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Obesity and the army. How overweight or obesity affect the determination of suitability for the army. Obesity 4th degree conscription for military service.

The presence of obvious pathologies and diseases in a conscript is a good reason for granting a deferment or for declaring him unfit. There are the following categories that determine the degree of suitability:

  • category “A” indicates the conscript’s full suitability for service;
  • category “B” means the person liable for military service is fit for service with minor restrictions. In this case, the medical commission confirmed the presence of non-essential diseases (for example, visual impairment);
  • Category “B” recognizes the conscript as having limited fitness. He receives exemption from service in peacetime, and in wartime he is enlisted in the second place;
  • category “G” makes the conscript temporarily unfit. The presence of treatable diseases (fractures, obesity, etc.) makes it possible to grant a deferment of 6 months with a possible extension;
  • Category “D” recognizes a person liable for military service as completely unfit for military service.

What is obesity

Let's consider one of the most common ailments affecting the younger generation of our time - obesity. Sedentary lifestyle, unbalanced diet and presence in the diet harmful products(so-called fast food) are the key to excess weight in both boys and girls.

Its danger lies not in the presence of excess adipose tissue in the body, but in the resulting occurrence of concomitant diseases of organs and systems (problems with the heart, blood pressure, joints, etc.).

There are a huge number of factors that cause obesity. The main ones:

  • low mobility;
  • genetics (overweight parents, as a rule, have overweight children);
  • the presence of diseases of the endocrine system (hormone imbalance);
  • mental disorders (psychological overeating).

As a rule, lifestyle changes are sufficient for treatment - switching to foods rich in fiber and vitamins, and regular exercise. Only in special and exceptional cases is the help of a psychotherapist and drug treatment necessary.

Degrees of obesity according to BMI calculation

By law, obesity is a valid reason not to serve in the military. This disease is included in the list that meets the standards of military medical examination.

To determine and classify it, body mass index (BMI) is used.

According to the current regulations, the medical commission classifies obesity into 5 degrees of two age categories:

  1. Conscripts from 18 to 25 years old:
  • excess nutrition - BMI - from 23.00 to 27.40;
  • 1st degree – BMI – from 27.50 to 29.90;
  • 2nd degree – BMI – from 30.00 to 34.90;
  • 3rd degree – from 35.00 to 39.90;
  • 4th degree – from 40.00 and above.
  1. Conscripts aged 26 to 45 years:
  • excess nutrition - BMI - from 26.00 to 27.90;
  • 1st degree – BMI – from 31.00 to 35.90;
  • 2nd degree – BMI – from 36.00 to 40.90;
  • 3rd degree – from 41.00 and above.

Are obese people accepted into the army?

Persons liable for military service who have 1st or 2nd degree obesity and excess nutrition are assigned either category “A” or category “B”. Thus, they will be hired to serve.

Those with the 3rd or 4th degree are assigned category G (temporary unsuitability) with subsequent re-passing of the commission after 6 months. If you pass a medical examination multiple times and confirm this diagnosis, you are assigned category “D” (unfit for military service).

For example, a young man at the age of 18 has a body weight of 145 kg with a height of 178 cm. We calculate and obtain a BMI of 45.74. Thus, he falls under the 4th degree of obesity with the assignment of category “G” and is sent for a second examination in 6 months.

Conscripts who suffer from obesity should arrange to undergo a medical examination at their place of residence in advance. Indeed, in most cases it is accompanied by other serious diseases, the presence of which calls into question the service.

Obesity is a disease that does not require complex and expensive diagnostic procedures to confirm. You just need to calculate your BMI, compare it with the data indicated in this article, and report it to the medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office.

Obesity is a serious disease characterized by fat deposits throughout the body. Most often, the disease develops as a result of metabolic disorders. Men encounter this problem less often than women. Whether obese people are accepted into the army depends on the degree of advanced disease. Excess weight is a serious obstacle to exercise. Military service in this case is problematic. The possibility of deferment is determined individually after passing a medical commission.

The problem of obesity is becoming more and more urgent every year. The disease is provoked by an incorrect approach to nutrition and a low level of physical activity. Overweight people often suffer from comorbidities that reduce their quality of life.

Every young man needs to know whether obese people are accepted into the army. The decisive factor is body mass index. It is calculated based on height and body weight.

Body mass index helps assign a certain stage to obesity. At stage 1 of obesity, excess weight exceeds the norm by 30%.

Obesity of the 2nd degree is characterized by an increase in total body weight by 50% of normal values. At the next stage, the patient's weight increases by 60% or more.

In this case, characteristic signs of the disease appear. Diseases develop of cardio-vascular system and spine. Obesity of the 4th degree is accompanied by an increase in total body weight by 2 times.

The main sign of the disease is a visual change in figure. Excess fat most often localized in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and face.

TO characteristic symptoms diseases include:

  • dyspnea;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • swelling;
  • digestive dysfunction.

At the initial stages of the disease, a deferment from the army is not provided. Those with stage 3 obesity are not allowed to serve. In this case, serious diseases develop that affect a person’s activity.

Even banal walks in the fresh air are difficult. Severe shortness of breath appears and joint diseases develop. Some patients have heart problems.

Military service in the early stages of obesity can stimulate weight loss by increasing physical activity. It also reduces the likelihood of overeating and leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Military service creates discipline, which has a positive effect on a person’s lifestyle in the future.

Young men with stage 2 obesity are allowed to serve only in certain troops. At stage 1 of the disease there are no such restrictions. If a person is at the borderline stage between stages 2 and 3, he is still called to serve.

Is military deferment eligible for obesity?

In case of obesity of the 3rd degree, potential military personnel are assigned temporary unfitness for the army (category D).

If a deferment is given repeatedly, the young man is eventually assigned category D, which means absolute unfitness for military service. If a young man manages to lose weight in six months, he becomes fit for service.

To accurately determine whether obese people are being recruited into the army, you need to calculate your BMI. To do this, weight in kilograms must be divided by the square of height in meters. The resulting number is checked against the norm. The third stage of obesity is indicated by a body mass index of more than 35 units.

If calculations showed a figure from 25 to 35 units, then the young man should take care of his health. In this case, the likelihood of developing serious diseases increases.

Allowable weight for service

A decision on suitability for military service is not made based on body weight. The minimum body weight of a young man is considered to be 45 kilograms. In other cases, weight is assessed in conjunction with height and health. There are no maximum limits.

They are calculated individually. For example, for guys less than 170 cm tall, a weight of 110-120 kg will be critical. In this case, a deferment from the army is granted.

During the six-month deferment period, it is recommended to follow a diet and increase physical activity. A rational approach to nutrition will help you avoid dangerous health consequences. You should avoid eating sweet, salty and starchy foods.

If there is a temporary deferment, after six months the conscript is required to undergo a medical examination again.

It is equally important to exclude foods containing animal fats from the diet. It is also recommended to monitor cholesterol and glucose levels. Obese patients are prone to developing diabetes mellitus and vascular pathologies.

To lose weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake and increase your calorie expenditure through physical activity.

Obesity 3rd and 4th degree for the army

While it is possible to get into the army with grade 2 obesity, in other cases it becomes problematic. The third and fourth degrees of obesity provoke pathological processes in all life support systems.

The greatest pressure is placed on the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. At stage 3 of obesity, you can get into the army. With the development of stage 4 of the disease, this becomes impossible.

Obesity often provokes the appearance of type 2 diabetes. This causes difficulties with movement. Sometimes complete paralysis of the legs develops.

Therefore, it is important to start fighting the disease in time. In the last stages of obesity, a young man is most limited in various types activities. This makes him incapacitated.

Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a serious disease. As a result of its development, fatty deposits accumulate on internal organs, disrupting their functioning.

The most common complications of the disease that prevent military service include:

  • acute heart failure;
  • myocardial infarction and stroke;
  • thrombosis of the lower extremities;
  • blockage of blood vessels with atherosclerotic plaques;
  • degenerative joint diseases;
  • decreased fertility.

The life expectancy of a patient with advanced obesity is reduced by 10 years.

It is strictly prohibited to deliberately gain weight in order to obtain a deferment from military service. The disease affects health, causing various disorders. The first stages of the disease are not a reason for removal from service. At the third stage of obesity, people are not accepted into the army. But there is a high risk of disability with all the ensuing complications.

According to WHO, the problem of overweight and obesity is becoming increasingly relevant for people around the world; facts indicate that since 1980, the number of people suffering from obesity has doubled. Research conducted in our country confirms these data. It has been established that excessive fat deposits (precursors to the formation of excess weight) arise due to energy imbalance: high caloric content of consumed foods and low physical activity. The problem of obesity mainly lies in the fact that excess weight becomes a provoking factor in the development of many non-infectious diseases. The most common are: diabetes, coronary heart disease and other heart diseases, osteoarthritis, cancer. The risk of their development increases in proportion to the increase in excess weight. The last decade has seen an increase in obesity in children and adolescents; If measures are not taken, then in adulthood the quality of life will be significantly reduced due to poor health.

Do they accept obese people into the army?

The examination of obese conscripts is regulated by Article 13 of the Schedule of Diseases. Diagnosis should be based on body mass index. The diagnosis of obesity is made depending on age. If the disease is detected in a conscript for the first time, then a diagnosis and treatment in a hospital setting are necessary; in this case, the diagnosis has the prefix “nutritional.” For himself, the conscript can calculate the body mass index and check Will he be drafted into the army if he is obese?, however, the panel will only evaluate hospital discharge. You can check your BMI on the “Conscript” website page.

Get exemption from conscript service Conscripts with confirmed grade 3 obesity can join the army, that is, if they are significantly overweight, the conscript does not enter the army. The commission’s decision is made in favor of the conscript with the assignment of fitness category “B” (exemption from the army, issuance of a military ID, the conscript does not serve in peacetime, but can receive a summons to military training, for example).

Are people with stage 2 obesity recruited into the army?

If a conscript has obesity of degree 2 or less, then one should not count on exemption from the army under Article 13 of the Republic of Belarus. As a rule, with alimentary obesity of the 2nd degree, a conscript receives the fitness category “B-3” and is sent to serve in a certain branch of the military. It is possible that with additional examination (if there are complaints, of course), the conscript may be diagnosed with other diseases that accompany excess weight (cardiovascular, endocrine or digestive system).

Are those with 1st degree obesity accepted into the army?

According to the Schedule of Diseases, conscripts with 1st degree obesity are drafted into the army without restrictions by branch of service (assigned fitness category “A-3”, Article 13, paragraph “e” of the Schedule of Diseases).

Is military deferment eligible for obesity?

The military conscription commission may send a conscript for treatment or additional medical research, giving him a deferment until the next conscription (for six months). Deferment from the army for obesity involves observation within the walls of a medical institution with testing and treatment. At the end of the deferment period, the conscript will receive a new summons, according to which he is obliged to appear and undergo a re-examination.

The problem of obesity is particularly relevant today. The negative trend of increasing the number of people suffering from obesity among young people is extremely alarming. This is all due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, unfavorable environmental situation, and so on. Obese people not only experience psychological discomfort, but also suffer from a host of concomitant pathologies characteristic of obesity. Moreover, people in this case complain of progressive shortness of breath and fatigue when physical activity. Could these circumstances interfere with military service? Or in other words, are obese people recruited into the army?

Here it is important to know your body mass index in order to preliminarily assess your chances. In this article we will look at options for legally obtaining a deferment from the army or even a “white ticket”. You can read about other diagnoses in the article “What diseases are not accepted into the army.”

Obesity - what is it?

We all know that this disease means the deposition of excess fat in the body, which is accompanied by an increase in body weight. The pathogenesis of the problem lies in the fact that little energy is expended during human activity, or a lot of food with high energy intensity is received. An imbalance leads to a decrease in metabolism, extra centimeters appear, and not only at the waist. Male obesity occurs in 18.3% of the world's population.

Doctors distinguish 4 stages of the process:

  • Exceeding the norm by 20-29%
  • The patient's weight is 30-50% more than expected
  • Overweight by 60-99%
  • And finally - 100%

It would also be rational to calculate your body mass index, this will help identify the problem at the pre-medical stage. Calculating BMI is very simple. To do this, you need to divide your actual weight in kilograms by your height (squared). You need to worry as soon as the young man’s body mass index exceeds 24-26. Let's simulate the situation: a conscript at the age of 20 comes for a medical examination and with a height of 1.8m, he will be overweight, more than 80 kg. So do they take obese people into the army or not? This issue requires further development, because each case is considered individually. But there are norms prescribed by law. And now we will talk about them in more detail.

At what weight will they not be accepted into the army?

Those citizens who have the third degree of obesity can apply for enrollment in the reserve. At the same time, stage 3-1 obesity is far from the most The best way"slope down" The fact is that men with such excessive weight indicators suffer from pathologies of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems.

If young man body mass index exceeds 35.3, but does not rise above 39.7, it’s time to think about the “B” category. For example, a young man at the age of 19 is drafted into the army. At the medical commission, it becomes clear that with a height of 1.77m, his weight exceeds 110kg. Here the guy goes for examination. Only after this, the VC gives him a deferment of 6-12 months. The purpose of such a “vacation” is to return to normal levels. It is clear that no one will act forcibly and you can refuse to intervene. After all the activities, the conscript undergoes a re-examination. If the situation has not changed and the weight has not decreased to assign a different degree, he will be enlisted in the reserve with category “B”.

Will people with stage 4 obesity be accepted into the army? There is every reason to talk about category “D”. If the body mass index has jumped over 39.9 and approached 40-41, a non-conscription diagnosis is made. In this case, the examination takes place quickly: the young man comes to the VKK, undergoes an additional medical examination, after which he remains to listen to the decision of the VKK members. Heavy weight– this is not only an opportunity to get a ticket, but also a serious threat to health. Many men under the age of 27 suffer from this pathology. Receiving a ticket ensures that the young man will not be called up again, even if the grounds for release are not relevant. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at your health.

Even if your obesity level is insignificant to receive a deferment, you should not panic or despair. As you know, any disease is easier to cure with early stages Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a full examination of the whole body. This way you can find one or another disease that will prevent you from serving in the army.

Obesity is not a hindrance to military service

Young men who have stage 1 nutritional obesity are sent to serve. At this stage of the disease, weight gain is not considered catastrophic, so young people receive A-2 and prepare to bear all the hardships of military service. What does it mean? The young man has no restrictions on service, and the branch of the military does not play a role in this situation.

Any actions you take must comply with the letter of the law. And the “Schedule of Diseases” is considered a kind of “Bible” for military doctors. Looking at this document, you can find the following information: obesity of the second stage is the reason for assigning the category “B-3”. Thus, the conscript is sent to the army, but the branch of the army is determined taking into account his physiological characteristics, i.e. there are restrictions.

At a meeting of the All-Union High Commission the “fitness” of the conscript is determined. Neither stage 1 nor stage 2 obesity can interfere with the performance of military duties. Even if your weight balances between the second and third severity of obesity, there is a high chance of joining the army. Every kilogram counts here. Thus, to summarize, with the 2nd degree - they are suitable with minor restrictions, but with the 3rd, they will give a deferment, if the weight drops to the 2nd, they will also be called up.

Drawing conclusions

At 2nd degree, fitness category B is assigned, while the initial stages of obesity are not a contraindication for military service. Those with the third stage of obesity can count on a delay with category G. After treatment, a second medical examination is carried out; if there are no results, then category B (or B) is assigned. Serving in the military with obesity? At what weight are they not accepted into the army? What weight will they take into the army? The answers to all these questions will help you navigate and draw the right conclusions. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for applying for a deferment from the army for studies - it will be useful for all children of conscription age.

Every year, the number of people who have a weight that is far from ideal is steadily growing, and the reason for this is the consumption of unhealthy foods and a lifestyle that clearly lacks exercise. A young person suffering from obesity does not feel very well psychologically, and besides, obesity is inevitably accompanied by a number of concomitant diseases.

When the time comes for a guy to join the army, he cannot always count on a deferment from conscription. In the most “severe” cases, there is a chance to get a “white ticket”, but this circumstance pleases few, since the army is a passing phenomenon, and you have to live with excess weight, and normal life with fourth degree obesity is simply impossible.

What is obesity

Increased body weight caused by the deposition of fat obtained due to excess nutrition is obesity. When the amount of food entering the body is greater than the amount of energy expended, then all the extra calories begin to be deposited in the most different parts body (primarily at the waist), which is not surprising, since carbohydrates are endowed with the ability to smoothly transform into fat. And monosaccharides are especially “dangerous” in this regard. An excess of polysaccharides is not so terrible, because they are absorbed more slowly, and the body has to work hard to digest them.

According to statistics, about 20% of the male population of the planet is overweight. To determine the degree of obesity or, conversely, to make sure that body weight does not exceed the permissible norm, it is recommended to use a special formula called BMI (body mass index).

These simple mathematical calculations can be done independently, for which you simply need to divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height, expressed in meters. If the obtained indicator is within acceptable limits (18-23), then this is considered the norm. And if the norm is exceeded by more than 20%, then we can already talk about obesity.

Obesity levels

Doctors divide obesity into four to five stages, which sometimes causes confusion, and the same BMI (body mass index) is used to determine them. In addition to the four degrees of obesity, there is also the term “overnutrition,” in which the BMI is 23-27. If the result obtained during the calculations exceeds the norm by 20-29%, then it makes sense to talk about first-degree obesity. The second is when the “preponderance” is 30-50%, and the third is 51-99%. The most severe degree in all senses is the fourth, and if the norm is exceeded by 100% or more, then everything is completely bad, and the patient needs to immediately take care of his health.

If a conscript suspects that his weight is outside the norm, then he can independently, in a “pre-medical” manner, make such calculations. If your BMI is within the limits indicated above, then there is no reason to worry, and you will have to join the army (in the absence of other diseases that give the right to a deferment or complete exemption from service). When the BMI is 25 or more, then it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, since each case is considered individually within the framework of the current legislation.

All conscripts are divided into two age groups: from 18 to 25 years and over 25. For each of these groups there are their own standards, which do not differ very much, just by one unit. For example, if a conscript belongs to the first age group, then in order to diagnose him with the fourth degree of obesity, a BMI of 40 is sufficient, and for a conscript of the second age group this indicator should be 41.

Formula for calculating body mass index

Fitness categories for obesity

A citizen liable for military service who has the first or second degree of obesity or has “excess nutrition” will serve in the army, since he is assigned category “B” or “C”. The third and fourth degrees give the right to a deferment, and such conscripts are assigned category "G", meaning that the person liable for military service is temporarily unfit for military service.

Such a conscript will be forced to undergo a medical examination every 6 months, and this can continue countless times, and if the diagnosis is constantly confirmed, then doctors will inevitably have to assign category “D” to the failed soldier. That is, he is declared unfit for military service.

Conscript aged 18 to 25 years
Obesity level Suitability category
Excess nutrition 23.00 — 27.40 B (passable)
1st degree 27.50 — 29.90 B (passable)
2nd degree 30.00 — 34.90 B (passable)
3rd degree 35.00 — 39.90 G (deferment 6 months)
4th degree 40.00 and above D (not fit)
Conscript aged 26 to 45 years
Obesity level Suitability category
Excess nutrition 26.00 — 27.90 B (passable)
1st degree 28.00 — 30.90 B (passable)
2nd degree 31.00 — 35.90 B (passable)
3rd degree 36.00 — 40.90 G (deferment 6 months)
4th degree 41.00 and above D (not fit)

In what case will they be drafted into the army?

“Excess nutrition” and the first degree of obesity are not at all a reason for receiving a deferment: the conscript goes to serve on an equal basis with everyone else, and he has no restrictions, and no one will carefully select his type of military service. That is, a “slightly overweight” citizen liable for military service will join the army. The second degree in this regard is more “strict”, because it implies falling under category “B”, which means one thing: the future soldier has restrictions on service, and the type of military service will be selected for him in accordance with physiological characteristics.

It is noteworthy that if obesity “balances” between the second and third stages, then the likelihood of being sent to the troops is very high, but again, the choice of the type of troops will be made in accordance with the physiological characteristics of the body. A conscript who has been confirmed to have the third stage will not serve in the next six months. If, after this period, a repeat medical examination establishes that the young man has lost weight and his weight fits the definition of “second stage of obesity,” then he will join the army. The fourth degree is guaranteed to relieve the young man from military service.

Who is entitled to a deferment or a white ticket?

When a conscript appears for a medical examination and is found to have third degree obesity, he is given a deferment for six months. During this amount of time, he must lose weight and bring his weight back to normal (at least “catch up” with it to the second stage). It is noteworthy that neither members of the medical commission nor the military registration and enlistment office can force a conscript to undergo a course of treatment, go to a specialized clinic, go on a diet or purchase a gym membership. The decision about whether to lose weight or not to lose weight is made by the citizen himself.

If a person has no desire to part with his “precious” extra pounds, then no one can force him to do this. When the weight is at the same level, then after several medical examinations the conscript is simply assigned category “B” and he is enlisted in the reserves.

The most unpleasant thing is the “borderline” position between the second and third stages, and here there are frequent cases of abuse by the military registration and enlistment office and the medical commission, especially when there is a “shortfall” in the army.



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