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Compaction ratio of gravel. Why it is necessary to take into account the compaction coefficient of crushed stone

Crushed stone - common construction material mined by crushing rocks or artificial materials. One of the parameters that determine the performance properties of the material is the compaction coefficient. This is a dimensionless value that characterizes the degree of reduction in the external volume of a bulk substance during transportation or ramming with special tools. Knowing the coefficient will allow you to purchase the required amount of material and avoid the destruction of the bulk layer under load due to insufficient compaction.

It is difficult to find any standard value for this case, since it is influenced by many factors:

  • the height from which the material was poured;
  • the length of the path and the quality of the road;
  • transport feature;
  • fraction and flakiness of crushed stone (flaky grains are stacked with a large number of voids in comparison with cuboid ones).

When delivering significant consignments, the difference between the volumes - loaded and delivered - is quite significant. The compaction factor is specified in the purchase agreement. According to GOST 8267, this value should not exceed 1.1.

Crushed stone compaction coefficient at the construction site: value and method of its determination

- bulk material with grains of different shapes. When using the material for laying the preparatory layer, it is necessary to reduce the number of voids, which reduce the degree of resistance to loads. Therefore, ramming is a mandatory procedure when constructing road bases and foundations. The compaction coefficient of crushed stone for road construction is regulated by SNiP 3.06.03-85:

  • for grades with a strength of 800 and more fractions of 40-70 mm and 70-120 mm, the safety factor for compaction is 1.25-1.3;
  • for grades with a strength of 300-600 - 1.3-1.5.

The level of compaction of crushed stone is determined using a density meter - a tool with a tip in the form of a truncated or conventional cone. The choice of tool is determined by the characteristics of the material being tested. Verification process:

  • the density meter is brought vertically to the surface;
  • with pressure immersed in the compacted mixture;
  • the amount of compaction is determined by the deflection of the arrow;
  • 3-5 measurements are taken at each point;
  • the distance between the measuring points is about 15 cm;
  • the results obtained are summed up and the average is found.

Attention! If the compaction was carried out in violation of the technology - only along the top layer, and not layer by layer - then the coefficient will not correspond to the actual degree of compaction.

How to compact crushed stone with your own hands?

Manual ramming is relevant when performing small amounts of work, since it requires significant physical effort. Variants of the simplest devices:

  • A beam of 100x100 mm and a length depending on the height of the person. The best option- the length of the bar to the chest. The size of the section can be increased up to 150x150 mm. At the top, handles are mounted from a metal rod or wooden bars. The lower edge of the timber is lined with galvanized sheet. The principle of operation is very simple: the timber is raised to the maximum possible height and is forcefully lowered onto the rammed surface. The ramming area is not very large, but this compaction option is the most economical and simplest.
  • More effective option- metal head attached to wooden beams acting as a handle.
  • The most durable is the construction made entirely of metal. Working with such a tool is effective, but it is complicated by vibrations that metal, unlike wood, is not able to extinguish.

For ramming bulk material on a spacious site, on which there are no buildings and plantings, a car is used. The brought material is evenly leveled over the surface with a rake or a shovel, and then it is driven across the territory in different directions. The resulting ruts are covered with rubble.

Compaction of crushed stone with a vibrating plate

With the help of this equipment, it is possible to carry out quite large volumes of work in places where the use of rollers is difficult or impossible. Plates are distinguished by mass, vibration force, foot area, engine type. By weight, the units are divided into:

  • Lungs - about 75 kg. Used for thin sandy layers when arranging flower beds and paths.
  • Universal - up to 200 kg. They are used for compaction of soil and asphalt.
  • Medium-heavy - up to 400 kg. They are in demand for working with crushed stone.

Equipment control type: manual or remote. In the first case, the speed of work is low.

The type of engine is distinguished:

  • Electric stoves. Used in places where there is access to an electrical power source. These are usually small aggregates capable of working in thin layers.
  • Gasoline models. Compared with the previous type of equipment, they have a large mass, engine power, performance and cost. A significant plus is the absence of the need for a power supply source.
  • Diesel unit. Reliable, high-performance, with a long resource.

Another difference is the number of directions in which the model moves:

  • one-way equipment can only move forward, its plus is a longer working period, compared to the reverse options;
  • the reverse vibratory plate can move both forward and backward.

An effective way to tamp crushed stone - splitting

If it is necessary to obtain the most dense base, the splitting method is used.

Definition! Splitting is the laying of the base using crushed stone of various fractions. In this case, the voids between the coarse grains are filled with fine crushed stone.

Folding stages:

  • stacking of grains of fractions 50-70 or 80-120 mm;
  • compaction with a vibrating plate or roller;
  • backfilling of fine crushed stone;
  • seal;
  • adding material with even finer grains;
  • seal

To obtain the most dense base, three ripping is carried out. To reduce friction, the grains are spilled with water. Rasklinzovka can be used in road construction, production of reinforced concrete products and structures.

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The compaction factor is a dimensionless number that shows the degree of reduction in the external volume of loose granular building material during transportation or ramming. It is used in relation to sand and gravel mixtures, sand, crushed stone, soil.

Each type of crushed stone has its own marking indicated in the adopted standard (GOST 8267-93). It also describes methods for determining the compaction coefficient. Manufacturers must indicate this parameter in the marking of crushed stone of one type or another. The degree of compaction is also determined experimentally by specialists. Results can be received within 3 days. The amount of compaction of crushed stone is also measured by express methods. For this, static and dynamic density meters are used. The cost of measuring the coefficient value in the laboratory is significantly lower than directly on the construction site.

Why do you need to know the value of the compaction coefficient?

Knowledge of the exact value of Ku (crushed stone compaction coefficient) is required to determine: a) the mass of the purchased building material; b) the degree of further shrinkage of crushed stone in construction work. In both cases, errors must not be allowed.

The mass of crushed stone (in kg) can be calculated by multiplying the values ​​of 3 quantities:

  • filling volume (in m3);
  • specific gravity (in kg / m3);
  • compaction coefficient (in most cases it ranges from 1.1 to 1.3).

Experts use tables of the average mass of crushed stone, depending on the fraction. For example, in 1 m3 rubble fits 1500 kg fraction 0-5 mm and 1470 kg - fractions 40-70 mm.

Work with bulk materials is also associated with such a value as bulk density. It is mandatory to take it into account in the process of splitting, laying crushed stone, calculating the composition of concrete. Its value is determined empirically using special vessels (volume up to 50 liters). For this, the difference between the masses of the empty and filled with rubble vessel is divided by the volume of the vessel itself.

Rasklinzovka- dense laying of crushed stone base using grains of various fractions. The essence of the technology is filling large voids between large grains with small pieces.

Rammer- one of the prerequisites for strengthening the foundations of roads or foundations of buildings. It is carried out using special equipment (mechanical roller, vibrating plate) or manual ramming. The quality of the seal is controlled by a special device. The amount of compaction (ramming) can be determined by several methods. In particular, by the method of dynamic sensing.

Compaction factor It is also used in calculating the required amount of bulk materials for planning a site with crushed stone. Let the laying thickness be 20 cm. How much dropout do we need for 1 m2 of plot? Multiplying the volume of the site by the specific gravity (1500 kg / m3) and by the compaction factor (1.3), we get 390 kg.

It should be remembered that different crushed stone fractions have different compaction rates. This parameter is of great importance when performing design work on the basis of crushed stone.

Main characteristics and fields of application of crushed stone

Crushed stone is a granular building material. In nature, it is formed as a result of weathering of rocks. It occurs in the form of clusters (loose and poorly cemented). Or it is obtained by mechanical crushing of rocks and stones into pieces. For its production, soft non-metallic rocks (gravel, boulders, limestone) are also used. Crushed stone has a number of physical properties(strength, bulk density, radioactivity and others). It, depending on the breed of material, is divided into several types: granite, gravel, limestone, slag and secondary.

Granite, produced by crushing granite (solidified magma). Technological process of obtaining crushed granite includes 3 stages:

  • lumps are formed from monolithic rocks by explosion;
  • lumps are crushed on special machines;
  • the formed pieces are sieved into fractions. The following types of crushed granite are distinguished, depending on the maximum particle size.
  • Screening, particle sizes up to 5 mm, finds application as a decorative finishing material, for filling country paths, sports grounds and other purposes.
  • Small, consists of two fractions (5-10 and 10-20 mm)... A very valuable material in construction. It is used in the production of concrete, paving and paving.
  • Medium (20-40 mm).
  • Large (40-70 mm).
  • Superlarge... This includes pieces of size 7-120 and 120-150 mm... Produced by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

Gravel, can be obtained by screening quarry rocks or by crushing natural stone. In terms of strength, it is inferior to granite crushed stone. However, it has some advantages: low radioactivity and cost. It exists in the form of crushed stone (natural or crushed) and rounded pebbles (gravel).

Limestone, produced from sedimentary rock (limestone), by crushing it. It is widely used in construction and installation works(road construction, production of reinforced concrete products).

Slag, produced from metallurgical slag and slag melts. It is used for the production of slag concrete.

Secondary, formed from construction waste (concrete, bricks, asphalt). In some respects it is inferior to crushed stone from rocks, but is widely used in many construction works.

The compaction coefficient of crushed stone is a dimensionless value that characterizes the degree of reduction in the outer volume of the material as a result of ramming or natural compaction during transportation. This parameter and the procedure for taking it into account during construction work is regulated by the current GOST and SNiP, in particular GOST 8267. Its value depends on the grade of the material and is 1.05 - 1.52. So, for example, the coefficient of compaction of granite crushed stone is, on average, 1.1, for ShchPS - 1.2.

What is the compaction factor for?

This parameter is required for:

  • calculating the mass of the purchased material;
  • determination of material shrinkage during construction work.

Knowing, for example, the compaction coefficient of crushed stone 20-40, you can determine the mass of the material by multiplying the available volume (wagon, truck body, container, etc.) by the bulk density and the compaction coefficient.

Also, the compaction factor is required to calculate the required amount of materials for site planning. So, for example, when backfilling with rubble 5-20 with a layer thickness of 20 cm, we get:

1 * 0.2 * 1600 kg / m3 (crushed stone density) * 1.2 = 384 kg per 1 m2 of area, where 1.3 is the crushed stone compaction coefficient 5-20.

It must be remembered that the compaction coefficient depends on the fraction of crushed stone, the larger it is, the less it is. So, the compaction coefficient of crushed stone of fraction 40 70 is higher than that of 5 20, which must be taken into account when designing construction works. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account that the project, as a rule, does not indicate the degree of compaction, but, the so-called. skeleton density. This means that when calculating, it is necessary to take into account the level of moisture and other parameters of the material.

Methods for determining the compaction coefficient

The compaction factor of the material is determined by the manufacturer and is indicated in the passport accompanying each batch. It is often necessary to determine the compaction coefficient of crushed stone during ramming and at the construction site. Measurement is carried out using a density meter, provided that the material contains no more than 15% of particles, the size of which exceeds 10 mm. The determination accuracy is 90 - 100% of the standard density according to GOST.

The compaction of the material is determined by the readings of the resistivity when the tip is immersed - regular or truncated, depending on the type of mixture. The indicator is determined by the deviation of the arrow of the indicator of the device.

Measurement is carried out by strictly vertical immersion of the cone of the device in the mixture with the required pressure. Each point is measured 3-5 times with a distance of 150 mm between the immersion points. Further, from the obtained measurement results, the average value is determined. Using the graph attached to the device and the obtained average data, the coefficient of compaction of crushed stone during ramming is determined.

The best option is the purchase of crushed stone directly from the manufacturer, bypassing intermediaries. This is beneficial in terms of price, supply possibilities, quality, as well as the availability of all the necessary documentation with the parameters of crushed stone based on laboratory research data.


Compaction coefficient of sand during ramming: GOST 7394-85, SNIP

Why the coefficient of compaction of sand is needed, and what value this indicator plays in construction, probably every builder and those who are directly related to this non-metallic material know. The physical parameter has a special meaning, which is expressed in terms of the Purchase value. The calculation parameter is necessary in order to be able to compare the actual density of the material in a certain area of ​​the site right on the spot with the required values ​​that are prescribed in regulatory enactments. Thus, the coefficient of compaction of sand according to GOST 7394 85 is the most important parameter on the basis of which the required quality of preparation for work on construction sites using bulk non-ore substances is assessed.

Basic Concepts of Compaction Ratio

According to generally accepted formulations, the coefficient of compaction of sand is the density value that is characteristic for a particular type of soil on a certain area of ​​the site to the same value of the material that is transferred by standard compaction modes in laboratory conditions. Ultimately, it is this figure that is used when assessing the quality of the final construction work. In addition to the above technical regulations, GOST 8736-93 is used to determine the coefficient of compaction of sand during ramming, as well as in accordance with GOST 25100-95.

At the same time, it must be remembered that in the working process and production, each type of material can have its own unique density, which affects the main technical indicators, and the sand compaction coefficient according to the SNIP table is indicated in the corresponding technological regulations SNIP 2.05.02-85 in the part of Table No. 22. This indicator is the most important in the calculation, and in the main project documents, these values ​​are indicated, which in the range of project calculation range from 0.95 to 0.98.

How does the sand density parameter change?

Having no idea what the required coefficient of compaction of sand is, it will be difficult during the construction process to calculate the required amount of material for a specific technological process of work. In any case, you will need to find out how the various manipulations with the nonmetallic substance influenced the state of the material. The most difficult calculation parameter, as the builders admit, is the coefficient of sand compaction during the construction of the SNIP road. Without clear data, it is impossible to do quality work in road construction. The main factors that affect the final result of material readings are:

  • The method of transporting the substance, starting from the starting point;
  • The length of the sand route;
  • Mechanical characteristics affecting the quality of the sand;
  • The presence of third-party elements and inclusions in the material;
  • Ingress of water, snow and other precipitation.

Thus, when ordering sand, you need to thoroughly check the coefficient of compaction of the sand in the laboratory.

Features of backfill calculation

To calculate the data, the so-called "soil skeleton" is taken, this is a conditional part of the structure of a substance, with certain parameters of looseness and moisture. In the calculation process, the conditional volumetric weight of the considered "soil skeleton" is taken into account, the calculation of the ratio of the volumetric mass of solid elements, where water would be present, which would occupy the entire mass volume occupied by the soil, is taken into account.

In order to determine the coefficient of compaction of sand during backfilling, laboratory work will have to be done. In this case, moisture will be involved, which in turn will achieve the required indication criterion for the condition of optimal moisture content of the material, at which the maximum density of the non-metallic substance will be reached. When backfilling (for example, after a dug pit), it is necessary to use ramming devices, which, under a certain pressure, make it possible to achieve the required sand density.

What data is taken into account in the process of calculating the Purchase?

At any project documentation on the construction site or the construction of the roadbed, the coefficient of relative compaction of sand is indicated, which is necessary for quality work... As you can see, the technological chain of delivery of nonmetallic material - from the quarry directly to the construction site changes in one direction or another, depending on natural conditions, methods of transportation, storage of material, etc. builders know that in order to determine the required amount of the required volume of sand for a specific job, the required volume will need to be multiplied by the Purchase value specified in the project documentation. The extraction of material from the quarry results in the material having loosening characteristics and a natural decrease in weight density. This important factor will need to be taken into account, for example, when transporting a substance over long distances.

In laboratory conditions, a mathematical and physical calculation is performed, which ultimately will show the required coefficient of compaction of sand during transportation, including:

  • Determination of particle strength, material caking, as well as grain size - a physical and mechanical calculation method is used;
  • With the help of laboratory determination, the parameter of the relative humidity and the maximum density of the nonmetallic material is revealed;
  • In conditions of natural location, the bulk weight of the substance is determined empirically;
  • For transportation conditions, an additional method for calculating the density coefficient of a substance is used;
  • Climatic and weather characteristics, as well as the influence of negative and positive parameters of the ambient temperature, are taken into account.

"In each project documentation for the implementation of construction and road works, these parameters are mandatory for keeping records and deciding on the use of sand in the production cycle."

Compaction parameters during production work

In any working documentation, you will be faced with the fact that the coefficient of the substance will be indicated depending on the nature of the work, so, below are the calculation coefficients for some type of production work:

  • For backfilling the foundation pit - 0.95 Purchase;
  • For filling the sinus mode - 0.98 Purchase;
  • For backfilling of trench holes - 0.98 Purchase;
  • For the restoration of underground equipment everywhere engineering networks located near the carriageway of the roadway - 0.98 Purchase-1.0 Purchase.

Based on the above parameters, we can conclude that the ramming process in each specific case will have individual characteristics and parameters, while various techniques and ramming equipment will be involved.

"Before carrying out construction and road works, it is necessary to study in detail the documentation, where the density of sand for the production cycle will be indicated without fail."

Violation of the Purchase requirements will lead to the fact that all work will be recognized as low-quality, and not comply with GOST and SNiP. In any case, supervisory authorities will be able to identify the cause of the defect and poor quality of work, where the requirements for compaction of sand were not met during a specific section of production work.

Video. Sand compaction check

Date of publication:

August 16, 2017

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Crushed stone compaction ratio 5 20, 20 40, 40 70

Crushed stone is a popular building material, thanks to which it is possible to solve many problems in the field of construction. The process of obtaining material is carried out by crushing hard rock. The extraction of raw materials is carried out by the method of blasting during quarry development.

After that, the rock is crushed to the required fraction size. In addition, a certain compaction coefficient is assigned to crushed stone. Let's take a closer look at what this parameter is for and how to define it.


Sheben is a highly demanded material. Thanks to him, it is possible to build very strong and reliable structures. But due to their inexperience, many people do not take into account such a parameter as the compaction coefficient during construction.

It is he who plays a special role during the shrinkage of the house. If the process of measuring this parameter went wrong, then this will affect the durability of the building being erected. As a result, shrinkage will occur and cracks will appear on the surface of the house.

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The compaction ratio is an immeasurable number that indicates the degree to which the external volume of a bulk component is reduced during transportation or ramming. The compaction coefficient is applied to sand and gravel mixtures, sand and crushed stone.

How to use crushed stone GOST 8267 93 specifications and other data of which are indicated in this article.

Before determining this indicator, it is necessary to deal with crushed stone fractions. Currently, this material is classified according to the size of the fractions. Thus, the following are distinguished:

Now it's worth talking directly about the compaction ratio itself. According to GOST 9757-90 for crushed stone, this figure can be 1.1. Thus, when calculating, taking into account the delivery of material, it is necessary to determine the length and width of the car body, and then multiply the obtained values ​​by the compaction coefficient.

The weight of crushed stone by fractions can be seen in this table.

What crushed stone is needed in different cases

Compaction of the soil with crushed stone is used when it is necessary to build a certain house. Thanks to this technological process, it is possible to complete all the tasks and at the same time not to get a drawdown of subsequent layers. If the compaction process is performed incorrectly, then over time, a layer of gravel and compacted soil will cage. As a result, cracks will form on the surface.

What is the significant difference between gravel and crushed stone is indicated in this article.

Crushed stone tamping is a must for those who want to get a solid and high-quality foundation when erecting expensive buildings. To carry out tamping, you need to use special equipment. Most often they use a roller or vibrating plate. If there are small volumes, then the material can be tamped manually.

It is necessary to check the quality of the installation performed using a special device. These events are considered mandatory, otherwise poor-quality tamping will entail a lot of trouble. During the measurement, it is necessary to determine the degree of tamping. This is done using the dynamic sensing method.

What is the specific gravity of crushed stone 40 70 you can find out from this article.

The essence of the technique is that several blows are applied to the surface by the surface of the disk. It allows you to determine the cage. After all measurements have been made, it is necessary to evaluate the results. When they are all within the normal range, further compaction of the next layers of material can be performed.

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How to define it

It is necessary to start performing all construction work when filling crushed stone after the compaction coefficient has been determined. All measurements are taken at the construction site. When all the indicators have been obtained, but they are entered into the corresponding document, and then conclusions are prepared.

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It is very difficult to carry out the weight of the event to determine the coefficient on your own. As a rule, people turn to a special laboratory for help. The use of static equipment is necessary in cases where operational control over all values ​​of the compaction of mortars is required.

This method can be used not only when determining the coefficient for crushed stone, but also for sand and other bulk materials. However, the test mixture should not contain particles with a particle size greater than 10 mm. The percentage of their content cannot exceed 15%. The equipment can show reliable results with an error of 0.9-1 of the density standards of GOST 22733.

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The process of determining the seal level is based on the deepening of the equipment tip, as well as taking into account the resistivity. Depending on what mixture is used during construction, a truncated or ordinary cone can act as a tip. The compaction coefficient can be determined by the level of deviation of the indicator arrow when the ring is deformed.

You can find out about the specific gravity of sand in this article.

The procedure itself for determining the compaction coefficient of crushed stone is not long and simple. It is necessary to take the density meter in your hands and bring it vertically to the surface. Then dip the tip into the mixture with pressure. As a result of the described actions, extract the device and mark the obtained indicators. For a certain point, you need to take measurements 5 times. And the step between the points should be equal to 15 cm. After carrying out such experiments, the indicators are compared and a certain graph is plotted, according to which the required coefficient is determined.

What kind of sand it is for construction work is indicated in the description of the article.

The density coefficient is a very important indicator, thanks to which you can build houses, roads and not worry that shrinkage will occur after a while. The process of determining this parameter does not involve anything difficult. If you can handle the meter, then there should be no problem.


Compaction coefficient SCHPS

Crushed stone-sand mixtures SCHPS are a kind of non-metallic materials made by mixing sand and granite crushed stone in proportions corresponding to the requirements of GOST 25607-94. According to the current standards, the content of solid dusty, clayey, silty particles and lumpy clay in the composition of the mixture should not exceed the norms of 0.4%, and the value of the permissible radiation background should not exceed 300 Bq.

In addition to the basic performance characteristics, the bulk density of the material and its compaction coefficient are also important. Bulk density is an important indicator during transportation and storage, it is the actual volume in cubic meters, which takes a certain amount of the mixture in its natural state, taking into account the voids between grains of crushed stone and sand.

Compaction coefficient (Purchase) is a parameter determined by GOST 9757-90, it must be taken into account when accepting non-metallic materials. When transporting any bulk substances, their density increases, and accordingly, the apparent volume decreases. This coefficient is necessary to accurately determine the volume of supplied bulk materials, its value can be in the range of 1.1 - 1.5.

SchPS in construction

Crushed stone-sand mixtures are widely used in almost all areas of construction, they are actively used in road repair work, when laying automobile and railway routes, tramways. The specific scope of use depends on the fraction of crushed stone in the composition of the mixture. According to these indicators, SCHPS is divided into several groups: C2, C3, C4, C5.

ShchPS groups C2, C3 with crushed stone of fine fractions are mainly used in foundation work. Granite crushed stone has high strength and frost resistance, therefore, the use of ShchPS in the composition of mortars allows increasing the strength of the created structures, their durability and resistance to stress. In the production of concrete panels and slabs, ShchPS groups C3, C4 are used with crushed stone of larger fractions of 20-40 mm. They are also used when laying the ballast layer for railway and tram rails, dumping road shoulders.

SCHPS in road works

Crushed stone-sand mixtures are actively used in road construction; in this area, SchPS С3-С6 are in demand. Mixtures with large crushed stone as part of the C5, C6 groups are used to create the lower layer of road bases, they ensure the stability of the roadway under the influence of loads, and prevent the appearance of cracks on its surface. C3 and C4 are used in asphalt and pavements. C 6 is used in the construction of massive concrete structures, sites for heavy vehicles, the creation of runways for airfields.

An unlimited shelf life can be attributed to the qualitative characteristics of SCHPS, the mixtures can be stored even in the open air in the immediate vicinity of the work site, over time they will not lose their qualities, this is a completely ready-to-use material that does not require the use of mixing plants in the process of creating road grounds. The purchase of a crushed stone-sand mixture is more profitable than buying two components of the mixture and mixing them independently in the right proportions.


SCHPS characteristics: composition, density, compaction coefficient, etc.

An important condition for the use of crushed stone-sand mixtures for solving problems in road and capital construction is their compliance with the quality standards defined by GOST 25607-94. The main factor that determines the scope of application of the ABP is its grain size composition.

Table 1. Grain composition of mixtures

Mix number

Largest grain size D, mm

Total residue,% by weight, on sieves with hole sizes, mm

Coating mixtures

Substrate mixes (continuous granulometry)

Base mixes (discontinuous particle size distribution)

Notes 1. It is allowed to use ShchPS mixtures:

C1 and C2 for the construction of foundations with an appropriate feasibility study;

C3 - C6, C9 - C11 - for the device of additional base layers;

С4 - С5, С10 - С11 - to strengthen the shoulders highways.

2. Mixtures C1 and C2 used for coating must contain at least 50% of crushed stone by weight of particles larger than 5 mm in size.

Depending on the largest grain size and the percentage composition of the remainder of the total mass on sieves of various sizes, SCHPS are subdivided into:

  • Mixtures for bases - C1 and C2.
  • Mixes for coatings with continuous granulometry C3 - C8.
  • Mixtures for substrates of semi-continuous granulometry C9 - C11.
  • Mixes for wedging C12 and C13.

Other characteristics and passport SCHPS

In addition to the requirements for the grain fraction, an important indicator is the bulk density of SCBP. On average, it is about 1.7 t / m3, but it is accurately determined by laboratory research and is indicated in the material passport. An important role is played by the coefficient of compaction of the SCHPS required to determine the exact volume of supplies. During transportation, the density of the mixture increases with a decrease in the apparent volume. The compaction coefficient is determined according to GOST 9757-90 and can range from 1.1 to 1.5.

The next indicator is the content of clay in the composition. For SHPS coatings used for laying, the clay content characteristic should not exceed 10% (C1 and C2). For base material - up to 20%. If the composition of gravel in the ShchPS is within 95%, then the mixture is called natural, with the order of 70% of the total mass - enriched. The percentage of dusty, clayey and silty particles should be no more than 0.4%.

We also note other important indicators in accordance with GOST 8267:

  • Grain composition.
  • Strength.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Water absorption.
  • Flakiness.
  • Content of crushed grains.
  • The resistance of the structure to decay.
  • Radiation background.

Each batch of material has a SHPS passport, which contains the following data:

  • Material manufacturer data.
  • Data on material, lot number and quantity.
  • The main characteristics of ShchPS indicated above are the brand for frost resistance, bulk density, water resistance, plasticity, flakiness, etc.

Based on the data specified in the passport, the choice of material for solving certain problems is carried out. This is the production of cement and concrete mortars, foundations for foundations capital structures and roads of all types, backfilling of road shoulders, laying of drainage cushions, backfilling of trenches and pits, etc.

The advantages of the material are a homogeneous layer, the ability to use for temporary coatings, ease of transportation and storage, the ability to work in the rain. ShchPS does not require mixing plants, it is an inexpensive and reliable convenient material that is widely used in modern road and capital construction.


What is the compaction coefficient of crushed stone?

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Compaction of rubble

This process is carried out in a natural and technological way. Natural changes can be caused by shrinkage during transport. Technological ways:

  • wedging - dense packing of crushed stone of various fractions, small grains fill the voids between large grains;
  • ramming - performed by vibrating plate, mechanical roller.

The quality of ramming is controlled by special devices, for example, by the dynamic sensing method.

Compaction factor (Ku)

This is an indicator of the ability of crushed stone to compact under certain influences.

Ku is determined by the ratio of the density of crushed stone to the density artificially created by laboratory special devices.

The methodology for calculating it is described in GOST 8269.0–97. The standard gives a division into three types:

  • true density of grains and rocks;
  • average density of crushed stone and rock;
  • bulk density to crushed stone voidness.

Crushed stone is classified into types. All types have their own marking established by GOST 8267-93. Methods for setting the coefficient are fixed in this standard. During manufacture, the manufacturer indicates Ku in the passport, but there are times when there is no such information. Experimentally, specialists in laboratories determine this indicator within three days. It is also possible to determine at the construction site, but the price for the work will be significantly higher.

The average Q value ranges from 1.1 to 1.3.

What is Ku for?

First, for purchasing. Thanks to this indicator, the required amount is easily calculated. Secondly, in order to understand how much bulk material will settle after compaction.

How to calculate the required amount of rubble

Form volume to be filled (m3) × specific gravity (kg / m3) × compaction factor.

There are tables of average weight, for example:

1 m3 of fraction 0–5 mm is equal to 1.5 t;

1 m3 of fraction 40–70 mm is equal to 1.47 tons.

In practice, this is a simple procedure:

  • the size of the sides of the truck is measured;
  • find out the total volume of rubble;
  • the resulting figure is multiplied by the standard compaction factor for the imported fraction.

As a result, we easily checked the actually delivered amount of rubble.

What is Bulk Density?

For ripping, ramming, calculating concrete (more precisely, its composition), the bulk density is needed. This is an indicator of the density of crushed stone in an uncompacted state.

The bulk density is calculated as follows:

1) an empty special vessel is weighed;

2) the filled vessel is weighed;

3) the difference is calculated;

4) we divide by the volume of the vessel.

Construction is an area in which only clear measurements should be made. If there is a discrepancy with the norms, this is fraught with emergency consequences. Compaction of crushed stone is the most crucial stage in laying the foundation, building a road. After the work carried out, control measurements are carried out to correct discrepancies with the design values. BPD-KM is a water-cylinder type density meter that determines the actual density. Designed to control the quality of the density of the soil from gravel and crushed stone. The accuracy of the device is up to 0.01 g / cm³. To determine the density, the GOST 28514-19 method is used.


Developed by engineers Akimova Z.N., Kolotilina L.G., Moiseev V.A. (State Enterprise "Tulastroyproekt"), Kuznetsov V.I., Stepanov V.A., Shutov A.A. (Main Department of Pricing, estimated norms and consumption of building materials Gosstroy of Russia), Kretova V.P., Petrukhina K.M., Rogulkina L.T., Titova V.A., Yurasova T.A. (Design and Technological Institute), E.P. Akimova

1.1. The standard consumption of materials is given for a full range of basic and auxiliary works necessary for the installation of the main types of floors. When installing chemically resistant floor coverings for rooms with aggressive environments, you should use the standards of collection 13 "Protection building structures and equipment from corrosion ".

1.2. The material consumption rates given in Tables 11-2 and 11-3 apply to both sub-layers and pavements.

1.3. The description of construction processes corresponds to SNiP 4.02-91 collection 11; in some cases, this description is differentiated according to factors that have a direct impact on the value of the consumption rates of the corresponding material, or gives information about the variety of materials used when performing a specific process.

For example, when constructing floors from an end block (11-32-1), the standard consumption of materials is given depending on the height of the block: 60, 80 mm and 60 mm with grooves.

1.5. Standard consumption of materials includes net consumption and hard-to-remove losses and waste generated within the construction site, during the transportation of materials from the on-site warehouse to the workplace, during processing and in the process of putting them into business.

1.6. The standard consumption of materials does not include the loss and waste of materials during their transportation from the supplier to the on-site warehouse, as well as the consumption of materials for testing finished products, for debugging the technological process, for repair and maintenance needs.

1.7. When arranging the underlying layers for various types of coatings, the consumption of materials is given taking into account the compaction. At the same time, the following compaction coefficients of crushed stone and gravel of fraction 40-70 mm are taken - 1.25, sand - 1.1 slag - 1.25.

1.11. When installing mosaic (terrazzo) floors, the consumption of veins of glass, brass and aluminum, as well as oak when installing parquet floors should be determined according to Table 11-18.

1.14. The xylene mixture is prepared at the site of the coating device. For the preparation of 1 m of xylolite mixture, it is recommended: caustic magnesite - 528 kg, liquid magnesium chloride - 578 kg or hydrochloric acid - 506 l, sawdust - 0.9 m, dry paints - 50 kg, water - 260 l.

1.16. For the preparation of 1 ton of polyvinyl acetate mastic, it is recommended: polyvinyl acetate dispersion - 0.327 tons, marshalite - 0.451 tons, orthophosphoric acid - 0.013 tons, resin - 0.061 tons, pigment - 0.012 tons.

1.17. For the preparation of 1 ton of polyvinyl acetate putty, it is recommended: polyvinyl acetate dispersion - 0.155 t, marshalite - 0.077 t, cement M400 - 0.155 t.

1.18. For the preparation of 1 m of polymer concrete mixture, it is recommended: Portland cement M500 - 0.400 t, crushed stone fr. 10-15 mm - 0.67 m, building sand - 0.35 m, polyvinyl acetate dispersion - 0.160 t, calcium chloride 20% - 0.004 t, ammonium dichromate 20% - 0.006 t, dibutyl phthalate - 0.0141 t ...

Functional code E11-1 Soil compaction:E11-1.1 gravel 100 m compaction Gravel fr. 40-70 mm, GOST 8268-82 * m 5.1E11-1.2 rubble " Crushed stone fr. 40-70 mm, GOST 8267-82 * m 5.1
Materials (edit)

Scope of work: 01. Installation of sub-layers with compaction of sand, slag, gravel and crushed stone 100 mm thick. 02. Preparation of adobe and clay concrete mixtures. 03. Laying and maintenance of mixes.

Functional code unit name rev. unit name rev. consumptionE1-2 Arrangement of underlays compacted by ramming:E11-2.1 sandy 1 m sub-base Building sand, GOST 8736-85 * m 1.12E11-2.2 slag " Porous crushed stone from metallurgical slag, GOST 5578-76 * m 1.28E11-2.3 gravel " Gravel fr. 20-40 mm, GOST 8268-82 m 1.28E11-2.4 crushed stone " Crushed stone fr. 40-70 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 1.0Crushed stone fr. 10-20 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 0.09E11-2.5 adobe without additives"Clay m 0.44Building sand, GOST 8736-85 m 1.02E11-2.6 adobe with oily additives"Clay m 0.43Building sand, GOST 8736-85 m 0.99Oil road liquid bitumen, GOST 11955-82 t 0.08E11-2.7 adobe with crushed stone additives"Clay m 0.33Building sand, GOST 8736-85 m 0.76Crushed stone fr. 40-70 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 0.41E11-2.8 clay concrete "Clay m 0.20Building sand, GOST 8736-85 m 0.46Crushed stone fr. 40-70 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 0.90E11-2.9 concrete " Heavy concrete (class according to the project), GOST 7473-85 * m 1.02Building sand, GOST 8736-85 m 0.31
Construction and assembly processes Materials (edit)
________________ * Within the territory of Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST 8736-93 applies, hereinafter in the text.
________________ * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 5578-94 is in force, hereinafter.
________________ * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 7473-2010 is in effect, hereinafter in the text.

Functional code unit name rev. unit name rev. consumptionE11-3 Arrangement of bedding layers compacted by self-propelled rollers:E11-3.1 slag 1 m sub-base Porous crushed stone from metallurgical slag, GOST 5578-76 m 1.28E11-3.2 gravel " Gravel fr. 20-40 mm, GOST 8268-82 m 1.28E11-3.3 crushed stone " Crushed stone fr. 40-70 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 1.0Crushed stone fr. 10-20 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 0.09Crushed stone fr. 5-10 mm, GOST 8267-82 m 0.18
Construction and assembly processes Materials (edit)

gluing waterproofing: 01. Application of a primer with a thickness of 1 mm on concrete base... 02. Cutting panels roll materials... 03. Application of "Bituminol" mastic on the first and subsequent layers of glued roll materials. 04. Heating up the mastic with diesel fuel.

coating waterproofing: 01. Application of a 1 mm thick primer on a concrete base. 02. Application of hot bituminous mastic. 03. Heating up the mastic with diesel fuel.

Functional code unit name rev. unit name rev. consumptionE11-4 Waterproofing device:E11-4.1-99A pasting on bituminol mastic, the first layer of roofing material 100 m insulated surface Roofing material (grade according to the project), GOST 10923-82 * m 112Mastic "Bituminol" t 0.317Bitumen primer t 0.069Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0.0174E11-4.2-99A pasting on bituminol mastic, the next layer of roofing material"m 112Mastic "Bituminol" t 0.160Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0.0088E11-4.3 lining on bitumen-rubber mastic, first layer:E11-4.3-99A from roofing material " Roofing material (grade according to the project), GOST 10923-82 m 112t 0.377Bitumen primer t 0.069Resin solution BMK-5 t 0.004Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0.0116E11-4.3-6A from hydroisol "m 112Bitumen-rubber mastic, GOST 15836-79 t 0.377Bitumen primer t 0.069Resin solution BMK-5 t 0.004Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0.0116E11-4.4-7A from isolate "m 112Bitumen-rubber mastic, GOST 15836-79 t 0.377Bitumen primer t 0.069Resin solution BMK-5 t 0.004Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0.0116E11-4.4 pasting on bitumen-rubber mastic, the next layer:E11-4.4-99A from roofing material " Roofing material (grade according to the project), GOST 10923-82 m 112Bitumen-rubber mastic, GOST 15836-79 t 0.130Resin solution BMK-5 t 0.004Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0.0004E11-4.4-6A from hydroisol " Hydroizol (grade according to the project), GOST 7415-86 m 112Bitumen-rubber mastic, GOST 15836-79 t 0.130Resin solution BMK-5 t 0.004Diesel fuel, GOST 305-82 * t 0,0004 E11-4.4-7Afrom isola" Isol (grade according to the project), GOST 10296-79m112 Bitumen-rubber mastic, GOST 15836-79T0,130 Resin solution BMK-5T0,004 Diesel fuel,GOST 305-82 *T0,0004 E11-4.5coating in one layer 2 mm thick" Hot bitumen mastic,GOST 2889-80T0,268 Bitumen primerT0,069 Diesel fuel,GOST 305-82 *T0,0345 E11-4.6coating (for each subsequent layer)" Hot bitumen mastic,GOST 2889-80T0,268 Diesel fuel,GOST 305-82 *T0,0345
Construction and assembly processes Materials (edit)
________________ * The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 10923-93 is in effect, hereinafter in the text.

Scope of work: 01. Preparation of the base with primer. 02. Leveling the base with mastic. 03. Isolation device. 04. Welding seams. 05. Sticking roofing material over plastic wrap. 06. Preparation of butyl rubber glue.

The fraction of crushed stone obtained from granite, with a grain size of 20-40 mm, is a very popular material in the field of construction. To obtain it, natural granite or quartz diorite is used. This product belongs to the group of medium fractionation and is the most popular among the entire range of crushed stone.

How many tons of crushed stone in one cubic meter is the table and other data indicated

Before using the product in question, you need to know the most important characteristics, which include specific and volumetric weight.

Specific gravity

Specific gravity is a physical parameter due to which it is possible to calculate the ratio of the weight of a product to its volume. Very often this parameter is confused with density, although they are not at all identical. The density is characterized by completely different indicators. The specific gravity of the material in question is required to calculate the required volume of crushed stone in a specific unit of volume.

The parameter presented is measured in N / m3. Knowing the specific gravity, it is possible to accurately calculate the mass of the material in its natural or bulk state. This value is very important to know when you are going to build a certain structure, because the density of all spaces between grains in the rock can take on different values.

For the correct calculation of the desired parameter, it is necessary to know the volume of the material and its mass. When these data are precisely defined for you, then you can use a simple formula: Y = P / V (in which Y is the required number, P is the force that the object exerts on the ground surface, V is the volume).
The indicator under consideration varies depending on specific external factors:

  • the place where the granite was mined, because in different areas the material has different densities;
  • the level of humidity in the area where mining and storage will take place;
  • product fractions.

The specific gravity for the product in question is considered an approximate value. As a rule, for crushed stone 20 40 mm, it is 1.34 N / m3. If you perform an independent calculation, then doubts may arise, so you can clarify the presented parameter with the supplier, and also find the necessary information in the quality certificate. Unfortunately, today there are no summary data and tables that would contain all these parameters. It is unrealistic to do this, since you carefully take into account possible environmental factors, because they are changeable in nature.

Volume weight per cubic meter

All calculations will be approximate, because the mass of crushed rooks is influenced by a variety of factors. For example, moisture and flakiness can be such factors. The mass of the material also cannot but be influenced by its belonging to a particular fraction.

There is also a coefficient of approximate mass of crushed granite 20-40 mm per 1 m3. for example, for the indicated fraction, it will be 1.35. When multiplying it by the available volume, it is possible to obtain an approximate volumetric weight.

Consider an example in which it is necessary to determine the mass of crushed stone 20-40 mm in 3 m3. First, you need to use the following formula: M = V * K, in which M is the weight of the material, indicated in tons, V is the volume in m3, and K is the coefficient. As a result, we get: 3 * 1.35 = 4.05 tons. This formula can also be used when it is necessary to perform a reverse calculation, converting the mass of a bulk product in m3.

You can also make a more accurate calculation, but for this you need a bucket with a volume of 10 liters. It is necessary to place the material in a container with a slide, and then remove the unnecessary rock by leveling its surface with the edge of the container.

Place the sample on the balance and subtract the tare weight. As a result of such a study, you will receive a mass of crushed stone of 0.01 m3. For accurate calculations, the weighing procedure must be repeated. In this case, add the result to the previous one, and then divide by ½, as a result of which it is possible to calculate the average. Thanks to the calculation method under consideration, it is possible to obtain more accurate indicators of the mass of the material, but here you will have to spend your time and effort.

Sand quarry photo and other data indicated

Crushed stone compaction coefficient

This parameter shows the average compaction rating of the product, expressed in Purchase. For the material under consideration, its value reaches 1.10.

Thanks to the compaction coefficient, it is possible to calculate the volume of crushed granite after its transportation. To perform the required calculations, it is worth measuring the length and width of the car body, as well as the height of the bulk material.

After multiplying all these parameters, you can get the volume of the body... In the course of the actions performed, a figure is obtained that must be multiplied by the compaction factor. Thus, you will receive the actual volume of the delivered material.

In the area of ​​delivery of crushed granite, it is very important to take into account the error, which is equal to 2 m3, when the load rises above the sides of the vehicle. It must be added to the volume of the body during the calculations.

What is the density of river sand indicated in this


For a grain size of 20-40, the most attractive quality characteristics take place. If you use granite crushed stone of 20-40 mm, then this size allows you to get the best filling, as a result of which a low level of use of the building mixture in concrete mixtures is ensured. Due to the rough surface of the granite grains, it is possible to obtain a strong adhesion and high quality of the resulting product.

Bulk material with such grain sizes is characterized by low cost compared to other types. The reason is that it requires minimal labor and minimal costs to produce it. Low price and high performance explain the demand for this building material. But each fraction of the product in question has its own area of ​​use. Let's consider everything on the example of 20-40 mm crushed stone.

Such material is in great demand as a filler in mortars, when it is necessary to lay the foundation and erect a reinforced concrete structure. The high performance of the product is determined by the high density of crushed stone.

The material in question is actively used as a bulk product when arranging a base for asphalt during the construction of roads. It can also be used in the construction of houses for various purposes, as well as structures that need increased strength under the influence of mechanical factors.

Crushed stone is a very popular building material, without the use of which no construction is possible today. But when choosing such a product, it is very important to take into account such parameters as specific and volumetric weight. If you carry out all the calculations correctly, then you can save money and buy the material that would be ideal for a specific task. You can perform all these calculation activities yourself, because the simplest arithmetic formulas are used here.



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