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Name, motto and emblem for the team. Military sports game "Zarnitsa"
The game "Come on, boys!"

Target: 1. Contribute to the education of patriotism, love for the Motherland.

2. Correct thinking, attention, memory, speech.

3. Develop speed, agility, accuracy.

Conduct form: competitive program.

Location: Class.

Members: 2 teams "Pilots", "Sailors"

Attributes: team emblems, motto, riddles about transport, cut-out pictures, 2 baskets, wads of newspaper, 2 spoons, 2 balloons, pictures with "useful and harmful products."

Game progress:

We are glad to welcome you to our entertainment program "Come on boys", which is dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

Student: Kirill Neklyudov

The winds blow in February, they howl loudly in the pipes,

A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Flying away, flights of planes rush into the distance,

It celebrates the army's february birth

On February 23, our entire country solemnly celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. To be the defender of your loved ones, your homeland is the sacred honor of any person. So it was and so it will be. The defenders of our Motherland are Russian army and the Navy, these are our pilots, soldiers, sailors and border guards. You guys are our future defenders of the Motherland! But in order to become a defender, you need to study a lot, be strong, courageous, dexterous, resourceful. Today we have gathered in order to choose the best soldier. And for this you need to pass tests, compete in strength, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

The game will be played between 2 teams. Teams "Pilots" and "Sailors". For each competition, our teams will receive an asterisk. At the end of the game, we will announce the winners. I present the first command:

The motto of the team "Pilots" - Our hero pilots vigilantly guard the sky,

Our hero pilots protect peaceful labor.

The motto of the team "Sailors" - Our sea is guarded by a glorious, valiant sailor,

Our native Russian flag proudly flies on the battleship.

Competition program

  1. Warm-up "Mysteries about military affairs"

  1. Takes off without acceleration
Reminds me of a dragonfly

Takes flight

Our Russian ... (helicopter)

  1. There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened up in the sky.

In a few minutes

Dropped ... (parachute).

  1. A bird flies - a fable,
And people sit inside

Talking to each other (airplane)

  1. Miracle bird, scarlet tail.
Arrived in a flock of stars. (rocket) Slide

  1. "Collect a picture" - teams collect split pictures. The "Pilots" team assembles the ship, and the "Sailors" team assembles the plane. Slide.

  1. Competition "Tie the shoelace" - one person from the team, put on shoes and tie a shoelace. Slide

  1. "Accurate shooter". A sharp shooter has always been highly valued in the army. Let's see how smart you are. All team members participate. Competitions in throwing grenades at the target (you need to hit the bucket with lumps from the newspaper). Slide

  1. "Collect a proverb" - teams are invited to assemble a proverb that is cut into pieces. "It's hard to learn, easy to fight." Slide.

  1. "Cartridges to the front line" - Team members must move the spoon with the ball to the obstacle and back without dropping the ball that lies in the spoon. Slide

  1. "In a healthy body - healthy mind." Soldiers must be not only strong, courageous, resourceful, but also healthy. And how do you take care of your health, we will find out after the contest "Useful and harmful products". Sort pictures into different baskets (carrots, potatoes, chocolates, milk, chips, apple, Coca-Cola). Slide.

Summing up the results of competitions and awarding the winners

The end of the holiday

Advice for boys.

We wish our boys

Grow up quickly.

We are a little tired

Tolerate your antics.

Are you serious in class?

Sometimes even important.

Well, here's a change

Ile in the dining room naughty.

The second class is not the first,

We'll move on to the third soon.

So let's go, everything bad

We will leave behind m.

This concludes our holiday. Thank you all for your attention.

On the eve of Defenders of the Fatherland Day on February 23, the holiday of the strong half of humanity, we offer mottos and team names that are more common in your requests.

A person achieves something only when he believes in himself.

Andreas Feuerbach

The highest distinction of a person is perseverance in overcoming the most cruel obstacles.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Team "February 23"
Motto, girls, we have this:
Not only on our men's holiday
We are ready to appreciate and protect you,
So be happy, successful and healthy!
And today we will show you the class,
So, are you going to cheer for us?

Command "Military March"
The military march called us on our way,
He gave us his cheerful rhythm,
With a cheerful song
The victory will be loud.

Team "Come on guys"
Come on guys, stand up!
Turn around and show yourself!
Who is the bravest today?
The strongest and most skillful?
Girls, we are waiting for your answer.
Yes, we, of course, no doubt.

Team "Connoisseurs"
We are a team of experts
And our motto is:
More knowledge and skills
Skills and hobbies!
Knowledge is power, it has united us all!

Team "Pilots"
Airplanes take dreams to the sky
And let the horizon be clear today
We are pilots of luck, our rear is reliable,
It is the most reasonable thing for us to strive for victory.

Team "Friends"
When friends are with you
No matter what,
And a reliable friend is the best reward,
In one row to shoulder shoulder.

Legion Team
We are legion
In a team fight of champions
And we believe - our fighting spirit
Leads us to victory.

Team "Aviators"
From start to finish
In pilot battles
And in the fights of fighters
Let's earn a win!
Aviators - to work!
Triumph awaits the strong, dexterous, courageous!

Team "Torches"
Cuts through the darkness
Torch like a sword
To light from the torch
Could set fire to all hearts.
And today we light up, illuminate with bright light!

The Brave Team
We don't have to be afraid
We've come to fight
We are a team of braves
Udaltsov and well done.

Team Vikings
We were tempered by sea trips,
We are brave Viking sailors.
Not even the gods of war can stop
We pave the way to victory.

Team "Relay"
Start. And no restrictions
For the relay team.
The prize today will be ours,
Revenge will not help you!

Team "Real Men"
Kind, funny, sincere, simple,
In general, the real and the most native.
For friends, always a mountain, we do not abandon our own,
To everyone who comes to us with a sword, we will pile on together.

Team "Etiquette"
Away from sin and troubles
Follow the etiquette
And in achieving victories
Don't forget etiquette!

Team "We are Petersburgers"
10 things Petersburgers do not forgive you:
When the front door is called the "porch",
When the slang "Peter" is called the city,
When immediately on "you", but they forget about culture,
When they try to compare with Moscow,
When they don't know history at all
Illiteracy is not honored. When they don't read enough
When they treat with irony and indifference,
Petersburgers forgive you everything else.
Therefore, we meet the enemy with cordiality.

Team "Overcome"
We can do everything today
We'll decide everything, and we'll manage everything,
And obstacles on the way
We'll get through, we'll overcome.

Team "Zarnitsa"
And again the fight, we only dream of peace,
We are waiting for the imperishable game "Zarnitsa",
Where without a strategy it is impossible in any way,
Where the will just needs to be clenched into a fist,
And challenge even those who are superior in strength.
Until you give up, you won't be defeated.

Team "Fighters"
Our motto today is:
We will bypass co-per-ni-kov!
Let the fight be hard
But we will win.

Team "Brainstorm"
Let the brainstorm
Today we can't escape
At the battle of two titans
For the right to win.
And our motto is:
At the team of wits
There is always an answer to everything.

If you think you're broken, you're really broken. If you think you won't dare, then you won't dare. If you want to win but think you can't, you will almost certainly lose. In the battles of life, the strongest and the fastest do not always win, but sooner or later the one who wins turns out to be the one who considered himself capable of it!

Write to us what other mottos you would like to see on the pages of our site. And we wish everyone the most crushing victories, if not in the game, then in personal life!


“I will strive to live for centuries!”

Tasks: To form a steady interest in doing physical exercises, to develop basic physical qualities. To cultivate purposefulness, perseverance and a sense of camaraderie when conducting collective relay races. To cultivate a sense of respect for the defenders of our Motherland, love for the Motherland.

Equipment: flags for the number of children; team emblems; soft modules, 2 packages with reports, a rope, two backpacks, 2 machine guns, 2 cardboard bumps, musical accompaniment, two caps, 2 machine guns, 6 landmarks (skittles),


The hall is festively decorated with balloons and flags.


Today is a holiday - Victory Day
Happy holiday - spring day.
All the streets are dressed in flowers,
And ringing songs are heard.
Where the guns don't roar
The sun is shining brightly in the sky!
We need peace for all the guys,
We need peace for the whole planet!

Children under the march "Farewell of the Slavyanka" enter the hall, line up in one line.

Instructor: Hello dear guys! We are glad to see you at the holiday, dedicated to the Day Great Victory! This day is not just a wonderful holiday. On this day, the war ended, terrible and cruel, which lasted 1418 days and nights. On June 22, at 3:15 a.m., German troops crossed the borders Soviet Union- that was the name of our Motherland. And everyone: both old and young stood up to defend the Fatherland. Your great-grandmothers, great-grandfathers went to war, then they were very young. Yesterday's schoolchildren put on their tunics and boots and also went to the front. The war lasted for four long years. Our valiant army not only drove the Germans from our land, but also liberated the peoples of other countries captured by Nazi Germany. Our soldiers reached Berlin, the capital of Germany. And there, on the main building, which was called the Reichstag, our red flag of Victory was hoisted. On May 9, 1945, the war ended, and that day became the brightest and most beloved holiday - Victory Day! Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

Minute of silence (with musical accompaniment)

-Children recite poems.

Instructor: As you know, the morning of any warrior begins with the signal "Rise" To warm up with a step, march!

1. Warm-up with flags "Solar circle"

Instructor: Well, the warm-up went well. Wins in battle
surely someone who knows how to fight.

Instructor: Do you also want to be pilots or serve in the Navy? Let's see what kind of warriors you will turn out to be.

-Rebuilding in two teams.

Two teams participate in sports competitions - "Pilots" and "Sailors". Let's welcome them.

-Team greetings.


Team motto:“We want to become brave pilots faster! And we will say with confidence that we will defeat you!”


Team motto:“We will run, we will jump and be friends with sports. And as we become sailors, we will serve the Motherland!

Presentation and word of the jury.

Sports part.


Attention! Attention!

The competition starts
Strong, dexterous and skillful
Future soldiers.

soldier to become

There's a lot to know

Be agile and skillful.
Very clever, strong, brave!

2. Relay race "March". On command, the children put on a cap and take the machine gun, run in a “snake” between the pins, come back and pass the baton to the next player, etc.

3. Relay "Build a fortification". Soft modules are in the hands of team members. On a signal, the children take turns running to the indicated place and placing their module, building a fortress. The team that completes the task first wins.

4. "Combat training" collect a backpack.


Difficult in learning - easy in battle,

So said Suvorov,
Now they will show us their courage
Our brave sappers.

5. Relay "Sappers". Team members need to move in turn, stepping only on two cardboard bumps, to the other side of the hall. The team that finishes the move the fastest wins.

6. Relay "Bring a report"


Peace is the main word in the world,
Peace is very necessary for our planet.
The adults need the world
Children need the world

Everyone needs the world!

Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers

Saved the whole world from trouble
And the salute of Victory thunders,
Like an echo of terrible years!

The competition is over, it's time to sum up our sports result.

The floor is given to the jury. Summarizing.Winner's reward ceremony.

Instructor for physical culture T. A. Masich

(senior preschool age)

Yakimova M.V.

physical education instructor

Kindergarten No. 204 "Bell"

Holiday goals:

To acquaint children with the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

To consolidate knowledge about military professions, names of military equipment;

Improve coordination of movements, form dexterity and accuracy in children;

Contribute to the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

Cultivate patriotic feelings.

Materials and equipment:

  • emblems for each team
  • music material
  • hall decoration
  • diplomas
  • skittles
  • stuffed balls
  • fish

Preliminary work:

  • to learn poetry with children, music. warm-up
  • talk about the army, military branches
  • decorate the center wall

The course of the holiday

To the sounds of a military march, children with their dads enter the hall, rebuild and line up opposite each other.

Vedas: Today we have sports competitions dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Your dads were invited to these competitions, who served in the army and passed military training to be ready to defend the Motherland. And our boys are the future defenders of the fatherland. Everyone should show us their strength, dexterity, courage, endurance.

Congratulations from girls poems

Dev.1: Boys, dads and grandfathers are cute,

Happy holiday to your men!

You are kind, smart, strong

We want to congratulate you.

Dev.2: On a February day, a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

Dev.3: We won't give you flowers

They are not given to boys.

Girls a lot of kind words

They will leave you in your hearts.

Dev.4: We wish you forever:

So that life is not shy,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

Dev.5: And all the obstacles on the way

You need to overcome.

Well, from the beginning, grow up

And you need to grow up.

Dev.6: Listen boys

Accept congratulations!

We wish you happiness in life

Health and fun!

Building teams. Greeting each other (team name and motto).

Team - "Pilots"

Motto: Higher and higher and higher!

Team - "Tankers"

Motto: Tankers are the strongest, tankers are the most powerful

Tankers will overcome all obstacles!

Team - "Sailors"

Motto: One by one we are a mountain, such is our marine custom!

Vedas: Guys, what do you think helps a soldier in the service?

What cheers him up? (children answer - song)

So let's have a drill song review.

SONG "We will be soldiers"

Vedas: What qualities should a defender of the fatherland have?

Children: Courage, determination, courage, endurance.

Vedas: That's right, many of the qualities you mentioned will come in handy in today's competitions.

Our competitions will be evaluated by judges, the most fair, who will follow the competitions and sum up the results.

Presentation of the panel of judges

Vedas: Let the jury follow the entire course of the battle without a miss

Whoever is friendlier will win the battle.

Now it's time for the first relay.

"Teams, march to the starting position"

(Teams line up in their original positions)

Let's start our competition!

  1. Relay "Infantrymen":

Participants in pairs move to a cone, dad walks with a wide step, and the child crawls between his legs like a snake. They go around the cone and run back and pass the baton to the next participant.

  1. Relay "Snipers":

The child runs to the mark, takes the ball and throws it at the target (in the basket), which is in the hands of the father. He comes back running and passes the baton to the next participant.

  1. Relay "Cavalry":

The child sits on his dad (horse), jumps like a snake between the cones, goes around the bar and comes back running. The relay is passed to the next participant.

Participants sit on chairs. Entertaining performances for the participants, prepared by the families of the pupils (dad and son).

ISSUE "Cowboy dance" (the Fetisov family)

NUMBER song "Merry sailor" (Ashirov family)

Vedas: Let's have a little rest, but while we are resting, we will solve riddles together.

Questions for fans of each team:

  1. What do a rifle and a tree have in common? (trunk)
  2. About whom they say: “He is mistaken only once” (sapper)
  3. The sparrow flew away, but the nest remained (bullet and cartridge case)
  4. Hoop during the day, and a snake at night (belt)
  5. Turtle crawling, steel shirt (tank)
  6. What is pocket artillery (grenade)

Question for adults:

ñ What base do tankers, artillerymen, scouts, sappers belong to?

(to military)

Questions for participants:

  1. What is the name of a pilot who flies into space? (astronaut)
  2. What is the name of a soldier's summer hat? (cap)
  3. What is the sailor's summer hat called? (capless)
  4. What is the name of the place where the command is located? (headquarters)
  5. What is the name of the hospital in the army? (hospital)
  6. Who is driving the tank? (tankman)
  7. Who scribbles from a machine gun? (machine gunner)
  8. Who guards the border? (border guard)
  9. Who goes to explore? (scout)

4. Relay "Minefield":

The child puts his feet on the feet of his father, together they reach the cone. They go around the cone and run back to pass the baton.

5. Relay "Carry the wounded":

Two dads carry one child on a gymnastic stick from the battlefield to the hospital. Dads come back running for the next "wounded child".

6. Relay "Scouts":

Dad, putting on a hoop, runs to the cone, goes around it, comes back. He grabs his child in a hoop, and they run together to a cone. They go around it and come back. Pass the hoop to the next dad.

Competitors are resting.

The jury counts the points and announces the winners. Gives certificates and gifts to team members.

Teams make a lap of honor.

Participants are invited to shake hands.

Vedas: And so our holiday ended. All participants showed what they are capable of! And we were convinced: You are great! To be a defender of the Fatherland means to be strong, courageous, dexterous. Prepare yourself, go in for sports, develop courage, resilience, study well. Success and good luck!

Teams leave the hall to the music.

Fanfare sounds, a military march. The eldest (A) group enters in the form of border guards, then the eldest in the form of sailors, and the last one enters preparatory group in the form of pilots and is rebuilt around the perimeter (shoulder straps: green, black, blue).
Today is the day of our army, and it is already many years old.
Greetings to the defenders of the people, the Russian army ...

February 23 is a special day, it is celebrated by all our soldiers - soldiers who defend our Motherland. This day is called the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland! Today we have gathered to show that although you are preschoolers, you want to be like soldiers, and to prove to everyone that you are strong, dexterous and brave guys.

Today, guests came to our holiday, the cadets are the future military, who, together with our boys, will show their sports and combat skills. I grant the right of the main commander of our competitions to our jury: ... ..

Teams, report your readiness!!!

Team "Border Guards" :
Motto “Not a step back, and only forward.
We, the border guards, are a brave people!”

Ved.: Well done, border guards - fighters!
The team of border guards answers: “We serve the Fatherland!”

Team - Sailors :
Motto "We are brave sailors, skilled sailors.
Do not rock us with a wave, we must protect the sea! »

Ved.: Well done, sailors - fighters!
The team of sailors answers - "We serve the Fatherland"

Team - "Pilots":
Motto “We are brave pilots, we fly planes.

We fly high in the sky, we vigilantly guard the sky! »

Ved.: Well done, pilots - fighters!
The pilot team answers "Serving the Fatherland!"
Vedas: So, we begin our competition!

1. Relay "Training alarm" (caps, pistols according to the number of participants)

Vedas: Hard to learn, easy to fight! To carry the hardships of service, with honor to fulfill military duty, regular training and tactical exercises help the fighters. The training alarm sounds. Soldiers must dress in uniform, take weapons and line up. The commanders run to the landmark, put on hats (caps), take pistols (anthem sticks), return to the starting point and pass the baton to the next.

2.Relay race"Snipers" (plastic balls for each, 3 baskets)

Vedas: It seems to me that we should visit the shooting range with you. This is the place where soldiers learn to shoot in peacetime. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that white fungus is good, and a skilled soldier. And one of the main soldier's skills is marksmanship.

3. Relay "Mine clearance" (3 mops or gymnastic sticks,

rings according to the number of team members, 3 arcs, 6 pins). Participants move the ring with a stick, circling the skittles with a snake and bring the ring to an arc, get the ring into the goal and return back to the team running, a mop (hymn stick) in their hands. They broadcast the anthem. stick to the next participant.

Vedas: “One, two, three! You must find a mine, and then outline it and, of course, neutralize it!

4.Relay "Tugboat". (3 hoops, each team member in turn picks up and pulls everyone at once).
Vedas: Our boats do not have oars, and the boat hurts a walker. The ship sails ahead, it carries with it.

5.Relay "Nurses" (3 sleds)

Vedas.: Deliver the wounded with a leg injury to the hospital.

6.Relay race"Pull the Rope" (rope)

Vedas: Pull, pull, you, be strong. But don't forget about the hands! Move more dexterously than them, grab onto the rope, drag and don't be lazy!

Vedas: While the jury is summing up, I invite you to solve puzzles.

1) Takes off without acceleration,

looks like a dragonfly

our Russian takes off. (helicopter)

2) There are no clouds on the horizon,

but an umbrella opened in the sky,

after a few minutes it sank ... (parachute)

3) I walk in an iron shell,

All lined with armor.

I shoot projectiles

I am very formidable in appearance ... (tank).

4) A bird is flying - a fiction,

and inside the people sit,

speaks among themselves. (airplane)

5) Under water, an iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)

6) Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

7) Thunder struck, cheerful thunder.

It sparkled all around.

Rushing into the sky relentlessly

colorful fountains.

Splashes of light pour everywhere.

This is a festive ... (Salute).

Game for children "Continue the sentence"

"The tank is driven..."

"The cannon fires..."

"He sits at the helm of the plane ..."

"Scribbling from a machine gun ..."

"He goes to reconnaissance ..."

"Guarding the border..."

"Serving on a submarine ..."

"He jumps with a parachute ..."

"They serve on ships ..."

Competition results. Team awards. ………..

Vedas: We want the birds to sing,

So that spring streams ring,

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green!

So that all dreams come true

To make everyone around laugh

For children to dream

Let there be no war!

Let's greet with a loud "Hurrah!" all participants in our competitions.

Children solemnly leave to the music of the march.

Pilot team - Hurrah!
Border guard team - Hurrah!
Sailors team - Hurrah!

The holiday is over.

MDOU "Taurian Kindergarten No. 2"

Senior teacher Gudim V.Yu.



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