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Small houses - design and design of comfortable dwellings (65 photo ideas). Mini-house (domillion) - a small house for permanent residence Very compact house

House small size will be an excellent option not only for a country person, but also for permanent residence. In this article we will look at what layout is popular for small house.

Features and Benefits

Small houses are now quite common. They look attractive, and every person inside feels the comfort and coziness of a warm home.

Let's consider the main advantages of such buildings:

  • Cost savings. It is compact houses that will allow you to save your family budget. You won't need to purchase a lot of materials to build a comfortable home.
  • Simple foundation without reinforcement. This is also a clear advantage.
  • Construction will not be delayed. Therefore, you can complete your project in the shortest possible time and enjoy living in a beautiful home.
  • People will also be pleasantly surprised by the costs of heating and air conditioning. Since the house is small, you will not spend a lot of resources.

  • Easy to care for. This important indicator will be appreciated by all zealous owners. You won't need to clean a large area. Small compact house It will be easy to wash and clean at the time you need, unlike a large room.
  • Stylish option. Often mini-models are quite simple and at the same time stylish and beautiful. You can create an attractive interior of your house to please not only yourself, but also your guests.
  • Practicality and durability. I use it in construction quality materials, you can create a durable and reliable home. Your home will serve you for a long time. At the same time, you can create the most successful project for a private rural house, which you will fall in love with at first sight.

Building options

There may be the most different options compact buildings. These include models for permanent residence, which have a stylish design inside, and options for a pleasant pastime with the whole family.

If we are talking about a house where you will live permanently, then it will include more requirements for layout and comfort. Respectively, the model should be developed based on sanitary standards – more than twelve square meters per person.

In general, an area of ​​up to one hundred square meters is enough to accommodate a family of four to six people. In this case, you can plan creative architecture, balconies, attics, original windows. You can create any decorations for your own home to feel comfortable and cozy there.

If this is a simple country house, then you should take care of useful infrastructure. This way you can spend your time efficiently and pleasantly in your garden.


First of all, the layout of a compact home should be convenient for all family members. Residential and domestic premises should be harmoniously combined here. Experienced designers advise to provide one or two bedrooms, and sometimes more, as well hall, living room. This way you can perfectly delimit all the necessary zones - for your own relaxation, receiving guests, and so on.

Sometimes, to save space, the hallway is connected to the kitchen or living room. In this version, the kitchen will be allocated a small corner - 2-3 square meters. You can separate this area from the hall with a bar counter or install a plasterboard partition.

Often the kitchen is made separately from other rooms and has a door. Its area will be from six to fourteen square meters. As for the bedroom, its area is also generally nine to eighteen square meters. This will be enough to accommodate all the necessary accessories for relaxation.

As for the living room, experts advise setting aside 16-24 square meters. Here you can comfortably accommodate guests, meet your relatives, and also just have an interesting and fun time in front of the TV, for example. It is recommended to allocate three to four square meters for the toilet. But the bathroom can be allocated a little more - four to nine square meters. 2-6 sq. m. can be allocated to the hallway. This footage is optimal for small houses.

Of course, you should start from your own home and your own needs, and build your own concept.


You can build your own small home from the most different materials. Let's look at the most basic ones:

    Tree. This raw material is environmentally friendly, which means it will not harm the health of your family. This material also retains heat well. Miniature house from wooden beams It is well heated and provides unhindered air exchange. Thus, a comfortable microclimate is formed. However, there are also disadvantages, among which are a high fire hazard and the need to actively care for natural wood in order to preserve all its performance properties.

  • Brick. Houses made from this raw material will be durable and strong. This material will serve you for decades. Such a building will retain heat well, it has high level thermal insulation. As for the disadvantages of such structures, they include heaviness. Accordingly, more effort will be required to build the structure. The construction process itself will take considerable time.

  • Foam blocks. Such buildings are reliable, frost-resistant, and easy to finish. In addition, such a house will be quite cheap compared to other models. This raw material is a cross between expensive brick and affordable frame houses.

Regardless of the construction of any house you are engaged in - country house, Finnish or other, it is worth paying close attention to the layout of the house. Be sure to be patient and careful. All calculations must be accurate, because the space will be small. Determine the financial resources that you want to spend on creating your own home.

Consider the main criteria: the number of people who will live in the house, the area of ​​the room, the presence of small children. Also decide whether you will live in it for a long time or will visit the house temporarily. First, you need to determine the number of floors of the building, then select high-quality materials that will help implement the project. Now you should draw a layout diagram inside the rooms, select the most optimal porch design, and determine the configuration of the roof and roofing materials.

Traditionally, the living room is considered the central place. At the same time, it can also serve as an additional sleeping place for guests, or a playroom for children. It is better to choose furniture here that is practical and functional, without cluttering up the space. Transformable sofas and folding chairs can be an excellent option. Each element should give the room comfort and unique style. The central part of the room can be a fireplace.

The need to build a compact house may arise for various reasons. For example, such a small design is perfect for placement on summer cottage, not used for permanent residence. In a small house you can conveniently change clothes, put your things and spend the night.

Of course, ready-made cabins are sold on the market, but the quality of their execution often leaves much to be desired, and the cost is definitely overpriced. For the same money you can put together an excellent small house on your own.

There is nothing complicated about building a compact structure yourself. Follow the guide and everything will definitely work out.

Any construction must begin with planning, without which construction will take much more time, money and effort. There is a possibility that the finished structure, built without a plan, will not meet your needs and expectations.

For a small house it is not necessary to draw up detailed documentation with many drawings. Even a simple sketch indicating the main dimensions, communications and other design features will be sufficient.

Preliminarily think through the order of the internal organization of the future small house. Will it have only one room, or will there be enough space for a small kitchen and a small bathroom? At this point, focus on your personal preferences and capabilities.

For example, many prudent owners use a very interesting technique: they raise the ceiling and arrange sleeping place in the attic. This solution allows you to significantly save useful space.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the experience of the Japanese. Even on a few square meters they manage to place everything necessary to create a comfortable and cozy environment, because even a mini house is still a house in which it is definitely more comfortable than on the street.

The following guide will give instructions on how to build a fairly simple small house. Approximately 75% of the space will be occupied by living quarters, and the remaining space will be used to accommodate a storage room and dry closet.

If things are very difficult with free space, you can make separate entrances to the mentioned premises from the street. If there are no such problems with free space, and you don’t want to constantly go outside, arrange an entrance to the technical room from the living room.

If desired, make your own changes to the plan. For example, instead of a pantry, you can arrange a mini-kitchen with a table, a couple of folding chairs or small stools and a compact stove.

After approval of the plan, proceed directly to construction activities. Start by laying out the foundation.


Perfect for building a small house the simplest one will do block foundation. Western private developers came up with a very interesting solution. They create foundation block with four channels. A reinforcing bar is inserted into each of these channels. The rods themselves are driven into the ground. As a result, the block is securely attached to the ground.

In the project under consideration, the foundation will consist of six such blocks. You will place four blocks in the corners of the future building, the remaining two - under the internal partition.

You can make the blocks yourself from concrete or buy them from finished form.

Dig a hole 200 mm deep with sides corresponding to the dimensions of the blocks.

Fill the hole with a 20 cm layer sand and gravel mixture. Pack the pillow thoroughly.

Install blocks and introduce reinforcement in accordance with the previously given recommendations.

Cover the blocks with a layer of roofing felt.

Make sure that the blocks are installed evenly and proceed to further planned activities.

Floor installation

First step

Mount the bottom trim. Make it from timber with a cross-section of 15x15 cm. To connect the strapping beams, use a convenient fastening option. You can, for example, connect them using the tongue-and-groove method with additional reinforcement with glue and bolts.

Second step

Place a platform pre-assembled from a 15x5 cm board on top of the frame.

Third step

Cover the platform with plywood.

Fourth step

Turn the resulting box over and place insulation inside it.

Fifth step

Sew up the insulation with a double layer of plywood. Lay plywood 1.2 cm thick along the box, and 0.9 cm thick across it. As a result, the floor will have a thickness of 2.1 cm. Use PVA glue to fasten the layers of plywood.

Sixth step

Sew the platform with roofing felt on all sides.

At this point the floor is ready. If you wish, you can additionally decorate it with other material to your taste.

Linoleum is perfect for finishing the floor.

First step

Treat timber and boards intended for wall construction with an antiseptic.

Second step

Assemble the frame of the planned dimensions.

Third step

Arrange the top harness.

Fourth step

Cover the entire structure with plywood.

Fifth step

Attach windproof film to the outside of the walls. At the same time, this material will serve as waterproofing.

During the construction of walls, do not forget to leave openings for installing doors and double-glazed windows.

Arrangement of the roof structure

The roof structure must be such that in the future, when opening the door, the roof overhang will not be affected. To comply with this rule, the slope of the roof slope must be 25 degrees.

First step

Install the rafters. To do this, use 10x5 cm boards. To fasten the boards, use corners and screws.

Second step

Mount the roof ridge. To make it, use a 15x5 cm board.

Third step

Additionally, fasten roof rafters puffs 10x2.5 cm.

Fourth step

Attach 0.9 cm thick plywood to the rafters.

Fifth step

Place your preferred material on top of the finished base. roofing material. Flexible tiles work well. This is a relatively lightweight material with good performance properties. At the same time, the roof of a small house will have a small area, so you won’t spend a lot of money on finishing material.

Doors and double glazing

To create a healthy microclimate in a room, even if it is very small, you need to install windows. It is better to provide places for placing double-glazed windows at the stage of assembling the frame.

To determine the optimal total window area, divide the floor area of ​​your small house by 5. Divide the resulting value by the number of windows you need.

If you are planning to equip your small house with a bathroom and a kitchen, think in advance about the order of furniture placement so that the windows do not interfere with the normal use of the house in the future, but are a useful addition.

If possible, windows should be placed oriented towards the south-east direction, since on the north side sunlight very little, and the low western rays of the sun are bad for the eyes.

You can buy doors ready-made or make them yourself. It is enough to assemble the frame, fill the voids with thermal insulation (perfect mineral wool), sheathe the frame with plywood and upholster it with the desired material.

Wall decoration


Proceed with the exterior wall decoration.


Proceed with interior decoration.

  1. Secure a layer of thermal insulation material.
  2. Cover the insulation with a layer of vapor barrier.
  3. Cover the walls with clapboard.

At this point the wall decoration is ready. After this, it is recommended to start arranging the ceiling and making a porch to your taste. It is better to carry out these activities before the construction of the roof structure begins.

Furnish and technical equipment of a small house according to your taste.

Ceiling finishing

  1. Cover the ceiling with a vapor barrier material.
  2. Secure the insulation material.
  3. Cover the ceiling with insulating layers with clapboard.

You can lay boards in the attic. At this point, focus on the specifics of your situation, taking into account exactly how you will use your attic.

Necessary communications

If necessary, install electrical wiring, sewerage and water supply into the house.

Ideal for heating a small house electric heater, and a gas convector. Such gas convectors use as fuel liquefied gas. To ensure the most efficient heat distribution, the system should be equipped with a galvanized steel reflector.

A gas convector must be equipped with a smoke exhaust pipe. The chimney is carefully insulated to prevent fires. To protect the chimney from snow, rain and various debris, install a special protective canopy on its street end.

Small on this one country house ready. You did an excellent job without involving third-party specialists, which allowed you to save a significant amount of money, and you were convinced that there is nothing complicated in the construction of such structures - you just need to follow the manual in everything and adhere to the advice of professional builders. You can start using the house you built yourself.

Good luck!

Video - DIY small house

Quality is more important than size. Most likely, these are the words that guide people who review small house projects and decide to build them. In fact, there can be a huge number of reasons for building a small house: some decide to save a little money on building materials, someone wants to stand out from the crowd classic houses and surprise your neighbors with your taste and originality.

Is there accurate information about how many square meters will make a person happy? It’s hard to disagree with the fact that a small house can look attractive, and sometimes even fabulous.

Why are tiny houses popular?

Small private houses are becoming more and more popular every year, which is mainly due to the fact that people decide to make their lives simpler, but brighter.

Projects tailored to youth needs small houses are constantly being improved in various ways and today a real breakthrough has occurred - designers, together with designers, have turned small houses into a single style, calling it eco-life.

In the United States of America there are already several companies whose main specialization is beautiful small houses built on an area of ​​ten to fifty square meters.

It’s hard to believe that you can really fit all the necessary things in such a small area, but this is true. With a small area, it is very important to pay due attention to the organization of the internal space so that it is used as efficiently as possible.

Young people, of course, are no strangers to living in real Spartan conditions. For them, the main thing is to have a roof over their heads when it rains.

Many of the students have already appreciated the interesting work of the popular architect Van Bo Le Mentzel, whose house seems to lack only one thing - a rope so that it can be carried with you when traveling. His houses look so unusual that people even come from other cities to see him live.

It is worth noting that the largest area of ​​this type of house is approximately 40 sq.m., however, in practice, almost all buildings are much smaller. Except attractive price Buyers are also attracted by the interior of a small house, which is usually incredibly neat and comfortable.

Looking through photos of small houses you can see one of the most original options, which was proposed by Californian artist Gregory Kloehn. Almost all of his houses are made from either trash containers or recycled materials, and after construction, he hands over the keys to them not only to buyers, but also to the homeless.

Not all home owners are happy with their minimal living conditions, so they try to make the most of small rooms, resorting to the use of modern technologies.

In this regard, it is impossible not to mention the Egg House, built by dmvA. It accommodates a kitchen, a bathroom, a bed, as well as several niches in which it will be convenient to store various things. When opening the nose of the house, it can be used as a very ordinary veranda.

Bedroom design in a small house

One of the most important rooms in the house, regardless of its size, is the room in which you fall asleep and wake up. After all, the bedroom is the place where you can restore your strength after a difficult day at work. Of course, it is much more pleasant to spend precious and long-awaited hours of rest on a comfortable bed in a room where you can also arrange all the most important things.

Even if the room is very small, it is necessary that it be equipped according to all the requirements of the homeowners. There is no need to worry if the design of a small house allows only a bed to be placed in the room, since in this case you can use wall cabinets instead of the usual cabinets installed near the bed.

It is worth noting that the fewer various distracting things in the room, the better you will be able to relax in it and restore strength for the next fruitful day.

If there is a little more space, then it is better to opt for a medium-sized bed. In this case, the space you save can be used as additional systems storage of things. This is especially important in houses and apartments with a small area.

How to arrange a kitchen in a small house?

Cooking is an integral daily process for any woman. Even if the size of the room is quite modest, it will be necessary to prepare food, so it is important to use every centimeter effectively.

When choosing a kitchen set, special attention should be paid to ensuring that each cabinet has its own purpose and performs its functions.

If a kitchen was not allocated during the construction of the house separate room, then you should use any free space. For example, to place various kitchen attributes, you can use the passage area located next to the exit from the house.

When space is limited country houses You don’t have to force yourself with huge kitchen sets. Today, in almost any hardware store you can find excellent helpers, namely hanging shelves and rails high quality for a reasonable price.

Bathroom design in small houses

Having a bathroom is always a necessity. Even if there is very little space, it is very important to create an atmosphere that will truly promote relaxation.

In order to use space ergonomically, you should never clutter the room with various non-essential items.

It is better to turn to brands of sanitary ware and bathroom furniture that offer great solutions, like shelving installed directly above the toilet.

You can build a small house made of wood yourself in a short time, since it will require quite a few materials, as well as free space. It is worth noting that such houses are very often built not for themselves, but for guests.

The interior of a small house can be the most ordinary - use more wooden furniture in the design, pay attention to interesting ideas to store a wide variety of small items, and to ensure that accents are placed correctly in the rooms, use accessories in bright colors.

Photos of small houses

Small houses can be extremely beautiful and cozy. Today, talented architects have developed many professional projects for small residential buildings from 50 m². Organizing small interiors will be a pleasant task for you. Numerous sketches of houses are, first of all, a wide range of unique compositions, which imply low costs for the construction and operation of these structures. The projects presented in the photo gallery are characterized by originality and creativity! A wide range and attractive stylization of facades allows you to adapt a small house to the individual needs of even the most demanding people. Enjoy small house projects by choosing the most suitable option for yourself.

Why is building small houses so popular today?

According to available data, modern people Most often people are looking for small two-room apartments. This happens due to financial limitations. Apartments that can provide more comfort to a family actually start from 60 m². In this area, developers often create three small rooms, where you can live comfortably and place everything you need. Unfortunately, an apartment of 60 m² costs a lot of money, especially in large cities. A square meter in your own home it will always be cheaper than in a high-rise apartment, so don’t think for long, but choose a project for a future private property to live in from the photos presented.

Maybe you should think about all the advantages and choose small house? If we already have part of the land, for example, from our parents, then we can easily build a budget residential building on it, especially if you select the right building and finishing materials, decide on the structure of the roof, the number of floors, the presence of a garage and an attic. A small house is an excellent economical option for a small family, couple or single person.

Small private houses: what size to choose?

The size of a potential small house project is an important selection criterion according to which a person is looking for best option housing. In the collection of small houses you can find buildings with a usable area of ​​up to 150 m². People are also interested in buildings up to 110 m² and plans up to 80 m². Building a very small house, for example 60 m², can also be an ideal alternative to buying a medium-sized apartment, which is why many people choose this solution. Your own house- This is primarily the improved comfort of family life, but also your own garden, personal garage or carport.

All projects included in the group of small houses are suitable for independent implementation. Custom plans are suitable for use in densely built-up areas. Due to the fact that one of the walls is windowless, it can be attached closer to or even attached to the existing building. On the front side, in addition to the entrance and garage, a boiler room and sometimes a laundry room can be installed. The living room is located on the opposite side of the building almost always when the house plan includes a garage at the ground floor level. In the house design of a modern small project, in which it is planned to build a garage under the building, it is even easier to create a sunny living room. This is especially advantageous in the case of investments in narrow areas when entering from the south.

Projects of houses with an attic

The most popular small houses are those with an attic, which make up a very large collection in the photo gallery. The main advantage of such construction is the division into day and night parts of the house in accordance with the natural arrangement of floors. Projects of small houses with an attic, due to the smaller area of ​​​​the buildings, can be implemented on small plots, compared to one-story buildings of comparable size.

Projects of a mini-house with a basement

This is a group of objects that is recommended primarily for people who plan to build a house on a slope. Such a landscape requires the selection of an appropriate project with a full or partial basement, which in the best possible way takes advantage of natural soil conditions. The design of a small house with a basement is also worth considering when building on a narrow plot. By placing the boiler room or laundry room in the basement, you gain additional space on the ground floor for development, which will certainly be useful for creating another room.

Projects of small multi-storey buildings

In the photo gallery you will find interesting small projects two-story houses, which offer residents a more spacious and comfortable interior. Thanks to the full height of the second floor, you can design wide glazing in the rooms, perfectly illuminating the entire interior space. The lack of slopes in the attic also provides greater freedom of action. Modern projects small and narrow two-story houses will definitely appeal to those people who want to become the owner of a mini-villa.

Projects of small one-story houses

One-story houses are distinguished by functionality with a clear division of the used area. One-story buildings enchant with their natural connection with the garden, and the benefits of using the interiors will be appreciated primarily by families with children and the elderly. Expanding the attic makes it possible to increase the usable area of ​​the house.

House on a small and narrow plot

Today it is easy to find interesting house designs for a small plot of land, which, despite all the restrictions, will allow you to build comfortable and functional apartments. Consider small houses with an attic for a narrow plot, two-story buildings, as well as practical plans for small one-story buildings in a limited area. When choosing such a house, special attention should be paid to the possibility correct placement buildings in relation to the cardinal directions in order to effectively use solar energy.

Tiny houses are a full spectrum of stylistically diverse buildings. Here you will find interesting projects of small traditional buildings, the character of which is emphasized by architectural details, such as: columns, arcades, projections, terraces, decorative window openings. People who appreciate modern architecture will find wide choice from the category “small houses in modern style”, which correspond to the current trends of minimalism with a unique flat roof. The choice is yours!


Experts say that a modern, comfortable home does not have to be large. In fact, for a person normal life 28 m is quite enough 2 . It turns out that a family of four will feel comfortable in a house with an area of ​​slightly less than 120 m2 2 . And such a house can rightfully be called small.

As a rule, small house projects are one-story. But at the request of the customer, it is possible to complete a full second floor or attic.

In order to accommodate all living rooms in a relatively small area and ensure comfortable family living, the size of technical and utility rooms is reduced. Although the space is organized according to the same principles as in any other project. But there are features that are due to the need to strictly save usable space.

Large house project: fight for every square meter

  1. When designing small buildings, architects minimize the use of internal partitions. Thus, rooms with different functionality are combined into a single space. For example, the living room, dining room, kitchen are grouped into a day area and separated purely visually - using design techniques. The design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. At the same time, additional rooms remain isolated.
  2. The bedrooms of family members, bathrooms, and dressing rooms form the night zone and are located in such a way as to maximally protect the personal space of the residents of the house from strangers. If the house is two-story, then the night zone is located there.
  3. They try to design the utility area, consisting of bathrooms, a boiler room and other utility rooms, to a minimum size.
  4. In order to productively use non-residential space, they strive to limit the number of corridors and passages.
  5. If the house is two-story, there should be two bathrooms. To reduce installation costs utility networks, they are placed one above the other. IN one-story house The bathroom is placed so that it has a common riser with the kitchen.

Pros of small house projects

  • The construction of a small house does not depend on the configuration and size of the land plot.
  • Construction of such a house will also cost much less.
  • Short design and construction times.
  • Relatively low utility costs and easy home maintenance.

Small house projects: results

A carefully thought-out design of a small house allows you to rationally use every square meter of usable space. Thanks to this, the customer receives modern, comfortable housing for relatively little money. Therefore, we recommend choosing professional small house projects from Dom4m.



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