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How and how to cure thrush. The most effective drugs against thrush in women

How to treat thrush in women - this question worries those who regularly encounter cheesy discharge from the genital tract and accompanying symptoms in the form of itching, burning and inflammation. Candidiasis is a rather unpleasant disease that often slumbers in the body of a lady, but with a decrease in immunity for one reason or another, it begins to be active. Fungi literally multiply exponentially, inflammatory processes intensify, the quality of a lady's life decreases. In addition, it is important to remember that against the background of thrush, the female body is quite vulnerable to other infections that can become a complication.

Remedies for thrush in women today are quite diverse and varied. At the same time, their main advantage is that they are offered in pharmacies without a prescription, which means that buying the necessary drug and undergoing a full course of treatment will not be a problem.

Basic principles of therapy

What helps with thrush in women - this question is extremely relevant when everything below literally bakes and itches. Doctors note that the following points are among the basic principles of therapy:

Determination of aggravating factors and their exclusion (for example, a woman has a bad habit - smoking, it must be excluded so that the body does not lose immunity; or a lady neglects the rules of personal hygiene - in such a situation, the approach to daily intimate hygiene procedures must be revised)

  1. Exclusion of the presence of infections, as well as exacerbations of papilloma or herpes;
  2. Conducting laboratory tests confirming the disease (and this despite the rather characteristic symptoms of pathology);
  3. The choice of a suitable drug, or even a complex of funds;
  4. Restoration of the vaginal microflora.

It is important to remember: although candidiasis is considered a disease that is not sexually transmitted, it can still be found in a lady's partner. Moreover, it is often asymptomatic. So, in order to exclude the course of thrush in pairs, it is necessary to examine and treat both partners at once. Often, doctors also approve of such a remedy for thrush in women as alternative therapy. As a rule, unconventional therapeutic methods are often prescribed in conjunction with official medicine.

What drugs are usually prescribed

Answering the question of how to treat vaginal candidiasis in women, doctors often note that the range of drugs is quite wide. So, drugs are divided into local and systemic. However, effective remedies include active substances of 2 main groups:

  • Azole derivatives: substances that inhibit the growth of fungi, but at the same time have a low effect on their complete destruction. These include fluconazole, clotrimazole, fenticonazole, etc. Their main task is to make fungal cells more permeable so that they can be destroyed from the inside.
  • Polyene antibiotics: these are agents that are introduced into the cell of a pathological microorganism and disrupt the compounds important for its vital activity, leading to the destruction of the cell. These substances include levorin, nystatin, natamycin.

If you look at the form of release of drugs, then most often systemic drugs are available in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration. It is important to understand that such agents have an effect on the entire body as a whole, including the focus of inflammation. Such dosage forms are often called the best remedy for thrush in women who know firsthand about the chronic course of pathology.

Local options often complement systemic options. They are usually offered as:

  1. Candles;
  2. Creams;
  3. Ointment.

But it happens that such options are found in tablets too. They are usually recommended for a mild course of the disease (in this case, their independent use is allowed) or for a complicated chronic course of the problem (here they are used in combination).

Treatment principles

If we are talking about the acute phase of candidiasis, then the remedies against thrush in women are mainly used locally. As a rule, 1-2 suppositories or several days of tamponing are enough for the disease to recede. However, it is important to understand that if any allergic manifestations begin during therapy, you must immediately consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation.

After the end of the course of treatment, which is usually prescribed by a doctor, after a couple of weeks it is worth taking a smear for the presence of pathogens. This will assess the success of the treatment. It is worth remembering that often the fungus simply goes into a dormant state, and then, under favorable conditions, recurs.

Chronic therapy

If we are talking about choosing an effective remedy for thrush for women suffering from chronic forms of manifestation of pathology, then the range will be much wider.

Chronic candidiasis is considered, which manifests itself at least 4 times a year. It proceeds according to more complex patterns than the acute form. In this case, you will have to apply an integrated approach. Doctors prescribe for therapy in such a situation:

  • Antifungal drugs - and these can be both systemic and local options;
  • Probiotics - means that are responsible for the normalization of the microflora of the female genital tract;
  • Means for relieving inflammation;
  • Vitamins and minerals responsible for strengthening the body as a whole.

Therapy for a chronic course lasts a long time. The acute form is usually eliminated in a week, while chronic candidiasis is eliminated in several months. At the end of the course of treatment, it will be necessary to regularly carry out maintenance courses for the purpose of prevention - in this case, doctors recommend putting vaginal suppositories with antimycotic effect once a week, and using tablets once a month.

How to treat candidiasis in women and what remedies for candidiasis in women - such questions are of interest to many. Experts have compiled their own memorandum of what and in what situations is best used.

System Tools

These drugs include tablets and capsules, often with fluconazole, in different dosages - standard: 50, 100 and 150 mg. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can find drugs that meet these conditions, such as:

  1. Diflazon, etc.

In the acute phase of the disease, to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, one of these drugs is usually prescribed at a dosage of 150 mg per dose. A single use is quite enough to cope with an unreleased form of pathology. The active substance can persist in the blood for a long time and have a therapeutic effect.

  • Irunin;
  • Itrazole;
  • Rumicosis.

In addition, you can also use drugs on ketoconazole:

  1. Mycozoral;
  2. Oronazole, etc.


Funds based on nystatin and natamycin are also in demand - Pimafucin is a popular drug with them.

Despite the fact that such drugs show a high effect and cope with acute manifestations of candidiasis at a high level, they have several large and tangible disadvantages. So, for example, they cannot be used in pregnant and lactating women. And you also need to consider a whole list of side effects, which is why they may not be suitable for everyone. So, such drugs can lead to:

  • To digestive disorders: often against the background of their intake, nausea, diarrhea, manifestations of flatulence;
  • Serious toxic effects on the liver and kidneys;
  • To the appearance of headaches and the development of dizziness;
  • Allergic reactions.

There were also convulsions while taking them.

Often, when they talk about the most effective remedy for thrush in women, they mean suppositories or vaginal pills. These drugs are injected into the vagina while lying down. The frequency of use depends on the instructions or recommendations of the doctor - usually it is 1-2 times a day.

To enhance the effect, it is often advised to use ointments or creams on the external genital organs. Douching with antiseptics can also be used additionally.

The undoubted advantages of using local drugs are their safety (such drugs have few side effects), as well as a point and targeted effect on the inflammation focus.

There are, of course, certain drawbacks - for example, it is inconvenience of use, some contamination (linen can get dirty), etc.

Local funds can be based on:

  1. Clotrimazole: tablets and suppositories Clotrimazole, Kanesten, Candibene, Antifungol, etc.;
  2. Nystatin: suppositories and ointment Nystatin, Terzhinan, Polygynax;
  3. Miconazole: suppositories and ointment Klion-D, Neo-Penotran, Metromicon-Neo;
  4. Ketoconazole: suppositories.

Clotrimazole is often called the best remedy for thrush in women. After all, it quickly and easily penetrates into tissues. This tool shows a good result in the fight against various fungi. Depending on the situation and symptoms, it can be used in 2 tablets at a dosage of 100 mg for 3 days or 1 for 6 days. But it is worth remembering that such a remedy is not recommended for use in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, during menstruation, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Nystatin is also not advised in pregnant women and with the development of individual manifestations of intolerance to the components of the drug. But at the same time, the strength of this treatment option is the fact that the fungus does not acquire resistance to it. Therapy with this option lasts at least 7 days.

Miconazole at a dosage of 100 mg is used once a day. The course is a little over 2 weeks.

Ketoconazole is used at a dosage of 400 mg, 1 candle for 3-5 days. It is advised to use such drugs at night. Moreover, this option is in demand for both acute and chronic forms of thrush.

What rules must be followed during treatment

When choosing the best remedy for thrush for women, doctors recommend not to forget about fairly simple rules that will make the therapy more effective. So, in order for the mushrooms to die faster, you will have to adhere to a certain diet. For the duration of therapy, it is recommended to exclude from the diet:

  • A variety of sweets, including sweet fruits;
  • White bread and pastries;
  • Products containing yeast;
  • Spices, spices and spicy dishes.

To increase the microflora of the genital tract, it is worth adding dairy products without sugar and without fillers - ideally, these should be kefirs and yoghurts with a short shelf life, i.e. those that are called farm.

Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene - change linen every day, choose cotton swimming trunks, excluding synthetics and thongs. If panty liners are used, they should be fragrance-free. The same rules apply to intimate hygiene products. In this case, the woman will be protected from allergies.

During the treatment, it is necessary to use sexual rest - this will exclude the transmission of fungi to the partner, and will reduce the likelihood of additional infection with various infections.

Traditional therapy

When they ask how they treat thrush in women, doctors often answer - and traditional medicine as well. In agreement with the doctor, you can use washing or douching with herbal decoctions. An excellent solution would be baths with chamomile, string, calendula. These plants are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Douching with baking soda is often advised to reduce itching. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dilute in half a liter of warm water (we take boiled) a teaspoon of soda. Repeat washing and douching 2 times a day.

It is also advised to use tampons with sea ​​buckthorn oil. Such a folk remedy is famous for its antiseptic and healing properties. It is necessary to twist a tampon from several layers of gauze, dip it in the sea buckthorn oil, and then insert the resulting tampon into the vagina and leave it overnight. It is worth remembering that sea buckthorn oil is very easily soiled.

It is often recommended to use honey as a remedy for thrush in women. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. But this is only if there is no allergy to this product. The resulting liquid should be applied to the affected areas of the mucous membrane several times a day.

For washing with thrush, it is often advised to use baby or laundry soap. Such variants are highly active in reducing the growth of microorganisms. Traditional medicine is an effective remedy for thrush in women. But in the event that it is used correctly, with the permission of a doctor and in addition to official medicine, and not instead of it. It is believed that after the disappearance of symptoms, therapy should be continued for a couple of days.

Any effective remedy for thrush in women will become a real means of salvation for a lady. After all, thrush, despite the fact that it is not an extremely dangerous or contagious disease, is still a very disturbing pathology. Therefore, it should not be launched, but it is better to choose the treatment on time and correctly.

Updated: 26.08.2018 17:07:19

Expert: doctor - Boris Kaganovich

* Review of the best according to the editors of the site. On the selection criteria. This material is subjective, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

The entry into the composition of the normal microflora does not imply intensive reproduction of the fungus. It can simply be detected using various analyzes, and even then in small quantities. In the same case, if the fungi begin to multiply intensively, then we are talking about mycosis, or fungal infection. The term "thrush" reflects the visual picture of the development of the fungus on the mucous membranes. Against the background of bright red hyperemia, whitish, bluish spots appear, resembling spilled milk or kefir.

Most often, in adults, thrush occurs as a marker of decreased immunity associated with other infections, and in women of childbearing age, thrush most often develops against the background of bacterial vaginosis, or gardnerellosis, when the protective properties of the vaginal mucosa are lost, and the acidic environment changes to alkaline ...

In modern dermatovenerology and gynecology, there are a large number of different means for the treatment of thrush, or vaginal candidiasis. Consider the most popular and effective drugs for eliminating candidal infection. There are both a remedy for topical use, in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels, and preparations in tablets. The most commonly used and sold are candles.

Rating of the best remedies for thrush

The best candles for thrush

Preparations administered intravaginally in the form of suppositories have their own advantages. This is, first of all, the possibility of treating deep-seated foci of fungal infection by deep injection. In the event that the upper vagina, the cervix, the mouth of the fallopian tubes and even the tubes themselves are affected, which is rare, then the use of suppositories is more effective than the application of ointments and gels.

Also, candles are most often produced not with one medicinal preparation, but with several components, which affects the fungus more effectively than an ointment. Therefore, in the event that a gynecologist has prescribed suppositories to a patient with vaginal candidiasis, this can be considered the most effective way to eliminate a fungal infection. Sometimes the fat-soluble suppository base is replaced with another, in which case a topical form is obtained, which are called vaginal tablets.

The technology for the production of suppositories is such that at normal room temperature they are in a solid form, but, being inserted into the vagina, or into the rectum, when the temperature reaches 36 ° C, the material of the suppository begins to melt - basically, it is a mixture of paraffin, with glycerin and gelatin.

What are the benefits of using suppositories to treat thrush?

  1. Speed. After the candles have melted, the active action of the released components begins, within one or two minutes after administration;
  2. action in the local circulatory system of the small pelvis. Medicinal substances are able to affect not only mucous membranes. Due to the well-developed capillary network inside the vagina, some of the active substances enter the bloodstream, but, unlike drugs administered orally, they do not pass through the liver, and sometimes act in lower concentrations and with a greater effect;
  3. the vast majority of drugs administered in the form of suppositories do not enter the systemic circulation, and therefore, in patients with impaired renal excretory function, the method of treating thrush with suppositories is the method of choice;
  4. it is very important that many patients with gastrointestinal tract pathology, gastric ulcer, gastroduodenitis, can poorly tolerate drugs for oral administration. Suppositories for thrush are devoid of these drawbacks, and can be used by these persons without restrictions.

For the treatment of thrush, various groups of suppositories for vaginal administration are used. Consider the most effective and affordable drugs, evaluate their advantages and disadvantages.

Klion-D (metronidazole + miconazole)

The drug for thrush Klion-D is a unique complex that contains not only an antifungal drug, but also a remedy for the treatment of anaerobic infection. These are miconazole and metronidazole, which are contained in each 100 mg deep vaginal tablet. The tool helps to treat not only thrush, but also trichomoniasis, various pathogenic protozoa, vaginal gardnerella and various opportunistic anaerobes such as bacteroids, fusobacteria and other microbes.

Opportunistic anaerobic flora often joins in the case of alkalization of the vaginal environment, and facilitates more serious infections to penetrate and the process of chronicity. Shown Klion-D in the case of fungal and mixed vaginitis, in which not only the fungal flora multiplies, but also other microorganisms, for example, Trichomonas. Klion-D is prescribed one tablet at a time, which is pre-moistened with water and inserted deep into the vagina once a day at night. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Vaginal tablets Klion-d of the Hungarian company "Gedeon Richter" are produced, one pack of 10 pieces will cost 280 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this drug is a fairly affordable price, the ability to treat not just thrush, but associated and complex vaginitis, with the presence of anaerobic microflora. This drug is quite effective and has been used for a long time. Side effects include local allergic reactions, such as burning and pain, especially at the first administration, the inability to combine Klion-D with alcohol intake, and in case of an overdose, the development of symptoms such as leukopenia, or a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the general blood test.

But in the event that this drug is used according to indications, and according to the instructions, then in most cases the symptoms of thrush disappear after a few days.

Livarol (ketaconazole)

Vaginal suppositories Livarol for thrush contain the effective fungicide ketoconazole. Each suppository with a dosage of 400 mg, in a package of 5 or 10 suppositories. A large package is available at a price of 550 rubles. The drug is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Nizhpharm.

Livarol, like other antifungal suppositories, is indicated for endometritis as a means of covering so that the accompanying fungal flora does not become active, or if there is already an underlying candidal vaginitis, or thrush. Livarol is used one suppository per day, on average, for 5 days, and in chronic forms of candidiasis - for 10 days. Manufacturers warn against self-termination of treatment when the disturbing symptoms disappear, as this can lead to chronicity of the fungal infection.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of ketoconazole is its high efficiency against opportunistic fungi, and the disadvantages include the development of side effects associated with local irritation of the mucous membrane, itching and the manifestation of allergies.

Interaction with other drugs in Livarol is unknown, therefore it can be used together with tablets and other topical drugs without restrictions, due to the low resorptive capacity of ketoconazole.

Betadine (povidone iodine)

Vaginal suppositories for thrush with betadine are sold in packs of 7 and 14 suppositories, each containing 200 mg of povidone iodine. A pack of 7 candles, which is produced by the Hungarian company "Egis", can be bought for 300 rubles, and a double pack of 14 candles - for 485 rubles.

Everyone knows the bactericidal effect of iodine, but for intravaginal administration, of course, an alcohol solution is not applicable, therefore povidone-iodine is used. One candle corresponds to approximately 20 mg of active iodine. Povidone-iodine destroys E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, is active against protozoa, viruses and fungi. It is characteristic that iodine is not absorbed from the mucous membrane, that is, there is no resorptive effect.

Suppositories with Betadine are indicated in the complex therapy of endometritis, vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis, with trichomoniasis, candidal colpitis, and also as a prophylaxis before surgery.

The drug is administered once a day, deeply intravaginally, preferably at bedtime. In acute endometritis, administration is recommended twice a day for 7 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Betadine helps not only with thrush, as it is also produced in the form of a solution, it is able to prevent contamination of a clean wound with pathogenic flora, prevents the appearance of wound infection in surgical and burn patients, with open injuries. Also, Betadine in solution can also be used not only intravaginally, but also for disinfecting the skin around various probes, catheters and drains, for treating pressure sores and trophic ulcers. But Betadine is contraindicated in pregnancy and chronic renal failure, with excessive sensitivity to iodine, and with thyroid pathology. Usually the drug is well tolerated, but sometimes there is an individual intolerance in the form of itching and allergies.

Zalain (Sertaconazole)

Advantages and disadvantages

It is necessary to use the remedy for thrush Zalain once, but if necessary, you can repeat the introduction of the candle in a week. The undoubted advantages of Zalain include a single administration of the drug, the rare development of side effects, and the absence of overdose symptoms. However, during treatment, it is necessary to refuse sexual intercourse within a few days after the administration of the suppository, but not due to the harmful effect of the drug on the partner, but in connection with the possibility of the spread of candidal infection. Also, during menstruation, you can freely treat with this drug.

Macmiror Complex (nystatin + nifuratel)

These intravaginal suppositories for thrush are a complex antifungal, antimicrobial drug, and an agent against protozoa. Quite often, a situation arises in which thrush is a concomitant infection, and most importantly, diseases such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, and other infections have a destructive effect. Therefore, Macmiror is indicated, first of all, for the treatment of just such conditions. It contains nifuratel, a derivative of nitrofuran, and the antifungal antibiotic nystatin. It is necessary to apply Macmiror daily before bedtime, introducing 1 suppository deep into the vagina for 7 days. Macmiror Complex is also produced in the form of a vaginal cream, which is used, if necessary, to treat children. Macmiror complex is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Doppel Pharmaceuticals, and the cost of packing 8 vaginal suppositories, 500 mg each, starts from 630 rubles. in summer 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive effect is effectiveness in trichomoniasis and chlamydia, higher compliance, that is, the possibility of using one agent instead of several, application once a day, as well as the presence of a creamy form. The disadvantages of McMirora include rare allergic reactions, which are most often represented by a skin rash, individual drug intolerance, as well as low efficiency in relation to anaerobic microflora. Thus, it is necessary to apply this drug topically only when infected with chlamydia infection, candidiasis and Trichomonas.

The best ointments and creams for thrush

In addition to intravaginal suppositories, tablets and suppositories, there is a wide range of drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in the form of ointments and creams. They have their own advantages, different from candles. For example, ointment and cream, unlike suppositories, act very quickly when applied to the surface of mucous membranes, since the absorption rate of ointments and creams is much higher than that of suppositories.

It is with the use of ointments and creams that the unpleasant symptoms of a fungal infection, such as rash, redness, swelling, and itching, decrease faster. Also, ointments and creams can be used in men, which cannot be said about vaginal suppositories. Commercially available creams and ointments occupy a more affordable price niche than intravaginal suppositories, and especially special intravaginal tablets. In addition, ointment and cream are much easier to use than tablets and suppositories. A woman, and even more so a man, does not need to take a special position, no need to use applicators for guidance, but you just need to distribute the ointment or cream on the surface of the vaginal vestibule and in its anterior third, and men should apply to the head of the penis and to the inner leaf of the extreme flesh.

Consider the most popular representatives for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis in the form of creams and ointments sold in Russian pharmacies.

Pimafucin (Natamycin)

The active ingredient of Pimafucin is the active antifungal antibiotic natamycin. This agent is embedded in the cell membranes of fungal structures, while they begin to break down and lose their strength. The point of application of natamycin is sterol groups.

Pimafucin is able to treat not only candidiasis. In addition to thrush, other representatives of yeast fungi are also sensitive to it, and pathogens of dermatophytosis are less sensitive to it. Each gram of cream contains 20 mg of the active ingredient in the form of natamycin.

In addition to thrush, among the indications for the use of this cream are various candidal changes in the appendages of the skin (hair, nails), the agent is used in the complex therapy of otitis externa, which was complicated by candidiasis, as well as in various forms of dermatomycosis.

Usually, the cream is applied in a strip 2 to 3 cm long, once a day, and rubbed in with slow movements. With an uncomplicated course of vaginal candidiasis, the duration of the course does not exceed 7 or 10 days. In addition to the cream, Pimafucin can be produced in the form of enteric tablets, as well as in the form of vaginal suppositories. Pimafucin is produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company Temmler, and one package of cream weighing 30 g and a concentration of 2% natamycin can be purchased at a pharmacy for 271 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Natamycin is a highly effective fungicide, and contraindications to its use are extremely limited, only with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Of the side effects, mild irritation is often noted, or a slight burning sensation that goes away on its own, and does not require discontinuation of the drug. In the event that Pimafucin is used together with tablets for thrush, and the treatment is under the supervision of a gynecologist, then in 89% of cases there is either recovery or persistent clinical remission with cleansing of the mucous membranes.

Candide (clotrimazole)

Vaginal cream Candide, containing 1% clotrimazole, is produced by the renowned Indian pharmaceutical company Glennmark Pharmaceuticals. A tube of cream weighing 20 g can have a cost of 203 rubles, the price range is from 203 to 290 rubles in August 2018 prices.

Each gram of cream contains 10 mg of clotrimazole, a known fungicide. This cream interrupts the synthesis of the cell wall of the fungi, which leads to their destruction. In addition to thrush, pathogens of various molds, multi-colored lichens and erythrasma are very sensitive to the action of clotrimazole. In addition to vaginal candidiasis, the ointment is used to treat other fungal diseases, while the cream has a slight antiprotozoal and antibacterial effect. It is necessary to apply the ointment to the mucous membranes of the genital organs after using the toilet. Apply it in a thin layer, rubbing in carefully and slowly. In the case of candidal vaginitis in women, Candide must be applied to the vaginal mucosa at least twice a day, morning and evening. In men, the drug is thoroughly rubbed into the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin after hygiene procedures, also 2 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment is determined by a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist, but not less than 5 days, as part of complex therapy, and with monotherapy - at least a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The disadvantage of Candida is the sufficient degree of addiction of pathogens of fungal infections to clotrimazole. Still, Clotrimazole has been used for many years, and like all organisms that resist harmful substances, fungi gradually develop immunity to clotrimazole. But in uncomplicated cases, Candide copes quite effectively with thrush, especially in patients with good immunity. In this drug, contraindications for use are pregnancy, hypersensitivity to clotrimazole, and in women, when applied topically, the period of menstruation. Also, Clotrimazole can cause various side effects, of which most often patients note itching, urticaria, skin redness and a slight burning sensation. It must also be remembered that this drug should never be applied to the skin near the eyes.

Gynofort cream (butoconazole)

The Gynofort vaginal cream, which is produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter, can be purchased in a retail pharmacy at a price of 600 rubles. for a package of 5 grams of the drug in a special box. The active ingredient is butaconazole. Each gram of vaginal cream contains 20 mg of active ingredient. In addition to the causative agents of thrush, this drug is active against the causative agent of microsporia, trichophytes and epidermophytes, and even some gram-positive microorganisms with a thick cell wall.

But still, it is preferable to use Gynofort for candidiasis. It, gradually accumulating in the cell membrane of the fungus, increases its permeability, which leads to the death of fungal cells. Cream for vaginal use is an emulsion, therefore, the ability to adhere to the cells of the vaginal mucosa in butoconazole increases. This leads to an increase in bioavailability, and the adhesion to the surface itself is called bioadhesion. As a result, with a single application of this cream, it is able to stay on the vaginal mucosa and provide a therapeutic effect for at least 4 days. This medication is applied using the applicator once a day, at any time, regardless of the intake of other medications.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of the cream for thrush Gynofort is its ability to stay on the vaginal mucosa for a long time after a single use. A relative disadvantage of Gynofort is a rather high price, which starts from 600 rubles, and ranges for the same package up to 770 rubles, as well as the possibility of irritation of the mucous membrane, after which it is necessary to stop treatment.

The best pills for thrush

In the treatment of any fungal disease, there are indications when only one local therapy, with the use of suppositories, creams or ointments, will not be enough. In this case, oral preparations for internal use are needed, in capsules or tablets, which are capable of creating an effective concentration of an antifungal or fungicidal drug in the blood.

In the event that the use of antifungal capsules or tablets is combined with local treatment, then thrush will be attacked "from both sides" both from the surface of the mucous membrane or skin, and from the side of the bloodstream. It is this combined method of treatment that allows you to most quickly cope with the manifestations of candidiasis in patients with compromised immunity.

Diflucan (fluconazole)

The drug Diflucan in capsules is produced by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, USA, and one capsule with a dosage of 150 mg costs 200 rubles. In addition, 4 capsules are produced at a price of 700 rubles. Diflucan is a highly effective drug for the treatment of genital candidiasis. The active ingredient is fluconazole, a modern fungicidal preparation with a high degree of activity against both the vegetative forms of the fungus and its spores.

The mechanism of action of the drug is to stop the synthesis of the fungal cell of substances that make up its wall. Thus, the fungal cell becomes fragile and quickly degrades. In addition to various forms of thrush, fluconazole is indicated for the treatment of cryptococcal infections, microsporia, and trichophytosis. In the event that candidiasis has become disseminated, and has passed from the mucous membranes to the internal organs, then it is necessary to be treated under the supervision of specialists, and take at least 400 mg on the first day of treatment, which should be long-term. In the case of uncomplicated vaginal candidiasis, this drug is taken only once - one capsule of 150 mg.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of tablets for thrush Diflucan include the high chemical purity of the original substance, ideal compliance with uncomplicated forms of vaginal candidiasis, of the "take and forget" type. But when treating with fluconazole, it is imperative to take into account the possibility of drug interactions with various anticoagulants, azithromycin, benzodiazepines, cytostatics, contraceptives and diuretics, as well as a wide variety of antiviral agents and drugs for the treatment of asthma. Therefore, treatment with fluconazole tablets must be performed only under the supervision of a physician.

Orungal, Irunin, (itraconazole)

Orungal, a drug made by the renowned pharmaceutical company Janssen-Cilag, is one of the most expensive of all itraconazole drugs on the domestic market. Compare for yourself: packaging in 14 capsules of 100 mg will cost starting from 2300 rubles. for one package.

If we compare Orungal with other itraconazole preparations, then the same package of Irunin will cost 690 rubles, Itrazol - 360 rubles, and itraconazole produced by Ratiopharm - only 285 rubles, this is an Indian drug. Thus, you can choose a drug to your taste at any cost, but, of course, the effect will be different.

Orungal, he effectively and provenly fights not only with various symptoms of candidiasis, both with nail and skin lesions, and with candidal stomatitis and vaginitis. Orungal is able to eliminate fungal sepsis, it fights sporotrichosis, it treats cryptococcal pneumonia, versicolor versicolor, and various other mycoses, including those with HIV infection. One capsule contains 100 mg of the active ingredient, and with banal vulvovaginal candidiasis, one capsule is swallowed whole immediately after a meal.

Treatment is carried out in the mildest cases using 200 mg of the drug as a single injection, or therapy continues for 3 days using 200 mg of Orungal twice a day. In severe and systemic forms of candidiasis, such treatment can last up to 7 months.

Advantages and disadvantages

The remedy for thrush Orungal is one of the few highly effective fungicides available in tablets. The image of the Janssen-Cilag company does not allow for the production of products from low-quality or low-quality substances, which are of dubious effectiveness. But itraconazole also has contraindications: in addition to hypersensitivity, it is very important for the patient to understand that if he has symptoms of chronic heart failure or signs of left ventricular dysfunction, then treatment with this drug must be stopped urgently. In the event that itraconazole and Orungal are used without a doctor's prescription, taking into account contraindications, then sometimes, however, in rare cases, there were edema and symptoms of chronic heart failure. Also, Orungal is not used in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, in the case of chronic renal failure and in children.

After the destruction of pathogenic microflora and fungi, cleaning the mucous membranes of the vagina and uterine cavity from fungal infection, it is necessary to restore the protective barriers of vaginal mucus, the protective function of the cervix, eliminate alkalization of the internal genital organs and increase acidity. It is known that lactic acid is secreted by vaginal lactobacilli, or Dederlein's sticks. It is their disappearance that guarantees the free and unhindered introduction and reproduction of fungi. Therefore, after the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, it is necessary to start using drugs - eubiotics, which contain strains of ready-made lactobacilli, as well as an auxiliary medium that facilitates their settlement.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

This article is for informational purposes only. If you find symptoms of any disease or feel unwell, see your doctor first! The tips in this resource can help you in urgent situations when it is not possible to reach a qualified healthcare professional.

The appearance of thrush in women is due to a decrease in local and general immunity. This disease is not classified as a strictly sexually transmitted disease, but it can be a marker for the presence of PPIs. Such a fungal pathology brings a lot of inconvenience to both women and men. Therapy should be given to both partners at the same time. Consider the causes, symptoms and treatments for thrush.

General information

Treatment of thrush should be comprehensive. For successful home therapy, you should know the following important points:

  • The development of thrush occurs with a decrease in immunity. Various diseases, for example, diabetes mellitus or tuberculosis, can lead to this condition. Also, a decrease in general and local immunity is associated with prolonged use of antibiotics, oral contraceptives, the presence of chronic infections (including sexually transmitted infections), tumors, and HIV infection. The formation of thrush against the background of severe stress is not excluded, since it also acts as a factor for reducing immunity.
  • The causative agent of thrush is a fungus that normally lives on the skin and mucous membranes. That is, a woman has a small amount of fungus in her vagina that is not capable of causing pathology.
  • Against the background of a decrease in immunity, the activity of the fungus increases, its ability to attach to the walls of the vagina increases, which is accompanied by colonization and the formation of inflammation.

Given these important aspects, the treatment of thrush or candidiasis at home should be comprehensive. It should be understood that the development of such a disease is a signal about the failure of immunity, the cause of which must be 100% clarified.

Components of a thrush treatment

How does it manifest?

The development of symptoms in candidiasis is due to the active growth and development of the fungus. It should be noted that the clinical picture in women is more pronounced than in men. In the stronger sex, a similar fungus can cause balanitis, inflammation of the urethral canal. But in general, the disease is more common in women.

Symptoms that occur with thrush in women:

  • Severe itching in the vagina. With the development of the disease, girls experience a burning sensation, which causes constant discomfort. Itching with candidiasis increases at night, after taking a shower, during and after sexual intercourse.
  • The second most important symptom is the appearance of a discharge. With thrush, they have a peculiar character. They resemble cottage cheese in appearance, are white and have an appropriate consistency.
  • Sometimes the urinary tract is involved in the inflammatory process. As a result, dysuric disorders are added to the above symptoms. A burning sensation is formed when going to the toilet, unpleasant and often painful sensations.

Also, in women, with the development of thrush, pain occurs during sexual intercourse. Girls experience discomfort, since the vaginal mucosa is in the stage of acute inflammation. Sometimes after the act against the background of candidiasis, bleeding may form.

In men, the situation is different, since the symptoms do not have a pronounced picture. In general, the disease rarely develops in the stronger sex. It is accompanied by more disorders of urination. Therefore, men may complain about the following:

  • Frequent and painful urination.
  • Redness of the glans penis, its swelling.
  • Itching may sometimes appear.

It should be understood that only a doctor can establish the presence of thrush. Even against the background of the presence of a clearly characteristic clinical picture, it is not worth considering that this is candidiasis without a doctor's examination.

Thrush treatment

Most women are faced with the problem of recurrence of the disease. It seems like the treatment was carried out, but the problem comes back again. Frequent yeast infections can be caused by:

These are the key points in the treatment of thrush. In order to correctly and competently undergo a course of therapy, you need to know the following:

  • Local and systemic drugs are used to treat the disease.
  • Sowing is a prerequisite.
  • Search for the cause of the development of pathology. As already mentioned, the fungus that causes thrush lives on mucous membranes under normal conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to determine exactly what reasons led to its active growth and development. Without identifying the underlying cause of decreased immunity, thrush can come back many times.

In general, the treatment is carried out using local and general medications. Some doctors practice only local, provided that the disease was first identified.

If the treatment of thrush is carried out at home on your own, then you should follow the instructions for using the drug. It is highly recommended that you seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush

Consider what drugs are used to treat candidiasis. For local women, candles, balls, creams are suitable. Also, for treatment, girls need to take medications inside, since the problem of the development of thrush may be closely related to the intestines (it is noted that a certain amount of fungi enter the vagina from the gastrointestinal tract). That is, by taking tablets or capsules, a possible reservoir is destroyed.

Thrush treatment should be carried out simultaneously with two partners. Ignoring this important aspect increases the risk of developing the disease again several times.

Systemic therapy

It is necessary to take medications for the treatment of thrush for women strictly according to the instructions. Usually, three capsules are enough for therapy, which are consumed after three days. As a result, therapy lasts approximately two weeks. Simultaneously with systemic treatment, local therapy is carried out. Consider what medications are used to treat thrush.


It is produced in capsules containing 50 and 150 mg of the active substance. There are a large number of drugs on the market based on Fluconazole. These include:

  • Fluconazole capsules;
  • Diflucan;
  • Flucostat;
  • Mycosyst.

The difference in these drugs lies in their cost and the severity of side effects. It is noted that Fluconazole tablets have a higher risk of negative reactions when taken than other drugs from this list. But which drug to choose depends on the patient himself and his purchasing power. Let's consider the main points.

Mechanism of action

When using the drug, the activity of the fungus is inhibited. This means that Fluconazole capsules actively cope with thrush by increasing membrane permeability and disrupting the growth and replication of fungal cells.

The drug practically does not inhibit enzymes in humans, compared to other antifungal drugs. Has no activity against androgens. When it is used, the growth and development of the following fungi are inhibited:

  • Candida (which cause thrush);
  • Cryptococci;
  • Microsporum;
  • Trichophytum.

The agent is used both for the treatment and prevention of the development of vaginal candidiasis. It should be understood that the drug inhibits the activity of fungi not only in the vagina, but also in other systems too. Therefore, the medicine is also used for often recurrent candidiasis.

Dosage and adverse reactions

According to the official instructions for the use of Fluconazole, it is administered once inside. The optimal dose is 150 mg. In general, doctors recommend taking capsules every three days. As a result, the course consists of taking 3 tablets and no more.

It is also necessary to take the drug:

  • To reduce the risk of relapse. In this case, one capsule of 150 mg is drunk once a month.
  • For prophylactic purposes, use 1 capsule once a day. Usually, taking Fluconazole for prophylaxis is required with prolonged use of antibiotics, cytostatics, and so on.

A more accurate dosage is selected by the doctor, taking into account the course of the disease, the frequency of its relapses and concomitant pathologies.

The side effects are as follows:

  • On the part of the digestive tract: changes in appetite, taste, the appearance of nausea, sometimes vomiting, impaired liver function in the form of jaundice, the development of bloating.
  • Nervous system: headache, dizziness, convulsions rarely appear.
  • Allergy. Sometimes a skin rash may appear. Rarely anaphylactoid reactions.

When using the drug, changes in the heart and kidneys are rarely formed.

The cost of drugs based on Fluconazole varies from 50 to 300 rubles.


Refers to drugs that have a broad antifungal effect. When used, the membrane protein is inhibited, which leads to its high permeability and causes the death of the pathogen. As a result, an antifungal effect is formed. It should be noted that the mechanism of action of Itraconazole is similar to that of Fluconazole.

Positive properties:

  • high bioavailability of the drug;
  • minimum time to reach plasma concentration;
  • antifungal effect develops rapidly.

In general, Itraconazole is a thiazole derivative. Therefore, it has a wide spectrum of action, which is why it is used to treat many diseases, including vaginal candidiasis.

It is used according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity of the course of candidiasis.

When using the drug, nausea or vomiting may develop. Liver function also suffers from its intake. Additionally, sometimes there is a headache, dizziness and allergic reactions. During pregnancy and lactation, it is used only as directed by a doctor.

The following persons are not allowed to use this drug:

  • Suffering from chronic heart disease.
  • In the presence of hypersensitivity to drug components.

With caution in severe liver disease, kidney disease and in childhood. The cost of the drug is 300 rubles, depending on the region.


It is produced in tablets with an active substance content of 200 mg. The mechanism of action is associated with inhibition of the synthesis of ergosterol, changes in the composition of the cell membrane and, as a result, cell death. Ketoconazole has a fungiostatic and fungicidal effect. This means that when it is taken, death and inhibition of the activity of fungal cells occur.

Active against many pathogens:

  • All representatives of the genus Candida.
  • The causative agents of dermatomycosis, varicoloured lichen and systemic mycoses.

Additionally, the agent is active against a number of bacteria. It must be taken according to the official instructions:

  • one tablet at a time;
  • use once a day;
  • recommended during meals.

Side effects and the list of contraindications are similar to those listed above.

Conclusion on systemic therapy

To treat vaginal candidiasis in women, it is necessary with the use of tablets. Especially with the development of a relapse, that is, a repeated case of the disease. Men, on the other hand, can only use funds from local therapy.

In general, with systemic treatment, it is necessary:

  • Use barrier contraception, and if possible, refrain from sexual intercourse.
  • Do not take at the time of therapy, oral contraceptives, if possible GCS and cytostatics.
  • Correct the underlying cause of thrush.

In the event that a sexually transmitted infection becomes the cause of the development, then treatment of this disease is also required. That is, when treating thrush, it is important to eliminate the aggravating factors that could contribute to the formation of candidiasis.

Local treatment

The development of thrush in women, as mentioned above, is due to a decrease in immunity, which leads to active colonization of the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the inflammatory process is formed, and as an outcome, the development of a characteristic clinical picture. Since the whole process is localized in the vagina, local therapy is even leading. Without the use of topical medications, the risk of relapse increases. Consider what is appropriate for treating thrush.


The active ingredient econazole is found in topical and topical creams. There is Ekodax 1% cream on the market, which is used for the treatment of mycoses of the skin and mucous membranes. This drug is suitable for the treatment of candidiasis in men, as it has a good effect.

The agent is an imidazole derivative. Therefore, he has the following actions:

  • Fungicidal. That is, it causes the death of fungi.
  • Bactericidal. Helps to reduce the activity of bacteria.

It is active against the fungus of the genus Candida albicans, which usually causes thrush disease.

Method of use:

The drug is suitable for the treatment of candidiasis in men, as it is quickly absorbed and causes the death of fungi.

Side effects and contraindications

  • Itching and slight burning.
  • Redness.
  • Dryness development.

Travogen cream

The active substance is isoconazole nitrate. Also a derivative of imidazole. Sold in the form of a cream that contains 1% of the active ingredient. It should be noted that this drug is active against the most common representatives of the genus Candida.

Distinctive features:

  • Acts on fungi fungistatic. That is, the medicine does not cause death, but helps to inhibit growth and activity. When used in greater concentration, it can cause a destructive effect.
  • It also fights bacteria that can complicate the treatment of candidiasis.

The cream is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes. You need to use it once a day, at night. The desired course duration is 3 weeks. The cost of the drug is 600 rubles or more.

  • The medicine is active against fungi, bacteria, trichomanades and protozoa.
  • Effectively combats representatives of the genus Candida, as well as gram-positive microbes.

Vaginal tablets are used to treat not only candidiasis, but also vaginitis caused by Trichomonas. The cream can be used by men for therapy.

Mode of application

It is necessary to use the tablets once a day, for 6 days. Before the procedure, you must carry out the usual hygiene procedures. In general, vaginal tablets are used as follows:

  • You should lie on your back. It is advisable to do this before bedtime.
  • Bend your legs at the knee joint and insert the pill deeply into the vagina.
  • Further, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour in order for the medicine to work.

The cream must be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the mucous membrane. Use once a day for 14 days.

Thrush is a common infectious disease that occurs in middle-aged and older women. There is no need to diagnose a disease for special signs without consulting a doctor, and start self-treatment.

What is female thrush

Thrush in medicine is called vulvovaginal candidiasis. The most popular symptom of this disease is frequent itching in the genital area.

It is especially intensified during sleep, when a woman walks for a long time, after taking a shower or making love. Also, during intercourse, the girl may feel pain, small discharge, urinary disturbance or the presence of abundant cheesy discharge. If a woman notices any signs in herself, then you should seek help from an experienced specialist.

Only if all the recommendations received do not give any result, women turn to a doctor for help. But you should know that a neglected disease is much more difficult to cure than at an early stage.

Recently, three main forms have been distinguished:

  • candidacy;
  • acute candidiasis;
  • chronic candidiasis.

With a candidacy, quite often a woman has no complaints about the presence of thrush symptoms. If you carry out all the necessary research, then you can see mushrooms in a small amount. It is important to know that candidacy under certain conditions has the ability to turn into a complex form of the disease. Also, the possibility of transmission of fungi from mother to child during pregnancy is not excluded. In addition, an infected partner can infect her man during intercourse.

The acute form of candidiasis is characterized by more pronounced symptoms of the disease. A woman can observe swelling, various redness and rashes. As a rule, the duration of diseases of the acute form of the disease does not exceed two months. And the chronic form of the disease disappears within 3 months and has very pronounced signs of thrush.

Reasons that cause thrush

Thrush can occur for a variety of reasons. Most often, this disease occurs during pregnancy. Indeed, it is during this difficult period in the female body that hormonal disruption and a decrease in immunity occur. As a result of this, all the necessary conditions for the reproduction of fungi arise.

Antibiotics can also cause thrush. So there are circumstances that while taking drugs, a woman relieves the body not only of harmful bacteria, but also of beneficial microflora.

This microflora is lactobacillus. They are necessary for full functioning. Lactobacilli live in the vagina and intestines. They control the growth of candidal fungi.

If the body lacks the necessary amount of lactobacilli necessary for the body, then the fungi multiply, and their number becomes more and more every day. And all this leads to the formation of various diseases.

In the event that a girl's diet contains a lot of sweet foods, then the vaginal environment changes its acidity. Quite often, thrush worsens after intimacy with a man. In this case, thrush occurs as a result of the exchange of microflora.

Some representatives of the strong stat are carriers of the fungus and they themselves do not even know about it. In the event that a woman is being treated for a disease, and a man lets everything go by itself, then the disease will come back. Also, the cause of thrush can be: wearing uncomfortable panties, diabetes mellitus and hormonal drugs.

Manifestations of thrush in women

The main symptoms of thrush are:

  • an unpleasant smell that intensifies after making love;
  • copious cheesy discharge;
  • sometimes candidiasis of the genitals is combined with candidiasis of the urinary system;
  • frequent itching in the genital area;
  • changes in hormonal balance;
  • a weak immune system;
  • allergy.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the characteristic symptoms of thrush occur, women need to undergo a thorough examination in order to accurately determine the diagnosis. For this purpose, it is necessary to conduct laboratory diagnostics, which makes it possible to determine the presence of a fungus of the genus Candida with the help of smears. Also, with the help of a survey, other diseases transmitted from a man to a woman can be excluded.

Diagnostics allows you to establish the state of microflora, and identify dysbiosis. For this reason alone, it is impossible to determine thrush only by its inner sensations. In addition, diagnostics allows you to find other sexually transmitted infections, for the treatment of which specific therapy is required.

Quite often, in the process of laboratory diagnosis of thrush, the following can be used:

  • PCR diagnostics;
  • bacterial culture;
  • vaginal smear microscopy.

Preparations for the treatment of thrush

Vaginal suppositories - Pimafucin

There are many good medicines now available for treating thrush. They come in the form of suppositories, tablets, and creams. The drugs are available without a doctor's prescription or with a prescription. However, in all these situations, positive results from treatment can be achieved under the close supervision of a physician.

If thrush is mild, local treatment is sufficient. Preparations for getting rid of thrush are: ointments and vaginal suppositories, which should include:

  • natamycin (pimafucin);
  • clotrimazole (Kanesten, Candibed, Antifungol, Kanizon);
  • ketoconazole (Nizoral, Brizoral, Vetozoral, Livarol);
  • nystatin (Terzhinan, Polygynax);
  • isoconazole (Ovulum, Gyno-travogen).

Modern drugs that are taken orally are rapidly absorbed. Of all the variety of antibiotics that exist today, drugs containing fluconazole are the most widely used.

If the disease is mild, then only a single dose of flucanazole, 150 mg orally, is possible for local treatment. The most popular drugs are: Medoflucon, Diflucan, Forcan, Diflazon, Mikosist and Flucostat. If the disease is more severe, then the doctor prescribes Fluconazole for treatment. On average, the reception takes place once a week, and the treatment process itself reaches four weeks. Itraconazole is an alternative to Fluconazole.

It is important to know that many drugs have contraindications. That is why it is more advisable to take only those drugs that have been prescribed by a specialist.

How to treat thrush at home

Common methods of treating vulvovaginal candidiasis at home are:

  • soda;
  • herbal tinctures;
  • essential oils;
  • laundry soap.

To get rid of thrush on your own, you must first correctly prepare a home solution. For this purpose, you must have a liter of warm water, in which you must first dissolve a tablespoon of soda and a teaspoon of iodine. This special solution has antifungal and disinfecting effects. That is why it quickly helps to heal the symptoms of this disease.

Sitting tub with soda

We make a solution: 1 liter of warm water and a tablespoon of baking soda. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes. It is done when chronic or recurrent candidiasis subsides.

In medicine, it is suggested to treat the fungus with herbal tinctures. They can be easily and simply prepared at home. They are best used in the form of a tea, rinse and douching solution. Most often, douching occurs using birch buds, chamomile and juniper. For about a week, they help to normalize the intestinal microflora, relieving inflammation.

Oak bark, sage, chamomile, etc. are perfect for treatment. All this you need to take one tablespoon at a time, pour a liter of boiling water and insist overnight. After that, you can wash off with this solution or douche. You can also take juniper, poplar buds, chamomile, and sage.

An excellent and quick way to cure thrush is with the essential oil of antifungal agents: myrrh and tea tree. It is important to know that this is a concentrated substance and can easily burn mucous membranes. It is for this reason that it must be well diluted before the procedure. To cure thrush, you need to mix two drops of oil with a teaspoon of vodka and dilute it all in 0.5 liter of water. After that, the solution should be used as a wash.

You can also easily get rid of the annoying symptoms of thrush with the help of laundry soap. For this purpose, you should first grind the soap to small crumbs, and then pour boiling water until a liquid mass is formed. The resulting mixture should be used as a douching. After the procedure, you need to lie down for 10 minutes, and then repeat the treatment process to obtain a positive result.

If this method of treatment seems questionable to people, then in this case, you can use the advice of a doctor and treat the disease even in the chronic phase by washing with laundry soap twice a day.

It is important to remember that treating thrush on its own only allows you to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and not the disease itself. That is why it is better to seek help from a doctor immediately when the first signs appear.

This dangerous disease causes a lot of unpleasant sensations and requires compulsory treatment. What are the symptoms of thrush in women, how to treat this unpleasant ailment?

Candida is a microscopic yeast-like fungus. It is part of the normal vaginal flora and also part of the microflora of the mouth and intestines. Candidal fungus is involved in the synthesis of enzymes. It also "eats" dead and potentially dangerous tissues, so it often multiplies in areas of strong intoxication of the human body.

Thrush or candidiasis is formed with excessive proliferation of the fungus in the vaginal cavity. This occurs due to the disturbance of the bacterial balance, when the friendly flora ceases to control the conditioned pathogens. That is, the reason for the activity of candida is a decrease in the number of lacto- and bifidobacteria, which, in turn, die under the influence of aggressive substances (antibiotics, external poisons, internal toxins).

A healthy mucous membrane of the vagina secretes transparent, homogeneous mucus without an unpleasant odor. When the candida fungus gets better conditions for life, unhealthy mucus is secreted on the surface of the vagina - with an unpleasant odor, sticky to the touch, causing a reaction of irritation, burning, itching. The mucus, instead of homogeneous and transparent, becomes thick and curdled.

Candidal fungus "eats" some toxins, while releasing, in turn, other toxic substances. As a result, local vaginal immunity is disturbed, inflammation appears.

Effects on the body and the danger of candidiasis

There are 140 types of candida fungus. The most common cause of thrush in women is Candida albicans. This fungus releases toxins that, with prolonged exposure to the body, can cause an allergic reaction, diseases of the genital organs, gastrointestinal tract, and mental illness.

In women with a latent form of candidiasis (untreated candidiasis), menstruation problems, pain in the pelvic area, decrease in sexual desire, appear unreasonable mental breakdowns, bouts of irritation, anger, crying.

Reactivation of candida during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Thrush during pregnancy is dangerous for the fetus. It can cause impaired development of the brain and heart in the unborn child (in the worst case). At best - to reduce immunity or cause an allergic reaction (to food ingredients, milk, medicines). It can also initiate premature birth or miscarriage, cracks in the fetal bladder, and leakage of amniotic fluid.

Fact: When antibiotics are exposed to candida, the fungus releases a toxin - picolinic acid. With increasing concentration, this acid causes depression.

Signs of thrush in women

You can identify thrush by unpleasant itching and the presence of white, cheesy, sticky discharge from the vagina. In addition, there may be soreness, swelling of the vulva and external genital organs, discomfort when urinating, white plaque on the mucous membrane of the vaginal cavity. The listed symptoms are characteristic of the acute form of the disease.

With recurrent manifestations of thrush (re-infection), all the symptoms of the disease do not appear so clearly. Itching can be mild, redness is subtle, discharge is scanty, and painful sensations can appear only during intercourse.

Thrush can be accurately diagnosed by analyzing vaginal discharge (called a smear). However, without this analysis, by the presence of itching and discharge, it is possible with a 90% reliability to diagnose the presence of candidiasis. And also about dysbiosis of the vaginal flora.

Interesting fact: Candida does not settle in a man's urethra. But it can cause external inflammation of the glans penis, foreskin. In women, thrush causes various inflammations - candidal colpitis, vulvitis or vaginitis. The name of the disease depends on the localization of the inflammatory process - the external genital organs or the inner wall of the vagina.

Causes of the onset and development of thrush

The main cause of thrush is not an external source of infection, but suppression of the normal physiological flora, a general decrease in immunity. The causative agent of candidiasis, a fungus, is always present on the vaginal mucosa. Violations of the bacterial flora, an aggressive effect on the microflora of toxic substances, leads to an increased reproduction of candida.

All factors that reduce immunity or cause the death of lactobifidobacteria are potential factors in the development of fungal inflammation.

What causes dysbiosis of mucous surfaces:

  • Antibacterial treatment.
  • Hormonal drugs (contraceptives).
  • Toxic substances (industrial, agricultural poisons, some medicines, a number of food preservatives, alcohol).
  • Improper diet with a lot of carbohydrates, food additives, refined foods, lack of raw foods, greens, fiber.

Note: Foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars disrupt microflora while providing nutrition for the fungi. Excessive consumption of meat can also be the basis for the development of candidiasis. When animal protein is digested, the body acidifies, which creates conditions for the development of fungal flora, as well as viruses.

The following factors also reduce human immunity and create conditions for the development of thrush:

  • Age-related hormonal disorders (menstruation, menopause, pregnancy - often become the causes of relapse of candidiasis).
  • Exposure to microwave or electromagnetic radiation.

How to treat thrush: medicines and folk remedies

Treatment for thrush should be comprehensive. Only one external medicine for thrush, which removes curdled discharge, is not able to cope with the infection completely. After a while, candidiasis reappears.

What treatment should include:

  • Measures to destroy the pathogen - taking antifungal drugs.
  • Measures to improve immunity, vaginal flora - taking probiotics and diet.

Note: The candida fungus feeds on simple sugars (broken down carbohydrates). For successful treatment, it is necessary to stop “feeding” the pathogen with food suitable for it. To create conditions for the growth and development of lacto- and bifidobacteria - to use more greens, vegetables, less sweets and flour.

External and internal medicines for thrush

The pharmaceutical industry offers external and internal antifungal agents. External - look like vaginal tablets, ointments, suppositories. Internal - come in the form of tablets for absorption through the alimentary tract.

External remedies for thrush are used locally - injected into the vaginal cavity. Complex funds are taken by mouth. Passing through the digestive tract, they enter the bloodstream, while having a general effect on the entire body. Limit the growth of fungus on the vaginal mucosa, as well as in other tissues.

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers several types of antimycotics. The first of them (nystatin) was synthesized in the 40s of the last century. Since then, it has firmly taken its place on the shelves of pharmacies, served as the basis for the creation of various medicines.

Later, in the 70s of the last century, second generation antimycotics were synthesized. These are funds based on imidazole, as well as its derivatives (clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole). They have proven to be more effective against the fungus.

A decade later, third-generation antifungal drugs were synthesized - drugs based on triazole (itraconazole, fluconazole) and allylamine (naftifine, terbinafine).

The synthesis of new agents for combating fungal infection continues. New forms of polyene antibiotics have already been released and are being tested, which are distinguished by low toxicity, targeted action - ingredients for friendly flora are also destructive for fungi.

Note: the well-known drug nystatin is also one of the polyene antibacterial agents.

Here are examples of the names of the most famous pharmaceutical preparations for thrush:

  • Preparations with nystatin (Terzhinan, Polygynax).
  • Medicines for thrush with clotrimazole (Clotrimazole, Candibene, Kanesten, Antifungol).
  • Preparations with miconazole (Klion, Ginesol).
  • Fuconazole products (Mikomax, Diflucan, Flucostat).

The choice of the drug and the treatment of thrush with drugs of antifungal action requires a doctor's consultation. If prescribed incorrectly, the general condition may worsen, the course of the disease may worsen.

Antifungal drugs with clotrimazole

Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent that acts primarily on growing microorganisms. The peculiarity of the action - clotrimazole is used only externally, when taken internally, clotrimazole is toxic.

It is important to consider: the drug is prohibited from being taken in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and is also considered undesirable in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Sometimes it causes allergic itching.

Clotrimazole is available as a topical treatment. For vulvovaginitis, vaginal tablets are used. A cream is used to treat inflammation of the vulva and perineum. If an applicator and a dispenser are supplied with the tube, then such a cream can be injected into the vagina.

Azoles - for outdoor and indoor use

An extensive group of anti-fungal agents. It is divided into drugs for external (local) treatment and for internal use (systemic therapy).

You can take orally: ketoconazoles, fluconazoles, itraconazoles, voriconazoles.

Cannot be taken orally, and can only be used for external treatment: clotrimazole, miconazole, isoconazole. They are not only poorly adsorbed and absorbed in the intestines. They are also toxic and can cause poisoning.

All azoles have a similar effect to each other. They disrupt the synthesis of a substance necessary for the restoration of the cell membrane. As a result, the growth and reproduction of pathogens stops.

The most popular azoles on sale are clotrimazole, miconazole.

Prophylaxis with nystatin

Nystatin is often prescribed as a prophylaxis for dysbacteriosis and thrush against the background of antibacterial treatment. It is produced in the form of internal and external preparations. For internal treatment, coated tablets are used, for external - nystatin ointment, vaginal suppositories.

Nystatin is contraindicated in liver diseases, inflammation of the pancreas and peptic ulcer disease. It is also contraindicated in breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

Miconazole - to fight secondary infection

Miconazole - in addition to fungi, it is harmful to some types of bacteria (staphylococci and streptococci). Therefore, it successfully fights against secondary infection (joined by bacterial pathogenic flora). In addition, it reduces the release of exudate, the lesion dries up, ceases to "get wet".

Another advantage: miconazole destroys only pathogens. It does not disturb the acidity of the vagina, nor does it alter the normal flora.

Miconazole is produced in the form of external medicines - spray, cream, suppositories. During pregnancy, the possibility of taking funds with miconazole is determined by the gestation period. This is prohibited in the 1st trimester. In the 2nd and 3rd - it is used when really needed. During breastfeeding - not applicable.

Note: ketoconazoles are quite toxic, so their use is gradually being phased out.

Folk remedies for thrush

Treatment for thrush at home uses very simple and affordable remedies that are always available at home. The first is sodium bicarbonate or the well-known baking soda.

Using baking soda

This substance is a strong alkalizing agent. It interacts with excess acid, while neutralizing it, thereby depriving the fungus of a medium for reproduction. The first folk remedy for thrush can be taken internally as well as externally. Thus, the treatment will be complete, complex. For internal use, soda is diluted in hot water and drunk immediately, without allowing it to cool. For external treatment, soda is diluted in warm water, after which they douche (wash the vagina).

Note: if baking soda is diluted with water and left for 1-2 hours, it will take on a different form - soda ash. This form is not suitable for internal treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to dilute one dose - from 1/3 to ½ teaspoon at a time for 1 adult.

Soda is the only anti-fungal agent that can safely be used in pregnant women. Thrush during pregnancy is not only unpleasant, but also not always successfully treated. Soda is a drug that is harmless to the mother and the unborn child. It combines affordability and effectiveness, which is why it is popular in the treatment of various women.

How to treat thrush, except for soda?

  • Tampons with kefir - deliver lacto- and bifidobacteria inside the vagina, restore healthy flora.
  • Douching with antiseptic herbs - decoctions of calendula, chamomile, oak bark, sage.

Proper nutrition and diet

To normalize the flora of internal organs, they take drugs containing lacto- and bifidobacteria, and also limit the food menu to those products that do not kill the intestinal and vaginal flora.

What can not be eaten when treating thrush and to prevent its occurrence in women:

  • yeast;
  • sugar;
  • any refined products;
  • preservatives - they control the growth of bacteria, cause dysbiosis.

What you need to eat in order to be healthy and not get sick with thrush:

  • whole cereals, wholemeal bread;
  • vegetables, herbs;
  • fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, sour milk).

It sometimes takes up to 3 months of diet and treatment to overcome thrush. We'll have to endure some inconvenience. However, after the end of treatment, a number of other unpleasant symptoms may disappear, concomitant diseases disappear.



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