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The best sites for building a house. How to choose the right plot of land for building a house

How to choose a site

Building your own home from scratch is a responsible and important decision. As practice shows, finding and purchasing a suitable plot of land is not always easy. In the article we will look at how to choose a site for building a house, RIO-Land will tell you what points to pay attention to and where to start your search.

Cottage villages and land without a contract

In times of financial instability, the question of profitable investment of funds
becomes especially relevant. Real estate agents regularly hear: “Please tell me where to buy inexpensive land for a house?. If price is important, we recommend paying attention to areas without a contract. This format helps to obtain significant savings due to freedom of action when choosing a developer. Location also affects the cost. distance from the capital.

RIO-Land offers to consider options in the presented cottage villages in the Pushkinsky district. Clean air and the presence of nearby forests will allow you to fully enjoy country life. And a developed infrastructure will make the benefits of civilization accessible. It is important that, therefore, the buyer can begin construction of the cottage at any time.

There is an opinion that it is easy to choose - you just need to evaluate it based on the “like/dislike” principle and decide on the cost. However, you should not simplify the procedure. Thoughtfully studying the information will help you fully realize your fantasies and get a good financial return from the purchase.

How to choose a plot of land for building a house, where to start:

1. Decide for yourself what kind of house you want.

Clear image of an ideal future home will help narrow down the list of options
plots. If the image has not yet emerged, we recommend looking through analytical articles, ratings of the cost of building cottages, and specialized thematic forums. Most often, buyers determine 2-3 parameters that are fundamental to them: cost, location relative to the part of the world, size of plots, etc. On the RIO-Land website virtual search carried out with a clear demonstration of the characteristics of the sites.

2. Find out how many acres you need.

The choice of land plot for individual housing construction depends on the size of a residential cottage. The rule of optimal proportions is known: “one to ten.” For a building with an area of ​​150 m2, a plot of 15 acres will be optimal. After all, you will also be thinking about a parking space and local area.

3. Decide on the shape of the site.

It is generally accepted that the optimal shape for a land plot is a square or rectangle. In such areas, a residential building will receive optimal distance from the neighboring one. Owners of narrow or triangular territories often feel discomfort from the proximity of strangers. RIO-Land made sure that the shape of the plots in the cottage villages was as comfortable as possible for buyers. They all have sufficient width.

4. What about geographical location?

How to choose a plot of land for construction: or in close proximity to forest plantations? Near the entrance to the village or in a remote part of it? There is no clear answer to these questions; it all depends on personal preferences of future residents.

5. Find out more information about the possibility of saving.

Interested to know how to choose a land plot for individual housing construction and get a discount? Follow the promotions on the RIO-Land website, here promotions are held regularly And
prizes are awarded. For example, several plots are selected monthly, the price of which is reduced to 25%. Savings are always beneficial!

Choosing a plot of land for construction is the first step towards your own future.

Contact RIO-Land, our staff will be happy to answer all your pressing questions and help you choose a suitable plot of land.

You can afford your own house in a cottage village located in close proximity to Moscow!

A plot of land in a sought-after area is also a profitable financial investment. Take a step towards the future with RIO-Land!

So, you've decided to start building country house or a cottage, and all that’s left to start work is to choose a plot of land for development.

Often insufficient attention is paid to this step, and completely in vain - not only the cost and speed of construction, but also the convenience of further living in the cottage can depend on where the site is located.

Let's look at the factors influencing the choice of a building site and figure out how to make the right choice of land for building a house. Although you need to pay serious attention to this, it is not as difficult as it may seem.

The right choice of land for construction

It is believed that the cost of a land plot is about 1/5 of the total cost of building a cottage. The cost of land, in turn, largely depends on the proximity of the site to the city, the prestige of the area, the presence of developed infrastructure and communications, as well as good geological conditions. We will analyze each of these factors in more detail to help each reader choose the right plot of land for construction. Some of these factors are more important, but in each case you should look at their complex.

Ideally, the main communications should be laid next to the land plot (or will be laid in the near future): electricity, gas, water, telephone, possibly sewerage and heating. Of course, any communications can be failed, this will result in additional costs.

It is also good if there is a supermarket, shops, hospital, pharmacy, school and kindergarten nearby. If you don’t have a car, then it’s hardly worth choosing a site far from transport stops.

Although appearance a plot of land may be attractive, it may have poor geological characteristics, such as unsuitable soil for construction or high level groundwater. In any case, the house is built only after experts have studied its geological features.

Clay soils and swampy areas are not the best option for a plot of land for a cottage, so it is better to avoid them. Although you can build on them, the cost of building a house will be much higher. It is also not recommended to build in close proximity to a large river, as it may overflow in the spring. In any case, only geologists can determine whether a given land plot is suitable for construction.

The task of surveyors is to take a survey of the site and determine its topography so that they can determine the amount of work to level the area for the foundation. If the terrain is relatively flat, then the work of surveyors will consist only of surveying the site.

Location of the site near roads, water, forests

It is important how the site, and therefore the house, is located relative to the sun. If you have a garden or vegetable garden, you should lay it out so that the house does not cast a shadow on the plants. The same applies to neighboring houses. Also, if you do not want bright sunlight to fall into some rooms in the morning, correctly orient the location of the house to the cardinal points.

If your site is located on a slope, it is worth finding out whether the road is cleared in winter, whether a car slips on an incline, etc. If there is a forest or shelterbelt nearby, you should place the house no closer than 200-300 meters from them, otherwise insects will bother you.

You should definitely communicate with your neighbors living nearby, otherwise in the future you risk living with people who make you uncomfortable.

The first, one might say fundamental stage, from which it begins - site selection. Of course, you can completely rely on realtors, but where is the guarantee that their offers will meet your requirements? After all, the correct choice depends on:

  • How much money will have to be invested in the construction and improvement of the site.
  • Implementation of architectural solutions for the future home.
  • Possibility of challenging ownership and much more.

Therefore, everyone who is going to buy their own home should know all the nuances of choosing a plot of land for construction.

Criteria for choosing a site for building a house

Where to start? When deciding on a particular site, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Ecology. It would be good if there were no highways, landfills, or industrial facilities near the site.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to take into account: infrastructure (availability, quality of roads, hospitals, schools, shops, etc.), access to the Internet, television, and, if necessary, a telephone line (“home phone”).


What to pay attention to:

Gas supply deserves special attention. This is the cheapest energy resource, so if there is a highway nearby and there is a possibility of connection (even taking into account additional financial costs), then this is a big plus.

Legal aspects

Before purchasing a plot, it is important to carefully study all the documents of title to it. You need to make sure that there is no:

  • Seizure, for example, for debts to a bank.
  • Collateral – land plots are often used as collateral for credit transactions.
  • Debts to fiscal or other regulatory authorities.
  • An easement is a limited right of use. A striking example is the right of way, passage through a land plot.

Additionally, it is recommended to clarify the issue of land surveying. This procedure determines the boundaries of the site with documentary recording of the results, which is mandatory according to Article 261 of the Civil Code. If this document is missing, you must contact a land management organization (licensed) to carry out land surveying. It is better to carry out the procedure at the expense of the seller.

Pledge, arrest, easement, debts, ill-defined boundaries - all this can cause refusal of registration or, what is much worse, challenge of ownership in court.

Individual housing construction, SNT, DNP, private subsidiary plots – what to choose?

For a person who is faced with choosing a site for the first time, all of the above is just a bunch of letters. In fact, these are types of plots classified according to the purpose of using the land. It is enough to decipher the abbreviations and everything becomes clear:

  • Individual housing construction is nothing more than individual housing construction.
  • SNT is a gardening non-profit partnership.
  • What is hidden under DNP is a dacha non-profit partnership.
  • Private household plots – for personal subsidiary plots.

Each of the presented types of plots has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Therefore, the poet should look into this issue in more detail.

individual housing construction

From the transcript it is clear that this is the most suitable plot of land for building a house. Its advantages include:

  • Having a legal or, as they say, “police” address. This is a huge plus, as it provides the opportunity for unhindered registration.
  • Registration of tax deductions.
  • Municipal authorities provide such areas with a set of infrastructure: transport, medicine (hospitals, pharmacies, clinics), education, roads (and they must be cleaned in winter), shops, etc.

But there are also some disadvantages of individual housing construction, in particular these include: the higher cost of land, the need to coordinate the design of the house (architectural “excesses” may not be allowed), and limited plot size.


These two categories have subtle differences. According to the law, they are intended for the construction of summer cottages and gardens. However, it is DNP and SNT that are often used today for the construction of cottages, because their cost is attractive. The main disadvantages are:

  • Difficulty obtaining registration.
  • Communication problems. It is much more difficult to install water, gas, and electricity. Of course, electricity is present, but increasing the power to the required level is quite a difficult task.

To obtain permanent registration in the house, you will need to carry out an examination of it to ensure compliance with the current norms of housing law, and then go to court. Based on a positive court decision, you can register. Such facts are not isolated and have recently become widespread.

Private household plots

If the land is located outside the city, then it is unsuitable for building a house. However, personal plots within a populated area are not much different from individual housing construction. On this land, buildings can be erected that comply with urban planning regulations/norms and registered on a general basis.

Registration of a site

Completing the registration procedure is mandatory, only after this a certificate of land ownership is issued. The process itself is quite transparent. The following documents must be submitted to the local branch of the FS State Registration:

Within a month, a legal examination of the documents is carried out, their compliance with the real characteristics of the site, after which an entry is made in the register and a Certificate is issued.

For reference. The plot can be registered as ownership: sole, shared (distribution of shares between owners) or joint (in this case the shares are not determined).

As we have seen, choosing a plot of land is not an easy task. You shouldn’t rush into buying it; it’s better to check everything and make sure your decision is correct.

Whatever your plans for country real estate, it could be buying land for construction or finished house, and in any case you need to start with the choice of terrain and site. How to approach such an important issue correctly?

Choose ready-made

The first way is to contact a realtor. In this case, you may be offered a “spot” viewing (several pre-selected options that meet your requirements) and a “trial”. In this case, all objects that are on the realtor’s list are shown, with the exception of those that are obviously unsuitable (by price, direction, type of plot, etc.).

Each of these two types of views has its pros and cons. In the case of “spot” items, there is a possibility of missing out on some object, the description of which simply “didn’t appeal” to the buyer, but in fact this is what he is looking for. The advantage of this option is that it saves time. With “introduction”, the disadvantage is just temporary losses, and the advantage is getting your own, comprehensive idea of ​​all the available offers on the market. During the event, the potential buyer signs a “viewing sheet” - a document that indicates the property that the client visited with this realtor, the date and time of his visit.

Now about what you need to pay attention to when viewing. According to experts, when choosing a country house, the buyer should first of all be guided by the direction and distance. It is best if the destination is uncongested and has good transport accessibility, smooth and high-quality roads and a good environmental situation around. Of course, the distance from the city’s ring road is important for those who are planning to move permanently, but for other buyers this condition will be one of the key factors when choosing. The most popular are plots with houses located at a distance of about 20-25 km from the regional roads.

You can learn about environmental friendliness from the environmental map, which shows the majority of places that are unsuitable for suburban living (these are existing and former landfills, cemeteries, burial grounds, etc.). If doubts remain, you can order environmental monitoring of the area from companies that work in this area. Specialists will conduct a study of the site you have chosen based on several criteria: air purity, contamination of groundwater and land, etc.

After this comes the next stage - viewing specific cottage towns and villages. Here it is important to pay your attention not only to the site itself, but also to its surroundings and remember our legislation. Of course, you will be pleased if there are slender birch trees on the site, but you cannot purchase the forest as your own, you can only rent it for several decades. Territories adjacent to water bodies also have restrictions: according to the law, the site cannot be located closer than 150 m from the water. The authorities strictly monitor compliance with these rules, so you should not be tempted, so as not to lose your money later.

In my own way

If, nevertheless, you decide that we are building a house ourselves, then you need to take the choice of land very seriously. First of all, decide on the area of ​​the plot you need. There is no need to choose an area that is too large or too small. Choose a plot based on the total area of ​​the house you plan to build.

Important is physical characteristics soil on the site: most likely you will not like the site where even grass will have difficulty growing. Knowing about the soil on your site, you will know what type of foundation is needed for your home. It is best to examine the soil before purchasing a plot, especially if you come across a suspiciously cheap plot in good area. Of course, a situation may arise when experts consider the site so bad that they advise abandoning it completely, but choosing another site because its soil is not suitable for the type of foundation specified in the project is not worth it, and choosing a site with ideal soil for your foundation is a matter very difficult.

Next important point– accessibility of communications. Find out whether gas, electricity and water are supplied to the site or whether you will have to do everything yourself. If there are no communications, then find out how far they are from your site? In this case, every meter of communication distance will cost you additional costs, especially if technical difficulties arise. Pay attention to water availability. Many people think that digging a well is a simple matter, but if the groundwater is very deep, then drilling a well can cost a very large sum. Stones and boulders in the soil can prevent drilling a well. Therefore, you should not rely on groundwater; it is better if there is a central water supply nearby, just in case.

It would be good to find out how far away the nearest substation is and how many kilowatts the local administration can legally allocate to you. The consumption norm for a house with an area of ​​200-300 square meters. m is considered 20-30 kW, but according to available building regulations no more than 9.6 kW or even half of this power is allocated per house. If you manage to get more than 30 kW, then this will make it possible not only to freely use any electrical appliances, but also to install an electric heating system in the house, which is most convenient to use.

In the village you should be interested in the possibility of centralized garbage collection, mail delivery, municipal road maintenance, accessibility to a hospital, shops, beaches and sports grounds. By asking such questions, you will show yourself as a competent buyer.

At the end of the assessment of the site you have chosen, inquire about the situation and prospects in terms of urban development of the surrounding area. Pay attention to the proximity of a gas pipeline, high-voltage transmission lines or railway. It's better to find out about everything at once than to face complete refusal at the time of approval of documentation for the construction of a house. When choosing a site for your home, pay attention to all the little things, because they can further affect the comfort of your stay in your future home.



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