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What types of parrots exist. parrot species

There are no descendants of ornithischian dinosaurs more pleasant for humans than parrots. From early childhood, each of us wants to get a talking bird in order to feel like a captain of a pirate ship, a wizard or a space traveler (where without the Talking Bird). However, we know so little about these smart, beautiful and graceful creatures. On our website you can find out what types of parrots are with a description, but we will focus on the most common domestic birds in Russia.

Origin of parrots

According to the latest scientists, parrots in their usual form formed about 65 million years (this age belongs to the beak found in the deposits of Lance Creek, in Wyoming). However, it is known for certain that European varieties (not tropical South American, Indian or Australian) are the most ancient representatives of the species (bones found in Great Britain and France are about 50-60 million years old) and they lived in the crowns of local trees in the Eocene era.

The origin of modern parrots goes back to antiquity

The species diversity and their habitats serve as excellent evidence that in prehistoric times all the continents were united into one, Pangea, and then the separated southern mainland, Gondwana, carried all representatives of the species to Antarctica.

An interesting fact is that parrots became pets at about the same time as dogs. Moreover, they are one of the most ancient totemic animals. The reason for this was their developed intellect and the possibility of onomatopoeia - ancient people saw in intelligent birds the reborn spirits of dead leaders.

Remarkably, for many centuries they were unknown in Europe. Onesikritos, one of the commanders of Alexander the Great, helped them return to their historical homeland in the 3rd century BC.

Parrots were a sign of prosperity - they were kept in golden cages of palaces, they calmly walked around luxurious villas. According to one legend, Gaius Julius Caesar made some important decisions during his campaigns, guided by the opinion of his pet - a huge cockatoo.

Today there are a huge number of species, so it's worth taking the time to admire the photos of these beautiful birds, remember the names of all popular species with names, study their habits and, perhaps, choose a pet to your liking.

Structural features

Parrots are inhabitants of the tropics and subtropics, so most of the species are found in South America and Australia. Moreover, half of the known parrots live on the Green Continent, in particular wavy and cockatiels. They feel most comfortable in forests, but are widespread everywhere: plains and meadows, mountains, floodplains.

At the moment, scientists have 87 species in the world, but the inaccessibility of some regions of tropical latitudes suggests that the list is far from complete.

Despite the huge diversity in size, wingspan, colors and habitats, they all have in common curiosity, an open interest in man and a desire to learn. It was they who initiated the alliance with Homo Sapiens.

The largest breeds of parrots cannot be called ideal "flyers". The larger the parrot, the less time it spends in flight in natural conditions.

The cockatoo, for example, prefers to glide and jump from branch to branch, moving along the trunk of a tree like its ancient ancestor, Archeopteryx (the "grandfather" of all modern bird species).

The body length is from 9 cm to 1 meter. Most of the typical representatives of the order are brightly colored: the dominant colors are yellow and green. Their characteristic feature is an impressive beak, which is similar in structure to the beak of birds of prey, it is needed for movement and food.

In addition to the fact that these birds can peck hard fruits with their beak, they also use it while climbing trees, deftly clinging to branches. In addition, the beak is the pride of males, with the help of it they sort things out in ritual fights (non-aggressive and more reminiscent of a dance). "Savages" most often lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving from a feeding place to a new place to spend the night.

What are domestic parrots

The most common breeds that are tamed by humans are:

    - wavy
    - cockatiels
    - cockatoo
    - gray
    - lovebird

The wavy is an extremely common domesticated bird and the smallest parrot. It will be a great companion for almost any child or adult. He also responds well to a person, quickly tames, makes contact with pleasure, easily remembers words.

Oddly enough, in their homeland, Australia, wild budgerigars replace doves. Australian "pigeons" are common on almost the entire continent. “Real” budgerigars are only green-yellow in color, all other shades and colors were obtained during selection by artificial means. "Volnushki" in the wild live in colossal flocks - up to several thousand individuals.

Colonies of wild budgerigars in the wild

Moreover, the socialization of these birds has reached such heights that the flock is a huge well-coordinated mechanism that works without failures - each individual knows its functionality and place during the flight. Ornithologists are still puzzling over how, it would seem, such a small bird manages to do something that is beyond the control of the human mind?

In the wild, budgerigars feed throughout the day and like to settle near rivers and bodies of water. Despite the fact that at home they can memorize up to 30 words, in their natural environment, 9 sounds are enough for them to communicate with each other.

In nature, wavy live in flocks

cockatiels belong to the medium-sized species of parrots. They are quite peaceful and not too noisy (although it is worth noting that at an early age it is almost impossible to silence them - at this time they realize that they have a very melodious and sonorous voice that they can't wait to put into practice). In addition, these cute pets quickly adapt to the environment and are well trained. Previously, they were considered a subspecies of cockatoo, but now they have been identified as a separate subspecies. make contact with people, but are poorly trained in tricks and.

If you ask what the big parrots are called, then we can give the following breeds as an example:


ara- one of the most expensive species that can be purchased legally. Big, smart, independent. A funny trait is the fact that their mood can be read from the skin around their eyes. If a macaw is angry or agitated, it will change color to red or orange.

Exotic lovers need to understand that keeping a macaw in an apartment can bring a headache not only to the owners, but also to the neighbors: this species has a loud and rather unpleasant voice that can piss anyone off.

They are quite noisy and not every person will be able to get used to their sharp timbre of voice. This species, although it does not have the ability to memorize words, but it lends itself very well to learning various funny tricks.


Cockatoo- the bird is noticeable (weight can reach 1 kg) and serious in size. This is a large parrot, most often white in color. It can be safely attributed to centenarians (individuals are known whose age is 100 years). Thanks to their energy and remarkable ingenuity, these birds win the well-deserved love of their owners.

It is worth knowing that the beak of this species is very powerful and it is able to break the shell, wooden sticks up to a centimeter thick, and even metal wire. Cockatoos are very loving and constantly show their tenderness for a person, jealously guarding him from the encroachments of other pets - dogs, cats and even other parrots. Cockatoos love to communicate, dance, play - these birds will do everything possible to get attention and praise.

can rightfully be called the most talented representative of the detachment. He easily becomes attached to the people around him. The Jaco is a medium-sized breed of parrot. They easily learn not only individual words, but even whole sentences. They have a pleasant gray color and aristocratic appearance.

Lovebirds can be attributed to small representatives. There is an opinion that the birds of one pair are strongly attached to each other and are always together (although there are cases when the couple quickly broke up and the parrots needed to look for new partners). They are distinguished by a calm and cheerful disposition, although they do not belong to the speakers.

Care and longevity

Different breeds eat differently. various breeds mainly consists of plant foods. Their main food is various fruits and seeds. Loris also feed on nectar and pollen, while kea will not refuse insect larvae and even carrion.

In any case, there should always be access to fresh water and food.

The most important issue that concerns all pet owners is the issue of life expectancy. How many measured years are left depends on the size of the bird: small individuals live 10-15 years, and large breeds can live up to 120 years (according to unverified data). In order for the pet to live as long as possible, it is necessary:

  • feed the parrot varied and balanced;
  • optimally select the ambient temperature and change the "day-night" mode;
  • use ultraviolet lamps (they help bird cells produce vital vitamin D);
  • make sure that the bird does not get bored - provide it with toys and means of development;
  • equip a spacious cage in which the feathered pet will not experience stress;
  • protect birds from household injuries (fractures are one of the most common causes of death).

If all these points are met, then the parrot can live as long as possible. Below are the names and photos of popular domestic parrot species:

Budgerigar : up to 20 years. The average duration is 10-15 years.


Corella: up to 20 years. The average duration is 15-18 years.


: up to 15 years. The average duration is 10-15 years.

: up to 90 years. The average duration is 50-60 years.

ara: up to 50 years. The average duration is 30-40 years.


Cockatoo: up to 65 years. The average duration is 40-50 years.


The main thing that many owners of all varieties of parrots forget about is that these creatures need to communicate. If the owners remember their pets once a week, this can lead to severe stress and self-plucking.

Numerous photos and descriptions of the above species of parrots can be easily found on the site and it is highly recommended to do this before making a purchase decision.

Love your winged friends, and they will delight you with funny antics and conscious conversations for many years to come.

Moving a parrot to your home is a crucial stage. Even more important is the proper care of the parrot. Read the tips in this article

Even ordinary cardboard boxes can be used to transport parrots, you just need to make more holes in them and pour at least a little food. It is not necessary to transport a parrot in a cage just bought with him, because. it may fall during the move and be damaged or catch a cold. In general, the larger the cage, the better.

General conditions for keeping a parrot at home

As already mentioned, the more spacious the parrot's cage, the better. The cage should always have a feeder with food and a drinker with fresh water. Water should be changed every day, washing the drinker so that algae does not grow inside it, and it is better, I think, to pour boiled water.

Feed the parrot at least twice a day, if the parrot eats everything, then add some sleep - he himself knows how much he needs to eat. So that the husk from the seeds does not fly outside the cage, you should wrap it from below with tape so that the husk does not fly out of the cage, but remains on the tape. Do not forget that a parrot is a bird.

Let your pet fly around the house several times a week to keep them fit and healthy. Only at first it is worth checking whether all the vents, windows, doors to the street are closed and whether there are other pets nearby.

Cage for a parrot

The parrot cage should be:

  1. So spacious that the bird could at least calmly fly over it without touching the walls, i.e. the width of the cage should be greater than the wingspan of the parrot.
  2. Not made of wood, because parrot can chew on wooden rods
  3. Safe for the bird, if the cage doors are on springs, then it is better to remove them or loosen them and secure the door with a rope. This is necessary in order not to accidentally pinch the parrot while opening and closing the checkered door.
  4. A cozy home for a parrot! You should hang toys, a mirror, a bell in it, change the bedding, you can cover the cage with a parrot with a towel at night, this can be done during the day to let him sleep.
  5. Convenient! It should have perches on which the parrot sits and a swing on which it will swing. If the parrot is sitting on a swing, then you can swing it slightly.

Types of domestic parrots


Little parrots. They grow only up to 11 cm in length. Very neat and ambitious, so the owner must often clean their cage. Its bottom should be covered with a two-centimeter layer of washed sand. The ideal temperature for living is 18-20 degrees. The main component of nutrition is millet, it should be contained in all grain mixtures for finches. With proper care, they can live over 10 years.

necklace parrots

One of the most undemanding parrots regarding the conditions of detention. Able to learn, incl. speak, but upon reaching 3-4 years of age, they become almost incapable of learning. They grow up to 42 cm in length.


Birds of small size. Rosella has a wing length of 16 cm, a body length of 32 cm. Weight: 50-60 grams.


Small, beautiful, inexpensive - it's all about budgerigars! Budgerigars weigh only 30-50 grams, come in a wide variety of colors. Individuals of this species of parrots are well trained if they are dealt with a lot.


Large beautiful parrots, grow up to 90 centimeters in height. The Macaw is a very noisy bird, this species does not need to be kept in a cage all day, it needs more space and toys, but without small details. They bite very painfully, they can bite off a finger. Ares live 50-60 years.


Total there are about twenty subspecies of Kakadu. This type of parrot is more suitable for experienced poultry farmers.

They can grow up to 60 cm in height and gain weight over one kilogram. This species of parrots lives 40-100 years.


Lovebirds - small, quiet , small parrots , easy to get used to people , reach a weight of about 50 grams grow to about 14 cm in height , it is not recommended to keep them together with budgerigars .

Live approximately 16-20 years.

African gray parrots or gray

Relate to large species of parrots, tk. Their weight is 400-600 grams, and their height is about 33 cm.

Jacos are suitable for keeping in city apartments, because. not very noisy, this type of parrot is considered very smart, they even say that in terms of development they are at the development level of a four-year-old child. Can learn many words and build up a large vocabulary. You can leave one for the whole day.

These parrots live 60-80 years. Requires an experienced owner.

Nymphs or cockatiels

cockatiels or nymphs are medium-sized parrot species. Height ranges from 30 cm and weight from 80 to 120 grams.

This type of parrot is considered a good choice for beginner parrot breeders, adapts and learns well, can learn to speak.

Corellas are considered to be a rather peaceful and not noisy species of parrots. But already cockatiels can just be kept with small budgerigars. Live 25-35 years.


Amazons are large species of parrots, they are about 40 cm high and weigh about 300-650 grams. They like to eat nuts and fruits , and if not eaten properly , they are capable of obesity . Well trained and talk.

As with all types of parrots, males are more talkative. In general, Amazons sometimes become attached to only one person, while others can bite painfully, and it is better if the parrot gets used to all family members. Live for over 50 years.


Relate to medium species of parrots. Very active and interesting birds.

Lorikeets, feeding

When we think of pets, the first thing that comes to mind is dogs and cats, then rabbits and guinea pigs and other domestic rodents. However, such birds as parrots have long been living next to humans and for many owners are the most real and beloved pets.

What pets come from parrots? The answer to this question largely depends on personal preference and individual opinion.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of keeping parrots as pets. Moreover, some of the shortcomings of parrots as pets can become advantages for some people, and for others they will turn into their disadvantages.

So, for example, the life expectancy of small parrots is about 15 years, and large species, if properly cared for, can live for about 50 years. This is three times more than dogs or cats, not to mention small rodents.

People looking for a companion for a period comparable to a human life may find a parrot a suitable pet for them. At the same time, for example, for parents who want to buy a pet for a child or people who are not ready to care for such a long period, this will become a significant disadvantage.

Often parrots become attractive because of the ability to learn to talk. Some types of parrots are indeed able to repeat words and even sentences that they have been taught, but there is no significant evidence that parrots understand the meaning of the words they pronounce. Despite this, teaching a parrot new words can be a very exciting experience for both the owner and the parrot.

There are many different types of parrots suitable for keeping as pets. The most popular types are:

A tame male parrot is a better pet, more social and less likely to have health problems associated with females laying eggs. In general, female parrots need a little more care than males. In some types of parrots, it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to determine the sex while they are young. Therefore, those who are looking for a male or female will have to choose from older parrots.

Before you decide to purchase a parrot, you should learn more about the types of parrots and their content. And also take into account the following facts:

Large parrots need a lot of space

Decide how much space you can allocate for the parrot. Some parrots need quite a lot of space, especially if you are planning to get a Macaw. In addition to a huge cage, he needs to allocate some space for the game. Budgerigars and cockatiels do not need as much space. Therefore, it is better to choose the size of a parrot in accordance with the free square meters of the home.

Other family members and children

Be aware of other family members and pets in the home. Children and large parrots do not mix well. It is desirable for a parrot to spend some time outside the cage every day.

Large parrots can peck at a child's fingers as they crack walnuts and Brazil nuts in the wild. To varying degrees, but all parrots are quite noisy, and some can be very loud. How do other family members feel about this fact? If you have dogs, cats, snakes, ferrets, or other pets, would a parrot be food for them?

Maintenance costs

Can you afford the cost of the parrot you want, including the cage, toys, food, and medical care? Large birds require large cages, which are quite costly.

Attention for parrot

Do you have enough time for the parrot? Parrots wake up at sunrise and go to bed when it gets dark. For many people, this is just the time when they are at work. Unfortunately, Saturday and Sunday are not enough for a parrot. You should be able to spend enough quality time with your parrot each day for his emotional health. If you don't have time for a parrot, it's best not to have one.

parrot care

Do you have the time and motivation to clean and care for your parrot? The parrot should have fresh food and water every day. The parrot cage must be cleaned of debris daily. Every week, at least, the cage needs a thorough cleaning. Parrot feathers also need to be cleaned regularly.

If you have a stable lifestyle, you can meet the needs of a parrot every day, all family members want a parrot, then probably a parrot will be a great pet for you!

We opted for a beautiful bird as a pet. Then let's figure out which parrots are right for you.

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Variety of domestic birds

Any pet has both disadvantages and advantages, which are individual for each owner, depending on personal characteristics.

Parrots are tame birds with a fairly high life expectancy of 15 years for some breeds and up to 50 for larger ones. Thus, they become friends for life.

One of the attractive advantages of poultry is the ability to teach them speech. Teaching a parrot words is a very interesting and time-consuming task. At the same time, there is no guarantee that the pet will understand what he says and when it should be done.

There are a large number of parrots in pet stores. We present to your attention the most common types.


The most common poultry is the budgerigar. These are small birds, reaching 30cm. They come in a variety of colors: yellow, white, blue, green, purple, and also combine their various shades in their color.

Like other domestic parrots, these representatives have an arched beak, long and tenacious fingers on their paws and a tail narrowed to the tip. They look very fragile and cute.

Budgerigars are very smart and easy to train. Be patient, and you can not only teach him to speak, but also perform tricks. And you should start with learning to sit on the owner's hand.


Corella is also a relatively small species of parrot. The average size is 30 cm without their magnificent long tuft. The colors are very varied.

Corella is a decoration of the house. They are small smart, easy to care for and maintain. With the right approach and education, they easily learn words, although they prefer to whistle and imitate various sounds.

These representatives are very affectionate and love to communicate with all family members. Affectionate and addicting birds, sometimes even too noisy.


Miniature lovebirds are 17-20 cm in size. Their characteristic feature is a large head and a very strong red or yellow beak. Their tail is short, only 5 cm, rounded.

Lovebirds are very jealous, and even aggressive during the mating season. They are usually bought in pairs. The lovebird is monogamous, he will never leave his partner. Sometimes partners quarrel, but quickly reconcile. It rarely happens that the owners choose pairs incorrectly, then one lovebird will chase the other.

The lovebird is not prone to learning words, but if you keep a couple of these birds, they are very cute and active. They can perform tricks, usually if one partner did something, the second one will immediately try to either repeat or do something more interesting.


Ara is a fairly large parrot species that can easily live in your family for 30 years. They are smart and well trained, although they are particularly noisy. With screams and noise, they intuitively attract attention, and inexperienced owners encourage them.

Macaws are very sociable parrots, distinguished by excellent conversational abilities. He needs a constant intellectual load and a lot of toys for exercise.

Ara is not recommended for children. Taking a small chick, he will grow up and with his beak and paws he can injure not only a child, but also an adult. Although with proper care and maintenance, as well as due attention, this does not happen.


Jaco is a parrot of medium variety up to 45 cm and lives up to 40-60 years. Gray parrots are rightfully considered the most talkative representatives. They can not only repeat words, imitating the human voice, but repeat many of the sounds around them.

Jaco from large breeds are the easiest to maintain. In education and training, they need good loads, they often get bored, so they have to come up with something new. Otherwise, you will encounter a playful, capricious bird that plays with everything that lies well: wires, a remote control, and telephones will go in if the manual Jaco gets to them. Constant care, upbringing and training, that's what representatives of this breed need.


Cockatoos are long-lived breeds that make great companions for life. Its distinctive features are strong and large beak and crest, which sticks up in an excited or anxious state.

Cockatoos do not like to talk, although they are considered the noisiest species. Their favorite pastime is simply to shout.

Cockatoo owners need to be trained according to the obedience technique, because these birds have a number of unpleasant features:

  • increased chewing, chews a lot compared to other representatives;
  • bites;
  • screams, you have to live with the parrot in the same rhythm.


Amazons are active and joyful pets. They adapt perfectly to any conditions, although their routine often resembles a child’s day: they get up early, sleep in the afternoon, and fit into the night.

Amazons are excellent at learning to speak, can know up to 100 words, and even sing sometimes. They are distinguished by arrogance and a quick change of mood.

Amazons are well suited for busy owners, adapting quickly in their characteristics, but this does not mean that they do not require attention. Care, maintenance and upbringing are daily procedures, as well as communication with the owner.


Small Lorikeets are excellent tricksters and talkative. They are jealous owners, they are distinguished by a playful and calm disposition. Well suited as a gift for children, as tame lorikeets love to bathe and hold.

If this parrot spoke, it is necessary to let him speak out, it is almost impossible to silence him. And if you shout over him, he will also turn to shouting.

With close contact and training, it becomes clear that Lorikets are as smart as they are stubborn. He should always be interested, lured and at the same time not offended.

General conditions of detention in the house

For a parrot to be healthy and active, it needs special conditions of detention, which sometimes become quite expensive:

  1. Cell. The bigger the parrot, the bigger the cage. It should be spacious and comfortable. Its location is also very important: no drafts, direct sunlight and sharp and loud noises.
  2. Content. Maintaining cleanliness in the cage is not only a replacement of the filler, but also a wash. Toys for leisure for various purposes. Daily flights with mandatory bird safety.
  3. Feeding. Always clean food and water, and this applies to both dry food and self-prepared food.
  4. Attention. Raising and training a bird requires attention and sufficient communication with it, otherwise it will get bored and depressed.
  5. Treatment. All animals get sick, parrots are no exception, more often this happens due to noise, stress, moving or even repairs from neighbors.

Weigh the pros and cons when choosing a pet. Remember that parrots are also alive, live long and are very attached to the owner.

Photo gallery

The child tearfully asks to have a parrot. And you almost agree to go to the bird market for a purchase. But here a reasonable question arises: how to care for him, what to feed him, and most importantly - which parrot to buy, because there are so many varieties of them that your eyes run wide.

The choice of a parrot is a serious matter that requires a balanced decision. Currently, many breeds have been domesticated, the choice is extensive, and it should depend primarily on for whom and for what purpose you get a pet.

If at the request of the child, then most suitable budgie . This type is common and quite budgetary. Budgerigars are small in size, which means that the cage will not take up much space and can be located even in a small apartment.

Corella does not adapt poorly to home conditions, easily gets used to people and can be trained, especially if taken into the family at an early age. They easily remember words and small sentences. In size, Corella is almost twice as large as a budgerigar, and is not picky about food. It comes in light lemon, gray and white colors.

Amazon -large, but at the same time quite affordable. Easily converges with people, not averse to talking. The character is flexible, with regular classes it achieves good results in training.

Suitable for home and Cockatoo. This representative of the fauna can reach 70 cm in length. If there are children in the family, they will definitely make friends with Kakadu, because individuals of this breed are cute and friendly. They are intelligent and can fulfill simple requests, such as fetching items.

The downside is the piercing cry of Kakadu, as well as excessive curiosity. Its life span is about eighty years.

Jaco -an individual who will force respect for himself, because he is distinguished by waywardness. Such a parrot should be chosen by powerful people so that he feels strength, otherwise he will do what he sees fit.

Jaco is a long-liver, can live up to a hundred years, being a reliable friend to his master. Very smart. If you deal with him, he can learn many words and even sayings, but if you do not pay attention to Jaco, he will grow up ill-mannered, and his piercing cries will annoy the household.

Another representative of centenarians-intellectuals is a parrot Ara. The bird is quite large, which means that your living space should allow you to accommodate a large cage.

A trained parrot will address you by name and even speak in memorized phrases, and Ara can have a lot of them in his arsenal. Having a powerful beak, the devoted Macaw will never hurt the owner. By purchasing such a bird, you get a devoted friend for life.

Types of parrots photo with names

Indian ringed
Kalita (monk)
Azure grass parakeet
Rosella motley
Senegal parrot

How to choose a healthy parrot

First of all, pay attention to the appearance. The bird should look active. If she sits ruffled with a blurred look, then she is clearly unhealthy.Bird droppings should be formed, not liquid, and the parrot's anus should be dry.

Make sure that all flight feathers in the tail and wings are intact. With their partial absence, the parrot most likely has a "French molt" - a disease in which feathers do not recover.

It is best to choose young individuals, they adapt more easily and quickly get used to new living conditions. The optimal age is 5-6 weeks.

Video how to choose a healthy parrot

Pros and cons of keeping a parrot at home

When deciding to have a parrot in the house, be prepared to face the difficulties that invariably arise when keeping them, weigh all the pros and cons before this step is taken.

  • aesthetic side - the beauty of these birds does not leave anyone indifferent;
  • starting a parrot in the house, you get a good friend, a family member who will happily wait for your return;
  • a parrot in the house will serve as an antidepressant, because the cheerfulness of this bird and communication with it can remove any negativity;
  • keeping a parrot does not require large material costs;
  • parrots do not emit an unpleasant odor;
  • parrots lend themselves well to training, they can be taught to speak and perform simple actions.
  • parrots are noisy, they wake up very early, so if you like to sleep, you should think about whether you will get along together;
  • can cause allergies;
  • parrots are not walked, but they need to fly, which means that from time to time they will have to let them fly around the apartment;
  • parrots are very curious, so the owners are not immune from petty pet sabotage, because he will try everything interesting “by the tooth”, and like any bird, parrots have a habit of raking and scattering everything;
  • parrots molt twice a year - be prepared for the fact that feathers and fluff will periodically lie around the cage and in the rooms;
  • birds sometimes show aggression towards other pets, as they like to be leaders.

The first day the parrot is at home, the adaptation of the budgerigar at home

A trip to the zoo has been completed and here is the long-awaited parrot at your home. But if this is joy for you, then moving to a new place is undoubted stress for a parrot. He needs to go through a certain period of adaptation and the further behavior of your pet depends on how it proceeds. If the adaptation takes place in a calm environment, then the bird will quickly get used to the new owners, will be sociable and cheerful. Conversely, you can get a nervous, downtrodden dad if you constantly "pull" him in the first days of being in your house. Open the cage only if necessary: ​​change the water, clean, add food.

If, when buying, the parrot was completely healthy, and at home he began to have a disorder (loose stools), take it easy, most likely this is how the adaptation goes. Usually after 2-3 days everything returns to normal, but if diarrhea has been observed for more than a week, then it is worth taking the bird to the veterinarian.

On the first day, the parrot can sit ruffled in the corner of the cage, not eat. Do not worry, he will soon get used to it, begin to chirp, become interested in his home. That's when you need to take the first steps towards rapprochement: smoothly and slowly approach the cage, gently talk to him.

Cages for parrots photo

Budgerigar Cage Size

The cage is where your pet will spend most of their time. Create conditions for him so that in his house he feels as protected as possible. The budgerigar is not large, but it is still not worth choosing a cage that is too tight for him. The bird should be able to make small flights.

Ornithologists advise choosing a cage at least 40 cm long, 30 cm high and not less than 25 cm wide. If there are two parrots, then, accordingly, the cage should be larger: 60 cm long, 40 cm high and 30 wide see. The distance between the rods should not be wide so that the parrot does not crawl through them, does not get stuck or injured. The recommended distance is about 12 mm.

The cage should be equipped with perches suspended at different heights so that the parrot can freely flutter from one to the other. For entertainment, it would not be superfluous to place a mirror, a bell, a ladder in it, but do not overdo it, otherwise all this will simply become an obstacle to the wavy.

Cage for medium parrots

For parrots such as Corella, Segegalsky or Lori, cages of at least 45 cm in length and height and 30 cm in width are suitable. A pair of parrots for comfortable keeping conditions will need a cage twice as large, but at least 60 cm long, 50 cm high and 30 wide.

Cage for large parrots

Large parrots of the Macaw, Jaco or Cockatoo breeds need a spacious dwelling. Birds should not feel constrained, limiting space is fraught with illness and even death for them. The minimum dimensions of the cage should not be less than 70 cm in length and height and 60 cm in width, and the larger the cage, the better, because large parrots can grow up to 1 m in length.

Nature has awarded large parrots with a powerful beak, with which they can easily unbend or even bite through rods made of fragile steel. The thickness of the rods should be at least 3 cm. Birds endowed with intelligence can easily figure out a simple lock on a cage or a latch. Choose locks that lock securely with a key and are made from durable materials.

It is unacceptable to keep a parrot in a cage all the time - this is detrimental to him. If there is a risk that the bird will fly away, put on a walking harness, but he must walk.

Perches for large birds are best made from bark-covered oak or beech branches. In diameter, they should be voluminous enough so that the fingers of the parrot, clasping the pole, do not close. Periodically, poles need to be disinfected, and worn out ones should be replaced with new ones.

Parrot how to care at home

  1. Place the cage with the parrot at eye level so that the bird has direct contact with you when communicating.
  2. Do not place the cage in a draft, near household appliances, batteries, heaters, or a stove.
  3. Let one side of the cage rest against the wall, so the bird will feel more secure.
  4. Make sure that the parrot has enough light, but he was not in direct sunlight. The cage should have a shady side where the bird could hide from the too bright sun.
  5. Do not turn on loud music near the cage, TV - this can scare the bird.
  6. It is necessary to clean the cage every day, removing litter from it and all the garbage that has accumulated during the day.
  7. The water in the bowl should be changed as often as possible, and the bowl and feeder should be washed well with hot water.
  8. Once a month, you need to do a general cleaning in your pet's house. It is advisable to completely treat the cell with a solution of wormwood or chamomile.
  9. Don't leave your pet alone for long periods of time. A parrot is a social bird, demanding to communicate, and alone it can get bored and seriously ill.

The best food for parrots

For those who have recently adopted a parrot, it is difficult to decide on the choice of food. Questions arise: which manufacturer to give preference? What should be quality food?

  • First, the feed should not contain chemical elements.
  • Secondly, the grain mixture should be varied, enriched with essential amino acids, trace elements and vitamins.
  • Thirdly, the grain should shine, and also have the ability to germinate - this indicates its freshness.
  • Fourthly, the feed must be hermetically sealed and protected from moisture.

Belgian food Versele Laga for parrots small, medium andlarge breeds. Presented in several versions: Prestige- cerealsmixtures without additives andPrestige Premium - mixtures with the addition of sea minerals, crushedoyster shells, vitamin and amino acids.
Vitakraft menu vital - balanced classic food from a German manufacturer, enriched with essential vitamins, microelements and iodine. In line Menu food for adult birds and their chicks are presented.
FIORY African - a wonderful Italian blend, in which vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and omega-3 granules are perfectly matched. There are thirteen trace elements in the grain composition.
Padovan Parrocchetti Grand Mix - high quality Italian product with minerals and vitamins, containing biscuit crumbs and fruits. Recommended for Corella, Lovebirds.
Stern Rio Russian manufacturer Mealberry. Ruler Riorepresented by a large assortment, including food for all types of parrots and even grain mixtures, for birds during the molting period.
Feed line Bakacompanies "Biosphere" - complete food for parrots of all kinds. The composition of the feed is as close as possible to the diet of parrots in their natural habitat.

What to feed budgerigars other than food

In addition to the usual food, it does not hurt for a parrot to diversify the diet with additional foods that are useful to his body, for example, berries, fruits and vegetables.

No less useful stems and leaves of plants: alfalfa, dandelion, clover. But they must be collected away from a polluted highway.You can also make herbal flour from these plants. To do this, dry them in the oven and grind.

Try to treat your pet with a boiled egg mixed with a little breadcrumbs and finely grated carrots. Such a delicacy will surely please him.

How long do budgerigars live at home

At home, the life of budgerigars is significantly different from living conditions in the wild, where every day can be the last due to an encounter with a predator. With good care, when the parrot is protected from dangers, diseases, and its nutrition is as balanced as possible, it may well live for 15 years, and in exceptional cases even 20.

Cat and parrot in the house

Most people who are going to have a parrot in the house are concerned about the question: will he get along with a cat? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous and depends on many factors.

The first meeting of animals. If they appeared in the house at the same time, still small, there is a chance that their relationship will become friendly.If the cat felt like a full-fledged mistress, then the appearance of a parrot will be extremely negatively perceived by her and she will consider it her duty to eliminate the intruder.

In the opposite situation, if the parrot was the first to appear in the house, the chances of establishing peaceful relations increase, since the parrots are quite friendly.In order to avoid tragic consequences, it is better to keep a cat and a parrot separately from each other.

  • Do not hope that the cage is a reliable barrier, even without getting the bird, the cat will inflict great psychological trauma on it.
  • Do not think that by being close you will be able to prevent an attack. The reaction of animals is much faster than the human, and in order not to regret the consequences later, it is better not to create dangerous situations.
  • If the parrot is large, it can also injure the cat.
  • Urgently treat the wound if the attack on the parrot did occur and immediately go to the veterinarian. Self-medication can cost your pet's life.

We offer for your viewing two videos that show the options for the coexistence of a cat and a parrot.

Dog and parrot in the house

The relationship between a parrot and a dog also depends on the upbringing of the animals, and on the circumstances under which they met. Sometimes pets are openly hostile, sometimes they remain neutral, sometimes they are really friends, but do not forget that even unintentionally, a larger and stronger animal can harm a weaker one.

If the animals don't get along, try to keep them away from each other. Let the cage with the parrot be out of reach for the dog, and it is better to let the bird fly when the dog is out for a walk.

How to catch a parrot at home

As mentioned above, the parrot must be released from the cage, giving it the opportunity to fly freely, at least within the premises. It happens that having flown out of the cage, the feathered one is in no hurry to return to it. What to do in such cases?

  1. You do not need to let the parrot out of the cage during the adaptation period, while he is still completely accustomed to you and the new environment.
  2. Before releasing a pet, check that all doors and windows are tightly closed, and that there are no other animals nearby that can harm him.
  3. No matter how the spirit of freedom beckons, the parrot will also want to eat, which means it will return to where food and water are. Let the food always be in the cage, then you just have to be patient and wait for the return of the "prodigal parrot".
  4. Some parrot owners throw a towel over a feathered towel. This method is dangerous because careless movement can cause injury to the parrot, so be extremely careful when choosing this option.
  5. In the dark, parrots see practically nothing, if it’s dark outside, you just turn off the light and remember where your freedom-loving friend is at that moment, and then come up and calmly take him.
  6. And another rule: do not use a net, broom, etc. when catching a parrot. There is a risk of scaring the bird and then it will not trust you for a long time.

How long can you leave a parrot at home

Sometimes it happens that the owners need to leave for a while, and it is not possible to take a parrot with them. It is not always possible to give a pet for overexposure or find someone who would visit him. But you can’t leave a parrot for a long time. The maximum is four days. During this time, the bird will not die of hunger, thirst and longing.

Pour food into several feeders at once so that it lasts longer. Use only grain nutrition, it will not spoil quickly.Pour water into several drinking bowls too and secure well so that the parrot does not splash out and turn them over. It would not be bad to arrange automatic feeders and drinkers.

Take care of entertainment for the parrot: hang a mirror in the cage, put toys in it, you can even leave the radio on so that the pet does not get bored without human speech .... and come back soon!

How to breed budgerigars in the house

Sometimes, in conditions of cage keeping, a purchased pair does not give offspring for a long time. More willingly, parrots breed in captive conditions, when they have freedom of choice.

When choosing a pair, make sure that the parrots are not relatives, otherwise their offspring will be painful, and perhaps not even viable.

When planting one parrot with another, do not rush to connect them, let them first get to know each other remotely, being in different cages, and only then combine the pair and observe their behavior. The sympathy of the birds will be visible to the naked eye.

At home, parrots are ready for breeding when they reach one year of age. To do this, they need to create certain conditions: daylight hours up to 16 hours, enhanced fortified nutrition, air temperature should be at least 20 ° C.

For future parents, they put up a wooden birdhouse, which imitates a hollow, because it is in the hollow in the wild that the female lays her eggs. A small indentation is made in the bottom of the house so that the eggs do not roll out. The bottom is lined with sawdust. The lid should be removable for easy cleaning.

The house is hung at the outer side of the cage in which the female will prepare a place and lay eggs within a month. While mating is in progress, do not disturb the parrots, they don’t even need flights outside the cage now. You should put the cage in a secluded place.They have almost no plumage, but the first feathers appear after 10 days, after a week the newborns are covered with fluff, and 3-week-old babies already look like their parents.

How to choose a talking parrot for your home

Parrots are unique birds that can imitate human speech. Almost all species are able to learn to talk, only some succeed almost immediately, while others need to be persistent in learning.

The most "capable" breeds of parrots:

Jaco - accurately copies the timbre of the human voice, reproduces other sounds that he hears in everyday life;

Amazons - they speak well, but their voice is not like a human;

Corella - quite understandable speech, can learn a lot of words;

Budgie- not averse to chatting, in his vocabulary there can be about 100 words.

But at Macaw and Kakadu speech turns out to be noisy, nevertheless, you can still make out words and phrases.

It is believed that females pronounce words more clearly, and males are more capable of learning.

Any living creature needs communication and a parrot is no exception. When getting a pet, remember that being alone for a long time, he will suffer. If your lifestyle requires a long absence from home, but you still want to get a parrot, buy a pair, they will have more fun together, and you will be calmer.



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