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How to identify a tasty watermelon by knocking. How to choose the right ripe and sweet watermelon

In the summer, many are concerned about the question of how to choose ripe, sweet, juicy watermelons and melons. reveals all the secrets for choosing fruits this season.

Always remember that Russian watermelons and melons appear on sale no earlier than the beginning of August, or even closer to its end. There is no need to rush and go shopping as soon as the first shelves appear: in August there are a lot of other healthy fruits, and the watermelon season lasts until the end of September.

Watermelon and melon must be absolutely intact, without dents, holes, cracks or cuts. Any crack is a path for bacteria to penetrate into the pulp, and a sweet, moist environment is the best place for their reproduction.

Don't buy half a watermelon or any other piece for fear that you won't eat the whole fruit. A piece cut off and wrapped in film can contain a large number of bacteria, which will result in five minutes of pleasure and a couple of days of poisoning for you.

Watermelons and melons should be sold in the shade, under a canopy. The shade protects from heating and prevents premature fermentation. Watermelon and melon should not lie on the ground, but on a wooden floor. Remember that you cannot buy watermelons and melons near the road! Just a few hours - and the fruit absorbs a huge amount of exhaust gases, which contain a critical amount of heavy metals for human health.

When choosing a watermelon or melon, look at their color. A ripe watermelon will be shiny, bright green, with contrasting stripes. The more contrasting the stripes, the riper the watermelon. The color of a ripe melon is bright yellow or orange.
You can determine the ripeness of a watermelon this way: scrape its rind. If the top thin layer is easily scraped off and the white subcutaneous part remains intact, the watermelon is good and ripe. If the nail falls inside, the watermelon is not ripe.

The rind of a ripe watermelon should be firm. If, when pressing on the watermelon with your fingers, the peel bends, it is not worth taking such a watermelon, because it was picked unripe and it has already ripened along the way. This means it will taste sour. A ripe melon will also be firm. If it is soft, it is overripe and can be hazardous to health.

The stalk of a ripe watermelon should be completely dry. This is one of the signs that the watermelon has fallen off on its own, having had time to fully ripen. The color of the tail is brown-beige. A green stalk indicates that the berry was picked too early. Although, experts say, the dry stalk may turn out to be a fiction: the watermelon could have been picked a long time ago, and the stalk did not dry out in the garden.

The size of the watermelon also matters. Too large a fruit indicates an overabundance of various fertilizers. Too small - means that the berry did not receive enough nutrients, which means it is not ripe. A ripe watermelon should not be too heavy, normal weight A large enough watermelon is 5-7 kilograms. A white spot on the rind of a watermelon must be present: the watermelon lay on this side while it was ripening in the garden. The yellower the spot, the riper the watermelon.

The main criterion when choosing a melon is its aroma. The sweeter an uncut, crack-free melon smells, the riper it is. Watermelon and melon can also be selected by sound. Tap the fruit with your palm or knuckles. If the sound is loud, the watermelon is not yet ripe. If the watermelon “sounds” dull, feel free to take it: it is ripe. The same goes for melon.

You can check the ripeness of a watermelon or melon after you have cut the fruit. Watermelon, which contains a lot of nitrates, has very dark flesh, while the fibers of the pulp are not white, but yellow. But sugary pulp is a sign that the watermelon has ripened on its own, without the help of chemical fertilizers. A “chemical” melon has hard, dirty-colored fibers between the seeds, whereas a good fruit should have light and soft fibers.

Both watermelon and melon are considered to have the sweetest female fruits. The circle located on the side opposite to the stalk is the mark of the flower. A large, wide, flat circle is a “girl”, a small convex circle is a “boy”.

The last rule concerns the storage of purchased watermelons and melons. Don't forget to wash the fruit or berry thoroughly hot water and rub the skin with a brush. Uncut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. But if you have already cut a watermelon or melon, try to eat them within 24 hours.

How to choose a ripe watermelon so that the pleasure is not spoiled by a limp and tasteless dessert, or even worse, does not end in a hospital bed in the infectious diseases department?

We suggest using simple rules and useful tips.

When summer has passed its midpoint, the first watermelons appear in vegetable stalls and melon stands at the market, and we rush to enjoy this sweet berry.

Helpful information:

The latest ripening varieties of watermelons ripen by the end of September, so you will easily have time to study in detail the tips for the right choice juicy, ripe fruits so you can confidently go to the store to open the watermelon season.

How to choose watermelon without nitrates

You need to buy only from reliable sellers who can guarantee the quality and safety of the fruit. You should be especially careful when purchasing the first, earliest watermelons. To ensure that the melon berries ripen faster and gain more mass, farmers generously sprinkle the fields with nitrogen fertilizers. Excess nitrogen accumulates in the soil and fruits, and then turns into dangerous nitrites and nitrates. Therefore, doctors very often report poisoning from early vegetables.

The amount of nitrates in a watermelon can be determined by its appearance: the veins of a fruit overfed with nitrogen will be large and rich yellow.

There is an easy way to check a watermelon with your own hands. At home, you can put a piece of pulp in a glass of water. If it becomes discolored or becomes pale and the liquid becomes colored pink color, then it is better to throw away such a dessert, since it contains an increased concentration of nitrates and other harmful chemical compounds. Of course, this is not a 100% guarantee, but you cannot take all products to the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Where to buy watermelon

Use caution when purchasing watermelons from an open stand or outdoor stand. Even high-quality and environmentally friendly fruits will turn into poisoned ones after standing just a couple of hours by the side of a busy road.

When choosing a watermelon, you need to rely solely on external qualities. It is necessary to ensure that the seller does not cut pyramids or other geometric patterns into it. Do not allow the seller to cut a test piece into the watermelon. The cleanliness of the trader’s hands and knife raises fair doubts. And in a juicy and sweet watermelon, cut at the market by a helpful seller, bacteria and microbes will begin to feast while you get home in the heat. This watermelon will turn sour and spoil very quickly. Never buy fruits with such cutouts.

Which size to choose

Do not chase giant sizes, since it is most likely that such a fruit received more nutrients, and with them more dangerous nitrates accumulated.

When choosing a small watermelon, you also run the risk of getting a low-quality product. To speed up ripening, some farmers curl the tail of the fruit a little. Then it starts to hurt, and as a result the berry turns red faster, but there is no taste or benefit in it.

Opt for an average size of 5-8 kg and a ripe appearance characteristic of your variety.

The right look

Carefully inspect the product on the counter. The surface of a fresh watermelon is always hard and shiny, the stripes are bright and evenly colored.

The rind of a ripe and juicy watermelon should look like a good TV with increased clarity and contrast. The pale green and dark green colors should alternate with clear separation and great brightness. This coloration indicates that the fruit has been saturated with useful substances during the growth process.

Also, on the rind of every healthy watermelon there should be a light birthmark on the side. The paler it is, the longer the watermelon ripened on the melon patch, gaining strength.

The yellow spot on the side should be of medium size, since its appearance indicates that the fruit has lain on the ground for sufficient time for normal ripening.

The tail of a ripe watermelon should be brown, thin and dry.

The tail is the head of everything

All watermelons have a tail, like an umbilical cord, which prevents them from rolling away from their parent ahead of time. But when the watermelon ripens, this umbilical cord dries out and breaks. The drier the tail of the watermelon you like, the more likely it is that it ripened in the garden, and not in the basket on the way to the store. This means that it is sweeter than its brothers, plucked ahead of schedule.

Girl or boy

By folk signs Boy watermelons (larger and with a small butt) are tastier than girl watermelons (smaller, but with a big butt). Perhaps the “gender” of a watermelon will matter to some, but in reality there is no significant difference in taste and sweetness between them.

Ripe and sweet

A well-ripened watermelon produces a ringing sound when tapped, and a slight cracking sound when gently squeezed. These will be the sweetest and most delicious.

To check the ripeness of a fruit you like, you don’t have to crush it too much in your hands. A good watermelon will have a dull response even when struck with a finger due to the many micro cavities formed during the ripening process. If there is no resonance, then you can shake your head smartly and tell the seller: “Microcavities have not formed yet,” and then proudly go to the next seller.

We hope that now it will be much easier for you to choose a ripe watermelon, and you can safely pamper yourself and your loved ones with delicious fruits. In addition, this will bring considerable benefits to your health.

Guided by these rules when choosing watermelons, you will go home happy and be sure that a truly heavenly meal awaits you.


Diets and healthy eating 29.07.2019

The steps of autumn are becoming faster and more confident. The variety of vegetables and fruits that she so generously gives us helps us come to terms with her arrival and the end of summer. One of the main August delicacies is His Majesty watermelon. How to choose the right watermelon in order to get not only maximum pleasure from it, but also benefits, will be discussed in our article.

Chemical composition of watermelon

This miracle berry (which is actually a watermelon) is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements. Folic acid, vitamin C, PP, A, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, lycopene (a natural antioxidant) - well, where else is so much usefulness combined with excellent taste?

About the health benefits of watermelon

Watermelon is not only a delicious summer dessert, it is also incredibly healthy! What, you ask? After all, 90% of watermelon is just water. Yes, water. But not only. First of all, this summer fruit is incredibly useful for people suffering from cardiovascular and kidney diseases and prone to edema. After all, it has a natural and quite powerful diuretic property. Regular consumption of watermelon, thanks to the alkalis it contains, is an excellent prevention of kidney stones.

Watermelon juice helps cleanse the liver, helping to remove accumulated toxins from our body. Watermelon is also useful for blood circulation - thanks to its record content, it helps improve blood composition.

Thanks to the content it contains, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility improves. Having long noticed the ability of watermelon to naturally remove unnecessary accumulated substances, many doctors even recommend using it after a course of antibiotics, as a natural sorbent.

Calorie content of watermelon

The only people who need to be grateful for the fact that there is a watermelon in the world are people watching their weight. Despite the fact that it contains a lot of glucose and sucrose, the calorie content of watermelon is very small - only 27 kcal per 100 grams. It perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger, and thanks to its sweet taste, it is an excellent summer dessert.

Rules for choosing the perfect watermelon

This summer delicacy has many advantages, but all of them can be canceled out by the wrong choice. So, how can you choose the right watermelon based on its appearance in order to get not only pleasure from its sugary taste, but also benefits? You just need to follow simple rules, which will be discussed below.

Standing in front of a green-striped pile, many people ask the question “how to choose the ripest, sweetest, best watermelon”? After all, it is obvious that you will find out exactly what it will be like only by cutting it. But no. And now you will see this for yourself.

Where to buy

Ideally, of course, watermelons should be bought close to the place where they grow - very often there are entire fairs when growing melons. But few of us live in melon-growing areas.

You should be careful when buying sweet delicacies in stores - large retail chains buy watermelons in huge quantities, sometimes unripe, in order to reduce losses during transportation. Alternatively, to choose a ripe watermelon, you can go to the market or buy it in specially equipped vegetable stalls.

Important! Where you should never buy melons is on the side of roads and busy highways. After all, watermelons are capable of absorbing exhaust gases and heavy metals through the peel, like sponges, which are emitted by passing cars.

When to buy

The fact that you can buy watermelon in a supermarket at almost any time of the year will not surprise anyone. But its real taste, and even more so its benefits, can only be felt at the end of summer - beginning of autumn.

The most common varieties of watermelons ripen in 60 days, so starting from the first ten days of August, we have every chance to buy a ripe, sweet and juicy watermelon. It is then that melons naturally ripen in nature.

Experts do not advise being tempted by June watermelons - most likely, they were grown in greenhouses and there is a high probability that they were helped to ripen quickly with the help of nitrates and fertilizers. Which, as you understand, is not at all conducive to their benefits.

Which size to choose

There are a great many varieties of watermelon, differing in shape and size. There are giants and very small ones. The main thing is to follow the rule: you need to compare the size of the fruit among the same variety.

Many people are sure that the larger the watermelon, the sweeter it is. This is far from true. As we remember, you can achieve this value with the help of nitrates. Therefore, experts advise choosing a large watermelon, but not the largest one. Small ones run the risk of being immature, and too large ones may contain increased doses of fertilizers. It is better to choose a medium-sized watermelon, no more than 12 kg.

What should a watermelon rind look like?

The peel of the fruit you choose should be completely intact, hard and shiny. It should not have deep scratches, cracks or any other damage. If you see even a small trace of spoilage and rotting, you should under no circumstances buy this watermelon.

The brighter and more contrasting the stripes on the watermelon rind, the better. Try lightly picking at the peel with your fingernail. This is very difficult to do with a ripe, ripe fruit. If the rind is wet to the touch and brownish in color, this indicates that the watermelon is already overripe.

Important! Sometimes sellers cut a slice out of the fruit in advance to demonstrate that the watermelon is ripe and red. The sellers cover the halves with film and tell us that everything is fine. But under no circumstances should you buy such cut watermelons! After all, in the juicy watermelon pulp, bacteria multiply at lightning speed in the summer heat. If you buy a cut fruit, you run a very high risk of contracting an intestinal infection after such a “delicacy”.

What does the grid and stripes on a watermelon tell you?

An empty brown mesh on a watermelon field patch tells us that at the ripening stage the watermelon was intensively pollinated by bees. This means it will be aromatic, tasty and healthy! The stripes on the watermelon should be contrasting and clearly defined.

What should a watermelon tail look like?

When buying a watermelon, many of us look at the fruit for a dry tail. It is true that a fully ripe watermelon stops absorbing moisture and breaks away from the bush under its own weight. But most often, the watermelon is separated a little earlier. And the stalk dries out on its own in literally 2-3 days. Therefore, the probability of stumbling upon an unripe fruit with a dry tail is quite high.

Important! You need to look not so much at the tail itself, but at the place where it is attached to the watermelon. The edges of the “button” from which the tail grows should be dry. If the tail is green and wet, you should not buy such a fruit at all - it is still far from maturity. The ripeness of a watermelon is indicated by a dry, but not overdried, stalk.

Should there be a stain

Another criterion for how to choose a delicious watermelon is yellow spot on its skin, its “cheek”. This is exactly the place where the fruit lay during ripening. Its presence indicates that the watermelon had time to ripen before it was picked. It is also called a field spot.

Pay attention to the color of the spot. It should be either yellow or orange. But the white “cheeks” indicate that in this place the watermelon did not have enough sun.

The size of the spots also matters. It should not be too large, this will definitely affect the taste of the watermelon. How smaller size spots, the better! The larger it is, the more and longer the fruit has been in contact with the ground, which means that the watermelon will most likely turn out to be watery, bland or sour.

Of the two fruits, choose the one with the brightest color.

Boy or girl?

Watermelons also have their own gender, male and female.. There is an opinion that “girl” watermelons contain much less seeds and more sugar, they are sweeter and juicier, and not so bony. But not all experts agree with this. Some say that there is no fundamental difference in taste and aroma between them.

It's quite easy to recognize her. Pay attention to the bottom of your chosen fruit. If it is flat, and the circle on it is quite wide, this is a “lady”, and if the bottom is convex, and the circle is small and neat, this is a “gentleman”. But to find a “girl” watermelon you will have to work hard. After all, for every 20 “male” watermelons there is only one “female” one. This is such discrimination.

Shall we knock?

One of the most famous answers to the question of how to choose the right ripe watermelon is tapping. If you have sensitive hearing, then this method will suit you, because it is one of the most reliable.

A ripe and juicy fruit has porous flesh, which means the sound when tapped will be ringing and booming. An unripe watermelon will sound dull. The sound of an overripe fruit will be just as dull. Select a few watermelons that you like and compare the sounds they make.

Still in doubt? Try squeezing the watermelon lightly with your hands. Ripe, ready-to-eat fruit will crackle slightly. The main thing is not to overdo it with compression.

How to choose a watermelon in a store? Pay attention to all the signs of a ripe and juicy watermelon, which are indicated in the article. You can also ask for a certificate at the store. Storage trays must be located at a height of at least 20 cm from the floor and must not be damaged in any way.

Do you know how to test the watermelon you bought for nitrate content? Its pulp should be lightly crushed and placed in a transparent container with water. Is the water only slightly cloudy? Wonderful! You can safely eat this watermelon. But if the water turns red, this indicates that such a fruit is dangerous to health and should not be consumed.

What's inside?

And so we bought a watermelon. What can its internal appearance tell us?

  1. First of all, the pulp should be a fairly rich red color. If it is pink, most likely the fruit has not yet ripened. Pay attention to the consistency of the pulp. Shiny sugar grains of watermelon pulp indicate its ripeness and juiciness. In a fruit that has not had time to ripen, they are smooth and seemingly matte.
  2. The seeds of watermelon, which will delight us with its sweetness, are black or dark brown. White seeds are a sign of immaturity. You should refrain from such a purchase.
  3. And finally, the pulp fibers should be white or milky in color.

Important! If the flesh of the watermelon you cut has a purple tint, the veins in it are yellow, and the consistency is smooth and no crumbly grains are visible - this indicates an increased content of nitrates. It is unlikely that this watermelon should be eaten.

Watermelons of an unusual yellow color are becoming more and more common on store shelves and on the market. Or rather, on the outside it is usually striped, but on the inside it is bright yellow. This exotic fruit does not come from abroad at all. It was bred in Astrakhan, and this variety has the beautiful name “Lunar”. Unlike its foreign relatives, it is very sweet and has an unusual lemon and mango flavor.

How to choose a yellow watermelon? Following the same rules as for his red counterparts. Pay attention to the peel, dry tail, and the presence of “cheeks.” In general, choosing an unusual watermelon will not cause you much trouble, but appearance will surprise you and pamper you with an exotic taste.

The end of summer is coming, which means it’s time for delicious and sweet watermelons. By the way, did you know that the fruits of this annual herbaceous plant morphologically it is considered to be a berry?! In this short instruction I want to tell you how to choose the right ripe watermelon so that it is ripe and sweet. Since childhood, many people believe that the ripeness of a watermelon can be determined by its sound, or rather by its knocking sound. The ripe one has a duller sound. And if you press on it, it will crunch. And if the knock is loud, then it is not yet ripe.
In fact, there are many more signs of watermelon ripeness. Let's look at them all.

There is a dry tail on a ripe watermelon

The tail of a watermelon indicates its ripeness: green indicates that the fruit was picked too early and its taste will no longer be as juicy. The one with the already dried hard tail will be ripe.

And if you are lucky and you are in a melon patch, then to choose a guaranteed ripe watermelon will be the one with a dry tendril on the stalk. Here he is:

By this criterion, professional melon pickers determine a ripe watermelon when they load them into transport.

How to determine maturity by an earthen spot

While the fruit is growing, it lies on the ground and this part of it is yellowish in color. It's called "Earth Spot". So, the ripest, and therefore very sweet, watermelon will be the one whose earthen spot is closer to dark yellow or even orange. The greener the fruit, the lighter the spot, closer to white color. Here's a clear example:

On the right is the “correct” watermelon. But the one on the left was picked too early and it’s not ripe, which means it’s not worth taking.

Looking for the right watermelon using a bee's web

If you inspect watermelons in a store when purchasing, the so-called “bee web” will help you find the sweetest one. Here she is:

These are small spots Brown, somewhat reminiscent of a spider's web. They tell us that during pollination the bees often touched the ovary of the fruit, that is, pollination occurred very intensively, which means the fruit will be sugary!

Boy or girl?

Do you know that watermelons are also differentiated by gender? “Men” are distinguished by a narrower and elongated shape. They have large seeds, and the taste is not very bright, but the pulp itself is very, very juicy. “Girls” are smaller and rounder. They seem to be flattened. They have a very sweet, rich taste and small seeds.

A big watermelon is a ripe watermelon!

Another way to choose a ripe and sweet watermelon is to look for medium-sized specimens weighing from 6 to 10 kilograms. Moreover, a good fruit is always quite heavy for its size.

The largest specimens are also not worth taking. The fact is that even “local” fruits (that is, grown in Russia) weighing more than 15 kilograms are pumped to capacity with nitrates. Unfortunately, the nitrate content cannot be determined by eye.

Try to buy watermelons in trusted places. A store should be equipped with a tray for these fruits and covered with an awning. Alternatively, a covered truck. It’s clearly not worth buying watermelons heaped on the ground, and even next to the road.
The most delicious watermelon should also be beautiful in appearance - shiny, not limp, without cracks, dents or scratches. The stripes are clear and contrasting. Through damage to the rind, dirt and bacteria enter the fruit and this can not only spoil the taste, but also cause an upset stomach.
Many sellers offer to cut out a piece of watermelon you like to try. You shouldn't do this. As a rule, sellers do not wash knives and introduce unnecessary bacteria into the fruit, which is why it can quickly disappear.

Ah, summer, summer! It's a great time, when all people are resting, children are on vacation, adults are going on their well-deserved vacation. And immediately trips to the beaches and trips to the sea begin. But summer is not only sun and tan, but also delicious watermelons! In the summer, this large berry becomes a faithful companion on every trip to the forest, on a picnic, on a hike, to the beach, or on a visit. You can just buy a watermelon for home. He will not let you get bored and stay hungry. However, choosing a ripe, juicy and tasty watermelon is not the easiest task. To buy only tasty products, you need to know when to buy them and what they should be.

How to choose a ripe watermelon

A well-ripened berry is tasty, healthy, and simply a pleasure. Many people do not know how to choose the right watermelon. In order for the purchased berry to please you with its taste, you need to know a few tricks. These are the ones you need to focus on when you go shopping for a watermelon:

  • Place of trade.
  • Berry color and contrast.
  • Sound qualities.
  • Peel requirements.
  • Weight range.

Requirements for place of purchase

To purchase a truly delicious watermelon, you need to decide where it is best to buy it. You should not buy miracle berries in street stalls. Of course, it is better to give preference to trusted places (shops, shopping centers, civilized markets). The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a watermelon is its storage conditions. Berries should be placed in trays that are specifically designed for this purpose. Moreover, their height should be at least a quarter of a meter.

In addition, watermelons must be hidden from direct sunlight, that is, they must be under a canopy. Don't be shy about asking for a certificate. The seller must have a document on hand that will at least indicate that his product has passed the examination and does not contain nitrates exceeding the established level. If your health is valuable, then you should not be afraid to stand up for your rights. One simple question about the certificate can easily prevent the possibility of food poisoning.

If you are satisfied with the quality of the place where watermelons are sold, and the owner has Required documents on your product, but its shelter is located next to a highway, then you should not buy a watermelon in this place, even if it seems ideal to you. According to their properties, melons perfectly absorb everything from environment, because there are many microcracks on their bark. Stripes that are sold along highways, absorb large amounts of exhaust gases and harmful substances. Eating them can cause serious damage to your health.

What a ripe watermelon should sound like

A ripe berry, when tapped, should respond with a dull sound, as if there was nothing under its bark. And if it is possible to squeeze the watermelon on both sides, then you should definitely perform this procedure. If the minke whale responds with a sonorous crack, then you can be sure that it was collected from the garden on time, it is very juicy and ripe.

Requirements for the condition of the peel and its color

Watermelons should be of the correct spherical shape. This criterion does not apply to Japanese square berries, which are grown using special technology in glass cubes - this is a completely different matter. The color of the watermelon peel should be dark, and the darker it is, the better and tastier it will be, and the stripes should be as light as possible. The higher the contrast of the berry, the more likely it is that it will be tasty and juicy. As for the peel, it should be hard and shiny, always without plaque. Hardness is determined by fingers: if the berries have a soft skin, then they are most likely unripe. It’s worth trying to rub the shell with your fingernail. If it scratches easily, this is definitely a plus in favor of choosing this watermelon. There should not be any cracks, stains, etc. on the surface of the fruit. It must be solid, because all extraneous points indicate the unnaturalness of the minke whale. In addition, such inclusions can indicate the introduction of injections of various drugs.

Most likely, you may have heard before that if there is a yellow spot on the side of a watermelon, this indicates its ripeness. Yes, this is true, but this mark must be bright yellow, and in no case white. The white spot just shows how the watermelon lay (and possibly was stored for a long time) on the ground. Such a fruit is unlikely to please anyone with its taste.

Often, people do not know how to choose a sweet watermelon and ask the seller for help. Unfortunately, the time has passed when people behind the counter were afraid for their reputation and were happy to help the buyer. Now the majority is aimed at selling their goods at any cost. Find good seller, which will really help in choosing a good fruit, is a very big success. Therefore, every person should know how to choose a ripe watermelon correctly.

You should not buy berries with a cut out of the middle. This is bad not only from a hygienic point of view (after all, you don’t know what kind of knife was used to open the opening), but also from the point of view of preservation, since once cut or at least incised, the berry will no longer retain its taste for a long time if it is not place in the refrigerator. Also, you should not buy damaged watermelons, even if they are offered at a discounted price. It is better to pay more for tasty and ripe fruit than to suffer from stomach problems later.

Another useful and no less important factor When choosing a watermelon, use the dry tail of the berry. When ripe, the minke whale itself breaks away from the place of its ripening on the melon patch, like any other of its family. But, unfortunately, a dry tail may also indicate that it was picked a long time ago, so this sign is only an additional one in the question of how to choose a good watermelon.

Weight requirements

When choosing a watermelon, you should give preference to those fruits that are small in size. It is better that the weight does not exceed ten kilograms. Stripes heavier than this mark are large in volume and are usually famous for their unnaturalness. But you shouldn’t chase small watermelons - they are usually unripe and a bit bland. The main thing is that before you eat the purchased minke whale, you should smell it. So to speak, to check whether he grew on his own or whether the miracles of chemistry helped him. If it emits a sour smell, it is better not to take it: you can easily get nitrate poisoning. If there is no pronounced specific aroma, you can be proud of yourself: you bought a good, natural watermelon.

How to choose a watermelon girl

Many people do not like to eat watermelon due to the presence of a large number of seeds. In order not to suffer with them, you can cheat a little and find a special fruit, namely a girl watermelon. Buying it is not very easy, because almost everything on sale is for boys. And according to statistics, for every twenty watermelon boys there is only one girl and, as you understand, meeting her at the market is very rare.

So, how to identify a ripe girl watermelon? Stripes are identified by gender only by their butts. The “soft spot” of a girl’s watermelon is flat, with a large spot, while in a boy’s berry it is raised and has a smaller spot. The difference in this butt mark is the flower that blooms as girls mature.

If you know how to choose a ripe boy watermelon, then buying a girl berry will not be difficult either.

How to choose between two identical watermelons

We are all very indecisive and want to get the best product. People always feel unsure about which berry to give preference to when they are satisfied with both. How to choose a delicious watermelon from two that look identical? When choosing between two identical berries, you should give preference to the one that is lighter. The entire weight of a watermelon depends on how much water it contains. With the same volume, a larger mass will indicate its juiciness, and a smaller striped berry will have sweeter pulp.

The first signs of a tasty watermelon

Let’s briefly summarize all the information on how to choose a ripe watermelon, and what you should pay attention to:

  • The average size.
  • Smooth, clean, shiny skin.
  • High contrast watermelon stripes.
  • Yellow or orange spot small size on the side, but by no means white.
  • The peel should feel firm when pressed with your fingernail.
  • Dry tail.
  • When choosing between a boy and a girl, take the girl, and distinguish between them by their curvy and flat butt.
  • Crunches when pressed, buzzes when slapped.
  • No cracks or damage to the skin.
  • Large volume and low weight.
  • No sour smell when cutting.


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Before the verdict, Sergei Egorov asked for forgiveness from the relatives of those killed. Where did Egorov serve, who killed 9 people?

On the afternoon of August 29, the Tver Regional Court began to consider the merits of the case of mass murder near Tver. At the beginning of July 2017, in a dacha...

Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR

Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR

100 years ago, the Second Patriotic War of 1914-1917 began. We present to our readers an article from a book recently published in Nizhny Novgorod...

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