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What kind of ladies are not taken as wives? What kind of women do men take as wives? What kind of girls do they choose as wives?

We constantly ask ourselves questions about the logic of our choices. We are trying to evaluate this or that person, his qualities and dignity. It seems to us that men are more logical and consistent in choosing a future wife. It happens, you look at his chosen one: she is a beauty, and an athlete, and a housewife, and is ready to love devotedly to the grave, but it’s still not the same. Even if they take one as a wife, they still run after others... What is the logic of men’s choice, what criteria for assessing women’s qualities must be taken into account. Surely a delicious dinner and clean shirts are no longer an argument? And they circle around the obstinate women in a swarm, and they don’t allow passage, they crowd into suitors. But it is logical that she will never become an exemplary wife.

So, let's figure out what kind of woman men want to see next to them?

1. Intelligence

There is an opinion that all women are narrow-minded; men have this opinion because of the illogical and sometimes even unpredictable actions that women do. Men are annoyed by stupid or very smart girls. All they want is a pleasant conversation over dinner or lunch, an understanding of simple and logical things. You shouldn’t draw a diagram of a hadron collider on a napkin with explanations; after seeing this, a man will look for how to escape after the first explanation.

2. Independence

Nobody likes to bother with other people's problems, especially women's ones, that's a fact! The role of a nanny scares men; you will deserve more attention and respect by solving your problems yourself. An independent woman can always give advice to a man, and this is appreciated, although they do not admit to anyone that they listen to women’s advice.

3. Attractiveness

You can shine spiritual beauty, but she will be noticed only after you become an irresistible charmer. This is a fact that you can’t argue with, you should sparkle both at home and in society, men are drawn to beauty and never let it go.

4. Respect

Don’t argue, even if he’s wrong, just listen to him and try to understand. Respect comes from understanding rather than denying problems. Truth is born in harmony between common comments.

5. Democratic

You shouldn’t tell a man what to do and how to do it. He should have freedom and his own hobbies, just as he should not limit your freedom.

6. Wisdom in communication, delicacy

You should not remind a man of his responsibilities. He may not remember all the birthdays or the crowded trash can. He is the head of the family and he is concerned about more global problems.

7. Sexuality

Probably the most important thing! Where would we be without this, and here you have to forget that your head hurts, otherwise you run the risk of going to the left and finding something on the side. Well, you shouldn’t impose yourself too much, which may also seem suspicious to a man.

8. Ability to get along with male friends and relatives

No matter how you look at it, you need to understand your mother-in-law and at least listen to her, because which woman does a man listen to more, of course, his mother. Well, comrades, let them always talk about fishing, but it’s better to talk about fishing than about other women.

9. Ability to inspire

Men are lazy creatures; they can lie on the couch and watch TV all day. But who else but a woman can silently force a man to do something or do something with just one look. Who else but a woman can give an incentive to move mountains for her sake.

This is exactly what the picture looks like of how a man sees his chosen one, his future wife. And strange as it may seem, for some reason it is precisely these qualities that modern women develop in themselves, although I don’t fully understand why they are constantly abandoned. After all, matching the desires of your other half is so important!

In women's society there is already an opinion that men only have long-term relationships with bitches and Cinderellas. They are so predictable and reliable Cinderellas that they often get so carried away pleasing men that they forget to develop on their own and the man loses interest in them, goes to cheerful bitches who so easily and simply manipulate men, playing only on their instincts. Bitches don't know how to give, and all they can do is just have fun.

So what kind of women do men really want to throw in their lot with? With someone who subtly feels and understands his soulmate, is able to love and come to the rescue when circumstances require it. A positive, sociable, moderately attractive woman with a rich inner world. So that you feel warm and cozy next to her and don’t want to look for the truth in a bottle, leave home, look for lust and love on the side. Such women are loved, appreciated and will never be abandoned, because they give happiness, which is the key to success in any family. And these qualities deserve to be developed by every woman.

5 qualities of a girl to whom all men are drawn - video

I recently read a funny article by a well-known professional matchmaker and relationship expert. So, it was about different types women that men don't want to marry. You know, it got me thinking about the annoying little things that girls do that turn off the men of their dreams. If you are already ripe for such a serious step and are in search of ideal man for creating happy family, you should read my article and understand whether you are doing things that make men try to avoid you. If you find similar signs, you will also receive valuable advice on how to solve this problem. So, let's go.

1. Girl “Not a day without jealousy”

If we're talking about women that men don't want to marry, we can safely include this type of woman in our list. She does not trust and constantly suspects a man of something, and if she was offended in the past, this does not justify her current behavior. This is why men will break off relationships with her in most cases, because “no one can live constantly paying for the crimes of others.”

2. Girl “Boss”

I must admit that I am partly this type, but in my defense I can say that I do it unconsciously. At first, he may like this cute personality trait, because men love ambitious women who know what they want from life. But over time, he will understand that everything is different, and he will feel like a schoolboy who is told by his elementary school teacher what to do. You will ruin your loved one, drive his self-esteem to a level below the baseboard and begin to complain to all your friends, relatives, colleagues about what a bad husband you have, how dependent he is, and why did you marry him in the first place.

Therefore, if you recognize yourself in the description, try to change something and become more accessible, softer. Relax, don’t try to carry the whole house on yourself, the budget is on your shoulders - no one can stand this normal woman. Let the man show his masculine self, and in the meantime you become fragile and tender, like this.

3. Girl “I like to play”

I know that sometimes it's fun to play seductive games with a man (which may only be fun for you), but in a long-term relationship they can become a problem. He might be intrigued at first by playing the hard-to-get girl, but later want someone nicer and more stable. So, no matter how exciting it may be, stop playing with his heart! Act accordingly and think about his feelings.

4. Girl “Don’t care about anything but him”

These are the type of women that men don't want to marry. Even if at first he is a little impressed by her attention and kindness, then, over time, he will become fed up with this and will be depressed by excessive attention. A man loves a girl who knows what she wants, who has plans without him, who has a goal in life, and does not live only for him. Don't forget about yourself and your dreams!

5. Girl “Daddy’s Girl”

Experts say that such girls date older and more powerful men because they subconsciously look for a father figure, not someone they want to marry in the future. Perhaps at first the man will be surprised that a young girl is interested in him, but later he will understand that his special chosen one has many flaws that she must correct if she wants to stay with him.

6. Girl “I’m on a diet”

This is another common mistake made by most women these days because they always want to look perfect for their men. They don't eat anything. Such unhealthy behavior will soon lead to indigestion, at a minimum. But if you don’t catch it in time, then the person may not be saved. So remember: men love you more than your “extra 2 cm on the waist”, they will want to share their life with someone who appreciates such pleasant moments as eating cupcakes while watching their favorite movie. It's not much fun to dine alone, let's face it!

7. Girl “I want to change you!”

Another common mistake that women make is that they try with all their might to change men and adjust them to suit themselves and their needs. Perhaps some weak-willed, spineless guys will like this, they cannot resist it due to their inherent inconsistency, but the majority try to run away from such girls before the relationship reaches the serious stage.

8. Girl “I love gossip”

No wonder guys don't like women like this. Girls of this type like to gossip a lot and talk about other people and their problems for days on end. As a result, a man will behave warily around such a girl, because he will not be sure that stories from their personal life will not soon emerge for general discussion.

9. Girl “I keep in touch with everyone”

Most guys will try to avoid such women because they constantly demand the attention of others. A girl needs to know that she is good, beautiful, smart or wealthy, as everyone thinks. Her behavior and apparent confidence can place an unbearable burden on her partner, who will eventually get tired of the fact that she does not appreciate what she has, but tries to appear in a much better position. better light than it actually is.

Many women try too hard to change themselves to please the guy of their dreams in hopes of marrying him. But you perfectly understand the truth of life: “Men go out, have fun, have fun with glamorous chicks, pompous beauties, bitches, and as a wife they choose a plain-looking, no-ambitious, simple girl who doesn’t value partying, clubs and all this bright tinsel, and family, children, home comfort. It is with such a girl that you can go through life, because she will not betray, will not cheat, will accept her husband for who he is, and, I note, this will come back to her a hundredfold. Men are not fools...

There are women who are courted by not one, but many men. Moreover, men win the hearts of these women and want marriage.

And there are women with whom men only build short-term relationships, despite the fact that these women are attractive, smart and their careers are going well, but... personal life It’s not going well at all.

Such women often write to us at the love-911 service and ask the main question that worries them: “Why won’t they marry me?”

Why don't they take me as a wife?

The answer to the question “Why don’t they take me as a wife?” will be – not the correct behavior of women.

It’s not even that they behave incorrectly in the literal sense of the word; due to their behavior, they can attract the wrong men, or more precisely, they attract men who are obviously not ready for marriage.

This behavior is expressed in absolutely everything: in gestures, non-verbal communication, in the style of clothing, in manners, in behavior, in conversation, everything can be the reason for men’s unwillingness to get married.

But there are several main types of women whose lifestyle does not lead to marriage:

I love married people.

These are the types of women who always get into relationships with married men, this may not be their goal, but the type of men that these women like all the time pits them against married men.

A married men, as a rule, do not look for new ones Serious relationships, they are looking for entertainment, variety and novelty and they do not need another wife at all.

Therefore, until such women reconsider their hobbies, until they analyze their lives and draw the right conclusions, they will not be able to build a full-fledged family.

Want to get married.

Such a woman with all her behavior tells a man that she wants to get married. Excessive display of care, housekeeping, frequent conversations about family, children and dreams related to family life. All this immediately scares men away.

After all, there is a fundamental difference between wanting to get married and making a man want to take you as his wife, or openly pursuing a man yourself. When you are wooing a man, you behave assertively; even if he is in love with you, he would rather run away than accept your assertiveness.

Therefore, those of you who belong to this type of woman, remember. That a man should always remain a hunter, your task is only to create a desire to hunt you.


Life is a complicated thing - when you show a man that you can’t live without him and want to marry him, he runs away, but when you show a man with all your appearance that you can cope just fine without him and you don’t need his presence, then men are all they leave anyway, because they are no longer needed.

Thus, a golden mean is needed in everything. It is necessary to know the line between importunity and independence. A man will never be near a woman who does not need him, but he will be a burden to the one who cannot live without him.

All men are bastards.

This is the type of woman who believes that all men need only one thing and all of them are not far off in their thinking.

The first thing I would like to note is that women are right in their belief that men only need one thing - sex.
That's true, but it's nature, which you can't argue with. Here, the task of every woman is to make a man feel confidently comfortable with her, so that he is interested, in a word, sees in her not only a sexual object, but also an interesting partner for him.
As for the fact that all men are bastards, we always see what we want to see. And it is always easier to see bad qualities than good ones, so it is easy for such women to be convinced again and again that good men No. Accordingly, the desire to do something for a man, to show oneself with the best side there is no desire either.

This creates a vicious circle.

Here, too, only a radical change in attitude towards men and yourself can help.

Excessive demands.

Such women are too demanding of men, they always expect exploits from men, some kind of action. Among other things, such women count. That a man should be completely independent and do everything around the house.

Of course, men feel like they are in the line of fire with such women, this tires men, and especially no one wants to seem weak, so they rush to leave such a woman.

Thus, the main thing that women should understand is that if “a man doesn’t marry,” his personal life doesn’t work out at all. This means you need to change something and change it in yourself. It’s not easy to figure out on your own what’s wrong and what needs to be changed, so our service specialists are always ready to help you change the situation so that your personal life improves.

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