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Pirate cards. How to draw a treasure map: a few simple ways

"Fire will help you"

What could this mean? If you yourself haven’t guessed (that you need to hold part of the card over the fire, because there is an inscription written in milk on it), then you can enter the words “ Fire will help you" as an answer in the level

And Captain Jack Sparrow will laugh at the fact that he slipped you empty parts of the map, but then he will still tell you what it’s all about.

Wow! Have you completed all the tasks and found the last part of the map? Ha-ha-ha, but it’s empty! Okay, okay, it was a bad joke. Hold the last part of the map over the fire and maybe it will help you.

Aha, now there can be no doubt, you need to hold the last part of the card over the fire and the words will appear.

In our example, “WORD” appeared on the map, but you will have to write the place where the gift is.

As you can see, after the card was held over the fire (be careful not to burn the entire card:) a word appeared on the card, indicating the place where the hidden gift lay. Quest finished :)

The demo quest can be completed here.

Now let's look at the equipment that was used in the quest.

Inventory, complete list.

1. Pirate invitations (10 pcs.) , , , , , , , , ,

7. Blackbeard's Logbook

8. (download) Treasure map

9. (font 1, font 2, font 3, font 4) Fonts used in Captain Morgan's letter and in the logbook, in case you want to make your own changes to the text. (before editing text files, make sure you have installed these fonts)

10. (download) Download everything in one archive

Now let's figure out how to make this inventory.

How to make a pirate map

First, download the map file and print it. This is what the original map file looks like.

How to divide a map into 6 parts

I do not recommend printing the map in A4 format, but printing it a little larger (at least one and a half sheets of A4), then each part of the map will be large enough. This is the map I got (one and a half sheets of A4). If this format is not convenient, print it on two sheets of A4 (the map itself will print on two sheets)

As you can see, the map is filled with different places like “Storm Island” or “Dead Man’s Bay”, it also contains icons of cannons, rum, the Jolly Roger flag, an anchor, a black mark, a cross, a steering wheel and a chest. This is also done so that in the quest you can make a reference to the map to find out, for example, “the number of cannons in Fort Hope” or “find out the number of chests in Flint Mountain.”

The middle of the map is empty, this is done so that in this middle, if you want, you can schematically draw a plan of the area or apartment with a designated place where the gift is hidden. In our case, this place will be empty.

This is what the map looked like after I burned it a little around the edges. Be careful, don’t get carried away and burn a hole in the map like I did :) But since there are no vital places on the map in this place, I left it and didn’t redo the map.

At first I drew a plan of our apartment on the map, but then I abandoned the idea of ​​​​using it in the quest, but I left the plan just in case, it did not interfere with the quest.

This is what the map looks like after dividing it into several parts. It is important that the first part of the map contains a complete (not cut) island of the damned, because... We will need to see it in the second task. Unfortunately, I touched it a little, but the icons were not badly damaged and their full number can be easily determined.

Now we will give the map an ancient look and greatly age it. To do this, soak our card in tea and dry it.

Let's soak our map.

After about 2 hours, I pulled out the map pieces and transferred them to sheets to dry.

This is what we end up with

Ready. We follow the same procedures with all the remaining paper props, namely Morgan's letter, a bottle sticker with Morgan's letter, a wanted poster for Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Blackbeard's logbook.

Wanted poster for Captain Jack Sparrow

After aging

Pirate Birthday Invitation

After aging

Bottle sticker with Captain Morgan's letter

After aging

Making a bottle with Captain Morgan's letter

Take an empty bottle

And we remove all the stickers from it, the easiest way to do this is by soaking it and then scraping everything off with a knife.

Great, the bottle for Captain Morgan's message is ready.

Now let's try our stickers on the bottle, I printed the sticker in two sizes, smaller and larger. Trying on a larger sticker

Trying on a smaller sticker

The second option looks better, so we will glue it.

We take regular glue - a pencil and coat the sticker thoroughly. There was also this idea of ​​writing something on the back of the sticker, so that you would have to figure out how to tear it off and see what was written on it and somehow use it in the quest. Since the quest was made mainly for children, I abandoned this idea so that it would not turn out to be too difficult, but you can use this idea by making small changes to the quest.

We put a sticker on it, it looks great.

Now all that remains is to place Captain Morgan's message in it. We try on the height of the letter and the bottle, because... we will roll the letter into a tube along the sheet so that the letter can be taken out of the bottle without seriously injuring it.

We put the letter in the bottle, it’s a little big, you’ll have to tuck it up.

We take out the letter and fold it in about 3cm. and twist it again into a tube and place it in the bottle.

Great, now all that's left to do is make the plug. We take the paper on which the card parts were dried and roll it into a cork.

Great, let's plug her bottle.

Letter from Captain Morgan.

You can download Captain Morgan's letter in jpg file and doc. The doc version has two versions of the file. In the first, the font is smaller and the letter fits on one page. The second version has a slightly larger font for easier reading and fits on 2 sheets. We print first on one side, then on the other.

If you download doc files, do not forget to install the fonts that are in the list before editing.

Logbook of Captain Blackbeard.

This is what Captain Blackbeard's logbook looks like printed out. I printed it page by page, flipping the sheets over so I could print on both sides.

You can add blank pages at the end, because the journal could have been kept for more than one year.

At the end we fasten the magazine with a stapler, Captain Blackbeard's logbook is ready. It can also be aged and the edges scorched. If you cover the stapled area with a cut-out strip of paper, it will look better.

Black mark.

It's simple, print and cut out. On the back we write a spell "shaman's banana"

Milk on the map.

We write with milk on the card so that the message can be revealed by holding the card over the fire.

Here, too, everything is very simple, pour a little milk and, dipping a match or toothpick, write on the map the place where the gift lies. After that, let the milk dry and that’s it.

That seems to be all :) If you have any questions about this quest, write to me on VKontakte

The holiday scenario was still spinning in my head, and I had already sent out letters from Old Flint to future participants with the following content:

“The pirate Old Flint assembles a crew to search for treasure.

The pirate ship "Barracuda" will be moored there at 10 am! (in case of bad, rainy weather, it will not be able to go to sea and the gathering of pirates will be postponed until next week).
The first task for the pirate is to come up with a real pirate name and arrive at the meeting place at the specified time in a pirate costume.

Show Old Flint the black mark."

I wrote the letter by hand, drew a pirate flag, photocopied it in the required quantity, and put it in envelopes along with black marks. Black marks can be cut out of cardboard, but I made them from plasticine. The children were intrigued, counted down the days until the event and took their preparations very seriously!

When preparing a quest, the script is always based on the location of the holiday and the age of the participants. In our case, these were children 3-5 years old, most of the tasks were hidden at home and in the surrounding area.

Preparing the quest:

1. Encrypted message.

2. Key to the cipher– a note with pictures of the code and letters.

3. Colorful butterflies– 14 pieces. Butterflies of seven colors, letters are written on the back. Butterflies with letters collected in pairs form the name of seven notes. The task implies that children sort butterflies by color, see letters and add word notes: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, etc.

4. Treasure map. I tightly sealed the drawn map with cellophane, sparing no tape to seal it, and placed it in a plastic box, which I filled with water and froze. To make the card sink, I pressed it to the bottom with several pebbles. When the water froze it turned out beautifully, you could have added shells and it would have been even better!

5. Pirate Flag, hand drawn with black chalk on a sheet of A3 paper. Glued to the gate with tape (we called this place the Island of Shadows), under the flag is an envelope with a new task.

6. The inscription "Barracuda" to designate a ship. Actually, the house itself was a pirate ship, the room was a cabin, the kitchen was a galley, etc.

7. Envelopes with riddles and tasks.

8. Buy balloons (about 10 pieces), firecrackers and a rubber spider. Kinder surprise eggs are treasures. With firecrackers, Flint excited the young pirates during the game and raised their morale :). And I put several notes with riddles in the balls. The inflated balloons were tied higher, so that the children themselves could not reach them.

9. Find pirated songs(Pirate song from the film Pappy Longstocking and theme from the film Pirates of the Caribbean).

10. Prepare riddles about the sea,(see appendix).

For the whole adventure we only needed one character was Pirate Flint, who played the role of presenter.


When all the children had gathered, Flint announced that the team would begin searching for treasure.

In order for the ship to set sail the sails must be raised.(We have roller blinds hanging on the veranda; they symbolized sails.) Unrolling the curtains, the kids discovered encrypted message and the main pirate explained: to read the code you need "key", he is with his girlfriend, huge spider, who is hiding somewhere in the garden.

The children went to wander around the garden and soon the spider was found. Underneath was envelope with key to solve the code.

looking for a spider

use the encryption key

The message was too long for the age of our team, and they had to be quite patient and continue to name the letters, matching them with the pictures. With the help of parents we read: “Listen to the rustling of butterflies inside the white jellyfish.”

What in our house resembled a huge white jellyfish? The children looked around in bewilderment until someone realized that it was a stole (mosquito net) hanging from the ceiling. I tied it in the middle in advance and put it there paper butterflies. The kids rushed to the jellyfish, untied it and all the butterflies scattered across the bed.

jellyfish found!

Flint suggested that need to collect pairs and guess what these short words mean. When the children realized that these were notes, they were asked to find the next task where the notes were hidden - in musical instrument. In our case, it was a harmonium. The children lifted the lid and found an envelope with the next task:“Pirates are very cheerful people, dance the pirate dance together and have fun!”

sorting butterflies

we are thinking

I turned on the song, and everyone danced and jumped around.

When the children calmed down, Flint suggested select the chief mate from among the crew members in the following way:“Whoever knows the most fish and sea creatures will be the captain’s mate.” Everyone sat in a circle and took turns naming the fish; those who couldn’t remember anything else were eliminated. Thus, the one who had the honorable task of going to the galley and bringing a tray of watermelon for the whole team was determined.

While the pirates and their parents refreshed themselves with watermelon and sandwiches, I turned on a song from “Pirates of the Caribbean” for the background, we imagined how we were sailing on a ship, the sails were inflated, the waves were beating against the side, the sun was above the clouds, etc.

When the pirates and their parents completed this tasty task, it turned out that With reverse side tray, at the bottom, an envelope is glued! The assignment said:“Using the Thousand Devils spell, transform into a monster with eight legs, two mouths and two eyes. Only such a monster will be able to rip off the enchanted balls; inside is a new task!”

Children took turns climbing onto the shoulders of an adult and blindfolded They cut off the balls suspended high. So everyone played the role of a monster, and everyone ended up with a balloon in their hands.

Next it was necessary to burst them, to read the notes hidden inside. It turned out to be fun, they just flopped their butts on the grass and then collected the scattered pieces of paper. On small pieces of paper there were riddles about the sea (see appendix), and the next task: “Go to the Island of Shadows, where the pirate flag hangs. The island is enchanted; to get to it, build a bridge of shadows.”

The task implied that the children stood in a chain on a concrete path and chalk outline the shadows each other, moving towards the island.

Having thus reached the gate, our pirates tore off the flag and found a new envelope with a note:"Look for a map in the country eternal ice" The kids guessed that it was a refrigerator and found a frozen card. But how to get it from there? they carried it into the sun, picked at it with forks, but to no avail!

Flint came to the rescue, he brought a bowl hot water and poured it into the box, then the ice floe melted and fell out of the box. They smashed it on the concrete path and took out a pirate map!

Using the map they determined where the treasures were hidden- in the country of “Melatia” (on the territory of the nearest swimming pool), it didn’t take long to persuade anyone - the kids happily went to the pool, where they found their well-deserved treasures under a tree, swam, refreshed themselves and went home, filled with impressions and positive emotions.”

For the New Year, I want to give my loved ones attention, make a pleasant, useful (and beautiful!) surprise that will delight friends or family for a very long time. As is known, best gift- made with your own hands. Yes, this time I can admit that my task of finding a suitable gift was greatly facilitated, since my godchildren have been interested in pirate themes for more than a year. The answer to the question “What to give for New Year? was found.

It's no secret that I run my own travel blog. In my work on preparing materials, I work a lot with maps and diagrams, I am guided by scale and can easily explain to others, or. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating a full-fledged treasure map, a “pirate map,” really appealed to me. At the same time, it was decided to capture the work process for people who are interested in handmade.

Several sheets of A3 and A4 were taken as a basis (I took 4 of each type). When creating a pirate treasure map, you always need to depend on the texture of the paper, since it is this that determines the map as a pirate or not a pirate. Tea and coffee were used to add color and texture.

I took a small bowl, 4 tablespoons of any instant coffee and 5 tea bags of black tea, filling it all with 250 ml of water (a large glass). Mixed thoroughly and waited until everything was infused. Then I took out the bags and put them on a separate plate (we will need them later). I poured the contents of the bowl into a baking tray to hold the paper there. The paper was crumpled as much as possible before impregnation.

You don’t need to wait long, just saturate the sheet on one side and the other with the solution, the color saturation does not depend on the amount of impregnation time - this was found out experimentally. Then everything was placed on spread newspapers to dry. As soon as the sheets began to dry out, I took the bags left during the previous operation and squeezed drops of a thick solution from them onto the sheets in a chaotic manner. This is necessary for the appearance of additional random “spots”, so that the texture becomes even more interesting.

Ready material for work.

I sharpened it in Photoshop so that the pattern was visible.

In general, creating a pirate map brings great pleasure, since even if you accidentally drip glue or varnish onto the surface of the paper, this will not deteriorate it appearance, but it will improve - who knows how many troubles the old pirate had to go through with her?

I ironed the final sheets with an iron, then sanded them with sandpaper to remove shine from the iron and a rougher surface. The grain size was kept small so as not to damage the paper.

After this, the question arose about what kind of drawing and what to apply it with. The choice fell on gel pens three colors: black, gold and silver. We draw an outline with black, and give gold and silver a beautiful shade that plays in the light.

The first tests showed that we are moving in the right direction. Cardinal directions on the map. How to draw: draw 2 concentric circles with a compass different diameters, then we make crosses: cross on cross at an angle of 90 degrees, then cross on cross at 45 degrees, then in half again. We use the resulting markup to create this. We paint the “star” volumetrically with gold and silver.

In general, the Internet is simply replete with various images of treasure maps and pirate drawings various types: it all depends on the purpose for which you are making the map and how much time and effort you are willing to spend on it.

My goal was to make props for a fun puzzle game for my nephew and niece for New Years. The essence of the game is as follows: Take a map where four sectors are marked. Each one should have its own piece of the map. To find the treasure, you need to find all 4 pieces by solving riddles and puzzles. This becomes clear from the following figure:

Next, we take a plan of the area where the game will take place. I drew from memory, guided by photographs. We draw in such a way that the child can understand (if something happens, mom and dad will help. Place the pieces on the map itself:

It turns out to be a kind of puzzle: children will not only need to find a piece of the map, but also find the place assigned to it. For this I made a stroke. More photos:

I bet even adults with topographic cretinism will be fascinated by this challenge. Very exciting.

The game can be used everywhere: on vacation, at corporate events. A treasure map is an intuitive thing and everyone knows what to do with it. A compass can be purchased at any fishing store. Mine will be guided by the weather vane on the roof.

After creating the base and the puzzle, I wanted more. How will the card be stored? How to wrap and fold it? Fold in quarters? This will kill her. I remembered the idea of ​​a scroll: you need a cylindrical object larger than an A4 sheet, and something that will fix it. After searching through the options, a broken photo roll from an A3 printer and a video from the same were chosen. The card will be rolled onto the photo roll; the roller gives a pleasant weight.

In movies, it is customary for the scroll to have a protective apron that limits the folding of the card and allows it to be rolled up and unrolled. After creative torments, he was chosen starting material: foam plastic. After processing with a hot knife over the stove, it acquired the following shape:

My beauty! Now we need to make the second one the same.

To prevent the limiter discs from turning, it was decided to treat them with papier mache, which was soon done. It was not possible to take photographs of this process. After drying, the end surface of the tube and the disks were treated with black plasticine. At the same time, plasticine for “wax seal” was prepared.

Then everything was glued onto a tube and treated with varnish so that the plasticine would not stain.

Please note: the distance between the disks is selected in such a way that a roller can be inserted there. At the processing stage, grooves were made. After drying, close-up:

The design is such that the card rotates freely around the roller. It is possible (but not recommended) to open the card under the weight of the roller itself: it will unwind.

We glue the joints of the sheets with PVA glue.

We check the functionality.

Here's what it looks like expanded:

The compactness of the map design itself and the abundance of “white spots” are a bit of an eyesore. I agree, you can fill the entire surface with patterns and drawings. But for my task this is enough.

We make a wax seal: knead the plasticine of the desired color (80% red and 20% black), take the twine, wrap it in the required way, and mold the “wax sealing wax” itself onto a small piece of the same material as the card, so that when torn off the main object does not deteriorate. We make an impression using another piece of plasticine where the drawing was made, and then frozen in the freezer. We coat it with varnish for a wax shine. Ready!

My seal is made in the form of an “all-seeing eye.” Who said conspiracy theories? It's just a simple and beautiful drawing. Close-up again. Not ideal, but just right for something that will be torn off and thrown away.

Card with other attributes for the New Year competition.

Ready! This text is not a strict instruction, it gives a lot of scope for creativity and finding different ways, so - get creative, let your map become even more detailed and beautiful! Well, that’s all I have! Happy New Year 2015!

Rrr! Beast pirates in search of treasure!

Pyrrrat Carrrts is a simple game where you need to get your Pyrrrat Carrrats on the table as quickly as possible. At first it’s simple - whichever pirate is already on the table, this one can be posted. And then it’s more difficult - because each card has its own special properties!

Captain, we need to collect a treasure map!

But it was blown piece by piece to the farthest corners Caribbean Islands. A task that pirates who are not afraid of adventure and the most terrible storms can cope with. Which one of you has the bravest team? Go ahead, other captains are not asleep! This is the sea, which means the rules can change while sailing - be careful and cunning.

What should I do?

In this bright game, smelling of gunpowder and sea salt, you can swim freely, or you can go in search of parts of the map and the main treasure - the golden pineapple.

How to play?

To sail, you lay out the cards on the table so that you have an open discard pile next to the deck of pirate cards. You deal players 8 cards. Everyone goes clockwise: if you have a card in your hand with the same pirate as on the top card of the discard pile, you can put it on top. If there is no such card, you will have to take a card from the closed deck into your hand and pass the turn to the next one. Your goal is to be the first to discard all the cards in your hand.

What about the map?

Treasure seekers receive one of the four parts of the card, and spend the entire round trying to get the next one - it is also given for the freed hand. Whoever collects all 4 parts of the map first wins.

Adventure is always more important

You have a whole booklet of rules, but there are also adventure cards that can change the basic rules. Listen to the cards! There is always room for surprises at sea. For example, a card is laid out with the condition that if you walk as a monkey, you must give another card to another player - do not forget, you must always monitor the completion of all adventure cards.

Who adds adventure to you?

Imagine the pirate who won the round! The cunning one draws three cards from the adventure deck, hides one back under the deck, puts one on the table, and takes the third for himself as part of the treasure map. Nothing, but in the next round it’s not him who goes first, but the neighbor on the left.

Chasing the Jolly Roger!

“Pirate Cards” is a fairly simple and fast game in which something is changing all the time, so you need attentiveness and concentration, which are well trained in the process. Suitable for the whole family - can be given to both children and adults. It will especially appeal to fans of pirate themes, nautical aesthetics, those who have watched all the “Pirates of the Caribbean” in the director’s cut, and those who simply love fun, light board games for half an hour.

Who are “Pirate Cards” for?

  • To the family, to play with the child.
  • For a children's party.
  • Visiting parents.
  • Play at school, on the road, in a cafe and in the country.
  • As a gift for a little pirate.

Composition of "Pirate Cards"

  • 55 pirate cards,
  • 40 adventure cards,

Box of pirate maps - small piece art. It just begs to be picked up, and you can give the game directly to anyone in it.

What boy in childhood does not dream of becoming a pirate or going on a sea voyage in search of Captain Flint's treasure? You can give your child this opportunity by organizing a real pirate party for him and his friends! There are two scenarios for holding such a party: on the street (for example, in a country house or playground) or at home. The first option, of course, is more suitable for those children born in the summer. If it is not possible to have a party outside, then you can get by with celebrating in your apartment with competitions that do not require a lot of space, but, nevertheless, your child will definitely enjoy!

The first thing you need to start preparing for the holiday is, of course, with costumes and paraphernalia! What should a real pirate and his crew have? Matching suits, swords, pistols, cocked hats, bandanas, blindfolds. Suits include vests, torn T-shirts and pants, vests, and wide belts. Have a few bandanas and headbands on hand in case any guests arrive without costumes. Impromptu costumes for guests who have not had time to dress up can also be quickly made from black disposable tablecloths or black oilcloth, which is sold in rolls. Cut an elongated rectangle out of it and make a hole in the center for the head. Cut the bottom of the robe unevenly with scissors to resemble a fringe. When the first pirates come to visit, dress them in such black suits, stick a skull with crossbones to the robe and tie the outfit with a wide ribbon. Don't forget your bandana and eye patch!



Corrugated cardboard (from boxes),

Kraft paper (wrapping),

Oil pastel.

Cut out a chest shape from cardboard.

We crumple the craft paper into a ball and smooth it out with our hands. We tint with pastels,

The result is an interesting pattern, similar to old thick leather.

To close the chest, glue a piece of Velcro (= tape

Velcro, contact tape). You can draw a keyhole on the outside.

Cut out a chest shape from cardboard

Use the side of an oil pastel chalk to tint the walls. We use 2-3 suitable colors.

We crumple the craft paper into a ball and smooth it out with our hands. We tint it with pastels and we get an interesting pattern that looks like old thick leather.

Glue the chest together. We cover the corners with strips of “skin” made of craft paper.

To close the chest, we glue a piece of Velcro (= Velcro tape, contact tape). You can draw a keyhole on the outside.


Don't forget about the design festive table. The pirate birthday menu can also be styled with a pirate theme. Use different dishes, the main thing is that their shape resembles something pirate, even simple juice, homemade fruit drink or children's champagne can always be called pirate rum. Try pouring the drink into a bottle and sticking a real pirate label on it - not only will they definitely try the drink, but they will also drink it with pleasure, because this is the drink of a real pirate.


An unnecessary map (at the end of the school year, educational atlases are often left behind),

Aging solution (tea, coffee, rosehip infusion),

Ink and feathers, or black pen.

Take a piece of card and moisten it with water. When it gets wet, use a comb to make a rectangle with a torn edge.

Let's age the paper with tea (or coffee, or rosehip tincture - these solutions will give different shades brown). It is necessary to age it after making the torn edge so that the edge of the paper also becomes colored.

If you have steel pens at home for writing or drawing, you can use ink to practice calligraphy, or simply sign a label with a black gel pen.


You will need a piece of black fabric and white acrylic paint. Cut out the flag without forgetting

leave a reserve where the flag will be attached to the staff. Process

edges are not necessary; the pirates most likely did not do this. Can

prepare a stencil of the design from cardboard and apply paint with a swab. Or

draw directly on fabric. Then it is better to outline the drawing using

soapy soap, like tailors do.

There is another non-childish option - carefully draw with bleach.



Wooden sticks,

We cut out a sail from paper or card and place it on a stick-mast. Glue the flag.

Or, for example, they could be like this:


For the invitation we will prepare pieces of the card in the same way as for the label.

The invitation base is made from watercolor paper. It can be interestingly colored - wet the entire sheet and paint it with spots of watercolor (use 2-3 matching colors). When the paper is dry, it must be ironed.


A pirate map is an indispensable attribute of any pirate party. Using this map, be sure to look for treasures hidden somewhere by your mother; the treasures must certainly be in the chest and may not be gold, but candy)))

To make a believable map, you can put a sheet of paper in the oven - there it will turn brown, or soak the sheet in tea and dry it on a radiator. Then lightly tear and burn the corners, you can crush the leaf a little. Then take markers and draw a map of the area, it could be an apartment or a site near a house. Naturally, when drawing a map, you should take into account the age of the children - I don’t think little ones will be able to understand the secrets of cartography or read what is written there, either their mother will come to help, or they need to draw in an accessible way for children))))

It would also be great if they found a message in a bottle (I’m thinking of throwing it into the inflatable pool that will stand at our rented house by the sea). In the message you can write tasks that the children need to complete so that the main and long-awaited CAKE appears at the holiday)))


Don’t forget that dishes should not only be beautiful, but also healthy. Each of us knows that what is healthy is not always tasty, therefore, in order to interest the little robbers in the dish, decorate the plate with themed flags with inscriptions or put a card in each plate, guests will definitely try the treat! And of course, the main component of the festive table will be a pirate cake. A cake in the shape of a pirate ship will attract admiring glances from absolutely everyone.

Some children's cookies, pretzels or other nonsense that is “dragged” during the holiday can be placed in chests.

In some dishes you can simply insert sails - on which you can make funny inscriptions for older children - for example, these are chopped bones, but for younger children just sails will do))))

These jellies are quite easy to make yourself:

Well, this is a more complicated idea, for especially creative mothers:

Pirate cupcakes for the table: (it’s funny that instead of a mouth they used Pezz candies, which I loved as a child)

Ala-buter - I don’t think it’s tasty to chew bread - but this is how the decoration comes off)

Pirate Cakes:

Bake the chocolate cake, crumble it into small crumbs into a bowl and mix thoroughly with butter and cottage cheese (curd mass) and roll into small balls. Let them cool in the freezer of the refrigerator, stick the sticks in the middle and dip them white chocolate. Leave in the refrigerator for another half hour. Then use colored icing to create pirate faces and bandanas.

Here’s another funny idea - I don’t know how difficult it is: make jelly in quartered orange peels and attach the sails) I think the jelly is poured into the whole orange peel, and when it hardens, it’s cut, but I don’t know yet how to scoop out all the pulp through a small hole)))

Since we will be celebrating at sea, and I don’t know how to make something to order there, I was looking for options so that I could do it myself. For example, buy cakes and simply decorate them with colored icing from tubes.

You can use these sails on toothpicks to finish store-bought cakes

Fruit decoration idea

I think every housewife has a recipe for stuffing eggs))

not very appetizing, for me, but something similar in a healthier version can be invented)

In the next photo I liked the idea with the sausage octopus in the lower right corner

If you don’t want to bother with the table, you can give everyone a chest with fast food:

And, of course, any table will be elegant if you make a card like this for each guest


Particularly resourceful mothers will be able to make some of them themselves, for example by finishing the purchased ones as necessary (or bake them themselves). This one, for example, I think can be easily done if you cut two cakes correctly and then fold them))

And for this you will only need boat cookies, which are available in most supermarkets (even ours have learned to make them, although they are not as tasty as imported ones)

And this one can be made by a novice pastry chef-mother who works at least a little with mastic)


Now is the time to talk about competitions. Below are competitions that do not require a lot of space to run and that can be easily organized in a small hall or room.

Of course, the culmination of the holiday should be the search for the treasure chest.

The chest can be prepared in advance by making it from an ordinary shoe box, covered with brown paper on the sides; coins can be drawn on the paper, gems etc. The chest itself can be filled with sweets or inexpensive souvenirs, you can put chocolate or plastic coins, small coins, pebbles, shells, because each guest should take some of the treasures with them.

To find a hidden chest you need a map, just like real pirates. The card can be cut into several equal parts) from 4 to 8, depending on the number of competitions, and hide parts of the card in different places. Pirates will have to successfully pass all the tests, solve all the riddles in order to collect a treasure map and find the treasured chest.

Here is just a small part of the competitions for which details have already been made:


A real pirate must know maritime terms. If the pirates vertically guess a word in which one of the parts of the map is hidden. If the pirates solve the crossword puzzle, they will find out where the piece of the map is hidden.

In fact, you can make several crosswords, it all depends on whether your friend and his friends like intellectual ones and how interesting it will be for them. But believe me, not only adults, but also adults will enjoy solving a real pirate crossword puzzle with a riddle!

If space in the apartment allows, you can hold several outdoor competitions, for example,

2. Competition "SEA KNOT"

Any pirate simply must have the art of tying sea knots. The next competition will show how novice robbers can do this. First you need

appoint a leader. It could be the birthday boy himself. The presenter leaves the room. The remaining participants firmly hold hands, forming a closed chain. This chain

required to "tie" in maritime knot. Players can twist around, step over the hands of the player standing next to them, and crawl anywhere without letting go of their neighbor’s hand. After

Once the sea knot is ready and the participants “twist” to the limit, the pirate crew shouts: “Polundra!” The presenter enters the room and unravels the knot without tearing it

chain. The competition can be repeated several times. Those who unravel the sea knot can be awarded with commemorative medals, “Real Pirate”, and the last leader is given a part of the map and also a medal. You can also reward desperate pirates who courageously endured an uncomfortable situation.

The presenter (mother) announces: And now I want to find out how friendly a team you are and whether you recognize each other blindfolded by voice. A “blind” sailor is selected from among the players. The rest of the players, holding hands, stand around him. He claps his hands and the participants begin to walk in a circle. The “blind man” claps again - and the players in the circle stop and freeze. After this, the “Blind” presenter points to one of the guys, trying to guess who it is. If he guesses right the first time, then

the one the leader guesses takes his place. If the “blind” leader did not guess correctly on the first try, then he can touch this participant and try to guess a second time, he can ask the participant to say a word, bark, meow, etc. If successful, the player who was recognized becomes “blind”. This competition can be held two or three times. At the end of the competition, the host announces that the team is really friendly and gives part of the map to the pirates.

4. Competition “DROWNED TREASURES”

This game can become either a competition for the captain (birthday boy) or for any volunteer pirate. To do this, prepare a large basin filled with water. Throw a few oranges, lemons, bananas or apples into the bowl. The pirate participant kneels in front of a basin of water, clasping his hands behind his back, and tries to grab the fruit with his teeth and pull it out of the water. When all the fruits have been pulled out, the participating pirate is solemnly awarded a part of the map and, of course, a medal for participating in the competition “The Bravest Pirate!”

5. Competition “PIRATE DANCES”

The presenter announces: “I know that you are all friendly, dexterous, brave pirates, and now I want to see how you can dance!”

All the pirate guests stand in a circle. According to pirate music, they pass each other in a circle some pirate symbol (a spyglass, a dagger in a sheath, a hat, a bottle of rum). The presenter interrupts the transmission of the whistle symbol. Whoever has the object in his hands goes to the center of the circle and shows the rest of the pirates dance moves. They repeat. After which the game begins from the beginning until everyone is satisfied.

You can repeat this competition 3-4 times, after which the host of the holiday solemnly presents the captain with a piece of the map.

Additionally, you can also hold several intellectual competitions, for example:

Guessing riddles, puzzles, upside-down fairy tales, etc. entertaining competitions.

And now, the map is assembled and you can follow the trail of the treasures! When the cache is found, divide the treasure among the pirates. It would be better if the presenter himself divides the treasures, just put the gifts in the chest into bags in advance, and to avoid fights for gifts, take out the bags so that the pirates do not see what is there and loudly ask “Who wants it?” whoever responds first will get the first bag, etc. Make sure that the bags are of equal value and gifts, otherwise some pirates will remain offended. The bags can be sewn from ordinary opaque fabric and tied at the top with a ribbon.

After this, the pirates can be invited to the table with treats! And if you still have time and energy, you can hold relay competitions between two teams for nice symbolic prizes.

Make sure everyone gets a medal or a small souvenir, and even if they don't win any competitions (and the judging should be fair no matter what), medals for such pirates are perfect for "contestant", "brave pirate", " active pirate", "cheerful pirate", etc.

At the end, distribute a questionnaire to each guest of the holiday, let the pirates fill out the questionnaire for the birthday boy for a long memory.

This holiday will definitely be remembered by all participants; they will be absolutely delighted with it.



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