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What interesting wishes can you make for a guy? Best wishes for games

Young people have fun in different ways, inventing more and more new fun. A very interesting game is when teenagers make various tasks and wishes for each other, trying to come up with something unusual and original.


The actual question of what kind of wish can be made for a guy may be at the moment when a couple meets, and the man wants to please his girlfriend on a holiday, giving her the opportunity to make any of her wishes. What can a girl come up with in such a situation? One thing is clear: you should not test your young man and wish him something impossible. If you want to receive some special gift, you should correctly calculate the guy’s material resources so as not to confuse him.

But the most interesting may be the reasoning about what kind of wish you can make to a guy on a bet when he has lost. Here you need to use your imagination and not limit its flight.

About love

When choosing what kind of wish you can make for a guy, it is worth considering an option that concerns the sphere of relationships with a young man. If a couple is dating, you can ask the guy for a dance in a thong (very interesting), or an erotic massage. You can ask your man to fulfill some erotic fantasy. It all depends on how close the couple is and whether they can afford such close contact.


If the couple is not dating yet, and the girl likes the young man who lost the argument, you can ask him to go to the cinema, to the skating rink, or to eat ice cream together. Theoretically, this will not be a date, but already in an hour of such time together you can get close enough, learn something new about each other and, perhaps, even start a relationship.


What wish can you make for a guy if he is just a friend? There can also be a lot of options here. You can make him take a swim in the local fountain, shout something stupid throughout the street, order him to build a huge snowman out of snow or a mermaid out of sand. You can also test his creative talents and ask him to sing a song out loud or dance some unusual dance. Another option is to paint the guy’s toenails with multi-colored polish and force him not to wash it off for a couple of days; you can also give the young man makeup and ask him to walk down the street like that.

Couple relationship

If the couple has been dating for some time, there are also options for what kind of wish you can make for the guy. You can ask him to spend the whole weekend together, without getting out of bed, watching movies and eating popcorn, you can drag him into a movie with your beloved and make him sit through everything until the end. And if a young man who has a stable financial income loses, you can beg him for a romantic weekend trip, dinner at good restaurant or flight to hot-air balloon. There are still a huge number of ideas regarding what kind of wishes you can make, you just need to turn on your imagination and figure out what you really want to get from the losing young man.

Funny wishes

Sports desires

Alcoholic desires

Vulgar desires

Useful wishes

Extreme Desires

Unusual desires

Wishes for children

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 08:01 ()

Wishes for the Loser. Huge wish list!

Have fun with friends and have fun interesting game, but I want the winner to receive a nice bonus at the end of the game. Many games for fun company do not at all imply material gifts to the winner, much less financial reward. In order to answer the question of what wish to make, we have compiled a whole list. It is wish games that are the best method have fun. They will allow you to turn an ordinary game into a real entertaining show.

So, if you have gathered in a group, prepared cards or board game, and to enhance the excitement and competitive spirit, we decided to play for desire. And here the question arises: what wish should I make for the loser?

Funny wishes

Sports desires

Alcoholic desires

Vulgar desires

Useful wishes

Extreme Desires

Unusual desires

Wishes for children

  1. You can tell the loser to sit in hockey gloves or goalie gloves for the entire next round of the game. If you don’t have anything similar at hand, you can make “mittens” from toilet paper.

  2. A desire that will cause a lot of laughter among those around you, but will not make your friend happy - to sit through the entire con with an egg in your mouth!

  3. If you play cards, you can force the loser to stand up and say some funny phrase or phrase with a specific intonation at each trump card that appears on the field. For example, “I love cucumbers”, “it seems like mice are rustling somewhere”, “look, geese are flying!”

  4. In the game of desire, make a male player spin a hoop while singing a cheerful and cheerful song, or dance an erotic dance to the Russian folk “Kalinka-Malinka”.

  5. Put a black cloak on your friend and ask him to run around the table at every beat or every trump card and shout: “I am a horror flying on the wings of the night!”

  6. If you need to make a wish for your brutal friend, it will be cute and at the same time funny to ask him to hum children's songs throughout the next con, and even with expression!

  7. When new people join the company. Those who arrived later than the others, you can wish for the player who grants the wish to meet them and, as politely and carefully as possible, help them undress, invite them to the table, saying at the same time: “Come in, dear guests! How I’ve been waiting for you!” At the same time, you can begin to untie the guests’ shoelaces and unfasten the buttons on their coats.

  8. Provided that the fulfillment of desires is not limited to the boundaries of the apartment, invite a friend (especially funny if it is a man) to go home with a large teddy bear and act as if it were alive: fasten it with a seat belt in the car, pay for its ticket on public transport.

  9. Ask the loser to take a photo, maybe a selfie with a taxi driver, saleswoman or minibus driver. Or a selfie with a random passerby.

  10. You can suggest putting socks on your ears and going to the store like that.

  11. The loser can go to the store and confess his love to the seller.

Young people play various games and make vulgar wishes to each other as punishment for losing. To have a fun and unforgettable time, you need to know which vulgar wishes to make for a guy and which for a girl. If a girl likes a boy, then in this way you can get closer to your object of adoration and find emotional contact with the guy. For representatives of the opposite sex, this is a great chance to show their wit and win the girl’s affection.

List of vulgar wishes for girls:

  • Wear a bra over your regular clothes and walk down the street like that.
  • Ask a stranger for several condoms, if he says that he doesn’t have them, tearfully beg him to buy contraceptives at the nearest pharmacy.
  • Erotic movements or sexy dance in crowded places.
  • Take a run to the nearest store while in one underwear.
  • Put the girl in an erotic pose and ask her to say some phrase in German.
  • Put on a nurse's costume and give the guy artificial respiration.
  • Tell a vulgar poem to a stranger.
  • Give a compliment on the topic of sexuality to a passing man.
  • It is very passionate and erotic to eat a banana while making languid sounds.
  • Go out onto the balcony or into the yard when people are passing by and show your breasts.
  • A man sits on a chair and places a piece of paper on his lap. The girl must break it without hands, sitting on the guy’s lap.
  • Search with passion. The guy needs to hide bills of different denominations all over his body, and the loser must find all the money.
  • Wet a T-shirt or T-shirt and put it on your naked body.
  • Cover the guy's belly with whipped cream and lick it off.
  • Take an erotic selfie and put it on your VKontakte avatar.
  • Put a hickey on a guy's neck.
  • Take off your panties and put on a tight dress. Walk like this all day.
  • Suck a big lollipop, making erotic movements with your head.
  • Get a relaxing massage while wearing only your underwear.
  • French kiss your girlfriend.
  • Persuade the first guy you meet to sleep with you, and when the young man agrees, slap him in the face and refuse him in a rude manner.

Another desire: call any mobile number and have hot phone sex, introducing yourself as a mysterious stranger.

List of vulgar wishes for a boy:

  • Dance an erotic dance while wearing women's panties.
  • Go out onto the balcony and tell passersby about your sexual fantasies.
  • Walk to the store in family shorts and buy condoms there.
  • Feelings of the fifth point. You need to prepare various vegetables and fruits, place them one by one on a chair, and the guy must guess their names blindfolded, without touching the vegetables with his hands.
  • Go to the pool and swim naked.
  • Take raw egg and roll under your trousers from one leg to the other so that the egg remains intact.
  • Wear women's stockings and pretend to be a drunk stripper.
  • Send an SMS with vulgar content to all numbers on your mobile phone.
  • Write a sign saying “I’m collecting for condoms” and collect 100 rubles from passers-by.

When choosing a desire, you need to take into account the guy’s age and moral principles, so as not to offend the young man or infringe on his dignity.

Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that it becomes possible to make a wish for the guy. This could be a won dispute, a careless promise, or some special date. It doesn’t matter what was the reason for such generosity on the part of the guy, but if such a chance arises, you should definitely take advantage of it. However, the question immediately arises of how to use the given opportunity to get maximum pleasure or benefit. In this case, you need to look deeper into the issue, then you can extract much more advantages from the situation than might seem at first glance.

What do I want?

In order not to waste your desire, you need to think carefully about everything and objectively assess the situation. First of all, you should answer yourself the question, who is this guy for you? There may be several options, here are the most obvious ones:

  • The guy is a complete stranger; in fact, you know nothing about him except his name and other irrelevant information.
  • He is a good acquaintance for you, there is a friendly relationship between you, perhaps even mutual sympathy.
  • This is your loved one with whom you have a close relationship, you know almost everything about each other, or so it seems to you.

Having decided on the category into which your relationship with a guy can be classified, you need to find the answer to the following, more complex issue, namely: what would you really like to get from him, in a broader sense? The main thing here is to be as honest as possible with yourself, because no one else will hear the answer to this question. And there can be a lot of options for such an answer. Let's look at a few of the simplest ones:

  • You don't need anything at all from this guy, he doesn't interest you either as a friend or as a close person, in no other capacity.
  • You like the guy, you would like to have a closer relationship with him, but the situation still remains in the same place: he is just a friend, that’s all.
  • This is the person who fills all your thoughts, you need everything from him and at the same time absolutely nothing, you want him to always be there and look at you with loving eyes all your life (at least, it seems so to you).

Whatever the answers to both questions posed, in the future the thought should develop according to the principle of solving the problem: “given - received.” And between these moments there is a decision, which a correctly made wish will help you fulfill.

Execution of the solution

If the first answer was given to both questions, then everything is more or less simple. With your desire, you can emphasize your advantages, and this will also be very good result. Since the guy who owes you a wish is nobody to you, and you don’t need anything from him, then own wish can benefit your image. If formulated correctly, you can emphasize your good upbringing, demonstrate a sense of tact, and leave a good impression of yourself.

For example, in order to show a sense of tact, you should avoid desires that will put the guy in an awkward position, make him feel inconvenienced, etc. Any nonsense like “go out into the street in a woman’s dress” or “shout at the whole cafe a set of some then phrases" are automatically excluded. Let it be a meaningless wish, which he will even be pleased to fulfill: for example, to give a compliment to an unfamiliar girl, to congratulate someone on his birthday over the phone, etc. He will fulfill this wish and forget about it in a few days, but He will still have memories of you as a worthy person.

Recipe for the occasion::

If we're talking about about the second option for answering the questions posed earlier, then choosing a desire turns into a real art. In fact, desire in this case is a tool for achieving your goal. You want to get closer to the guy you like, take your relationship to another level, but you don’t know how. Perhaps the guy himself does not know how to achieve this, and deliberately put himself in such a position to give impetus to this impasse. If you now make something like “sing a song in the voice of so-and-so” or some other equally empty wish, and your relationship will remain where it has been until now - at a dead end.

However, you can create favorable conditions for their development with the help of a correctly made wish. By and large, you need to shorten the distance, spend some time with each other alone, and if your sympathy is mutual, then everything will work out by itself. You can make a wish for something short-term and simple, for example: “I want to watch such and such a film, and I wish you to go to it with me.” Or something more complicated: “I’ve been wanting to get out into nature for a long time, I want you to organize a trip out of town this coming weekend.” If it seems to you that it will take longer to get closer, you can make something global, like “I wish you would teach me to play the guitar.” You may never learn to play the guitar, but after a few lessons you will definitely become closer.

Finally, the last option is a wish for a loved one. In this case, when choosing a desire, you should show your tender attitude towards the guy, and in such a way that he understands it. There is no need to ask for any material things that he can give you without any special reason. Moreover, you should not, taking advantage of the situation, ask him to do something that he has refused for a long time. Perhaps he had a reason for this, and now that, bound by a promise, he will act your way, an unpleasant aftertaste or even resentment may remain in his soul.

It is best to show wisdom in this case. Try to imagine what he himself would like to do for you? Maybe you will be able to guess his desire with your task? Then he will not only happily fulfill it, but will also be grateful to you for your attentive attitude. For example, a guy is interested in snowboarding (or something else), but you never shared this hobby, therefore, no matter how much he invited you with him, you always had other things to do. Make a wish for him: “Teach me to snowboard.” It will not only make him happy, but will also evoke a feeling of tenderness in him, bringing you even closer together, and this is the most important thing between close people.

A game of desire, one of the favorite pastimes of young people. Over the years, it has not lost its relevance, and even our grandmothers can boast that they once gave some orders to their male friends. But on the other hand, the question of what desires a guy can come up with has also not lost its relevance. And many girls, having agreed to such a game, begin to puzzle over how to puzzle their friend. Let's try to think about this topic and come up with what to wish for a guy, depending on our plans for this person.

The guy bet his wish - what should he make?

Let's start with the fact that since the girl agreed to play at will, it means that she still has certain expectations from the young man. This is female nature - we will not communicate with those who are not interesting to us. This means that the very reason to make a wish for a guy should be beneficial for us. On the other hand, desire can be an excellent reason to take revenge on someone you don’t really like. Simply put, there are a great many options and situations. Therefore, a list of specific wishes for a guy should be made depending on your attitude towards him and your intentions. Let's try to figure them out.

1. If you like a guy and you wouldn’t mind continuing closer communication with him, your wish options could be the following:

  • ask him to write you a letter on his own behalf on the entire A4 sheet. This will let you know what your chances are of being in a relationship with this guy and how he feels about you. Even if your relationship does not work out in the future, you will have a wonderful memory of this moment;
  • let him ask you out on a date. Perhaps it will be good step to make you closer;
  • ask him to kiss you. This option is for those who really can’t stand it;
  • ask for a gift for yourself with all your heart. Same good way check how he treats you.

2. What can you wish for a guy who is a close friend of yours?

  • you can save your desire until you need this person’s help (for example, to take you if you are late or to help you out in a difficult situation);
  • if you like one of your mutual acquaintances, wish that the friend who lost the argument would talk to this acquaintance about you, or invite him to take a walk with you;
  • if you don’t have a significant other, ask the bettor to introduce you to someone;
  • you can come up with a comic wish that is warm and friendly. For example, make you eat a lemon without sugar, confess your love to a local old lady, sing some pop song in the middle of the square, or go to the store in your underwear;
  • Another option that concerns friends is the desire for the bettor to surprise you with something. Sometimes this works well, given that the friend knows you well.

3. What wish should you make for the guy your friend likes? In this case, thoughts should go in only one direction. For example:

  • agree to go for a walk with this friend;
  • if a friend is sitting next to you or such a moment is expected, this guy should kiss her on a dare, or spend time with her. Perhaps something will come of this.

4. There are often situations when a bet is lost by an unfamiliar person who is indifferent to you, or you simply don’t know him well. What wish can you make for such a guy?

When thinking about what wish to make for a guy, try to proceed from your own interests. Perhaps you have a secret urge that you have been hiding from this person for so long. In this case, desire is almost your only chance to correct the situation. And remember, what you wish for should not be humiliating for a person. No matter how you feel about it, such games and any disputes are usually of a comic nature and do not lead to anything special. If your desire is not an attempt to get closer to a young man, transfer it to the category of original jokes. And let your imagination help you!



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