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How to get rid of greed in yourself. Reasons and ways to get rid of pathological greed How to get rid of stinginess and greed

It's true what people say: the miser pays twice.

Greed is the extreme degree of saving. This trait is inherent in many representatives of the financial world. Not in vain for ordinary people bankers seem to be greedy moneybags who have money a dime a dozen.

Greed can be called refusal to spend proportionately. For example, a wealthy person does not take a taxi home late at night, but decides, in order to save a small amount, to risk his safety and walk a long distance.

Most often, greed occurs among rich people; the poor simply have nothing to save on. For example, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who has a fortune of $18 billion, has been wearing only two pairs of business shoes for 10 years. With his savings, he could afford to buy himself almost 55 million pairs of expensive shoes, but he regrets even the third ones.

How to deal with your greed?

1. Greed makes a person flawed, and others immediately pay attention to this. Therefore, a greedy person is treated much worse than a generous person. Good incentive to have normal relationship in society? Then don’t take your savings to the point of absurdity!

2. Do you have money for lunch, but in order to save a small amount you don’t go anywhere? Greed will cause you health problems. If you are truly greedy, you should already be able to calculate that the treatment will be much more expensive. There are things that are simply dangerous to skimp on.

3. Remember that excessive desire to hoard is a mania. So what if you have several million rubles under your pillow? These are just pieces of paper - gasoline that is not refilled in the car, but always lies in the tank. Where better to spend the excess on your own development, travel or loved ones! Even small gifts will bring you a sense of nobility and dignity.

4. Many rich people notice the rule: the more they spend, the more they get back. Money does not like stagnation, it must work. Spend some of it on the right thing - and you will see that it will bring you more benefit.

5. Try to gradually increase your spending. For example, surprise your household with a purchase of sweets. A cake for no reason will attract unprecedented attention from others. To this answer that you simply good mood. Then you can make a pleasant purchase for yourself or invite loved one to the cinema. By the way, what do you choose from this, fellow greedy people?

Conquering greed in yourself is a real task. It is especially easy to solve when there are motives for it. Being a moderately frugal person is much more pleasant: you always have money that you can easily spend on yourself and loved ones. And the joy from the attention of the latter is incomparably more valuable than money!

We all have a certain set of qualities. We have both bad and good traits. Everyone is capable of both a generous and a vile act. And we all have such a feeling as greed. Since childhood, we have been told that this is a bad feeling and must be fought against. Of course, there is some truth in this, but only some. Because you need to get rid of it not from it, but from the degree of its influence on you. When greed is just trying to protect you from excessive generosity that can harm you, it becomes a defense, but when it drowns out all other emotions and arises for any reason, it’s time to sound the alarm.

How to fight greed

Achieving success and prosperity is not easy, and when this path has been passed, it seems that it is at this moment that it is best to stop and start enjoying life. Forget all the worries, difficulties, obstacles, endless work on yourself. Unfortunately, often the pursuit of what you want becomes a habitual way of life, and there are no forces that would remind you that you will not earn everything and will not be satisfied, no matter how hard you try. Greed and the desire to have more and more deprive you of the well-deserved taste of victory and push you forward all the time, not allowing you to relax for a minute. Thus, not giving a person the opportunity to feel satisfaction and self-realization. And the worst thing is that he is unable to do anything about it until it is too late.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary that self-analysis becomes as habitual as exercise in the morning or sleep. It is he who helps you understand your experiences, what doesn’t suit you, what worries you and what needs to be changed in order to regain lost peace. Many people are afraid to be alone with themselves because they instinctively feel that they are going the wrong way. And this is not surprising; no one wants to find out after a certain period of time that they were mistaken.

The desire for stability has played a cruel joke on us. Since childhood, we have been convinced that we can only make a choice once and follow it for the rest of our lives, although this is absolutely not true. How can a person who does not know life, has no experience, is unable to foresee the development of events in the future, over the long years of growing up, listening only to the instructions of parents and adults who live in their own world, understand what he likes and what he would like? study. He is not left alone for a second, and even if he tries to find himself, with their moral teachings they force him to return to the plan that they developed, and which seems to them the most correct.

Adults very rarely try to help children understand themselves, because sometimes they themselves don’t know what to do. And when greed and stinginess first appear, they are unable to explain how to deal with them, but simply say that it is bad and if you do not share with others, you will never become a good man. But it is impossible to prevent yourself from experiencing these emotions; you can only learn to manage them in order to protect yourself.

Not wanting to share or spend money on something someone has asked you to do is immediately perceived by many as greed, but in reality it is just a smart approach to spending. Excessive generosity and the desire to give your last shirt to someone in need cannot be called wonderful qualities. Although such behavior is encouraged in society, deep down many people do not approve of it.

How can a quality that harms at least one person be beautiful? Are you really unworthy of this money and a certain set of benefits? Why should you constantly share what you have when you yourself can barely make ends meet? Is your suffering less painful than that of the one you decided to help to your detriment?

Greed becomes evil when a person seeks excuses for not helping, believing that he has not yet acquired everything he wanted. When a person has been able to satisfy basic needs and nothing threatens him and his loved ones, for his own good he should not refuse someone who needs help. And it doesn’t matter at all how big it will be. Even by taking a stray animal off the street, making a donation for a sick child, or sending gifts to an orphanage, you are already doing a wonderful deed.

Such actions are real proof that goodness exists and good people more. And when people, having coped with their exorbitant desires, overcoming internal doubts, commit them again and again, they become better and turn into those for whom compassion, empathy and mercy are not an empty phrase.

A manifestation of greed, when a person is really able to help, but does nothing, is a signal that his universal values ​​remain in their infancy or have changed. And if you ignore such a formidable warning and do not reconsider your attitude towards the world, very soon stinginess will bear its terrible fruits. Therefore, it is so important to be able to subtly sense the line where it ceases to perform a protective function, saving a person from himself, and begins to harm.

  • In any difficult situation, before developing a fight plan, you need to determine what result you want to get and whether you need it. Achieving your goals, whatever they may be, is possible only in one case when a person really wants it. Changing oneself is the most difficult task facing people. If this desire is not supported by motivation, and you are not willing to endure the inconvenience that this causes, no attempt to achieve this will be successful. After some time, everything will return to normal.

  • When you admit that greed has begun to influence your actions and decisions too often, and this only causes irritation and a persistent desire to get rid of it, you will take the first serious step towards self-improvement.
  • In order not to waste time and achieve success, it is necessary to clearly understand why greed has turned from a fleeting feeling into a serious obstacle. You can find the reason for such a metamorphosis only by understanding your feelings and inner experiences, being left alone with yourself, where no one will interfere.
  • No matter how difficult it is, try to analyze what provokes its occurrence. Maybe this is due to the fact that you are afraid of losing what you have, or that your help will not be appreciated, or you are used to the fact that no one has ever shared with you, and for you this has become a familiar way of life. There is always a deep reason, removing which can solve the problem.
  • If the whole point is that it’s hard to stop earning money all the time and it seems that you have achieved too little, think about whether you have to pay too much for such a high bar. Such a life is like running in a vicious circle. There is not even a minute left to enjoy the well-deserved success.
  • It is difficult to get rid of the fear of poverty, but it is precisely this that most often gives rise to stinginess. But nothing is impossible. The main thing is to believe in yourself and stop giving in negative emotions. Imagine the worst thing happened. What will you do then? Will you really give up? Hardly?! So why scare yourself ahead of time, especially since this may never happen.
  • Learn to set your life priorities correctly. Determine whether, because of stinginess, you are ready to lose the respect of your loved ones and friends, and to alienate those you like. Does it really feel like you can change the world in better side, doing good deeds is less pleasant than having material wealth.
  • Do selfless acts, do something nice for your loved ones, spend it on yourself, your development and health. Avoid excesses, and over time you will believe in yourself and in the fact that you know how to correctly distribute the funds you earn, without giving away the last, but also without refusing help. And greed will stop bothering you.

Once you get to know yourself and understand what motivates you, you can easily determine why this or that feeling arises in a given situation. And most importantly, you will understand whether you need to fight it or, on the contrary, you should listen and act wisely. Having realized that greed is not always negative, you will treat it not as a reason for self-criticism, but as another emotion that helps you survive in this world. Having determined the fine line beyond which this feeling turns into excessively negative, you will be able to correct your own behavior and act as your soul dictates. You will no longer have to think about how to get rid of greed, because you will learn to manage it.

The question “how to get rid of greed” is more relevant today than ever. Among the many human vices, greed occupies an honorable place. It is difficult to get rid of it; there is a lot of work to be done to correct the mistakes.

Greed and psychology

What is greed and how to get rid of it? This is an insatiable selfish desire that is difficult to control. The faithful companions of such a negative quality are: stinginess, greed, gluttony and greed.

Greed manifests itself in a person when he lacks something. Some experience a constant lack of money, things, emotions, everyone has their own list. In fact, behind the lack of something lies a lack of human intimacy, which people try to fill with excesses of a different nature.

First, understand the reason for the manifestation of greed or stinginess. Human psychology is complex and not fully understood. According to some studies, a person uncontrollably spends money on unnecessary things due to depression, which is his faithful companion.

This primarily affects the psychological state. Dissatisfaction with life leads to psychosis. At the same time, immunity decreases, the person experiences constant weakness and often gets sick. Such a person gradually turns into a whiner for whom everything is always bad. So, common causes of greed are considered:

  • dissatisfaction with life;
  • non-acceptance of one's personality;
  • feeling of emptiness;
  • feeling of worthlessness;
  • depressive state.

Why do people strive so hard to build a career and become famous? There is an answer to such a simple question: to earn a lot of money. But behind all this is a simple human need for love, which pushes people to rash actions.

How to become greedy

Greed is a trait that appears in a person as a result of negative experiences and erroneous conclusions regarding a particular situation. It can be triggered by the following factors:

  • improper upbringing;
  • lack of funds;
  • social discomfort;
  • distorted perception of the world and so on.

The psychology of greed has forced Chinese philosophers to work hard. They are sure that greedy people are deeply unhappy people. There is a simple explanation for this: greedy people never value what they have, but are constantly dissatisfied with what they do not have.

This vice makes many forget about entertainment. Living for the sake of earning money, but not spending money on pleasure is an unforgivable mistake. After all, money helps you experience all the delights of life, it contributes to exciting travel, self-education, development, and so on. Don't deny yourself some fun.

The psychology of greed forces a person to save on almost everything: entertainment, clothing and even food, which in the future necessarily affects not only the emotional level, but also the physical. It has been proven that cheap things do not live up to their expectations. It is better to spend money on one good quality item than to purchase several, but of dubious quality.

Incompatible things

Happiness and greed are mutually exclusive concepts. To find happiness and peace, you need to get rid of the destructive feeling of greed. This feeling appeared back in the days when people were forced to fight for their survival. Greed is part of the human subconscious, it will be very difficult to eradicate this feeling.

Men in modern world have changed only partially, talking about self-development, many do not even think about getting rid of their negative feelings and thoughts. The primitive instinct of survival can be safely put on the same level as greed. Many individuals strive to purchase something they saw from friends. Is it really needed? Probably not, but the psychology of greed makes you forget about common sense.

Meanwhile, American scientists call greed a kind of engine of progress. If it were not for this feeling, many people would be content with little and would not strive for development. Perhaps the saying is appropriate here: everything is good, but in moderation.

Learn to give and not expect anything in return. Love for life, whatever it may be, will help you get rid of envy and greed. Cave habits will fade into oblivion if you give people what they need and what you have in abundance.

You can overcome any challenge if you have people around you who want to improve like you. The bad thing is that people have forgotten how to be generous, even if it costs them nothing.

The world provides opportunities, you just need to make an effort to get what you want. This is the rub, because some people will shamelessly take it from others rather than build it themselves. This lifestyle has devastating consequences. True happiness does not depend on material capabilities, it is found within a person who is confident in his abilities and the people around him. Be honest and positive with people around you.

Simple truths

Remember once and for all: the more you give, the more you receive. Just don’t do good in anticipation of a miracle; only selfless deeds will bring benefits.

To cope with dissatisfaction in the soul, you need to turn into a useful, kind person. Learn to rejoice at the very opportunity to give to people, no matter what, your feelings or material things. Dissatisfaction with oneself and the world around us provokes the manifestation of greed. Selfless deeds will help you get rid of the psychology of greed and envy.

Since greed is only a manifestation of an accumulation of internal problems (dissatisfaction, self-rejection, negative state, etc.), the solution must be comprehensive. Such a solution could be a system for cleansing the mind - Turbo-Suslik. This system effectively eliminates the roots of problems, rather than smoothing them over - which means it solves them forever. Greed is a small part of what this psychotechnics can eliminate. Successfully eliminates:

  • negative states
  • psychological complexes
  • limiting beliefs and ideas
  • harmful installations
  • and much more

Tips for getting rid of greed:

  1. This vice is a bad ally. People sense a greedy person and avoid him. Get rid of negative qualities.
  2. A greedy person saves not only on others, but also on himself. You need to save in moderation, especially if we're talking about about health. Not every person will be able to distinguish frugality from greed.
  3. Some unique people manage to save large sums of money, but, unfortunately, these people do not know how to manage their own money. Don't forget about the secrets of the Universe, in order to get something you have to give something. We are not talking about charity; use the money that lies as a dead weight in your own development. Travel, take courses, give gifts to loved ones just for no reason. Believe me, you will experience real, genuine happiness from the positivity that you will share with others.
  4. Secret successful people simple, they know that the more investments, the more significant the profit will be. Money loves movement, it must constantly work.
  5. You can correct the situation, the main thing is to show the greedy the correct model of behavior, tactfully pointing out the mistakes made.

To change your thoughts and actions, you need to work on your mistakes. This is a difficult task that only those who sincerely desire can cope with. On the path to healing, the first step is to realize that the established psychology of greed is really ruining your life. It makes a person poor, despite all the wealth he owns.

Learn to set your life priorities correctly. In your quest to make money, you may lose people dear to you. Is it worth it? Is it possible to enjoy the benefits that appeared in this way? The companions of destructive feelings are anger, hatred and anger. Personal development is impossible in this case, degradation occurs, a person forgets about his main goals and aspirations.

Doing what you love, controlling your own thoughts and developing your personality will help you change your inner world. A busy person has no time for depression; he has no time to build intrigues and insidious plans to help him get rich. Useful work will leave no time for bad impulses and bad habits.
By performing selfless acts, a person becomes kinder and more sympathetic; this is a fascinating process that drags on more and more. Say “no” to negative qualities in your character, and the world will sparkle with new, brighter colors.

Working for a consulting company, all day long I ate only what I brought with me. For example, oatmeal with cherry jam. The mixture in a plastic bag resembled purple goo, and colleagues called it “passive protoplasm.” If I had a meeting with clients, I would take off my jacket as soon as I entered the building so that no one would see how worn it was. But I didn't buy a new one. My favorite word back then was “effective.”

I saved not only money, but also time. It wasn’t enough, so I gave up all my hobbies and just worked. As a result, I became exhausted, tired and lost my zest for life. When I went to see a psychotherapist, he gave me homework: “find ten activities that bring you joy.” It turned out to be impossible for me.

And the therapy continued. Suddenly it turned out that I was afraid... of being left without a penny. Let me note that since childhood I always had some money, and from the eighth grade I earned my own money. And I never sat hungry. Where does fear come from?

During the Great Patriotic War my grandfather was 11 years old, and he remained the eldest man in the family. Who would survive and who would not depended only on him. Everyone survived, but my grandfather saved a lot from then on, especially towards himself. His fear was so strong that it “reached out” to me.

If you are not happy with your relationship with money, look at your family history. Perhaps among the ancestors there will be those who can tell you where the problem comes from

Time after time, I “returned” my fear to my grandfather and restored contact with my reality, realizing that I was not in danger of starvation. At the same time, I realized that the “grandfather-in-me” is actually on my side: while frightening, he wants to protect! I managed to come to an agreement with him and redirect this energy from control and remorse for “extra” spending to protecting my interests in negotiations with customers and debtors.

How did my other ancestors handle income and expenses? My great-grandfather Fyodor Timofeevich, a wealthy merchant, was happily married and raised 11 children. During his first pregnancy, his wife wanted grapes. And it was in Perm in the winter of 1916 - you won’t find any grapes there during the day with fire. And Fyodor Timofeevich sent a clerk to Georgia to buy grapes. After all, he was a merchant not of the very first, but of the third guild - for him this is a significant expense! But he didn't skimp. Maybe this role model is still alive in me?

And I realized that it was so. After all, personal psychotherapy requires significant investment. It turns out that when it came to household expenses, I was in austerity mode. And when the question arose about big money and long affairs, the second scenario, inherited from my great-grandfather, was often included.

The next task was to combine the scenarios: so that Everyday life do not forget “about the grapes”, and conduct business not only on a grand scale, but also with reasonable economy. Today I try to focus on my desires: I ask myself, how do I want? At the same time, I still evaluate whether the pleasure received is worth the money spent.



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