Since childhood, I have had frequent nosebleeds (spontaneous, not caused by any external influences. They happen several times a day). Also severe headaches that happen every day. Dizziness is much less common.

After a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office, I was sent to a hospital for check-up, where I found out that I had an arachnoid liquor cyst.

Tell me, am I fit to serve in the army???(the doctor from the hospital said that they wouldn’t take me away. The central military registration and enlistment office declared me fit, but I don’t agree with that).

Here are the conclusions of the medical commission from the hospital
During an inpatient examination it turned out
Complaints: frequent headaches in the frontotemporal region, pressing in nature, frequent nosebleeds.
History: Considers himself sick since childhood, from the age of 12, nosebleeds, when headaches appeared, Born full-term, with asphyxia. Denies seizures, enuresis, or skull trauma. He is not registered with a dispensary.
Objective data: Satisfactory condition, correct physique, satisfactory nutrition, height 191 cm, weight 71 kg. Cranial nerves - palpebral fissures d=s, pupils d=s, photoreaction is satisfactory, no nystagmus, slight convergence paresis on both sides. The face is symmetrical, the tongue is in the midline. Active movements are not limited. SHR are moderately animated d=s from arms and legs. There are no pathological reflexes. Meningeal signs are negative. Performs coordination tests satisfactorily. In the Romberg position there is staggering and tremor of the eyelids. Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet. Red dermographism is unstable.
Survey results:
Sinus tachycardia, 100 beats per minute. EOS vertical. Disturbance of metabolic processes.
MRI brain - MRI picture small sizes arachnoidal liquor cyst of the right temporal region (development option). Indirect signs of intracranial hypertension. MR signs of asymmetry of the intracranial segments of the vertebral arteries, with narrowing on the left.
Oculist The discs show nerves with a homogeneous tint, the boundaries are clear, the veins are full-blooded. The retina is transparent. Dz - Retinal angiopathy.
EEG moderate diffuse changes in brain electrical activity without clear signs of focality. Under functional loads, non-constant, mild pathological activity is recorded in the form of short-term bursts of sharp waves with an amplitude at the background level in the temporal regions. Signs of dysfunction of the median formations and medio-basal structures of the brain.
REG Decreased pulse blood supply in all vascular systems, with signs of venous discirculation. Indicators of arterial tone are unstable, with a tendency to decrease. A pronounced reaction to the ortho-clinostatic test.
UAC-Er-4.37; Le-8.4; HB-146 g\l; ESR 5 mm/h; blood sugar 4.7 mmol\l;
OAM- ud weight 1020, Le- 2-0-1 in p\zr.
B\x- bilirubin-11.5; ALT -11.3; ACT-15.8; cholesterol-3.7

Name of the disease:
Main: Residual encephalopathy (perinatal) with intracranial hypertension syndrome, arachnoid cerebrospinal fluid cyst of the right temporal region.

Here are the MRI findings

On a series of T1 and T2 weighted MR tomograms in three projections, sub- and supratentorial structures are visualized. The midline structures are not displaced.

The cortex and white matter of the brain are correctly developed and have normal MRI signal intensity; No focal changes were detected in the brain substance.

The lateral ventricles of the brain are symmetrical, not dilated, sizes are within the age normometry, normal configuration, without leriventricular infiltration. And the 1st ventricle is not dilated. (The Vth ventricle is not dilated or deformed.

No additional formations were identified in the area of ​​the cerebellopontine angles. The internal auditory canals are not dilated.

A single minor local expansion of the subarachnoid space of the right temporal region is revealed, similar to an arachnoid liquor cyst measuring up to 1.6x0.7x1.3 cm. The subarachnoid convexital spaces and grooves of other parts are not expanded.

Infratentorially, in the area of ​​the inferior retrocerebellar cistern, a local expansion of the subarachnoid space is determined, without perifocal gliosis, with slight hypoplasia of the medio-dorsal parts of the cerebellar hemispheres. The remaining basal cisterns are not expanded or deformed.

The cerebellar tonsils are located at the level of the foramen magnum. Craniovertebral junction - without features.

The orbits were without any features, data indicating the presence of obvious pathological structural changes, and no reliably identified foci of pathological changes in the MR signal were identified in their projection. The expansion of the subarachnoid perineural space around the optic nerves is determined.

When examining the brain, the sella turcica and pituitary gland were not changed. Parasellar structures were without features.

In the right maxillary sinus, the presence of a liquid formation with clear contours, a homogeneous structure with high-protein content (T1 hypersignal), measuring 1.4x1.4x2.1 cm (susp complicated cyst?) is determined. Pneumatization of the remaining facial sinuses is not significantly impaired

The diameter of the intracranial segments of the vertebral arteries at the level of visualization is asymmetrical, D>S, narrowed on the left (susp. hypoplasia).

CONCLUSION: MR picture of a small arachnoid liquor cyst in the right temporal region (development option). Indirect MR signs of intracranial hypertension. MR signs of asymmetry of the intracranial segments of the vertebral arteries, narrowing on the left (susp. hypoplasia). MRI signs of a complicated cyst of the right maxillary sinus.