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How to test watermelon for nitrates at home. How to choose watermelon without nitrates at a retail outlet? What does a watermelon with saltpeter look like?

There is about a week left before the official start of the watermelon selling season, but unauthorized trade in melons on the streets of Moscow has been going on since mid-July. Consumers are outraged not only by the high price, but also by the quality of the fruit: watermelons that are artificially ripened with the help of nitrates pose a health hazard.

At the same time, sellers of watermelon crumbles in most cases cannot present either a trade permit or quality certificates.

The permit to trade melons will be valid from August 1. The Moscow Department of Consumer Market and Services explained that it is not recommended to buy watermelons before this date - it is better to wait until the end of summer, when they are definitely ripe.

The number of melon fields in the capital this summer will be almost two times less compared to last year. - total 450 . In addition, retail outlets will operate according to new rules. Sellers are required to work in special clothing, carry a medical book and documents confirming the quality of the products.

Where to choose watermelons

In Moscow, the sale of melons “from the ground” is prohibited. Retail outlets should be equipped with mesh chests and special scales instead of household, medical and postal scales. Sellers should not cut and sell watermelons and melons in parts, as slices.

In addition, visual information about the operating hours of the retail outlet and the legal address of the trading organization must be placed on the tray or spreader.

To protect yourself, it is best not to buy watermelons at “spontaneous” stores, where the products are not checked by sanitary services, and always ask if they have documents. And even more so, you should not buy at roadside stands: there the products absorb toxins.

Some producers stimulate the ripening of melons nitrogen fertilizers, which leads to the accumulation of nitrates in watermelons. The consequences of their use can be severe - acute infectious poisoning or chronic intoxication, which doctors call the “cumulative effect.”

How to identify a nitrate "bomb"

It is impossible to identify a nitrate watermelon by eye unless it is cut. You should not even try the berry if its pulp is riddled with yellow or light yellow fibers or has a purple tint.

If you soak the pulp of a nitrate watermelon in water, it will turn red or pink due to the increased content of nitrates. A “healthy” watermelon will make the water slightly cloudy.

If you tap on a nitrate watermelon, it feels like you're hitting a deflated ball. Such a watermelon may look ripe, but if it doesn’t crack when squeezed, it means it’s not ripe without someone else’s “help.”

What a watermelon should look like without flaws

There is a widespread belief that a large watermelon is “nitrate”. This is not true: for example, for the “chill” variety, 10-20 kilograms is far from the limit.

An ideal watermelon should be large enough, not very heavy and with a clearly defined striped pattern. In order to determine the natural ripeness of a watermelon, first of all you need to pay attention to the stalk - the tail at the top of the fruit should be dry.

The purchased watermelon should not have cuts or cracks - through which microbes that cause intestinal infections get inside.

There is a myth that a ripe watermelon should ring if you slap it with your palm. In fact, the sound depends on whether the flesh inside has softened or not. It is the green fruit that will ring, but a ripe watermelon should be dull.

The cracking sound that a watermelon makes when you squeeze it with your hands is a good sign. You can safely buy such a product.

The soil spot on the bottom of the side should preferably be yellow, not white.

And one last thing. A ripe watermelon can be easily scratched - by running your fingernail over it, you can easily remove upper layer peel.

When choosing a melon, experts advise paying attention to the aroma that its peel should exude, the softness that is felt to the touch, and the absence of light brown spots.

What to do in case of “nitrate” poisoning

In addition to nitrates, watermelons may contain microbes and even heavy metals. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to drink as much water as possible to prevent dehydration and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Is watermelon good for you?

There is conflicting information about the benefits of watermelons. Some say that watermelon fiber contains potassium, which is washed out of the body when taking diuretics. Therefore, it is recommended to consume watermelons for diseases such as cystitis and nephritis.

At the same time, there is an opinion that although all melons contain fiber, it is poorly absorbed, loading the stomach. That is why doctors advise children and elderly people over 50 years old to refuse juicy fruits.

The material was prepared by the online editors of www.rian.ru based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

An amazing berry that can be difficult to tear yourself away from, has a pleasant sweet taste, perfectly quenches thirst and contains a great variety of useful vitamins and elements - perfect for summer. However, difficulties may arise when purchasing a watermelon, because every year more and more unscrupulous sellers appear who offer for sale not only tasteless fruits, but also often downright dangerous due to their high nitrate content. Therefore, in order not to spoil your summer meal and please yourself with the most appetizing pulp, you should know some of the subtleties of choosing a ripe watermelon.

Choosing a high-quality, ripe watermelon is important not only because of its taste, but also because useful substances in its composition. The more natural the product, the more benefits it will bring to your body.

The berries contain vitamins B, A, C, E, as well as iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Watermelon has such beneficial properties as cleansing the liver and kidneys, improving metabolism, lowering cholesterol and generally strengthening the body.

Note! A high content of nitrates can harm the body and negate everything beneficial features berries, so it is very important to choose good quality products.

Every person wants to eat only natural, first-class and healthy products. But unfortunately, some sellers use various tricks to sell low-quality goods and make more profit. To prevent this situation from happening when purchasing a striped berry, you should know some of the signs of a ripe watermelon and recommendations for choosing the fruit.

Video: how to choose ripe, tasty and sweet watermelon

These tips will help you choose the right sweet, ripe and healthy watermelon:

Tip #1. Pay careful attention to the appearance of the fetus. It should not have any cracks, dents, scratches or other damage. Otherwise, the damage can become a convenient “entry” for germs and bacteria. The berry should have contrasting, bright stripes. The crust should be shiny and not matte. As a rule, ripe watermelons have a hard rind that is not easy to pierce with a fingernail.

Tip #2. Please note the date. When grown naturally without chemicals, the fruits ripen in the second half of August and until the end of September. Try not to buy fruits over early dates, because unscrupulous producers stuff the plant with growth stimulants and chemical fertilizers for early ripening.

Tip #3. Go by size. You should not choose a fruit that is too large (perhaps it is “stuffed” with chemicals) or too small berries (there is a big risk of choosing immature product).

Tip #4. A ripe watermelon should have a yellow or orange spot. This means that the fruit ripened naturally in the fields and came into contact with the ground, absorbing the warm rays of the sun. In a normal fetus, the size of the spot should be about five to ten centimeters. But you should not choose a product with a white spot, it indicates that the berries were not allowed to ripen in the melon field!

Tip #5. There is an opinion that watermelons can be “girls” and “boys”. It is believed that girls are the most delicious fruits and they have fewer seeds. Male berries are slightly larger in size, and their lower part is convex and has a small spot. In female specimens, the lower part is most often flat, flattened, and the spot is larger.

Tip #6. When choosing a watermelon, it is highly not recommended to cut a piece of pulp from the fruit to determine ripeness. After all, by the time you transport the fruit home and start eating, microbes can multiply in it.

Tip #7. Buy berries in the right places. More detailed information on this issue awaits you below.

Tip #8. If you want to choose a safe, tasty ripe watermelon without nitrates, you You should check with the seller whether he has a certificate for the product. If the seller does not have such a certificate, then you should doubt the quality of the product and look for another point of sale of juicy berries. Also, early sales of watermelons may indicate a high content of harmful substances.

Tip #9. Carefully examine the stalk (that is, the tail) of the fruit. A high-quality, ripe watermelon should have a yellow, dry tail. The presence of a sluggish, greenish stalk indicates the immaturity of the fruit. A very dry tail may indicate that the product is overripe or spoiled. Some sellers want to cheat and cut off the tail to sell low-quality goods.

Tip #10. Identify a ripe watermelonsound will help. When tapping or clicking ripe watermelon should make calls th sound j. Although there are experts who claim that ripe berries should have a dull sound . And some believe that sound, in general, is not able to help check a watermelon for ripeness, since watering affects the dullness or ringing of the sound - if the fruits were well watered before harvesting, then they will be ringing, if watering was not carried out, then they will be dull.

Video: how to choose a ripe watermelon: signs of sweetness

How to test watermelon for nitrates at home

Unfortunately, it is difficult to choose a ripe watermelon without nitrates, because it is almost impossible to independently check the fruit for their content when purchasing, unless, of course, you have a special device that determines nitrates - a nitrate meter. But you can conduct a small experiment at home and understand whether the product is worth eating or not.

There are several signs indicating a high nitrate content in watermelon:

  1. The berry contains white or yellow veins, as well as compactions in the pulp.
  2. When a fruit is immersed in water, it sinks to the bottom and does not float up (a quality product should float up).
  3. Place a small amount of pulp in water for about 15 minutes. If the liquid turns bright pink or red, it means the berry has a high nitrate content. And if the water becomes a little cloudy or pale pink, then the berry is of high quality.

Advice! The highest concentration of nitrates in the berry is near the rind, so you should not bite the watermelon in these places.

Where is the best place to buy watermelons?

It is important not only to be able to choose the right ripe watermelon, but also to buy a valuable food product in the right places, the quality of the product largely depends on this. When choosing the place where you plan to buy a treat, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is highly not recommended to choose watermelon at points of sale near highways, as melons absorb heavy metals and other harmful substances in the exhaust gases.
  • Berries should be stored in clean trays, and they should be neatly arranged.
  • Avoid points of sale where watermelons are laid out on the floor and may come into contact with dust and dirt.
  • The seller must have a full set of documents necessary for sales, and have a medical record.
  • It is not recommended to buy food products at spontaneous markets; it is better to give preference to special stores and fairs.

You can determine the ripeness of a watermelon at the market or in a store without any problems, knowing only a few recommendations and exact signs of ripeness. The main thing is not to rush into buying, because it’s better to wait and buy tasty and delicious food during the season. useful product, rather than purchasing it much earlier than the usual ripening period and eating a harmful delicacy stuffed with chemicals. Happy shopping and delicious watermelons!

Video: how to choose a watermelon and test for nitrates with your own hands at home

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It's no secret that today many farmers use various chemicals when growing crops, which allow them to get an excellent harvest, but the taste of such fruits will be far from ideal.

We will tell you how to identify nitrate watermelon, the consumption of which can be harmful to your health. Let's also talk about what they pump up and how to avoid buying a poisoned fruit.

Harm of nitrates to the body

Nitrate fertilizers are a kind of growth accelerators that allow watermelons and other fruits to bear fruit well even on soils poor in microelements. The problem is that such nitrates accumulate in ripening fruits, impairing their taste and making fruits and vegetables hazardous to human health.

In the human body, nitrates in watermelon break down into toxic nitroamines and nitrites, which affect mucous membranes and reduce hemoglobin levels. This results in drowsiness, upset stomach and dizziness. In case of severe poisoning, even heart problems and even death are possible. That is why it is necessary to be extremely careful when choosing the watermelons you purchase.

First of all, you should pay attention to the location of the outlet where you buy sweet watermelons. Under no circumstances should you make a purchase near busy roads or near roadways. It is in such places, as they call them, that they sell fruits that are grown using chemicals. And the berry itself has the ability to absorb various toxic substances, and near highways there will be quite a few such toxins.

Take a close look not only at the fruit you have chosen, but also at the average size of watermelons sold. If all the fruits have a large mass, this is a reason to think about what they were grown on, that they have grown so large in size. Often, increased fruit size is a sign of the use of nitrates and other chemicals when growing crops. You should not try to purchase the largest fruit possible. Give preference to medium-sized berries, which also have a great juicy taste. But large specimens are not always so sweet and juicy.

Dirty and unwashed watermelons with nitrates are also a breeding ground for germs and E. coli. Of course, you should not expect laboratory purity from the products sold, but still, dirty fruit with incomprehensible stains should make you think about the advisability of purchasing at a specific retail outlet. Remember that before eating fruit at home, it must be thoroughly rinsed under warm water.

What else do you need to know

When choosing a watermelon, experts recommend squeezing it lightly with both hands and listening to the sounds the ripe fruit makes. If a characteristic crack is heard and a feeling is created that the watermelon is about to burst, this may indicate a despised fruit or great content it contains nitrates. It is best to avoid buying such watermelon with nitrates.

Another characteristic feature of nitrate watermelons is the peeling skin, which can be easily removed by scratching the fruit with a fingernail. Remember that a well-ripened, tasty and juicy fruit, grown without the use of chemicals, will have a strong peel that cannot be scratched with a fingernail, but nitrate watermelons cannot boast of this.

If you can see the freshly cut pulp of the watermelon you have chosen, then it will tell you as accurately as possible whether a particular fruit was grown using chemicals and nitrates. In well-ripened specimens, the color of the pulp is uneven with white and dark white fibers. But nitrate watermelons have veins and areas of color with pronounced compactions, the thickness of which can reach 2 centimeters. Therefore, if in the cut you see yellow fibers or a deep red color of the pulp with a purple tint, you should refuse to purchase.

Also pay attention to the place where the watermelon is freshly cut. If grains of juice do not stand out on it, and the cut itself is perfectly smooth, this indicates an increased content of toxins. Such watermelon with nitrates can be hazardous to health and should not be purchased.

Important to remember

Remember that today it is difficult to find vegetables and fruits that are grown without the use of chemicals at all. The question is whether they were used correctly in compliance with the dosages (which makes it possible to grow high-quality, tasty and completely safe watermelons for consumption), or whether such fertilizer was used uncontrollably, and this already makes such a harvest simply dangerous to human health. It is known that nitrates and other chemicals accumulate near the peel, so we can recommend that you cut off a three-centimeter layer of pulp from the peel, and eat the pulp from the very center, where it is as sweet and juicy as possible.

It would also be a good idea to purchase an inexpensive electric nitrate meter, which allows you to accurately determine the content of these dangerous microelements in various vegetables and fruits. Such devices do not cost too much, while their benefits when choosing watermelons and other fruits are beyond doubt.

Be sure to follow the measure and do not eat to your fill with the purchased watermelon. You should not eat the entire two to three kilogram fruit in a day.

It’s better to buy a small watermelon and spread it over several days. Fortunately, it can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

What do watermelons pump up with?

When growing fruits, not only nitrogen nitrates are used, but also urea and other chemicals, which can significantly shorten the period of fruit ripening. It is also not uncommon for watermelons to be pumped with potassium permanganate, which improves appearance ripened fruits. That is why you should not purchase berries whose flesh has a characteristic red color. This may indicate the use of potassium permanganate and nitrates.

Choose the right berries, which will allow you to purchase a juicy, tasty fruit that will not contain dangerous nitrates and other chemicals harmful to the human body.

The juicy, sweet berry is the second favorite product after strawberries and raspberries. Fresh watermelon is good in hot weather. But it is valued not only for its refreshing properties. Watermelon pulp is a storehouse of useful substances necessary for our health. The low-calorie, water-saturated fruit quenches thirst, saturates, and heals the body of both adults and children.

The nutritional value

100 g of watermelon juice contains 89 g of water and dissolved inorganic substances. In 100 g piece of pulp:

  • Calorie content – ​​27-30 kcal,
  • Carbohydrates – 6-10 g,
  • Fat – 01-0.2 g,
  • Proteins – 0.6.

Watermelon contains a complete group of vitamins. In first place is vitamin C (7 mg), in second place is PP (0.2 mg), and in third place is vitamin A (0.1 mg). The berry also contains macro- and microelements. More potassium and magnesium, followed by sodium, phosphorus, iron and other substances.

Organic acids, folic acid, lycopene. In addition, pectin, fiber, easily digestible ash, soft insoluble alimentary fiber– make watermelon a valuable health product.

B vitamins put you in order nervous system, prevent dandruff and acne.

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and delays aging.

Vitamin PP helps eliminate fatigue, improve sleep and mood.

Normal absorption of vitamins and minerals is ensured by magnesium, of which 60% per 100 g. This substance calms irritability, helps muscles work, relieving pain, and nerves.

The cardiovascular system works normally thanks to the potassium in watermelon. The vascular walls are strengthened, the heart muscle is protected from heart attack, and blood pressure is normalized.

Due to the diuretic effect it is excreted excess liquid, weight decreases by 1-2 kg, eliminates swelling. In addition, it is a laxative, choleretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Filling the stomach with water and sweetness, it gives a feeling of fullness.

When eating watermelon, the kidneys and urinary tract are not irritated and thrombosis is prevented.

Doctors advise including watermelon varieties with pink flesh in the diet of patients with gout, diabetes, sclerosis, and digestive problems.

Simultaneous consumption with acid-free white bread cleanses the kidneys and liver after treatment with medications. Removes harmful substances from the body in case of poisoning, helps dissolve kidney stones.

Watermelon contains lycopene, a substance that supports vision in older people.

The benefits of watermelon for women

  1. Folic acid (8 mcg per 100 g) is important for pregnant women.
  2. The functional systems of the body are rejuvenated.
  3. Milk lactation increases in nursing mothers.
  4. Watermelon juice moisturizes the skin.
  5. Watermelon mask refreshes and tones.
  6. When rubbed with crusts, the moisture of the skin returns, which again becomes elastic.
  7. Applying pulp to sunburn reduces pain.

Contraindications and harm of watermelon

Excessive consumption of watermelon is manifested by nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia and bloating. Excess potassium in the blood will cause cardiac arrhythmia and disruption of the muscular system.

You should not eat this berry at the same time as pickles to avoid swelling.

Should be used with caution sweet product for diabetics.

Lycopene, interacting with alcohol, inflames the liver.

Oversaturation of the body with water increases blood volume, causing swelling and weakening the functioning of the kidneys.

Fans of growing and eating watermelons offer ways to determine the quality of the berry, but not all of them help.

Correct criteria for choosing a ripe fruit:


Depending on the variety, watermelons reach 20-30 kg, so it’s worth choosing a medium-sized one. Small fruits are unripe. If the fruit looks lighter than it appears in size, it is ripe.

This place was not touched by the sun's rays when the watermelon was lying in the garden bed. The brighter yellow, the riper the watermelon. A larger mark indicates less juiciness and sugar content.

Surface of the rind of a ripe watermelon

The crust is free of cracks, dents, cuts and rotten areas. Bacteria, in the juicy and nutritious pulp, multiply in 1 day. It is worth buying a whole watermelon, not cut ones. If the fruit was cut when purchased, then this is done only with a clean knife and such watermelon is not stored for a long time.

Identification by sound

When you tap the peel of a ripe berry, it responds with a ringing, booming sound, while an unripe or overripe one that has soured makes a dull sound. Ripeness is also determined by a slight cracking sound when squeezed.

Color and structure of pulp

Scarlet contents indicate nitrates or overripeness of the fruit. A good watermelon has porous, granular, pinkish flesh. The seeds are black or dark brown. Unripe berries, or those filled with nitrates, contain a lot of white seeds.

Ripening time

Ripe and sweet watermelons appear in mid-August.

Drawing on the crust

Ripe - with contrasting bright stripes of rich color on a shiny surface. Between the strips there are distances equal to the width of the strip or more. Difficult to cut through or scratch the crust. When damaged, the surface smells like fresh grass.

Unripe fruits have cloudy stains and a matte coating. The peel is easily damaged; it can even be scratched with a fingernail.

Female or male gender

Watermelons made from female flowers are considered sweeter. The "girls" have a bottom, a place with reverse side from the tail, with a flat and large spot, like a 5 ruble coin, in contrast to the convex and small spot in the male fetus.

There are 1 in 20 female watermelons. In fact, the fruits are not divided into male and female, since they all grow exclusively from female inflorescences. The size of the spot is affected by the size of the flower.

Dry tail

The stem dries out within 3 days after cutting, so a watermelon with such a tail that has been growing for 3-5 days will turn out to be a green specimen. It is worth paying attention to whether the fruit is cut or broken off.

Sales requirements

You should never buy a watermelon from a tent next to the road.

Street trading rules:

  • a canopy that protects the goods from direct exposure to the sun;
  • not next to the roadway;
  • storage on a pallet located 20 cm above the ground.

Required: available certificate for each batch of goods.

How to test watermelon for nitrates

Harmful substances accumulate in the crust, capturing the adjacent pulp.

Pouring boiling water over the fetus and rinsing it in running water will help protect the body.

When there is a rich color around a piece of pulp, taken next to the peel and placed in water, and then pale, there are more nitrates than acceptable. A clean watermelon will have a slightly pinkish color from the juice.

Watermelon is a berry loved by many, which combines beneficial qualities and amazing taste. However, everything useful characteristics The benefits of this berry are nullified if a large amount of nitrates is found in the product itself. Therefore, choosing a good product that is not spoiled by hazardous substances is very important. In this article we will tell you how to detect nitrates in watermelon and how to distinguish a nitrate watermelon from a healthy one.

Why are nitrates dangerous?

Nitrates are substances that are widely used in agriculture, they are mainly found in fertilizers. Strictly speaking, there are no products that do not contain them at all. In small quantities they do not pose a danger to humans, but if their levels in a product are high, they pose a threat to the consumer.

Nitrates themselves are not dangerous, but when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they turn into nitrites, which are very dangerous for our body. These are salts of nitric acid that can cause oxygen starvation in the tissues of our body. They can also provoke problems with the thyroid gland or cause food poisoning (diarrhea can be a direct consequence of consuming foods with high level

these substances).

Verification methods

So, how do you test watermelon for nitrates? There are several ways to do this. You can carry out the procedure in a laboratory using special equipment, or you can try to determine on your own whether the amount of nitrates in the berries exceeds the permissible level. There is a special device called a nitrate meter, with which the maximum possible precise definition the level of these substances in the product. However, despite the high efficiency, the price is quite high. Therefore, you can use some traditional methods

, which also turn out to be very effective.

The question “how to test a watermelon for nitrates at home” is answered differently, since there are really many methods. The first of them (and the simplest) is to place the berry in a container of water. If it floats up, it means that the watermelon is very good and of high quality, but if the fruit sinks, it contains a very large amount of nitrates.

In addition, the high content of these substances is indicated by the presence of white veins on the pulp of the berry.

Another way to identify watermelon with nitrates is to cut a slice from it and place it in a plate filled with water. If after ten minutes the water becomes slightly cloudy and has acquired a pinkish tint, then everything is in order.

But if it changes color to a bright pink (even slightly purple) color, you urgently need to get rid of the fruit. In addition, let us remind you that the berry itself must be washed very thoroughly before consumption and do not forget that the places where nitrates accumulate, as a rule, are the peel. Therefore, when consuming fruits directly, you should not eat them to the very crust - this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Above we described methods that will tell you how to determine the high content of toxic substances in a berry when it is already on your table. However, you can try to do this before purchasing to be sure that you will bring home a healthy and tasty watermelon.

How to distinguish a high-quality watermelon from a low-quality one? The signs of healthy fruits are as follows: firstly, the stem of the berry should be dry; secondly, the striped pattern that covers the surface of the watermelon must be clearly defined; thirdly, a small earthen spot may appear on the side of the berry. In addition, the surface of the fruit should be shiny and there should not be any matte coating on it.

In addition, you should only purchase such products in trusted places, in specialized markets or stores, in order to be sure of the quality of the berries. First of all, you should pay attention to how they are stored. They should be placed in clean boxes and not lying around on a dirty floor. In addition, it is important that the fruits are whole - if you buy a cracked or bruised fruit, you take a significant risk. Also, healthy watermelons are distinguished by the fact that when you tap them, you can hear a distinct dull sound. Ripe fruits reach quite large sizes (for their variety, of course), but when weighed they are not very heavy.

Don't buy berries too early. Until mid-July, there is a high probability of purchasing nitrate fruits. But if you buy them already in mid-August or even in September, you won’t even need to worry about the products containing harmful substances. Good sellers They will always be able to provide you with documents confirming the quality of their goods, so do not hesitate to ask about them. In addition, they can always cut off a small piece of watermelon to try. A good fruit has grainy flesh (however, too grainy flesh indicates that the product is overripe), and when cut, you can see white fibers.

If the fibers have a yellowish tint, this indicates that the fruit is most likely nitrate. A normal watermelon has pink flesh, so if the product you're looking at has bright red flesh, there may only be a few options. Either this is some specific variety in which it is painted in such a bright color (in this case, it is better to clarify where such a product was brought from), or (and this is much more likely) the proposed product contains a truly huge amount of nitrates. Never hesitate to ask questions to the seller, because your health depends on the quality of their product.

Video “Testing watermelon for nitrates at home”

From this video you will learn how to test a watermelon for nitrates at home.



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