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How to fry homemade sausage in a frying pan. Practical recommendations on how to fry homemade sausage in the oven

Kupaty are incredibly tasty and, thanks to the presence of a decent amount of seasonings and spices, aromatic plump sausages in a casing made of intestines. Kupaty is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine, but it is popular not only there, but also far beyond the borders of its native country.

Housewives usually prepare kupats themselves, but not everyone has the opportunity to obtain natural guts for them. That’s why it’s easier for many people to buy semi-finished products – ready-made frozen kupats, which all you need to do is fry them properly. You can fry it on the grill outdoors or in the oven or in a frying pan at home. Again, for those who do not always have the opportunity to get out into nature, we suggest using the last option and frying kupaty in a frying pan. The recipe with photos is as simple and detailed as possible, which will reveal all the secrets of preparing juicy, tender and kupaty. There's really nothing complicated about the frying process. You just have to try - and you will definitely succeed! With our step-by-step photo recipe you will do everything right.

Taste Info Meat main courses


  • Frozen kupaty – 1 pack;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 3/4 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns (black, allspice) – several pieces;
  • vegetable oil - for frying kupats.

How to cook kupaty in a frying pan

First of all, frozen kupaty must be properly defrosted. To do this, take them out of the freezer onto the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Then, when the sausages are defrosted, put them on the table and you can prepare the water for cooking. Pour salt into a convenient saucepan, throw in peppercorns and bay leaves. Pour water into a saucepan.

Next, put a saucepan of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. And when it boils, we put the baths in it. Pre-boiling is necessary in order to make the kupats even juicier and maximize their amazing aroma. Plus, during the cooking process, the kupats become denser and more elastic, which makes the frying process much more convenient.

We boil the kupaty for literally 3 minutes after the water boils, after which we place it in a colander, allowing the liquid to drain completely. If there is foam on the baths (during the cooking process it inevitably appears on the surface of the water), quickly wash it off with warm water.

Next, the kupaty needs to be dried in order to minimize splashes during frying, and the oil can be heated. Pour a little into the frying pan, heat it on the maximum heat of the stove, then reduce the heat to medium and fry the kupaty under a closed lid. While frying the kupaty, it is necessary to turn it quite often, literally every 30 seconds, so that they are fried as evenly as possible. Flip carefully, using either a spatula or two forks. It is important not to accidentally pierce their thin shell, which will cause the juice to start flowing out, and this will not only make the frying process terribly uncomfortable, but will also deprive the kupaty of its juiciness.

As soon as the kupats have reached the required level of browning, they are ready! To make them crispy on top, fry the kupats in a frying pan without a lid for the last seconds.

Remove them from the heat and serve while warm.

Fried kupaty goes especially well with herbs; you can also flavor them with tomato sauce to taste. Bon appetit!

After a long fast, Easter dishes seem especially satisfying and tasty. Abundant, hearty food for Easter is one of the principles of hospitable hosts. Diligent housewives and cooks are doing their best to prepare for this. The Easter menu is rich in meat dishes. What can you find here: home-made boiled pork, chicken rolls, pork baked with herbs, homemade sausage... By the way, about homemade sausage. Not many people can do it first-class. But this can be done by those who know the basic secrets of frying homemade sausage. Recipe for school-age children.

Easter dish (fried sausage) - Cooking secrets:

No frost and warm water.

If the sausage was prepared in advance by the housewife herself, or was purchased in advance and left in reserve in the refrigerator, it must be defrosted correctly. Do not try to defrost it in cold or, especially, hot water. The expanded fibers of the meat will contract and push out all the juices, so the sausage will be tough and dry. Even preliminary boiling before frying will not save it. The sausage must defrost completely and always naturally without external heat.

Frying pan and heat.

To everyone’s surprise, I will say that the most delicious fried homemade sausage is obtained if you put it in a cold frying pan. Don't be surprised, but this is true. If the pan is hot along with the oil and the heat is at maximum, the casing often bursts and the sausage falls apart. If you are lucky and it does not burst (apparently the filling with minced meat is too weak), then under the influence of instant high temperature the juice will flow out through the smallest holes. Again, the sausage will be dry inside. Therefore, pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into a cold frying pan and add sausage for frying.


As soon as the frying pan heats up, the first white sausage will begin not to fry, but to lightly simmer. This is because excess juice gradually flows out and evaporates. When there is no excess juice left in the sausage, it will begin to fry. It's time to turn it over to the other side. There is no need to add additional liquid.


The most delicious fried homemade sausage is juicy on the inside with a crispy crust on the outside. This can only be achieved if you do not cover the pan with a lid during frying, and after the excess liquid has evaporated, periodically after 3 minutes turn the sausage from one side to the other. Thus, the crust is uniform, golden and crispy.

Good day, my dear friends. Have you ever eaten kupaty? Until recently, I didn't know what it was. From minced meat or meatloaf in the oven. Now my men’s diet has been replenished with a new delicious dish. And this makes them very happy :) Today I’ll tell you how to cook kupaty in a frying pan.

This is minced meat with a lot of spices and garlic. The minced meat itself is placed in a natural casing. Externally, kupaty are very reminiscent of plump sausages - juicy, tender and incredibly tasty. They are also called homemade sausages.

By the way, kupats come from Georgia. Here they are prepared as a worthy alternative to shish kebab. But since every nation has adamant meat-eaters, this dish will appeal to many. And they can be made from chicken, pork, lamb, etc.

Hot spices give kupats a unique taste. In addition to black pepper, suneli hops, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, cumin or cilantro are usually added here

Another feature of truly Georgian kupats is the use of pork intestines when preparing sausages. A collagen substitute will not work; for this you only need a natural product.

How long to fry kupaty in a frying pan

If you are preparing a frozen product, be sure to defrost it before heat treatment. To do this, transfer the “sausages” from the freezer to the refrigerator. And then hold for 30 minutes at room temperature. If you want to defrost quickly, put them in a pan with lukewarm water.

How long to fry sausages largely depends on the method of their preparation. Let's look at the cooking options:

  1. To prevent the natural casing of the sausages from bursting and the kupats to acquire their characteristic shape, first boil the delicacy. It is enough to boil them for about 4 minutes. Just don't pierce it under any circumstances! Otherwise, your juicy sausage will turn into a dry cutlet. And then fry the kupats over medium heat for about 10 minutes, turning the sausages periodically.
  2. Another option is to first boil (that is, blanch) the delicacy in a frying pan over low heat. You need to add enough water so that the bottom of the vessel is completely covered. During heat treatment, be sure to turn the sausages on one side or the other. When the water has completely evaporated, add a few tablespoons to the bowl. oils Fry the kupats for 5 minutes on each side (the vessel should be covered with a lid). And then cook for another 10 minutes without a lid.
  3. Frying kupats cut into circles in sauce. At the same time, the sauce can be very varied - to suit your taste.

If you want to get a delicacy with an appetizing crust, turn up the heat a couple of minutes before it’s ready. You can also spread the sausages with ketchup or your favorite sauce. This will give them a spicy taste.

How to fry kupaty on a grill pan

How to cook kupaty with potatoes in a frying pan in the oven

First boil the sausages in salted water. Cooking time is a couple of minutes. Then the frying pan with the kupats is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. In this case, they need to be wrapped in foil in advance. I recommend wrapping each sausage individually with a few pieces of potato. It will look like you are putting them in a bag. 🙂 Moreover, the edges of the “bag” should be at the top.

To make the delicacy tasty, I advise you to cook the “sausages” in foil for the first 15 minutes. Then open each aluminum “bag” and continue baking until done. Also periodically baste the sausages with the fat released by the baked kupaty. This way they will turn out much juicier and more tender.

How to make baths at home

You can also cook store-bought sausages: today buying semi-finished products is not a problem. But you must agree, friends, that home-made food tastes much better. That's why I want to show you how to make them yourself.

The recipe for the delicacy is as follows:

  • 1.5 kilos of meat;
  • 300 grams of lard;
  • 2 larger onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 2.5-3 m of pork intestine;
  • salt + spices to your taste.

Carefully inspect the pork intestines - they should be scraped out well. Never clean the intestines with a knife blade. Perform this operation using the back of a kitchen knife. This is the only way the shell will remain intact.

Turn out the casings and carefully peel them with a knife. Then rinse the intestines, rub them inside and out with salt and rinse again. And then soak the natural shell in water and start filling.

Finely chop the lard and meat with a kitchen knife or pass through a meat grinder. Only in the second case use a larger nozzle. Chop the onion and garlic too. Combine everything into one mixture. Salt and add spices. Then mix the ingredients thoroughly, add water and mix the mass thoroughly again.

Next, tie one end of the intestine and insert a funnel into the other or put it on a special attachment. You can do it yourself. For this you will need a plastic two-liter bottle. Cut off the bottom of such a container. Place the prepared natural casing on the neck. And fill the bottle itself with minced meat. Then carefully fill the shell with minced meat. From time to time, pat the intestines - this is necessary to release excess air.

And also, do not stuff the shell too tightly with minced meat. Otherwise, during heat treatment, the sausage will burst like a balloon. Every 15 cm, tie up the intestine and start filling a new sausage.

That's it: homemade semi-finished products are ready. Now you can either fry them or freeze them for future use.

What is the best way to serve ready-made kupaty?

Serve the finished sausages hot. Sprinkle them with chopped cilantro on top. Tkemali, satsebeli and spicy adjika go well with this delicacy. Salads made from fresh vegetables and pickles also go well with sausages. And lavash is a must. Everything is as it should be according to “Caucasian traditions”.

My dear readers, I sincerely hope that today you learned something new and useful. , and your knowledge will increase day by day. I say goodbye to you: see you again, friends!

Good day, my dear friends. Have you ever eaten kupaty? Until recently, I didn't know what it was. I used minced meat to make homemade cutlets or meatloaf in the oven. Now my men’s diet has been replenished with a new delicious dish. And this makes them very happy :) Today I’ll tell you how to cook kupaty in a frying pan.

This is minced meat with a lot of spices and garlic. The minced meat itself is placed in a natural casing. Externally, kupaty are very reminiscent of plump sausages - juicy, tender and incredibly tasty. They are also called homemade sausages.

By the way, kupats come from Georgia. Here they are prepared as a worthy alternative to shish kebab. But since every nation has adamant meat-eaters, this dish will appeal to many. And they can be made from chicken, pork, lamb, etc.

Hot spices give kupats a unique taste. In addition to black pepper, suneli hops, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, cumin or cilantro are usually added here

Another feature of truly Georgian kupats is the use of pork intestines when preparing sausages. A collagen substitute will not work; for this you only need a natural product.

How long to fry kupaty in a frying pan

If you are preparing a frozen product, be sure to defrost it before heat treatment. To do this, transfer the “sausages” from the freezer to the refrigerator. And then hold for 30 minutes at room temperature. If you want to defrost quickly, put them in a pan with lukewarm water.

How long to fry sausages largely depends on the method of their preparation. Let's look at the cooking options:

  1. To prevent the natural casing of the sausages from bursting and the kupats to acquire their characteristic shape, first boil the delicacy. It is enough to boil them for about 4 minutes. Just don't pierce it under any circumstances! Otherwise, your juicy sausage will turn into a dry cutlet. And then fry the kupats over medium heat for about 10 minutes, turning the sausages periodically.
  2. Another option is to first boil (that is, blanch) the delicacy in a frying pan over low heat. You need to add enough water so that the bottom of the vessel is completely covered. During heat treatment, be sure to turn the sausages on one side or the other. When the water has completely evaporated, add a few tablespoons to the bowl. oils Fry the kupats for 5 minutes on each side (the vessel should be covered with a lid). And then cook for another 10 minutes without a lid.
  3. Frying kupats cut into circles in sauce. At the same time, the sauce can be very varied - to suit your taste.

If you want to get a delicacy with an appetizing crust, turn up the heat a couple of minutes before it’s ready. You can also spread the sausages with ketchup or your favorite sauce. This will give them a spicy taste.

How to fry kupaty on a grill pan

How to cook kupaty with potatoes in a frying pan in the oven

First boil the sausages in salted water. Cooking time is a couple of minutes. Then the frying pan with the kupats is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. In this case, they need to be wrapped in foil in advance. I recommend wrapping each sausage individually with a few pieces of potato. It will look like you are putting them in a bag. 🙂 Moreover, the edges of the “bag” should be at the top.

To make the delicacy tasty, I advise you to cook the “sausages” in foil for the first 15 minutes. Then open each aluminum “bag” and continue baking until done. Also periodically baste the sausages with the fat released by the baked kupaty. This way they will turn out much juicier and more tender.

How to make baths at home

You can also cook store-bought sausages: today buying semi-finished products is not a problem. But you must agree, friends, that home-made food tastes much better. That's why I want to show you how to make them yourself.

The recipe for the delicacy is as follows:

  • 1.5 kilos of meat;
  • 300 grams of lard;
  • 2 larger onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 2.5-3 m of pork intestine;
  • salt + spices to your taste.

Carefully inspect the pork intestines - they should be scraped out well. Never clean the intestines with a knife blade. Perform this operation using the back of a kitchen knife. This is the only way the shell will remain intact.

Turn out the casings and carefully peel them with a knife. Then rinse the intestines, rub them inside and out with salt and rinse again. And then soak the natural shell in water and start filling.

Finely chop the lard and meat with a kitchen knife or pass through a meat grinder. Only in the second case use a larger nozzle. Chop the onion and garlic too. Combine everything into one mixture. Salt and add spices. Then mix the ingredients thoroughly, add water and mix the mass thoroughly again.

Next, tie one end of the intestine and insert a funnel into the other or put it on a special attachment. You can do it yourself. For this you will need a plastic two-liter bottle. Cut off the bottom of such a container. Place the prepared natural casing on the neck. And fill the bottle itself with minced meat. Then carefully fill the shell with minced meat. From time to time, pat the intestines - this is necessary to release excess air.

And also, do not stuff the shell too tightly with minced meat. Otherwise, during heat treatment, the sausage will burst like a balloon. Every 15 cm, tie up the intestine and start filling a new sausage.

That's it: homemade semi-finished products are ready. Now you can either fry them or freeze them for future use.

What is the best way to serve ready-made kupaty?

Serve the finished sausages hot. Sprinkle them with chopped cilantro on top. Tkemali, satsebeli and spicy adjika go well with this delicacy. Salads made from fresh vegetables and pickles also go well with sausages. And lavash is a must. Everything is as it should be according to “Caucasian traditions”.

My dear readers, I sincerely hope that today you learned something new and useful. Subscribe to updates, and your knowledge will increase day by day. I say goodbye to you: see you again, friends!

I really love homemade sausage. I remember when, as a child, my parents slaughtered a pig and the whole family made sausages. Now everything is much simpler. After all, you can buy not only minced pork, but also raw sausage ready for cooking. It just needs to be fried. But this is not complete without little cooking secrets. I am sharing a proven recipe with step-by-step photos of how to properly prepare homemade sausage in a frying pan.

So we need:

  • raw pork sausage - 1 ring;
  • water - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley - for decoration.

If you decide to make the sausage yourself, then you will have to sprinkle the minced pork with spices and salt, mix and stuff the intestine with minced meat, tying it on the sides with thread. You can just buy already stuffed raw sausage in the meat department, which you just need to cook correctly. I chose the second option and bought a semi-finished product.

How to fry homemade sausage in a frying pan

Place the sausage in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Reduce the heat a little and pierce the sausage with a toothpick in different places. This way, the juice from the sausage will flow out of the holes and the sausage casing will not burst due to the large amount of liquid inside.

Fry the sausage on both sides until nicely golden.

Add a couple of tablespoons of water, preferably hot, to the pan. Simmer the sausage with the lid closed until the water evaporates.

Remove the ring onto a paper napkin or towel. Dip on top to remove as much excess fat as possible.

Sausage can be served either warm or cold. If you decide to use fried homemade sausage as a cold appetizer, you should let it cool and only then cut it.

When serving the sausage, cut into small pieces, you can garnish it with a sprig of herbs.



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