home - Electrical equipment
Promising elementary school. Small letter letter e



Subject : Letter Her at the beginning of a word and after a vowel


-introduce the vowel letter E, which denotes 2 sounds at the beginning of a word and after the vowel;

- develop reading skills with the letter E

Lesson objectives:

- to develop in students the ability to read words with the letter E based on their experience;

Promote the development of students' initial skills research work; stimulate cognitive interest with the help of problem tasks;

- to cultivate observation, independence, the desire to become a literate person.


Textbook ABC, diagrams, pictures, toys

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

The lesson rang and fell silent

Let's start our lesson.

We sat down at the desk together,

They looked at each other.

Wish success with your eyes

And forward, forward for knowledge.

For successful work during the lesson, remember the main rules of the student.

2 Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, here are the letters that we studied. Divide the studied letters into 2 groups depending on what sound they represent.

How can each group be divided?

Vowels - denoting the softness and hardness of consonants,

Consonants – voiced and voiceless

What letter is left? Why?

Where do we take it? (to vowels, indicates the softness of consonants)

How did you determine that it was a vowel sound? (pronounced freely, without encountering an obstacle in the mouth)

Can you determine the topic of our lesson?

Lesson topic: Letter E.

What lesson objectives will we set?

1. Find out what sound the letter represents.

2. Find this letter and sound in the word.


E - [?]

[ ?]

3. "Discovery" of new knowledge.

Working with the textbook page 43

Drawing of the letter E.

Name the letter all together. What sound did you hear? [YE]

Say the first sound [th] What is it? (consonant, voiced, soft)

The second sound [e] is a vowel.

Find the letters E and J on the tape and color them in according to what sound they represent.

Look where the letter Y is located. What are these sounds called? (sonorant ones, they are always voiced)

Does the letter E always represent two sounds? What sound can the letter E (e,i) represent?

Give examples.

Let's find out when the letter E means 2 sounds.

What conclusion can we draw?

E< [ Й’]



Well done! What is special about the new letter?

(denotes (denotes 2 sounds if it is at the beginning of a word

And after the vowel)

4. Solving the puzzle.

Can you guess it? How did you reason?

He will never put anything unwashed into his mouth.

And you be like that

How neat... RACCOON

Who are raccoons? (furry animals)

Let's make a diagram of the word RACCONS(Work in pairs)

How many letters? How many sounds? Why?

5. Physical minute.

6. Game for attention. If there is a tricky letter E in a word, clap your hands - a salute to this letter. If not, then we hide - we crouch. Ready?

Egor, echo, ate, chalk, hedgehogs, river, spruce trees.

7. Consolidation. Work in groups.

Find the letter E in words, which means 2 sounds

E< [ Й’] снег

[E] we know

9. Lesson summary.

What letter did you learn today?

What new have you learned about the letter?

What was interesting?

What's difficult? Well done! Thank you!


Goals: introduce students to the function of the letter “е” to denote two sounds [й’о] in certain positions: at the beginning of a word and after vowels in a word; practice reading words with the letter “e”; consolidate knowledge symbol voiced, dull, hard and soft consonant sounds; teach accented pronunciation of consonant sounds based on single-level word models; develop the ability to read sentences as structural units that are relatively complete in meaning; develop phonemic awareness and sound pronunciation culture; cultivate a love for animals.

Planned results:

Subject : know and explain the function of the letter “е” to denote two sounds at the beginning of a word and after vowels; perform syllabic and orthoepic reading of the sound and letter patterns of a word.

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Psychological attitude to work “I wish you good luck”


Building a chainspeech - sentence - word - sound

Game "Vowel - Consonant" Children use signal cards (blue - red) to show which letter.

Work on the syllabic table.

III. Lesson topic message.

- Guess the riddle.

Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench,

They look at me

They want milk.(Hedgehog.)

– What letter do we write at the beginning of this word?

- Who guessed which one? topic of our lesson? (letter E)

IV. Letters Ё ё

Let's open the textbook on p.39.

Look at the letters Yoyo

Yo - take a look for yourself,

Letter with dots-eyes.

Let's open the alphabet and find the letter e.

Which letter is above the letter E, below the letter E?

IV. Sound analysis of words based on two-level models
(p. 39).

Guys in the left corner, look at the models. What can we tell from them?

The letter E does two jobs.

Let's determine the goals of the lesson. ( Find out what work the letter ё does, what sounds it means, learn to read words with the letter Ё)

– Look at the illustrations in the textbook.

– Who is pictured on the left?

– The fish is called “ruff” because of its spiny fins sticking out in different directions.

Hence the word “ruffy”, that is, “prickly”, “cocky”.

They called a brush and a brush - round, rough - for washing, for example, milk bottles.

– Read the word “ruff” syllable by syllable and spelling.

– Where is the letter “е” in the word?

- How many in a word sounds?

- How many letters are in the word?

(The letter “е” stands for two sounds – [й’о].)

(At the beginning of the word.)

– What is shown on the right?(buoy).

A buoy is a signal float on a river to indicate the boundary of something (for example, a sandbank, an area permitted for swimming.)

– Read the word“buyok” in syllables and spelling.

– Explain what the word “buoy” means.

– Where in the word?is there a letter "e"? What letter is followed by the letter "е"?(After another vowel.)

- How many sounds are there in a word?

- How many letters are in the word?

– Which letter represents two sounds?(The letter “ё” denotes two sounds - [й'о] - after another vowel letter.)

– When does the letter “ё” mean two sounds?(At the beginning of a word and after another vowel.)


The letter “е” denotes two sounds [й’], [о] at the beginning of a word, after another vowel letter.

Physical education minute

VI. Exercise in reading syllables, words, sentences (p. 39).

Reading words and sentences.

Working with the proposal diagram.

– Look at the illustration in the book. Who is pictured here?

-What is the girl doing?

-What is the boy doing?

– Analyze the sentence model diagram in the textbook. How many words does it have?

– What can you say about the first word of the sentence?(This is a helper word.)

– Make up sentences based on this diagram using the illustration in the book.

There are lemons on the table.

Masha has a shell.

Misha has a lot of lemons.

Physical education minute

VII. Reading text.

1. Reading text by reading children.


All the animals went to bed for the winter, and the hedgehogs lay down in a hole under the tree. But the little hedgehog can’t sleep.

- Mom! Why are we just sleeping and sleeping... Can I go to my friend the brush?

- What are you talking about? You'll still freeze. Sleep!

The hedgehog lay there, fidgeted and fidgeted, waited until his mother fell asleep, and crawled out of the hole. He got out and was surprised. Everything is white and white, and the snow on the Christmas trees sometimes looks like a chicken, sometimes like a hedgehog, and even like a brush!

- Oh, how great! But the brush sits in the river and doesn’t see any of this!

He ran to the river, and instead of the river there was only ice, and a hole in the middle.

- Ruff, ah ruff! What did I see! Well, ruff!

The hedgehog called for a long time, he was completely frozen. Finally a sleepy ruff emerged:

- Well, why are you shouting, won’t you let me sleep?

-Are you asleep too?

- And how. Until spring. You should go too, huh?

The hedgehog trotted home into a warm hole. I froze all over, ate honey so as not to get sick, and went to bed until spring.

G. Yudin

VIII. Lesson summary.

-Remember what goals you set at the beginning of the lesson? Have you achieved them?

– What sounds does the letter “e” mean?

– When does the letter “ё” mean two sounds?

Reflection "Fairytale Tree"


Goals: reveal the function of the letter “е” as an indicator of the softness of consonant sounds; practice reading words with the letter “e”; learn to read words syllable by syllable and spelling; develop the ability to read sentences as structural units that are relatively complete in meaning; develop phonemic awareness and sound pronunciation culture; cultivate a culture of educational work.

Planned results:

Subject : know the way to indicate the softness of consonant sounds using the letter “е”; explain the function of the letter “е” to denote two sounds at the beginning of a word and after vowels; perform syllabic and orthoepic reading of the sound and letter patterns of a word.

Personal UUD : in situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, make a choice about what to do.

Regulatory UUD: distinguish between the method and result of an action; acceptance of a practical task.

Cognitive UUD: use simple tables and diagrams to solve specific language problems; extract essential information from small readable texts.

Communicative UUD: convey your position to others; express your thoughts in oral speech; listen and understand the speech of others.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Psychological attitude to work "Smile"

II. Work on the syllabic table.

Let's read the vowels.

What vowel letters can represent two sounds?

What sounds does the letter "I" represent? "yo"?

Reading syllables.

III. Lesson topic message.

– What does a bear like most?(Honey.)

– What does water turn into in winter?(Ice.)

– Analyze the words “honey” and “ice”.

– What letter is followed by the letter “е”?(After a consonant.)

– Today in class we will learn what role the letter “e” plays after a consonant.

Exercise in reading syllables (p. 40).put the syllables on the board

– Compare the syllables in each column. How are they similar? What is the difference?

Name the vowels in the first column. What other job do these vowels do?

– How are the consonants in the first column pronounced?(Consonants are hard.)

Let's read the syllables in the first column.

Now let’s read the sound-letter model under these syllables. First we read the sound diagram - model (drawing out sounds). We read the letter diagram of the word (syllable by syllable, whole word).

Name the vowels in the second column. What other job do these vowels do?

– How are the consonants in the second column pronounced?(Consonants are soft.)

Let's read the sound-letter model below. We read the sound model - stretch out each sound.

Let's read the letter model syllable by syllable, as a whole word.

– What sound does the letter “l” make?(Soft consonant sound.)

– Which vowel letter shows the softness of the previous consonant?

– What sound does the letter “e” mean after a consonant?(Sound "o".)

What second job does the letter “e” do? What does it mean?

Conclusion : the letter “е” after a consonant denotes the sound [o and indicates that the consonant in front (preceding) is soft.

Let's read the syllables in the second column.

Reading syllables:

mo no lo ro ma na la ra

myo no le ryo me nya la rya

IV. Reading syllables and words from the textbook (p. 40).

After reading, students explain the meaning of the words.

Chalk - a lot of chalk.

The eagle is a large bird of prey. The eagle in a figurative sense is a symbol of strength, vigilance, insight, and nobility.

– Read the words that should always be capitalized.

Physical education minute

V. Reading sentences.

– Read the text in the textbook.

- What did Lenya do?

– What is Naum’s job?

-What's your mother's name?

– Who has a nanny?

-What is the nanny's name?

Physical education minute

VII. Frontal work.

Reading from the board:

yol ryo lyo

yo yong syo nyo

– When does the letter “е” mean one sound?

– When does the letter “ё” mean two sounds?

Game "Name the Cub".

tiger - ... (tiger cub) elephant - ... (baby elephant)

goose - ... (gosling) lion - ... (lion cub)

elk - ... (calf) fox - ... (little fox)

VIII. Lesson summary.

– what role does the letter “е” play in a word after a consonant?

– When does the letter “ё” mean two sounds?

Reflection "Traffic light"

Municipal budgetary educational institution –
Lyceum No. 10 of the city of Belgorod

UMK "Perspective Primary School»

1 class
Literacy (writing)

Letter of small letter e.

primary school teacher
Sapega Olga Alekseevna

Belgorod, 2013.

Purpose of the lesson:

Primary assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action.

Lesson type:

Lesson of initial presentation of new knowledge and methods of educational actions.

Planned results

The student will have the opportunity to learn:
writing a lowercase letter e.
- Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal.
- Using various methods of searching and analyzing information in accordance with cognitive tasks.
- Mastery of logical actions of comparison, analysis, generalization.
- Completing a task using material objects (pointers), drawings, diagrams, tables.
- Formulate and maintain goals and objectives educational activities, search for means of implementation.
- Develop motives for learning activities and form a personal meaning of learning.
- Evaluate the correct choice of linguistic and non-linguistic means of oral communication in the classroom.
- Make a plan and sequence of actions.
- Monitoring your own activities based on the results of completing the task.
- Determine a common goal and ways to achieve it.
- Interact (collaborate) with your desk neighbor, in a group.
- Ask for help, articulate your difficulties.
- Construct a statement that is understandable for listeners, ask clarifying questions, and formulate simple conclusions.
- Observe grammatical norms of speech.

Lesson No. 45

Lesson topic: “Letter of the lowercase letter e”

Target:Create conditions for developing students’ ability to write the lowercase letter e.
Learning Objectives:

1. Create a situation in which there is a need to formulate a problem, propose ways to solve it in order to obtain new knowledge.
2. To ensure that schoolchildren develop the ability to identify the key moments of their activities as parts of the whole.
3. Create conditions for students to develop the ability to structure information.
4. Learn to control your activity in writing the lowercase letter е, syllables and words with the letter е.

Educational and methodological support

ABC: Writing notebook No. 2. 1st grade / N. G. Agarkova, Yu. A. Agarkov. – 2nd ed., rev. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2012.

- ABC. Teaching literacy and reading: Methodological manual / N. M. Lavrova.- Ed. 2nd, rev. – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2011.

Envelopes with objects for design ( sound circuits, elements of letters), colored pencils, bookmarks - stickers, information signs, assessment sheets.

During the classes:

I. Organizational and motivational stage.

Target: organize focused attention at the beginning of the lesson.
U.:- Check your readiness for the lesson.
(The student shows and tells how it is organized workplace- the rest check.)
D.:- Writing notebook, envelope with elements of letters and sounds, pen, pencil, black felt-tip pen. Colored pencils: red, yellow, green, blue. Self-assessment sheet.
II. Goal setting.
Target: to form children’s ideas about what new they will learn in class and what they will learn.
U.:- Find the page on which we will work. What page is this?
D.:- Page 15.
U.:- Why do you think so?
D.:- In the last lesson we worked on page 14.

U.:- Look carefully at the notebook page. Together, try to determine the topic of our lesson.
D.: -We believe that the topic of our lesson: writing a lowercase letter е, writing a small letter е...
U.: -What goals will you each set for yourself in order to learn to write the lowercase letter e?
D.: -We will find the elements that make up the letter ё, construct the letter, write it, make diagrams of words, and complete the tasks of Question by Voprosych and Raskraskin.

The purpose of the lesson:learn to write the lowercase letter e.

III. Primary perception and assimilation of new theoretical educational material.

1) Updating basic knowledge

1. Making a lesson plan

U.:- Make a work plan based on the notebook page and symbols.

(Children make a work plan using symbols.)

2) Recognition of elements of the letter u.

U.:- What is the first step according to the plan?

D.: - Letter construction.

U.:- Look at the elements of the letters located on the right top corner pages. Analyze what elements the letter e consists of. Fill in the required circles.

U.: -Exchange notebooks and check each other.

U.: -How many elements were needed?

D.: - Two.

U.: -Name the elements that make up the capital letter e.

D.: - Strip in the shape of a straight line; strip in the shape of a smooth line; oval-shaped strip (1, 3).

U.: -
3) Construction of the letter u.

U.: -What's the next step in constructing the letter e?

D.: - Letter construction.

U.: -How to check the correctness of the letter design task?

D.: - Using the “key” to constructing written letters.

U.: -Elements with what numbers will we need? Where can we see this?

D.: - On page 32 of our notebook. (At the end of the notebook.) We need: 35, 50 and 51 elements.

U.: -Construct the letter e. (Children complete the task.)

(Children complete the task. The teacher checks the letter on their desks.)
U.: -Evaluate your work on the assessment sheets.

U.: -Adding up the letter elements. We remove the envelope.

3. Preparing your hand for writing.
1) “Lazy Eights”
2) Performing exercises for the hands.
U:- Let's prepare our hand for writing.
Children perform a set of exercises (circular movements of the hands to the left, right; exercises for the fingers).
3) "Clothespin"(In the free hand from the letter, take a clothespin and massage (lightly press with a clothespin) each finger of the other hand, repeat 3 times).

4) Writing a lowercase letter e.

D.: -Writing a letter.

U.: - We continue our work. Take your pens. We write the elements and the letter e in the air to count. We look at the board and repeat after me the writing of the letter. I'm on the board, you're in the air. On the count: and - one - and - and - and.
U.: - Trace the letter yu in a large rectangle with your finger.
U.: - Write the elements and the letter e in a large rectangle to count.
U.: - We write the letter e on the first line for the count.
U.: - Where does the letter start?
D.: -Where the blue dot is.
U.: - Prepare to write with me on the count. (1 line is dictated by the teacher and 2 students, one letter at a time; we count to ourselves until the end of the line.)

Dynamic pause

Target:change of activity
"Gymnastics for the eyes."

1."The finger doubles"(facilitates visual work at close range).

U.: - Stretch your hand forward, look at the tip of the finger of the outstretched hand, located along the midline of the face, slowly bring the finger closer, without taking your eyes off it until the finger begins to double. Repeat 6-8 times.

2.Keen Eyes

U.: - With your eyes, draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise.

3."Shooting with the Eyes"

U.: - Move your eyes from side to side, looking as far to the left as possible, then to the right, then up and down. Repeat 5-6 times slowly.

4."Writing with your nose"(reduces tension in the eye area).

U.: - Close your eyes. Using your nose like long handle, write the letter e.

IV. Application of theoretical principles in the conditions of performing exercises and solving KM.

Target:formation of a way of activity.

1. Exercise in writing connections: le, no, ryo– middle connection.
U.: - What is written on the second line?
D.: - Syllables.
U.: - How many syllables?
D.:- Three.
U. D.:- They have two letters, the second letter is e.
U.: - We write to the account.

2. Exercise in writing connections: er– top connection, eat, eat– bottom connection.
U.: - What is written on the third line?
D.: - Syllables.
U.: - How many syllables?
D.:- Three.
U.: - Let's read the syllables. What do they have in common?
D.:- They have two letters, starting with the letter e.
U.: - What secret of the letter e did we learn about in our reading lesson?
U.: - Guys, find a clue on the notebook page.
D.:- The letter е can mean two sounds if it is at the beginning of a word or in the middle after a vowel.

U.: - What is the difference in the spelling of syllables?

D.: - Different types connections.

U.: - We write to the account.

Dynamic pause

Target: change of activity
"Brain gymnastics" (a set of exercises aimed at improving brain activity ).
1. "Shaking your head" (exercise stimulates thought processes).

U.- We stood up and put our feet shoulder-width apart. Let's straighten our shoulders. Let's breathe deeply. Inhale and exhale. Drop your head forward and allow your head to slowly sway from side to side as your breath releases tension. The chin traces a slightly curved line across the chest as the neck relaxes. (30 seconds).
2. "Cap for Thought" (y improves attention, clarity of perception and speech).

U.- “Put on your hat,” i.e. gently curl your ears from the top point to the lobe (three times).

VI. Independent, creative use of developed skills and abilities.

Target: develop independence and creative abilities of students.

1. Drawing up sound-letter diagrams for words .
U. D.:– Work with sound-letter models of words.
U.: – This is a very difficult task, you may even have to do research. Listen carefully to the instructions.
1) Read the sound-letter model of the word.
2) Break the word into syllables.
3) Think about which word from workbook This diagram will do.
4) Convert the sound model into sound.
5) Indicate sounds in block letters.
6) Indicate sounds in capital letters.
U.: – We work in threes. Distribute responsibilities. (Choose a captain. One writes down sounds, another writes letters, the third converts printed letters into capital letters. We work with a black felt-tip pen. The captain helps distribute responsibilities.)
U.: – Look at the table, select a word from the notebook for this model.
(mine, mine, mine)




U.: – Who managed to find a word for this model?
U.: – Who couldn’t find a word for this model? The guys will help you by telling you how they worked.

2. Presentation of completed work.
U.: – One person from the group will come to the board and tell how their group worked.
D.:– We discussed and decided that the word mine would be suitable for the diagram, because the letter e is in the middle of the word after the vowel and denotes two sounds [yo]. Lera wrote the sounds, Artyom typed the letters, and Pasha wrote down the capital letters.
U.: -Evaluate your work on the assessment sheets.

3. Writing words according to the model in notebooks.

Rules for copying words.
U.: – Let’s remember the rules for copying words.
D.:- You need to read the word syllable by syllable. You need to pay attention to the types of compounds in the word.

1)U.: – Read the first couple of words again. How many syllables do they have?
D.:- The word mine has one syllable, and the word mine has two.
U.: – Pay attention to the types of compounds in words.
2) U.: – Read the second pair of words again. How many syllables do they have?
D.:- The word mine has one syllable, and the word mine has two.
U.: – Pay attention to the types of compounds in the word.
U.: – Write the words, dictating to yourself syllable by syllable.

4) Self-test. (Children read what is written, put emphasis, mark syllables with arcs.)
U.: – Check the spelling of words. Read the word, put the emphasis, mark the syllables with arcs.

4. Performing logical tasks with letters.
U.: - What is the next step according to the plan?
D.:- We will carry out the tasks of Question Questioner.
U.: - What question did Question Question want to ask us? How many requirements are there in this task?
D.:- Three requirements. Find a common element in letters, compare letters, recode letters.
U.: - Right. And you will perform it in fours.

U.:- Remember the rules for working in groups. (Rules are pinned on the board)
Rules for working in groups :
1. Speak in a low voice. Do not scream!
2. Share your opinion.
3. Give each person in the group a chance to speak. Cooperate and respect all members of the group.
4. Choose a consultant.

U.: - Analyze the letters a, y, U, s, i, I.Why are letters written on the work line after the arrow from the circle with letter elements?a, y, U, s, i, I.
D.: -

U.: - Analyze the letters I, I, Oh, oh, (e), a. Select a common element in them and think about which element needs to be inscribed in the circle.
D.: -You need to fit an oval-shaped strip into the circle, because it is a common element of the letters I, I, Oh, oh, (e), a.
U.: - Why was the letter e written in brackets?
D.: -Because the letter e there is no element in the form of an oval-shaped strip.

5. Letter of proposal according to the sample in notebooks.
U.: - What is written on the last line?
D.: -The last line contains a sentence.
D.: -Read it.
D.: -My name is Lenya.
U.: - How many words are there in a sentence?
D.: - Three.
U.: - Explain the rules for writing a proposal.
U.: - Why the word Lenya capitalized?
D.: -This is a proper name.
U.: - Write a sentence, dictating to yourself syllable by syllable.

6. Drawing a border pattern
U.:- What is the next step according to the plan?
D.:– We will carry out Raskraskin’s tasks.

U.:- What tasks did Raskraskin offer us?

D.:– Determine which elements of written letters are “hidden” in this pattern. (The strip is in the shape of a loop.) Continue the pattern to the end of the page. Color it.

VII. Reflection of activity. Lesson summary
1. Correlation between the goal and the result of the activity
U.: – What is the next step according to the plan?

D.:- The result of the work.

U.: – What new did you learn in the lesson? (What discoveries did you make in the lesson?)

U.: – Have you achieved your goals?

U.: – What steps were taken to achieve the goals?

D.:– We found the elements that make up the letter ё, constructed the letter ё, wrote it, made diagrams of words, completed the tasks of Question Voprosych and Raskraskin.
U.: – What are the results?

D.:– We learned to write the lowercase letter e.

U.: – Evaluate your work in class on the assessment sheets.

Sections: Primary School

Lesson: literacy training.

Lesson type: studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Lesson topic:“Consonant voiceless sounds [t] [t’], differing in softness and hardness.”

Lesson objectives:

1. Introduce students to the voiceless consonant sounds [t] [t’] and the letter denoting these sounds, teach them to differentiate these sounds by hardness - softness; Exercise students in reading syllables, words and text.

2. Develop phonemic hearing, sound pronunciation culture, speech, attention, memory, thinking.

3. Foster a culture of educational work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Sound analysis of words

T: Guys, listen carefully and guess what word is hidden:

1. A large, usually dark dense cloud carrying rain, snow (Cloud)

2. Mobile staircase for exiting the aircraft and landing. (Ladder)

3. Armored self-propelled tracked vehicle with powerful weapons. (Tank)

4. Mark from the touch of the tip of a pencil or pen; small round spot. (Dot)

5. Something hidden from others, not known to everyone, a secret. (Secret)

T: Repeat all the words you guessed. (One of the students voices)

W: What did you notice?

D: All words begin with the sound [t]

T: Place your fingers on your larynx and say this sound together

D: [t]-[t]- [t]-[t]

T: Describe this sound.

D: This consonant sound is dull and hard.

U: We will denote a consonant dull hard sound using the diagram -

U: Guys, the name of one of the clowns begins with this sound.

(On the board there are two pictures with images of clowns, under which there are sound patterns of words)

D: His name is Tom.

T: Say the name of this clown, emphasizing each sound with your voice.

U: What is the name of the second clown?

D: His name is Tim. The first sound is indicated by a square and an apostrophe, which means this sound is soft.

U: Shall we check? Say the name of this clown, emphasizing each sound with your voice.

D: [t’] [i] [m]

T: Place your fingers on the larynx, pronounce the first sound together.

D: [t’] [t’] [t’] [t’]

T: Describe this sound.

D: This consonant sound is deaf and soft.

U: Consonant deaf soft sound we will denote using the diagram -

The sounds [t] [t’] are indicated by the letter “t” (showing the letter).


III. Designing the printed letter “T” “t”

U: Guys, open the envelopes, use the elements of printed letters to construct a capital letter “T” and a lowercase letter “t”

Students do the work.

W: So, what elements did you choose?

D: For the capital letter “T”, select the elements - No. 1 (vertical line) and No. 5 (horizontal line), for the lowercase letter - No. 5 (vertical line) and No. 9 (horizontal line)

IV. Introducing the designation of learned sounds using the printed lowercase letter “t” in square brackets

U: Guys, what did you learn about the letter “t”?

D: The letter “t” denotes a hard consonant sound [t] and a soft consonant sound [t’].

U: The sound [t] is indicated using square brackets and the lowercase printed letter “t” (card showing), and the sound [t’]….

D: ...using square brackets, a lowercase printed letter “t” and an apostrophe.

T: Name words that begin with the sound [t]

D: Taxi, tundra, dachshund, dance, fabric….

T: Name the words that have the sound [t’]

D: Tyr, Tina, kitten, aunt, boots...

V. Comparison of sound and letter forms of words based on a two-level model

[T'] [O] [R] [n]
T e R n
[T] [O] [R] [T]

T: Open “ABC” on page 49. Look at the diagram data. Say the word that represents the name of the object located on the left, emphasizing each sound with your voice.

D: [t’] [o] [r] [n] – “thorn” (orthoepic reading)

U: Guys, explain the meaning of the word “turn”.

D: Thorn - a thorny shrub (with tart bluish-black fruits)

T: Say the word that represents the name of the object located on the right, emphasizing each sound with your voice.

D: [t] [o] [r] [t] – “cake” (orthoepic reading)

U: Guys, explain the meaning of the word “cake”.

D: Cake is a sweet confectionery product made from dough with cream.

W: How are these schemes similar?

D: - These words have one syllable, since there is one vowel sound.

Vowel sound [o]

These words have the same number of sounds and letters - 4 sounds and 4 letters

The first letter is “t”, the third letter is “r”. These letters represent hard consonant sounds.

W: How are these schemes different?

D: - In the first word last letter“n”, in the second - the letter “t”

In the first word the letter “t” stands for [t’], and in the second word - [t]

In the first word, the sound [o] is denoted by the letter “е”, and in the second word the sound [o] is denoted by the letter “o”

Conclusion: the letter “е” indicates that the preceding letter “t” denotes a soft consonant sound, and the letter “o” indicates that the letter “t” denotes a hard consonant sound.

VI. Reading syllables according to given patterns

U: In which column does the vowel letter indicate that the previous letter denotes a hard consonant sound?

D: In the second column (students read the syllables out loud)

U: In what other column does the consonant letter indicate a hard sound?

D: In the first, because the letter “t” “closes” the syllable (students read uncovered closed syllables)

U: What sound does the letter “t” in the third column represent?

D: A soft consonant sound, since after the letter “t” there are vowels (“ya”, “yu”, “e”, “e”, “i”), which indicate the softness of the previous consonant.

Physical exercise.

VII. Reading syllables and words in a column

U: Open page 50. I suggest you read these chains of words.

Students read words in a chain, first in a chant, syllable by syllable, and then - taking into account the stressed syllable, that is, orthoepic, clarifying the lexical meaning of incomprehensible words. (In the second line, the “word-noun” is transformed into a “word-adjective” - mint - mint, so after the adjective there is a rectangle as a symbol of the word for which you need to select a “word-object”, for example, mint - mint candy)

After reading, the teacher asks you to complete the following task:

T: Read the words in which the letter “t” denotes only a soft consonant sound.

D: “duck,” because after the letter “t” there is the letter “i”, which indicates the softness of the previous consonant

D: “methyl”, because after the letter “t” there is a letter “i”, which indicates the softness of the previous consonant

U: In which words does the letter “t” mean both a soft consonant and a hard one?

D: “noted”, “ducklings”

U: Well done!

VIII. Reading text

U: A whirlpool is a deep hole at the bottom of a river or lake.

Summer morning. Small ducklings near a dark pool. He hides many secrets. This is what makes the ducklings want to dive. Dive, dive, dive! And there is silt, dregs and no secrets.

Everyone buzz reads, then one student reads.

T: Find and read the sentence that explains why the ducklings ended up in the dark pool

D: He hides a lot of secrets

U: What did the ducklings see in the pool?

Students find the answer to this question in the text, then read

D: And there is silt, dregs and no secrets.

U: If there was no secret in the pool, then maybe the ducklings shouldn’t have dived?

D: They were interested in finding out what was in the pool. They are small and curious. If the ducklings had not dived, they would not have known what was there.

U: Of course, anyone can discover something new for themselves if they are not afraid to take a step forward into the unknown.

IX. Lesson summary

W: What did you learn new for yourself?

D: The letter “t” denotes a consonant dull hard sound [t] and soft [t’]

Meanings of new words.

W: Thanks for the lesson.

A Russian language lesson on the topic “The letters e, ё, yu, I at the beginning of a word” in the first grade in the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” is held at the end of the school year. The content of the educational material in the lesson is not new for students, because During the period of learning to read and write, children, studying vowel letters and sounds, conducting a sound-letter analysis of words, discovered that the vowel letters e, e, yu, i can mean both one sound and two sounds in words. One of the goals of this lesson is to activate students’ knowledge of vowel sounds and letters denoting two sounds, and to generalize students’ knowledge on this topic.

In the lesson there is no educational material ready for students to memorize, which changes the student’s position in the educational process. Children work in a joint search with the teacher. A large role in the lesson is given to the use following methods and techniques: comparison, analysis and synthesis, generalization, classification, etc.

At the beginning of the lesson, children complete tasks, and only then guess what the lesson will be about, and independently formulate the topic of the lesson and set tasks.

During the lesson, a situation arises in an educational dispute. Misha and Masha, the heroes accompanying the children on the pages of the textbook, express different points of view. The guys need to argue their point of view.

Methodological apparatus of the textbook “Russian Language” N.A. Churakova allows you to implement a differentiated approach to teaching students without additional effort. Guessing the riddle of Anishit Yokopovna (a sorceress who helps the children learn the Russian language), the children in the Museum Hall are looking for animals whose first letter is a vowel, but denotes a consonant sound. For those who find it easy, they complete the task on their own; for those who find it difficult, they use the Bat’s hint. During independent work The teacher provides individual assistance to the children.

When summing up the lesson, test tasks are used.

Great importance in the lesson was given to developing the ability to work with a printed textbook and notebook: find the necessary pages, tasks, and clearly perform what is required according to the algorithm.

Children have the opportunity to evaluate their work in class according to the following parameters: satisfied with their work, satisfied, but believes that they could work even better; dissatisfied. This helps to increase learning motivation and stimulate students. Those who were dissatisfied (there were two people in the class during the lesson) tried very hard in the next lesson, as they also had a desire to be satisfied with their work.

Preparing the presentation for the lesson involved great importance. In order to summarize what the children said, the children had the opportunity to visually perceive the information again. (The topic of the lesson itself is one of the most difficult not only in first grade, but also in the Russian language course in elementary school in general.) After solving the riddles, colorful drawings of clues appeared on the board. There was an opportunity to remember a little about the animals that were discussed in the lessons of the surrounding world (interdisciplinary communication with minimal time investment). When summing up the lesson, when a test task was given, the children saw the answer options on the screen and could choose the correct one, in their opinion, and give reasons. At the end of the lesson, we returned to the fifth slide with the formulation of the topic and once again made a conclusion.

Ozheredova Olga Sergeevna  


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