home - Electricity 
The summary of the story is what is interesting. The fairy tale is what's interesting

When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters: O - circle and T - hammer. That's all. I didn't know any other letters. And I couldn’t read.

Grandmother tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick:

Now, now, grandma, I’ll wash the dishes for you.

And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about studying and even bought him gifts for helping him with the housework. And Gogin’s parents were on a long business trip and relied on their grandmother. And of course, they didn’t know that their son still hadn’t learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And I read it aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, “if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try.

And in class he dodged as best he could.

The teacher tells him:

Read it here.

He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him.

The teacher stopped him.

To the laughter of the class, he said:

If you want, I’d better close the window so it doesn’t blow.

I'm so dizzy that I'm probably going to fall...

He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor.

The doctor asked:

How is your health?

It’s bad,” Goga said.

What hurts?

Well, go to class then.

Because nothing hurts you.

How do you know?

How do you know that? - the doctor laughed.

And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit.

Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to prevaricate.

And the efforts of my classmates came to nothing. First, Masha, an excellent student, was assigned to him.

Let’s study seriously,” Masha told him.

When? - asked Goga.

Yeah right now.

“I’ll come now,” Goga said. And he left and did not return.

Then Grisha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk.

Where are you going? - asked Grisha.

“Come here,” Goga called.

And here no one will interfere with us.

Yah you! - Grisha, of course, was offended and left immediately.

No one else was assigned to him.

As time went. He was dodging.

Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought for her child.

Now every evening,” she said, “I will read this wonderful book aloud to my son.

Grandma said:

Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening.

But the father said:

It was really in vain that you did this. Our Gogochka has become so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting.

And dad, along with grandmother and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And he even shook his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet.

But he didn't know what kind of meeting it was! What was decided there!

So, mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to happen. But when mom stopped at the most interesting place, he became worried again.

And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried.

He immediately suggested:

Let me wash the dishes for you, mommy.

And he ran to wash the dishes.

He ran to his father.

His father sternly told him never to make such requests to him again.

He thrust the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to his grandmother again. But she dropped it from her hands again. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is she really asleep,” thought Goga, “or was she instructed at the meeting to pretend?” Goga tugged at her, shook her, but the grandmother did not even think about waking up.

In despair, he sat down on the floor and began to look at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was happening there next.

He brought the book to class. But his classmates refused to read to him. Not only that: Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly reached under the desk.

That's what's interesting!

When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters: O - circle and T - hammer. That's all. I didn't know any other letters. And I couldn’t read.

Grandmother tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick:

Now, now, grandma, I’ll wash the dishes for you.

And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about studying and even bought him gifts for helping him with the housework. And Gogin’s parents were on a long business trip and relied on their grandmother. And of course, they didn’t know that their son still hadn’t learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And I read it aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, “if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try.

And in class he dodged as best he could.

The teacher tells him:

Read it here.

He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him.

The teacher stopped him.

To the laughter of the class, he said:

If you want, I’d better close the window so it doesn’t blow.

I'm so dizzy that I'm probably going to fall...

He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor.

The doctor asked:

How is your health?

It’s bad,” Goga said.

What hurts?

Well, go to class then.

Because nothing hurts you.

How do you know?

How do you know that? - the doctor laughed.

And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit.

Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to prevaricate.

And the efforts of my classmates came to nothing. First, Masha, an excellent student, was assigned to him.

Let’s study seriously,” Masha told him.

When? - asked Goga.

Yeah right now.

“I’ll come now,” Goga said. And he left and did not return.

Then Grisha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk.

Where are you going? - asked Grisha.

“Come here,” Goga called.

And here no one will interfere with us.

Yah you! - Grisha, of course, was offended and left immediately.

No one else was assigned to him.

As time went. He was dodging.

Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought for her child.

Now every evening,” she said, “I will read this wonderful book aloud to my son.

Grandma said:

Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening.

But the father said:

It was really in vain that you did this. Our Gogochka has become so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting.

And dad, along with grandmother and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And he even shook his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet.

But he didn't know what kind of meeting it was! What was decided there!

So, mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to happen. But when mom stopped at the most interesting place, he became worried again.

And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried.

He immediately suggested:

Let me wash the dishes for you, mommy.

And he ran to wash the dishes.

He ran to his father.

His father sternly told him never to make such requests to him again.

He thrust the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to his grandmother again. But she dropped it from her hands again. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is she really asleep,” thought Goga, “or was she instructed at the meeting to pretend?” Goga tugged at her, shook her, but the grandmother did not even think about waking up.

In despair, he sat down on the floor and began to look at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was happening there next.

He brought the book to class. But his classmates refused to read to him. Not only that: Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly reached under the desk.

Goga pestered the high school student, but he flicked him on the nose and laughed.

That's what a home meeting is all about!

This is what the public means!

He soon read the entire book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go buy bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes.

That's what's interesting!


1 Victor Golyavkin Funny stories for children about school 1

2 Victor Golyavkin. NOTEBOOKS IN THE RAIN During recess, Marik says to me: Let's run away from class. Look how nice it is outside! What if Aunt Dasha is late with the briefcases? You need to throw the briefcases out the window. We looked out the window near the dry wall, and a little further away there was a huge puddle. Don't throw your briefcases into a puddle! We took the belts off the trousers, tied them together and carefully lowered the briefcases onto them. At this time the bell rang. The teacher entered. I had to sit down. The lesson has begun. The rain poured outside the window. Marik writes me a note: “Our notebooks are missing.” I answer him: “Our notebooks are missing.” He writes to me, “What are we going to do?” I answer him, “What are we going to do?” Suddenly they call me to the board. I can’t, I say, I have to go to the board. “How can I walk without a belt, I think?” Go, go, I’ll help you, says the teacher. You don't need to help me. Are you ill by any chance? I say you are ill. What about homework? Good with homework. The teacher comes up to me. Well, show me your notebook. I'm silent. What's going on with you? I'm silent. You'll have to give it a two. He opens the magazine and gives me a bad mark, and I think about my notebook, which is now getting wet in the rain. The teacher gave me a bad mark and calmly said: You’re kind of strange today... 2

3 Victor Golyavkin. NO LUCK One day I come home from school. That day I just got a bad grade. I walk around the room and sing. I sing and sing so that no one thinks that I got a bad mark. Otherwise they will ask, “Why are you gloomy, why are you thoughtful?” The father says: Why is he singing like that? And mom says: He’s probably in a cheerful mood, so he’s singing. The father says: He probably got an A, that’s what’s fun for the man. It's always fun when you do something good. When I heard this, I sang even louder. Then the father says: Okay, Vovka, please your father, show him the diary. Then I immediately stopped singing. For what? I ask. I see, says father, you really want to show me the diary. He takes the diary from me, sees a deuce there and says: Amazing, he got a deuce and is singing! What, is he crazy? Come on, Vova, come here! Do you happen to have a fever? I say, I don’t have any temperature... My father spread his hands and said: Then you need to be punished for this singing... That’s how unlucky I am! Victor Golyavkin. THIS IS WHAT IS INTERESTING When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters O circle and T hammer. That's all. I didn't know any other letters. And he couldn’t read. Grandma tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick. Now, now, grandma, I’ll wash the dishes for you. And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about studying and even bought him gifts for helping him with the housework. And Gogin’s parents were on a long business trip and relied on their grandmother. And of course, they didn’t know that their son still hadn’t learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And I read it aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try. And in class he dodged as best he could. The teacher said to him: Read it here. He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him. The teacher stopped him. To the laughter of the class, he said: If you want, I’d better close the window so that it doesn’t blow. Or I’m so dizzy that I’m probably going to fall... He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor. The doctor asked How is your health? It’s bad, Goga said. 3

4 What hurts? All. Well, then go to class. Why? Because nothing hurts you. How do you know? How do you know that? the doctor laughed. And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit. Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to prevaricate. And the efforts of my classmates came to nothing. At first, Masha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. Let's study seriously, Masha told him. When? asked Goga. Yeah right now. “I’ll come now,” Goga said. And he left and did not return. Then Grisha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk. Where are you going? Grisha asked. Come here, called Gog. For what? And here no one will interfere with us. Yah you! Grisha, of course, was offended and left immediately. No one else was assigned to him. As time went. He was dodging. Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought for her child. Now every evening, she said, I will read this wonderful book aloud to my son. Grandma said: Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening. But the father said: It was in vain that you did this. Our Gogochka has become so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting. And dad, along with grandmother and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And he even shook his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet. But he didn't know what kind of meeting it was! What was decided there! So, mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to happen. But when mom stopped at the most interesting place, he became worried again. And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried. And then read for yourself, his mother told him. He immediately suggested: Let me wash the dishes for you, mommy. And he ran to wash the dishes. But even after that, my mother refused to read. He ran to his father. His father strictly told him never to turn to him with such requests again. He thrust the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to his grandmother again. But she dropped it from her hands again. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is Goga really sleeping, or was she instructed to pretend at the meeting?” Goga tugged at her, shook her, but her grandmother didn’t even think about waking up. And he so wanted to know what was happening next in this book! 4

5 In despair, he sat down on the floor and began to look at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was happening there next. He brought the book to class. But his classmates refused to read to him. Moreover, Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly reached under the desk. Goga pestered the high school student, but he flicked him on the nose and laughed. What to do next? After all, he will never know what is written next in the book until he reads it. All that remained was to study. Read for yourself. That's what a home meeting is all about! This is what the public means! He soon read the entire book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go buy bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes. That's what's interesting! Victor Golyavkin. IN THE CLOSET Before class, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to meow from the closet. They'll think it's a cat, but it's me. I was sitting in the closet, waiting for the lesson to start, and didn’t notice how I fell asleep. I wake up quietly in the classroom. I look through the crack and there is no one there. I pushed the door, but it was closed. So, I slept through the entire lesson. Everyone went home, and they locked me in the closet. It's stuffy in the closet and dark as night. I became scared, I started shouting: E-uh! I'm in the closet! Help! I listened to the silence all around. Me again: Oh! Comrades! I'm sitting in the closet! I hear someone's steps. Someone is coming. Who's bawling here? I immediately recognized Aunt Nyusha, the cleaning lady. I was delighted and shouted: Aunt Nyusha, I’m here! Where are you, dear? I'm in the closet! In the closet! How did you, my dear, get there? I'm in the closet, grandma! So I hear that you are in the closet. So what do you want? I was locked in a closet. Oh, grandma! Aunt Nyusha left. Silence again. She probably went to get the key. Steps again. I hear the voice of Pal Palych. Pal Palych is our head teacher... Pal Palych knocked on the closet with his finger. There is no one there, said Pal Palych. Why not? Yes, said Aunt Nyusha. Well, where did he say Pal Palych and knocked on the closet again. I was afraid that everyone would leave, I would stay in the closet, and with all my might I shouted I’m here! Who are you? asked Pal Palych. I... Tsypkin... 5

6 Why did you climb there, Tsypkin? I was locked... I didn't get in... Hm... He was locked! But he didn’t get in! You've seen what wizards there are in our school! They don't get into the closet when they are locked in the closet. Miracles don’t happen, do you hear, Tsypkin? I hear you... How long have you been sitting there? asked Pal Palych. I don’t know... Find the key, said Pal Palych. Fast. Aunt Nyusha went to get the key, but Pal Palych stayed behind. He sat down on a chair nearby and began to wait. I saw his face through the crack. He was very angry. He lit a cigarette and said Well! This is what prank leads to. Tell me honestly, why are you in the closet? I really wanted to disappear from the closet. They open the closet, and I’m not there. It was as if I had never been there. People will ask me, “Were you in the closet?” I will say “I wasn’t!” They will say to me, “Who was there?” I will say “I don’t know!” But this only happens in fairy tales! Surely tomorrow they will call mom... Your son, they will say, climbed into the closet, slept there during all classes, and all that... as if it’s comfortable for me to sleep here! My legs ache, my back hurts. One torment! What was I supposed to answer? I was silent. Are you alive there? asked Pal Palych. Alive... Well, sit down, they'll open it soon... I'm sitting... So... said Pal Palych. So you will answer me why you climbed into this closet. I was silent. Suddenly I heard the director's voice. He walked down the corridor Who? Tsypkin? In the closet? Why? I wanted to disappear again. The director asked: Tsypkin, are you? I sighed heavily. I simply couldn't answer anymore. Aunt Nyusha said: The class leader took the key away. Break down the door, the director said. I felt the door being broken down, the closet shook, and I hit my forehead painfully. I was afraid that the cabinet would fall, and I cried. I pressed my hands against the walls of the closet, and when the door gave way and opened, I continued to stand in the same way. Well, come out, said the director. And tell us what that means. I didn't move. I was scared. Why is he standing? asked the director. I was pulled out of the closet. I was silent the whole time. I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to meow. But how would I say this... 6

7 Victor Golyavkin. About scrap metal, Tolik was carrying an old, rusty bed along the street. And Masha was carrying an old rusty anchor. They take it to school because it's scrap metal. Tolik says: There is more weight in my bed than in your stupid anchor. So, I collected more than you. Masha says: This is still unknown. My anchor is all full, and your bed is inflated. Tolik even stopped. How is that inflated? It’s very simple: my anchor is solid, but your bed is not solid. What kind of bed do I have? says Tolik. Masha also stopped and said: Your bed is inflated. What nonsense! says Tolik. How can it be that she is a ball or something? She is not a ball, says Masha, but nevertheless she is inflated. These glands, they are empty inside. And my anchor is full inside. He's not pouty, if you must know! Your anchor is rusty! says Tolik. Your bed is inflated! says Masha. From the broken ship is your anchor! says Tolik. At that time, an old woman walked past. She was carrying bananas in her bag. The old lady with bananas says: Put this anchor on the bed. And carry it all together. But Tolik said: This is my scrap metal. And Masha said: This is my scrap metal. Ah, that's it! said the old lady. I didn't know this. And she left. And Tolik and Masha were first surprised why the old lady said that, and then they were surprised why they said that to the old lady, because it didn’t matter whose bed it was or whose anchor it was. Because it's for everyone. And they did as the old woman with the bananas told them. 7

8 Victor Golyavkin. We are playing in Antarctica. Mom left home somewhere. And we were left alone. And we got bored. We turned the table over. They pulled a blanket over the table legs. And it turned out to be a tent. It's like we're in Antarctica. Where our dad is now. Vitka and I climbed into the tent. We were very pleased that Vitka and I were sitting in a tent, although not in Antarctica, but as if in Antarctica, with ice and wind all around us. But we were tired of sitting in a tent. Vitka said: Winterers don’t sit like that in the tent all the time. They're probably doing something. Surely, I said, they catch whales, seals and do something else. Of course they don't sit like that all the time! Suddenly I saw our cat. I shouted: Here is a seal! Hooray! Vitka shouted. Grab him! He also saw a cat. The cat was walking towards us. Then she stopped. She looked at us carefully. And she ran back. She didn't want to be a seal. She wanted to be a cat. I understood this immediately. But what could we do! There was nothing we could do. We need to catch someone! I ran, tripped, fell, got up, but the cat was nowhere to be found. She is here! Vitka yelled. Run here! Vitka’s legs were sticking out from under the bed. I crawled under the bed. It was dark and dusty there. But the cat was not there. I'm getting out, I said. There is no cat here. Here she is, Vitka argued. I saw her run here. I came out all dusty and started sneezing. Vitka kept fiddling around under the bed. She’s there, Vitka kept repeating. Well, so be it, I said. I won't go there. I sat there for an hour. I'm over it. Just think! Vitka said. And I?! I climb here more than you. Finally Vitka also got out. Here she is! I shouted. The cat was sitting on the bed. I almost grabbed her by the tail, but Vitka pushed me, the cat jumped onto the closet! Try to get it out of the closet! What kind of seal is this, I said. Can a seal sit on a closet? Let it be a penguin, said Vitka. It's like he's sitting on an ice floe. Let's whistle and shout. He will then be afraid. And he will jump from the closet. This time we'll catch the penguin. We started yelling and whistling as loud as we could. I really don't know how to whistle. Only Vitka whistled. But I screamed at the top of my lungs. Almost hoarse. But the penguin doesn’t seem to hear. A very cunning penguin. He hides there and sits. Come on, I say, let's throw something at him. Well, at least we'll throw a pillow. We threw a pillow on the closet. But the cat didn’t jump out of there. Then we put three more pillows on the closet, mom’s coat, all of mom’s dresses, dad’s skis, a saucepan, dad’s and mom’s slippers, a lot of books and much more. But the cat didn’t jump out of there. Maybe it's not on the closet? I said. There she is, Vitka said. What is it like if she’s not there? Don't know! says Vitka. 8

9 Vitka brought a basin of water and placed it near the closet. If a cat decides to jump from the cabinet, let it jump straight into the basin. Penguins love to dive into water. We left something else for the closet. Wait, won't he jump? Then they placed a table next to the closet, a chair on the table, a suitcase on the chair, and they climbed onto the closet. And there is no cat there. The cat has disappeared. No one knows where. Vitka began to climb down from the closet and plopped straight into the basin. Water spilled all over the room. Then mom comes in. And behind her is our cat. She apparently jumped through the window. Mom clasped her hands and said: What's going on here? Vitka remained sitting in the basin. I was so scared. How amazing it is, says mom, that you can’t leave them alone for a minute. You have to do something like this! Of course, we had to clean everything ourselves. And even wash the floor. And the cat walked around importantly. And she looked at us with such an expression as if she was about to say: “Now, you will know that I am a cat. Not a seal or a penguin." A month later our dad arrived. He told us about Antarctica, about the brave polar explorers, about their great work, and it was very funny to us that we thought that the winterers did nothing but catch various whales and seals there... But we didn’t tell anyone that we thought. Victor Golyavkin. How I wanted to deceive everyone. I don’t even want to talk about it. But I'll tell you anyway. Everyone thought I was really sick, but my gumboil was not real. It was I who put a blotter under my cheek, and that’s why my cheek became swollen. And on top of that, he made a grimace, saying that my tooth hurts! And I hum lightly; I did this all on purpose so that they wouldn’t ask for the lesson. And Anna Petrovna believed me. And the guys believed. Everyone felt sorry for me and worried. And I pretended that I was in great pain. Anna Petrovna said: Go home. Since your tooth hurts so much. But I didn’t want to go home at all. I roll the blotter in my mouth with my tongue and think: “I fooled everyone!” Suddenly Tanka Vederkina screams: Oh, look, the gumboil is on the other side! 9

10 Victor Golyavkin. It wasn’t an extreme case. Everyone in class was writing a retelling, but, as luck would have it, I got sick that day. Five days later I just showed up at school. Anna Petrovna told me: Take the book home, read it and write it in your own words. Just read it no more than twice. What if I don't remember? Write as you remember. Is there no way you can do it a third time? In extreme cases, it is possible. I came home. I read it twice. As if I remembered it. I just forgot how to write the word “window” with an “a” or an “o”. What if you open the book and look once? Or is this not an extreme case? This is probably not an extreme case. After all, I mostly remembered everything. I’d better ask dad if I can come in a third time or not. This is not an extreme case, Dad said. There is a rule about unstressed vowels. And you must know this rule. I forgot the rule. I had to write at random. Anna Petrovna read the story. Why did you write the word “window” with an “a”? I say: It was not an extreme case. And I couldn’t look at the book for the third time. Otherwise I would have written it correctly. Victor Golyavkin. My work The older brother was making a receiver, and the younger brother was walking around and getting in the way. And I want to work, he asked. Here you are, said the elder brother. You're wearing a hammer and a nail. The younger one found a piece of plywood and got to work. Knock-knock-knock, all the plywood is full of holes! Even the whole stool has holes. I almost made a hole in my finger. Come on, said the elder brother, give it here. And nailed the plywood to the receiver. That's all, said the elder brother, the receiver is ready. The younger one went out into the yard and brought the guys. I did this. My job! Did you make the whole receiver? Not all of it, of course, but the main part. Without it, the receiver would not work. 10

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MARCH 26, 2017 Name: Homework 22 Repeat the poems. Topic: Vowel sounds in stressed and unstressed syllables Rule on page 70. Task 1. Read and fill in the missing letters. Underline the test words.

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Nikolai Nosov Dreamers Mishutka and Stasik were sitting on a bench in the garden and talking. Only they didn’t just talk like other guys, but told each other various tales, as if they were going to argue,

2017 One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. On this day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate. And I can already count! boasted

One day Petya was returning from kindergarten. On this day he learned to count to ten. He reached his house, and his younger sister Valya was already waiting at the gate. And I can already count! Petya boasted.

APRIL 3, 2016 Name: Homework 22 Repeat the poems. Continue learning the neighbors' parts Topic: Vowel sounds in stressed and unstressed syllables Rule on page 70. Task 1. Read and fill in the missing letters.

Mishka once, when I was living with my mother at the dacha, Mishka came to visit me. I was so happy that I can’t even say it! I miss Mishka very much. Mom was also glad to see him. This is very good,

Russian 5 Homework February 28 Name. Task 1: Read N. Nosov's story Metro! You, your mother and Vovka were visiting Aunt Olya in Moscow. On the very first day, my mother and aunt went to the store, and Vovka and I

Nadezhda Shcherbakova Mom, don't cry! My mother is an ironer. She works at a dry cleaner, ironing already washed clothes. They have all sorts of special machines that they use to iron. Mom leaves in the morning and comes in the evening.

Nadezhda Shcherbakova Ralph and Falabella Once upon a time there lived a rabbit. His name was Ralph. But this was no ordinary rabbit. The largest in the world. So big and clumsy that he couldn’t even run and jump like other rabbits,

Ilya Chlaki Cycle “The Law of Nature” ADAM AND EVE (Singers) 2 Characters: She He 3 I want to eat. Don't you hear? Be patient. I tolerate it. But I still want to. Let me kiss you? Let's. He kisses. Fine. More? More. He

N. Nosov “Fantasers” “Rusinka” 1st grade FANTASERS Mishutka and Stasik were sitting on a bench in the garden and talking. Only they didn’t just talk like other guys, but told each other various tales,

William McCleary THE STORY OF MIKE THE WOLF Chapter One One day, a dad was putting his son to bed. Michael, who was already five years old, asked to be told a bedtime story. Okay, I agreed

There lived one ill-mannered little mouse in the forest. In the morning he didn’t say “good morning” to anyone. And in the evening I didn’t say “good night” to anyone. All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. They don't want to

FEBRUARY 26, 2017 Name: Homework 18 Learn poems for the holiday. Topic: Combinations -CHN- -CHK-. Task 1. Tasks from the textbook. Tasks 107, 110 on pp. 60-61. Remove one or two letters. Write down the words you receive.

Lesson number 14 second grade Formation of new words. SUFFIX. The ice on the river is thick in winter and thin in spring. Standing in the forest on chicken legs. I call you affectionately, but there was a mountain, but it became There was a hole, but it became In the circus tricks

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Seven-flowered flower Part I Once upon a time there lived a girl, Zhenya. One day her mother sent her to the store to buy bagels. Zhenya bought seven bagels: two for dad, two for mom, two for herself and one for brother Pavlik. I took it

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Class hour in 4th grade “How can I influence the actions of my peers” Goal: Creating conditions for the development of active citizenship. Objectives: introduce ways to influence the actions of others

OCTOBER 18, 2015 Name: Topic: Combinations ZHI, SHI. Homework 4 Fedya says: - If the car’s tires are good, they should be written with the letter I. If they are bad and full of holes, then with the letter Y. He is right? How will be correct? Exercise

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Ali and his camera Ali lives in Istanbul, a large city in Turkey. He lives in an old house next to the famous Blue Mosque. After school Ali returned home and sat by the window. He looked at the boats coming out

Artist Anna Vlasova Fairy tales THE ADVENTURES OF THE YELLOW SUITCASE Chapter 1 CHILDREN'S DOCTOR The children's Doctor was awakened by the bright sun and childish laughter. The Children's Doctor could listen to this laughter all day long.

1 Teacher: Hello, guys! 3rd grade birthday (September 1st). The summer holidays are over and the school bell has rung. Knowledge Day is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and

Moscow AST Publishing House Viktor Dragunsky THE SECRET BECOMES EXPLICIT I heard my mother in the corridor say to someone: The secret always becomes apparent. And when she came into the room I asked: What does this mean?

Link to material: https://ficbook.net/readfic/6721139 New investigation Direction: Jen Author: Nastya959 (https://ficbook.net/authors/2859980) Fandom: Closed school Rating: PG-13 Genres: Romance,

“He is alive and glowing...” One evening I sat in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or at the store, or maybe stood for a long time at the bus stop. Don't know.

Alina Perminova My first book Drawings by the author. 2014 Puppy Two girls were walking down the street with their puppy. The girls' names were Masha and Katya. The puppy saw the bone, and Masha accidentally let go of the leash. The puppy ran away.

Abstract Here is a book by the writer Oleg Nagornov, which presents some of his works written specifically for children. The reader will get acquainted with the “Strange Family” living in a small

How a dog and a cat washed the floor This story happened back in the days when the dog and the cat lived under the same roof. Their house stood on the edge of the forest, and they tried very hard to arrange everything like that of adults.

4 Ama was leaving the house and said to Misha: I’m leaving, Misha, and you behave well. Don’t play around without me and don’t touch anything. For this I will give you a big red lollipop. Mom left. Misha behaved well at first:

03/10/13 Russian 2 Lesson 19 Name Task 1: Read the poem. The kids are tired. They are learning the rules of “ZHI-SHI”! What kind of rule is this, Won't leave them alone?! Let's take pencils and make you write right away!

Nosov Nikolai Bobik visiting Barboska Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov Bobik visiting Barboska Once upon a time there lived a dog Barboska. He had a friend - the cat Vaska. They both lived with their grandfather. Grandfather went to work, Barboska looked after

2 ABOUT THE ELEPHANT We were approaching India by boat. They were supposed to come in the morning. I changed my shift, was tired and couldn’t fall asleep: I kept thinking about how it would be there. It’s like if they brought me a whole box of toys when I was a child.

Organized educational activities in preparatory group 7 with a compensatory focus. Topic: “There is nothing more precious than life” Goal: To introduce children to the right to life, to develop interest in theatrical

Var begun_auto_pad = 182054653; var begun_block_id = 202708512; There is a chair in the middle of the room. Sobbing and sobbing can be heard from behind the door. Come into the room Hello guys! Unfortunately, today we

MARCH 4, 2018 Name: Homework 20 Topic: Paired voiced and voiceless consonants. Task 1. Tasks from the textbook. Tasks 118 on p. 65 Complete the missing letters in the words. Write the test word in brackets

Everything around me distracts me, And everyone interferes with me in some way, I don’t understand anything... I miss you so much! Don't rush... don't... keep quiet... Words are carried away by the wind, you'll forget them... Don't shout about happiness, about love,

One day... When I was little, I promised myself that if I suddenly started a diary, it would start like this. I love to read, and all my favorite stories begin with this word “one day”...

Municipal autonomous educational institution of additional education for children "Onokhoisky House of Children's Creativity" Script of the reporting concert "Alice in the Land of Creativity" Stage decoration: wood,

Nikolai Nosov Karasik Mom recently gave Vitalik an aquarium with fish. It was a very good fish, beautiful! Silver crucian carp - that's what it was called. Vitalik was glad that he had a crucian carp. First

One evening I sat in the yard, near the sand, and waited for my mother. She probably stayed late at the institute, or at the store, or maybe stood for a long time at the bus stop. Don't know. Only all parents

Olga KALENKOVA Russian speech Weather. Time of year Lesson 1 Weather, bad, good, shining, sun, moon, rain What is the weather today? It's a good weather today. The weather today is bad. Why is the weather bad?

Okay "done" hali? asked the son, listening to the woman's voice from behind the door. He knew that it was the voice of the one who met him at the entrance . Yes, she entered the carriage again. Vronsky remembered

2 Trees cannot talk and stand still, but they are still alive. They are breathing. They grow throughout their lives. Even huge old trees grow up every year like little children. Shepherds tend the flocks,

That's what's interesting!

When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters: O - circle and T - hammer. That's all. I didn't know any other letters. And I couldn’t read.

Grandmother tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick:

Now, now, grandma, I’ll wash the dishes for you.

And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about studying and even bought him gifts for helping him with the housework. And Gogin’s parents were on a long business trip and relied on their grandmother. And of course, they didn’t know that their son still hadn’t learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And I read it aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, “if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try.

And in class he dodged as best he could.

The teacher tells him:

Read it here.

He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him.

The teacher stopped him.

To the laughter of the class, he said:

If you want, I’d better close the window so it doesn’t blow.

I'm so dizzy that I'm probably going to fall...

He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor.

The doctor asked:

How is your health?

It’s bad,” Goga said.

What hurts?

Well, go to class then.

Because nothing hurts you.

How do you know?

How do you know that? - the doctor laughed.

And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit.

Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to prevaricate.

And the efforts of my classmates came to nothing. First, Masha, an excellent student, was assigned to him.

Let’s study seriously,” Masha told him.

When? - asked Goga.

Yeah right now.

“I’ll come now,” Goga said. And he left and did not return.

Then Grisha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk.

Where are you going? - asked Grisha.

“Come here,” Goga called.

And here no one will interfere with us.

Yah you! - Grisha, of course, was offended and left immediately.

No one else was assigned to him.

As time went. He was dodging.

Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought for her child.

Now every evening,” she said, “I will read this wonderful book aloud to my son.

Grandma said:

Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening.

But the father said:

It was really in vain that you did this. Our Gogochka has become so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting.

And dad, along with grandmother and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And he even shook his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet.

But he didn't know what kind of meeting it was! What was decided there!

So, mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to happen. But when mom stopped at the most interesting place, he became worried again.

And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried.

He immediately suggested:

Let me wash the dishes for you, mommy.

And he ran to wash the dishes.

He ran to his father.

His father sternly told him never to make such requests to him again.

He thrust the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to his grandmother again. But she dropped it from her hands again. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is she really asleep,” thought Goga, “or was she instructed at the meeting to pretend?” Goga tugged at her, shook her, but the grandmother did not even think about waking up.

In despair, he sat down on the floor and began to look at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was happening there next.

He brought the book to class. But his classmates refused to read to him. Not only that: Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly reached under the desk.

Goga pestered the high school student, but he flicked him on the nose and laughed.

That's what a home meeting is all about!

This is what the public means!

He soon read the entire book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go buy bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes.

That's what's interesting!

Stories for primary schoolchildren. Extracurricular reading in elementary school.

A funny story about school, a story about schoolchildren.

Victor Golyavkin. That's what's interesting

When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters: O - circle and T - hammer. That's all. I didn't know any other letters. And I couldn’t read.

Grandmother tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick:

- Now, now, grandma, I’ll wash the dishes for you.

And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about studying and even bought him gifts for helping him with the housework. And Gogin’s parents were on a long business trip and relied on their grandmother. And of course, they didn’t know that their son still hadn’t learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And I read it aloud to him. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. “Why should I learn to read,” he reasoned, “if my grandmother reads aloud to me.” He didn't even try.

And in class he dodged as best he could.

The teacher tells him:

- Read it here.

He pretended to read, and he himself told from memory what his grandmother read to him. The teacher stopped him. To the laughter of the class, he said:

“If you want, I’d better close the window so it doesn’t blow.”

“I’m so dizzy that I’m probably going to fall...

He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor. The doctor asked:

- How is your health?

“It’s bad,” said Goga.

- What hurts?

- Well, then go to class.

- Why?

- Because nothing hurts you.

- How do you know?

- How do you know that? - the doctor laughed. And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit. Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to prevaricate.

And the efforts of my classmates came to nothing. First, Masha, an excellent student, was assigned to him.

“Let’s study seriously,” Masha told him.

- When? - asked Goga.

- Yeah right now.

“I’ll come now,” Goga said.

And he left and did not return.

Then Grisha, an excellent student, was assigned to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the primer, Goga reached under the desk.

- Where are you going? - asked Grisha.

“Come here,” Goga called.

- And here no one will interfere with us.

- Yah you! - Grisha, of course, was offended and left immediately.

No one else was assigned to him.

As time went. He was dodging.

Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought for her child.

“Now every evening,” she said, “I will read this wonderful book aloud to my son.”

Grandma said:

- Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening.

But the father said:

- It was really in vain that you did this. Our Gogochka has become so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to leave for the meeting.

And dad, along with grandmother and mom, left for a meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read to him from a new book. And he even shook his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet.

But he didn't know what kind of meeting it was! What was decided there!

So, mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue to happen. But when mom stopped at the most interesting place, he became worried again.

And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried.

He immediately suggested:

- Let me wash the dishes for you, mommy.

And he ran to wash the dishes.

He ran to his father.

His father sternly told him never to make such requests to him again.

He thrust the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to his grandmother again. But she dropped it from her hands again. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! “Is she really asleep,” thought Goga, “or was she instructed to pretend at the meeting? “Goga tugged and shook her, but grandmother didn’t even think about waking up.

In despair, he sat down on the floor and began to look at the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was happening there next.

He brought the book to class. But his classmates refused to read to him. Not only that: Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly reached under the desk.

Goga pestered the high school student, but he flicked him on the nose and laughed.

That's what a home meeting is all about!

This is what the public means!

He soon read the entire book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go buy bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes.

That's what's interesting!



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