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What amnesties came into force this year? State Duma deputies announced a decision on amnesty

Quite a lot of people are interested in the 2017 amnesty. Of course, there are two opinions on such a law. Some believe that criminals should serve their sentences in full, but others, mainly the families of victims, consider this law to be quite acceptable. Of course, not all categories of citizens can be released. It is also worth considering the fact that most people are in prison by mistake, and they are really not guilty. So what will happen in 2017?


One of the prerequisites for the amnesty is the reduction in the number of employees of the penitentiary system over the past two years. Their number in 2015 decreased by 27 thousand people. At the same time, many people who have committed minor crimes are serving their sentences.

The current budget policy also plays an important role: in conditions of large savings, about 100,000 rubles per prisoner are spent on paying for food and supplies. The Human Rights Council estimates that 200,000 people need to be released. Back in 2000, the same number of prisoners were included in the amnesty. Such plans did not provoke a sharp rise in crime in Russia.

Amnesty in 2017

Of course, 2017 is not soon yet, and it is too early to talk about amnesty. Many hope that the law will come into force as soon as possible. Only over the years the articles themselves have not changed. For the most part, the amnesty affects the interests of those people who have committed an administrative offense with unexpired fines. Several categories of citizens can be released from prison. These include:

  • combatants who served sentences of up to five years;
  • pregnant women and women who have minor children or disabled children;
  • people who committed a crime for the first time;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • women and men of retirement age;
  • people who suffer from serious illnesses that prevent them from serving their sentences, and so on.

As for the full list of categories of convicts, they can be seen in the Draft Resolution on the Amnesty. The draft also says to release those convicted on probation from punishment. In addition, the Project also promises to terminate proceedings in cases for which the punishment did not involve imprisonment.

But count on amnesty for this and next years Those categories of convicts who have committed particularly serious or serious crimes cannot:

  • espionage;
  • murder;
  • banditry;
  • rape;
  • kidnapping;
  • treason;
  • terrorism;
  • corruption crimes.

Articles for participation or organization in mass riots are not an exception. This should also include articles that call for separatism and extremism, as well as economic crimes. Representatives of the Human Rights Council say that the 2017 amnesty will also include those who were at large: those under recognizance not to leave and those under investigation.

Additional Information

Very often, amnesties are timed to coincide with important events in the country. And if in 2015 the amnesty was timed to coincide with the Anniversary of the Great Victory, then it is possible that the state will repeat its step in 2017. In any case, if the amnesty is carried out, then it is possible to make predictions about which categories of people will be released.

Such an event is unlikely to affect citizens who are imprisoned for serious crimes. Most likely, the question is which individuals will receive the long-awaited freedom. An amnesty is also expected for those who received punishment under articles related to loans. What this means is that individuals who have huge debts to banks can gain economic freedom.

Amnesty is a humanitarian measure to release certain groups of prisoners. A decision is made to abolish the punishment by voting in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In 2019, the country's President Putin submitted to the deputies for consideration a proposal to implement an amnesty in honor of the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory over the Nazi-German invaders.

The document was adopted in the first reading. Almost all deputies voted unanimously. The fact that the resolution is timed to coincide with the anniversary is normal practice for Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space. The application of the act of release from places of detention does not call into question the legitimacy of state bodies and does not constitute the rehabilitation of prisoners. Citizens are released as a sign of mercy and humanism on the part of the state.

The application of the amnesty act is a complex and multi-stage process. Therefore, the State Duma adopts additional resolutions, which indicate government bodies those responsible for carrying out the release, as well as the procedure for implementing the project.

The essence and principles of amnesty

The procedure for amnesty can be found in the Constitution. Russian Federation. Also, special conditions are prescribed directly in the act of applying the pardon. Some political forces and citizens oppose the release of prisoners, because They are afraid of rising crime rates. According to published statistics, recidivism after an amnesty is only 7%, while prisoners who have served their full sentence commit a second crime in 40 cases out of 100.

Depending on the conditions of the resolution, various pardon measures may be applied to people serving sentences in correctional institutions and places of deprivation of liberty, namely:

  • release from criminal liability and from charges of committing crimes of a criminal nature;
  • reducing the period of imprisonment;
  • replacing the preventive measure with a more lenient one;
  • expungement of a criminal record;
  • reduction of additional penalties.

The announcement of amnesty in 2019, as before, is intended to help people recover from prison, establish social connections, find work, etc. The decision applies to certain groups of convicts and is final and unconditional. In addition to the goals of humanism, holding an amnesty in a general manner, acts of release perform a number of practical functions, including reducing the cost of maintaining prisoners, combating overcrowding in prisons, resolving political conflicts, etc.

It is important that amnesty is an exceptional event, and not an event dedicated to any holiday.

Main aspects of the amnesty resolution for the 72nd anniversary of the Victory in 2019

The document on the release of prisoners in honor of the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the war over fascism was adopted at the end of April 2019. The official entry into force of the act occurred before the beginning of May. The prerequisites for the amnesty were a sharp reduction in the number of workers in correctional institutions. Statistics on those who end up in prisons and colonies for minor crimes have also increased.

It is worth noting that the amnesty in 2019 is not only criminal, but also administrative in nature. It is known that the following are generally exempt:

  • persons with a first conviction;
  • pregnant women, as well as citizens who have minor children;
  • convicts aged 50-55 years (pensioners);
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • persons suffering from serious illnesses;
  • military personnel serving a sentence of up to 5 years.

According to the 2019 amnesty, timed to coincide with the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory, persons with suspended sentences are exempt from punishment. It is worth noting who will not be affected by the pardon. This applies to citizens who have committed crimes of particular gravity (murder, sexual harassment, kidnapping, terrorism, treason), as well as fraudsters and prisoners who have committed crimes of an economic nature.

As of May 2019, about 33 thousand people have already gained freedom in the prescribed manner. It is planned that the liberation events will last about 6 months.

During this time, more than 60 thousand prisoners will be released.

Distinctive features of the amnesty in honor of the Victory in the Second World War

As Pavel Krashennikov, head of the State Duma Committee on Administrative, Criminal and Procedural Cases, noted, the resolution on the release of prisoners in honor of the 1945 Victory is characterized by multiple advantages and features.

So basic distinctive features amnesties in 2019 are:

  • lowering the retirement age for prisoners, now it is 50 years for women and 55 years for men;
  • Amnesty applies not only to women with minor children, but also to men who have a child under 18 years of age;
  • petty swindlers will be given freedom, persons who have committed crimes with grave consequences will remain in prison;
  • Those who are imprisoned for crimes against children are not entitled to release.

According to the generally accepted procedure, repeat offenders, bribe-takers, drug dealers, as well as prisoners who violate the rules of behavior in places of deprivation of liberty cannot count on release.

In honor of the Victory, amnesty in a similar manner had already taken place in 1995, 2000 and 2005.

In accordance with the procedure provided for by the 2019 amnesty, persons under investigation can count on release. To date, 1,100 people have been released from the pre-trial detention center.

The prisoners were awaiting a verdict on the amnesty for several months. As you know, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution, they are planning to hold another amnesty in Russia. State Duma deputies were initially ambivalent about such an event in Russia. However, later they secured the opinions of Vladimir Putin and the Human Rights Council. In this connection, an amnesty is most likely planned.

A group of LDPR deputies proposed this fall to grant amnesty to a number of categories of persons convicted of committing crimes that are not classified as serious or especially serious. Those convicted in the Bolotnaya case may also be eligible for amnesty. They planned to make the amnesty administrative-criminal. Predictions in favor of amnesty have recently come true. The authorities will indeed hold an amnesty, but it will be on a smaller scale than in previous times. Perhaps such restrictions are related to the controversy surrounding this issue.

The Human Rights Council sent a proposal for an amnesty in 2017 to parliament. In the course of lengthy discussions on this topic, State Duma deputies are increasingly moving towards making a decision on an amnesty. However, plans may change. For now, the authorities are deciding who exactly will be allowed to receive amnesty this year.

Most likely, the amnesty will primarily affect minors, mothers of minor children, pregnant women, and the disabled. That is, all vulnerable segments of the population who have not committed serious crimes and are serving time in prison under one article for the first time can count on release.

Mikhail Fedotov said that now the authorities are still questioning some aspects of the amnesty. It is planned to release several hundred people. State Duma deputies did not disclose official data. But the implementation process apparently does not stand still. The relevant committee believes Sverdlovsk region the most “saturated”. Experts note that residents from all regions are serving sentences in the Urals; the number of prisoners there is the largest in the country.

Citizens have mixed feelings about amnesty in the country. Some people picket to support the event, while others are afraid that it will increase the crime rate in the country. Vladimir Putin assures that the amnesty helps reduce the tense situation in society. That is why it is occasionally necessary to introduce such measures.

This year, citizens of certain social categories will be eligible for amnesty. Age will matter. Minors and the elderly will be able to count on release under certain conditions. Women will not be left behind either. Amnesty in 2017 can be expected by men of retirement age and those who have children under three years of age, disabled people, women with minor children and women over 55 years old.

Many people are currently interested in amnesty 2017 year in Russia – will there be plans to release convicts and under what articles? The fate of the amnesty is not yet known for certain, however, it is necessary to understand the issue itself in order to better understand some of the nuances.

Such a law, of course, is interpreted differently: some believe that the criminals received what they deserved and should serve their sentence in full; others, mainly family members of prisoners, believe that the amnesty law is quite acceptable.

It is worth considering the fact that not all categories of convicted citizens will be able to receive freedom ahead of schedule. You also need to remember that most convicts are in prison by mistake, that is, they are not, in fact, guilty. What awaits people in 2017 and how will everything happen?

Prerequisites for amnesty in 2017

One of the main reasons for the possible amnesty in 2017 can be called the essential nature of the penal system. Over the past two years, a large number of people have quit their jobs in prisons. In 2015, their number decreased by 27 thousand people. At the same time, many people are serving prison sentences whose crimes are minor, and some are even ridiculous.

The current economic situation in the country plays an important role in the current budget policy. Under these conditions, each prisoner receives approximately 100,000 rubles in material, living and food supplies.

Thus, the Human Rights Council believes that at the moment it is necessary to include 200,000 people serving sentences under the amnesty clause. In 2000, the same number of prisoners was amnestied. This move did not provoke a sharp rise in crime in the country, as some experts predicted.

Amnesty: basic information

Not so long ago, in 2015, about 10% of all prisoners in the Russian Federation received early release, which is more than 60,000 people. In addition, more than 200,000 people who were placed under suspended sentences could count on amnesty. The judicial system rightly decided to meet halfway those criminals who “stumbled” for the first time and fell into the tenacious hands of law enforcement agencies. Of course, such loyalty applied only to crimes of minor gravity. First of all we're talking about about pregnant women, minors, the elderly and people with disabilities.

If we turn to the very concept of “amnesty,” then such a measure can be called a special plan of the supreme authorities of the Russian Federation, as a result of which the punishment is reduced or completely released for those who are serving time in prison.

The first amnesty was carried out by Emperor Alexander II back in the 19th century. All Decembrists and rebels who participated in the uprising of 1831 were then released. The next amnesty was announced on the occasion of the coronation of Nicholas II, and in 1913 the amnesty was held in honor of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov. Further, the amnesty was repeatedly used both in the USSR and in the Russian Federation.

Amnesty 2017

Many sincerely believe that the law will come into force on January 1 and new articles will be included in the amnesty. However, years go by, and the articles do not change. For the most part, the amnesty applies to people who have violated the law in the category of administrative offenses with fines that have not yet expired.

Who can be released from prison:

  • pregnant women and those women who have disabled children or minor children;
  • single fathers of minor children;
  • combatants serving sentences of up to five years;
  • disabled people of groups I and II;
  • teenagers who received a sentence of five or more years;
  • people of retirement age - over 55 years old in the case of men and over 60 years old in the case of women;
  • persons with deferred sentences;
  • people who have committed a crime for the first time;
  • people suffering from serious illnesses that prevent them from further serving their sentence: oncology of clinical groups III and IV, tuberculosis of groups I and II;
  • people serving a sentence of up to five years for a minor crime committed through negligence or stupidity.

For a complete list of categories of prisoners who are subject to release, they can be found in the Draft Resolution on the Amnesty. This Project talks about the termination of proceedings in those cases where the punishment did not involve imprisonment. The Project also promises to release persons on probation from their sentences.

Who is guaranteed not to be eligible for amnesty:

  • those who have committed serious crimes;
  • convicted of especially serious crimes.

Serious and especially grave crimes include:

  • premeditated murder;
  • espionage;
  • banditry;
  • treason;
  • rape and other indecent acts of a sexual nature;
  • terrorism;
  • grand theft with home invasion;
  • sexual intercourse with children (under 16 years of age);
  • kidnapping;
  • intentionally causing harm to the health of another person;
  • fraud on an especially large scale;
  • corruption crime.

Also, articles calling for extremism and separatism cannot be an exception. This also includes articles for organizing and participating in mass riots.

Representatives of the Human Rights Council claim that in 2017, the amnesty will also include criminals who are at large: those under investigation and those under recognizance not to leave.

Quite often, amnesties are timed to coincide with some important dates and events in the country. For example, the amnesty in 1982 was held in honor of the 60th anniversary of the USSR. The 2015 amnesty was timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of Great Victory Day. It is possible that in 2017 the country will repeat the “tradition”. It is gratifying that if an amnesty is carried out, there is no need to worry about the categories of people who will be released early. Such an event will definitely not affect prisoners serving time for particularly serious and serious crimes.

Lately there has been more and more talk about amnesty. The Human Rights Council's project finds a positive response among the people. Vladimir Putin also agreed with this proposal. Between 50,000 and 100,000 people could be exempt.

It is not yet known whether the project will be accepted before the end of this year. The amnesty may be postponed to 2018, and there are many reasons for this. In the meantime, it’s worth understanding the essence of this event and what to expect from the new project.

It is expected that the amnesty in 2017 will be timed to coincide with the hundredth anniversary of the October Revolution, Rosregistr reports. This was announced by Mikhail Fedotov, head of the Human Rights Council. It was he who initiated the proposal. If the project is approved, the amnesty will take place shortly before the presidential elections, which will definitely benefit the current government.

The Human Rights Council has prepared several of the most current proposals for an amnesty. The President of the Russian Federation reviewed them and expressed agreement with the majority. He also suggested organizing a meeting to discuss some issues.

“The project turned out to be quite worthy. In comparison with others that have been put forward before, it stands out favorably against the general background. Amnesty must fully express political and state sentiments. It is worth remembering that in the past, amnesty had a beneficial effect on society, reducing the level of irritation and tension. Without a doubt, the event should be truly large-scale. But we cannot allow criminals who have committed truly serious crimes to have the opportunity to be released earlier deadline", Vladimir Putin expressed his opinion.

A very large number of articles fall under the amnesty. In particular, the pardon will affect administrative offenses. But at the same time, a list of articles is provided that will definitely not fall under the amnesty. These include: intentional murder, rape, and other various acts of a sexual nature that are subject to conviction and other crimes of a similar nature.

First of all, release awaits those prisoners who have merit to the fatherland, and they committed a criminal act for the first time.

The following categories of prisoners are also eligible for amnesty:

  • Male prisoners with children in their care who, at the time of the amnesty, had not reached the age of full majority;
  • Disabled people of the first and second groups;
  • Women over sixty years of age and men over fifty-five;
  • Prisoners of a children's colony sentenced to more than 5 years;
  • Convicts with a suspended sentence;
  • Prisoners with cancer of the third and fourth groups.


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