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Brief analysis of the work burnt letter. Analysis of the poem "The Burnt Letter" by Pushkin

The poem by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Burnt Letter" belongs to love lyrics, and fully reveals the emotional experiences of the poet. We invite you to familiarize yourself with brief analysis"Burned letter" according to the plan, which will be useful for 9th grade students in preparation for a lesson in literature.

Brief analysis

History of creation The poem was written in 1825. The woman to whom the work is dedicated was Countess Elizaveta Vorontsova.

Theme of the poem- The lyrical hero's appeal to the burnt letter, in which he sees the collapse of his love.

Composition- The composition is simple, consists of three conditional parts: the first part is the monologue of the lyrical hero, the second is the burning of the letter, the third is the appeal of the lyrical hero to the ashes so that he will forever remain in his soul.

Genre- Love lyrics.

Poetic size- Six-foot iambic, with the use of adjacent male rhyme. There is no rhyme in the last lines of the poem.

Metaphors – « letter of love", "flame greedy».

epithets- « greedy", "cherished", "easy».

Avatars – « burn all joys».

Inversion – « how long did I delay».

History of creation

During his southern exile, Alexander Sergeevich lived in Odessa, where he worked in the office under the leadership of Count Mikhail Vorontsov. Good friendly relations were established between them, which deteriorated sharply after the young poet met the count's wife, Elizaveta Vorontsova.

The countess was distinguished not only by her external attractiveness: she was well educated, well-read, I was known as an excellent conversationalist. From the first minutes of communication between young people, mutual sympathy arose, which quickly grew into a strong feeling.

Elizaveta Vorontsova did not hide her relationship with Pushkin from her husband, and he showed amazing loyalty in this matter. But when unpleasant rumors spread around the city, he did everything possible to expel the rival from the city as soon as possible.

Before the departure of her beloved, the Countess gave him a massive gold ring with precious stone. Pushkin accepted this gift, and in the future he was very kind to him.

The poet was well aware that he would never meet his beloved. For some time there was correspondence between Pushkin and Vorontsova, but the countess always insisted that all her letters be burned immediately after reading. It was difficult for Alexander Sergeevich to fulfill this request, but he could not go against the will of his beloved woman. So, under the influence of strong emotional experiences in 1825 he wrote the poem "The Burnt Letter", which became the personification of departed love.


In the work "Burned Letter" the theme of love is revealed in a very unusual manner. The lyrical hero refers to the letter of his beloved, but in reality we are talking about lost love. The letter is only a means of conveying the emotional experiences of the lyrical hero, which gives a special meaning to the destruction of the love message. So he says goodbye not only to the letter, but also to the love that leaves him forever.

Throughout the poem, the mood of the lyrical hero changes: he either calms down, then again begins to rush about convulsively, suffering from his heart wounds. Even in the burnt ashes, he sees the image of his beloved, and wants to keep it forever in his heart.

The main idea of ​​the work is that it is necessary to keep the word given to a loved one, no matter how difficult it is to do so. The lyrical hero passionately dreams of leaving at least letters from his beloved woman, with whom he was once so happy, as a keepsake. However, he is forced to submit to her request to burn all the messages, and is tormented by the fact that he is losing the last thread with his beloved that connected them.


The composition of the work is distinguished by simplicity and consistency, and divides the poem into three conditional parts.

  • First part is a monologue of a lyrical hero who dooms a letter from a beloved woman to death.
  • In the second part the author describes the burning of the letter, which causes severe mental pain to the hero.
  • In the third part lyrical hero promises immortality to ashes.


The work is written in the genre love lyrics, however, it contains the characteristic features of a message, a romance, an elegy.

Poetic, the size used by the author when writing the “Burned Letter” is iambic six-foot with an adjacent male rhyme. It is noteworthy that there is no rhyme in the last lines of the work. Such a technique allows you to very accurately express the state of the lyrical hero, whose hands drop from disappointment and sadness.

means of expression

Pushkin skillfully uses a rich palette of means of artistic expression to reveal his feelings and mental anguish. In the work there are metaphors(“letter of love”, “greedy flame”), epithets("greedy", "cherished", "easy"), personifications("commit all joys to the fire"), inversion("how long I lingered").

Poem Test

Analysis Rating

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Analysis of the poem by A.S. Pushkin "The Burnt Letter"

In his work, the poet A.S. Pushkin always turned to topics of concern to him. These are the themes of freedom, creativity, the poet and, of course, love. After all, Pushkin is primarily a lyric poet. The lyrics give the most complete picture of the poet's ideals and life values. In his poems, everything is significant: every image, every detail, because only with the help of such techniques can one express all the richness and variety of experiences.

The poem "The Burnt Letter" refers to one of the best examples love lyrics. The poet wrote this work while in exile in Mikhailovsky, while working on "Eugene Onegin". And in moments of painful reflections, he recalled E.K. Vorontsov, who made a huge impression on him. Pushkin received letters from her, one of which, quite possibly, he writes in his poem "The Burnt Letter".

This poem paints a picture of the lyrical hero burning a letter to his beloved. The letter is dear to the author, he addresses him as a living being: “Farewell, letter of love. Goodbye! She ordered…”

The reader sees in front of him an excited person who is going to “commit to fire” everything that was dear to him, to burn “all his joys”. He is sorry to part with a love letter, he hesitates, but "The hour has come, burn a letter of love."

This poem is imbued with pain and bitterness from the very beginning. The hero leaves the beloved the right to choose, even if it is not in his favor. It seems that the lyrical hero has no strength left for anything, but he is firm in fulfilling the desires of his beloved: "... goodbye: she ordered." And again, the hero says goodbye not to the letter, but to the love that leaves him. The mood of the lyrical hero is not uniform. As soon as he calms down, he immediately begins to suffer again; this is evident due to the fact that the author uses exclamatory sentences and default.

The plot of the poem, in general, is simple: the beloved woman demanded that the poet destroy her letter, which he actually does; the letter burns, the poet is sad.

According to the plot, the poem has three parts. The first and third parts occupy 4 verses each, and the second - three couplets. The first part is the poet's monologue, dooming the letter to death; the third part is a monologue that promises the burnt letter - the ashes - immortality. Thus, the first and third parts are opposite, like the concepts of "death" and "immortality".

At the end of the poem, the poet no longer refers to the letter, as at the beginning of the poem, but to what is left of it, to "dear ashes." The image of the beloved appears for the author through the ashes. In the ashes, he sees the features of his beloved. He asks him to stay "a century with me on a sorrowful chest." Thus, we understand that the letter has burned down, but the poet's feelings have not yet turned into ashes, it is painful and difficult for him. Ashes are a memory of joyful and bitter. The memory becomes ashes.

The whole poem is generally written at a fairly fast pace. The author's feelings are expressed without special poetic tropes, only with the help of exclamations that give the picture of the burning of the letter instantaneous. Almost every line uses gradation. For example:

Just a minute!.. flared up! blaze - light smoke,

Waving, lost with my prayer.

The experiences of the lyrical hero help the reader to understand numerous epithets: “greedy flame”, “cute ashes”, “poor joy”, “dismal fate”, “sorrowful chest”. Ashes Pushkin calls "sweet", as well as "poor joy", as this is the only trace, the only memory of burnt love, without which the lyrical hero does not see happiness in his "dull fate".

In the first three quatrains, the rhyme is paired (adjacent), and in the last three-line, two lines rhyme according to the same principle as in quatrains, and the last line has no rhyme. It seems to me that the author wanted to show by this that the hero gives up from grief and disappointment. The rhyme in the poem is male, the stanza is eleven lines.

In this work it is impossible to clearly define the genre. It combines certain features of a romance, and even an elegy. But it can also be called a message, since it contains an appeal to the "letter of love."

As already mentioned in the poem "The Burnt Letter", the author refers to the theme of love. But the theme of farewell is also visible in it. The burnt letter is a symbol of farewell to love.

I believe that the poem "The Burnt Letter" is a real masterpiece of Russian love lyrics: filled with great feelings, but at the same time unusually concise.

Goodbye love letter! goodbye: she said.
How long have I lingered! how long did not want
The hand to set fire to all my joys! ..
But enough, the time has come. Burn, love letter.
I'm ready; my soul does not listen to anything.
Already the greedy flame accepts your sheets ...
Just a minute!.. flared up! blaze - light smoke
Waving, lost with my prayer.
Having lost the impression of the faithful ring,
The melted sealing wax boils... O providence!
It's done! Dark curled sheets;
On light ashes their cherished features
They turn white ... My chest was shy. Ash dear,
A poor joy in my sad fate,
Stay a century with me on a woeful chest ...

Date of creation: December 1824

Analysis of Pushkin's poem "The Burnt Letter"

In the summer of 1823, Alexander Pushkin, while in southern exile, seeks a transfer from Chisinau to Odessa. He enters the service in the office of the mayor Count Mikhail Vorontsov, with whom the poet initially develops quite friendly relations. Pushkin enters the count's house, and often entertains numerous guests with his poems during social receptions. Everything changes after he meets the count's wife, Elizaveta Vorontsova, at one of the receptions. Being in the last months of pregnancy, the woman looks tired and sickly, causing the poet's sympathy. But when, six months later, he meets her at the traditional governor's ball, he is amazed, because in front of him is not only a socialite, distinguished by her amazing beauty, but also a very erudite person, who is also fond of literature.

The romance between Pushkin and Vorontsova flares up literally from the first minutes of close communication. Moreover, the count's wife, due to her progressive views, does not even consider it necessary to hide this fact from her husband. And soon rumors spread around Odessa that Vorontsov had become a cuckold, as well as a public laughingstock. Naturally, the rather liberal count could no longer endure this, so he made every effort to expel Pushkin from the city. The poet's departure to Moscow took place in 1824, and in parting, Elizaveta Vorontsova presented the poet with a ring with a carnelian and an old engraving on the stone. Exactly the same paired ring remained with her as a reminder of her love for the poet.

Pushkin knew that he would hardly ever see his beloved again and did not want to put up with it. In turn, Elizaveta Vorontsova insisted on ending the relationship. Nevertheless, after the departure of the poet from Odessa, the lovers corresponded for some time, fastening their messages with signet rings. However, each time the countess made a condition that the letters that compromised her be burned by the poet.

In 1825, after another message from the countess was set on fire, Pushkin wrote the poem "The Burnt Letter", in which he bitterly noted that he was unable to violate the will of his beloved. “How long have I lingered! How long do you want to put all my joys on fire! ”, The author noted. However, the duty of honor turned out to be higher than feelings, so several minutes of hesitation pass, and “the greedy flame accepts your sheets.” The letter, which the poet considers priceless, gradually turns into a heap of ashes and "having lost the impression of the faithful ring, the melted sealing wax boils."

At these moments, Pushkin is experiencing real despair, since a letter from the countess is what little is left of their love. However, the poet is even more oppressed by the need to destroy it with his own hands and, thereby, deprive himself of the opportunity from time to time to re-read lines full of love and tenderness. It is worth noting that at this time Pushkin was in another exile, and was forced to live without a break in the Mikhailovskoye family estate. Therefore, a letter from Elizaveta Vorontsova is a breath of fresh air for him, reminding not only of the happy days he spent in Odessa, but also of his lost freedom. In addition, the passionate and ardent nature of the poet craves love, he needs to always have a woman nearby, to whom he would have such feelings, expressing them in poetic form.

But the only thing that remains for the poet in this situation is to keep the “darling ashes” on the “woeful chest”, hoping only that someday fate will give him the opportunity to see again the one that became the poet’s muse for five long years, inspiring him to creation of a cycle of lyrical love poems.

this is Love.. .

The poem "The Burnt Letter" was written in 1825, during Pushkin's exile in the village of Mikhailovskoye.
The eternal theme of love is developed by Pushkin in a very peculiar way. He writes about a burnt letter, but in fact it is about burnt love, and the letter is only a way of conveying the experiences of a lyrical hero, a kind of artistic symbol.
This poem is imbued with pain and bitterness from the very beginning. It seems that the lyrical hero has no strength left for anything, but he is firm in fulfilling the desires of his beloved: "... goodbye: she ordered." And again, the hero says goodbye not to the letter, but to the love that leaves him.
The mood of the lyrical hero is not uniform. As soon as he calms down, he immediately begins to suffer again; this is evident due to the fact that the author uses exclamatory sentences and default.
The whole poem is generally written at a fairly fast pace. Almost every line uses gradation. For example:
Minute!. . flared up! blazing - light smoke,
Waving, lost with my prayer.
The experiences of the lyrical hero also help the reader to understand numerous epithets: "greedy flame", "dear ashes", "poor joy", "dull fate", "sorrowful chest". after all, this is the only trace, the only memory of burnt love, without which the lyrical hero does not see a glimmer of happiness in his "dull fate".
In the first three quatrains, the rhyme is paired (adjacent), and in the last three-line, two lines rhyme according to the same principle as in quatrains, and the last line has no rhyme. It seems to me that the author wants to show by this that the hero gives up from grief and disappointment. The rhyme in the poem is male, the stanza is eleven lines.
I believe that the poem "The Burnt Letter" is a real masterpiece of Russian love lyrics: filled with great feelings, but at the same time unusually concise.

burnt letter" was written in Mikhailovsky in late 1824-early 1825. Both famous autographs of the elegy - whitewashed and white - belong to the final stage of work on the text. 1 However, even P. V. Annenkov2 rightly put in connection with the “Burned Letter” the entry he discovered in workbook Pushkin (PD, No. 835): “September 5, 1824 u. 1.d. .3 It is now generally accepted that this entry is a memorial note about the receipt of a letter from E. K. Vorontsova and that the "Burned Letter" is included in a long series of Pushkin's poems associated with her name.

The undoubted connection of the "Burned Letter" with the real events of Pushkin's life4 obscured another elegy from researchers. important point, which becomes clearer in the study of the second Masonic notebook. A note about a letter from Vorontsova is adjacent here, on fl. 11 vol. , with drafts of stanza XXXII of the third chapter of "Eugene Onegin", the stanza where Tatyana is depicted with a completed letter to Onegin in her hand. And the whitewashed autograph of the “Burned Letter” recorded in the same workbook is preceded by a sketch of the XV stanza of the fourth chapter of the novel in verse - a fragment of Onegin’s rebuke to Tatyana.



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