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What are the criteria for joining the army? Are they recruited into the army if they are underweight?

Deferment from the army today implies not only the presence of any diseases in the conscript, but also due to physiological reasons, such as lack of weight. But you should not immediately focus on this, since not every lack of weight is considered a prerequisite for obtaining a military ID without undergoing military service.

Why don't people take into the army underweight?

Due to the fact that persons from 18 to 27 years of age are conscripted for military service, they initially need to be examined by doctors of a special commission, who give opinions on the suitability of the conscript for military service. military service. In addition, they must have good health and physical endurance, but it is not so rare that young people cannot be called up for military service as a result of non-compliance with established weight category standards.

One of the main symptoms is dystrophy, a disease associated with very low body weight relative to height. It often occurs when a young man of military age has poor nutrition or another disease is the cause. Therefore, after assessment, they may be suspended for 6 months because they are not able to complete the training in full.

Passing a medical examination if you are underweight

After young man If you are of military age, you will be given a summons to undergo training in the army; you will need to undergo a medical examination to determine your suitability. First of all, the draft board doctor takes into account:

  • amount of body weight in relation to height;
  • reviews medical certificates;
  • finds out if there are any diseases.

Therefore, you need to have everything with you Required documents and certificates. As a result, if it is determined that a conscript has problems with underweight, he will be sent for a special medical examination to determine the cause of this condition. In this case, he is exempt from service for 6 months, during which he must try to cure the disease and gain weight. For six months he needs to undergo monthly examinations, which will show changes in the condition of the body. After this time, a commission is appointed again, which makes a decision on conscription into the army. If there are no changes, then you can get a deferment for 12 months or a military ID, which exempts you from military service.

When you have to serve

Despite the fact that quite often young people have problems with weight, for example, overweight or due to his underweight, not everyone will be able to evade military duties. This is due to the fact that there are established boundaries for normal body weight, which allow deviations from the standards. For example, a normal ratio is considered normal for a height of 182 cm. Body weight should be 64.5 to 76 kg, but if a young man weighs about 45 kg or has a height of 160 cm, then this may serve as a basis for granting a deferment from the army. Although, if a conscript with such indicators does not have any diseases, then he will be sent for military service on a general basis.

Assignment of a degree of suitability is indicated by the following categories:

  • “A” the young man is fully fit for military service;
  • "B" conscript can be accepted into the armed forces, but has some restrictions;
  • “B” is a young guy with limited suitability for the army;
  • “G” this designation indicates that the young man is temporarily unable to serve in the armed forces;
  • “D” conscript is considered completely unfit for service.

Formula for calculating body mass index

18-25 years old25 and olderCategory
Underweight18,5-19,4 19-19,9 G, then B-3
Norm19,5-22,5 20-25,9 A, B
If the youth weighs less than 45 kgG, V
For diseases that provoke dystrophyB, C, D, D

[As for point “B”, guys with such restrictions can be drafted into the army only during hostilities.

Table of underweight for military service

Indicators of underweight body mass for conscripts

The main indicators for determining the correspondence of body weight and height, which doctors of the draft commission pay attention to, are the body mass index (BMI). The normal index for citizens aged 18 to 25 years is considered to be between 19.5 and 22.9. And for persons from 25 years to 45 years, respectively, from 20 and to 25.9. Having such indicators, conscripts are sent to serve without any restrictions.

As for underweight, which is considered a reason for deferment to the army, these indicators are at the level of:

  • Young people from 18 to 25 years old have a BMI of 18.5-19.4;
  • Persons from 26 to 45 years old do not exceed 19-19.9;
  • If a conscript's weight is 45 kg or less, then he can count on being exempt from the army.

As for the first indicators, they imply an underweight, which is the basis for obtaining a deferment of 6 months.

If a young man of military age is notified of a discrepancy in the weight category, he will be sent to hospital treatment. If after six months the body weight has not changed, and no diseases are detected, and full working capacity is maintained, then he is sent to serve in the Armed Forces on the same basis as the category.

Taking into account the information received, it can be seen that insufficient body weight is not a reason for avoiding military duties. In addition, do not forget that if the draft commission considers it necessary to conduct a full examination, the deferment can only be extended for six months. And after that, the young man can be drafted into the army without any restrictions, if no diseases associated with being underweight are detected.

Original message Elenina_Elena
Everything is very interesting, but my son is serving in the army today with scoliosis of the spine and all-round flat feet


The autumn conscription into the armed forces began on October 1 Russian Federation. And we offer current list reinforced concrete medical contraindications for military service.

As a rule, only people with obvious and severe pathologies, such as mental retardation, schizophrenia, blindness, deafness, missing limbs, etc., are completely unsuitable for the army.

In other cases, the question is either about treatment (then a delay is given and then a re-examination is required), or about the degree of dysfunction of certain organs.

Severe dysfunction (slurred speech, urinary and fecal incontinence, heart failure, etc.) is a reason for transfer to the reserve. In controversial cases, the decision remains with the medical commission.

Severe infections
Active pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, HIV infection, leprosy - people with such diagnoses are not accepted into the army. Tuberculosis and syphilis can be cured, after which additional examination will be required.

Intestinal infections, bacterial and viral diseases transmitted by arthropods, rickettsiosis, gonococcal, chlamydial infections, some mycoses (diseases caused by fungi) and other infections, when initially detected at a medical examination, will be the reason for sending for treatment. If the infection cannot be treated, the conscript is considered unfit for service.

Malignant and benign neoplasms are a contraindication to military service if the tumor cannot be radically removed, there are metastases or significant dysfunction of any organs.

In addition, those who refused therapy for a tumor will not be accepted into the army. Persons undergoing treatment for neoplasms will be given a deferment and will be subject to re-examination in the future.

Persons with obesity of 3 and 4 degrees are not suitable for military service. They are asked to undergo treatment, during which they are given a deferment. If treatment does not help, upon re-examination a conclusion is made about unfitness for service.

WITH diabetes mellitus of any form and any degree of severity, even in the absence of complications, are not accepted into the army. The disease cannot be cured, and it is not possible to correct metabolic disorders during military service.

Other endocrine diseases
Diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, parathyroid and gonads, nutritional disorders, hypovitaminosis, gout are also contraindications for military service if they are accompanied by dysfunction of the relevant organs and are not amenable to replacement therapy. If a disease of the thyroid gland (goiter) prevents the wearing of a military uniform, the conscript is also considered unfit for service.

Underweight (BMI)<18,5) будет причиной для направления на дополнительное обследование у эндокринолога и лечение.

Mental disorders
Mental retardation, personality disorders, schizophrenia, psychosis, delusional and other mental disorders (regardless of the cause of injury: trauma, tumor, infection, etc.) are contraindications for military service, which the conscript’s parents will be informed about by the psychiatrist who has him observed.

Drug and alcohol addiction
Addictions are a contraindication to military service, even in the absence of mental manifestations and symptoms. The diagnosis must be documented after examination in a hospital. In this case, the conscript must be registered and treated at a drug treatment clinic.

All forms of epilepsy, except symptomatic, that is, those in which convulsive seizures are caused by some kind of brain damage, are a contraindication for conscription service. In case of symptomatic epilepsy, the examination is carried out according to the underlying disease.

Pathologies of the nervous system
Multiple sclerosis, paresis, paralysis, diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord, as well as the peripheral nervous system with consequences in the form of disruption of their functions of any degree - the reason for putting “unfit” in the column on military duty.

In case of temporary disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system, for example after an acute illness, exacerbation of a chronic disease, injury or surgical treatment, a deferment of 6 or 12 months is given. Then a re-examination is required.

Eye pathology
Retinal detachment and tears, glaucoma, severe pathology of the eyelids, conjunctiva, lens and other elements of the eye, strabismus in the absence of binocular vision, severe vision loss, severe farsightedness or myopia and, of course, blindness - all these are contraindications for military service. If the pathology does not cause a significant decrease in vision, the conscript is considered “fit with limitations.”

Hearing and vestibular disorders
Chronic otitis (bilateral or unilateral), bilateral persistent perforation of the eardrum, deafness or persistent hearing loss - these are not allowed into the army. Pathologies that can be cured are sent for treatment, and in the future a re-examination is necessary.

Vestibular disorders of any degree are contraindications for service, but this does not include seasickness and motion sickness in transport.

Heart pathologies
Heart failure (2, 3 and 4 functional classes), rheumatic heart lesions, heart defects, persistent conduction disorders and artificial pacemaker, coronary heart disease are one hundred percent “medical exemptions” from military service.

In case of heart failure FC 1, the conscript is considered “fit with minor restrictions.”

Hypertension and vascular pathologies
If a conscript is found to have an increase in blood pressure above 150/100, he is given a deferment and referred to a hospital for diagnosis. In the future, hypertension of 2 and higher degrees will serve as a medical exemption from service.

With grade 1 hypertension, the conscript is eligible with minor restrictions. With persistent vegetative-vascular disorders and hypotension, the conscript may be considered unfit for service.

In vascular pathology, the degree of disruption of the blood supply and the function of the relevant organs is assessed. If they are not there, the conscript is eligible with restrictions. Hemorrhoids are a contraindication when the process is severe.

Respiratory pathologies
Severe difficulty in nasal breathing, foul-smelling runny nose (ozena), purulent sinusitis with frequent exacerbations, damage to the larynx or trachea, lung diseases with severe or moderate impairment of respiratory function - these will not be taken into the army. If the breathing disorder is not severe, it is “fit with minor restrictions.”

Bronchial asthma
A conscript with bronchial asthma will be sent to the reserves. Moreover, regardless of the severity of the disease, frequency and severity of attacks. Once a diagnosis is made, it is also not removed.

Pathologies of teeth, jaws and digestive system
Absence of 10 or more teeth in one jaw, severe periodontitis and periodontal disease, jaw pathologies with impaired respiratory, olfactory, chewing, swallowing or speech functions; severe forms of colitis, enteritis, fistulas, all pathologies of the esophagus and intestines, accompanied by a violation of their function - all this will give at least a deferment from the army for the duration of treatment, or even force the medical board to write you off as a reserve.
Stomach ulcers and other digestive tract disorders

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is a contraindication for military service. With gastritis, a conscript is fit with minor restrictions. In case of hepatitis and pancreatitis, the issue of the severity of the dysfunction is resolved. If a hernia is detected, surgical treatment is proposed, and then re-examination.

Psoriasis and other skin diseases
Psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, common forms of alopecia or vitiligo, chronic urticaria, photodermatitis, scleroderma, ichthyosis, recurrent eczema will save you from military service. With atopic dermatitis, the issue is resolved depending on the frequency of exacerbations.

Curvature of the spine and other bone pathologies
Chronic diseases of the joints and spine, arthritis, osteo- and chondropathy with impaired joint function, scoliosis starting from degree 2, osteochondrosis with damage to 3 or more intervertebral discs, defects of the bones of the cranial vault, defects of the hand and fingers with impaired hand function - all these are reasons to dismiss you in reserve.

With spinal curvature, the question of suitability will depend on its shape, severity and severity of clinical manifestations.

Flat feet
The fate of a conscript with flat feet will depend on the severity of flat feet (its degree) and the presence of concomitant pathologies: arthrosis, contracture, exostoses.

Deformations of the arms and legs (including their significant shortening), which make it difficult to wear military uniforms and shoes, will cause transfer to the reserve.

Developmental defects
Congenital malformations will cause “unfitness for service” if there is a dysfunction of a certain organ (polycystic kidney disease, abnormal development of the genital organs, etc.). If the developmental anomaly does not affect the function (for example, doubling of the kidney while maintaining its function or microtia (congenital underdevelopment of the external ear), the conscript is considered eligible.

Lack of physical development
Height below 150 cm and weight less than 45 kg is a reason to send the conscript to an endocrinologist in order to find out the reason for such a severe lag in physical development. Then treatment and re-examination will be carried out.

Bedwetting is a reason not to join the army. However, the diagnosis requires multilateral medical confirmation: a therapist, urologist, neurologist, dermatovenerologist, psychiatrist.

Stuttering and other speech disorders
Stuttering and other speech disorders in which it is difficult to understand or completely incomprehensible to others is a reason for dismissal from the reserve. The severity of stuttering is assessed during long-term dynamic observation in various situations, as well as on the basis of characteristics from the place of work or study.

Consequences of injuries
Injuries to any organs that cause disruption of their function, foreign bodies in the cranial cavity, eyes, mediastinum, abdominal cavity, extensive scars that limit movement in joints and wearing a military uniform, consequences of burns and frostbite - with such a pathology they will not be accepted into the army.

Food allergies
If there is a food allergy to the main foods included in army rations (such as flour products, cereals, potatoes, butter), the conscript is transferred to the reserve. In this case, the presence of allergies must be confirmed by skin tests and a relevant medical history.

Pathologies of the kidneys and reproductive system
Any kidney disease with impaired kidney function, with renal failure.

In case of pathology of the genital organs, the conclusion of the medical board will depend on the severity of the clinical manifestations. If symptoms are mild (for example, one testicle is missing), the conscript will be “fit with minor limitations.” Conscripts with infertility are fully fit for military service.


Since young people today are weak, it is necessary to know why they are not accepted into the army. Of course, the spirit of patriotism has weakened somewhat in recent years, but nevertheless there are guys ready to serve.

During conscription, there are those who are not very eager to repay their debt to their homeland, so they try in every possible way to avoid this matter. But there are also those who cannot be taken into the army for health reasons.

Main categories of suitability

It is immediately worth noting that in order to confirm the disease, it is necessary in any case to undergo examination by a military medical commission. Certificates and medical history are also required to confirm this. When studying all the documentation, the Military Military Commission makes a diagnosis about whether the conscript is fit for service, fit with certain restrictions, or not fit at all.

  1. Category “A” indicates the youth’s full suitability for service for any type of military force, including the navy and the landing force.
  2. Category “B” is assigned to those who can serve with certain restrictions, so in this case a choice is given where exactly to go to serve.
  3. Category “B” gives exemption from military service, and the young man is enlisted in the reserves.
  4. There is also such a thing as "". It is given to those who receive category “D”, that is, who are not fit for the army for health reasons. In this case, the young man is finally and irrevocably released from service, and he does not need to undergo a military medical commission again.
  5. Category "G" is given to those who can serve only after undergoing a course of treatment. A repeat summons comes six months later. The average deferment period is approximately a year. If a repeated examination confirms complete recovery, the conscript is drafted into the armed ranks.

Often a deferment is given to those who are found to be underweight. But at the same time, the young man is obliged to report to the military registration and enlistment office every month so that the dynamics of his weight can be monitored. When the body mass index reaches the norm, he will be drafted into the army.

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Illnesses that allow you to take a deferment or not get into service

There are not so many of those who are not taken into the army due to the presence of one or another disease. For the most part, the moment of calling depends on the form and stage of the pathology. But the most common problems are the following:

  1. The young man has stage 2 scoliosis. This stage implies a violation of the shape of the spine in the form of curvature, and the angle should be at least 11 degrees. In parallel with this, there should be a loss of sensitivity and reflexes in the tendons.
  2. Flat feet of the third degree. This disease is popularly called “bear foot.” In this case, it becomes difficult for the young man to move around in the shoes that are issued in the army, since they are of a standard type.
  3. Joint diseases. This refers to arthrosis, the development of which can be at the 2nd or 3rd stage, and the disease affects the joints on both legs.
  4. Blindness or simply low vision. This category includes complete or partial (one eye) blindness. In addition, if a conscript suffers from severe myopia, he may have retinal detachment or glaucoma. He will not be included in the army if he has had significant eye injuries.
  5. Hypertension. If during the examination a pressure of 95/150 mmHg is observed. and at the same time the young man is in a state of rest, this indicates high blood pressure, with which his path to the army is barred.
  6. Diseases of the hearing organs. If, during a medical examination, a conscript does not hear what is said to him in a whisper at a distance of 2 meters or more, this will indicate poor hearing. Those who are deaf (in one or both ears) and those who have chronic otitis media, which has a negative effect on breathing through the nose, are considered unsuitable. Deaf and mute people also do not join the ranks of the military.
  7. Problems with the stomach and duodenum in the form of ulcers also become an obstacle to service.
  8. Chronic pancreatitis does not allow entry into the army.
  9. Various types of hernias, especially those that lead to disruption of the proper functioning of the digestive system.

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Additional obstacles

  1. If one or more fingers are missing from the limbs, the arm or leg is deformed. It is also worth noting that if for some reason a limb is missing, then this is also a reason for non-recruitment. It should be immediately noted that fractures provide only a temporary reprieve, after which the conscript is required to undergo a re-examination, and if the injury does not in any way affect the functionality of the organ, then he will be declared fit.
  2. If the X-ray shows bone deformations that are the result of old injuries or dislocations, then this will be a limitation in fitness.
  3. If there are stones (a fraction of at least 5 mm) in any organs, then such a conscript will be sent for treatment, and his suitability will become questionable.
  4. The disease of urinary incontinence, that is, enuresis, is not allowed into the army.
  5. If a young man has mental problems, such as schizophrenia or split personality, paranoid fears and other disorders, he will not be accepted to serve. But there is a nuance here, since many people want to “slope” in this parameter. For the military medical commission, you need to provide certificates that will indicate the supervising doctor and the time since such deviations occur.
  6. If there is a speech defect that makes it impossible to understand words, for example, severe stuttering.
  7. The presence of diabetes mellitus or obesity of the third stage provides an exemption from military service.
  8. Vegetative-vascular dystonia, when a conscript suffers from frequent and severe dizziness, which is accompanied by fainting. But such problems must have supporting evidence.
  9. Hemorrhoids from the 2nd degree onwards become an obstacle for those wishing to join the army.
  10. The presence of diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, open and closed tuberculosis, as well as other diseases of the 1st degree that affect the lungs and respiratory tract.
  11. Problems with the cardiac system, that is, defects, rhythm disturbances, arrhythmia, do not allow such a person to be hired.
  12. “Male” diseases, such as testicular hydrocele and hyperplasia, can provide a delay in treatment.

In addition to these diseases, those diagnosed with AIDS, hepatitis C and similar diseases do not join the army. Why don't they hire people like that?

Because these diseases are life-threatening, and in the army there is constant contact between people.

Also, alcoholics and drug addicts who have documentary evidence that they are registered with a drug dispensary are not eligible for conscription.

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For what reasons are people not hired if there are no health problems?

According to the law, there are several other categories of persons who are not subject to conscription into the army:

  1. There is an age limit that limits conscription. Today the age is 27 years old, and it is illegal to conscript people under 18 years of age.
  2. As mentioned above, the full one can be obtained for health reasons. But only in the case when the disease cannot be treated; otherwise, they are sent to a course of therapy, after which the conscript undergoes a re-examination and may still be suitable.
  3. Those who have already served before are not accepted into the army. Sometimes military service is also counted when it was done in other countries.
  4. There is an expression: “Teaching is light, and lack of teaching is darkness.” So, having an academic degree, you can be sure that the army is not a threat. Candidates and doctors of sciences do not serve in the army.

The law stipulates that if a person who died while performing military duties or was mortally wounded under such conditions has sons or siblings, then such relatives are exempt from military service.

The closer a young man’s eighteenth birthday is, the more often his parents and he himself think about his upcoming service in the armed forces of the Russian army. And of course the question arises, who is not taken into the army? What grounds can serve as justifiable reasons for not legally serving in the army? In this article we will look at such reasons, and perhaps here you will learn a lot of new things for yourself.

A conscript will not be accepted into the army if his place of work is internal affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the FSB, and he already has a certain rank. However, if he decides to resign before the age of 27, then he should expect a summons to the military registration and enlistment office, and then conscription into the army.

If a young man of military age has a criminal record (provided that it has not been expunged due to the expiration of the statute of limitations) or a criminal case has been initiated against him or a judicial investigation is underway, then even with a strong desire he will not be able to join the army. Of course, the same applies to people serving sentences in prison.

Students from higher educational institutions will not be conscripted into the army while they are studying there. The same rule applies to graduate students. The main thing is that the studies take place full-time, and that the institution itself has accreditation and all the necessary licenses.

A young man who is not yet 27 years old and already has two children will also not be drafted into the army. Single fathers raising a child and guardians of military age who have an elderly, sick or minor relative in their care will not receive a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, provided that the conscript is the only person capable of performing guardianship duties.

Carrying out military service in the Armed Forces and other troops is the responsibility of citizens of the Russian Federation. The responsibility to protect the Fatherland is enshrined in the basic Law of the state. Conscription into the army takes place twice a year: in spring and autumn.

Before the start of the conscription campaign, many young people are interested in questions of deferment or complete removal of duty from service, in particular: whether they are accepted into the army with a suspended sentence. What the concept of “probation” means and the conditions for conscription will be discussed in this article.

What does the term “probation” mean?

A person who has committed an unlawful act is usually subject to a certain penalty. However, this is not always the case. There is a list of grounds enshrined in the law on which a person can be released from execution of punishment.

If this act falls under the concept of “crime”, then the grounds for exemption from punishment are contained in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

First, the judge determines whether the offense committed is a criminal offense. If a person is found guilty by a court decision, he is held accountable and the appropriate penalty must be applied to him. The judge has some alternatives at this stage.

A special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains a certain punishment for each criminal act. Criminal articles provide for alternative types of sanctions, as well as different terms for execution of punishment. At the stage of making a decision, the judge takes into account all the circumstances of the case that mitigate or aggravate the responsibility of the accused. The judge has the right to choose the option of a suspended sentence - this is when, instead of actually serving a sentence (imprisonment), a probationary period is established. During this period, the convicted person must show by his positive behavior that correction is possible without actually serving the sentence.

If the convicted person has proven by his behavior that he has taken the path of correction, or the probationary period has expired, then all restrictive measures against him are removed and the criminal record is expunged. Until this moment, the perpetrator has the status of “convict” with all the negative consequences.

Consequences of probation

Despite the fact that the convicted person is not in a prison, his rights are very limited. He may also be subject to additional punishment in the form of restrictions on engaging in certain activities.

The judge may impose the following additional obligations:

  • ban on visiting cultural events and other specific places;
  • inability to quit a job or change place of residence without prior notification to the supervisory authority;
  • finding a job or graduating from an educational institution;
  • undergoing compulsory treatment, etc.

Does a suspended sentence prevent you from being drafted into the army?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to refer to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”. It contains all the grounds on which citizens can be exempted from conscription. Article 23 specifies persons who are not subject to conscription. These include:

  • persons whose criminal record for an unlawful act has not been expunged or expunged;
  • persons who are under investigation or trial;
  • persons who are serving a sentence by court decision (with the exception of sanctions in the form of a fine and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions).

They don’t take you into the army with a suspended sentence, since such persons do not have the opportunity to perform real service. With a suspended conviction, individuals fulfill a number of obligations that are incompatible with the performance of military duties. Such duties include compulsory community service, which must be performed during free time from work or classes.

However, after the probationary period (probation) expires, the criminal record is expunged or removed earlier than the specified period (for the positive behavior of the convicted person). This means that the criminal record is annulled, and along with it all its legal consequences are eliminated. Accordingly, such a citizen again becomes a conscript and, after a suspended sentence, is taken into the army on a general basis, unless there are other contraindications that prevent him from performing military service.

After the removal or expungement of a criminal record, a former convict with a suspended sentence may be subject to autumn or spring conscription. The duration of military service in 2019 is 12 months.



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