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New Year's program for children 3 years old scenario. New Year's party scenario for children at home

New Year's holiday in the second youngest preschool educational institution group. Scenario "How the Snowman looked for his nose"

Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU No. 43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Description: The material will be of interest to music directors, educators, teachers additional education. The program is designed for children of preparatory age.
Target: creating a festive atmosphere.
- develop creative independence, expressiveness of speech and pantomime actions;
- create interest in the holiday;
- cultivate a desire to please loved ones with poems, songs, and dances.
Characters: adults – Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman.
Children: Snowflakes, Christmas trees, Bunnies.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in front of the Christmas tree in a semicircle.
Presenter: Well, quickly, kids, turn to your mothers,
Wave your left hand, and now wave your right!
We are glad to wave our hand to our mothers,
And send an air kiss for mommies.
Winter brought us a joyful holiday,
The green Christmas tree came to visit us.
I want the kids to see the toys,
Look at the whole Christmas tree
From bottom to top!
- Look how beautifully our Christmas tree is dressed up...
Music is playing. Children look at toys.
Presenter: It seems to me that the Christmas tree wants to tell us something. Listen. (children put their hand to their ear)
The voice of the Christmas tree sounds.
Let's light the lights.
Presenter: With colored eyes,
The Christmas tree is blinking.
In the New Year's round dance,
Children are invited!
There's a song playing "New Year's Baby".
Children dance around the Christmas tree.
Presenter: Let’s admire the Christmas tree up close, let’s admire it from afar. Sit down, guys, on the chairs. Let's delight the Christmas tree with New Year's poems.
Child: How fluffy and elegant,
The Christmas tree grew in the forest.
And now I’ve come to the holiday,
Admire the beauty.
Child: There is a Christmas tree in the hall,
And the snow glitters on it.
There are toys on the branches,
And candies and firecrackers.
Child: Green Christmas tree,
She came to visit us.
And a happy holiday,
She brought it to our garden.
Child: Tall, beautiful,
Green, slim.
With different lights
She glows.
Presenter: The snow is creaking well,
Someone is in a hurry to visit us...
The Snow Maiden enters the hall to the music.

Snow Maiden: Hello! Here I am!
My name is Snegurochka!
I send winter greetings to everyone,
For adults and children.

Dads, moms, grandmas,
For girls and boys!
Guys, do you love winter, and why do you love it? And what winter Games love most?
Children's answers.
Dance "Sleigh"
Presenter: The Snow Maiden is a sorceress,
You are a master of everything.
Isn't it time for all the guys,
Find yourself in a fairy tale.
Snow Maiden: Everyone, quickly get up behind me,
Everyone needs to go to the woods.
Don't yawn, don't scream,
The fairy tale will be ahead.
We turn off the lights and, together with the Snow Maiden, walk around the Christmas tree in a chain.
They take their seats.
Snow Maiden: At this New Year's hour,
Miracles are happening.
In a marvelous, fairy-tale forest,
The fairy tale begins...
Turn on the light. The Snowman enters the hall, sad, covering his nose with his hand.

Snow Maiden: Wow! The snowman is coming here!
But I just don't understand.
He's crying! But why?
Snowman: I'm in trouble
Look, you will understand for yourself!
The snowman removes his hands from his face, and everyone sees that he has no nose.
Snow Maiden: Snowman, do you think you've lost your nose?
The snowman sighs bitterly and wipes away his tears.
Presenter: Don’t be upset, the guys and I will help you, we’ll find your nose!
Snow Maiden: Guys, look, maybe someone has a Snowman's nose in their pocket? Isn't it under the chairs?
Children are looking.
Snowman:(crying) How can I live without a nose now?
Snow Maiden: We need to help the Snowman! I didn’t come alone, I brought friends with me.
Come on, Christmas trees are sisters,
Come out and have fun!

Dance of Christmas trees.
Presenter: He hands the cone to the Snowman, try it on - Snowman!
Snowman: I'm not used to this. This nose is not for me. It's very prickly.
Snow Maiden: Hey, snowflakes - sisters, we have to work hard!
They dance with the Snow Maiden.
Presenter: Here's a Snowman, try on a snowflake.
Snowman: I'm not used to this, this nose is very cold.
Snow Maiden: I know how to help you
I'm revealing my secret:
Bunnies are very clever for us,
They can bring you carrots!
Let the bunnies come to us,
And they will bring carrots!
Bunny: Hey, naughty bunnies!
Long-eared brothers!
Let's play, run out,
And sort out the carrots!
Bunny dance.

Presenter: Here's your Snowman nose. They offer a choice.
Snowman: Thank you bunnies! What a beautiful nose I have! I immediately wanted to have fun!
Game with Snowman.

Snowman: You made me laugh
You gave me a nose.
He danced and played,
It became very hot in the hall.
Now, friends, I’m going to melt.
Snow Maiden: And you quickly run into the forest and call Santa Claus. (runs away)
The bells are ringing, it's Santa Claus coming.

Father Frost: Hello guys,
Girls and boys!
Cheerful, funny,
The kids are very nice.
Congratulations on a happy holiday.
You guys don't sit
Go closer to the Christmas tree.
Presenter: We'll all go in circles,
Let's sing a song about you, grandpa!
Father Frost: Guys, you love to play. Let's play.
A game “I’ll freeze it.”
Father Frost: And I’ll sit, sit,
Yes, I'll look at you.
Who will tell me a poem,
Come out quickly, my friend.
Children read poetry.
Snow Maiden: Well read the poems
Yes, they didn’t play near the Christmas tree.
Father Frost: I have been living in the world for many years,
I forgot something, kids.
What are you playing now?
What games do you know?
Snow Maiden: I know what children love
Skis, sleds and skates.
And of course everything in the world
They love to play in the snow.
Presenter: Look at the snowballs here,
We'll take the snowballs in our hands.
Let's play with Grandfather
It's fun to throw snowballs!
Snowball game.

Presenter: We danced, sang songs,
We were all interested.
It's time to end the holiday
The children are waiting for gifts.
Distribution of gifts.
Father Frost: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye!
We must return to the winter forest.
Well, next year,
I will come to visit you again.
Snow Maiden: We wish everyone a Happy New Year,
We wish you joy and happiness.
Festive fun, fun and fun,
Happy New Year to everyone - everyone - everyone.
Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.
Children with gifts go to the group.

Scenario New Year's holiday for 1st junior group

Visiting the Snow Maiden and Father Frost

The children and the presenter enter the hall, walk around the Christmas tree, and examine it.

Presenter: Children, look how elegant and beautiful our Christmas tree is, how many toys, balls, and tinsel there are on it.

Hello, holiday tree,

We've been waiting for you all year.

We are at the New Year's tree

Let's lead a friendly round dance!

Let's sing a song to our Christmas tree.

Round dance song “Yolochka” by M.D. Bystrovoy

Presenter: Guys, what holiday is today?(Children answer) That's right, today New Year!

Santa Claus brought this Christmas tree to us for the holiday.

Who brought us a Christmas tree? Father Frost?

Children: Santa Claus!

Presenter: On this holiday, all our lights are on for the kids.

For whom are they burning? For the guys?

Children: For the guys!

Presenter: Let's play with the Christmas tree.

! Game "Blow out the lights on the Christmas tree."

Children clap their hands and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out.

Children stomp their feet - the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out.

Presenter: Let's wake up the Christmas tree.

Give bells to girls, spoons to boys

Orchestra “Music of the Forest” M.Yu. Kartushina

When the music ends, the lights on the tree light up.

Presenter: Wow, the Christmas tree is beautiful!

Let's sit down, kids.

Children sit on chairs. The presenter finds a mitten under the tree and picks it up.

Presenter: Who was dancing at the Christmas tree?

Lost your mitten?

He takes a bell out of his mitten.

Now the bell will help us. I'll ring the bell and find the owner.(rings the bell, the answer ringing is heard outside the door)

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys. How beautiful it is here! And what smart children! There's probably some kind of holiday here? Which?

Presenter: We have a holiday - New Year! Snow Maiden, we found your mitten.

Snow Maiden: Oh, thank you! Let's dance a merry dance around the Christmas tree!

“Dancing around the Christmas tree” by T.I. Suvorova

from the collection “Dance, Baby” No. 4.

Snow Maiden: And I didn’t come to you alone, bullfinches flew with me from the winter forest.

Boys perform “Dance of Bullfinches at the Christmas Tree” by I. Ponomareva

Snow Maiden: And my girlfriends, snowflakes, came with me.

Girls perform Geller's "Dance of the Snowflakes".

Presenter: Snow Maiden, and our children know a song about a snowflake. Do you want to listen?

Snow Maiden: Of course I want to!

Song “Snowflake” by I. Rostovtseva

Snow Maiden: And I want to play with you. My favorite activity in the winter forest is sledding. Come out, let's ride together!

Dance-game "Sledge" music. etc. T. Sauko

Snow Maiden: I really enjoyed playing with you, but it’s time to call Grandfather Frost.(name of Santa Claus)

Santa Claus enters

Father Frost: Here I am! Hello children and adults! I’m very glad to see you and have fun with you at the Christmas tree. That's how it sparkles with lights!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, the kids know a song about you.

Father Frost: I'll be happy to listen. Join me in a round dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus" music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina

Father Frost: Good song. I even wanted to play my favorite game with you - snowballs.

I'll throw snowballs high

Snowballs will fly far.

And the guys will collect them

And they will bring it to me in a box.

Santa Claus throws snowballs

Children collect them and bring them to Santa Claus in a box.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, can I also play in the snow with the kids?

Father Frost: Of course, granddaughter, play!

Snow Maiden (takes snowballs from Santa Claus):

I'll throw snowballs high

Snowballs will fly far.

And the guys will collect them

And they will bring it to me in a box.

The Snow Maiden throws snowballs,

Children collect them and bring them to the Snow Maiden in a box.

Father Frost: Well, who will tell us poetry?

Children read poetry (if anyone is interested)

Father Frost: We had a lot of fun. It's time to give out gifts.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.

Snow Maiden: We haven't forgotten anyone! All the kids were pleased!

Father Frost: And now it’s time for us to go to the forest. Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.

Children and their parents return to the group.

Irina Roslyakova
New Year's party scenario for children 3–4 years old

New Year's holiday scenario"Visiting the Christmas tree" for children 3-5 years old.

Target: generalization and systematization of knowledge children about the New Year holiday.


1. Pin views children about the holiday, its traditions.

2. Develop coherent speech and memory; create children's holiday, fun mood.

3. Cultivate friendly relations in the team.

Celebration progress:


Happy New Year

Both big and small.

Happiness to everyone, I wish you well

And frosty, clear days!

Let it sound in the hall today

Your cheerful, ringing laugh.

Happy New Year

Happy new happiness to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Children, what is our Christmas tree? (answers children)


Our Christmas tree was decorated from top to bottom.

All the toys and firecrackers, all the balls hang on it.

Hello, dear guest, you are smart and bright

We've been waiting for you all year, you've finally come!

Poetry children:

1. We all feel very good

Fun today.

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday.

2. Let's dance merrily

Let's sing songs

So that the tree wants

Come visit us again.

3. Hello, hello Christmas tree

Hello New Year!

Around the green Christmas tree

We will dance in a round dance.

Song "Green, fluffy."

Presenter: Let's start, we're starting a fun masquerade.

Get ready, get ready, quickly run to the hall.

We all dressed up in masks; now we can’t be recognized.

Everyone has turned into someone, both girlfriends and friends.

Children, can you guess this one? riddle:

"The cheeks are white, tender, like roses.

And she lives with Grandfather Frost.

He calls her his beloved granddaughter

Who is this? Who knows?" (Snow Maiden)

Presenter: Have you seen the Snow Maiden in the forest?

And over there behind the tree is her forest house.

What kind of house is it by the path? It’s not familiar to me.

Well, now I’ll look out the window with one eye.

This house is interesting, this house is not easy.

The Snow Maiden comes out:

In this little house

My grandfather and I live together.

And we are not afraid of the cold.

We are glad for frosty days.

There is no stove in our house; my grandfather is afraid of the fire.

I'm afraid of the fire too

After all, I am called the Snow Maiden.

Hello, friends,

I'm glad to see you all.

Congratulations to all friends

And with all my heart I wish

I wish you the brightest days!

Now I’ll see if all my friends have gathered for the Christmas tree?

All in unison: And our little animals brought gifts for the Christmas tree

Hare: We are funny bunnies

Braves, not cowards

We love to jump and gallop

And dance under the Christmas tree.

We have come to wish you a Happy New Year and decorate the Christmas tree. (hangs carrot)

Fox: I am a little fox,

Red-haired beauty.

Fur coat, eyes, nose

And a fluffy tail.

On the holiday has come

And she brought gifts. (chicken on the Christmas tree)

Bear: Even though our rules are strict,

Mom and dad are sleeping in the den.

I won't bother them

I'm going to celebrate the holiday.

I brought a barrel of honey.

Wolf: I am a wolf - click my teeth.

(I brought a fish to the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Well, thank you, well done friends,

You made me happy.

And the tree is happy too.

It’s so much fun all around, all the guys will sing about the Christmas tree.

Song "The little Christmas tree is cold in winter."

Presenter: What happened to the Snow Maiden?

Why is she sad?

Snow Maiden: AND the holiday has already begun, but Santa Claus is still missing.

And without Santa Claus and snowflakes don’t fly,

And without Santa Claus, even the patterns don’t shine.

Quiet, children, do you hear? Someone seems to be coming? I'm him now I'll call: "Darling, grandpa, ah!"

Children in chorus: Honey, grandpa, oh!

Father Frost: Aw, aw!

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is coming now, don’t show me where I am. And I’ll hide behind the tree, Grandfather won’t find me. (hides)

Father Frost: Ay, granddaughter, ay! My Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: ku-ku!

Father Frost: Who's there? (looks behind the tree)

Snow Maiden: ku-ku!

Santa Claus looks in from the other side; for the third time he finds the Snow Maiden. “Well, hello, my granddaughter.” (Santa Claus looks around and notices snowflakes, sitting animals and children. Lists that the bunnies galloped, and the snowflakes flew in, the bears came) children

Father Frost: Uh-uh! Yes, you have a lot of guests here, they visited me before. This is good. We will sing, dance, and celebrate the New Year!

I congratulate you, children, I wish you happiness, joy,

May you grow and become wiser, have fun and sing songs.

So that your laughter always rings.

Happy New Year, everyone, everyone, everyone!

Poetry children:

1. To our Christmas tree oh-oh-oh

Santa Claus came alive

Well, Grandfather Frost,

What cheeks, what a nose.

And there’s a star on the hat

And a big beard.

2. Our Christmas tree is green

And elegant and bright

Immediately thousands of lights flashed on it.

And under the tree a round dance dances and sings.

All friends and girlfriends are invited to the circle.

Father Frost: Start the round dance, because that’s what the New Year is for!

Song "Everyone's New Year"

Presenter: Santa Claus, do you like a joke? So close your eyes for a minute. Count to five and try to find us.

A game: "Hide and Seek"

Father Frost: But I just can’t get warm. Snow Maiden, touch how cold my hands are.

Presenter: Let's warm Santa Claus' hands and feet.

Music game: "We'll warm up a little, we'll clap our hands"

Santa Claus blows on children and they sit on the chairs.

Presenter: Santa Claus, do you really love children?

And you try to catch up with them. (children run around the Christmas tree)

Father Frost: You run fast. You are all clever and brave. Starved

Grandfather Frost. I’ll sit down and rest a little. I felt kind of hot. I would like cold air and breeze now. Blow it all on me.

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes, girlfriends, fly quickly - let's spin around your Christmas tree together. You fly and cool Frost.

Dance of snowflakes.

Presenter: Well, has Santa Claus cooled down? Now listen to our poems children.

Poetry children. (at the teacher's choice)

Santa Claus offers the round dance song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost: Did we dance with you?

Did we sing songs?

Did you dance in a circle?

What a wonderful New Year we are having!

I’ll also tell you a secret that I have prepared a bag of gifts for my dear children. I’ll go get the bag to the next clearing. (leaves and comes)

I'll untie my bag.

I saved gifts for everyone.

Whose music will start here?

Every gift will be waiting for you.

Well, it’s time for Snegurochka and I to leave.

We wish the children a lot of joy today,

So that you grow big, So that you don’t know worries!

Snow Maiden: Well, Santa Claus and I will return to you in a year!


Snow Maiden


Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.

Having unraveled its needles,
The Christmas tree shines with beauty.
How many balls, toys,
Cones, stars, firecrackers.
We need to look at the Christmas tree,
Let's stand in a circle quickly, guys.

Children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, looking at the toys. They stop and read poetry:

1st child:
It's snowing, it's snowing!
The holiday is coming - New Year!

2nd child:
Grandfather Frost will come,
He will bring us a Christmas tree.

3rd child:
The Christmas tree will sparkle
We should blink the lights.

4th child:
Let's sing a song for the Christmas tree
Let's start our round dance!

Round dance “Little Christmas Tree” or at the choice of the musical director.

I play snowballs in winter
I'm sledding down the mountain.
I'm making a snow woman.
I really love winter.

A song about winter is sung.
The presenter draws the children's attention to the mitten he finds under the tree.

Look here.
Whose mitten is this?
Who was walking at the Christmas tree?
And lost her here?

He takes a bell out of his mitten.

Bell, help me,
You always ring so famously!
We don't want to sit in silence
Who is your master, tell me!

The bell rings. The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden:
How good are you here?
So beautiful and light.
I got into kindergarten?

Today is a holiday for the guys!
All the people are having fun.

This holiday is New Year!

Snow Maiden:
That's right, that's right, New Year!
The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.
We'll sing her a song now,
We'll have fun together.

A song chosen by the music director is performed.
The Snow Maiden sees the mitten in the hands of the presenter.

Snow Maiden:
The mitten has been found!
Yesterday she was left in the snow.

I'll give you the mitten
If you dance for us.

The Snow Maiden's dance is performed.
After the dance, the Snow Maiden begins to look for something near the Christmas tree.

You've become sad again
Lost something again?

Snow Maiden:
I can’t find the magic bag,
He got lost in the snow.
You guys, help,
Find that bag.

Children help Snow Maiden find a magic bag.

What's in your bag?

Parsley jumps out of the bag.

Look! It's me!
I'm a fun toy
And my name is Petrushka.
I can't sit still,
The legs are in a hurry to start dancing.
Hey guys, come out
And dance with me.

Parsley begins to dance, and the children dance with him.

Don't yawn after the dance!
We'll play hide and seek.

Parsley is hiding in a bag. Bunny jumps out instead.

Snow Maiden:
He came to us for a holiday
This cute Bunny himself.
Bunny even knows the song
He will play a game with you.

The song-game “Bunny” is performed

Snow Maiden:
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit
I'll take a look at the guys.
I will be glad to have poems,
You need to try.

Reading poetry.

Snow Maiden:
Thank you my friends
Now I will please you!

He takes a snowflake out of the bag.

I love all Snowflakes
I give them whiteness.
They all shine amazingly!
Look how beautiful it is!
Hey, Mischievous Snowflakes
My dear sisters,
Fly, circle,
Have fun with all the guys.

The dance of snowflakes is performed.

Good in winter. Really, really?
The kids are so happy about winter!
Sleds, skis, snowing,
Christmas tree, holiday - New Year!
And children are happy with gifts.
Did you bring them to the guys?

Snow Maiden:
Here they are, in a bag.
Oh oh oh! At the very bottom.
Grandfather Frost folded
I didn't forget about the gifts.

He takes out a snowball.

What kind of product is this?
Snowball, no legs, no arms.
It must be a difficult one,
Someone is hiding in it!
Who could get in there?

Opens the lid.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here!

Gives out gifts.

(The scenario is intended for holding a holiday in an apartment for 6-7 children. Active participation of adults is implied!!!)

(speech lasts 1 hour)

- Christmas tree (it’s better to put it in the center so that you can dance in a circle);
- Father Frost
- Snow Maiden
- Festive masks for children and it’s better if there are the same characters for parents
The presence of a Snowman (an adult) is welcome; he must complete the task of concentrating the children's attention at the very beginning. But in our case, for example, we haven’t picked a snowman yet, so the most active parent will play the role of leader.

PARENTS: Who came to us? Let's get a look?
The door opens and a SNOWMAN enters
(If there is no Snowman, do a round dance around the Christmas tree with children and parents, and the words of the Snowman are spoken by one of the Parents or several - depending on the situation)

SNOWMAN: Hello, hello!!! Is this where I came? Is New Year celebrated here?
PARENTS: Here, here. Look kids, this is a real SNOWMAN!!!

\\If there is no SNOWMAN, you can replace it with the words:
\\ “What holiday is it today, guys?” (if there is no answer, the parent himself explains “New Year”)
\\"What happens on New Year's Day?" (Santa Claus gives gifts)
\\ “What is the main New Year tree? Look how beautiful our Christmas tree is!

SNOWMAN: Let's do a round dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song about it!
(Parents and Snowman sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, the backing track of the song plays)
SNOWMAN: Do you know who else will come to visit you today?
(If the snowman does not wait after several answers for the words “Santa Claus” and “Snow Maiden”, he calls himself)

Rings door bell and the Snow Maiden enters
SNOWMAN: Guys, who came to us? (if children do not answer, parents answer)
SNOW MAIDEN (sings a song or you can just walk along to this song):

Lyrics of the song "Song of the Snow Maiden"
Snowflakes are spinning,
A round dance of snowflakes is spinning.
On an old clock,
The old clock strikes midnight.
And winter will color,
And winter will color the sky
White paint.
Someone will knock
Someone will knock outside the window.
The Christmas tree will light up
The Christmas tree will light up with magic.
And it will be transformed,
And everything around will be transformed
A winter's tale.
And he will rise behind the forest.
And the Snow Maiden from the forest,
Like a snow princess
It will float.
And the bird three will rush in,
And so many children will come running.
And it will only happen
Happy New Year!

SNOW Maiden: Hello guys! What a beautiful Christmas tree you have! And what beautiful costumes (masks) you have! Let's get to know our animals!
(In our version there will be animals)

Then there is more improvisation, because Children's responses are unpredictable. Here are some questions for the Snow Maiden:
- What is the name of this wonderful little bear?
- Let's walk around the Christmas tree so everyone can see how beautiful you are.
(Here, if the mother is also a bear, it will be great, because she will be the one who will lead the child around the Christmas tree. The mother can tell the child to waddle)
- Will you show me how you can growl?
- What a great fellow you and your mother are!
- Let's meet the next inhabitant of the forest.
etc. all children

SNOW Maiden: Now let's dance
(we turn on any dynamic music. In my case, I played music without words so as not to distract the children)

- Catching snowflakes (Grasping movement with hands forward)
- On right
- Left
- Let's shake off the snow from our mittens
- Let's shake off the snow from our feet
- we go skiing (imitate the movements of our legs)
- we jump to avoid freezing
And you can repeat it in a circle several times

SNOW MAID: Now let's draw a snowflake.
(Children are given paper, a felt-tip pen, to draw while sitting on the floor, just first show a pre-drawn sample, maybe a few snowflakes, even a Christmas tree nearby - who already knows how.
You can make blank Christmas trees and offer to paint them, etc. what is your imagination enough for?)

SNOW Maiden: What wonderful snowflakes you made!
Now let's sing my favorite song about the good old beetle
/The soundtrack of the song “Stand up, children, stand in a circle” from the film “Cinderella” sounds/
/All participants dance "Polka"/

Stand up, children, stand in a circle, \\SNUGUROCHKA: Let's clap our hands

Stand up, children, stand in a circle, \\ SNOW MAIDEN: And now the round dance
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
You are my friend and I am your friend
Old faithful friend!
We fell in love with the beetle -
Good old man
The soul is very light
He's a funny guy.

Stand up, children, stand in a circle, \\SNUGUROCHKA: Now let’s clap our hands again
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle! \\ (clap)
Once upon a time there lived a kind beetle, \\ SNOW Maiden: Let’s jump over
Good old friend. \\ (throw out the right and left legs alternately, arms can
He never grumbled about his belt)
Didn't scream, didn't squeak, \\ neither
The wings cracked loudly, \\ too
He strictly forbade quarrels. \\we shake our fingers

SNOW Maiden: Let's clap, what a great fellow you are!
For some reason Grandfather Frost is not coming to us, let's call him.
(The Snow Maiden calls Santa Claus on his cell phone)
- Grandfather, we’ve been waiting for you! Will you come soon?
The Snow Maiden pretends that Grandfather is giving her a task (accompanying her with the words “I see,” “We’ll do everything”)
If Santa Claus is especially artistic, then you can turn on the speakerphone so that Grandfather himself voices the task)

SNOW MAIDEN: Soon Grandfather Frost will come with gifts, but for now he gave the task: What is winter without a snowman? We need to build a snowman.

(Children are given three pieces of white plasticine - for balls, a carrot can be made from half of painted matches, hands - two matches, eyes, buttons, mouth - drawn with a felt-tip pen)
Hold a competition with the active participation of parents

SNOW MAIDEN: So we have completed the task of Santa Claus!

The doorbell rings and Santa Claus enters
In our version, grandfather will enter to the song “Song of Santa Claus”, just playing the first verse is enough
Two cheerful kind eyes, a beard and a red nose.
We recognized him immediately - this is Grandfather Frost.
Who gives funny answers to any question?
Who is the kindest in the world? This is Grandfather Frost.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello guys!!! We've been waiting for gifts! Has everyone behaved well this year?
If the children are silent, the parents answer.

SANTA CLAUS: Show me what you have learned this year? Who wants to please the old man by telling him a poem?
(Parents and children “learn” the simplest quatrain in advance and if the child is shy, the mother recites the rhyme)
SANTA CLAUS: How well told! Keep your gift! Etc.
(Gifts must be the same)
SNOW Maiden: It was good with you, but it’s time for us to congratulate the guys further! Well done to all of you, come on, parents, let's clap for our children!
SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year! Goodbye!
(SANTA CLAUS, SNOW MAIDEN and SNOWMAN (if there was one) leave)

End of the holiday
Children are given 15-20 minutes for a snack (juice and cookies), after which the parents announce to the children that everyone is getting dressed and going to release firecrackers (confetti) on the street.



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