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Show all kinds of soothing drops for cats. Review of effective sedatives for cats, reviews

Any pet is a kind of family member. And we all have to take care of them, vaccinate them, monitor their health and appearance. It is often necessary to go on a long-distance train with an animal, while the cat must be in its carrier. Many pets do not tolerate confined spaces, they categorically cannot stand strangers and any situations that are unpleasant for them. It is important to visit the veterinarian on time, go to the country and go to animal shows. In many stressful situations, cats are in a state of shock and are plagued for several more days. To help the unfortunate animal, and reduce the level of stress, you can use special soothing drops for transporting cats.

How appropriate are sedatives?

Here are a few reasons why you should give your cat a sedative and when they are relevant:

  1. Excessive sexual excitability.
  2. Participation in exhibitions or cat shows.
  3. A visit to the veterinary clinic, a routine examination or vaccination.
  4. An injury in a cat that requires long-term treatment and relative rest.
  5. Feline fears, for example, many cats are afraid of small children, because they drag them by the tail, stroke them against the wool.
  6. Territory marking.
  7. The manifestation of aggression towards oneself or towards other people.
  8. Severe stress, such as moving or losing a loved one.

They exist in several types, and act differently on the animal's body, so some of them can be used in everyday life if necessary, and some only in the most extreme cases.

Sedative for cats: improvised means

There are two types of cat sedatives you can find at home.

  1. Valerian medicinal. It is generally accepted that valerian has a calming effect on cats and cats. But this opinion is very wrong. Despite the fact that medicinal valerian is a good sedative and practically harmless remedy for humans, it should not be given to cats. For all cats, and to a greater extent for cats, valerian infusion has an exciting effect, since it contains a substance similar in composition to a cat's estrus. Therefore, for cats it is a kind of Viagra. And the most dangerous thing is that immediately after the first use, cats develop a strong dependence on valerian infusion. Never allow cats to sniff medicinal valerian.
  2. Catnip. This is a softer and weaker version of valerian. With the same active ingredient, only with a lower concentration. You will not get a calming effect, and addiction after frequent use is completely. The cat's behavior may change slightly, but this is from the pheromones that are contained in mint. In addition, some feline individuals are not affected at all by mint. Even if you apply mint in a spray or sprinkle dry.

We have come to the conclusion that homemade sedatives are not safe for the cat's health and we will not use them. A completely different attitude to medicines. They have undergone all sorts of studies, they are recommended by veterinarians.

Medical sedatives can be in the form of tablets or drops. What will be convenient for your pet is up to you. Such drugs will perfectly help when transporting animals, during stressful situations, with attacks of aggression, as well as during estrus in cats. To understand the variety of drugs and make the right choice that suits your cat, consider the most popular and effective sedatives for cats.

The most commonly used sedatives for cats are:

  1. Sedative drug "Cat Bayun". This drug is one of the most popular. It is often prescribed by veterinarians. It perfectly copes with attacks of aggression in cats, with atypical behavior of the pet, helps with excessive nervousness. He is also advised if the cat began to often mark his territory. Cats are prescribed during estrus, as it relieves excessive excitability. This soothing drug for cats is available in the form of tablets and as a solution.
  2. Sedative "Fitex". This remedy is recommended by veterinarians as one of the best means for transporting cats. Due to the correctly selected composition, the product improves the functioning of the cat's heart and dulls the feeling of fear. Therefore, even a long road will not scare your pet, and will not cause serious injury to his psyche. This sedative preparation contains skullcap, motherwort, hops, medicinal valerian. This drug is available in the form of drops, which makes it convenient to use even while on the road.
  3. Sedative "Stop-stress". This remedy is recommended to be used after consultation with a veterinarian and for serious indications. With strong aggression or with great stress. Due to the substances that make up the drug, blood circulation improves and the performance of the cat's brain is normalized. The drug is quite powerful, but with proper treatment and the dose of the drug recommended by the veterinarian, addiction does not occur. This sedative is available both in the form of drops and in the form of tablets.

Soothing preparations for cats and cats of hormonal action

The use of soothing hormonal drugs is possible only after examination and consultation with a veterinarian. These drugs affect the health of your pet, and specifically the reproductive characteristics of the cat. The use of this drug once can help the cat calm down and will not harm her health. While the frequent use of such drugs entails irreversible consequences. For example, a cat can develop diabetes.

Hormonal preparation for cats "Sex barrier". They have a calming effect, due to their composition reduces natural excitability. Its use is especially relevant in the spring months.

  1. Hormonal drug for cats "Counter-Sex". It includes two hormonal preparations at once. Significantly reduces or completely suppresses sexual arousal. It is prescribed once a day, until the end of estrus. Start the application should be at the first sign of sexual desire. The sexual cycle resumes after 4 months.
  2. Hormonal drug for cats "Sex-Control". It is prescribed to apply at the very beginning of estrus, thereby provoking a breakdown in ovulation. Studies have shown that this drug does not adversely affect subsequent estrus.

These are very complex drugs in their formula, an incorrectly selected or inaccurate dose can cause serious health problems in a cat or even death of a pet. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe such means to calm your pet. Choosing such a drug on the advice of a neighbor or reviews on the Internet, you risk.

List of the most popular drugs:

  1. Amitriptyline. Veterinarians refer to this remedy as a kind of antidepressant. Helps in the fight against cats that mark the territory. Recommended for pet chronic anxiety syndrome.
  2. Buspirone drug. This medication is most often prescribed for fears in cats. It does not act immediately, it has a cumulative effect. The first result can be seen after about one month.
  3. Diazepam drug. This tool is used if you need a single and short-term effect of calming the animal. With a properly calculated dose, it can serve as an appetite stimulant in an animal.
  4. xylazine drug. This medication gives an immediate sedative effect and lasts approximately one to two hours. This may be necessary, for example, when performing medical dressings or examining an animal.
  5. Veteranquil drug. Produced in the form of a solution. It can be used both intravenously and intramuscularly. Assign for a long journey, has a calming and antiemetic effect.

Most often, a sleeping pill is a necessary measure during a long journey or flight. Before you get into the vehicle, you just need to give your pet some of this medicine. Thus, you protect your pet from a lot of stress, and also save your nerves, the nerve cells of your fellow travelers. After all, a screaming and screaming animal will not give anyone pleasure.

All sleeping pills are divided into several groups depending on the time of exposure to the animal's body: short-term exposure, medium and long-term exposure. Therefore, you yourself can adjust the duration of sleep of your beloved pet, depending on the duration of the route.

Short-acting sedative sleeping pills

Such medications are aimed at quickly falling asleep in a cat, and these drugs are classified as psychotropic drugs. Such a remedy will be sold to you only as prescribed by a veterinarian, very rarely you can freely buy it at a pharmacy. There are several of the most basic and popular sleeping pills:

  1. Etaminal sodium. This tool should be used very carefully, with a single use of addiction does not occur, further dependence is possible. Works just like a sedative.
  2. Barbamil. The animal falls asleep approximately 50-60 minutes after consumption. And the effect lasts about 7 hours. Good for long journeys or flights.

Anti-anxiety hypnotic drugs with an average duration of action

  1. Noxiron. This drug is usually prescribed by veterinarians along with other sedatives. The action occurs in about 20-30 minutes.
  2. Sodium barbital. The drug has a good hypnotic effect. It starts working 90 minutes after use. And this remedy lasts about 10 hours.
  3. Chloral hydrate. Has a strong sedative effect. It has a lot of side effects and contraindications. This sedative sleeping pill is used only under the supervision of specialists.

The main thing you need to know and remember is that the use of sedative sleeping pills is the most extreme measure. Do not resort to it often, it can kill your beloved cat. All drugs cannot be prescribed independently, since you will not be able to correctly calculate the dosage and evaluate the correct effect on the body.

After the effect of the sleeping pill on your beloved pet has begun, you must constantly monitor the condition of your cat, monitor the correct sleeping position. The neck should be extended, only in this state the necessary amount of air enters. The cat also needs warmth, so take care of a comfortable bedding and a soft blanket for your pet.

Video: sedatives for cats and cats

Not all pets can easily overcome stress. Sometimes even a simple exit to the street turns into a real torture for the pet and the owner. What to say about moving, and, moreover, medical procedures. But veterinary medicine has been dealing with this issue for a long time. Many excellent drugs have been created. In our review, we will tell you what sedatives for cats are, how they differ, and how effective they are.

How to choose a sedative for cats at home

For some unknown reason, many people believe that catnip and valerian are the best things to give your pet to calm down. Is it really? Owners who do not understand the physiology of the animal can harm it.

Valerian for cats - not as effective as everyone thinks

Some people claim that the best sedative for cats at home is valerian. This opinion is based on the peculiarities of the effect of valerian extract on the human body. For a cat, or a cat, this is a powerful stimulant of the nervous system, at the same time acting, like drugs like Viagra. That is, not only will you not calm the animal, but you will also cause a powerful release of hormones in its body, and at the same time increase stress. Valerian acts on cats like a narcotic substance, intoxicates, disrupts the coordination of movements. They can rush around the apartment, knocking you down, breaking everything around, and completely out of control. Transportation in this state is not possible.

Catnip - inexpensive, but not always effective

It has properties similar to valerian. But it is much weaker and does not affect all animals. Using it as a sedative for cats on the road is pointless. You won't hurt your pet, but you won't help either.

All known folk remedies based on such effects are misleading. The cat under their influence does not calm down, but is in a state of passion, drug intoxication. Moreover, it is impossible to predict exactly how she will behave under the influence of such stimulants.

Sedatives for cats

Next, we will touch on specially designed veterinary drugs. These are time-tested and doctor-tested, sedatives for cats with aggression, for a quiet move, or during estrus. They are available in the form of drops, sprays, tablets, and also in ampoules for injection.

Calming tablets and drops for cats

There are many such drugs in veterinary pharmacies. These are both imported and domestic funds. They may have similar formulations based on medicinal herbs and synthetic substances:

  • Soothing drops for cats "Fitex" have proven themselves well. They can be used by those who are planning to move. The correct dosage will allow you to ensure comfortable movement of the animal in the basket over long distances. The action of the drug allows you to relieve the load from the heart, calm the cat. If going outside the house causes fear, "Fitex" will reduce the negative effect;
  • Also used are sedative tablets for cats called Stop Stress. They are also made in liquid form. Despite the fact that the drug is powerful, it does not have dangerous side effects and addiction. It reduces nervous excitement, so it is suitable for transportation and during estrus. If tablet forms are not suitable for your pet, there is a liquid form on the market. A few drops will solve the problem;
  • Also known are tablets and a solution with the easy-to-remember name "Cat Bayun". If the animal is not neutered/neutered, you will significantly reduce its aggressiveness. Great for helping with anxiety. Cats stop actively marking corners in the apartment, which will undoubtedly please the owners.

Calming for cats and cats based on hormones

If you need a good sedative for cats in heat, Sex Barrier is the way to go. But like any other hormonal drugs, it should be used only as directed by the attending veterinarian. The impact is on those parts of the brain that are responsible for the sexual instincts of the animal. Helps cats of both sexes. If the effectiveness of such a remedy seems insufficient to you, there is another option - chemical or surgical castration.

Tranquilizers for cats (sleeping pills)

There are animals that corny do not take drops and tablets. The question arises, what kind of sedative to give a cat if you have a long road to another city. The easiest way is to transport her sleeping. But how to achieve a lasting effect and not harm? To do this, you need to go to the veterinarian, or call him at home. The doctor will give an injection of a tranquilizer, after which the pet will not only relax, but also fall asleep for a long period. The danger at the correct dosage is minimal.

Recommendations for the use of sedatives for cats

Although cats are playful and calm animals by nature, they can also experience stressful situations associated with extreme conditions. For some pets, loud noises from household appliances can be stressful, for others - moving to a new place of residence, and still others may be terribly afraid of the next visit to the veterinarian. Too vulnerable pets can be afraid even of strangers and thunderstorms. Like people, animals have their own temperament, character and fears. To make your pet's life less nervous and comfortable, you should give the animal a sedative for cats in stressful situations.

Since modern pharmacology is developing rapidly, and the number of drugs is growing every day, a sedative or sleeping pill for cats is sold in almost every veterinary pharmacy. Veterinarians strongly recommend buying herbal preparations. They do not harm the health of animals, calm the nervous system, stabilize the cardiovascular system and pressure, and reduce the feeling of fear.

In what situations can a sedative be given?

During any stressful situations;

To reduce arousal and hypersexuality;

During transportation, regardless of the mode of transport;

To prevent territory marking by a cat;

During a change of residence;

To reduce some of the symptoms associated with estrus, such as loud meowing or excessive anxiety.

If your pet behaves inappropriately in at least one of the situations described above, you need to think about his health and buy soothing drops. Before giving them, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian.

Types of sedative

At the moment, such drugs are produced in several forms, among which the main ones are:

Sleeping pills for cats. Its types

First, let's figure out what sleeping pills are. As studies show, such drugs have similarities with narcotic substances in terms of influencing animals. Too much sleeping pills can even cause a narcotic state in an animal. They can also be used in small doses as a sedative, but only under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Sleeping pills for cats are divided into the following types:

With short-term action;

With medium action;

Long lasting.

Depending on the condition of the animal, veterinarians prescribe the rate of the drug. In small doses, short-term sleeping pills help regulate your pet's sleep. Stronger medications are used during sleep therapy, to prepare for anesthesia, or when seizures are present.

Reasons for using sleeping pills

Strong sleeping pills for animals cannot be bought in any veterinary pharmacy. They are used strictly for their intended purpose - during operations, for anesthesia, the treatment of severe disorders of the nervous system, as well as for pain relief during painful procedures. With the help of some strong types of sleeping pills, animals are euthanized. It should also be remembered that “human” drugs should not be given to cats. This can cause a lot of unpredictable side effects.

Sleeping pills for cats for grooming are also not recommended, especially if the road and the procedure do not take much time. If you only need to calm the pet, it is better to use sedatives, preferably herbal-based.

Transporting cats in a car is a fast, but very dangerous way to transport animals. So that the pet does not run all over the car and does not “help” the driver to drive, he must be given a small amount of sleeping pills before the trip. It is also advisable to buy a cat carrier or harness. Sleeping pills for cats on the road are recommended for short-term use. The amount of the drug that needs to be given depends on its stress resistance and the duration of the trip.

Rules for taking sedatives and sleeping pills

Note! When choosing sleeping pills for cats, carefully read the composition and instructions for use. Consultation with a veterinarian is a prerequisite that guarantees the health of the pet. He will warn about possible adverse reactions to the medicine and tell you how to act if they occur. In addition, only an experienced specialist can find the true cause of anxiety in cats in cases where the owner does not know why the animal behaves inappropriately, and correctly prescribe treatment. It is strictly forbidden to independently increase the dose of the drug, especially if its composition is not herbal, but chemical. From an overdose of sleeping pills, a pet can not only get poisoned, but also die.

Whether or not you gave your cat a sedative or sleeping pill before the trip, do not open the carrier until you reach your destination. Cats are freedom-loving animals, so they can use any chance to escape, thereby creating a problem for their owner.

Has your fluffy cute pet suddenly turned into an angry tiger? An aggressive attitude can be dangerous to your health and property, as well as to the health of the animal itself. How to understand what is on the mind of a pet, how to calm a cat quickly and effectively?

Before going wild, your pet gives clear signals of an upcoming burst of aggression. How to determine that an animal is preparing to attack:

The cat looks angry, irritated, on edge, as if he is not able to relax, explodes at the slightest provocation. Almost everything can provoke such a release of negativity - from the fright of an awakened animal to serious changes in the environment or place of residence. For example, with almost a guarantee, the cat will “go crazy” with a large number of strangers, the appearance of a new pet, or with frequent moves.

Aggression can be intraspecific (cat-cat) and interspecific (cat-another animal, cat-human). Also, sometimes the pet attacks and tears objects.

The condition can manifest itself suddenly and plunge the living object of the attack into psychological shock - the same as the one in which the cat itself is.

Zoopsychologists say: the signs very often mask the fear and severe stress in which the animal itself is. The cat wants, but cannot find a way out of the situation and sort it out. He can be helped simply by understanding what led to the aggression.

How to identify the cause of anger in a cat

There may be several reasons why a cat can react so painfully to the environment, and they are far from always obvious to the owner.


The main reason for the “brutality” of a cat, driven into a corner by a difficult situation and not receiving support. Such an animal has no other choice but to attack. Any non-standard or unpleasant situation can cause fear - from a sharp sound and bright light to procedures in a veterinary room.

Often the classic aggression out of fear is observed by veterinarians. It looks like this:

  • the cat shrinks into a ball and tucks its tail, trying to become as small as possible;
  • the cat can urinate, defecate, go mark;
  • horror appears in the eyes of the animal, then anger comes.

Fear causes the animal to express a request with all its body and behavior: “Leave me alone!”. However, the stressful situation continues for various reasons, and the pet decides that he has only one way out - an attack.

How to deal:

  • leave the animal alone if possible;
  • provide shelter (carrying, dark corner) until calm.

In the future, the cat should be gently removed from the state of stress and socialized.


The cat was friendly and calm, and suddenly began to hiss and rush at people and animals? Such behavior can be the cause of the disease, even with external seemingly convincing signs of her health.

There are diseases that occur without external manifestations, for example:

  • epilepsy;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • heavy metal poisoning.

It is necessary to check the health of the pet - consult a doctor, do an ultrasound scan, take blood, feces and urine tests.

If you notice abnormal symptoms - contact your veterinarian

An aggressive reaction can occur if a person, caressing a cat, accidentally touches a sore spot. There are also cases of cat attacks if the owner stepped on her paw, or the child hurts the animal (pulls the tail, squeezes). If a cat is older than 12 years old, it may develop age-related diseases, such as arthritis - an age pet should be handled with extreme care.

A game

It is well known that cats sometimes bite their owners on the legs. This happens if:

  • do not play with animals;
  • the cat survived on the street alone;
  • the kitten was taken too early (before 3 months) from the litter.

Unpleasant manifestations are “treated” with the help of education (teach the animal that bites and scratches instantly stop fun play and communication) or interactive toys that will keep the cat busy for a long time.

Territory claims

Most often, this type of aggression occurs between cats, but can be directed at a person or another pet. An almost guaranteed territorial war will start if you have a couple or more uncastrated animals of the same sex living in your house.

How to handle:

Protection of offspring

If the kittens are in danger (or so it seems), the mother cat may react inappropriately to people and other pets, protecting her cubs.

How to handle:

  • do not disturb a cat with kittens unnecessarily;
  • to equip a reliable and safe corner for the cat family;
  • limit contact with people and other animals as much as possible for 2-3 weeks.

Reaction to kindness

Maybe you touched a sick or feline inappropriate place, or the cat got overexcited and can no longer tolerate physical contact.

Before an act of aggression, a cat usually gives signals:

  • meows;
  • twitches the skin;
  • waving or wagging its tail;
  • stops purring;
  • presses ears or twitches them;
  • crouches, trying to avoid touching.

Pay attention to your pet's signals and you will avoid an aggressive attack.

Were inattentive - get a bite out of turn

Sometimes cat aggression can be redirected. The animal heard a sharp sound, experienced pain, noticed an inaccessible stress factor, but does not understand the cause of the discomfort or cannot get to it and eliminate it. The classic case is that a cat sees another cat outside the window, but cannot go out and present territorial claims to it. Then the animal can attack a person or another pet, trying to get rid of the discomfort.

How to calm a cat

To calm the cat or remove it from a stressful place, you can hold the animal in your hands. Put on protective clothing, throw a blanket or thick blanket over him. This measure is temporary, it can even anger the cat even more, but it is indispensable for a number of situations - for example, when you are in a public place.

Video - How to calm a cat

How to Calm Your Cat When He's "Raging"

Your main trump cards are patience and love. It will take a long time to develop trust, but you will get harmonious friendships with your pet.

How to calm a screaming cat

Does the cat scream often and loudly? This reaction can be caused by several reasons.

  1. Disease. Age-related changes, psychological disorders, acute illnesses - all this can provoke cat screams. Often the animal reacts with cries to helminthiasis and intestinal obstruction.
  2. Hunger and thirst. Check the bowls of the animal - do they have food and water in them? Change food and water or refill bowls.
  3. Lack of attention. A new pet, the birth of a child, the constant employment of the owners make the cat uncomfortable, and she tries to draw attention to herself.
  4. Lack of physical activity. Play with the animal and don't let it rest in the evenings.
  5. Hormonal surge. Sexual hunting in a cat causes many distortions in behavior. A day or night cry signals that the cat is ready and wants to mate. Castrate the cat, give him a sedative or provide mating. You can read how to prepare a cat for castration in.

So far, we have been talking about adult cats, but how to calm a kitten when he is furious? Zoopsychologists advise you to gently hug the animal to yourself, stroke it, and talk soothingly.

The night cry is especially annoying for the owners and neighbors. How to calm a cat at night? There are no quick ways to calm an animal for a long time. We need a radical restructuring of the daily routine.

How to Calm a Cat Who Wants a Cat

A common cause of cat screaming and aggression is the desire to mate. Determining when a cat reaches puberty is not difficult - a pet is “ready for love” between 8 or 10 months of age. How to determine that a cat wants a cat? Instincts are aggravated at the end of winter and appear:

  • aggressive attitude;
  • hissing and loud meowing;
  • unwillingness to contact;
  • biting and scratching;
  • territory marking.

How to appease the storm of feline hormones and what means to use for this?

  1. If possible, release the cat. He will satisfy his natural attraction and return home. After returning, bathe him, deworm, if necessary, take him to the veterinarian.
  2. Give the animal a sedative or hormonal remedy prescribed by the veterinarian. Proven options for tablets and drops for cats from walking: "Gestrenol", "Stop Stress", "Contrasex", "Sex Barrier", "Fitex", "Cat Bayun", "Libidomin", "Stop Intimacy".
  3. Castrate your cat at the vet. This method is long-term and most reliable.

Table. Sedatives for adult cats

TypeCompositionImpactRelease formExamples
homeopathicbased on herbssoft actiontablets, drops, sprays"Cat Bayun", "Fitex", "Felivey"
Chemicalherbs plus chemicalsuniversal actiontablets, drops, sprays, injections"Stop-Stress", "Diazepam", "Xiazin", "Vetranquil"
Hormonalbased on hormonesstrong actiontablets, drops, injections"Sex Barrier", "Gestrenol", "Antisex", "Covinan"

Important: Is it possible to give a cat valerian to calm down? By no means - on an animal, valerian tincture acts like a very strong addictive drug, or "Viagra", since its effect is similar to the pheromones of a cat during estrus.

Safe and effective collection with catnip. For him, take:

  • 1 part mint;
  • 2 parts motherwort;
  • 2 parts of the Baikal skullcap;
  • 2 parts hops.

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of a mixture of dry plants with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 5 hours and give the cat 4 times a day, 1 teaspoon after meals.

A calm pet and a trusting relationship with him are possible only with sensitivity, delicacy and patience on your part. Remember: you can’t punish a cat in an aggressive state - this will only aggravate stress and set the animal against you.

It is difficult to choose the right sedative for a cat, because you have to take into account a lot of nuances, because this article is introductory and helps to understand what situations are and what could be used for a cat in such cases, and only an experienced veterinarian will help you get more specific advice after examining a four-legged patient .

Sedative drops of Bach for cats during estrus instructions for use, price and where to buy, reviews of veterinarians

Bach drops are a homeopathic remedy of a sedative nature. The composition of the drops made according to the Bach method (a doctor from England) includes herbal extracts infused with a water-glycerin base or alcohol.

Instructions for use are simple - it is enough to apply drops on the cat's tongue. The only limitation is that you need to do this no more than 2 times a day.

The cost of 1 bottle of the drug is about 19 dollars.

It is easier to buy Bach drops through an online store, since veterinary pharmacies, due to the high cost, are reluctant to purchase this drug.

Reviews of veterinarians on the use of this herbal tincture during estrus in an animal are divided. Most experts recommend interrupting the sexual activity of cats, resorting not to drugs, but to sterilization. If you choose between hormonal agents and Bach drops, then the latter will be preferable for the health of the animal.

Soothing drops for cats on the road for transportation

Soothing drops for cats on the road - Fiteks, Stop stress and Kot Bayun. Preparations greatly facilitate the transportation of the animal, reducing its excitability and suppressing feelings of fear.

If you have to travel with your pet quite often, then it is advisable for the animal to purchase a closed box. In it, the cat will be comfortable and not so scary.

Soothing drops for cats on herbs and from stress

Soothing drops for cats on herbs, relieving stress - drops of Bach, Fitex, Kot Bayun, Herbal Calm, catnip concentrate and Feliway.

Soothing drops for cats fitex, fospasim, felivey price in a pharmacy, instructions and dosage, how to give, side effects

Soothing drops for cats Fiteks, according to the instructions, are used three times a day for 2-4 weeks. The agent is applied to the root of the tongue, an hour before feeding, 3-5 drops. A side effect of Fitex is a slight decrease in pressure. The cost of 10 ml of Fitex is 55 rubles.

Fospasim cat should be given at a dosage of 10-15 drops at a time. The medicine does not have side effects. 10 ml of the drug costs 190 rubles.

Feliway is available as a spray or diffuser liquid. Method of application - spraying in the room where the cat is kept (the animal is launched 15 minutes after treatment). The effect of the diffuser extends to an area up to 70 m. A bottle of the drug is enough for 4 weeks. 10 ml of Feliway costs 500 rubles.

Calming for a cat before a haircut

Soothing for a cat before a haircut - Fiteks, Kot Bayun and similar homeopathic preparations. The only thing is that you need to start giving these funds a week before the intended haircut.

Pills for a cat from walking names and prices

Pills for a cat from walking can be divided into 2 types:
- hormonal - Sex barrier (150 rubles) and Anti-sex (50 rubles);
- sedatives - Kot Bayun (100 rubles) and Stop stress (150 rubles).

Tablets for a cat stop cystitis

Tablets for a cat Stop-cystitis are produced in Russia. The medicine package contains 15 tablets weighing 0.12 g each. The drug has a rather long shelf life - 3 years. The price of the medicine is 220-300 rubles.

A single dose for a cat weighing up to 5 kg - 1 tablet, over 5 kg - 1.5 pcs.

Pills for cats stop stress

Tablets for cats Stop-stress - a sedative medicine that helps reduce the excitation of the animal and correct its behavior.

The shelf life of Stop-stress is 2 years. Tablets of the drug are available in weights of 200 mg (Stop stress 2) and 500 mg (Stop stress 5). Cats are recommended to purchase Stop-stress 2. A single dosage for animals up to 5 kg - a quarter of a tablet, from 5 to 10 kg - half a tablet. The cost of Stop stress is 130-150 rubles.

Sedatives for cats from aggression

Sedatives for cats from aggression:
- fospasim - drops and solution for injections;
- stop stress - tablets and drops;
- cat Bayun - drops;
- fitex - solution for drinking;
Feliway diffuser and spray.

Effective deworming medicines for cats

Effective broad-spectrum deworming drugs for cats:
- parasite;
- pratel;
- dirofen;
- polyvercan;
- drontal;
- milbemax;
— kanikvantel plus.

Tablets for cats Healthy kidneys composition, price, where to order and how to give

Tablets for cats "Healthy kidneys" contain a complex of medicinal herbs - horsetail, barberry, dandelion, St. John's wort, violet, calamus, burdock, chamomile, oregano, mint, marigold and birch leaves.

The cost of 50 tablets is 30 hryvnia. Shelf life - 1 year. No side effects are observed, with the exception of individual intolerance to any component. It is recommended to give "Healthy Kidneys" twice a day. The tablet can be dissolved in water and poured into the mouth with a syringe or put on the root of the animal's tongue and holding the mouth until the cat swallows it herself.

Calming for the cat before the show

Experienced breeders recommend giving “Stop-stress” as a sedative for a cat a week before the show. If this time was missed, then directly at the exhibition, the animal can be given Fospasim.

Tablets for cats gestrenol how to give and reviews of veterinarians

Gestrenol is a drug whose purpose is to suppress the sexual desire of an animal. The medicine is available in tablets and drops and is intended separately for cats and cats.

Gestrenol drops can be added to food or dripped into the animal's nose or mouth. Gestrenol tablets are placed on the tongue of a cat or cat and forced to swallow the medicine.

Veterinarians consider Gestrenol an effective and relatively safe drug, however, it is not recommended to give it to cats kept for breeding.

Like any other medicine, Gestrenol must be given in a strictly dosed manner, focusing on the weight of the animal.



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