home - Installation 
Volume of the room for installing a gas boiler snip. How to install a gas boiler in a private house

A gas boiler room is a place of increased danger. The requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler in a private house are intended to prevent possible emergency situations and operate the equipment in the safest possible manner.

Before putting the boiler room into operation, the design and technical conditions must be agreed upon. Installation taking into account existing building codes and procedures will facilitate the preparation of documents and permits.

Standard area for a gas boiler

Features of the installation and placement of gas equipment are regulated by several regulatory documents. Detailed instructions are described:
  1. (formerly SNiP 31-02-2001)
  2. (SNiP II-35-76)
  3. (formerly SNiP 42-01-2002)
According to the given regulatory documents, installation of a gas boiler is possible subject to the following technical conditions:
  • Installation is allowed in non-residential premises of a private or apartment building. Sanitary requirements prohibit the use of living rooms and kitchens for installation of equipment. Installation in a room separated from the main rooms and corridor by a door leaf is allowed.
  • The basic technical requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber include the following restrictions. Installation in a room with a ceiling height of at least 2 m and a total volume of at least 8 m³ is allowed.
    The rules allow the equipment to be mounted in kitchen furniture and covered with removable decorative structures. Boilers with closed combustion chambers are allowed and recommended for use in apartment heating.
  • Regulatory requirements for the room in which it is planned to install a gas boiler with an open combustion chamber require an increase in the size of the boiler room. The minimum permissible area is at least 9 m². At the same time, the ceiling height should be more than 2.3 m. The boiler is installed diagonally from the front door to ensure an unhindered flow of fresh air.
  • Technical requirements for the room for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house indicate the need to comply with the following rules:
    1. Installation is allowed only on a blank wall that does not have window or door openings.
    2. The distance from the ceiling to the boiler is at least 80 cm.
    3. It is prohibited to hang the boiler on plasterboard or any other partition made of lightweight materials.
  • The norm for the internal volume of a room is calculated in each case individually. The minimum technical parameters are as follows: boilers up to 30 kW - at least 7.5 m³; up to 60 kW – 13.5 m³.

The total thermal power of all heating devices (radiators, boilers, boilers) in an apartment in a multi-storey building should not exceed 150 kW.

Ventilation in a boiler room with a gas boiler

The boiler room provides artificial and natural ventilation. Air replacement parameters in the room are calculated based on the power and type of gas boiler.

Natural ventilation is necessary to prevent carbon monoxide from accumulating indoors. High concentrations of CO in the boiler room threaten the health and lives of residents living in heated premises.

Another reason why it is necessary to design and install supply and exhaust ventilation is the need to remove excess heat from pipelines and heating equipment.

At the stage of preparing a gas supply project, the following requirements and recommendations are taken into account:

  • Natural supply ventilation in a room with a gas boiler is ensured by the location of the boiler diagonally from the front door. The rules stipulate that the door should not have a lower threshold and that after the boiler room is closed, there should be a gap at the bottom of the opening for unimpeded air flow. If it is difficult to meet this standard, ventilation holes are provided in the door leaf at a distance of 30 cm from the floor.
  • The boiler room must have two ventilation ducts: supply and exhaust. For a boiler with a capacity of up to 30 kW, it is allowed to place the air supply unit at a distance of 30 cm from the floor surface with a diameter of 100-150 mm. The hood is installed next to the gas boiler.
    The size of the ventilation duct is calculated depending on the power and type of heat generator used, but, as a rule, a hole of more than 100 mm in diameter is provided.
  • If natural air replacement is not enough, the boiler room is equipped with forced ventilation. Efficient air circulation is achieved through several blower fans connected to sensors installed in the room. When the concentration of carbon dioxide increases, the fans start working. Simple ventilation schemes provide for manual turning on and off of fans.
  • Boilers with a coaxial pipe (closed type) do not require forced ventilation. A blower fan is already installed in the boiler body, through which air is taken in from the street and combustion products are removed.

Ventilation in boiler rooms must comply with the instructions set out in SP 89.13330. The air exchange rate is calculated in such a way as to ensure a complete threefold replacement of air masses within 1 hour.

Fire safety requirements

Fire standards for gas boilers separately stipulate the requirements for industrial and domestic boiler houses. To clarify existing restrictions, premises used for installation of heating equipment are classified according to the type of explosion and fire hazard. The class assigned to gas boiler houses is B1-B4.

Current fire safety requirements for the premises of private houses with installed domestic gas boilers include the following:

  • It is allowed to install atmospheric boilers on the ground floor and on the roof of the building, provided that the premises comply with the standards specified in SNiP. Connecting and operating boilers with an open combustion chamber in the basement is prohibited.
    Heat generators with a closed combustion chamber are installed in the basement and any non-residential premises in the house. Installing the boiler in the attic is possible, provided there is good thermal insulation and fire safety cuts and gaps are observed.
  • Requirements for building materials - the boiler room is fenced on all sides with fire-resistant partitions with a minimum fire resistance limit of at least EI45 (0.75 hours).
  • Doors must open outwards.
  • In domestic boiler houses, a fire alarm is not mandatory, but a recommended measure to prevent emergency situations.
  • Floor, walls and ceiling of the boiler room (in case of installation of suspended heating equipment)? lined with non-combustible materials - ceramic tiles, plasterboard, plaster, etc.
For industrial boiler houses, similar standards apply with minor exceptions:
  • A warning system for gas leaks and fires must be installed.
  • The fire alarm and fire warning system in a gas-fired boiler room must meet the requirements set out in.
    If the boiler room is classified as class G, it is necessary to equip it with a device that monitors gas leaks. All sensors are connected to the boiler controller, which gives a signal to turn off the heating equipment if the permissible levels of carbon monoxide in the air exceed the maximum value.

Requirements for doors and windows in a gas boiler room

High SNiP requirements apply to windows and doors located in a gas boiler room:
  • Windows – sufficient natural lighting is provided in the boiler room. The width of the window opening is calculated depending on the volume of the room. A window is required.
  • Doors – a door leaf is installed, at least 80 cm wide. There are doors leading from the boiler room directly to the street. All door panels leading into the house and onto the street must open outward. The box is installed without a lower threshold.
In domestic boiler rooms, a luminous emergency exit sign is installed directly above the door.

Lighting standards for a gas boiler room

Artificial and natural lighting of the room is provided. Switches are installed outside the boiler room. For industrial boiler equipment, sealed lamps with metal braid are installed.

Calculation of the width of the window opening is calculated using the formula - 1 m³ of room = 0.03 m² of window opening.
The calculations do not take into account partitions and window frames. The calculation is carried out based on the window opening. The window must have a window.

Boiler room energy supply rules

Building codes for installing a gas boiler in a private house provide recommended and mandatory requirements affecting the energy supply of boiler equipment. These include:
  • Volatile boilers are connected to the power supply network through a voltage stabilizer and UPS. The capacity of the uninterruptible power supply is selected to ensure uninterrupted operation of the boiler for 12 hours.
  • A grounding loop must be installed. During operation, a boiler of any type generates low-potential voltage. Under certain circumstances, a spark of static electricity can cause fire and explosion.
  • The boiler room is connected directly from the switchboard.
To make sure that the location of the boiler and the room that is planned to be used as a boiler room complies with the standards described in SNiP, Federal Law and SP, before starting design work, you should obtain competent advice from a representative of the gas industry.

Gas still remains the cheapest type of fuel. Accordingly, the cheapest heating is obtained using natural gas. True, installing a gas boiler is associated with certain difficulties - the premises must comply with fire safety standards.

To install powerful gas boilers, a separate room is required

Gas boiler installation standards

To avoid any troubles when putting the gas boiler into operation, it is necessary to select the installation location in accordance with current standards. The installation of a gas boiler in a private house (single-apartment or semi-detached) is regulated by SNiP 02/31/2001, and the installation rules in apartment buildings are prescribed in SNiP 2.08.01.

For private houses

According to the standards, a gas boiler can be installed in a ventilated room, which is located:

  • on the first floor of the house;
  • in the basement or basement;
  • in the attic:
  • gas boilers with a power of up to 35 kW (according to MDS 41.2-2000 up to 60 kW) can be installed in the kitchen.

There are currently two standards in force regarding the installation of boilers in the kitchen. According to one document, heating devices with a power of no more than 35 kW can be placed, according to another - no more than 60 kW. And we are talking only about heating devices. Gas stoves or other appliances using gas are not taken into account.

What to do? You need to find out what standards your GorGaz adheres to. After all, it is their representatives who will accept the equipment into operation. Actually, the designer should tell you all the details, but it is also advisable to know this - you will need to prepare the room for installation.

Where to put

Now let’s talk about where and how gas equipment of different capacities can be located. We will talk about gas boilers and their power is summed up:

  • with a power of up to 150 kW inclusive - in a separate room on any floor, including the basement and basement;
  • from 151 kW to 350 kW inclusive - in a separate room on the first, basement or ground floor, as well as in a separate attached room.

More powerful installations are not used in private homes.

Requirements for kitchens in which a gas boiler is installed

When placing a flow-through gas water heater or a gas heating boiler with a power of up to 60 kW in the kitchen, the room must meet the following standards:

There is one more thing that is not specified in the standards, but which exists: installing a gas boiler is allowed only in a room with doors. In light of the latest trends - removing partitions and making doors instead - this can be a problem. Without a door, the permit will not be signed. The solution is to put or . Another option is glass doors. They do not “load” the interior, but they are perceived exactly as doors.

All these requirements must be met. If there are violations, they simply won’t sign the acceptance certificate for you.

Requirements for individual premises

They are similar, but there are some differences:

  • Ceiling height - at least 2.5 m;
  • The volume and area of ​​the room are determined by ease of maintenance, but should not be less than 15 m3.
  • Walls leading to adjacent rooms must have a fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours and zero limit for the spread of fire through the structure (brick, concrete, building blocks).
  • An exhaust hood with the same requirements: for outflow - three times exchange, for inflow in the same volume, plus air for combustion.
  • The room must have a window. The glass area is at least 0.03 m2 per cubic meter of volume.

If equipment is installed with a power of 150 kW or more, one of the prerequisites is the presence of access to the street. A second exit can be equipped - to a utility room (not residential). This could be a storage room or a hallway. Doors must be fireproof.

Please note that when calculating windows, the glass area is considered, not the size of the window opening. Moreover, in some cases they require at least one glass with an area of ​​at least 0.8 square meters. If enlarging the windows is problematic, you can make a similar window in the door (the regulations do not say that it must be in the wall).

How to attach boiler rooms

Sometimes it is not possible to allocate a separate room in the house. In this case, the boiler room is added. The standards for ceiling height, volume, glazing and ventilation remain the same as for individual rooms, only specific standards are added:

Please note that the extension must be registered. No one will give you gas without official documents. And one more thing: when designing it, lay down all the standards without deviations, otherwise they won’t accept it. If the installation of a gas boiler is planned in an existing room, they may turn a blind eye to some deviations or offer some compensation (if there is a missing volume or height of the ceilings, they may be asked to increase the glazing area). For newly constructed buildings (and extensions too) there are no such discounts: they must include all standards.

Combined kitchens

Today it has become fashionable to have or. It turns out to be a single large space in which it is easy to implement design ideas. But the gas service regards such premises as residential and prohibits the installation of gas equipment.

It will not be possible to solve the problem with a studio apartment, but with a combined apartment there is a solution. If you are just planning to combine the kitchen and living room, when preparing the documents, call the resulting room kitchen-dining room. This premises is not residential, so there will be no restrictions. If the papers have already been completed, you can try to redo them or go the other way - install a sliding partition. True, in this case, the documents will need to be redone.

Place for installing a gas boiler

If we talk specifically about apartments, then gas boilers are installed in them, mostly in the kitchens. There are all the necessary communications: running water, gas, a window and an exhaust hood. All that remains is to determine a suitable location for the boiler. For this installation, wall-mounted (mounted) boilers are used. They are installed on several hooks fixed to the walls (usually included in the kit).

As for installation in other areas of the apartment or house, as a rule, none of them meet the requirements. For example, in the bathroom there is no window with natural light, the corridor is usually not suitable in size - there is not enough tolerance from the corners or to the opposite wall, there is usually no ventilation at all or it is insufficient. The problem with storage rooms is the same - there is no ventilation and windows, there is not enough volume.

If there is a staircase in the house to the second floor, the owners often want to place the boiler under the stairs or in this room. In terms of volume, it usually passes, but in terms of ventilation it will have to be very powerful - the volume is considered to be at two levels and it is necessary to ensure its threefold exchange. This will require several pipes (three or more) of a very large cross-section (at least 200 mm).

Once you have decided on the location for installing the gas boiler, all that remains is to find a place for it. It is selected based on the type of boiler (wall-mounted or floor-standing) and the manufacturer’s requirements. The technical data sheet usually specifies in detail the distances from the wall on the right/left, the installation height relative to the floor and ceiling, as well as the distance from the front surface to the opposite wall. These may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, so it is worth reading the manual carefully.

Installation standards according to SNiP

  • Gas boilers can be installed on fireproof walls at a distance of at least 2 cm from it.
  • If the wall is fire-resistant or combustible (wooden, frame, etc.), it must be protected with fireproof material. This can be a three-millimeter sheet of asbestos, on top of which a sheet of metal is fixed. Plastering with a layer of at least 3 cm is also considered as protection. In this case, the boiler must be hung at a distance of 3 cm. The dimensions of the fireproof material must exceed the dimensions of the boiler by 10 cm from the sides and bottom, and from the top must be 70 cm larger.

Questions may arise regarding asbestos sheet: today it is recognized as a material hazardous to health. It can be replaced with a layer of mineral wool cardboard. And also keep in mind that ceramic tiles are also considered a fireproof base, even if they are laid on wooden walls: a layer of glue and ceramics provide the required fire resistance.

The installation of a gas boiler relative to the side walls is also regulated. If the wall is non-flammable, the distance cannot be less than 10 cm. For flammable and non-combustible walls, this distance is 25 cm (without additional protection).

If a floor-standing gas boiler is installed, the base must be non-flammable. A non-flammable stand is made on the wooden floor. It must provide a fire resistance rating of 0.75 hours (45 minutes). These are either bricks laid on spoons (1/4 brick size) or thick ceramic floor tiles laid on top of an asbestos sheet fixed to a metal sheet. The dimensions of the non-combustible base are 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the installed boiler.


SNiP 31-02 sets requirements for the placement of gas pipeline entries into the house and the placement of gas cylinders in the premises of the house, as well as for the maximum pressure in the internal gas pipeline of the house. Gas supply system must meet fire safety and explosion safety requirements during operation.

9.1 General requirements

9.1.1. Gas consuming equipment for the heating system, hot water supply and ventilation of the house, as well as gas stoves for cooking they are connected to the centralized gas supply network. In the absence of a centralized gas supply, a autonomous gas supply system based on individual cylinder units or liquefied gas tanks, providing gas fuel to all the above-mentioned home systems or part of them.
9.1.2. When using gas only for cooking, it is recommended to arrange gas supply from individual cylinder units, consisting of one or two cylinders. In other cases, it is recommended to use individual liquefied gas tank units.
9.1.3. When making approximate calculations of the required volume of gas consumption, it is recommended to use the following average daily gas consumption indicators for a single-family house:
- cooking on a gas stove - 0.5 m3/day;
- hot water supply using a gas instantaneous water heater - 0.5 cubic meters/day;
- heating using a household gas heating apparatus with a water circuit (for the conditions of the Moscow region) - from 7 to 12 m3/day.

9.1.4. Estimated gas pressure in the internal gas pipeline of the house should be taken no more than 0.003 MPa.
9.1.5. At design and installation of a home gas supply system you should be guided by SNiP 2.04.08, SNiP 3.05.02 and “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”.

9.2 Entry into the house when connected to a centralized gas supply network

9.2.1. Height of laying overhead gas pipelines in the adjacent area, outside the passage of vehicles and the passage of people, there should be at least 0.35 m from the ground to the bottom of the pipe.
9.2.2. Low pressure gas supply pipeline directly at the entrance to the house must be equipped with a disconnecting device at a height of no more than 1.8 m from the ground surface (Figure 9.1).

Rice. 9.1.

9.2.3. Distance between the gas pipeline and pipelines of other communications should be taken taking into account the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of each pipeline.

9.3 Entry into the house when installing an autonomous gas supply system

9.3.1. Outside the home, gas cylinders should be placed in a metal cabinet near the outer wall of the house. The cabinet must be installed on a base made of non-combustible material, the top of which must be at least 100 mm above the planning ground level. The distance from the closet to the doors and windows of the first floor must be at least 0.5 m, from the windows and doors of basement and basement rooms, cellars, wells, and cesspools - at least 3.0 m. Input of gas pipeline from cylinders the house must be installed directly in the room where the gas equipment is located.
9.3.2. It is recommended to install an individual liquefied gas tank installation directly into the ground at such a depth that the distance from the surface of the earth to the top of the tank is at least 0.6 m in areas with seasonal soil freezing and at least 0.2 m in areas without soil freezing. If the groundwater level is high, tanks should be waterproofed and installed on a reliable foundation. Laying a low pressure gas pipeline It is recommended to lead from the tank to the house underground.

9.4 Internal gas pipeline

9.4.1. Laying an internal gas pipeline, as a rule, should be open. Allowed hidden laying of gas pipelines(except for liquefied gas pipelines) in the grooves of the walls, closed with easily removable shields with holes for ventilation.
9.4.2. Gas pipeline at intersections of building structures should be placed in cases. The end of the case must protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm. The annular gap between the case and the gas pipeline must be at least 5 mm. The space between the gas pipeline and the casing must be sealed with elastic materials. 9.4.3. Internal gas pipeline must be painted with waterproof paints and varnishes.
9.4.4. Gas consumption meters should be placed in a room where there is a heat generator or gas stoves.
9.4.5. The installation of shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided in front of the meter and gas-consuming devices.
9.4.6. Compressed or liquefied gas cylinders, placed inside the house, should be installed only in rooms where gas-consuming appliances are located. Installation of cylinders is not allowed in basements and basements, rooms without natural light and ventilation.

9.4.7 Installation of household gas stoves The distance between the edge of the top of the slab and the wall made of non-combustible materials must be at least 50 mm. In a kitchen with walls made of flammable materials, the wall against which the stove is installed must have a fire-retardant coating, for example, in the form of a layer of plaster or a sheet of roofing steel over an asbestos sheet (unless another technical solution is provided in the factory instructions for installing the stove). The specified covering must be located from the floor to a height of at least 800 mm above the surface of the slab and protrude beyond the slab on both sides by at least 100 mm. The distance between the edge of the top of the slab and the wall in this case must be at least 100 mm.

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house

Installation Standards

The room in which the heating boiler is supposed to be installed must comply with the standards specified in SNiP. For single-apartment and semi-detached houses, installation rules are specified in SNiP 02/31/2001; installation of gas heating units in apartments in multi-apartment buildings is regulated by SNiP 2.08.01. "Residential buildings."

It is also useful to review the information provided in the following documents:

  • SNiP 2.04.08-87 “Gas supply”;
  • SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”;
  • SNiP 21-01-97 “Fire safety of buildings and structures”;
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings”;
  • SNiP 42-101-2003 “General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes.”

Coordination and design

Installation of gas equipment is carried out according to the prepared project. And to develop it, you need to obtain installation technical conditions (TU) by contacting the relevant authorities.

It is prohibited to carry out installation work until the corresponding project has been drawn up, agreed upon and approved

The home owner submits an application to a local organization whose function is to supply main gas to the population. This is Gorgaz or Oblgaz. The application must indicate the planned gas consumption for heating, hot water preparation, cooking, etc. This is based on the heated area of ​​the house, the need for hot water, etc. Calculations are performed according to the average indicators given in SNiP 31-02, clause 9.1.3.

Specialists from the local gas supply organization review the application and prepare documents on technical connection conditions (or write a reasoned refusal). This takes from one week to a month.

Technical conditions are a permitting document for connection, which at the same time strictly regulates the work. Unauthorized (without obtaining technical specifications) installation of gas boiler equipment is prohibited by law.

A project for connecting a house to a central gas supply and an equipment installation diagram must be developed by professionals licensed for this type of work. You can contact the design department of Gorgaz or Oblgaz, or take advantage of the offer of a licensed commercial company. The second option is noticeably more expensive, but the project will be ready and agreed upon in a short time.

Requirements for private houses

Current norms and rules provide for the installation of a gas boiler unit in a room with sufficient ventilation, located:

  • on the 1st floor of a private house;
  • in the basement or ground floor;
  • in the annex;
  • in the attic;
  • in the kitchen - with power restrictions: only up to 35 kW (according to MDS 41.2-2000, installation of boilers up to 60 kW is allowed).
Note! There are two standards regarding the installation of a heating unit in the kitchen. Since the installed unit will be commissioned by the local gas service, at the heating system design stage, ask what standard this organization has taken as a basis.

When choosing which room to place the boiler in, you should take into account power limitations:

  • 150 kW or more - a separate room is suitable, regardless of the floor location;
  • 151 kW – 350 kW - in an extension, on the first or ground floor, in the basement.

If, in addition to the boiler unit, it is planned to use a gas water heater, the power of the equipment is summed up. It is not allowed to install more than two heating units in one room.

Requirements for the premises for installing a gas boiler

Requirements for kitchens

If you are planning to install a heating unit with a power of up to 60 W in the kitchen, check that the room complies with current requirements and regulations. First of all, calculate the required volume: to 7.5 cubic meters, add one cubic meter for each kW of the rated power of the boiler equipment. The ceiling height must be at least 2.2 meters.

Also required:

  • high-quality ventilation - the influx must compensate for the air consumption for gas combustion in an open firebox; installation of an exhaust hood is required, the productivity of which is at least three times the volume of the room;
  • a window with a window, and with a glass thickness of 3 mm, the glazing area must be at least 0.8 m2, respectively, for a glass thickness of 4 mm this figure is 1 m2, for 5 mm - 1.5 m2.
  • a gap under the kitchen door with an area of ​​0.25 m2 or a hole of the same area in the lower part of the door, covered with a grill.

Double-circuit wall-mounted heating device in the kitchen
Important! If there is an arch instead of a wall with a door between the kitchen and the adjacent room, or if both rooms are combined by removing the partition, regulatory organizations may not allow the installation of a gas unit in the kitchen. In some cases, installing sliding, folding or glass doors will help solve the problem of obtaining a permit.

Separate rooms for the boiler room

The requirements for the room in which the gas boiler will be installed are similar to the requirements for the kitchen, but there are a number of differences. The boiler room must have the following parameters:

  • ceiling height from 2.2 meters;
  • the volume of the room is at least 15 m 3, this does not depend on the power of the boiler unit, the main thing is to ensure ease of maintenance;
  • non-flammable material for the manufacture or decoration of walls leading to adjacent rooms (fire resistance limit 0.75 hours, non-propagation of fire through structures);
  • exhaust with a threefold exchange for outflow and with the same inflow and additional volume of air for the operation of the atmospheric burner of the boiler;
  • the presence of a window, while the glass area should be from 0.03 m2 per cubic meter of room volume. If the glazing area is insufficient and it is not possible to enlarge the window, an additional window is installed in the front door.

The area of ​​the furnace room depends on the power of the gas boiler

A boiler room designed to install gas equipment for heating and water heating with a total power of over 150 kW must have access to the street. If there is a second exit, it should lead to a non-residential premises - to a corridor, storage room, etc. Fire doors need to be installed.

Extension equipment

If there is no suitable room to install a gas boiler in a private house, a special extension is built outside. In terms of cubic capacity, ceiling height, glazing and hood, the requirements for it coincide with those prescribed for individual rooms in the house. But in addition to this, other norms must be observed.:

  • an extension for the boiler room is built only against a solid wall, at a distance of at least a meter from the door or window opening;
  • for the construction of walls, non-flammable material is used (withstands 45 minutes before ignition, does not propagate combustion), which includes building blocks of various types - brick, concrete;
  • the wall structures of the extension should not be connected to the wall of the house - a separate foundation is built for the structure, and all four walls are erected.

Schematic representation of the boiler room extension to the house
Note! The extension must be officially registered. Without the appropriate document, gas services do not have the right to authorize gas supply to it. During the design and construction stage, make sure that the extension meets all current regulations, otherwise the gas connection will be refused.

General requirements for a boiler room

The rules for installing a gas boiler regulate the arrangement of the boiler room. In particular, it is required:

  • width of the entrance door leaf - from 0.8 m;
  • the gap between the doorway and the boiler is 1.3-1.5 m (at least 1 m);
  • free space in front of the boiler unit - from 1.3 m (for ease of installation work and further maintenance);
  • floor made of non-combustible material, hard, strictly horizontal surface;
  • separate foundation for heavy floor models;
  • availability of sewerage and water supply (for filling and flushing the boiler and heating system circuit);
  • availability of electrical wiring with grounded sockets (for connecting volatile automation of the boiler unit);
  • the presence of a chimney and free access to it (to the inspection window) for the purpose of control and preventive cleaning work.

Options for placing a gas heating unit in the house

If the walls of the boiler room are made of combustible material (wood), they must be lined with fire-resistant material.

Ventilation and chimney

Installation of ventilation and a channel for removing combustion products must be carried out in compliance with SNiP standards, since their ineffective operation can damage the boiler unit and provoke an emergency situation. Ventilation and smoke exhaust channels must be separate.

The supply ventilation inlet is located at the bottom of the door or at the bottom of the outer wall. Its area should be from 1/30 of the total area of ​​the room, while if the ventilation hole faces the street, its area should be from 80 mm 2 per 1 kW of heating boiler power, and if the window leads into the room, then from 300 mm 2 per 1 kW. The vents are always kept open to maintain effective air circulation.

If you plan to install mechanical ventilation in a gas boiler room, the requirements for it should be clarified at the design stage. In any case, the system should provide three times the air in the room is renewed within an hour.

Chimney outlet from a wall-mounted gas boiler with a closed combustion chamber

The boiler must be installed as close as possible to the chimney duct, the exhaust opening of which must be no smaller than the cross-section of the smoke outlet pipe of the heating unit. Low carbon or stainless steel is used to make the chimney pipe. Pipes made of asbestos concrete and other materials are not allowed to be connected directly to the pipe - the distance between the boiler outlet and such a pipe must be at least 50 cm. No more than three turns or bends of the chimney pipe are allowed.

Attention! It is optimal to use a sandwich pipe, which is assembled from ready-made elements.

The correct operation of the boiler directly depends on the draft. The height of the chimney should be calculated and installed in such a way that its head is located outside the wind pressure zone. Accordingly, the height of the pipe:

  • on a flat roof - at least 50 cm from the parapet (if available) or the flooring plane itself;
  • on a pitched roof, at a horizontal distance of up to 150 cm from the ridge, - at least 50 cm;
  • on a pitched roof, at a horizontal distance of 250-300 cm from the ridge - no less than the height of the ridge;
  • on a pitched roof, at a distance of more than 300 cm horizontally from the ridge, the head is placed on a conventional line, which is drawn at an angle of 10° to the horizon from the top point of the ridge.

Installation of a wall-mounted boiler

Wall-mounted units of small power can be placed outside a specially equipped boiler room, but they are prohibited from being installed in residential premises and bathrooms.

It is convenient to install a compact heating unit in the kitchen if it meets all the requirements. This room already has water supply, sewerage, electrical wiring, and there is or will be a gas pipeline. In this case, you should pay attention to the following requirements for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler:

  • the space under the boiler unit must remain free;
  • a wooden or frame wall of a house must be protected with a screen made of non-combustible material;
  • the distance from the back wall of the boiler to the fireproof wall is from 2 cm, from the protective screen - from 3 cm;
  • the distance from the side walls is 10 cm for non-combustible, 25 cm for unprotected fire-resistant and flammable ones.

Installation of a wall-mounted double-circuit gas appliance

SES standards prohibit the use of asbestos in residential premises, therefore, to protect a wooden or frame wall, you can use mineral fiber cardboard, tile cladding, and a 3 cm thick layer of plaster. The screen must exceed the dimensions of the boiler wall by 10 cm from the bottom and sides and 70 cm from the top .

Standard mounts are mounted on the wall, and the boiler unit is hung on them. The smoke pipe is connected to a pre-installed chimney. Connect the power supply for the automation (the outlet must be grounded). Connect the heating circuit pipes. Gas connection and commissioning are carried out by specialists from the relevant service.

Installation of a floor-standing unit

Let's look at how to properly install a floor-standing gas boiler in a specially equipped room. At the boiler room design stage, provision is made for the construction of a separate foundation for a high-power boiler. The foundation is made of reinforced concrete and must be strictly horizontal. This avoids vibration and noise during equipment operation.

If a room is allocated for the boiler room on the ground floor of the house, and the floor is wooden, it is necessary to prepare a flat, non-combustible base. For this, brickwork on a spoon (flat with the wide side) or laying thick ceramic tiles (a “sandwich” of metal and then an asbestos sheet, which is glued to the metal, is placed under it). The size of the base is selected depending on the dimensions of the boiler - it should protrude at least 10 cm on each side.

Installation diagram of a floor-standing gas boiler

If the wall of the house behind the boiler is made of combustible or difficult-to-burn material, it is recommended to protect it according to the same principle as in the case of installing a wall-mounted heat generator.

After the base has gained strength, you can install the boiler in place and connect it to the chimney, to the heating circuit. The double-circuit unit is also connected to the hot water supply system. Provides power supply for automatic devices.

After completing the installation of a floor-standing gas boiler, you should call representatives of the gas service. Specialists must check the compliance of the premises and equipment with the requirements of the technical specifications. If everything is normal, the equipment is connected, commissioning work is carried out, and an agreement for the provision of gas supply services is drawn up.


You can install a gas boiler yourself, but it is important to entrust the preparation of the project to professionals. Supervisory authorities have the right to demand compliance with all technical conditions, so any error will lead to a refusal to connect the gas.

Probably no one will argue about the statement that gas systems are most preferable for use in private houses and cottages. Gas boilers are quite reliable and efficient, have relatively low fuel consumption and make it possible to regulate the air temperature in the room, which directly depends on the power of the boiler in closed heating systems. What you need to know before installing this equipment will be discussed in this publication.

General requirements

The rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house are strictly regulated. That is why, before creating autonomous heating based on a gas boiler unit, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the regulatory documents that must be followed at all stages of the work. First of all, this is: SNiP 2.04.08-87; SNiP 2.04.01-85; SNiP 2.04.05-91; SNiP 41-01-2003; SNiP 21-01-97.

Gas heating systems differ in many respects. When installing, an important point is the number of circuits, location and method of exhaust gas removal. Single-circuit boiler equipment is used to heat the premises of a private house. Many models can work with indirect heating boilers to create domestic hot water. Double-circuit boilers are designed to create heating and domestic hot water at the same time.

Heating equipment for a private home can be wall or floor mounted. Floor-standing boilers, as a rule, have greater power and dimensions, due to the boiler placed in them. Such installations are demanding on the ventilation system of the room in which they are installed, the presence of a chimney with natural draft, the fire safety of the enclosing structures and the quality of the foundation on which the equipment will be installed. Mounted boilers are less demanding, and therefore more in demand among our compatriots.

Before installing a gas boiler in a private house, you must prepare its future location. It is prohibited by law to place gas mini-heaters in living rooms. For these purposes, a separate room with appropriate dimensions, proper ventilation, lighting and fire safety systems is ideal.

There is a direct relationship between the power of the boiler unit and the volume of the combustion room.

  • Power ≤ 30 kW requires a room volume ≥ 7.5 m 3 .
  • Power 30 - 59 kW requires a room volume ≥ 13.5 m 3.
  • Power ≥ 60 kW requires a room volume ≥ 15 m 3 .

If a closed heating system uses a cascade connection of gas boiler units, then the required area of ​​the boiler room is calculated based on the requirements: 4 m 2 of floor per installation, with a ceiling height of at least 2 m.

Regarding the walls and ceiling of the furnace room: they must be made of material with a fire resistance rating of 45 minutes.

As for ventilation: the room intended for the installation of gas boiler equipment must be equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system with a multiplicity of at least 3. The size of the supply air duct (when air is supplied from the street) is calculated at the rate of 8 cm 2 per 1 kW of boiler power. If the inflow is made from corridors and non-residential premises of the house, then the diameter of the air duct should be calculated in the ratio of 30 cm 2 per 1 kW of equipment power.

In addition, this room must have a window with a glazing area of ​​at least 0.3 m2 for every 1 m2 of floor.

Doors to the boiler room must also meet strictly defined requirements: the opening width is at least 0.8 m. To compensate for negative pressure, in case of problems with air flow, a gap of at least 2.5 cm in height is required between the threshold and the door.

Stepping away from the topic, we would like to inform you that we have prepared comparative reviews on gas boilers. You can familiarize yourself with them in the following materials:


Before connecting a gas boiler to the heating system and starting to enjoy all the benefits of civilization, you need to take care of the presence of utilities in the furnace room. In addition to the heating and gas supply system pipes, you need to take care of the following communications.

  1. Electricity is necessary for the operation of pumping equipment, igniters and automation. In addition, the boiler room needs light and an additional socket for possible connection of a stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply. Experts recommend organizing the power supply in the boiler room using a three-core cable, with a conductor cross-section of 2 mm 2. There must be a circuit breaker on the line. Light is made by using the required number of lamps with closed shades. Let us remind you that all electrical equipment must be grounded.
  2. Water pipes. Everything is simple here: despite the fact that the heating system is closed, over time the amount of coolant in it decreases. To recharge, you need running water. If you plan to connect a double-circuit gas boiler, then water supply is necessary to create hot water supply in the house.
  3. Sewerage. The need for a sewerage system is usually thought about only after the blast valve has been activated, as a result of which masses of coolant end up on the floor. The best option is to have a drain organized in the floor.

Smoke removal system

The chimney is an integral part of any gas (and not only) heating equipment. For turbocharged boiler units, they are used, which are small in size and are brought outside through a hole in the load-bearing wall. Installations with atmospheric burners are a different matter: the temperature of the exhaust gases at their outlet reaches 800 °C. It is precisely such devices that require a major chimney made in accordance with all fire safety rules.

Another important quality chimneys must have is to create natural draft. To do this, they must run strictly vertically, have a diameter corresponding to the power of the boiler unit and be correctly discharged through the roof. The figure shows the height of the chimney head, depending on its location on the roof.

As for the dependence of the chimney diameter on the power of the boiler unit: here you should focus on the data indicated in the installation passport.

Scheme and stages of connecting gas boilers

It is best if the connection is carried out by specialized specialists or services that will maintain your heating system. If your initiative to independently install boiler equipment finds support in the relevant authorities (which is very doubtful), then after preparing the project and the necessary permits and purchasing equipment, you can begin installing the boiler unit.

  1. Installation. The wall-hung boiler is mounted on the wall using special mounts or strips, which are usually supplied in the kit. The floor mounted one is mounted on a flat, fireproof surface. Unlike wall-mounted equipment, floor-standing boilers are installed at a distance of 25–30 cm from the wall. It is important to know that the installations must be accessible from all sides.
  2. Connection to the smoke exhaust system. Important! After connection, you need to make sure that there is draft in the chimney. Be sure to check the tightness of the connection between the outlet pipe and the chimney.
  3. Connection to communication systems. A typical diagram for connecting a gas boiler to a heating system with a two-pipe system looks as shown in the figure.

The following is a classic connection diagram for a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler.

From left to right: coolant outlet to the heating system; tap water inlet; gas main connection; hot water to the DHW system; inlet of cooled coolant from the heating system.

First of all, you should take care of installing taps on the water supply, heating and gas systems, which will be responsible for disconnecting these systems from the boiler during its maintenance and repair, as well as if emergency shutdown is necessary. Next, you should install a coarse filter on the inlet of the water supply system and the “return” of the heating system, using shut-off elements before and after it. The final stage will be to connect the boiler unit to the heating system and test run the installation. It should be carried out in the presence of gas industry specialists.



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