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What indoor plants can be kept in the shade. Indoor flowers that like to be in the shade

In dark rooms or in corners of the room where little light penetrates, you can successfully grow plants that do not need a lot of light. The following conditions are called growth conditions with a lack of light: at a distance of a meter or more from a window facing north, at a distance from 1 m to 3 m from a window facing east/west, at a distance from 4.5 m to 9 m from a window facing South.

Spathiphyllum floribundum

Due to the fact that spathiphyllum is very easy to grow, it has become one of the most popular indoor plants. Spathiphyllum will feel great both in rooms with bright light and in dark rooms. Spathiphyllum have shiny, dark green foliage and flat, sail-like flowers. Spathiphyllum loves cool weather and grows up to 30 - 45 cm in height.

Pteris fern (Filicales Pteris)

Pteris fern, however, like any other fern, will grow well in the darkest corners of the room. Pteris fern is an elegant plant, the branches of which have a light green outline and a silvery center; there are species of this fern with entirely green branches.

Sansevieria or mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria tsifasciata)

Sansevieria is one of the largest indoor plants that grows well in dark rooms. It can grow up to 1.2 m in height. Mother-in-law’s tongue is also good for beginner “naturalists” who still lack experience. Its strong, sharp leaves grow straight upward, their colors are also interesting: mother-in-law's tongue combines dark green with light green stripes; more variegated species with bright yellow stripes are also common.


Diefenbachia has a tall, erect stem and luxurious dark green leaves with almost white spots. Trying to taste Diefenbachia juice will cause severe swelling of the tongue and mouth.


Different types of aglaonema are represented by plants of different heights. These are hardy plants that will suit virtually any conditions, making aglaonema a great choice for busy people. Aglaonema has a large number of narrow stems with large oval leaves. The color scheme is also varied: silver, green, chartreuse and cream. The sap of these plants is poisonous - something to remember! So these plants should be kept away from small children and pets, especially if they like to munch on something fresh and green.

Calathea makoyana

Calathea Makoya - a perennial with dark green foliage, marked with white, light green, or burgundy stripes, Calathea Makoya blooms with purple or white flowers. The homeland of this plant is eastern Brazil; it reaches a height of up to 1.2 m and tolerates full shade well. Calathea makoya can grow even outdoors, but in USDA hardiness zones (Ministry of Agriculture USA) 11 - 12, where the annual temperature does not fall below +4ºС. It needs moist, well-draining soil and aerosol irrigation every two to three days. To maintain high local humidity, try placing under the calathea pot a well-suited stand filled with pebbles and water. After flowering, reduce watering and let Calathea Makoya rest. The period of rest it is entitled to is from autumn to the end of winter, just before the beginning of spring, start watering it abundantly again.

Epipremnum (or scindapsus) golden (Epipremnum aureum)

Epipremnum aureus is an easy-to-care climber with beautiful heart-shaped foliage striped in yellow and white. The plant propagates easily. Indoors, Scindapsus reaches a maximum length of 2.5 m. Buy your golden epipremnum a moss pole and it will feel right at home. It’s easy to control the growth and shape of the epipremnum; you just need to pluck off unnecessary shoots. Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, but mist the plant frequently during periods of vigorous growth. The minimum temperature for epipremnum is +13ºС and suitable USDA zones are 10 - 12.

Tricolor arrowroot (Maranta leuconeura)

Arrowroot tricolor is a low-growing, perennial evergreen that blooms with white flowers. The leaves of this plant are light green, but have red or burgundy veins; Arrowroot folds its leaves at night and they resemble palms folded in prayer, from where English name This plant is a “praying plant.” Arrowroot tricolor comes from Brazil, it grows up to 30 cm in height. Arrowroot tricolor - a good option for a hanging basket if you provide it with a humid environment. It is recommended to frequently spray this plant, pour pebbles into the tray and make sure that there is always water in it. You need to keep the soil in the pot moist until autumn, then the arrowroot begins its seasonal rest, during which there is no need for such frequent watering. The time to resume regular watering is early spring. Arrowroot tricolor can grow outdoors in USDA zones 11 - 12.

Dracaena marginata

Dracaena fringe is a guest from the island of Madagascar. This plant is very unpretentious and will not cause you any special trouble. Dracaena is an evergreen plant that, if you're lucky, will delight you with fragrant white flowers. Dracaena leaves age and fall off - this is a normal phenomenon and does not in any way indicate poor care. Dracaena Marginata is tolerant of lack of light, drought-resistant, and belongs to frost hardiness zones 10-12 according to the USDA classification. This dracaena can grow up to 2 m high indoors, but you can prune and propagate it.

All dracaenas are easily propagated by apical cuttings, and if you cannot plant the cutting immediately, treat the cut with paraffin - the dracaena will easily tolerate this temporary position and take root well when the waiting period is over. Dracaena does not like drafts of any kind. We also recommend that you provide the dracaena with regular spraying, or place the pot with the dracaena on wet pebbles.

Translation: Anna Zhurbenko
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In some apartments there is not enough light, and green pets quickly lose their attractiveness, do not bloom, and in worst cases die.

Indoor plants that love shade (more precisely, for which shading is natural) are at the peak of popularity. Shade-loving flowers can be placed not only on window sills, but also inside the room, which can add harmonious and relaxing touches to the decor of a house or apartment. In our article we will look at shade-loving flowering and non-flowering houseplants.

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Azalea (lat. Azalea)



perennial from South America, so it’s quite capricious. Caring for it will require patience and care.

Optimal temperature- in the range of 20−24 degrees. Avoid sudden changes and protect the plant from possible drafts.

Despite the fact that it is a tropical plant, calathea does not like direct sunlight, so it is important to find a place for it where there will be enough light, but not too much (for example, near a window).

Calathea loves high humidity, up to 90%. It is difficult to achieve this indicator in an apartment, so you need to regularly spray the leaves. If the leaves are velvety, then spray only the air around them. You can also pour pebbles into the tray and pour water so that the bottom of the pot with the plant does not touch it. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week.

The soil should be breathable, without excess calcium and nitrogen. A young plant can be replanted once a year, then once every 2-4 years.


The orchid is native to Brazil. It does not like direct sunlight, so its friends are diffused light and partial shade.

The temperature should be maintained in the range from +12 to +20, without sudden changes. Roots love light, so clear planters are ideal for this plant.

High humidity for miltonia can be provided with an air humidifier, containers with water and trays with pebbles or expanded clay soaked in water. You should not spray the plant itself - it does not like it. Water with soft water at room temperature.

The plant can be fed with special fertilizers for orchids or rhododendrons. It is best to replant in the spring every 1-2 years or when the roots of the plant no longer fit into the pot. Miltonia can bloom almost all year round, although this is quite difficult to achieve.


An unpretentious fern from tropical and subtropical regions. Capable of purifying the air harmful substances(formaldehyde, toluene) and microbes. Looks most advantageous in hanging flowerpots.

Summer temperature for nephrolepis should be around +20, and in winter - around +15, it does not tolerate drafts. Also, you do not need to place it in the sun; it is better to choose a shaded place.

The plant should be kept away from heating and heating systems. It must be frequently sprayed with water (if possible 2-3 times a day); containers with water can be placed next to the pot so that the air is moistened and gives strength to your pet.

Daily watering is necessary, while ensuring that stagnation of water does not form in the soil. For feeding, you can use diluted minerals and, best of all, in the spring and summer.


This plant came to us from the tropical forests of America, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, and the Philippine Islands.

The flower likes to be in partial shade at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. loves high humidity, however, this does not mean that it needs to be fanatically watered. Watering should be done when the soil begins to dry out. The flower loves to be sprayed with warm water, but you need to make sure that the water does not get into the cobs. To create a moist environment around the pot, you can use trays of moss or sand and water so that the moisture evaporates gradually.

A young plant can be replanted every spring, adding brick chips or charcoal to the soil. But it is better not to disturb an adult plant for 3-5 years.


A perennial low-growing plant from South America. This flower loves it when it’s hotter: 25-26 degrees, but will feel fine even at +20. The main rule is to avoid sudden changes, otherwise it can lead to stress and your pet’s condition will worsen.

Loves a well-lit place with diffused light and partial shade. In winter, you can provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Like any representative of tropical flora, this flower loves high humidity. So daily watering and trays with moist expanded clay and pebbles will help the plant feel good. Spray at least once a day and keep away from heating elements.
You can replant Fittonia once a year, while choosing a wide but shallow pot, since root system superficial. You should also remember about good drainage and loose soil. Fittonia blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

See also the video about which plants are suitable for dark rooms:

Fresh flowers fit organically into any design and interior of the room. They complement the style, give the home coziness and warmth, and create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility.

But not all indoor flowers take root in the house and delight their owners. It's all about lighting and temperature conditions.

If a flower needs abundance sunlight, then it will not grow in a dark room. Therefore, before choosing home flowers, you should take this fact into account.

Note! If a small amount of sunny color penetrates into the apartment, then indoor plants that love shade are selected for room decoration.

This perfect option for many apartments and houses. After all, domestic flowers that do not require an abundance of light are less whimsical. They are easier to care for and monitor.

You should not think that shade-loving plants are somehow inferior in aesthetic terms to light-loving flowers. They also bloom brightly, smell and look delicate and attractive.

Indoor plants: shade-loving and unpretentious

Flower name Short description
Blooming in the apartment
Spathiphyllum Green plant. Spathiphyllum leaves are presented in the form of an elongated oval. The plant loves spraying.

Once every 30 days it needs to be washed with a damp sponge.

Gardenia For gardenia, a comfortable room temperature ranges from 15 to 24 degrees Celsius. Gardenia blooms with white inflorescences.
Saintpaulia Saintpaulia is often called the Usambara violet. Prefers to bloom in the shade.

Violet loves high temperatures (from 19 to 24 degrees Celsius). Violet blooms with blue inflorescences.

Vriesia Vriesia is a plant that stands out for its blooms in the form of a bright red arrow. The flower loves water. But Vriesia is not an unpretentious plant.

If you are going to have such a flower in your house, you will need to monitor the humidity and air temperature daily.

The optimal room temperature varies from 18 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Anthurium Capricious, but beautiful plant. Loves warmth. Anthurium should be handled carefully.

Its leaves contain a substance that can corrode human mucous membranes.

Ivy Ivy is a climbing flower. Unpretentious, does not like sunny colors. Ivy is grown on nets, flowerpots or hanging flowerpots.
Peperomia Peperomia's homeland is India. This is a tropical flower with a distinct green hue.
Tradescantia Tradescantia was brought to Europe from the American continent. It is distinguished by a variety of shades and unpretentiousness.
Scindapsus Scindapsus is called a liana. Liana flowers are decorated with white and yellow shades and patterns in the form of streaks.

Liana loves moisture and does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Palm tall plants
Ficus Ficus is a tree-like plant used to decorate living and working spaces.
Hamedorea Hamedorea grows slowly and for a long time. Another name for palm. Hamedorea loves abundant watering and daily spraying.
Dracaena By appearance resembles a small palm tree.
Monstera The second name for Monstera is indoor liana. It is distinguished by large leaves and height.
Fittonia Fittonia has become one of the most favorite flowers of gardeners. It has a pinkish color and an unusual leaf shape.
Nephrolepis Fern with outstretched leaves.
Maidenhair The fern looks exotic. It is decorated with small leaves of bright green color. Adiantum is used for decoration in floristry.
Calathea Calathea belongs to the arrowroot family. Its originality lies in the unusual leaves of a unique color.
Codeium Codium belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. It captivates with its beauty and unique color in two shades: pink and green.

For the hallway

For the hallway, floor or large plants are selected that can harmoniously fit into the interior of the room:

  • Hibiscus.
  • Dracaena.
  • Yucca.
  • Monstera.
  • Ficus.
  • Cactus.

Important! It is worth remembering that if there is little light in the hallway, then at least once a week you will need to change the location of the flower.

For kitchen

You can decorate your kitchen space with the following flowers:

  • The money tree symbolizes the wealth and well-being of the family. It is distinguished by thick leaves and a glossy color. This is an ideal floral design for the kitchen.
  • Violet.
  • Begonia.
  • Croton.
  • Scheffler.
  • Fruit trees. Such mini-trees have a refined aroma and attractive appearance. They help neutralize kitchen odors.
  • Calathea. The peculiarity of calathea is its increased resistance to moisture.
  • Balsam.
  • Zebrina.

It is worth remembering that when decorating a kitchen space, it is prohibited to place flowerpots and pots next to heating objects, a stove, a sink or a hood.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is a person’s resting place. Therefore, plants for the bedroom should be selected taking into account the harmful components they contain that can harm human health.

Note! It is not advisable to choose the largest and very large plants for the bedroom. They collect a lot of dust, which can negatively affect the broncho-pulmonary system of a person.

For the bedroom, medium-sized flowers are selected and placed on the shelves.

Table: plants for the bedroom.

When decorating a bedroom with indoor flowers, it is worth remembering that a large number of them is not always useful. Pots are placed away from the place where a person is used to spending his free time.

The most shade-loving

The most shade-loving plants:

  • Aspidistra. The beauty of the aspidistra lies in its dotted color. The uniqueness of the flower lies in its unpretentiousness.

    It does not require special care and tolerates vibrations temperature regime, grows well in dark and poorly lit rooms.

  • Chlorophytum. Used to decorate spaces with various purposes. It resembles a plant trunk with an abundance of outstretched stems.

    Chlorophytum is cold-resistant and is not afraid of an abundance of moisture. Its main fear is drought, so it should be watered and sprayed regularly.

  • Aglaonema. It is a bush with lanceolate leaves, which are decorated with spots of yellow, silver or cream color.
  • Epipremnum. This is an indoor vine, the length of which reaches three meters. The climbing vine is characterized by its adaptation to any lighting and temperature conditions.
  • Gelksine. It looks like a grass mat that easily dots the surrounding space.

Important! If a plant is shade-loving, this does not mean that it needs to be placed in a dark room for a long time. Flowers do not tolerate direct sunlight, but they need light to normal height and development.

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Indoor flowers delight with their greenery all year round, purify the air and bring a piece of comfort and soul to every home. Sort of like antidepressants in pots. You water them, wipe the leaves or add fertilizer - and you are already distracted from your busy day and obsessive thoughts. Many are accustomed to placing flowers on window sills or free shelves, and yet they all need different conditions regarding light and heat. Today we’ll talk about those who don’t mind taking a secluded place away from windows and direct sunlight.

Indoor flowers in the shade - what are they?

Shade-loving houseplants are mainly decorative foliage plants, such as aglaonema, saintpaulia, and monstera. But there are also a few representatives of beautifully flowering ones, for example, balsam, clivia and even some types of orchids. All of them will become a wonderful decoration for your flower collection and, of course, your interior. The main thing is proper care and care.

Beautifully blooming indoor flowers growing in the shade

The decoration of representatives of this list can confidently be called balsam. An unpretentious plant in the form of a bush with bright flowers of various colors will gladly occupy a shaded place. Some varieties of balsam have double flowers- full, lush buds.

Another lushly blooming beauty that will settle in partial shade is begonia. She is certainly pretty, but has a more capricious nature - she does not tolerate spraying and loves stability in terms of temperature and location.

Slender clivia is a living home decoration that will easily take its place in the shade. Its umbrella inflorescence, reaching 10-12 flowers, will delight you with red-orange and yellow buds.

Straight peduncles with unusual orange flowers of saffron calathea will feel great in light shade, the main thing is to avoid drafts.

For those who want a flower in a hanging pot, Koleriya is suitable. It tolerates light partial shade well and has unusual tubular velvety flowers.
The heat-loving anthurium is also able to withstand partial shade, and if the air temperature is optimal (not lower than 15-17 degrees), then it will decorate the room not only with healthy leaves, but also with flowers, the color of which can be white, red and pink.

Shade-loving indoor flower of the orchid family

Many people consider the orchid to be a capricious plant that requires special conditions and painstaking care. In fact, some types of orchids are extremely unpretentious and are ready to bloom even in the bathroom when artificial lighting. Unpretentious ones include phalaenopsis, which is common among amateur gardeners, as well as dendrobium and miltonia. These representatives of orchids tolerate partial shade well, while their decorative effect in the form of extraordinary flowering does not suffer at all. The optimal temperature is 20-25 degrees all year round.

Decorative foliage indoor flowers that love shade

The main pride and decoration of the representatives of this group are the leaves. Lush, carved, multi-colored, with patterns and borders, velvet and impeccably smooth - the choice is huge, which means everyone will find something they like.

Thus, tall aspidistra boasts lush glossy leaves, but Alocasia black corduroy has velvety, deep dark green leaves.

Begonia leaves have a bizarre pattern and unusual coloring, up to purple or white with green-violet veins.

Monstera has massive, as if jagged, leaves, and Sansevieria has dense, sword-like leaves (popularly called “pike tail”). Everyone’s favorite dracaenas, dieffenbachias and nephrolepsis will also love a secluded shaded place.

The desire to find a plant for a north window or for a not very well-lit place in an apartment often causes significant difficulties for beginning gardeners. However, in today's conditions, flower lovers have enormous opportunities to choose indoor plants suitable for decoration. home interior regardless of the degree of illumination. Next you can find the names and brief descriptions the most popular indoor plants growing in shade or partial shade.

In dark rooms or in corners of rooms where a minimum of sunlight penetrates, you can successfully grow unpretentious shade-loving plants.

In most cases, decorative deciduous plants predominate among shade-tolerant plants, the main decoration of which is their magnificent leaves. But shade-loving plants also include many flowering plants, vines, palms and ferns.

It is important to know! All ornamental plants have varying degrees of tolerance to lack of light. Some can live well in a fairly dark place (northern window sill or in the back of the apartment), while others need to be periodically (for example, depending on the season) moved to a bright window, or kept on an eastern or western window sill.

Video: shade-loving indoor plants - names and their features

The most popular shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor plants and flowers: a list of names with descriptions and brief care tips

Most of the shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants are representatives of the tropical and subtropical forests of South America.


In many ways it is one of the most useful and popular indoor plants.

Chlorophytum is unpretentious, its care is very simple. It is necessary to water only after the soil is completely dry. On dry and hot days it responds well to spraying. This is a very hardy plant, able to tolerate both relatively cold rooms and warm rooms. The same can be said about lighting.

Video: caring for unpretentious and useful chlorophytum

Anthurium (Men's happiness)

One of the most attractive features of anthurium is its flower, which looks fake, as if made of plastic. But its leaves are also beautiful, dense and shiny.

Watering should be moderate; it is better to dry out the plant rather than overwater it. Loves being sprayed. It prefers brighter places without drafts and direct sunlight, but it can also grow in the shade, but in this case you will not get flowering, so it is advisable to keep it in partial shade.

Video: caring for anthurium at home


This is a lush bush with incredibly attractive oblong green or colored leaves (the colors are very varied), which can reach a height of 60-70 centimeters.

Aglaonema is very unpretentious in care and almost does not need transplants. However, do not forget that it should be watered only after the soil has completely dried.

This shade-tolerant plant can grow both on a sunny windowsill (but always in diffused light) and in partial shade in the back of the room. Although for a very short time, you can place it in complete shade. It grows well in artificial light, especially necessary in winter.

Video: how to properly care for aglaonema


The color of the leaves of Fittonia excites the imagination: it can be either red or silver-green.

The main thing in caring for Fittonia is moderation in everything: watering, temperature and lighting. As for its shade tolerance, it is still better to keep it in partial shade on an eastern or western window, because in the southern window it will burn (if not shaded from direct sun better), and in the northern one it will begin to stretch out.

Video: caring for Fittonia - tips for gardeners


Ficus leaves are usually dense and fleshy, although they can be small and thin. Moreover, they come in completely different colors - from light green to dark green, there are even variegated specimens.

Excellent for beginner gardeners due to its unpretentiousness. Small-leaved ficuses must be sprayed periodically, large-leaved ones must be wiped with a damp cloth or cloth. Important point: ficus does not like constant moving from place to place, so it is better to immediately choose a place for it on a windowsill or in a small depth of the room, protected from direct sunlight. It should be noted that ficus plants with dense and dark leaves (large-leaved) are better suited to an eastern or western window sill, while varieties with light foliage require exceptionally well-lit south window, and they even need additional lighting in winter.

Video: proper care behind the ficus

Crassula (Money tree)

Who doesn't know what a money tree looks like? Is it possible that not everyone knows that he correct name"Fast woman."

Do not neglect the fact that the money tree does not like abundant and frequent watering, since for this plant, waterlogging is much worse than drying out the soil. At the same time, this flower does not require frequent transplants. Crassula, like all succulents, loves light, but not direct sunlight, but diffused and soft ones. It is optimal to place it on the eastern windowsill. In summer, it is recommended to move the plant to a shadier place (but not in full shade) to avoid damaging the delicate leaves of the money tree.

Video: care money tree(crassula)


It has bright green stems that cascade down in a pretty way. The leaves are typically green or purple, lance-shaped with silver or light green stripes, and may be hairy.

The plant does not create problems when grown, but it should be borne in mind that it is quite moisture-loving. The leaves should be sprayed periodically, except for the pubescent varieties of Tradescantia.

Prefers sufficiently lit places, but always with protection from direct rays, especially in summer. It can grow near windows facing west or east; in principle, it can also be tolerated on a northern window sill.


This evergreen plant, if you are very lucky, will even be able to please you with fragrant white flowers.

It’s very simple - this is the most unpretentious shade-loving plant to care for, which is only contraindicated in drafts. Just note that over time, dracaena leaves age and begin to fall off. However, there is no need to worry, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon and does not indicate insufficient care.

This chiseled, graceful flower is perfect for decorating the hallway or living room of your home or apartment.

Video: caring for dracaena at home

Spathiphyllum (Women's happiness)

This plant has not only shiny dark green dense foliage, but also indescribably beautiful sail-shaped flowers.

Due to its unpretentiousness, spathiphyllum is one of the most popular indoor flowers, because it is able to grow successfully in both somewhat darkened and bright rooms. So, in summer it is optimal to keep it on a northern window; in other periods it is still better to place it on sunnier window sills, but away from direct sunlight. The main thing is to choose a relatively cool place in the apartment for growing it and water it regularly.


It delights with large dark green foliage with light or burgundy stripes. Calathea blooms with spectacular purple or white flowers, but, as a rule, rather reluctantly.

Interesting! As the sun sets, the leaves begin to stretch upward, which is why calathea is called a prayer flower.

This heat-loving plant does not tolerate drafts; it likes fairly moderate temperatures and high humidity. For normal growth of calathea, regular spraying is required. It is optimal to keep the flower on the western or eastern window, although you can also place it on the northern window. But in any case, it should be hidden from direct sunlight.

Video: home care for calathea

Other shade-loving and shade-tolerant indoor plants

The following are less popular indoor plants, but capable of growing in the shade and delighting their owners. Naturally, flowers should be located on sunny windowsills, but with obligatory shading, maximum on eastern or western ones. But the northern windows will not suit them at all.

Decorative foliage plants




Palms, vines and climbing plants




Pteris Cretan





Indoor ivy (Hedera)



Flowering plants

Saintpaulias (violets)





Thus, shade-loving and shade-tolerant include indoor plants that can grow quite successfully with a lack of light (the majority of them) or even in the absence of it (there are much fewer of them).

Note! If you do not agree with the presented list or would like to add another name for a shade-loving plant to it, then write in the comments!

Video: indoor plants for dark rooms

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