamed of a Puddle - failure. Stepping into a puddle of clean water is a minor nuisance that will soon pass; a dirty puddle is a failure that caused gossip; getting your feet wet by stepping into a puddle means that the events that have taken place will cause you great self-doubt.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does a Puddle mean in a dream - falling into a puddle means loss of reputation. Clear water in a puddle is a vain suspicion of a partner’s infidelity; Dirty water is treason. Seeing a bird bathing in a puddle means children rejoice, despite their mischief. Stepping over a puddle is a sign that you need to be more generous towards loved ones. Walking through puddles, splashing water, shows intemperance and rudeness.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Women's dream book

Puddle - Finding yourself in a puddle of clean water in a dream means some kind of trouble, which will very soon be replaced by something good. Getting into a dirty puddle portends a series of troubles. If you get your feet wet, your joy will soon turn into bitter experiences, as Puddle interprets in the dream book.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream book of catchphrases

PUDDLE - “to sit in a puddle” - to disgrace yourself.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Men's dream book

Seeing yourself standing in a puddle means not noticing how your affairs have declined. Seeing a single puddle on your way means short-term difficulties. Going into a puddle of muddy water in order to wash off the mud from your shoes - trying to correct an unfavorable situation, but by your own rash actions aggravate it even more.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Italian dream book Meneghetti

A muddy puddle indicates a situation or attitude that leads to regression without openness to growth.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream book of the future

A puddle, if the water in it is clean, means a little trouble awaits you; but if the water turns out to be dirty, troubles will haunt you, and slander and gossip await you; if you get your feet wet by stepping into a puddle, your joy today may later turn into misfortune.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Idiomatic dream book

“Sit in a puddle” - disgrace yourself.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing yourself standing in a puddle means not noticing how your affairs have declined.

Seeing a single puddle on your way means short-term difficulties.

Going into a puddle of muddy water in order to wash off the mud from your shoes - trying to correct an unfavorable situation, but by your own rash actions aggravate it even more.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Puddle - complications in a love relationship, possibly betrayal.

Why do you dream about a puddle?

Online dream book

In a dream, walking through puddles on clean asphalt after a summer rain means enjoying the most seemingly mundane little things.

But if they are cloudy with dirt, you are in danger of a whole heap of problems.

You entered into it and your feet were thoroughly wet - innocent fun will lead to very disastrous consequences in the future.

Accidentally walked into a puddle of clear water - you will encounter small problems, which, however, can be resolved in the best way for you.

If there was also dirt in it, you will fuss and fuss a lot to improve your situation.

If you fall into it, you will find yourself in a dubious society.

If you dreamed that you easily stepped over a puddle, this means you can easily cope with difficulties that frightened you very much.

Watch the water bubble in it - you will find a way to further replenish your budget.

Did you happen to fall into a puddle in a dream? Beware - in ordinary life you risk finding yourself in an extremely unenviable position. Why else do you dream about this dream plot? The dream book will tell you about all its nuances and features.

Miller Transcript

If in a night adventure you had to fall into a puddle, then Miller’s interpreter offers the following decoding. Troubles will overtake you, but soon they will be replaced by more positive events.


Did you dream that you were unlucky enough to fall into a puddle in a dream? The wise dream book thinks that you are wasting your emotions and mental strength.

This vision hints that you have little ability to focus and concentrate on one thing, or you simultaneously take on several things at once. Moreover, both behavior patterns lead to failures and even greater difficulties.

Seeing a deep puddle in a dream on your foreseeable path means that your own irresponsibility and carelessness are the cause of all failures in life.

Laughter will help!

To correctly interpret the dream image, you should take into account the characteristics of water. Why do you dream if you happen to fall into a puddle of exceptionally clear water?

The dream book believes that you are driven by idle curiosity or superficial interest. If you stop wasting energy on trifles, you will certainly achieve success.

Did you dream that you were thoroughly wet after a fall? Soon there will be a reason to gather a pleasant company at home. The same plot in a dream warns: tomorrow you will have to laugh at yourself, and a bit of healthy humor will decorate your usual life and make it more joyful.

Don't be a fool!

Did you dream that you happened to fall into a very dirty puddle? The dream book warns: in the next couple of days, troubles will rain down like from a fairy-tale cornucopia.

Why else dream that you fell into dirty water? On the way to the planned goal, a difficult obstacle will arise. Moreover, in a dream this is a sign: you will find yourself in a very bad society.

Seeing how you deliberately threw yourself into dirty water means that you will try to correct a certain situation. But the dream book believes that with your thoughtless and sometimes stupid actions you will only aggravate it.

Shall we talk?

Why do you dream of an ordinary puddle in general? In a dream, it can symbolize conversation. If it is light and transparent, then get ready for a pleasant heart-to-heart conversation or good news.

If it is cloudy and dark, then you will probably find out some gossip or even become the object of a slander. According to the dream book, the interpretation of a dream is aggravated if you dreamed that you completely fell into the mud.

A clear dream puddle can also symbolize extraordinary joy, an excellent set of circumstances, pleasant chores and other positive things.

Some details

The dream book suggests figuring out what exactly you dream about when you are unlucky enough to fall into a puddle. And additional nuances will help with this.

  • Cold - annoyance, profit in the distant future.
  • Warm - enjoying simple joys.
  • From blood comes wealth, earthly glory.
  • From butter - humiliation, opportunism.
  • Champagne is an undeserved luxury.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A puddle in a dream means an obstacle, difficulty, humiliation, a stop in business. Such a dream also means that you may suffer from attacks from slanderers. The dirtier and larger the puddle in your dream, the less likely it is that you will successfully extricate yourself from such a difficult situation.

If you dream that you successfully passed through a puddle and did not get dirty, then troubles and troubles will miraculously pass you by. See water, earth, mud, feet, shoes, clothes.

Why do you dream of a puddle according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Stepping over a puddle in a dream:
Stepping over a puddle in a dream is a sign that you should be more attentive when communicating with people close to you. Your lack of restraint and emotionality sometimes offends them.

Falling into a puddle in a dream:
If you dreamed that you slipped and fell into a puddle, then soon your reputation will be in great danger. There are a lot of ill-wishers around you who are trying by any means to discredit your good name.

Swimming in a puddle in a dream:
Swimming in a puddle in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that for a long time you will not be able to refute the gossip of your colleagues. You will be forced to put up with evil for fear of losing your job.

The water in a puddle is clean in a dream:
If you dreamed that the water in a puddle was clean, then your fears about the infidelity of your loved one are in vain. He loves and respects you.

Water in a puddle is dirty in a dream:
If in a dream you saw that the water in a puddle was dirty, then such a dream foreshadows betrayal and, as a result, a break in relations with a loved one

Why do you dream of a puddle according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a puddle, there will be slander against you; fall into a puddle in a dream - you will find yourself in bad company; jumping over a puddle in a dream - avoiding mortal danger; fall into a puddle of clean water - you will get into a dubious business, but everything will end well for you; if the water in the puddle is dirty, then troubles will accompany your life for a long time; getting your feet wet in a puddle in a dream means joy turns out to be grief.



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