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Does my husband love me? Online fortune telling. Will I get married? The essence of divination by bones

In this article we want to help find the answer to one of the most important questions for any girl, girl or woman: “does my chosen one love me?” Try the fortune telling “Does the person I’m thinking about love me?”

It would seem, why do they need to know the answer to this question, since life itself will put everything in its place? The answer is obvious, knowledge of mutual sympathy on the part of a man adds confidence to a woman, she transforms right before her eyes and walks with a flying gait to meet her chosen one. And then, as a result, strong unions arise, desired children are born and the house becomes a full cup. Why should you deny yourself this? Don't be shy, ask questions!

Does my beloved love me? Every girl in love wants to know the answer to this question.

A very simple way to tell if the person I'm thinking about loves me

This is a simple and very fast card fortune telling. To perform it you will need a new deck consisting of 36 cards.

Shuffle it thoroughly. Focus on the person you are interested in. Draw thirteen cards at random from the deck and arrange them from left to right, face up. Highest value The following cards of the laid out row will represent you:

  • The first carat is what comes first for a person, he thinks about this often;
  • The third card is what worries him;
  • The fifth card is the obstacles between you;
  • The seventh card is what unites you with this person;
  • The ninth card is something that will bring you both joy;
  • The twelfth card is what awaits you.

To interpret the meaning of the cards, use .

Part one: Fortune telling for a boy's love

Guessing whether the boy “loves you” with whom we want to introduce you is very popular among schoolgirls from middle to high school. At first glance, it may seem that this is entertainment in order to waste time in class, but this opinion is wrong. Fortune telling includes the basics of meditation: while performing the ritual, the girl focuses on numbers, without letting the object of her adoration out of her head.

Not only adult girls are concerned about the question of whether they love me or not, but schoolgirls are also concerned about the question of whether the person I’m thinking about loves me.

The essence and procedure

  1. You need to write the numbers from one to one hundred on a notebook sheet in a box, following some rules: when writing numbers, the zeros are omitted, the numbers are written first in one row, then one under the other, and at the end you write the current date in numbers.
  2. Then take a pencil and cross out all the repeated numbers, as well as the numbers that add up to ten. You need to cross out horizontally and vertically, and you can even cross out previously crossed out areas of numbers.
  3. Once you have completely processed the digital area, rewrite the remaining ones in a row consisting of as many numbers as there are letters in the full name of the hidden boy, for example, the name Nikolai has seven letters, which means the row will consist of seven numbers, the rest fit under the first row.

Next, using a similar principle, cross out repeating numbers and numbers that add up to the number ten. Again, rewrite the remaining numbers in a new row corresponding to the number of letters in the chosen one’s name. Then you repeat the procedure again with the strikethrough. Repeat until it is no longer possible to cross out. Count the number of remaining numbers and, with the help of our interpreter, determine how the hidden gentleman treats you now.

This simple numerical fortune telling is convenient to use in any setting, but learn that an atmosphere of complete solitude with a lit red candle is more preferable. This fortune telling does not have any negative consequences. And you can guess as many times as you like, without forgetting to update the current date. In this case, frequent concentration of thoughts on the same person increases his sympathy for you.

Part of Vervay: Fortune telling for a loved one online

If you don’t have the opportunity to make a layout on the cards yourself, you can tell your fortune online, it’s free and quite reliable way learn about the future or get an answer to a question you are interested in. The most popular fortune-telling on Tarot cards is at your service: one and three cards, a layout for “Partnerships” and, of course, the famous “Popesses layout”. Try one or more options for fortune telling and higher powers will surely give you a sign!

Part three: Fortune telling for a guy's love

Wondering if this person loves me? Every girl will answer this question.

We would like to bring to your attention another fairly well-known fortune-telling “does a guy love me”, based on the use of numbers. First, you need to formulate a question with the particle “whether” and the guy’s name, for example, “Does Andrey love me?” Then sum up the letters in the words of the question with the date of birth of the guy in question.

Fortune telling by numbers

Add the numbers together until you get a one-digit value. For interpretation, use our hint:

  • 1 – the answer to the question is “yes”, you can trust him;
  • 2 – the answer to the question is “no”, it is not worthy of your thoughts, don’t even waste your time on it;
  • 3 – the answer to the question is an unequivocal “yes”, don’t even doubt it;
  • 4 – the answer to the question is “no”, because his heart and thoughts are not occupied with you;
  • 5 – the answer to the question is most likely “yes”, just be prepared for difficulties and obstacles;
  • 6 – the answer to the question is rather “maybe”, and the result depends entirely on you;
  • 7 – the answer to the question is “of course”, you will have a strong union;
  • 8 – the answer to the question is “no”, you are too different;
  • 9 is not the most suitable day for fortune telling.

Like the previous fortune telling with numbers, this also does not have serious negative consequences.

Fortune telling with two matches

Another interesting and in an unusual way Determining a guy's liking is fortune telling using two matches. The process of the ritual itself is very simple:

  1. Take three matches from the new matchbox. Insert two matches into the slot on both sides of the box.
  2. Name one match your name and the other the name of the guy you're interested in. Light them and watch the reaction.
  3. If during the combustion process both matches bend towards each other, then there is mutual attraction between you.
  4. If a guy's match bends in the opposite direction from your match, then the guy is not interested in you.
  5. If your match does the same, then deep down in your heart you yourself don’t really want to be together with the guy you’ve dreamed of.

If one of the matches goes out at the very beginning of burning or does not light up at all, this person is seriously damaged, he needs to immediately seek help from a person involved in removing curses and evil eyes, or visit a temple and take communion.

Part four: Fortune telling for a man's love

Every woman in love dreams of reciprocity. A simple fortune tell will tell me if a man loves me

Simple dice will help you determine whether a man loves you. To guess “does a man love me” you will need two dice.

The essence of divination by bones

  1. If they have previously participated in any games, then before fortune telling they must be cleansed. To do this, keep the bones in a glass with salt for several hours. It is important that the salt completely covers the cubes.
  2. Once you have cleared them, begin your fortune telling. To do this, light a large red candle.
  3. Draw a circle on a white sheet of paper. Divide it into three halves, write “loves” on one, “dislikes” on the other, and leave the third part empty, it will symbolize indifference.
  4. Close your eyes and imagine desired man, and shake the cubes three times in closed palms.
  5. Roll both dice into the circle drawn. Now look at the designation.

The position of the bones in one or another part of the circle will indicate the man’s attitude towards you in the present tense. If one bone falls into the love zone, and the other into the non-love zone, then the man himself still does not fully understand his feelings towards you. A higher value of the dice will indicate his greater propensity for one or another feeling. If both dice fall outside the circle, then they do not want to answer you, either you have not cleaned them enough, or it is not the most suitable day for fortune telling.

Interpretation of meanings

The combination of dots on both dice will tell you about your relationship in the future:

If paired combinations do not work out, then the dice do not recommend that you know what your future together will be.

One of the conditions for any fortune telling for love is personal acquaintance with the object of your dreams, otherwise how will this or that instrument be able to determine his true attitude towards your person?

Fortune telling “Does he love me” allows you to answer the most exciting question about love. The most important component of human life is love, which makes every person seek answers, confirmation and reassurance. To get answers, you turn to fortune telling with Tarot cards, focusing all your attention on one question: “Does he love you or doesn’t he love you?” Love is, perhaps, the main motive that makes us turn to fortune telling with cards. Fortune telling on likes and dislikes answers questions about the reciprocity of feelings that you experience for another person.

Very often, the question - does he love me - is just a desire to think about a loved one whom you love and desire. Fortune telling with questions: “Does he love me?” or “Do I love him?” does not actually require an answer, it gives you the opportunity to think about your loved one, imagine him next to him and feel close to him. In such a situation, it is possible, and simple romantic fortune-telling will give you a short answer to the question: yes - no, but you can use more detailed

You can pick up a deck of Tarot cards and move on to more complex, but also more informative

The most famous fortune telling for answering the question “Does he love me?” or “Loves or doesn’t love?” - of course, . Click on a chamomile flower and you will quickly receive an answer to the question that worries you so much. Fortune telling is simple, but true and time-tested. Your grandmothers also used daisies to tell fortunes to answer this question, as eternal as the world.

And here and now we will talk about simple layouts on Tarot cards, allowing you to quickly get a card from the Tarot deck and answer the questions: “Does he love me?” or “Do I love him?” and get an answer.

The easiest fortune telling on cards “Loves - does not love”- this is a fortune telling with six cards that you draw randomly from the deck, three of them are associated with you, and three are associated with the object of your love. Lay out the cards in a row and interpret as follows:

1 card – characterizes you as your loved one sees you;

Card 2 – symbolizes the person you love;

3rd card – talks about your desires, indicates what you like;

4th card – talks about the desires of a loved one, indicates what he likes;

5th card - indicates what you don’t like;

6th card - indicates what your loved one doesn’t like.

This arrangement allows you to get general idea about a person, and also draw a parallel between you and your loved one, find out what you have in common and what your differences are.

If you need fortune telling in order to get an exact answer “Yes - No” to a simple question “Loves - does not love,” then there are simple and quick fortune telling using Tarot cards. By taking out just one card from the deck, you can get a specific answer. Cards with even numbers mean the answer “Yes”, those with odd numbers symbolize the answer “No”.

If before starting the fortune telling “Does he love me?” you wish that the Major Arcana represents the answer “Yes”, and any Minor Arcana represents the answer “No”, then by drawing just one card from the deck, you will receive the answer. The likelihood of getting a positive answer is reduced due to the smaller number of Major Arcana in the deck compared to the Minor Arcana, but the answer “Yes” will be all the more pleasant for you.

Another simple way to tell fortunes using cards “Loves - does not love” is to count the cards. Shuffle the deck and remove cards, starting with the top card, one by one. The cards are counted until the first Major Arcana appears. If the number you counted Minor Arcana If it is even, then the answer is “Yes”; if it is odd, the answer is “No”.

You can guess the answer “Yes” to any index card. The deck is shuffled and laid out in two parts: one card to the right, the other to the left. One part means “Yes”, the other means “No”. Then both parts are considered, the answer depends on which part the map index is in.

You can reduce the fortune-telling “Does he love me” to intuition, combined with the main meaning of the card. Only the Major Arcana are taken from the deck, one card is drawn from them. If you consider it positive, then the answer received will be “Yes”; if its value is rather negative, then the answer will be “No”. For example, positive cards include the Sun, Peace, Lovers, Magician, and negative cards include Tower, Death or Devil.

Such simple answers are simplistic and minimize information, they do not allow you to reveal the amazing abilities of the Tarot, reflect all the nuances of the situation and give you deep messages. The above methods will be useful in combination with other fortune telling and card layouts. Fortune telling on Tarot cards and layouts on Tarot cards will help you understand the main points in your relationship with your loved one, understand whether your chosen one loves you or not, and receive recommendations from the wise Tarot. Even in the most beautiful love stories, each party experiences uncertainty and doubt. Fortune telling with Tarot cards helps to understand and overcome these moments.

It often happens that you confuse your strong emotions with love, allowing your fantasies to completely take over you. A simple fortune telling and “Yes-no” answer to the question “Do I love him?” one card drawn from the deck reveals your true feelings and the reasons why you experience them, can provide comprehensive explanations for your emotions.

Fortune telling on cards “Loves - loves not” gives not only an answer, but also allows you to confirm hopes for reciprocity or fears if feelings are unrequited. These feelings and exciting anticipation can radically change your destiny. You want the answer to be positive and encourage you; a negative answer, on the contrary, will weaken your faith in yourself.

Here it is necessary to continue fortune telling so as not to be captured by the inexpediency of your own hopes and fears. It is necessary to read the Tarot and ask questions that affect your self-confidence, fear and self-image. Such a simple question: “Why am I afraid to ask him how he feels about me, whether he loves me?” It is best suited in a situation where in fortune-telling it is necessary to understand whether a loved one loves or not.

Tarot fortune telling will reveal whether he loves me or not, whether a guy or a loved one loves me or not, will answer if you ask the question: “How can I understand whether he loves me or not?” The answer to this question will help you develop an action plan and tell you the right steps you need to take to clarify the nature of the relationship that worries you. The question “How can I let my loved one know that I love him?” will put you in an active position and outline a plan for your further actions. This question is perhaps the most useful, facilitating the beginning of contacts with your loved one. Fortune telling with Tarot cards for the future will tell you how you should move forward if your relationship truly contains the prerequisites for a love story.

To start fortune telling online for free, click the picture below. Think about the person you are guessing about. Hold down the dice until it feels like it's time to take the plunge.

Fortune telling online for free using bones - Does he love me? Helps resolve the situation by determining whether your partner loves you or not. A very simple fortune telling that can be carried out and understood by anyone, even an inexperienced fortune teller, since all the answers are very definite and understandable. It is carried out using two dice, not suitable for frequent use, only once or at turning points in your relationship.

Dice throwing technique

For the sacrament, purchase two dice and do not use them for anything other than fortune telling. You will also need a glass for mixing them. It must either be specially designed for these purposes and purchased in a specialized store, or, in the absence of such an opportunity, simply new and not imbued with anyone’s energy. Imagine a partner whose attitude you want to know about yourself and ask the cubes to give you the answer. Place them in a glass, cover with your palm and shake it thoroughly. Then roll the dice onto a flat surface. In this divination, it is necessary to take into account each of the values ​​of the dice, and not their sum. In order to better understand the method of performing fortune telling, carry it out with our help. To do this, click on the cube located below on the page.

Most often to magic cards they ask about love issues and, of course, in most cases these questions are asked by beautiful ladies. Often, curious girls are not interested in complex layouts with deep subtext; it is important for them to simply get an answer to the Tarot question “Does he love me?” Especially for such cases we have collected simple layouts, which we invite you to get acquainted with - let them lie in your personal piggy bank just for such clients.

A simple Tarot spread “Feelings of a loved one”

When a young girl comes to you and asks you to read the Tarot “Does he love me?”, you don’t even have to think about deep psychological readings. You can easily get by with the “light” option, consisting of only three cards. Here you don’t even need a specific scheme - just pull out three cards and answer.

Position meaning

  1. The answer to the question whether the mysterious young man loves the client
  2. His intentions, desires, what he wants to get from this relationship
  3. The presence of any problems that prevent these people from becoming a couple (fears, prejudice, another girl, etc.)


A seventeen-year-old girl has come to you, wanting to know how her classmate treats her. You pulled out the cards, 5 Cups. It turns out that the guy the client is interested in is desperately flirting with her, but there is no talk of serious feelings. The guy wants to win her like some kind of valuable prize, there is clearly some kind of competitive spirit present here, and a very simple reason is preventing the development of this relationship - the young man is “naked as a falcon”, which means he simply does not have the means for beautiful courtship.

Tarot spread “Does he love me?”

Tarot reading “Does he love me?” also falls into the category of simple ones. True, it will still give a more detailed answer than the “Feelings of a Beloved” layout. The most important advantage is that you do not need to find out the details of the question from the client; it will be enough that she simply mentally asks the cards whether the hidden man loves her.

Position meaning

  1. Describes what the intended man likes most about the client
  2. The young man's thoughts about her
  3. Likes or doesn't like
  4. Your gentleman's feelings in the near future, will they change?
  5. The result is whether the couple will have a relationship, how it will end


A twenty-five-year-old girl met a young man at a party, a pleasant conversation began, in which mutual sympathy was clearly felt, and now she wants to know whether there is a chance of starting an affair. We receive cards, Star, 5 of Cups, Lovers, 7 of Wands. We interpret it something like this: the guy is fascinated by the beauty and insight of the client, he really likes her as a woman. Mentally, he makes plans to have an affair with her. Feelings arise, there is romance, a desire to invite you on a date, to give gifts. But in the near future young man you will have to face a serious choice. As a result, the girl will have to engage in a desperate struggle to prevent a breakup.

Tarot fortune telling “Loves - loves not”

If the Tarot layout “Does he love me” answers five questions, then the proposed fortune telling called “Loves - does not love” allows you to go a little further and find out about the intentions and goals of a man, as well as analyze what positive and negative aspects there are in this relationship .

Position meaning

  1. Thoughts of the mysterious person about the client
  2. Feelings towards her
  3. His plans, how he will behave
  4. The true goal, intentions of the person of interest
  5. All the good things this union can give a girl
  6. All the bad things he brings
  7. Advice on what to do to stay with this person

Example of interpretation

The client is a woman in a relationship with a man. The affair lasts six months, but the lovers do not live together and the man does not take any steps towards this. We get cards: , inverted, .

We interpret it as follows: a man’s thoughts are occupied by some kind of choice, clearly related to feelings. He treats the girl quite well, but at the same time he is frivolous - he does not take their relationship seriously. A person’s goal is to understand himself, think about the situation, and perhaps remain alone for a while. This novel will teach a girl to be strong and develop her character. But there will inevitably be disappointment, pain from separation or misunderstanding. The cards advise you to carefully weigh all the pros and cons and decide whether she needs this man in principle.

Tarot spread “For a loved one”

Let’s complete our review of simple love spells with one more fortune telling. You can use it in cases where a girl comes to you and asks Tarot “Does he like me?” It is clear that there is most likely no talk of serious feelings yet.

Position meaning

  1. The essence of the relationship at the moment
  2. The mysterious person's feelings about the girl
  3. His thoughts
  4. Events that will connect these people in the near future
  5. The result of the relationship


A young lady met a young man on the Internet. They met only once and, at first glance, liked each other. Now the girl wants to find out what this guy thinks about her, whether they will meet again together. The layout includes: Hanged Man, Queen of Cups, 8 of Swords, .

This tells us that the situation now is completely unstable and incomprehensible. But at the same time, the girl clearly eclipsed the guy with her beauty, sensuality and sexuality; in his eyes, she is a real queen. However, he is tormented by self-doubt and own strength. The events that will connect them are a letter, news, a phone call. In this situation, we would advise the girl not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to get in touch with the young man on her own - perhaps, sensing her interest, he will become a little bolder.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about what questions extensive and complex Tarot fortune-telling is more suitable for: does my husband love me, how to establish a relationship with my loved one, is it worth marrying this person, what is the partner hiding. In all other cases, you can use the simple options proposed in the article.

In this article:

Does he love me? This is a question many girls ask themselves, but few people know that fortune telling is an excellent means of obtaining such an important answer. This prediction is simple and truthful; it can be done at home using only a piece of paper and a pen.

Fortune telling "Li"

To find out if your boyfriend loves you, you can use a universal magical remedy called “Li” fortune telling. The essence of this prediction is that it requires the performer to ask questions in which the “whether” particle is present, for example, “Will I get married this year?”, “Will my lover be a good father?”, “Will he like me?” boyfriend?”, etc.

Features of fortune telling

In the simplicity of this fortune-telling lies its main difficulty - the accuracy of the wording. To get a truthful answer, you need to ask the most accurate, correctly formulated questions. As an example, consider a situation where you are interested in the prospects of a relationship with a young man you like. In this case, you can ask different questions, but not all of them are suitable for this fortune telling.

To make the ritual as truthful as possible:

  • In the ritual for a guy, you must say his full name;
  • The question should only imply a simple and unambiguous answer - yes or no;
  • Do not hesitate to voice any additional information that will help you obtain the correct information;
  • If possible, guess for a certain time (will I get married this year).

Future prediction technique

When you learn to ask questions correctly, you will no longer have any difficulties in the process of conducting this prediction ritual. In any case, you need to learn what to do and how to do it in order to receive the correct information as a result.

To perform the ceremony you will need a piece of paper and a pen. At the top of the sheet, write the question you are interested in on one line, after which under each word you need to write down one number - the number of letters in this word. After that, we add every two adjacent numbers until a single number remains.

Will I meet my love this year? – 7, 2, 1, 4, 6, 1, 4, 4.

Add the number series: 7+2, 1+4, 6+1, 4+4 = 9, 5, 7, 8.

We continue adding: 9+5, 7+8 = 14, 15.

If you get a number greater than 10, then you need to break it down into individual numbers and add again.

2 – this is the final result of fortune telling.

How to interpret the result

As a result of the ritual, you should get one number from 1 to 9. Each number from this series has its own meaning.


  • 1 – definitely yes, there is no need to doubt anything.
  • 2 – definitely not, that is, the answer is 99% negative, but if you feel that there is hope for a positive outcome, trust your intuition.
  • 3 – the answer is “yes”, however, you may encounter certain difficulties and obstacles on your way. To understand exactly what unpleasant things can happen, you can ask the fortune teller additional questions.
  • 4 – the answer is “no,” but you will have every opportunity to change the will of fate with your work.
  • 5 – most likely the answer is “yes”, but it all depends on the situation.
  • 6 – most likely the answer is “no”, but chance will decide everything.
  • 7 – most likely yes, but it all depends on you.
  • 8 – most likely not, but everything can change quickly.
  • 9 is a bad day for fortune telling.



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