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Why are my extremities constantly cold? Cold hands and feet, causes, diseases

Did you know that in British law, cold hands and feet of a spouse were officially considered a legal reason for divorce? How often do we encounter unreasonably cold temperatures on our hands and feet, even during the summer heat! What is the reason that hands and feet can be almost icy, and is it possible to somehow cope with this?

In fact, cold hands and feet can be a manifestation of completely different conditions and be caused by different reasons. Insufficient blood supply to tissues, low blood pressure, chills, and even Raynaud's phenomenon and cold urticaria are just a few possible reasons that your touch is the touch of the Snow Maiden.

The cradle of humanity is the tropics. We feel most comfortable when warm, and the slightest drop in ambient temperature causes the body to devote all its resources to providing for vital organs and systems. And he does this at the expense of our “periphery”: arms, legs, nose, ears.

Let us leave aside frostbite and chills (erythema pernio, perniosis), as extreme cases of tissue damage due to low temperature and humidity. We will also not consider Raynaud's phenomenon, which manifests itself in a pathological narrowing of the blood vessels of the fingers and toes during hypothermia. All these cases require mandatory medical intervention. These are injuries or manifestations of quite serious diseases with pronounced symptoms (ulcers, discoloration of tissues, etc.). But what to do if your hands are cold without any extreme activities, in a hot room or on a sunny beach?

The most common causes of cold hands and feet

  • Genetic predisposition to the narrowing of blood vessels at the slightest fluctuation in ambient temperature. This type of reaction is more common in women and is associated with fluctuations in estrogen, a hormone that plays a large role in the thermoregulation of body temperature.
  • Manifestation of diseases, the list of which is quite large. First of all - diabetes, anemia, hypothyroidism, lupus, vitamin B12 deficiency. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, and he will prescribe appropriate treatment and diet.
  • Manifestation of vegetative-vascular or neurocirculatory dystonia. In this case, the problem is functional in nature without organic causes, and the problem is quite simply eliminated by exercise, diet, lifestyle correction and simply time.
  • Are cold hands and feet your only complaint and are you generally healthy? At a minimum you're missing physical activity , and in this case physical exercise should help you.

What to do if you have cold hands and feet?

  • Carefully review your wardrobe: the body must be reliably protected from low and uncomfortable temperatures for the body. And you don’t need to focus on “hot guys” walking around in light clothes in the cold: the most important criterion for choosing clothes is your comfort and health.
  • Don't skimp on heating your home, or at least don’t neglect socks and slippers.
  • You can warm up from the inside too. In traditional oriental medicine, it is recommended to take special “warming” foods during cold weather, which enhance peripheral blood circulation and stimulate the immune system. Ginger, garlic or even cayenne pepper are the most effective means“warm up the blood” with food.
  • Nature offers us excellent means of regulating blood circulation.. An infusion of hawthorn and ginkgo biloba has an excellent tonic effect, especially useful for stimulating peripheral circulation.

Aromatherapy for cold hands and feet

And of course, aromatherapy offers effective ways to cope with the problem of cold extremities. Essential oils of ginger, eucalyptus, black pepper, nutmeg and juniper not only stimulate blood circulation, but also activate the immune system. Add a few drops of ether to massage or vegetable oil and massage your limbs - and you will feel a quick surge of warmth.

An excellent effective recipe presented by French professor Dominique Davenne . The product is a specially selected composition of essential oils that have a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. This essential mixture is suitable both for regular use to treat the problem of cold hands and feet, and as an emergency remedy for the initial stage of frostbite.

Mix essential oils in a dark glass bottle:

  • wintergreen 30%
  • lemongrass or litzea 25%
  • chamomile 7%
  • sandalwood 6%
  • myrrh 5%
  • sweet orange 27%

The resulting mixture can be used in the form of local baths, having previously dissolved 10-15 drops of the mixture in a solubilizer (sea salt, honey,). You can also add to massage oil: 5-7 drops per 10 ml of oil (almond, peach, macadamia, etc.)

What else should and should not be done by owners of cold hands and feet?

  • Avoid caffeine in any form: it constricts blood vessels, making the problem worse.
  • Do you smoke? Drop it! Smokers are more prone to cold extremities syndrome due to the fact that smoking reduces blood flow to the capillaries of the arms and legs. Once you get rid of a bad habit, you will quickly feel improvements.
  • Breathing exercises (qigong, Buteyko method, Strelnikova method) are very effective way improve peripheral blood supply, and in the shortest possible time - literally in a couple of minutes.

Questions, comments and feedback

The natural temperature that creates a feeling of comfort for a person corresponds to the one at which he developed while in the mother’s womb - these are the laws of physiology. Increasing, just like lowering this limit, causes inconvenience.

Cold hands and feet are only part of the discomfort that a person experiences when temperature conditions change, and often this sensation is a manifestation of the disease, and not the body’s response to the environment. More often than not, the question of why a person has cold hands is not considered, but in this case, patients lose valuable time, allowing the existing disease to progress.

Seemingly causeless freezing of the hands and feet worries young women more, but this phenomenon is also present among men - the category of such patients covers the age of 60-75 years, which, unlike the first case, indicates the development of physiological changes or, more simply, speaking, aging.

Many people tend to underestimate cold hands and feet - what to do and at what stage to contact them medical care It becomes unclear when the main symptom is accompanied by dizziness, weakness, nausea, which often ends with vomiting. A more serious situation when constantly cold hands and feet means that the patient will have to undergo comprehensive examination, to establish the original source of the health problem, and the disease itself occurs in a chronic form.

Why do people always have cold hands and feet?

The fact that a person’s limbs are freezing should be alarming, especially if the condition was not preceded by nervous strain, exposure to fresh air, or massive blood loss. Among the standard reasons why a person has cold hands may be wearing constrictive jewelry (bracelets, rings) or excessively tight-fitting clothing (usually corsets).

Stress is also a widespread primary source of impaired blood supply to the body, since under the influence of irritating factors, blood vessels narrow. During a panic attack, the heart beats much faster than usual and less blood flows to the extremities, causing the person's hands and feet to feel slightly cold.

Suspicious even more serious pathology should be used if your hands and feet are constantly cold.
Some people are not attentive enough to their health, so even if their hands and feet are always cold, they can explain the phenomenon by prolonged exposure to low temperature air or hypothermia.

Cold extremities of the hands and feet - causes

There are many predisposing factors, so when finding out why your hands are always cold, rule out the following pathologies:

  • Poor circulation
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Hypothermia and, as a result, frostbite
  • A decrease in metabolism also causes cold hands and feet - the reasons for men and women should be sought in dietary errors and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Poor thyroid function (hypothyroidism due to decreased thyroid function).

Depending on the root cause of the underlying disease, other symptoms may appear - they are no less noticeable than always cold hands and feet.

Common signs indicating the presence of disorders in the body are:

  1. Pain.
  2. Numbness.
  3. Change in skin color.
  4. A crawling sensation.
  5. Tingling of varying degrees.

The phenomena can be observed both in combination and separately, and the manifestation of a combination of these is the basis for undergoing an examination and finding out why your hands are always cold.

Women have a less stable psycho-emotional background, and therefore are more susceptible to the development of nervous diseases, the consequence of which is chilliness of the body.

Other ailments that can cause cold feet in women are defined as:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • peripheral vascular diseases;
  • Raynaud's phenomenon.

In women suffering from diabetes mellitus, sugar levels in the blood and urine are abnormally increased, which causes a narrowing of the arteries and capillaries, impairing the blood supply to the tissues. The patient may be aware of the existing endocrine disorder, but often it remains undetected until the time of examination. As the disease progresses and in the absence of optimal treatment, cold hands and feet become - the reasons for women are not too different from those that cause chilly limbs in men.

Simultaneously with the coldness of the extremities, other symptoms may occur, for example, pallor of the skin, an unreasonable increase in general body temperature, and chills.

Atherosclerosis and peripheral vascular disease develop as a result of a chronic increase in cholesterol levels in the blood, which leads to narrowing of blood vessels. Tissues are deprived of the opportunity to fully receive oxygen through the blood, since its circulation is impaired as a result of blockage by atherosclerotic plaques.

What should you do if your hands are cold for this very reason? Contact a cardiologist, review your diet, take medicines which he will appoint; Do not neglect regular visits to this specialist.

Raynaud's phenomenon is characterized by narrowing of small blood vessels, resulting in a decreased response to the nerves' sensitivity to the effects of cold, such as cold extremities of the hands and feet: the causes of the pathology, also known as “cold hands and feet syndrome,” come down to a genetic predisposition. It is more common in women under 40 years of age. It is important to note that the disorder directly affects the normal blood supply to tissues in various parts bodies.

Women suffering from Raynaud's syndrome and exposed to the negative effects of cold temperatures note that the disorder begins to manifest itself with a change in the color of the skin of the arms and legs - they acquire a white or blue tint. Along with the discoloration, the fingers become extremely painful.

Frostbite is a critical condition that results in irreversible damage to blood vessels as a result of prolonged exposure of tissue to low temperatures.

Cold hands and feet - causes in men

A number of factors can make a man's hands and feet feel cold to the touch. It is important to find out why your hands are always cold and undergo appropriate treatment, eliminating the underlying pathology of the body.

Endocrine system diseases manifest themselves as a violation of thermoregulation. This is expressed in the following: the patient feels lethargic, weak, apathetic, drowsy, his arms and legs are cold, which makes him want to warm himself with clothes even in the summer. This is how a disorder of the thyroid gland manifests itself, its weakened functional activity, so visiting an endocrinologist is extremely important.

Poor quality food Over time, it causes iron deficiency anemia, and freezing of the hands is only part of this sluggish pathological condition: later cracks appear in the corners of the mouth, weakness, reluctance to move, the desire to warm cold hands and feet: what to do in this case?

To confirm the assumption - a laboratory blood test can detect the disease, the results of which will reveal a reduced hemoglobin level.

Normalizing your diet and following the doctor’s medication prescriptions will allow you to completely get rid of cold hands and feet, improving your blood counts.

Cold hands and feet - what to do?

The first thing that worries a person who wants to normalize their well-being is what to do if their hands are cold? First of all, do not self-medicate and seek medical help. The doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures, after which it will become clear in which area of ​​the body the violations occurred.

If the condition is permanent, it is possible that you will need to consult a cardiologist, endocrinologist, or immunologist. The therapeutic approach is planned taking into account the main factor that caused the symptom - this could be hormone therapy, nutritional correction, strengthening the immune system, or physical therapy.

Freezing extremities are a normal physiological reaction of the body to contact with low temperatures. At the same time, cold hands and feet can be a symptom dangerous disease. At the heart of this process are circulatory problems, although not necessarily.

Cold feet and hands are a condition that most often appears in the fall and winter. This is not surprising because during these seasons the temperature environment decreases, which helps cool the most distal (or terminal) parts of the body. This is due to contraction of the small terminal arterioles of the legs and arms, which leads to poor blood supply or even ischemia. Looking at the limbs, we see that they become (especially the fingers as the outermost parts of the body) first pale, and then even waxy white. Change appearance may also be accompanied by a feeling of numbness.

In addition, when it is cold, the cardiovascular system primarily strives to maintain the correct temperature of the internal organs, which is critical for the functioning of the entire body. Thus, an increase in blood circulation occurs in the chest and abdomen, in the area of ​​the kidneys, lungs, and heart. As a result of this so-called centralization of the circulation, blood flow through the distal blood vessels that supply blood and therefore nutrients and heat to the areas of the lower and upper extremities is reduced. All this increases the feeling of cold in these extreme parts of the body.

Such temporary cooling of the legs and arms is not a cause for concern, but rather a correct reaction of the body to the prevailing environmental conditions. However, if cold feet and hands are a problem that occurs throughout the year, it may indicate symptoms of a medical condition such as anemia or atherosclerosis.

Causes of cold extremities

Some of the reasons that cause cold hands and feet can be very trivial and easy to fix, such as wearing tight socks/gloves. A thick sock or stocking that is pressed into the skin of the legs, like an elastic band, can significantly reduce or even completely block the flow of blood under pressure, causing the legs to feel frozen. A similar effect is achieved by gloves that are too tight, or a button that is too tight. Therefore, it is best to choose socks with wide and not too tight elastic bands, as well as watch bracelets - remember that your finger should fit freely between the belt and your wrist.

Staying in one place for a long time

Another reason for impaired/deteriorating blood flow, which can also lead to freezing of the feet, is staying in one position for a long time (sitting or standing). To prevent this, when standing for long periods of time, you need to shift your body weight from one leg to the other, or instead of sitting for long hours, it is better to periodically perform leg exercises such as bending and straightening your toes.


Emotions or their excess can be of great importance. In stressful situations, an increased amount of adrenaline is produced and released, which is associated with a strong contraction of peripheral blood vessels. This results in pale and cool hands and feet and centralization of blood circulation around organs essential for survival, i.e. the heart and brain.

In addition to positive effects, medications also have side effects. Cold hands and feet may occur in people who use selective beta blockers, as well as oral contraceptives, ergot alkaloid derivatives, cytostatics, interferon. In this case, you should consult a doctor who will consider the need to use medicine, as well as the possibility of replacing it with another.

Cold extremities also occur due to poisoning with lead, thallium and other chemical compounds.

Although many cases of cold feet and hands are caused by a trivial or treatable cause, it is worth remembering that they can also be the first sign of health problems. Then home methods such as warm socks are not enough, and you will need a visit to a doctor who can diagnose the cause of chronic cold feet. Cold hands and feet, as a rule, regardless of the factor that caused them, indicate problems with circulation. .

Diseases causing cold hands and feet

  • Deep vein thrombosis is a very serious condition that may remain asymptomatic for many years. Blood clots that occur in venous vessels (most often as a result of slow/decreased flow) may develop slowly, gradually enlarging. In case of sudden separation from the vessel and passage of blood to the pulmonary vessels, it can cause stagnation and death;
  • atherosclerosis - cholesterol plaques deposited inside the arteries, leading to their damage and narrowing, which impedes blood circulation;
  • hypothyroidism - if basic tests confirm that the thyroid gland is not working properly, you need to contact an endocrinologist;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • anemia caused by a deficiency of iron, which is part of hemoglobin, responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood;
  • Raynaud's disease is a condition associated with contraction, under the influence of stress or cold, of the arteries, and a deterioration in the blood supply in the fingers: the hands and feet first become waxy, and then blue, numb and red;
  • Takayasu's disease (Takayasu's arteritis);
  • hypotension, i.e. blood pressure below 90/60 mm Hg. Art., in this case it is worth performing additional tests to exclude dangerous cardiac complaints, in which hypotension is one of the symptoms;
  • frostbite, especially if the feeling of cold is accompanied by burning, itching, redness and pain, you should remember that you do not need to be frozen for hours in order for frostbite to occur. If you have frostbite, it is very important to avoid sudden heat!
  • hematological diseases, such as leukemia, lymphomas;
  • Buerger's disease (thromboangiitis obliterans);
  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • autoimmune diseases - collagenosis. Under the influence of these diseases (rheumatic diseases, scleroderma, lupus erythematosus), antibodies are produced against one’s own cells. As a result of this process, some tissues or organs are destroyed. The so-called Raynaud's sign - after immersing your hands in cold water the palms immediately turn white. This phenomenon is based on problems of blood circulation in the extremities. There is severe constriction of the blood vessels in the fingers. Cold hands and feet are not the only symptom; alopecia, skin lesions, ulcers of the mucous membrane, and increased sensitivity to light are also observed.
  • nerve compression syndromes and vascular syndromes, such as carpal tunnel syndrome - as a result of pressure on the vessels and nerves passing through the carpal tunnel, ischemia of the limbs occurs, and, consequently, a feeling of coldness. Additional symptoms include numbness or tingling and pain in the hands;
  • infectious diseases, such as viral hepatitis;
  • pulmonary edema;

Cold hands and feet in women

A serious cause of cold extremities in women is Raynaud's syndrome.

Raynaud's syndrome is a paroxysmal contraction of the arteries in the arms, less often in the legs, and the cause of this contraction may be low temperature or strong emotions. Raynaud's usually occurs in young, slender women and may go away on its own once a woman becomes pregnant. Occurs under the influence of cold, emotions or without a clear reason. The disease most often affects adolescents aged about 15 years. The most susceptible people are those with low blood pressure. There is an interesting connection between this disease and headaches (migraines). Raynaud's syndrome is often the first symptom of a disease (mainly diseases connective tissue), preceding it several years. Most often it stops spontaneously when it reaches maturity. Cold feet are also sometimes a symptom of hypothyroidism in women.

Cold feet and hands in men

In men, cold extremities are less common, but the causes are much more serious.

Buerger's disease or thromboangiitis obliterans is very dangerous. In this case, cold feet are a symptom of inflammation developing in the blood vessels. If this condition lasts for a long time, serious complications and even amputation of the infected limb can occur. Buerger's disease most often affects young men who smoke cigarettes.

Another serious disease accompanied by cold lower extremities is atherosclerosis. Cholesterol deposits on the walls of arteries cause a narrowing of their diameters. The blood does not reach the place where it should be, and the legs are again the weakest organs where the blood does not reach and constantly freezes. Cold feet, caused by poor circulation and atherosclerosis, most often occur in older men.

Treatment at home

If we rule out serious diseases, the symptoms of which are cold hands and feet, it is worth familiarizing yourself with several home methods to prevent the problem:

  • warm gloves and socks made of natural materials,
  • avoid wearing gloves, socks and shoes that are too thick,
  • finger exercises and stretches,
  • the use of so-called manual heaters,
  • gentle massage of the arms and legs (be careful, do not do this if you have frostbite),
  • avoid caffeine and nicotine,
  • frequent changes in body position,
  • use special cuffs for people working on a computer.

Hand and foot massage

Massage with special rollers or massage devices to stimulate blood circulation. Accessories for foot massage can be found at the pharmacy. The massage should be repeated whenever the feet are cold or as a preventive measure, for example, before bed.

Some people have cold feet, regardless of the time of year. No one wants to leave cold marks, because it causes a lot of discomfort. Then people put on socks and insulate their feet as best they can. This, of course, is correct, because no one wants to endure icy limbs. On the other hand, you should not wait for the weather by the sea - the situation is unlikely to correct itself.

In this material we will talk about all the reasons why your feet are constantly cold, as well as methods of treating this problem.

Causes of cold feet

Experts believe that the cause of constantly cold feet is, first of all, problems with blood vessels. This can often be the cause of the serious disease atherosclerosis, which affects the tissue of the arteries and turns them from elastic to brittle and hard.

Also, doctors do not rule out problems with blood circulation. Indeed, most often people experience difficulties for this very reason. But there are a number of other diseases and problems that cause constantly cold feet:

Diseases of internal organs and systems. These, as we have already said, include atherosclerosis. There may also be vegetative-vascular dystonia. This disease is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, headache, forgetfulness, a constant desire to sleep and goosebumps before the eyes with sudden movements. Osteochondrosis, thyroid problems, cardiovascular system- all this can be the cause of cold feet.

This may also indicate liver problems. If there are disturbances in this organ, the blood begins to circulate in a small circle, trying to optimize energy production, saving it. This is why there is a lack of active blood flow in the legs, which simply does not reach them in the required quantity.

The thyroid gland is responsible for storing energy. Therefore, any disturbances in the organ can affect the condition of the legs. Often representatives of the fair sex have cold feet due to hormonal imbalance.

Violation of metabolic processes.

Anemia, lack of iron and magnesium in the body. A low level of hemoglobin in a person leads to the fact that the body quickly loses heat, and this provokes frozen feet. With anemia, people always have cold not only feet, but also hands.

Deficiency of vitamins and essential nutrients. Very often, cold feet are observed in women who sit on strict diet. This is too debilitating for the body. No or small quantity necessary substances leads to deterioration of tissue nutrition. This provokes circulatory problems and has a bad effect on the functioning of absolutely all systems. Therefore, it is important to maintain a daily caloric intake and balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Don't forget about healthy vitamins.

Tight shoes. Wearing uncomfortable, rubbing shoes, synthetic tights and socks can only worsen the problem of cold feet.

Weather conditions. If it's autumn or winter and your feet are cold, this may be completely normal. Wear the right shoes, socks, and insulate yourself properly so that problems do not arise. It is also advisable to wear slippers or socks at home.

Stress. Even negative events in life can trigger this problem. Therefore, it is important to understand your mental state Same.

Treatment for cold feet

Before you begin treating constantly cold feet, of course, you need to understand the reason for this phenomenon. Be sure to visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations. As a rule, doctors prescribe an ultrasound examination of blood vessels, a cardiogram, and tests for hemoglobin and hormone levels in the blood. This is the only way to understand what is wrong with your body and what is causing the blood to run cold in your legs.

In the meantime, you have not done this, take care of prevention, which we will be happy to tell you about. First, change your diet. It must be complete, correct, without harmful products. Include in your diet foods that can cleanse blood vessels, improve blood composition and heart function. Your menu should have enough meat, liver, vegetables and fruits.

Secondly, move more. Be sure to walk every day. It’s better to forget about traveling by car and replace public transport with walks. Go through at least one stop with your feet, don’t be lazy. Include daily morning exercises in your life, massage the active points of your arms and legs to saturate them with blood.

Thirdly, give up tight and uncomfortable shoes and clothing in general. This interferes with blood circulation and provokes a problem with cold feet. Your shoes should be strictly true to size, no more and no less. Also know that the most effective is considered to be a heel no more than four centimeters high.

Fourth, forget about bad habits. Cold extremities are common among smokers.

Fifth, take hot foot baths to improve blood circulation. You can add a couple of drops essential oil so that there is also a cosmetic effect on the legs. A contrast shower also helps a lot. After such procedures, thoroughly dry your feet and apply a cream with a warming effect to them.

Sixth, massage your feet. To do this, lubricate vegetable oil or moisturizing foot cream and with strong movements, massage first the right leg on all sides, moving up from the ankle to the knee. Then, tapping your fingers along the tibia, lower down to the foot. Finish the massage with circular stroking of the knee. Do the same actions with your left leg.

These simple steps will help you cope with cold feet. But in any case, do not forget to visit your doctor, who will tell you how to act in your particular case.

Cold feet can be a clinical sign of quite serious pathological processes, in particular those with poor circulation. However, one should not exclude the fact that the cause of this condition may be simply symptomatic. In any case, if your feet are constantly cold, even at normal temperatures, you need to consult a doctor: he will prescribe a set of diagnostic measures, determine why your hands and feet are cold, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It should also be noted that always cold feet and hands can be a completely natural reaction of the body to even the slightest temperature changes. In addition, you need to take into account that women are more cold. This is due to frequent hormonal fluctuations and physiological characteristics body. Also, such a symptom is quite normal in old age - it is also a consequence of physiological changes in the body.

If a person constantly has cold hands and feet and this has not been observed before, then there is a factor natural for the body temperature regime is excluded, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Diagnosis can be carried out through both laboratory and instrumental measures. The overall clinical picture and data that were collected during the initial examination are also taken into account.

Treatment tactics are determined individually, depending on the diagnosis.


The causes of cold feet can be both pathological and external.

As for the pathological processes that can lead to the appearance of such a symptom, the following factors should be highlighted:

  • lower extremities;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • illness and;
  • at the initial stage of development;
  • venous stagnation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • consequences of infectious-toxic shock;
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • decreased levels of thyroid hormones;
  • and other systemic diseases;
  • autonomic dysfunction;
  • tissue necrosis, development.

However, cold feet are not always a consequence of pathological processes in the body.

The following etiological factors can provoke such a symptom:

  • incorrectly applied bandage;
  • shoes that are too tight;
  • sharp spasm of blood vessels due to high body temperature;
  • compressive items of clothing - synthetic tights, socks;
  • insufficient amount of adipose tissue;
  • previous frostbite;
  • water imbalance, which leads to blood thickening;
  • smoking;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • taking some medications;
  • individual hypersensitivity to temperature changes.

Cold feet in a child, if we talk about a newborn, are also not a consequence of a pathological process in most cases. However, consultation with a doctor is still necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to those cases when the feet are cold and sweaty. In this case, there may be a genetically determined disease.

Also, cold and wet feet are a symptom of pathological processes such as:

  • fungal skin diseases;
  • oncological processes;
  • psychoemotional disorder.

Therefore, the rational decision in this case would be to consult a doctor rather than self-medicate.

Possible symptoms

It is quite difficult to determine just from the current symptoms why your hands and feet are sweating. To fully understand the clinical picture, an examination will be required in any case.

Cold extremities without increased sweating may be accompanied by the following clinical picture:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • general, malaise;
  • tingling sensation, slight pain in the fingers, partial numbness;
  • a feeling of heaviness and weakness in the legs even after short physical activity;
  • heavy breathing;
  • , that is, blueness of the skin;
  • increased appetite, but weight gain is not observed;

If your feet are still sweating, the clinical picture may include the following clinical symptoms:

  • , which is unproductive, lasts more than two weeks;
  • , especially at night;
  • weakness, weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • skin damage - cracks, sores, itching and burning;
  • bad smell legs

In addition, with such symptoms, a person also feels psycho-emotional discomfort.

Cold feet when a child has a fever may indicate impaired thermoregulation, so you should consult a doctor for advice and not self-medicate.


In this case, the diagnostic program will be determined on an individual basis, depending on the current clinical picture, personal and family history.

In general, the following studies may be prescribed:

  • general clinical and biochemical blood test;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • angiography;
  • CT, MRI;
  • test for tumor markers, allergens;
  • coagulogram;
  • dopplerography;
  • X-ray examination with contrast agent;
  • electrocardiogram.

The diagnostic program given here is exemplary. At the discretion of the doctor, and also taking into account the data that was collected during the initial examination, it may change.

You may need to consult a hematologist, immunologist, medical geneticist, cardiologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist. Based on the diagnostic results, it will be determined why your feet are cold.


The tactics of therapeutic measures can be either conservative or radical. The doctor prescribes the necessary medications, depending on the diagnosis. Physiotherapeutic procedures and diet also take place.



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