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Align the floor of the balcony at an angle. Leveling the floor on the balcony - step by step instructions

The balcony in a new house does not always have a perfectly flat floor, and in old buildings it can be even worse - concrete pavement crumbled or covered with numerous cracks. And then the question arises of how to level the floor on the balcony in order to ennoble and transform this whole room.

If the apartment has a balcony, this is a great success, as it may well expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, becoming an additional room. An insulated balcony becomes a wonderful greenhouse, a small workshop or even an office where you can place a computer and calmly do your work.

But before the balcony becomes cozy, it needs to be insulated, and effective insulation possible only with aligned and waterproofed floors - with them you need to start work.

If the balcony is open, then you need to level the floor differently, taking into account the decorative coating, the characteristics of which will correspond to the weather conditions of the region.

You can level the floor surface in different ways, which will depend on what functions the balcony will perform in the future:

ceramic tiles;

garden parquet;

With the help of log and plywood coating;

Dry or wet screed.

In some cases, insulation for the room is simply necessary, and sometimes it will be redundant. But in any case, before you start leveling the base, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures.

Leveling the floor on the balcony with a screed

Preparing the base on the open balcony

On an open balcony, the floor surface should not only be leveled, but also have a slight slope so that during rain or snowmelt, water does not accumulate, but flows down into drainage system. At the same time, the slope must not be too great, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to stand on the floor.

  • If the surface of the open balcony has an old cement screed, it must be dismantled. This must be done very carefully so as not to touch the plate. It is best to carry out this process with a perforator.
  • This tool may also be needed when leveling the floor on a closed balcony, if it is planned to carry out repairs using a wet screed. If you do not remove the old one and lay the new one in accordance with all the rules, these layers will seriously weigh down concrete slab, which should not be allowed, as the balcony may collapse.
  • The slope of the floor from the wall on the open balcony should be from 3 to 5 degrees, if there is no connection between the floor and the fence, then the water will freely flow down the surface.
  • If the floor and wall of the balcony are connected to each other, or a small curb is arranged along the edge of the slab, then you will have to make a drain for water - it can be a small groove along the wall and a drain hole or a PVC screed embedded in the PVC screed - a pipe and a drain ladder anywhere gender. In this case, the slope of the screed should be directed precisely towards the drain hole.
  • But first of all, it is cleaned from the stove old concrete and small pebbles, and then the floor is covered with a primer.
  • The next step is to install the formwork around the perimeter of the balcony. The joints between the formwork and the floor must be caulked so that the leveling mortar does not flow down.

The screed is poured

  • A thin wire reinforcement grid is laid on the floor, beacons are installed and fixed on it. On an open balcony, you can’t do without them, since in any case you will have to set the direction of the water to the drain.
  • Beacons are displayed along the long wall of the balcony according to the level at which you can immediately determine the slope of the floor.
  • Next, the solution is mixed, from cement and sand. You can add fine expanded clay there, which will make the surface warmer. The mixture should be homogeneous and plastic, have good adhesion.
  • The solution is laid out in parts on the prepared surface 3-5 cm above the beacons and leveled using the rule, which is carried out along the beacons.
  • When the screed is completely finished, it is left to dry, but to make it strong, the concrete is sprayed daily with water.
  • This creates the desired slope of the screed on an open balcony. And, for example, to perfectly level the surface for a decorative coating on a glazed balcony, you can use a mixture for a self-leveling floor. Dry compositions of such coatings are sold in ready-made and are easily diluted with water to the consistency indicated on the package.

self-leveling floor

The solution should be homogeneous and thin, it is poured in the form of small puddles and spread over the surface of the doctor blade, followed by rolling with a spiked roller. This layer will not make the screed particularly heavy, since its thickness can be only two to three millimeters.

  • On top, you can lay ceramic tiles or garden parquet. Ceramic tiles will be an additional protection for the base. If a garden parquet made of thermal wood is used, then water will not be able to stagnate on its surface, passing between the lamellas to the screed, and flowing down along the arranged slope.

An excellent solution for an open or closed balcony - "garden parquet"

Leveling the floor with tiles

If the surface is in good condition and has the desired slope from the wall, but minor cracks and chips appear on it, then the floor can be leveled with floor tiles.

Minor surface imperfections can be repaired immediately with ceramic tiles

  • First you need to repair all the damage - this is done as follows:

Cracks and chips are expanded and cleaned of dust, treated with a primer;

    • The tile is laid on glue intended for outdoor work - it is resistant to temperature changes and moisture. It is kneaded into a homogeneous mass, taking into account the requirements of the instructions.

floor tile

  • Glue spread on the surface and spread with a notched trowel. Since the surface uneven, and it must be brought to perfection, glue is often put a little more than necessary. Then a tile is laid on it, the back surface of which is also desirable to be smeared with glue and leveled with a notched trowel. The direction of the furrows when laying should be perpendicular. Calibration crosses or other special devices are installed between the tiles to maintain the thickness of the joints and the laying direction.

Convenient modern devices for maintaining the thickness of the joints and the level of the surface of the tile

  • If excess adhesive comes out between the tiles, then it must be removed. The seams must be hollow, since after the glue dries they must be sealed with a moisture-resistant grout - fugue.

Before grouting, the leveling elements are removed - they are carefully knocked down with a rubber mallet or simply with a foot.

Leveling the floor on a closed balcony

Usually, they start leveling the floor on a closed balcony when it is decided to insulate the entire room. This task is more complex and laborious, but the apartment will expand by one more room.

Alignment in combination with insulation can be done in several ways:

  • The cracks in the floor, found after a thorough cleaning, are first expanded, and then sealed with a plastic cement mortar or also with a sealant.
  • After the material dries, the excess must be cut off.
  • Then, it is recommended to install a damper tape along the entire perimeter along the walls if you plan to lay any type of screed.
  • The next step is to lay waterproofing sheets. It may consist of an ordinary polyethylene film of large thickness or roofing material, which is glued to bituminous mastic.
  • Waterproofing must be raised on the walls the height of the future insulation and leveling system.
  • We must not forget that the waterproofing material must be laid hermetically, preferably without joints. If it is impossible to do without joints, then the material is overlapped by 10-15 cm and the joint is sealed with construction tape or, in the case of roofing material, surfacing.

Alignment with log

With the help of a log, you can simply level the base, or you can combine it with insulation and raising the floor to a certain height.

  • Logs can be fixed directly to the base or raised using special tools. To date, there are many types of such elements on sale.
  • If it is decided to raise the coating from the base, then an accurate measurement of this level must be carried out. Usually the floors are leveled along the concrete threshold of the balcony door.
  • To raise the log, adjustable fasteners are used - these are metal studs, stands, holders or studs made of plastic. All these elements are threaded, which helps to raise one of the sides to the desired height above the concrete slab.
  • First, lags are installed along the walls, at a distance of 80 - 100 mm, since it is necessary to lay insulation material between them.
  • Having installed and fixed to the base of the stand with lags, they adjust the level by raising or lowering to the desired height, aligning the two lags with each other in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
  • Further, in the same way, one or two middle logs are installed and they are adjusted in height to the side ones.
  • Any insulation can be used: fill in expanded clay, lay one or even several layers mineral wool or foam.

expanded clay

  • The coating, laid on aligned logs, will make the floor perfectly flat. The logs are covered with thick plywood or massive boards.

Any selected decorative coating is laid on top of the plywood. Under it, if desired, you can even mount an infrared film for underfloor heating. In this case, it is convenient because the heating is turned on as needed, which helps not to waste electricity.

Leveling with extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam has a high density (about 45 kg / m³), ​​so it can be used to level the surface of the balcony floor.

  • For prepared waterproofed the surface is laid with expanded polystyrene mats of the selected thickness.
  • Along the perimeter, the gaps between the insulation and the walls are sealed with mounting foam to form an almost airtight layer.
  • On top of the insulation, it is desirable to lay another layer of waterproofing made of polyethylene film or roofing felt. The second material is preferable, as it is denser and harder to damage with reinforcing material.
  • A reinforcing mesh is laid on the waterproofing material with cells from 50 to 100 mm.
  • If the balcony has a traditional rectangular shape, then metal guides - beacons - are installed along its length, along the walls. They must be installed at the same height, and on the thickness of the future screed, which can be from 30 to 50 mm.
  • Further, a concrete mixture is laid on the surface area above the beacons by 20 - 30 mm. The solution for it should have a thick consistency.
  • As a rule, the solution is leveled and slightly rammed down, since it must occupy the entire thickness from the reinforcement to the height of the beacons.
  • The leveled screed is left to harden and mature. Starting from day 2, it is regularly moistened with water - thanks to this procedure, the screed will gain proper strength and will not crack.
  • Any decorative coating can be laid on the finished frozen screed.
  • If the surface of the screed is too porous, it can be ennobled with a self-leveling floor, and the desired coating can be placed on top.

Dry screed leveling

This way to level the floor on the balcony is becoming more and more popular due to the ease of installation and the speed of work.

  • A special mixture of expanded clay of fine fraction can be poured onto a base with arranged hermetic waterproofing. The layer of material can be from 50 to 100 mm. However, it should be remembered that if the thickness is more than 60 mm, then an additional layer of sheet material will have to be laid approximately in the middle.
  • Beacons can also be installed along the walls and raised to the desired height. The embankment is made above the beacons, the excess material is removed by the rule when leveling.
  • , stack gypsum fiber panels with special locking parts, with the help of which the plates are assembled into a single canvas. The joints are smeared with glue, and then, after laying, they are twisted with self-tapping screws.

dry floor

  • If the second layer of expanded clay will be laid, then the intermediate flooring from gypsum fiber panels must be connected to the wall with sealant. It will not allow particles of expanded clay embankment to get into the joint between the wall and the panels.
  • Further, beacons are again installed to the thickness of the second layer of the screed, and a new batch of expanded clay is poured out, which is also leveled and covered with slabs. The evenness of the surface should be controlled using the building level.
  • The gaps between the wall and the plates must again be sealed with sealant, and after it hardens, cut off the excess.
  • On top of the plates, you can lay any decorative coating, under which you can easily mount a warm infrared floor.

Dry screed is not only easy and quick to install, making the floor even - it is an environmentally friendly design that does not emit any harmful fumes.

Video: a visual lesson on a dry screed device on a balcony or loggia

Starting the repair of the balcony, you can not do without leveling the floor surface. Information about existing ways carrying out work will help you choose the one that is more suitable for its characteristics, materials used and price parameters.

The modern construction market is able to offer simply huge selection materials for a variety of tasks. So, for example, when it comes to choosing flooring options, you can come up with a lot. However, you should be aware that one of the main conditions for the installation of flooring is the presence of the most even base. For example, laying a laminate that is now familiar to everyone is undesirable if the surface has distortions of more than 2 mm over an area of ​​1 m 2. This means that in most cases it is impossible to do without preliminary leveling of the surface. If you want to figure out how to level the floor on the balcony, then you need to keep in mind that this process is, in principle, identical for all rooms, regardless of purpose.

Alignment methods

First of all, it should be noted that, by and large, the methods for solving the above problem can be divided into two conditional categories:

  • dry methods. This includes leveling the floor using a variety of sheet materials such as plywood or fiberboard. This also includes heaters that have some intrinsic strength, for example, foam. Its use to some extent will allow leveling minor coating defects.
  • Wet methods. Here we are talking about those situations when a leveling concrete screed is being performed or self-leveling mixtures are used.

It is necessary to decide which option to apply in each specific case individually, but it is worth saying a few words about the fact that when choosing it is necessary to be guided not only by personal considerations, but also by the essence of the problem. For greater specificity and information content, the options should be considered in more detail, but we can immediately say that in any case, the work will not be very difficult, and therefore can be done by hand.

Sheet materials

If the surface distortions are insignificant, then the surface can be leveled by laying sheet materials, for example, thick plywood. This refers to plywood from 2 cm.

  • First you need to free the balcony from unnecessary items and prepare the surface. The floor of the balcony needs to be swept with a fine brush, but it is better not to spare the vacuum cleaner and walk with it.
  • Then comes the area measurement. In most cases, the room of the balcony does not differ in volume or complexity of geometry, so there should not be any difficulties here either.
  • In accordance with the dimensions obtained, plywood sheets are marked and sawn. To do this, it is most convenient to use an electric jigsaw, but you can get by with a simple hacksaw with a small tooth.
  • The resulting plywood plates are laid on a surface pre-coated with a layer of insulation (almost any roll material) and fixed with anchors.


Speaking about the second group of ways in which the floor can be leveled on the balcony, it should be said that the work here is somewhat more complex than that described above, but more serious problems can be solved in this way. For example, with the help of a screed, you can even out the floor with a very crooked or potholed floor. Work will include the following:

  • First, the surface is prepared, similarly to the first case. That is, it is cleaned, and all cracks are sealed with mastic.
  • Then a layer of waterproofing is laid on the surface. It is worth adding that you can choose a material that will not only serve to waterproof the surface, but also help to keep warm. For example, such material can be a rolled foil insulation used for facades.
  • Further, beacons are installed on the surface. You can use profile rails. In this case, you need to monitor the horizontal position of their location.
  • After that, the mixture for the screed is prepared and poured between the beacons.
  • Then, using the rule, which can be used as the same rail, the mixture is evenly distributed over the entire area between the beacons.
  • When the mixture sets, the beacons are removed, and the place remaining from them is filled with mortar.

As can be seen from the above, almost everyone can level the floor on the balcony. The main thing is desire and work.


This video shows the installation of the floor on the balcony from the floorboard:

Many people want to know how to level the floor on the balcony. The fact is that a balcony in a new building does not always have a perfectly flat floor base. In older buildings, the concrete pavement may be crumbled or covered with a large number of cracks. Therefore, this room will need to be ennobled.

Owners of apartments with balconies can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dwelling. An insulated balcony, for example, can become an excellent greenhouse or an office where it will be possible to place a computer and do work. However, in order for this room to become cozy, it will need to be insulated. It should be understood that effective insulation can only be performed with leveled floor bases, and work should begin with them.

You can level the subfloor various methods. The choice must be made based on what functions this room will perform in the future. There are such methods:

  • garden parquet;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • with the help of logs and boards;
  • screed.

There are cases when it is not necessary to insulate a room of this type. Before you level the floor on the balconies with your own hands, you will need to make some preparatory work. Items that will be needed:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • spatula with teeth;
  • perforator;
  • plywood sheets or boards;
  • waterproofing material;
  • insulating material;
  • beacons;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • doctor blade;
  • PVC pipes.

How to level the floor with a screed?

On an open balcony, the floor base should not only be level, but also have a slight slope. It is not allowed to make too much slope, as it will be difficult to move on the floor.

If the base of the balcony open type has an old cement screed, then it will need to be dismantled. This must be done very carefully so as not to touch the plate. It is recommended that this process be carried out using a perforator. This device is also useful in case of leveling the floor on the balcony. closed type if you plan to carry out repairs with a wet screed. If the old screed is not dismantled, and the new one is laid on top of it, then the layers will greatly weight the concrete slab. This cannot be allowed, as the structure may collapse.

The slope of the floor from the wall on an open balcony should be approximately 3-5 °. If there is no connection between the base and the fence, then the water will be able to flow down the base. If the floor and the wall are connected to each other, then it will be necessary to provide a drain. As a drain, you can use a small groove along the wall and a recess. You can also embed a PVC pipe and a drain in the screed.

You can do this anywhere in the base. If a small curb is arranged at the extreme part of the slab, then the drain will also need to be done. The slope of the screed should be directed towards the recess-drain.

Old concrete and small stones should be cleaned from the slab. After that, the floor base must be coated with a deep penetration primer. Next, along the perimeter of the balcony, you will need to install formwork. The joints between this structure and the floor should be caulked so that the leveling mixture does not flow down.

How to fill the screed?

On the floor you will need to lay a grid of wire of small thickness. Further on the structure it will be necessary to install and fix the beacons. On an open-type balcony, you can’t do without them, since you need to set the direction of the water to the drain.

Lighthouses should be set along a long wall at a level that will allow you to determine the angle of inclination of the leveled floor.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to mix the building mixture of cement and sand. To insulate the base, you can additionally add expanded clay to the mixture.

The mixture must be laid out in parts on the prepared base and leveled using the rule, which will be guided by the beacons. The mixture is laid out 4 cm above the beacons. When the screed is completed, you must wait until it dries. Every day the concrete must be wetted with water.

In this way, you can set the required slope of the screed in the room. The mixture will need to be poured in the form of small puddles and distributed over the base of the doctor blade, and then rolled with a spiked roller.

At this stage, it will be possible to lay ceramic tiles and parquet. If you plan to use parquet, which is made from thermal wood, then the liquid will not be able to stagnate on its base.

How to level the floor with tiles?

If the base is in good condition and has the necessary slope from the wall, but there are minor cracks and chips on it, then it is recommended to level the floor with tiles. First of all, you need to repair all the damage. The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Cracks and chips will need to be expanded and cleaned of dust, and then treated with a deep penetration primer.
  2. Next, they should be sealed with a building mixture, and then well leveled.
  3. The tile is laid on the adhesive mixture. It should be mixed into a homogeneous mass. It is important to adhere to the recommendations contained in the instructions.
  4. The adhesive mixture is laid out on the base and distributed with a spatula with teeth. The base is uneven, so you need to pour more glue. Next, you will need to lay a tile on it, the back of which is recommended to be smeared with glue and leveled with a spatula with teeth. Between the tiles, crosses or other products should be installed that can be used to maintain the thickness of the joints.
  5. Excess glue will need to be removed. At the next stage, it is necessary to dismantle the crosses, after which the seams should be sealed with grout.

How to level the floor base on a closed balcony?

In most cases, the leveling of the floor base indoors is started when the entire balcony is insulated. This process is more complex and time consuming. Alignment can be done in the following ways:

  1. Laying extruded polystyrene foam and pouring the screed.
  2. Raising the base on the logs and warming with the selected material.
  3. Warming and leveling the floor with a screed.

All methods require identical preparation work.

How to prepare the base?

The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. First of all, you will need to close up significant gaps, which are most often at the junctions of the fence of the room and the floor.
  2. The next step is to clean up the room. If gaps are found, they must first be increased, and then sealed with a plastic cement mixture or sealant.
  3. When the material dries, you will need to cut off its excess.
  4. Next is the laying of waterproofing sheets. They may consist of an ordinary dense film of polyethylene or roofing felt, which can be glued to bituminous mastic. Waterproofing material will definitely need to be raised to the walls.
  5. Waterproofing should be laid hermetically, without joints. If it is not possible to exclude joints, then the material should be overlapped, and the joints should be sealed with adhesive tape or surfacing.

After that, the base leveling system is mounted.

Using a lag for alignment

With the help of a log, it will be possible to level the surface, insulate and raise the floor to the required height. Logs can be mounted on the base or lifted with the help of special products. If the coating will rise, then you will need to accurately measure the level. In most cases, the floors are leveled at the threshold of the balcony door. To raise the logs, you can use adjustable clamps - metal studs, stands or plastic elements.

First of all, you need to install logs along the walls. In the future, material for insulation will be laid between them, so the distance between the walls and the lags should be approximately 8-10 cm. When the stands with lags are installed and fixed, you will need to adjust the level. This can be done by raising or lowering the elements to the required height. At the next stage, you need to install the logs in the middle in the same way and adjust the height to the side ones.

At the end, the logs should be covered with thick plywood sheets or boards. On top of the structure, it will be possible to lay the coating. Leveling the floor on the balcony with your own hands is not a difficult process.

It is enough to figure out how to level the floor on the balcony in order to get at your disposal a few extra square meters, which can be used in a small apartment with great benefits.

A big success can be considered the presence of a balcony in the apartment. With the right approach to its arrangement, it can become an additional room in which it is easy to make an office, a modest home workshop or a small greenhouse.

Home workshop on the balcony

Of course, in order to bring such plans to life, you will have to insulate the balcony and make a good repair on it. But before that, you should take care of leveling the floor base. On old loggias and balconies, as a rule, it is indented with numerous cracks. And in new buildings, the floors are almost never perfectly even. Such are the realities of domestic housing construction.

Leveling the floor on the balcony can now be done in different ways. The choice of a specific technique depends on what the functional purpose of the updated loggia will be. Usually do-it-yourself leveling of balcony bases is done with a screed (wet or dry) or plywood coating and logs.

On open-type balconies (unglazed and unheated structures), the floor base is most often leveled with a screed. When arranging it, it should be remembered that the floor must be done with a slight slope. Then, during the melting of snow or precipitation, all the water will drain, and not remain on the open loggia. The main thing here is not to overdo it. If you make too steep a slope, standing on such a surface will be very uncomfortable.

Before leveling the floors with concrete, the old coating must be dismantled. Perform this procedure as carefully as possible using a puncher.

Removing old flooring

In no case should damage to the balcony slab be allowed.

Note that the puncher is used to remove the old screed and on closed balconies. It is imperative to dismantle it, since in this case the new coating can seriously increase the load on the slab, and this often leads to the collapse of the loggia.

When the balcony railing and its floor base do not have a rigid connection with each other, the slope of the screed is taken within 4–5 °. But if there is a curb along the end of the loggia slab, or if the floor and the fence are a single structure, it will be necessary to equip a special drain for water with your own hands. It is easy to do in two ways:

  • install a PVC pipe on a convenient section of the screed and make a slope towards it;
  • lay a small groove along the wall, and punch a hole at its end through which water will flow.

Before all these works, the floor should be well cleaned, all debris should be swept off it, and then all gaps and cracks on the base should be sealed with gypsum or cement mortar (a mixture of the selected material with water), and then treated with a primer. After that, proceed to the installation. It is done if the balcony is open. Monolithic loggias do not require the installation of a formwork structure. Be sure to caulk the joints between the base and the installed formwork (then the concrete mix will not run down).

We proceed directly to leveling the floors. The procedure for doing the work with your own hands is as follows:

  1. Place the reinforcement grid (make it from any steel wire of small thickness) on the floor base. Mount special beacons along the longest wall of the loggia. They are made from metal rods. Installation of beacons is carried out in increments of about half a meter. Their installation is carried out smoothly (use a laser or conventional building level). The level of the screed you want to fill must match the top ends of the beacons. For most balconies in standard city apartments, two beacons are usually mounted. This is quite enough. The beacons are fixed with a plaster or cement mixture. However, they must be strictly horizontal. The mortar for fastening beacons will dry for about 3 hours.
  2. Make a mixture of and cement. The recommended ratio of these components is 3 to 1. Then add water to the resulting composition. As a rule, 2 liters of liquid per 10 kg of cement-sand mixture are sufficient. In practice, you need to ensure that the solution is similar to sour cream of high density. It is most convenient to mix the components with a mixer worn on a drill. If there are no such tools, mix the mortar with your own hands using a trowel. If desired, a small amount of expanded clay chips can be added to the resulting composition. It will improve the adhesion of the mortar and make the floor base a little warmer.
  3. Spread the cement-sand mixture in parts on the floor. It should cover the mounted beacons by 4–5 cm. Leveling the layer is done by the rule.

Leveling floors with a wet screed

So you made a screed with your own hands. Now you need to patiently wait until the solution is completely dry. It is recommended to spray the flooded surface with water every day. This procedure will give the screed additional strength. And in very dry and hot weather, it is advisable to cover the concrete layer with burlap or plastic wrap. This is done in order to protect the screed from cracking.

Formwork is dismantled 36–48 hours after pouring the screed. Beacons are allowed to be left in solution. Complete drying of the concrete is observed after a couple of weeks. After that, level the surface made with a wooden or foam float, and then you can proceed with the installation of tiles, laminated boards, linoleum or other floor covering on the loggia.

The implementation of such a screed on the loggia is very simple. Any home master will make it with his own hands. You will need to purchase metal profiles(in the form of the letter P), universal self-tapping screws, slag (replacement - coarse sand or expanded clay), waterproofing film (made of polyethylene), floor slabs (OSB, GVL or GSP), masking tape (or better construction tape), rule , polyethylene edging tape and a grater.

The scheme for performing the screed according to the dry method is given below:

  1. You clean the balcony, sweep away dust and debris, seal existing cracks with cement mortar, blow out the gaps between the walls and the slab with mounting foam.
  2. Place the edge tape around the perimeter of the balcony. It will be an excellent sound insulator.
  3. You protect the base of the floor from moisture - lay a polyethylene film on a concrete slab, wind it 10 centimeters onto the wall surfaces, and fasten the edges of the waterproofing material with tape (adhesive tape).
  4. Mount the profiles (they play the role of beacons) with a wide part up along the walls. It is not necessary to fix these products. But the horizontal position of their location must be controlled.
  5. Fall asleep between the beacons 5–7 cm of expanded clay (sand, slag), carefully level the material with the rule, and then additionally pass over the surface with a grater. At this stage, you need to lay paths on the loggia in order to move along it without any problems. They are made simply - place sheets of GVL or plywood on the floor.

Dry floor screed

The next step is the installation of plates. It is advisable to purchase such products that have special grooves for laying. This need is connected with the fact that the plates are not attached to the base of the floor. They need to be pressed as tightly as possible to the wall surfaces so that they can withstand serious loads without problems. In the grooves, the joints between the plates are treated with glue for construction work and additionally fastened every 7–10 cm with self-tapping screws.

Now all you have to do is cut off the parts of the film and edging that are above the floor base. Dry screed is ready. Believe me, it is as strong and reliable as wet.

Wooden logs make it possible to level the floor, raise it to the required height, and also insulate it with high quality. To perform work, you need to stock up on plywood, ordinary thin boards, GSP or GVL boards, self-tapping screws, mineral wool, expanded clay or other heat insulator, dowels. Then do everything according to the instructions:

  1. Clean the floor on the balcony from debris.
  2. Waterproof the base with a polyethylene film or modern material penofol (do not forget to put the edges of the material on the walls).
  3. Mount wooden logs on the insulation layer. The optimal cross section of such bars is 5 by 5 cm. If the base needs to be raised higher, use products with large sizes. You can also fasten several logs in height using self-tapping screws for this purpose. The bars are connected to the floor base every 0.5 m with dowels. The distance between the walls of the balcony and the outermost wood products is usually taken no more than 10 cm.
  4. Place the selected insulation between the lags. As a heat-insulating material for open structures, it is recommended to use expanded clay and foam plastic. Basalt wool and glass wool, popular among home craftsmen, are best used on closed balconies.

Leveling the floor with wooden logs

When laying the heat insulator, try not to leave gaps between the pieces of material. They cause cold bridges.

The final stage of work is the finishing of the constructed leveling structure. Do this operation from the materials that you like the most. Most commonly used OSB boards and GVL. Well, lay terrace boards, linoleum, carpet, tiles or laminated products on the rough surface.

Congratulations on a perfectly flat floor base on your balcony!

A beautiful balcony is an expensive pleasure. The floor on the balcony is just as important as in the living room or in the kitchen. You can make it yourself or spend at least 50,000 rubles on workers.

You can put different coverings on the floor of the loggia. The choice depends on the glazing of the loggia. For warm glazed balconies choose parquet board, parquet, grooved board, laminate

The floor on the balcony must be made strong if the owners want to use the balcony as a greenhouse or office.

The base surface is made at the first stage of manufacturing. All furniture is taken out and the old coating is removed. cement base cleaned of old glue, dirt and debris. The screed helps to balance the level of the slab pour. When making a balcony, it should be remembered that this is an unreliable structure and it is not able to withstand the entire load, such as, for example, a coating in an ordinary house. Impact on balcony slab should be forgiving. The floor on the balcony can be leveled while maintaining the integrity of the structure. It uses non-traditional concrete screed, and a new solution with a lightweight structure. Styrofoam inclusions with new cement screeds on the balcony have good performance. Gypsum mortars are also very light.

The evenness of the base is determined building level, followed by alignment with a screed. For the screed, you will need several beacons. They are divided evenly across the entire width of the balcony. Beacons are distributed across the base in increments of 60 cm. The evenness of the beacons is determined by the building level, if necessary, pieces of hardboard are placed. If the floor is installed on an open loggia, then a slope from the wall of the building is needed. First, the lighthouses are leveled, then they are leveled on the loggia. And so each individually, at the end of the overall alignment.

There is no need to rush with the installation of beacons. The evenness of the coating depends on the installation and accuracy of the beacon. Lighthouses are fixed.

Cement mortar is placed in places where the hardboard was placed. The solution hardens for two hours. In order for the screeds to hold the solution, metal railings are installed instead of a stone parapet. On the edge of the outer side of the base is attached wooden beam. Between the beam and the floor, the gap is covered with sealant.

The screed helps to raise the level on the balcony. For better adhesion, the base is well primed. The screed solution is made from special dry mixes. The solution is made according to the instructions, brought to a homogeneous mass. For screeds, dry mortars are leveled independently. Evenness is controlled by installed beacons.

It's so easy to install do-it-yourself screeds for coating.

You can install a wooden floor in the loggia with your own hands. When the screed is ready, you can start laying the decorative coating. Boardwalk has gained significant popularity. Wooden floor on the balcony, made by hand, has natural warmth, good air circulation. For an open loggia, it is recommended to install outdoor wooden shields. The deck board is perfect. The board does not deteriorate for many years. Any board will do indoors.

Lag Alignment

Installing and leveling the floor on the balcony with your own hands is easy. A crate is made on which boards are placed. The crate provides rainwater drainage. Saved natural circulation air, thus prolonging the service life. After the wood is varnished.

Different coverings are laid on the loggia. The choice depends on the glazing of the loggia. For warm glazed balconies choose parquet board, parquet, grooved board, laminate.

Laying ceramic tiles do it yourself:

  1. You will need a spatula-comb, tile adhesive.
  2. The floor is cleared of dust and debris. The adhesive solution is mixed according to the instructions.
  3. Laying begins from the far corner.
  4. Glue is applied to the back side of the tile, leveled with a comb spatula, excess glue is removed, the tile is placed on the base and slightly pressed.
  5. The remaining tiles are laid in the same way, the gap between the tiles is controlled by fixing with plastic crosses.
  6. The edge tiles are cut with a tile cutter.

Other types of coatings are easier to install.

Sometimes you have to level the concrete floor with your own hands, and without screeds. For this, a wooden joist alignment system is useful:

  1. All debris, dust, dirt, remnants of the old coating are cleaned.
  2. The building level determines the height, and marks are placed on the walls around the entire perimeter of the balcony.
  3. You can use not only ready-made production logs, but also coniferous beams of a certain size.
  4. Lags are installed with a distance between the axes up to 50 cm.
  5. For the desired installation, the log is laid with bars, and between them are pieces of roofing material for waterproofing.
  6. At the required level, the logs are installed strictly horizontally by gradually moving the bars.
  7. With the help of anchors, the logs are attached to concrete.
  8. After fixing the lag, sheets of plywood are laid on the surface. Sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws. Plywood is coated with water-repellent compounds, as there is a possibility of water and moisture ingress.

Since alignment has already begun, it is possible to insulate them, however, insulation increases the load on the structure. For ease, penoplex and penofol are used. You should not save on materials for insulation, as this can lead to the reconstruction of the balcony. Here you need to consult with experts.

There is a wide variety of heaters on the market: heating mats, cable heating sections, film floor. Heaters are installed only on a flat surface.

Warm film floor

A warm film floor is mounted under linoleum, carpet, laminate, etc. The film floor has no additional load, heats the surface evenly and quickly. It is desirable to install a warm film floor on leveled coatings, which will facilitate the installation of this type.




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