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When to spray currants with boric acid. Boric acid for tomatoes: spraying - how to dilute correctly

Boron as a microelement is necessary for plants throughout the growing season. It promotes the absorption of nutrients, improves root respiration and ovary formation. The simplest, most widely available and cheapest product containing boron is boric acid. How to determine its deficiency if the cabbage is stunted and looks unhealthy, and no pests are visible?

All types of soils can suffer from a lack of boron: soddy-podzolic, forest, sandy.
Deficiency is also common on chernozems, since many crops consume large amounts of this element. It is necessary to add boron to swampy and acidic soils after liming. It is known that on peat soils, after adding boron, the humus content increases.

A lack of boron in the soil manifests itself in impaired development and affects the appearance of garden crops. They exhibit the following symptoms:

  • chlorosis of young leaves, their crushing, curling and early falling;
  • yellowing of veins;
  • marginal and apical necrosis of leaves;
  • inhibited development of apical buds with increased development of lateral buds;
  • weak flowering and ovary formation;
  • weakened growth of the entire plant.

Signs of boron deficiency in cabbage

If these signs are observed on garden crops, you should carefully inspect the beds with cruciferous vegetables.

The symptoms are especially pronounced on cauliflower - the inflorescences take on a rusty tint, the heads are underdeveloped, deformed, and have a bitter taste. Glassiness of the inflorescences is also observed.

Cabbage forms a hollow stem in the stalk area. The color of the leaves becomes light green, the leaves themselves curl into a tube. The leaf veins darken and break when bent. The growth point is affected, the plant develops due to the lateral shoots. The formation of flowers and ovaries is inhibited until it stops completely.

How to use boric acid as fertilizer

To restore boron reserves in the soil, borax and boric acid are used. Borax (sodium salt of boric acid) contains 11% boron. Boric acid – 17%.

The most effective application of this fertilizer is in the form of spraying. Thus, the effect of the procedure appears immediately. Watering under the roots of cabbage is rarely carried out, only in cases of obvious lack of boron in the soil, when flowers and ovaries fall off en masse. It is possible to apply fertilizer in powder form at 1–2 g per 1 square meter. m. It is pre-mixed with soil or sand and evenly scattered over the beds.

Prepare a boric acid solution as follows:

  • 1 g of the drug (a flat teaspoon) is diluted in a glass of hot water (about 70 C);
  • stir until the crystals are completely dissolved;
  • cool and add cold water to a volume of 1 liter.

The one percent working solution is ready. When working with boric acid, you need to remember that it is practically insoluble in cold water.

Timing for fertilizing cabbage with boric acid

The first treatment is carried out even before sowing the seeds - they are soaked in diluted boric acid to disinfect, improve germination and stimulate growth. To prepare a working solution, take 0.2 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. The seeds are soaked in it for 12 hours.

If boron deficiency is suspected, it should be added to the soil before sowing or planting cabbage seedlings. The solution is prepared as for soaking seeds and poured into the beds. Consumption rate – 10 l per 10 sq. m.

For foliar treatment, use a 1% solution. During the entire growing season, spraying is carried out twice: in the phase of the 4th true leaf and during the mass setting of heads of cabbage.

How to spray correctly

When spraying cabbage beds with a solution of boric acid, you must follow certain rules:

  • the procedure should be carried out in cloudy weather or in the evening;
  • you should choose a fine spray that creates a fog effect;
  • spraying of the plant is stopped when fine dew appears on the leaves; the appearance of small drops is not allowed;
  • Both the outer and inner sides of the leaves of grown seedlings are sprayed against pests.

Feeding cabbage with boric acid should be done without exceeding the dosage. Regarding complex fertilizers with a lack of this macroelement, gardeners use Mag-Bor.

Autumn and spring soil preparation is carried out in order to provide plants with everything necessary for growth and development. If the procedures were carried out efficiently, then the soil is completely ready to provide all the necessary substances to the plantings. However, they may lack some elements that can help control pests and diseases. Therefore, fertilizing tomatoes with boric acid is a popular procedure among gardeners. The recipe is not new, it is passed on from one gardener to another and does not become less popular with the advent of modern preparations.

Simple and inexpensive remedy

It is available in any pharmacy, as well as in specialized stores for gardeners. It is used for a variety of purposes, ranging from prevention to treatment. Feeding tomatoes with boric acid is a universal procedure that is practiced by almost every gardener. It is needed not so much in itself, but for the effective absorption of various nutrients and soil. It turns out that the lack of just this element, with a full set of the rest, can lead to starvation of plants. Today we’ll talk about how to spray tomatoes with boric acid. This simple measure allows you to improve the quality of the harvest, the overall immunity of tomatoes, as well as the ability of the fruit to be preserved after harvest.

Characteristics of boric acid

The main thing I would like to note is the lack of toxicity, that is, treating tomatoes with acid does not affect human well-being. But this does not mean that you do not need to follow basic safety rules, since you can spray tomatoes with boric acid only during certain periods and in accordance with the recommendations. If all conditions are carefully followed, then there is nothing to worry about. Fresh and tasty tomatoes will also be environmentally friendly and free of harmful components.

Benefits of treatment

Acid crystals are tasteless and odorless and dissolve perfectly in water. Treatment primarily accelerates the growth of roots and improves the quality of their absorption of nutrients. The growth and development of the entire bush and the formation of the ovary directly depend on this. But that’s not all, which is why today we decided to talk about how to spray tomatoes with boric acid. This improves the taste characteristics of the fruit and increases sugar content. I would also like to add that it must be used extremely carefully. If you add too much of it, the element will act destructively. Moreover, this applies to both the plant itself and the person who uses it.

Signs of boron deficiency

Before we tell you how to spray tomatoes with boric acid, let's determine in which case this may be necessary. You need to start processing when its shortage is already obvious. Determining this fact is quite simple; the appearance of the plant will tell you about it. We have already determined above that boron helps absorb nutrients from the soil. Accordingly, if there is not enough of it, then growth is slowed down, flowers fall off, and fruits die on the bushes.

How the appearance of tomatoes changes

Boric acid for tomatoes is an excellent source of this important element. If there is a lack of it, the seedlings change before our eyes, they become dull and pale, the leaves curl into tubes. The upper part of the bush also curls down, and the growing point turns black and dies. Instead of thick, powerful shoots, thin branches begin to grow, which ultimately weaken the plant. If such symptoms are present, immediate action must be taken. The easiest way is to immediately make a solution and pour it over the entire bed. This will not take much time and will help avoid further deterioration in the health of the tomatoes.

Feeding and main difficulties

Boric acid is necessary for tomatoes, but its excess is just as destructive as its deficiency. It accumulates in tissues, and as a result reaches a critical amount. In this case, the bushes will not be able to develop normally and lose leaves.

Because of this, gardeners must pay close attention to the accuracy of proportions when preparing a solution for root feeding or spraying. It should be noted that the drug can be diluted or used in dry form. Moreover, in small quantities, granules do not cause burns to the root system, so they can be used without fear.

Soaking the seeds

To prevent boron deficiency, seeds must be placed in a special solution for 24 hours. To do this, you need to add 0.2 g of crystals per liter of water. They dissolve instantly. After 24 hours, you can begin planting in the usual way. Usually this procedure is enough to avoid boron deficiency in the future. You can change the procedure a little. In this case, you need to mix the seeds with dry acid. This procedure helps to simultaneously protect seedlings from diseases, and is also simple.

Soil pre-treatment

This method works well if the soil is known to be low in boron. In this case, immediately before planting, you need to treat the seed rows. The solution is made in the same proportion as in the previous case. It is quite easy to calculate the dosage for your area. Approximately a bucket of solution is consumed per 10 m2 area. Before sowing, the soil must be loosened.

Foliar feeding

It is also carried out throughout the summer season. In this case, the following solution is prepared for processing: 0.1 g of the drug is taken per liter of water. It is very important not to exceed the dosage, because repeating the procedure can lead to excessive accumulation of the substance in the plant.

  • If the application of the drug was not carried out in the spring, and signs of deficiency were noted somewhat later, then the first spraying can be performed during the period of bud formation.
  • But this is not the end of the procedure. Tomatoes are treated with boric acid a second time during flowering. Don't forget to follow basic safety rules. This substance is not toxic, but if you work with it often, it gradually accumulates in the body, just like in the case of a plant. Therefore, be sure to wear a mask and gloves. In this case, the boric acid solution for tomatoes will be completely safe for the gardener.
  • The third procedure is carried out in the fruiting phase.

The concentration of the solutions is the same in all three cases. But you need to remember that if you carry out additional treatment with complex means, then the concentration must be halved.

Preventative treatment

This is why, first of all, gardeners keep a supply of boric acid at home. Spraying for tomatoes for the ovary can be done even when the plants are growing and developing well, and they do not have any health problems. In this case, we are talking not only about preventive treatment, but also about improving the taste of the fruit. The only condition is not to overdo it, because an excess of a substance affects the condition of the plants, just like a deficiency. Is boric acid dangerous for tomatoes during fruit formation? Spraying for the ovary will not harm the quality of future tomatoes. On the contrary, they will become more juicy and sugary.

Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid against late blight

This is a dangerous disease that most often affects tomatoes. If you do not want to use chemicals to combat fungus, then use this simple and affordable recipe. How to dilute boric acid for tomatoes in this case? It is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of boric acid onto a bucket of water and mix thoroughly. Treatment is carried out only during non-sunny hours of the day in the absence of wind and rain. In this case, you should use a spray bottle with a fine spray. Since diluting boric acid for tomatoes is not difficult, and it is done very quickly, it is not recommended to store the prepared solution. It is much better to prepare fresh as needed.

Effective insecticide

With this cheap product you can protect garden crops from aphids, which can cause great harm both in greenhouses and in open ground. Moreover, at the same time you need to fight not only with her, but also with the ants. Small garden ants often build underground anthills right in the beds. This place is watered with a special strong solution. 6 teaspoons of boric acid and 150 g of granulated sugar are diluted in a liter of water. Please note that the product is very concentrated, so it should not come into contact with plants.

Instead of a conclusion

A packet of acid in a pharmacy costs only 20 rubles. By mixing it with water, you can get a solution that is enough to completely treat several areas, not to mention a bed with tomatoes. Today we looked in detail at how to dilute boric acid for tomatoes. Now you can choose any of the recipes that are the most important for today. To get rid of insect pests, protect tomatoes from late blight, provide the gardener with tasty, high-quality fruits and improve productivity - simple and affordable boric acid helps in all this.

Fertilizers such as boric acid are unique in their properties for many crops grown in the garden. This fertilizer is usually used in cases where the soil lacks boron, which is an absolute necessity for plants, since it takes an active part in vegetative function.

Boric acid for cabbage is an important component, because without boron, the leaves of the plant begin to wither, they dry out and quickly rot. Using a fertilizer such as boric acid requires special attention and compliance with certain instructions.

The use of boric acid for cabbage is necessary if the plant does not have enough independent strength for full fruiting. And cabbage fruits in case of boron deficiency become smaller and waterier. Boron prevents such transformations and promotes normal development and growth of cabbage.

The effect of boric acid on cabbage

Feeding cabbage with boric acid is necessary in cases where the crop is depleted and does not receive the required substances from the soil. Boric acid helps the cabbage root system to regenerate, and also helps strengthen the immune system and develop resistance to various diseases and pests.

Mainly, boron prevents the appearance and development of plant diseases such as trunk hollow, heart rot or scab.

In addition, boron takes part in a process such as the synthesis of microelements, and also increases the amount of chlorophyll several times and accelerates the metabolic functions of cabbage. If the boron content of a crop is normal, then its yield increases significantly, as does the duration of storage. In addition, resistance to weather changes and sudden temperature changes increases.

Boric acid dilution technique and processing methods

Treating cabbage with boric acid has long gained immense popularity among gardeners and gardeners. The use of boric acid involves several options that are equally effective. The choice of a specific technique is an individual decision for each gardener. The determining factor in this case is the disease that cabbage suffers from.

Seed treatment

A technique such as treating cabbage seeds is used to stimulate the subsequent growth of the plant, as well as to prevent its inherent diseases. When preparing, the exact concentration of the substances used must be observed. To do this, you need to take 200 mg of boric acid and combine it with a liter of water. After this, you need to let this solution infuse for 12 or 24 hours, depending on what concentration you want to ultimately get.

If you plan to plant a fairly large number of seeds, then before directly planting in the ground, you need to dust the material with a compound of talc and boric acid.

Soil fertilization

Cabbage is usually fertilized for prevention or when there are signs that the plant lacks boron. Use 200 mg of boric acid and combine it with a liter of water.

Before directly planting cabbage seeds, water them with the resulting solution. For ten square meters, the norm is to use 10 liters of solution. After the treatment, loosen the ground a little so that the boric acid solution properly saturates the soil under the cabbage, after which you can plant the seedlings themselves.

Many people have a question about how to water cabbage with boric acid. After you have prepared the solution, you need to pour it in carefully and measuredly so as not to destroy the plant with a high concentration. After this, mix the soil under the cabbage and compact it a little.

Foliar treatment

For foliar treatment of cabbage with boric acid, it is necessary to prepare the following solution. Use 100 mg of boric acid, which must be diluted with a liter of water. To know how to properly feed cabbage with boric acid, you must keep in mind that feeding should be carried out 3 times during the entire growth of cabbage.

Compliance with this condition is very important, since this will ensure the effectiveness of the boric acid solution.

If you plan to carry out such manipulation in combination with other elements and substances, then the concentration of the solution used should be reduced. Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of how to treat cabbage with boric acid for the ovary. This action must be carried out initially immediately before the ovary itself, the second time the treatment with boric acid must be done after three weeks, and the last time - during the ripening of the cabbage.

Important! Such processing of cabbage is a fairly economical and practically cost-effective method.

Boric acid powder is very cheap in price. It can be found on sale not only in specialized stores, but also in regular pharmacies.

Spraying at the root

Gardeners are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to spray cabbage with boric acid. This procedure is safe and effective. Spraying cabbage with boric acid is necessary to prevent plant diseases. This manipulation is carried out only when the lack of boron is reliably determined, and not just when there are assumptions about this.

On a note! To begin with, you need a simple watering, and after that you need to use the prepared solution.


Take 200 mg and combine with a liter of water. To produce a high-quality solution, it is necessary to use water that has been previously heated to a high temperature. First, take hot water, make a solution, then add more water to adjust the concentration, but be sure to be at room temperature.

The answer to the question of how to dilute boric acid for spraying cabbage is quite simple. If we talk about the visual ratio of water and acid, one sachet of the substance is enough for you. This amount is most optimal for preparing the solution.

Spraying cabbage with boric acid for the ovary is done in order to strengthen the leaves and accelerate its growth. This requires a combination of boric acid and manganese sulfate.

Gardeners are often interested in how to spray cabbage with boric acid. It is very important in this case to ensure the maximum effect of spraying. To do this, you need to apply the solution evenly using this method on both sides of the plant leaf.

Proportions when fertilizing with boric acid

You can nourish cabbage in different ways. In addition to boric acid, you can also use the following substances for this purpose:

  • dry yeast;
  • live yeast;
  • live beer.

The proportions for feeding cabbage with boric acid are determined by the concentration of the future solution. Take a teaspoon of acid and dilute it with a liter of hot water. Bring the solution to a volume of 10 liters. Let the liquid cool slightly and you can use the resulting product for feeding.

Pest Control

In addition to preventive measures, cabbage is treated with boric acid to prevent the appearance of pests.

Use the following recipes for this:

Interesting! Boric acid is not concentrated in cabbage, so during the growing season it is necessary to constantly feed and spray the plant.

Many gardeners are worried about how to properly feed cabbage with boric acid. However, it is very important in this matter to maintain proportions and fertilize on time.

Benefits of using boric acid

The use of boric acid has several advantages:

  • the ovary increases significantly;
  • cabbage growth increases;
  • productivity increases;
  • has a positive effect on the taste of cabbage.

Signs of boron deficiency

To detect a lack of boron, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the head of cabbage is formed hollow;
  • cauliflower becomes transparent, sometimes acquires a reddish tint, and the taste becomes bitter.

To prevent such phenomena, you need to know how to fertilize cabbage with boric acid. As soon as you notice negative changes, you must immediately treat the plant with a solution.

Often, a lack of boron manifests itself in the fact that the top of the plant begins to gradually fade and the leaves curl. Foliar fertilizing with boric acid is necessary during periods of increased growth. As soon as you notice such changes, you need to take action immediately.

You can use boric acid on both damaged and completely healthy plants. Boron is used not only for feeding cabbage. The crowns of garden trees are sprayed for preventive purposes. Use the solution several times, as this will enhance the effectiveness of the substance used.

To more clearly understand how to feed cabbage with boric acid, in video 1 you will see detailed instructions for this procedure. You can use the same method for many garden plants.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time on it to have it at your dacha. For high-quality seeds, it is enough to purchase seeds, and if done correctly, you will get a rich harvest. Let's get acquainted with how boron solution is used for plants. Undoubtedly, spraying a flower will protect the fruits from various diseases.

Boric acid: description

Boric acid is a colorless and odorless crystalline substance that easily dissolves in warm water. The chemical is widely used for various fertilizers, as it improves the nutrition of seedlings, thereby increasing the yield of vegetables and increasing the flow of sugar to the generative organs. Fruits and vegetables tend to absorb much more boron than grains.

Spraying tomatoes with boric acid stimulates root and stem growth, reducing the likelihood of plant disease. Nowadays, with an abundance of variety, we forget about simple and effective recipes. Boron normalizes the synthesis of plant substances, stimulates the metabolic process and increases the chlorophyll coefficient. Thus, the planted bush is more resistant to unfavorable conditions.

Did you know? PAfter World War II, young mothers often bought boron powder, since at that time the treatment of the baby’s mucous membrane and skin, as well as the mother’s nipples, was considered a high culture in everyday life.

Useful properties of boric acid when growing tomatoes

Experienced gardeners know that tomatoes are vegetables that do not need additional nutrition if they are grown correctly from the very beginning. However, even with fertilizers it is not always possible to control the presence of boron in the soil. Boron for tomatoes is an important component in the development of bushes, which is why the lack of this component seriously affects the development of plantings.

Boron first increases flowering, and also does not allow fruits to rot at high humidity levels. When using this drug, the yield will increase by 20%, and the taste of the tomatoes will also increase.

Spraying tomatoes with boric acid promotes better absorption of mineral and organic substances. By the way, this point is very important if you grow tomatoes on your home balcony. The home bush is sensitive and therefore requires more nutrition.

When tomatoes are treated with boric acid, the risk of infection is reduced. Tomatoes need to be processed only when the leaves begin or fall off. Many professional gardeners soak seeds before sowing.

Did you know? Boron belongs to the lowest hazard class. That is, the substance, when it comes into contact with human skin, does not cause burns. However, the acid gradually accumulates in the body, since it is naturally excreted very slowly.

There are several indicators that tomatoes not enough boron: deformation and pallor of the leaves, death of the upper shoots, weak flowering.

How to prepare fertilizer using boric acid with your own hands

Fertilizing under negative external influences preserves the number of ovaries, forming new plant points for the stems. Thus, boron prevents the plant from dying and strengthens its resistance to dry conditions and frost.

For rapid growth of the crop, it is recommended to lightly soak the seeds in acid. To prepare, you need a liter of warm water per 0.2 grams of acid. The mixture is infused for a day, and to prevent the seeds from floating, they are placed in a specially prepared gauze bag.

How to prepare boron for plants and spray them? The answer is simple: mix 10 g of the substance with 10 liters of water. Please note that the substance does not dissolve in cold water. The soil itself is sprayed with the solution, but the process occurs once every 3 years. Fertilizing is carried out rarely, mainly for the flowers of the plant. Fertilizer can burn the roots, so first apply water to the bush.

Important! When treating a bush with boric acid, be sure to measure the proportions. After all, even a small mistake can harm both the plant and you.

Processing time for tomatoes

Boric acid is used in different ways. For example, there is a method for processing tomatoes that is used long before planting the seeds. The treatment takes place in two stages: the seeds are soaked in the substance for a day, following the proportions specified in the instructions; On the eve of planting, the process is repeated, and the acid is additionally placed in the seedling hole.

The foliar method is used for plants with tomato fruits. In order to protect vegetables from late blight, you need to start processing at the beginning of summer. Boric acid for tomatoes develops the plant, and direct spraying, in turn, takes place in three stages: the bushes are treated with a weak mixture of manganese; after seven days, use boron in proportions of 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of warm water; after another seven days, the bush is treated with iodine. This way the plant is protected throughout the summer.

Boric acid for tomatoes: how to process

As is known, boron deficiency affects productivity, since some fruits die due to a lack of the substance. It is important to understand when and how to spray tomatoes with boric acid. Treatment is carried out at the first stages of bush development and is not repeated before flowering (and during).

Fertilizing is carried out with the appearance of ovaries on the plant. Ready-made fertilizer is purchased in specialized stores or prepared independently. Let's look at how to treat tomatoes with boric acid. To do this, it is recommended to take 1 g of the substance and mix it in 1 liter of hot water. Then the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle.

12.07.2017 26 886

Boric acid for plants, application or how to make the product effective!?

Boric acid for plants, the use of which is quite widespread, is often used by gardeners to feed tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garden roses, indoor plants and other garden and vegetable crops. Spraying plants during flowering and not only has a positive effect, but first you need to correctly measure and dilute such fertilizer...

Boric acid for plants - what is the effect of use?

Boric acid for plants, application and benefits - in its chemical composition, in addition to boron, there is oxygen and hydrogen, which are vital for all living things. What is boron useful for? It promotes the formation of chlorophyll, which gives plants a green color, stimulates growth, promotes better rooting of seedlings, participates in the ovary process, and strengthens the plant as a whole.

Spraying plants with boric acid helps restore life to wilted leaves, increases survival in unfavorable conditions and fights infections and pests. Hydrogen peroxide added to the soil reduces the shedding of flower stalks, has a beneficial effect on yields and adds sweetness to the soil. If you are the owner of a wetland with a high acid content, you cannot do without this fertilizer.

Despite the fact that the substance belongs to the class of acids, it is the safest chemical compound that can be used in the garden, it is almost impossible to get burned and it is very difficult to harm the plant, the product does not acidify the soil. However, once it enters the body, it takes quite a long time to be eliminated. Garden plants are classified into three groups according to the need for fertilizing with boric acid:

  • high degree – for cabbage, apple trees, svela
  • medium – stone fruit trees, carrots, all types of salads
  • low – legumes, herbs, potatoes, strawberries,

Everything is good in moderation - an excess of boron is also undesirable, and an indicator of plant oversaturation will be dome-shaped foliage with dried edges, yellowing of old leaves (if this is not a seasonal need).

A large concentration of the element contained in the grass accumulates in the bodies of animals, which is fraught with the development of various chronic diseases. This raises the question - how to use boric acid powder to fertilize and not harm.

Boric acid for vegetables - how much and when?

Do no harm - not empty words, but practical guidance for any gardener. To benefit plants, it is important to maintain the dosage of boric acid when fertilizing and spraying tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, strawberries, roses, indoor and other crops.

Boric acid is used for rapid germination and survival of seeds. A composition is prepared from 5 liters of water and 1 gram of a substance in which the seeds are soaked before planting in the ground - tomatoes, carrots, onions, beets are left for 24 hours, melons, cabbage - up to 12 hours. It is recommended to water the planting holes with the remainder of the mixture.

Spraying strawberries with boric acid will get rid of aphids, ants and other pests, and during flowering it will help increase the number of ovaries; the fertilizer also promotes abundant flowering and increases the amount of sugar in the berries. To combat gray mold and during flowering of strawberries, feed the soil with a composition of 2 g of boric acid, 2 g of potassium permanganate, 15 g of iodine and 1 cup of ash (dilute all components in a bucket of water and let stand for 2.5-3 hours, then spray ). To increase the yield, before flowering begins, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with such a solution - 10 g of acid, 10 g of manganese, 10 liters of water.

A lack of boron affects fruit trees, as a result, the fruits are deformed, become unnaturally dense, and the leaves wrinkle. To replenish the microelement supply, the tree must be sprayed with a 0.2% acid solution. 2-5 liters are consumed per tree, depending on the size of the crown, processing is carried out from the bottom up before and during flowering.

Boric acid for cucumbers is a guarantee of abundant flowering and ovaries; for better results, apply a mixture of 5 g of the substance per 10 liters of water to the root zone before flowering and repeat the treatment, only after spraying the plant’s ovaries, after 5-7 days. The same recipe is suitable for eggplants, peppers and zucchini.

To ensure that new grape seedlings are well accepted in a new place, treat them with 5 grams of peroxide and 10 liters of water; spray the vine with the same composition during bud setting, which will increase the yield by 20%. Chlorotic spots on the foliage are a sign of boron starvation; in early spring and during preparation for winter it will save you from many problems.

Tomatoes need a high boron content throughout the growing season, so spraying tomatoes with boric acid powder improves the absorption of minerals and promotes abundant flowering. If tomatoes germinate in conditions of high humidity, the substance will prevent rotting. When the plant is treated with the composition, the yield increases by 20%, and the taste noticeably improves. It is good to soak tomato seedlings in 2% before planting - the bushes will tolerate transplanting more easily and will grow faster.

Boric acid has proven itself well for indoor plants and garden flowers; a 1% solution (1 g per 1 l) is used for fertilizing; if other elements are added to boron, the concentration is halved. To stimulate budding and flowering, plants are sprayed with a useful composition once every two weeks. Boric acid is very good for orchids - the plant should be sprayed during the release of the arrow and after flowering to stimulate subsequent flowering.

For roses, the mixture is used to prevent fungal infections and aphids, and before planting, it is worth placing the seedlings for a few minutes in a 2% solution. Gladioli and dahlias are fed with 2% product during the appearance of the third or fourth leaves and during flowering. The procedure is performed in the evening once every two to three weeks.

Using boric acid in the garden

How to dilute boric acid for plants?

  • The substance dissolves exclusively in boiling water; for complete dissolution, the required amount is diluted in a small amount of liquid, then diluted with the required amount of water.
  • To measure 2 g, you need to take the amount on the tip of a knife (you will get a 2% solution per liter of liquid)
  • A teaspoon holds 5 grams of boric acid, a heaping spoon holds 6, and a partial spoon holds 4. Therefore, to measure 1 gram, you need to take ¼ of a partial teaspoon of powder
  • If the fertilizer is planned to be used in combination with other components, the concentrate must be halved

In the garden, fertilizer is used several times per season. To prepare the soil for planting, water the ground with a mixture of 2 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. For 10 sq. m. you will need a bucket of mixture. This treatment will enrich the soil with boron and neutralize it from pests and fungi.

The second treatment occurs during growth, with a 1% composition in the form of foliar feeding. Spraying is carried out at the moment of bud formation, flowering and fruit formation, with a mixture of 5 grams of the drug (1 teaspoon) per bucket of water. Irrigation should be done in calm weather in the morning or before sunset. Despite the slight harmfulness of the substance, it is better to protect yourself with rubber gloves, boots and a respirator.

Now you know how to properly use boric acid for plants in the garden and on the windowsill.



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