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How to avoid the army with category B3. Classification of categories of suitability for military service

As a rule, young men, as well as their relatives, are very interested in the results of the examination conducted by the medical board, which they must undergo at the age of 17. It is at this age that conscripts are examined before being registered with the military commissariat. Then they are assigned categories, on the basis of which they determine where exactly they can serve in military service.

In total, conscripts are divided into five different categories:

  • A – complete absence of any problems with well-being;
  • B – satisfactory health, minor restrictions;
  • B – limited suitability for military service;
  • G – temporarily unfit for conscription into the Armed Forces;
  • D – not suitable.

Recognized as "fit"

In general, the medical commission has the right to grant, among other things, exemption from military service. All this depends on which category the young man will be classified into.

Category B is associated with, albeit minor, restrictions. It includes 4 groups – from 1st to 4th. In general, a conscript assigned to this category actually has normal health, which will give him the right to serve in the same way as others. True, he will not be able to join those types of troops that are considered elite. These, in particular, include the Airborne Forces or Marine Corps.

What military professions are available to the third group in category B

Three in this case is essentially an indicator of restrictions on certain military specialties, types of troops and positions.

Young men who fall into this category are accepted for the following specialties:

  • provision and storage of automobile fuel;
  • drivers of infantry fighting vehicles, air defense systems, armored personnel carriers;
  • crew member of the above vehicles;
  • anti-aircraft missile forces;
  • internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Whatever the results of the medical examination, if they raise doubts, the conscript has the right to challenge them in the same way as the conclusion of the draft commission based on such data. Lawyers recommend that you demand an appeal against the verdict of the draft commission, since as a result, further procedures regarding the conscript are suspended, and until the review is completed, he cannot be drafted into the Armed Forces.

The medical examination data for this category is as follows:

  • vision – within 0.5:0.1 – 6:6;
  • hearing sensitivity for whispered speech from 1:4 to 6:6;
  • color weakness of the 2nd and 3rd degrees was not detected;
  • no dichromasy;
  • height from 155 to 180 centimeters;

Other categories

In that situation, if a conscript was assigned category B or D, in the future he may encounter certain difficulties in the employment process. He most likely will not be able to apply for service in the following departments:

  1. Law enforcement agencies.
  2. Federal Security Service.
  3. Penitentiary Service.
  4. Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  5. Foreign Intelligence Service.

However, not so long ago, Regulations regulating the procedure for conducting military medical examinations were put into effect. Currently, it is possible to undergo the examination again. True, this is provided for those who were classified as category B, that is, recognized as having limited fitness.

In peacetime, such citizens are not taken into the army, but they are still transferred to the reserve with the issuance of a military ID. This way, if there is a war, they will still serve in the army.

Since 2005, mandatory re-examination has been abolished. The diseases that a conscript may be in this category are the following:

  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology;
  • mental problems;
  • incontinence;
  • dystrophy;
  • height less than 1.5 meters;
  • poor vision and hearing;
  • pathologies of the nervous system, etc.

If the conscript believes that his health has improved and wants to change the category, he has the right to be tested again. In this case, special marks will be added to the military ID. This will allow you, if necessary, to get a job in law enforcement organizations, etc.

Fitness for service is determined by the state of health of the conscript, for the assessment of which special criteria are used - categories A, B, C, D, D. Young people who have been assigned fitness category A or B are drafted into the army. Most conscripts are in category B. It includes four modifications 1-4, which indicate the existing disease and in which military units the young man can serve.

How is suitability determined?

Having received a summons from a draft board employee, the citizen is obliged to come to the military registration and enlistment office for a military medical examination. Without this, it is impossible to register for military training and go to serve in the army. Doctors identify the presence of diseases, and based on the results of the examination, assign a certain fitness category.

Several medical specialists examine conscripts:

  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • otorhinolaryngologist;
  • dentist;
  • therapist.

Specialists will only examine the health status of the conscript. They do not make a diagnosis, do not prescribe treatment or conduct examinations that require special equipment, but only state the presence of any pathology or complete health. Therefore, you should prepare yourself in advance: establish a diagnosis with the help of your attending physician, undergo the necessary course of treatment, and conduct a series of medical examinations. This is the case if there is a disease that may prevent military service.

The decision of the medical commission is based on an examination of the conscripts and the study of the documents they submitted from the hospital:

  • outpatient card or extract;
  • test results;
  • fluorographic image;
  • ECG image and interpretation;
  • other medical statements with the results of treatment, examination, and diagnosis.

All documents must be certified by a doctor and the seal of the medical institution.

After the inspection, each specialist makes a conclusion and sets his/her suitability category. The chief physician of the medical commission makes a decision based on the most severe disease detected by doctors. So, if one of the six members of the commission assigned category B, and the rest B, then the chief physician will approve B. Next, the question is sent for discussion to the draft commission. Here the final decision is made, the result of which is recorded in the journal of the draft commission meetings.

Sometimes the diagnosis made by the attending physician is not confirmed by the military medical commission, despite the positive results of the examinations. In such cases, it is better to seek help from lawyers - it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to defend your rights on your own.

Main categories

By decision of the military medical commission, the citizen is assigned a fitness category, which is established in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases. Using this document, it is presumably possible to determine in which troops the young man will serve and whether he will be sent to serve if he has an illness or will be released from the army for a certain period.

Indicators of fitness for service are designated by letters, their decoding is as follows:

1. A – completely healthy, can serve in any army. Absolutely fit for duty.

2. B – there are some restrictions regarding the choice of type of military. Quite fit for service.

3. B - a military ID is issued, after a commission they are sent to the reserve. It is considered, i.e. During a period of peace, a citizen is not called up for service; he is subject to conscription during a period of war.

4. G – given for the period of hospitalization. After the allotted period (six months, a year), the citizen again undergoes a medical examination and, upon full recovery, is sent to the army. If there is no improvement in health, then, depending on the decision of the draft commission, he is given a second deferment or issued a military ID.

5. D – a military ID is issued, the citizen is finally deregistered at the military registration and enlistment office. He is considered completely, he is not called up even during the war period.

An additional examination is carried out if the military medical commission questions the reliability of the presented diagnosis. Information about the state of health reflected in medical documents (indicators from tests, survey data) may also raise doubts. A repeated examination is carried out to clarify the existing diagnosis.

Repeated diagnostics should be carried out free of charge. If you require payment for doctors' services, you must file a complaint with the main military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the prosecutor's office.

What does category B mean?

Minor health problems are observed in many young people, while most diseases do not interfere with service. Only the chances of being drafted into a certain branch of the military are limited. Thus, the assignment of B-3 and 4 will become an obstacle to enlistment in the Marine Corps or in the airborne forces, where excellent physical shape is required.

The number following the letter B indicates the type of army, unit, subdivision where a particular conscript can serve due to health reasons. This is a kind of indicator of purpose. Suitability B has four gradations. The higher the number, the more restrictions in choosing a place of service. Restrictions mainly relate to the intensity of physical training.

Categories B-1 and B-2

These two modifications include minor health problems in the form of some chronic diseases, provided that they have not worsened for several years. These deviations do not lead to systemic dysfunctions and do not prevent full service in the army.

Assignment to the B-1 makes it possible to serve in such troops as:

  • Marines;
  • Airborne or Airborne Forces units;
  • special forces units;
  • border troops.

B-2 provides minor restrictions, but the choice may well please the conscript. These are troops such as:

  • underwater and surface marine fleet;
  • tank forces;
  • You can also drive and control self-propelled guns and engineering vehicles.

Indicators of purpose 1 and 2 indicate good physical data and suitable parameters in terms of anthropometry. More details about the indicators can be found in the Disease Schedule. Here you can find out about the health requirements from the corresponding plate.

Category B3

This modification combines the largest number of pathologies displayed in the Schedule. This includes minor dysfunctions of individual organs and systems, as well as previously cured diseases and residual manifestations of diseases, injuries, and fractures. Intense physical activity is contraindicated for conscripts of this group, so they do not serve in all troops.

  • chemical troops, fuel and lubricants units;
  • for anti-aircraft missile systems, management and maintenance;
  • internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • to the crew of an armored personnel carrier or infantry fighting vehicle;
  • missile units - control of launchers.

Conscripts included in this group are subject to lower general health requirements than those assigned A or B1, 2.

Category B3: physical data

In addition, an important indicator for conscripts is the absence of even a slight impairment in color vision. The recruit must clearly distinguish colors.

Category B4

A citizen can serve in those military units and units that require security and defense, for example, at missile systems. Service in radio engineering units is possible.

Category B4: health indicators

The color vision requirements remain the same as in the previous category. Colorblindness is the main reason why people are not accepted into the army.

Changing the fitness category

Often, in pursuit of meeting set standards, military registration and enlistment office employees may assign categories B-3 or B-4 instead of the required non-conscription category. This can happen if the diagnosis of the disease is borderline, at the limit of error of research instruments or analysis of results.

This problem can be solved in several ways.

Additional examination. They resort to it if a health examination certificate has not been issued. It is necessary to request a referral for re-examination. In this case, you should pay attention to the list of examinations, because it may be intentionally incomplete. Lack of information about the disease can lead to an incorrect diagnosis, which in turn will affect the assignment in favor of the draft board. You need to know what research needs to be done to establish the correct conclusion. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the doctor’s entry in the card and the report form.
Appealing the category to a higher draft commission. An appeal should be sent to a higher authority after additional examination has not brought the desired result. An application is written for an in-person control medical examination (CMC).
Going to court. If the decision of the KMO is also unsatisfactory, then contacting an independent body may help the matter. To do this, you need to have a good understanding of the provisions of the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, know the provisions of the Schedule of Diseases, and also be familiar with Russian legislation. But it is best to seek help from a lawyer.

Legal assistance

A lawyer from our company will become a legal representative in court, protecting your interests. We deal exclusively with conscript issues and have extensive experience in defending the rights of our clients. You can get a free consultation by filling out an online application or a call back form, the company’s specialists will contact you and provide detailed advice. In controversial cases, solving the problem with conscription on your own is very difficult; our experts will help, advise, and find a way out of difficult situations.

Since army service requires from a conscript not only patriotism, but also health, determining the degree of suitability of a conscript for military service is a task of paramount importance. It is based on the results of the medical commission that a conclusion is issued on the category of compliance of the young man with the requirements of the armed forces. A future soldier in the army will have to not only shoot, but also make many kilometers of forced marches and endure other physical and mental stress, which may not be possible for soldiers with health problems.

After a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, the conscript is assigned a category of military fitness, which means which troops he can join and which ones will be closed.

What are the categories of military fitness of conscripts?

The legislative framework of the Russian Federation states that any citizen of the country (and foreigners too) has the full right to serve in the army. Different types of troops and military professions place certain demands on the health of conscripts, and it is for this gradation that there are categories of fitness for military service. They determine whether a conscript can serve without restrictions or is only fit for wartime.

It is worth noting that it is mainly disabled people and those suffering from mental disorders who are completely ineligible for military service. Previously, the list of diseases for which a conscript could be “rejected” was wider, but due to the fact that the service life decreased from 2 years to 1 year, the list of diseases was significantly reduced.

Classification of fitness categories in a military ID

In order to understand the meaning of the categories, it is enough to study the table that will help decipher the degrees of fitness in a military ID:

  1. Category “A1” means that the conscript has ideal health and external indicators. Such an applicant will be gladly accepted into the elite units. Unfortunately, there are practically no ideally healthy people, so conscripts of category “A1” very rarely end up in the army. All subparagraphs of category “A” (of which there are 4 in total) mean that the conscript is fully fit for the army;
  2. Category “B” means that the conscript can serve with some restrictions. Category “B4” is considered the last category under which a person can be drafted into the army on general terms;
  3. Category “B” means that the conscript is fit for non-combatant service;
  4. If the column on the military ID contains category “G”, this means that the conscript is undergoing treatment and it is temporarily impossible to determine his category. In such cases he is granted a reprieve;
  5. Category “D” is complete unsuitability for conscription into the army under any conditions.

To know which branches of the military a particular conscript is suitable for, there is a special scale that indicates all the necessary requirements for service in specific types of troops.

Illness schedule table

To determine the degree of suitability, there is a special table of illnesses. It contains three columns. Each column is intended for a specific group:

  1. The first column is the most popular. It is intended for conscripts and citizens of pre-conscription age;
  2. The second column is intended for military personnel and reserve personnel;
  3. The third column is intended for contract soldiers.

A knowledgeable person, guided by this table, can easily determine which fitness category is written on his military ID and what it means.

Detailed description of category "A"

Conscripts who received category “A” can be proud of their health. They are suitable for service in special forces or marines. This category is divided into 4 subgroups:

  1. Category “A1” is currently quite rare. To comply with it, the conscript must not only have ideal health, but also be suitable in terms of external indicators. The most severe selection takes place in the airborne troops. For example, the height of an applicant for category “A1” must be between 170 and 185 centimeters and weigh up to 90 kilograms. Naturally, vision and hearing indicators must also be ideal;
  2. The second degree “A2” is given to conscripts who fully correspond to category “A1”, but who previously suffered a serious illness or had fractures that did not lead to a deterioration in health. In fact, this subcategory is no different from category “A 1”, but you cannot get into the Airborne Forces with such a category. They won’t take her into the Marines either;
  3. The third degree “A3” implies minor health deviations. Most often these are minor visual impairments. Mostly, holders of this category serve in the internal, missile or chemical forces;
  4. The fourth degree of category “A” implies vision problems that exceed 20 degrees. Despite this, a conscript can serve in any army except those listed above. All other health indicators, except vision, must be ideal.

If previously it was quite difficult to correct vision, then with the advent of laser correction, a conscript can easily change his fitness category. For example, changing the fitness category from fourth to second is a fairly simple procedure.

Detailed description of category "B"

Category “B” is the most common among military personnel and conscripts. Since most of the conscripts have some kind of health deviation, all of them are assigned category “B”. This category is divided into four groups, similar to category “A”:

  1. Category “B1” is assigned if the conscript suffers from a mild degree of any disease or allergy. These diseases cannot affect the general physical condition of the serviceman, therefore, with this category they are taken into assault brigades and border guards;
  2. Category “B2” is practically no different from the first category, except that the conscript, in addition to minor health problems, may have a small percentage of vision loss. With this category they are not hired as submariners, but you can fully count on the surface fleet. You can also get into tank crews and engineering troops;
  3. With category "B3" you can count on signal troops, engineering or chemical troops. “B3” is assigned to conscripts with varying degrees of allergies, slight hearing and vision loss (more in percentage terms than with category “B2”);
  4. Category “B4” is characterized by residual effects from previously suffered injuries and illnesses. In addition, military personnel in this category may have insufficient weight and height, as well as problems with hearing and vision. Such people, as a rule, are sent to serve in a construction battalion (now these troops are called military construction units) or signal troops.

Description of category "B"

If you are assigned category “B”, then you will not get into the army. This article means that the conscript is partially fit for military service. This restriction means that you can only be called up for service in time of war. The article implies a significant loss of health, which makes military service impossible (which implies almost 24-hour readiness to fulfill the duty of service).

Description of category "G"

Fitness category “G” is inherently the most uncertain. A conscript who has received this category is given a deferment, since at the time of the examination he has an illness or injury that requires treatment. But this article should not be considered a verdict. After completing a course of treatment and rehabilitation, a new category is assigned during a second medical examination, taking into account the current condition of the conscript. These can be categories “B” or “B”. There are cases when, after a second examination, a conscript was given category “A”.

Description of category "D"

Category “D” is the equivalent of a “white ticket”. A conscript of this category is not fit for military service under any circumstances. If you have this category on your military ID, it is very difficult to obtain a driver’s license.

Is it possible to change the eligibility category?

A special challenge procedure is provided for this. It is sometimes very necessary to challenge a category, because it may create problems in the future when getting a job or when obtaining a driver's license.

To challenge the decision of the draft commission, you must submit an application requesting a re-examination. Based on the results of the new survey, it is possible to challenge the decision of the draft commission.

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I am interested in martial arts with weapons and historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are interested in military topics.

During the annual conscription at the military registration and enlistment office, all conscripts are assigned a health category. Often, a conscript is assigned category “B”. A modification of the category with the number “B-1”, “B-2”, “B-3” or “B-4” is always recorded in the personal file. What does this mark mean in the personal file and in which troops should the conscript prepare for military service?

Who can put category "B"?

The conscript goes through specialized doctors: an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a surgeon, a dermatologist and venereologist, a psychiatrist, a neurologist, a dentist and a therapist. In its work, the commission relies on the following documentation:

  • fluorography and ECG;

  • medical record from a medical institution;

  • blood and urine tests;

  • other documents and conclusions indicating diagnoses and examinations performed.

All medical specialists make notes on the state of health. If all specialists mark the conscript as fit for category “A”, and only one of them – for category “B”, then as a result, fitness for category “B” will be recorded in the personal file.

The law defines five categories of suitability. Each group is divided into subgroups with codes from 1 to 4. By the letter in the group you can judge how healthy the applicant is for active military service. These groups have the following designation:

  • category “A” - suitable without restrictions;

  • “B” - fit for military service with restrictions that relate to the determination of the type of troops;

  • - limited eligibility, in which case the conscript receives a military ID and goes into the reserve;

  • - temporarily unfit due to a deferment granted for certain diseases, with subsequent medical examination at the end of the deferment.

  • “D” - not suitable, and the citizen is removed from military registration.
determine whether the conscript can go to serve and what restrictions are subsequently imposed.

Which troops will they take?

This category is indicated in the citizen’s personal file and military ID in the case where the conscript has minor health impairments. Such disorders may include non-acute forms of chronic illnesses, and other deviations that do not impair the functioning of the systems and organs of the human body. The category has four subgroups. Let's consider each of them separately.

1) B – 1
The most convenient group is that a conscript is fit for anything, but there is always a place for personnel with such excellent health, mainly in the following branches of the military:

  • Airborne Forces;
  • Marines;
  • special forces of various departments and purposes;
  • border troops, units of the FSB of the Russian Federation;
  • other branches of the military, where the conscript may express a desire to go to serve.

As a rule, young men who have excellent physical training and documents for the assignment of sports qualifications get to serve here.

2) B – 2
Such conscripts are recommended to serve in the navy, automobile, engineering troops and the Strategic Missile Forces. You should read more in the appendix to the official document, which lists the criteria by which the commission can assign a fitness category.

3) B – 3
It includes almost all possible diseases for which they can be drafted into the army. The conscript is fit in all respects, but there can only be restrictions on physical activity. Citizens assigned to this group may be called up for service:

  • drivers;
  • to the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • RCBZ troops;
  • missile and anti-aircraft units;
  • motorized rifle troops;
  • other branches of the military where service with this health group is possible.
4) B – 4
Citizens who are not included in group B-3, but are fit for military service with severe restrictions on physical activity.

Whether or not you will be drafted into the army depends on what category the citizen will be assigned.

There are 5 main categories of suitability:

  • “A” - fit for military service;
  • “B” - fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • “B” - limited fit for military service;
  • “G” - temporarily unfit for military service;
  • "D" - not fit for military service.

(Clause 2, Article 5.1. Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”)

Let's look at each category separately.

Fitness category A.

Fitness category B.

Which specific branches of the military a citizen is fit for is indicated in the number following the letter B (for example, fitness category B3) - this is called the mission indicator. We will examine in more detail what type of troops each figure refers to at the very end of this article.

Fitness category B.

After receiving a military ID, there is no need for this citizen to prove the presence of non-conscription diseases in the future, because medical re-examination was canceled on January 1, 2005 by decree of President Putin.

Fitness category G.

With this category, a citizen is granted a deferment from conscription for a period of 6 months to 1 year (depending on the severity of the disease). At the end of the deferment, the citizen is subject to conscription on a general basis (i.e., a medical examination will need to be taken again as part of the conscription for military service).

Fitness category D.

There is no need for this citizen to prove the presence of non-conscript diseases in the future, because medical re-examination was canceled as of January 1, 2005.

Indicators of purpose B1, B2, B3, B4.

The indicator of assignment to military service, branch of the military, or military unit is determined in accordance with the Table of Additional Requirements for the State of Health of Citizens (Appendix to the Regulations on Military Medical Examination).

Category B1.

Special forces units, marines, airborne, air assault military units, border troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.

Category B2.

Submarines, submarines;

Drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based on tanks and tractors.

Category B3.

Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile launchers;

Other units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, guard units;

Chemical units, fuel refueling and storage specialists;

Anti-aircraft missile units;

Category B4.

Special facilities, security and defense specialists for combat missile systems;

Communication parts, radio engineering parts;

The rest of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.



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