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Why dream of fishing nets. “What is the network for in a dream? If you see a network in a dream, what does it mean? Small Velesov Dream Interpretation Network

(See interpretation: fish)

Nets in a dream are a symbol of cunning, traps, deceit, betrayal.

Seeing in a dream is a sign of danger warning. To arrange, weave or cast nets yourself in a dream means that you will try to save your fortune, money or happiness in a dishonorable way. Getting caught in a net or entangled in it and not being able to get out of it means that you are confused in your affairs due to the fact that you were misled. Such a dream indicates that your gullibility and modesty will prevent you from being vigilant enough to expose the scammers. Often such a dream suggests that you are in a bad company, because of which others began to condemn you. If you do not change bad habits, then soon people will shun you and whisper behind your back.

Torn, useless nets in a dream indicate that your affairs have fallen into decay and many sorrows, disappointments and losses await you.

If you dream that you have broken the net, then your friends will turn away from you because of your unbearable character.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Or a butterfly net - can help you catch things you need in your life. You need a safety net as you lose your balance.

Women's dream book

If you dreamed that you were setting up networks- you will not be able to avoid loneliness. And all because your friends will disappoint you very much.

Italian dream book

The network is a symbolic expression of a kind of “mechanical grid”, which, as it were, covers the “in se” with a web and prevents a person from correctly reflecting his inner reality.

Small Velesov dream book

Network - change of weather.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is the Network dreaming?

Family dream book

If you saw yourself caught in a net- so the enemies will try to do everything to stop the prosperity of your affairs.

A young woman who had a similar dream- the environment can bring a lot of evil, as a result of which she will be left alone. Even if in a dream she successfully frees herself from the networks, in reality she is unlikely to be able to avoid slander.

If you dreamed of a spread network- you will neglect scrupulousness in business and show an unfriendly attitude towards people.

Old and torn nets- dream of financial problems.

Slavic dream book

Networks - to a change in the weather, and in personal life to success.

dream interpreter

Networks seen in a dream means a change in the weather.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if the Network is dreaming?

If you dream that you caught something in the net- in real life, you will be distinguished by unscrupulousness both in business and in relationships with other people.

If you dreamed of an old torn network- in reality you are in real danger of losing your property.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The network is a reflection of the incorrectness (entanglement) of one's own ideas, one's perception. The need for insurance and/or caution.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Network dream about in a dream?

Seeing a network in a dream- to irritation, gossip, repairing nets - to lies, catching them - to profit.

Network size - symbolizes the size of the gossip.

See them in a dream in fish scales or spread- means that the slanderer himself will get confused in his slander.

Prepare nets for fishing- a sign that a slander is being prepared, a slander.

Hang nets to catch birds- to a quarrel with parents.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Catch something with a net in a dream- soon you will be very lucky in life. You will be able to solve all your urgent problems overnight.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If a girl dreams that she is caught in a net- this means that she will be lonely because of the envy of others.

Dream Interpretation Grishina

Networks to see - irritation / gossip.

The size of networks is an exchange of gossip.

See them in fish scales or spread out- the slanderer himself is entangled in his slander.

Repairing networks is a disease / lie.

Prepare for fishing- preparing for slander.

Catch them - profit.

Nets hang out- quarrel with parents.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Network - this sign can symbolize that you are caught in a network or web of your own ideas. Stop for a while and let your mind comprehend billions of other forms of reality, so that you can choose for yourself the one that most closely matches your true nature.

Fish net or butterfly net- may indicate that you should take up catching things that are necessary in your life. Do you feel like you need a net for insurance as you are taking too many risks in your life.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Networks - ill-wishers will try to interfere with your well-being and prosperity, be attentive to your surroundings.

Get out of the net- Gossips and envious people do not threaten you.

Putting nets - you will show rigidity and integrity, bordering on cruelty and rudeness.

Breaking the network - material difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Fishing nets in a dream- a sign of a cunningly built and carefully woven plan.

To catch fish with a net- a harbinger of success in business.

See catching birds with a net - bad dream, suggesting that in the near future your passionate desires will not be able to come true. Sometimes such dreams portend the loss of freedom.

Get tangled up in networks- a sign that you are at risk of becoming or have already become a victim of someone's deceit or fraud. After such a dream, you should be more careful about seductive offers and not trust unfamiliar people.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if the Network is dreaming in a dream?

Get tangled up in a net- succumb to bad influence; throw - you will enter into a risky business; break the network - spoil the location of friends; unravel or knit- joy; fishing - get a good place.

Miller's dream book

See yourself caught in a net in a dream- means that enemies will have an unpleasant effect on you during the period of apparent prosperity of your affairs.

This dream for a young woman- portends that her environment will bring her a lot of evil, as a result of which she will be left alone.

If in a dream she successfully frees herself from the networks- she is unlikely to escape slander in reality.

If you dream of a spread network- this means that you will neglect scrupulousness in business, and you will show hostility towards people.

If the networks are old and torn- this portends you with financial problems that will greatly alarm you.

Chinese dream book

Your body is wrapped in a net- the situation in the service, public affairs.

You are covered from above with a net- drinks with snacks.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

To be caught in a net in a dream- means pressure on you from ill-wishers during a period of apparent prosperity. A young woman has such a dream- portends serious trouble from the people around her, as a result of which she will be alone.

If you dream of spaced networks- this means that you will be careless in business and unkind to people.

If the networks are old and torn- this portends a strong anxiety due to financial problems.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of new networks- you can not be afraid of your ill-wishers, you have reliable protection against them.

To dream of old torn nets- Loss of property.

If you dreamed that you were weaving or mending nets- you have to spend a lot of time and effort to protect yourself from enemies.

In a dream, you watched someone weave or repair a net- know that you have a true friend who will always come to your aid in a dangerous moment.

If you dreamed that you caught someone in the net- soon you will be considered a dishonorable person.

In a dream, you saw someone caught in a net- expect a scandal associated with someone close to you.

If you dreamed that you yourself were caught in the net- know that all the machinations of ill-wishers will not harm you.

Freud's dream book

Network - is a symbol of femininity, femininity, as well as a symbol of female genital organs.

Catching fish or animals with a net- symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Pulling out the catch- symbolizes the imminent appearance of children (grandchildren).

If a woman catches a net- this symbolizes her desire for lesbian connections.

If a man catches with a net- this symbolizes not only his desire for numerous love affairs but also to the joys of group sex.

Torn network - symbolizes health problems.

Lost network - portends a change in sexual partner.

Medieval dream book

See the network - to sorrow.

Universal dream book

What are you doing with the network in a dream?- you use it to catch someone? What you are trying to catch says what you desire in real life.

For example, if you are trying to catch a fish in a dream- a dream suggests that you would like to bring a new stream into your life.

If someone else is using the network in your dream What is this person trying to catch? Is your life in his hands? What do you feel about it?

The network can also symbolize- benefit. In real life, are you or someone else enjoying a period of financial success? Perhaps also, the network means that you want to be in control of the situation, at work or in a relationship, i.e. want to pull the strings yourself.

Video: Why the Network is dreaming

(See interpretation: fish)

Nets in a dream are a symbol of cunning, traps, deceit, betrayal.

Seeing in a dream is a sign of danger warning. To arrange, weave or cast nets yourself in a dream means that you will try to save your fortune, money or happiness in a dishonorable way. Getting caught in a net or entangled in it and not being able to get out of it means that you are confused in your affairs due to the fact that you were misled. Such a dream indicates that your gullibility and modesty will prevent you from being vigilant enough to expose the scammers. Often such a dream suggests that you are in a bad company, because of which others began to condemn you. If you do not change bad habits, then soon people will shun you and whisper behind your back.

Torn, useless nets in a dream indicate that your affairs have fallen into decay and many sorrows, disappointments and losses await you.

If you dream that you have broken the net, then your friends will turn away from you because of your unbearable character.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dreams about fishing have extremely contradictory interpretations, they come down to well-being, fatigue from life, the desire for change, lack of thrills, new achievements, responsibility for others, according to most dream books, a good catch is considered a favorable symbol.

What if you dream of catching fish with nets?

In a dream, the sleeper saw himself in the role of a fisherman fishing with nets - the interpretation of this symbol largely depends on the quality and quantity of the representatives of the water element caught. Determining what dreams of catching fish with nets, pay attention to the state of the fishing tackle itself, others important points and details of the night revelation.

When the net in a dream is torn, this means the next changes in life, they will be prosperous, the new fishing net, brought into working condition, has the following interpretation: despite all the efforts of the dreamer and the desire to improve the situation in reality, nothing good will happen. To pull out an empty net in a dream means that numerous problems will fall on the shoulders of the dreamer, it is possible that their solution will require investments or large expenses.

To pull a net with a good catch from a reservoir in a dream means high income, good financial income, in the near future the dreamer will be able to make good money or receive an additional source of income.

Fishing with the help of fishing nets may mean that the dreamer has fallen into the intricacies of his own thoughts, phobias, prejudices, conjectures, he cannot figure them out in any way, dream books recommend waking up to analyze the life situation, put everything on the shelves.

To a young unmarried woman who was fishing in a dream with a fishing net, night vision predicts a lot of evil, gossip, all the negativity, according to dream books, comes from her close circle. A married lady had a chance to fish with a net - to bring a rival to life, not married men such nightly revelations promise financial stability. A dream can also mean the dreamer's secret aspirations for numerous love affairs, group sex, married men, a dream about catching fish with nets portends a reputation ruined by competitors. The fishing net is sometimes juxtaposed with the insidious and elaborate plan of business competitors, so you should keep the situation under control.

The nets set in a dream are identified with the dreamer's hopes and plans, the sign can predict loneliness, and also indicate the tough and direct nature of the dreamer, dream books recommend learning diplomacy, and showing principles only in extreme cases.

What portends?

Pulling a net with a dead fish in a dream is a symbol that in reality the sleeping person will lose his own property, the negative interpretation of the dream will be strengthened if there were a lot of dead fish in a dream in a net, and even worse - to catch a rotten or fish.

To pull a big catch with a net - to big changes, family happiness, wealth, a fateful meeting with your soulmate, to release a caught catch into the water - to give up a wonderful opportunity. If in a dream the catch consisted of many small fish, the meaning of the dream comes down to solving small problems, sleep can mean that the dreamer has reduced libido, sexual function is upset, so he intimate relationship do not give pleasure.

Fishing with nets in clear water - fortunately and prosperity, in muddy water - to problems, failures will appear out of the blue and where, according to the laws of logic, they should not be at all.

The dreamer happened to watch in a dream how someone was fishing with nets - this is a danger warning sent by the secret world, the dreamer should not lose vigilance.

Fishing in a dream with nets is a diverse sign that is identified with changes in life, the nature of which is determined by the quality and quantity of the catch. When the catch consists of live fish - to be joy, from dead - to be in trouble, but whatever the interpretation of the dream, do not despair, it is better to call your friends and go fishing!

(See interpretation: fish)

Nets in a dream are a symbol of cunning, traps, deceit, betrayal.

Seeing in a dream is a sign of danger warning. To arrange, weave or cast nets yourself in a dream means that you will try to save your fortune, money or happiness in a dishonorable way. Getting caught in a net or entangled in it and not being able to get out of it means that you are confused in your affairs due to the fact that you were misled. Such a dream indicates that your gullibility and modesty will prevent you from being vigilant enough to expose the scammers. Often such a dream suggests that you are in a bad company, because of which others began to condemn you. If you do not change bad habits, then soon people will shun you and whisper behind your back.

Torn, useless nets in a dream indicate that your affairs have fallen into decay and many sorrows, disappointments and losses await you.

If you dream that you have broken the net, then your friends will turn away from you because of your unbearable character.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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