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Drugs to increase muscle strength. Pharmacy drugs for gaining muscle mass without prescriptions, dosage regimen

Most men are concerned about their weight. But most of them are not concerned about excess, but rather the lack of kilograms. Indeed, thanks to the sufficient mass, with the help proper nutrition and strength training, you can give yourself the body of your dreams.

But, unfortunately, not all adult men or young people find it easy to add pounds in order to later turn it into sculpted muscles. That's why many people take weight gain pills.

How to gain weight

Basically, regular physical work above yourself.
But for many, such methods seem too time-consuming or inconvenient. It is these men who turn to pharmaceuticals to buy pills to change their weight. A huge number of tablets and various medications have been created for people who want to increase weight. Basically, they are hormonal, but it happens that the medicine is completely unsuitable for increasing weight.

These pills should not be considered a drug for any thin person. Thinness is caused by various reasons, they can be: chronic diseases, and heredity. One of the reasons may be poor nutrition. People who are in a constant state of stress also gain weight poorly. Perhaps for some it is enough to use sedatives and it will begin to gain weight on its own, but other people suffering from a lack of kilograms need to visit a doctor.

Precisely in order to protect your body. Before you start taking pills, you need to be fully examined by specialists in order not to harm yourself.

Only a doctor who is aware of the individual characteristics of the patient has the right to prescribe pills for weight gain. This will allow you to select a drug that will correspond to the individual structure of the human body.
Men use such substances to build muscle during intense workouts and accelerate muscle growth results. But it’s impossible to gain kilograms quickly just by taking pills; you also need to exercise and choose a diet to stick to. Only with the help of this entire complex is it possible to gain weight in a fairly short time.

These pills are mainly used by women and girls suffering from anorexia, but they can also be prescribed to men who may also suffer from this disease. Medicines that help increase weight can also be prescribed after operations, if necessary, or after a person has suffered a serious illness. They are also recommended if a person’s body does not absorb nutrients well.

Mass gain pills

What hormonal pills can you gain weight by taking?

Many hormonal medications affect weight, so before you decide to take them, you need to find the problem that is causing you to not gain weight through proper caloric nutrition and exercise.

Drugs to gain weight

Among the many products for weight change: Oxandrolone, Duphaston, Andriol, Nutrizon, Riboxin, Glutamic acid, yeast and many other drugs.

Duphaston was originally intended for female body, it was taken only by pregnant women or those planning a pregnancy, but over time it was discovered to act as a drug that increases weight. This happens because Duphaston increases production female hormones. Before using these pills, you must visit an endocrinologist, since taking medications can cause quite severe disruptions in the hormonal background of the male body.

What pharmaceutical products are most often used to gain muscle mass?

Pharmaceutical drugs for weight gain cannot be completely safe and without any side effects. They allow you to get better, but at the same time they can harm other functions of the body.

Oxandrolone is also a hormonal agent that is very helpful in gaining weight even after very serious illnesses or operations. Like other hormonal drugs, you can take it only after visiting a specialist who will write a prescription to purchase the tablets at the pharmacy.
Nutrizon is considered one of the most popular drugs at the moment.
Nutrizon has no contraindications and is considered quite safe even for people who have suffered serious illnesses. It helps to compensate for the lack of protein in the body, which allows you to add kilograms. Nutrizon is considered a protein product.

Testosterone is the main substance that makes up Andriol. These pills are prescribed to men who have any sexual disorders caused by a lack of testosterone. In order to increase weight with their help, you need to consult a doctor.
With the help of Peritol, weight increases, the drug calms nervous system, and this allows nutrients to be absorbed into the body much better than under stress.

Riboxin has a positive effect on the condition of the human body, but it can only help with weight gain if the person eats high-calorie foods and has the necessary physical activity, selected individually for each person.
Many men use Dexamethasone, it allows you to quickly increase weight because it improves glucose tolerance, but it also has a side effect in the form of development diabetes mellitus and many other diseases. This drug should be taken with caution.

Glutamic acid is mainly used by athletes; it is a fairly safe remedy that does not harm the body, but on the contrary, improves metabolism, improves energy balance, and also helps improve blood circulation in the body.

The safest and most harmless way to gain the missing kilos is considered to be taking brewer's yeast. Yeast tablets have positive properties that help not only increase weight, but also improve metabolism, improve digestion, and also improve the condition of hair and skin if taken for at least thirty days. Brewer's yeast can even be called a natural remedy for weight gain. It is even prescribed to people suffering from anorexia.

Vitamins for weight gain are used only to strengthen your body. Vitamins do not help you gain weight, but they have a good effect on the body as a whole, strengthening the immune system, improving metabolism and digestion, and improving the internal functions of the body. And this important factors in order to gain weight.
Sometimes they may be prescribed to take pills such as Mezim. They help digest food and do not harm the body as much as many other remedies.

Another way is to take steroids. This is very dangerous way in order to add weight. Many men, and in particular athletes, prefer to take steroid-based products.
Steroids have a fairly quick and obvious effect, simulating testosterone. Taking such drugs really allows you to gain muscle, not fat mass. But it is necessary to take into account the negative consequences of taking it.
Steroids cause hair loss on the head, impotence, enlarged prostate gland, testicular atrophy, increased appetite, possible severe acne on both the face and the entire body, and many other negative reactions of the body to anabolic drugs.
If you start taking steroids in order to increase weight, you need constant physical activity, without which the muscles acquired over the entire period will simply deflate.


This happens because the muscles grow too quickly and without the help safe means, but due to synthetic substances in anabolic steroids. This effect on the human body is very dangerous, so you need to choose methods of gaining weight that are less harmful to your body. This will help you maintain your health and avoid dangerous consequences in the future. In most countries, taking steroids is illegal, but Somatostatin was created. It is a safe analogue of many steroid drugs. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone. Such pills do not harm as much as steroids do. It helps burn fat deposits while helping muscle growth.

Chinese weight gain products are also popular among those men who want to gain weight quickly and safely. It is believed that these drugs are created using natural ingredients that are absolutely safe for health. They can also be used to increase muscle size.
With the help of medications, it became possible to gain kilograms much faster if you also regularly exercise and eat a properly balanced diet. You definitely need to think about your health, which can be ruined by the wrong medications, which allow you to gain pounds at an accelerated rate. Recommendations from a specialist and a complete examination of the body are necessary in order to correctly identify the cause of lack of weight.

Tablets are combined with a balanced diet

If you start taking hormonal drugs, severe complications may appear, which in some cases turn into cancer. Other negative consequences may include hormonal disruptions in the body, hair loss, endocrine system disorders, increased oily skin, and the appearance of strong acne. In men, such problems can also include: impotence, some prostate diseases, tumors. The functions of the gonads are also inhibited, which means that sperm is not produced or is produced in insufficient quantities.

For most men, appearance plays a very important role, due to the large number muscle mass many feel much more confident. But in addition to external data, you must remember about your health, which can significantly deteriorate when using such drugs.

Of the many hormonal pills that can be used to increase weight and, in particular, muscle mass. The main thing is to choose them correctly. You should not choose such serious means on your own. Before prescribing the drug, doctors recommend undergoing a full examination, as a result of which the necessary pills or injections will be prescribed, which happens much less frequently.

Hormonal products for men can have many negative consequences, so before you start taking them, you should consult a doctor. You can also try less dangerous medications that allow you to add weight, for example, Nutrizon, brewer's yeast tablets or other tablets that are individually suitable for a particular organism.

There are drugs that may not only not be suitable, but also harm the human body. When choosing the right medication, it is necessary to take into account the state of the endocrine system, hormonal levels, the lifestyle of the person who wants to gain weight, as well as his individual needs. It is imperative to choose a diet and some physical exercises so that the emerging mass is consolidated and has a permanent foundation. And at the same time, the product should have as few side effects as possible, which greatly inhibit the protective function of the body.

In any case, before taking any drug, be it hormonal or of natural origin, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Urologist-andrologist with 11 years of experience. Specializes in conservative and surgical treatment of the entire spectrum of urological and andrological diseases.

Weight gain pills are becoming more and more popular. They are often purchased by men who are intensely involved in bodybuilding, or by women who want to hide their congenital thinness. As a rule, such pills are based on hormones with insulin and anabolic steroids. This helps to increase body weight from 10 to 15 kg already within the 1st month of using them according to the instructions.

Weight gain drugs

To grow muscle mass or gain weight, people resort to proper nutrition, combining it with intense training. However, the desired result in most cases is delayed. To speed up the process and achieve their goals - the formation of a beautiful, voluminous, rounded figure, they begin to additionally take drugs to gain body weight.

Basic properties and indications for use

Literally all pills that help a girl or guy gain weight are based on the activation of two processes:

  • synthesis of protein components;
  • growth of muscle fibers, cells and tissues.

Thanks to this, the medicine that affects weight gain does not particularly increase weight due to the accumulation of fat, but, on the contrary, promotes the development and formation of the muscle corset. When one hormone rises, another is suppressed, and the growth of one’s own body weight increases due to the activation of somatotropin (stimulation of growth secretion).

Indications for use are the same for both men and girls:

  • destruction of tissues, cellular organs - muscle dystrophy;
  • violation of the metabolism of fats synthesized in the liver - lipids;
  • worsening and disruption of protein metabolism;
  • anorexia of varying degrees and stages;
  • inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Weight gain pills are also relevant for improving metabolic processes. It does not matter how much or how well the food is absorbed. The main thing is to maintain a lifestyle: sedentary or physical, active.

Many people confuse pharmaceutical supplement tablets with dietary supplements from sports nutrition. Therefore, it is worth knowing that the nutritional supplements used in sports nutrition are similar only in some of their constituent components and in their intended function - for weight gain.

Causes of lack of muscle mass

  1. Increased carbohydrate metabolism. This is a human genetic trait. Such people need constant carbohydrate feeding.
  2. Malnutrition, insufficient caloric intake. In most cases, this is typical for girls who, due to a great desire to lose weight, go on various strict diets.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Hormonal disorders. As a rule, this is associated with thyroid dysfunction.
  5. Poor lifestyle – lack of sleep, stress, smoking.
  6. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Diet and daily calorie needs

When taking pills for weight gain, you must additionally control the ratio of BZHU (consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and the daily calorie intake.

For men, the BZHU norm is:

  • protein components – from 65 to 117 g within 24 hours;
  • healthy, healthy fats– from 75 to 165 g per day;
  • fast carbohydrates – from 256 to 700 g per day.

For females, the basic intake of BZHU per day is:

  • proteins – from 60 to 90 g;
  • fats – from 58 to 87 g;
  • carbohydrates – from 256 to 686 g.

In addition to consuming the required amount of protein, carbohydrate and fat elements, it is necessary to take vitamins and tablets containing macro- and microelements, fatty acids and amino acids.

To count energy value food, there are fitness trackers, all kinds of calculator applications, scales and other equipment. Mostly daily norm calories (SNK) is calculated using the formula of L. Macdonald:

SNK = Weight (kg) X K (kcal) / 1 kg of weight

K – calorie coefficient, depending on gender, metabolic rate and intensity of the day:

  • monotony (slow mode): for women – 31, for men – 33;
  • fast mode: for women – 33, for men – 35.

By observing the above dietary and energy standards, the tablets will help men and women gain weight quickly. Otherwise, if you eat without a balanced diet, weight gain will have a bad effect on both your appearance and your health.

Video about weight gain pills

Mass gain drugs

You can effectively gain weight using pills if you know them detailed description, correct use and side effects.

After all, pharmaceutical drugs are varied. Some are best suited for women, while others are best suited for strength athletes and bodybuilders. Therefore, let’s figure out which pills can be used to gain weight for men and women.

For men

Pills designed to gain weight for men are medically called steroids. These drugs are effective in increasing muscle mass and, accordingly, body weight in general in men.

  1. Andriol – Andriol (Aveed, Reandron, Nebido-R, Pantestone). Undecanoic acid and testosterone ester help regulate protein metabolism and accelerate the growth of muscle tissue.
  2. Methyltestosterone – Methyltestosteronum (Anroral, Hormale, Oreton, Testoral). This is a synthetic steroid hormone that prevents the complete release of water from the body. Due to the accumulation and increase of fluid, the increase in mass occurs very quickly.
  3. Methandienone – Metandienonum (Dianabol, Anabolin, Novabol, Danabol, Perabol). A real doping steroid that increases appetite.

For women

Drugs most suitable for weight gain for women:

  1. Dydrogesterone (Duphaston, Duphaston). Such drugs are prescribed to restore hormonal balance in women. Weight gain is a side effect of taking it.
  2. Chloe. Contraceptives. In addition to preventing pregnancy, the capsules correct and restore hormonal levels. At the same time, women noticeably increase their own body weight.
  3. Brewer's yeast, Peritol, Oksandrolon, Nutrison are the most harmless female medications for rapid weight gain.

Vitamins and minerals for weight gain

Vitamins and minerals are safe and harmless supplements. Their huge advantage, which antimetabolites do not have (drugs that affect the intensity of metabolism for weight gain - Fluorouracil, PAS, Sulfanilamide) - can be purchased without a prescription. There are no side effects from them.

As a rule, mineral-vitamin complexes are produced in the form of dragees. These are Alphabet, Complivit, Merz, Vitrum, Centrum and others. You can also purchase injections for weight gain: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, E.

Is there any harm from taking medications?

Pharmacy steroids are used only after consultation with a doctor, since drugs to increase muscle mass affect the general hormonal background. Excess body weight instantly affects the increase in cholesterol, liver function, gastrointestinal tract, and psyche.

Rating of effective drugs

Pharmacy medications are used quite often in the world of professional sports. At the same time, they play only a supporting role in gaining weight, increase the efficiency of power loads and accelerate recovery processes.


The drug has anabolic functions, which has a positive effect on any man. In sports, it is used for weight gain, as it enhances hormones that support anabolism. Using diabetes is the same as giving a man powerful injections to gain weight, since it is based on insulin.

Calcium glycerophosphate

The tablets have earned high popularity among athletes, as they replenish calcium deficiency and increase the degree of absorption of protein elements. Due to the active substance, body weight grows quickly. Depending on the dosage of the drug, appetite increases, which leads to weight gain. Therefore, you need to strictly adhere to the instructions and increase the calorie content of a balanced diet.

Potassium Orotate

In sports, it is believed that metabolic supplements are the best for gaining muscle mass without excess fat. These include orotic acid, a mineral salt that replenishes the function of protein metabolism. That is why these tablets are often used by security forces to gain muscle weight. In addition to being used for quick weight gain, the pills replenish energy balance after workouts. The tablets are sold at the pharmacy.

Effective pills that can quickly help a male athlete regulate his metabolism. This is one of the pharmacy options, a source of potassium and magnesium, which serves to gain weight, prevent cramps and increase performance. You can buy this medicine for weight gain at any pharmacy. But such means must be treated with extreme caution. Incorrect intake of asparkam and balanced diet may cause weight loss.


Improves energy metabolism, blood circulation and regenerates muscle tissue. Helps to gain weight in combination with drugs such as potassium orotate. Additionally, it can be taken to increase heart contractions and treat arrhythmia.

Fish oil

This is the same as omega-3 supplements from sports nutrition. Without fish oil, a course of any pharmacy pills for weight gain will not be effective. After all, it replenishes essential carbohydrates and fats that affect tissue metabolism in the muscles.

Preventative, energy bars known throughout the world. Athletes use them to restore and increase red blood cells, iron, vitamins and minerals. Due to the replenishment of carbohydrate-fat elements, such tasty preparations are indispensable in sports. After all, their high calorie content is directly related to weight gain. Their great advantage is that they are available without a prescription, unlike steroid pills for weight gain.

Brewer's yeast

These are unique dietary supplements consisting of 40% pure proteins and amino acids. Thanks to this composition, they are used for weight gain. The remaining 60% of the composition is made up of vitamins B, P and D, which help fill the body with copper, selenium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Almost every professional bodybuilder takes medicines to restore strength, balance metabolism and, of course, gain weight. However, the use of such drugs should be approached with caution.

  • Before starting treatment, you must be examined by doctors to check the compatibility of the components;
  • poor diet and weight gain pills can lead to abnormal metabolism;
  • In addition, the process of training and strength loads must be properly structured.

The main thing is to remember that improper use is dangerous to human health. After all, most of the tablets increase the overall tone of the body and affect anabolic hormones, which greatly affects the psycho-emotional state.

At first glance, it may seem that athletes should not have problems with choosing vitamin-mineral complexes and other products that affect the speed of muscle recovery and growth - stores offer a wide range of supplements for every taste and budget. However, for a number of reasons discussed in the article, when choosing vitamins, we recommend choosing medications rather than numerous dietary supplements from the assortment of sports nutrition stores.

Any vitamins and tablets sold outside a pharmacy are just biologically active food additives (dietary supplements). Unlike drugs, their actual effectiveness, and even the compliance of the composition with what is indicated on the packaging, lies solely on the conscience of the manufacturer. Plus, the cost of such complexes is often completely unreasonably high.

The only exceptions are, perhaps, sports vitamin complexes from reputable manufacturers, such as Optimum Nutrition, BCN, Dymatize and others. But in them you can often encounter the other extreme - mega-doses of vitamins, often 1000 times more than the daily value. There is no convincing evidence of the validity of using such high doses, but the unpleasant effects of hypervitaminosis are quite real.

Meanwhile, the use of “dummies” and ineffective drugs does not lead to acceleration of recovery processes and, as a result, does not contribute to an increase in the intensity of muscle mass growth and physical indicators. In addition, the vasodilating agents presented in this article, which have proven effectiveness in increasing blood flow to muscles, stimulating pumping and improving the delivery of oxygen and nutrients, are not presented at all in sports stores.

For this reason, we looked at vitamins and medications sold exclusively in the pharmacy and only registered as medicines on the territory of Russia.

Selection criteria

The main requirements that were put forward for the drugs: the presence of clinically proven effectiveness; accelerating recovery processes in the body by meeting the needs for essential chemical elements(as a consequence and acceleration of muscle mass hypertrophy); stimulation of the supply of oxygen to all tissues of the body; improvement of physical performance during training.

Having carefully examined the range of various drugs in the pharmacy, we discovered that not everything is so simple here. For example, many popular vitamin and mineral complexes are not very suitable in their composition for men and women involved in weightlifting. To actively grow muscle mass and accelerate recovery processes, you need a large amount of macroelements such as magnesium and calcium, and microelements - iron and zinc, and “civilian” vitamins almost always have problems with this.

Having carefully studied the composition of the most common vitamin and mineral complexes, and having tested some of them on our own experience, we have selected two drugs that are most suitable for solving such problems as accelerating recovery after intense training and improving physical performance.

In addition to the composition, we paid attention to the manufacturer of the medicine (exclusively products from large foreign companies were considered) and the ease of use. We did not consider dietary supplements in principle.

Phosphodiesterase inhibitors

Vasodilatating agents are often used by bodybuilders to improve physical performance and the pumping effect. What is their effect on the athlete’s body?

By expanding the coronary arteries and improving microcirculation and rheological properties of the blood, vasodilating drugs increase the delivery of oxygen to all tissues of the body, including muscles. Thus, taking drugs from this group helps improve muscle function during training, enhance the pumping effect and speed up recovery after training.

Additional information about the mechanisms of action and side effects You can get these medications from Wikipedia.

Another group of PDE inhibitors are the well-known selective phosphodiesterase inhibitors. They act much more selectively than pentoxifyline, but also have a general vasodilating effect. However, the extremely high cost of original drugs, unfortunately, makes them inaccessible for regular use by most athletes. This problem is partly solved by inexpensive, high-quality generics, the cost of which is significantly lower than the original drugs.

We noticed only one problem - if pretty girls are training in the gym next to us, the reaction to them after taking the drug may be too noticeable :)

Medicines in this group are taken an hour before the start of training and in the evening, an hour or two before bedtime, to improve blood supply to the muscles during their overnight recovery. Don't forget carefully read the instructions for use, contraindications and possible side effects. For example, you should not take Pentoxifyline when going to the dentist - increased blood circulation leads to very rapid “resorption” of local painkillers.

Zinc supplements (testosterone stimulants)

The so-called sports shoes are very popular in sports stores. stimulators of testosterone production, which usually include zinc, magnesium and B vitamins. The cost of these ZMA supplements, as a rule, is completely unreasonably inflated, but the practical value of taking exorbitant doses of these microelements in most cases raises serious doubts. At the same time, they can be easily replaced highly effective medicines, the only drawback of which, in comparison with sports supplements, is the lack of bright and beautiful packaging, with visual diagrams and other favorite tricks that allow manufacturers to justify unreasonable prices for their products.

Zinc has proven itself well as a drug Zincteral (Zinc sulfate). Taking just one tablet will give the body 45 mg of elemental zinc, which is more than enough for the proper functioning of all biological processes. You will receive the remaining components of ZMA (magnesium and vitamins) in sufficient quantities from vitamin-mineral complexes, which we discuss in the continuation of the review.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that taking zinc itself will not have any “explosive” effect on the production of testosterone - its main value is in replenishing the insufficient intake of this important microelement from food, which can lead to a slowdown in physiological processes in the body . Zinc also helps get rid of acne and speed up wound healing.

Popular supplements based on Ecdisten (Ratibol) are not medicines, so they will not be considered in this article. Dietary supplements, as we have already noted, rarely give an effect stronger than that of taking a placebo. It's definitely not worth spending money on them.

Elevit Pronatal

Yes, you were right, one of the most optimal vitamin and mineral complexes for muscle growth is a drug for pregnant women. In fact, there is nothing surprising about this - Elevit contains a large number of micro- and macroelements necessary for growth, as befits a drug intended for.

There are slightly fewer vitamins here compared to other popular drugs, but for muscle growth, the increased amount of minerals is much more important.

One Elevit Pronatal tablet contains:

The most important vitamins and macro-microelements are highlighted in bold in the list. for muscle growth and strength indicators. For comparison, the popular, but not very balanced for bodybuilders, Supradin contains only 21.2 mg of magnesium (100 mg in Elevit), 500 mcg of zinc (7.5 g) and 11 mg of calcium, versus 125 in Elevit. It is for this reason " Supradin“is not so good for muscle growth - this is a universal complex for the widest possible segments of the population.

The manufacturer of the drug is Bayer, a global pharmaceutical giant, which leaves no doubt about the quality and effectiveness of the drug. "Elevit" is produced in Germany. The complex is also distinguished by a fairly high price - a package of 30 tablets costs at least 400 rubles. We recommend purchasing a pack of 100 tablets, in which case each tablet will cost significantly less. In any case, their cost is significantly lower than that of “special” sports vitamins.

Bodybuilders' need for vitamins and minerals during very intense training is significantly higher than that of pregnant women - you can safely double the manufacturer's recommended daily dosage of the drug. Take one Elevit tablet with breakfast and lunch. The tablets should be swallowed without chewing. If you work out in the gym “for fun”, take one tablet a day - the “extra” vitamins will still be removed from the body without any effect.


Universal vitamin and mineral complexes, as a rule, are not always suitable for those involved in sports, because they are intended primarily for people with normal physical activity and even physical inactivity. A pleasant exception is the Vitrum complex, which contains in the required quantities all the vitamins and minerals necessary for muscle growth and improved athletic performance.

One Vitrum tablet contains:


A and Betacarotene....500 IU
Colecalciferol (D3)....400 IU
Alpha tocopherol acetate (E)....30 IU
Ascorbic acid....60 mg
Thiamine mononitrate (B1)....1.5 mg
Riboflavin (B2)....1.7 mg
Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6)....2 mg
Nicotinamide....20 mg
Cyanocobalamin (B12)....6 mcg
Folic acid....400 mcg
Biotin....30 mcg
Calcium pantothenate....10 mg
Phytomenadione (K1)....25 mcg


Calcium....162 mg
Magnesium....100 mg
Potassium....40 mg
Iron....18 mg
Copper....2 mg
Zinc....15 mg
Chromium....25 mcg
Manganese....2.5 mg
Tin....10 mcg
Nickel....5 mcg
Silicon....10 mcg
Vanadium....10 mcg
Chloride....36.3 mg
Phosphorus....125 mg
Molybdenum....25 mcg
Selenium....25 mcg
Iodine....150 mcg

When familiarizing yourself with the composition of the drug, it immediately catches your eye that the only trace element that is clearly not enough in Vitrum is iron. However, if you are not a vegetarian and eat enough meat, liver and fish, there should be no problems with iron sources in any case.

Vitrum is produced by the American pharmaceutical company Unipharm. More information about the quality and safety of products is available on the company’s official website.

For athletes, as in the case of Elevit, we recommend doubling the recommended dosage of the drug. Take one Vitrum tablet with breakfast and lunch. The tablets should be swallowed without chewing.

Other vitamins

If the vitamins we recommend are not sold in the nearest pharmacies or you do not have the necessary funds to constantly take quite expensive complexes, you can always replace them with something more affordable and widespread. In Russia, these are, of course, drugs under the brand name “Complivit”.

Vitamins from the Czech company KRKA also have good quality products. However, personal experience showed some inconvenience in taking their Duovit complex. The tablets are very large, you need to take two of them, which causes serious problems. discomfort after consumption.

When consuming any vitamin-mineral complexes during intense training and in order to increase endurance and accelerate muscle growth, remember that it is better to take regular vitamins in double quantities, but not at one time, but divided into two - at breakfast and lunch. Taking vitamins in the evening is not recommended.

It's important to remember that rapid growth of muscle mass is achieved not only by taking vitamin-mineral complexes and intense training, but also by mandatory inclusion in the diet.

Don't forget about good rest between workouts. Otherwise, there is a serious risk of overworking the body and reducing the effectiveness of training. Nutrition and rest contribute more to the development of physical strength than any medications. Find the secrets of effective training and relaxation in our article.

All medications mentioned in the article are sold at any major pharmacy. Do not forget to carefully read the instructions for use before using any medications. It is highly advisable to obtain a recommendation on the advisability of taking the medications you have chosen from your attending physician. Remember - thoughtless self-medication can lead to serious health problems.

Many athletes at a certain point reach a state where progress in increasing strength and weight decreases or disappears altogether, and they begin to use various pharmaceutical drugs. This is done to gain muscle mass, and the choice of a specific drug and type of sports nutrition depend on the physical parameters of the athlete and his ultimate goals.

Modern athletes work in two main areas - fitness and competitive bodybuilding. In the first case, the athlete masters his body by strictly dosing loads, following a diet, maintaining the required physical fitness.

Clearly distributed effects on certain muscle groups develop muscles, increase immunity, strengthen the heart and blood vessels, and allow you to obtain a physically harmonious body.

In competitive bodybuilding, an athlete deliberately increases the load during training, which often runs counter to improving health, since it is necessary to achieve high performance in the shortest possible time.

Pharmacy preparations for gaining muscle mass not only allow you to increase muscle size, but also enable athletes to recover faster after the hardest workouts. All this pharmacology is certified and completely safe when used strictly according to the instructions and following the dosage.

What groups of medications are used?

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining muscle mass are not only dietary supplements that directly promote muscle growth, but also products that simultaneously perform other important functions.

Anabolic nonsteroids are substances of animal or, less commonly, plant origin that have high level biological activity. It is on their basis that muscle growth is maximized.

A good gain of muscle mass is unthinkable without the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Coenzymes.
  • Adaptogens.
  • Microelements.
  • Antihypoxants.
  • Psychoenergizers.
  • Anabolizing drugs.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Macroergics.
  • Regulators of neuropsychic status.
  • Hematopoiesis and circulation stimulants.
  • Amino acids.

How do hormone pills work?

Pharmaceutical preparations for gaining muscle mass in tablet form based on Hormones, combined with intense training, have the following effects on the athletes’ bodies:

Thanks to all this, an athlete can easily gain from 5 to 19 kg of mass in a month. Hormonal drugs should not be taken uncontrollably, as this can lead to disruption of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pancreas, and cause infertility. It is also prohibited to increase the dose or extend the course of treatment without consulting a doctor.

How do vitamins and minerals work?

Pharmacy drugs are designed to ensure the full functioning of all systems human body. To gain muscle mass and quickly recover, it is necessary to promptly remove free radicals from the body that are formed during redox reactions during training exercises.

All this is done by vitamins and minerals, which can be obtained both from food and pharmacological complexes. The list of components is given in the table below.

Name Operating principle What does it contain?
Vitamin A Activates the production of enzymes, muscle tissue proteins, vitamin D metabolite. Yellow and green vegetables, legumes, grapes, peaches.
B1 (Thiamin) Provides complete carbohydrate metabolism, improves food absorption, optimizes oxidation and restoration of body cells. Whole grain bread, yeast, spinach, liver, kidneys, animal brain.
B3 (nicotinic acid) Maintaining the synthesis of enzymes, takes part in carbohydrate metabolism. Rye bread, sela, mango, pineapple, buckwheat.
Pyridoxine (B) Needed for the metabolism of proteins, fats, nitrogen. Hazelnuts, cabbage, walnuts, grain sprouts.
Tocopherol (E) Provides protein synthesis, tissue respiration, and removal of toxins. Bran, beans, carrots, cucumbers, onions, peas, vegetable oil.
Ascorbic acid (C) Strengthens the immune system, forms collagen, regulates metabolism. Rosehip, black currant, bell pepper, citrus fruits.
Zinc Synthesizes tocopherol, is integral part over 400 enzymes, increases the rate of removal of carbon dioxide from the body. Beef liver, sesame seeds, nuts, oysters, sunflower seeds.
Copper It is part of the protein hemocyanin, which transports molecular oxygen. Low copper levels disrupt the structure of bone tissue and reduce protein metabolism. Fish, seafood, grains, nuts, legumes.
Iron Saturates blood with oxygen Meat
Calcium Strengthens bones Spinach, milk, cabbage, asparagus.
Magnesium Synthesizes amino acids and proteins Nuts, fish, pumpkin seeds, wheat bran.
Potassium Maintains water-alkaline balance, provides the required conditions for the myocardium. Potatoes, fish, dates, white beans.
Phosphorus It is an integral part of acids, enzymes, and body cells. Cocoa, mustard, pumpkin.

The benefits of pharmacy tinctures

People involved in gym, it will be useful to use so-called adaptogens - substances that have a mild stimulating effect on the human body. These include a variety of pharmaceutical tinctures.

Succinic acid

It has a tonic effect on the human body and improves its well-being.
Thanks to it, blood circulation is also accelerated, salts accumulated in the body are washed away, stones are removed, and susceptibility to stress is reduced.

Ginseng root tincture

This natural stimulant is known for the following properties:

Eleutherococcus senticosus is also worthy of attention, because it has a positive effect on the liver, eyesight, and blood supply to the brain.

Chinese lemongrass

It has the ability to increase the conductivity of nerve impulses and the sensitivity of nerve endings, which has a positive effect on neuromuscular connections, which in turn are responsible for muscle growth.

What medications should men take?

Pharmaceutical drugs for gaining muscle mass affect the concentration of testosterone in the blood. In this regard, pharmacists have developed products for representatives of the stronger sex, the conditional rating of which according to their level demand in the sports environment has the form:

  1. Andriol. Contains a synthesized analogue of the male hormone, which immediately penetrates the lymphatic system and is not absorbed by the body as quickly as natural testosterone.
  2. Methyltestosterone. Promotes a surge of energy and strength, reduces cell regeneration time.
  3. Dianabol. Helps the athlete gain exclusively lean muscle mass.

What should women take?

Modern pharmacological developments enable female athletes to remain beautiful, healthy and feminine.

The main drugs for women who want to gain muscle mass are:

  • Duphaston. The medicine must be taken with proper nutrition. The drug also helps normalize the menstrual cycle and retains fluid in the body.
  • Chloe. Gaining muscle volume occurs due to the activation of the ovaries.

Are muscle enlargement medications so harmless?

There is no definite answer to this question, because weight gain drugs affect almost all systems of the body, and any tablets, suspensions and dietary supplements have contraindications.

The main prohibitions for the use of pharmacological products that promote muscle growth are:

  • Age up to 21 years.
  • Kidney, liver, heart failure.
  • Individual intolerance to components.

You should not get carried away with steroids, since good athletic results can be achieved by following a balanced diet in combination with the use of appetite enhancers and sports nutrition.

Courses and regimens for the use of over-the-counter effective drugs for gaining muscle mass

Products from pharmaceutical companies are used in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturers and on the recommendation of the attending physician.


This medicine is well known for its ability to optimize the body's metabolism. The drug also improves the absorption of potassium and magnesium into the human body. Thanks to this, fatigue is reduced and the athlete feels more energetic. The drug is especially good when regular exercise is combined with a high-calorie diet.

Asparkam contains potassium aspartate and magnesium aspartate, 175 mg of each element. The cost of pharmacological development starts from 50 rubles, it is taken 1–2 tablets 3 times a day for 3–4 weeks.


The drug can significantly accelerate the process of tissue formation, has a positive effect on the heart, and reduces the risk of arrhythmia. Riboxin normalizes energy metabolism at the cellular level and improves blood flow.

The product contains inosine, a precursor of ATP, in an amount of 200 mg per tablet. The price of Riboxin can fluctuate between 55–90 rubles. per package depending on the manufacturer. Tablets are taken at a dose of up to 2400 mg per day for up to 3 months.


The medicine contains meldonium. The microelement itself allows the cells of the body to be actively saturated with oxygen, removes toxins, and increases human tone. As a result of using mildronate, the athlete is able to withstand heavy loads and quickly recovers after training.

The dosage of the drug varies and therefore its cost is in the range of 350 – 600 rubles. Take the medicine 500 mg 2 times a day for no more than 21 days in a row.


In one tablet of this product pharmacology contains 400 mg of pentoxifylline. The element is responsible for improving blood fluidity and reducing its viscosity. The drug also improves the condition of red blood cells and inhibits platelet aggregation. The medicine costs approximately 300 rubles. per package 60 tablets. The maximum dose of use is 1200 mg per day.


The drug is responsible for controlling insulin in human blood. Initially, the medicine was created for diabetics, but it has become firmly established in use by athletes who want to gain muscle mass, since in combination with a balanced diet and training it gives a positive result.

Can only be taken by adult athletes. The active substance is gliclazide. The price of the drug ranges from 240 to 350 rubles. You need to take the medicine once a day, no more than 120 mg.

Calcium glycerophosphate

An excellent metabolic process enhancer that reduces human fatigue. The drug should be taken in combination with a protein-rich diet. The active ingredient in the medicine has a concentration of 0.2 or 0.5 mg per tablet. The course of use continues on the recommendation of a doctor, and the daily dose is up to 1.5 g per day.

Potassium orotate

A drug that tones all systems of the human body. Also, this combination of mineral salts, based on potassium, removes excess liquid from the body, optimize the functioning of the heart. If you regularly take the medication combined with strength training, muscle mass gain is guaranteed.

The main substance of the drug is orthic acid. One tablet contains 0.5 g of substance. Cost: from 60 rubles for 10 tablets. The daily dose of the drug is 0.5 - 1.5 g per day, which must be consumed for 3 - 5 weeks.


This dietary supplement accelerates metabolic processes and normalizes iron levels in the blood. Therefore, the drug is ideal for athletes. The price of the product starts from 25 rubles per bar weighing 40 g. The product is eaten 1 - 2 plates up to 3 times a day for 2 months.

Leuzea or Maral root

Athletes appreciate this drug for its stimulating effect, based on vasodilation and stabilization blood pressure.

The dietary supplement contains Leuzea safflower rhizome and ascorbic acid. One capsule contains 0.205 g of the main substance. For packaging this product, the consumer will have to pay about 150 rubles.

Aralia Manchurian

The product improves sleep, appetite, reduces fatigue, strengthens the nervous system and enhances redox processes, which is absolutely acceptable for athletes who want to gain muscle mass.

The preparation contains Manchurian aralia root and ethanol.

The cost of the goods ranges from 50 to 60 rubles. The tincture is taken 30-40 drops 2 times a day for 30 days.


Due to its ability to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, the breathing of an athlete performing various strength exercises improves. One such tablet contains salbutamol hemisuccinate 0.00723 g, sodium carboxymethylcellulose; magnesium stearate; cellulose acetate. Price – from 140 to 150 rubles. per package. Take the medicine one tablet after lunch.


The drug ensures the transfer of potassium and sodium ions between cells, thereby maintaining the body’s full energy metabolism, which provides the athlete with body vigor and good strength performance.

One such tablet contains trimetazidine dihydrochloride 20 mg of excipients. For 100 capsules of such a drug, the buyer will have to pay about 100 rubles. The drug is used according to the following scheme: 70 mg per day. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor.


A vasodilator, antihypoxic drug that promotes blood saturation of all human tissues, thanks to which it has gained recognition among athletes.
One tablet contains 5 mg of vinpocetine. The cost of the medicine is 140 - 150 rubles. per pack 50 capsules. You need to take the drug 3 times, 5-10 mg each, for 2 months.


A unique product that helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. Due to this, insulin is produced, which carries nutrients to human tissue cells. Sugar, in turn, does not turn into fat, and the athlete gains muscle mass, not fat.

One tablet of the drug contains 500 mg, 850 mg or 1000 mg of metformin hydrochloride. Depending on the dosage and number of capsules in the package, the price of the medicine will be from 140 to 250 rubles. Take the drug up to 3 g per day, depending on the level of glucose in the blood.

Rhodiola rosea

“Golden Root” is distinguished by its abilities:

  • stimulate collagen synthesis;
  • break down lactic acid;
  • help the heart and blood vessels to be in good shape.

All this allows athletes to achieve their goal of gaining muscle mass. The tincture costs about 30–40 rubles. per package. Use Rhodiola solution 10 drops 3 times a day for 10–20 days.

Tocopherol acetate

The drug saturates the body with vitamin E, which significantly accelerates metabolism and improves myocardial nutrition.
Thanks to this, athletes actively use the medicine. One tablet of the product contains 100 mg of vitamin E and 100 mg of sunflower oil. The course of administration is 100 mg per day for 1–2 months.

Glutamic acid

The drug increases the performance and endurance of the human muscular system, accelerates the process of cell regeneration, and optimizes nitrogen metabolism. One tablet of the medicine contains 250 mg of glutamic acid. It is necessary to take the drug 1 g 2-3 times a day for a period of 1-2 months. The cost of a pharmaceutical product is about 60 rubles. per package.


Thanks to the drug’s ability to stimulate the liver, the athlete’s performance increases and muscle volume increases. Take the medicine 10–20 mg 3 times a day for about 20 days. An aqueous tablet of the product contains 0.005 g of ecdisthene. The cost of packaging is approximately 1500 rubles.

Liv 52

Normalizes protein metabolism, has hepatoprotective, anabolic and choleretic effects, which helps the athlete gain muscle mass. Cost – 300 rub. per package.

Dosage: 2-3 tablets in three doses for 20 – 40 days. Ingredients: prickly capers, chicory, western cassia, yarrow.


An appetite stimulant with an anabolic effect. Athletes use 60 mg per day. Composition – DL-carnitine hydrochloride 7.5 g, L-lysine hydrochloride 5.0 g. Cost – from 1900 to 2000 rubles. per unit.

When selecting pharmacological developments for gaining muscle mass, it is necessary to take into account metabolic rate and physique. Training experience is also important.

Some people, due to their physiological characteristics You cannot use pharmaceutical drugs that promote rapid muscle growth, for example, a gainer, which can only accelerate the growth of fat folds.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about drugs for gaining muscle mass

Pharmacy doping. Course for weight:

  • Each person's body is unique, so it reacts differently to supplements.
  • Athletes tend to prefer creatine, it allows them to maintain a high training pace and better strengthen their muscles.
  • With the support of proper nutrition and training, supplements will help you reach the next level faster.

So, the five most important supplements for rapid muscle growth

If you walk through a bodybuilding store, you will see a huge number of supplements designed specifically for better growth muscles and recovery of your body after a grueling workout. For the most part, all supplements are good in their own way, but not all are suitable for every individual. Each person's body is unique, so it reacts differently to supplements. Despite all this, there are a number of supplements that help achieve best results, and get the greatest return on all fronts. Next, Pitsport will tell you about the supplements that in the best possible way will help you build muscle.


Creatine is a completely natural, natural substance that is found in our muscle cells. Primarily around skeletal muscle tissue, where about 95% of all creatine in the body is found. The remaining five percent is evenly distributed throughout the body.

This natural metabolite is reproduced as creatine monohydrate for sports nutrition. The body needs it for cellular energy production and modulation.

Positive points when using creatine:

  • Stimulating the onset of muscle growth
  • Increased muscle cell volume
  • Fast recovery after training
  • Rapid glycogen synthesis
  • High intensity muscle work

Athletes tend to enjoy using creatine during both strength training and bodybuilding, as it allows them to maintain a high pace of training and better strengthen their muscles. At the same time, you can always easily stop taking creatine, because it is always present in the body. Typically, it will take 3-4 weeks for the body to return creatine levels to normal.


Beta-Alanine is a natural, non-essential amino acid that is supplied to our bodies through protein-rich foods such as chicken. Increased workout performance occurs due to its ability to increase intramuscular carnosine levels. Taking Beta Alanine as a supplement will allow you to increase your carnosine levels by over 60% in just 4 weeks.

This is very important during intense training when our body produces large amounts of hydrogen, which causes the pH to drop, meaning there is more lactic acid in the body. This acidity can cause very extreme fatigue, reduce muscle performance, and even stop the transmission of nerve impulses.

By maintaining elevated carnosine levels with Beta Alanine supplements, you will be able to delay the production of hydrogen and subsequent acidity, allowing you to avoid rapid muscle fatigue or breakdown.

Additional positive points, when using Beta Alanine:

  • Increased endurance
  • Increased power
  • Less fatigue
  • Improved body composition
  • Beta Alanine works well with creatine
  • Increased performance, regardless of intensity or duration.

3.Whey protein.

It has long been a known truth that bodybuilders can improve their performance and build powerful muscles by consuming whey protein shakes. Such proteins provide our body with a large amount of protein, as well as the necessary amount of calcium, magnesium and other minerals that are so easily absorbed in the form of a drink.

Such protein mixtures are usually consumed both before and after workouts for better recovery. If you are strictly following your muscle growth diet, or want to burn excess fat, then by using whey protein every day, you can speed up these processes. Next, Pitsport will tell you about the main benefits of this supplement.

  • Easy to digest. Many athletes can save time by using whey shakes post-workout for fast-absorbing nutrients, as these supplements contain a range of vitamins and minerals not available in everyday foods, making them a great option for busy business people.
  • There are no problems with the absorption of lactose. People with lactose intolerance are aware of the discomfort that often awaits them when using everyday shakes. Whey protein blends are usually a combination of egg and soy proteins, as well as calcium caseinate. As you yourself may have noticed from the composition, no negative effect is observed, as after milk.
  • Increased muscle recovery. After finishing intense weight lifting or other sporting activities, your body needs to recover, and to do this it needs special nutrition. Protein is the most important building block for muscle recovery. Protein is the main component of protein powders and many other supplements. If you consume it immediately after training, your body will begin a rapid recovery process.
  • Natural appetite suppressants. Eating high in protein easily curbs hunger, allowing you to stick to a low-calorie diet without feeling hungry. Whey protein supplements and shakes can be used as meal replacements or as a between-meal snack.
  • Amino acids. Our bodies require significant amounts of quality proteins and amino acids to function properly. Whey protein supplements are literally loaded with amino acids that support protein synthesis.
  • Improved metabolism. Athletes need large amounts of protein as fuel for the furnace. When you consume it throughout the day, it serves as an excellent source of energy and keeps that fire going we call metabolism. With an improved metabolism, you will burn more calories and curb your hunger.

Recommended serving: consume 30-40 grams of whey protein. It is best before or after training, and also when there is simply no other food nearby to get the required amount of protein. However, while these shakes are ideal workout supplements, always try to eat a nutritious meal at other times.

4.Branched amino acids.

Another essential supplement that is often used by both strength athletes and bodybuilders are branched-chain amino acids. Of the 21 essential acids, three are branched: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These amino acids are the main elements of protein, making up about 30% of all skeletal muscle in our body. Our body uses them to restore muscles. Just like whey proteins, they deliver nutrients directly to your muscles, allowing them to recover better. Your body uses up branched-chain amino acids during exercise, so supplementation will help you restore lost nutrient levels. This supplement also reduces muscle pain from fatigue and speeds up metabolic recovery.

A good proof that branched chain amino acids really help is the increase in muscle endurance due to constant replenishment. This may be of interest to long-distance athletes such as marathon runners, swimmers or even just hikers.

5. Glutamine

Glutamine is generally praised for its ability to mitigate muscle tissue tearing during intense exercise, which can help improve endurance and strength thresholds. You will find that you can lift heavier weights, both longer and more times. Your body compensates for exceeding strength limits by growing muscles. Glutamine, as a supplement, also has a number of other benefits:

  • Preserving muscle tissue allows your body to burn extra fat because the stronger your muscles, the more efficient your metabolism is. When you exercise to lose weight, your body may burn some muscle mass, so it's important to slow down the process.
  • Glutamine has shown itself to be positive side in restoring the immune system in many people who took it. During intense training, glutamine allows you to distribute part of the load on the immune system, thereby not only restoring muscles, but also integrating into the immune system, allowing the whole body to recover faster.
  • Glutamine is also known for its ability to increase growth hormone levels in the body. This is incredibly important for those who are focused specifically on muscle growth. Research shows that just 2 grams of glutamine supplementation already increases hormone levels.
  • Muscle tissue requires nitrogen. Glutamine supplements (L-glutamine) contain about 20% nitrogen, making them one of the best suppliers of nitrogen to muscles.
  • Together with other reducing agents and building blocks supplements such as creatine and whey protein, you will see significant growth and quickly move towards your goal.


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