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Presentation for the lesson "The emergence of inequality and nobility." Presentation - the emergence of inequality and the nobility to the emergence of trade

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Main questions of the lesson:

  • What is inequality?
  • How and why did it appear?
  • What happened in society as a result of inequality?
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    Goal: To form an idea of ​​inequality among primitive people.

    • To lead students to understand the reasons for the emergence of inequality in primitive society.
    • mastering the concepts of “craft”, “artisan”, “neighboring community”, “inequality”, “nobility”, “classes”, “state”.
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    New words:

    plow, craft, artisan, neighboring community, inequality, nobility, classes, state.

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    Compatible - repeat

    1-G, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-B, 6-F, 7-E

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    Repetition of what has been covered

    What activities of ancient people does this picture give an idea of?

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    The main activities of primitive people:

    • gathering and hunting
    • agriculture and cattle breeding
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    How was a group of primitive people governed?

    • Council of Elders
    • Tribe
    • Tribal community
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    1. Metal processing and improvement of tools.
    2. The transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one.
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    Craftsman –

    A person who is professionally engaged in the manufacture of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products

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    Development of crafts.

    People noticed that copper nuggets caught in the fire softened in the fire and changed shape upon impact. This property made it possible to forge copper various items. Copper was the first metal from which people learned to make tools.

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    About 9 thousand years ago, a new occupation appeared in Western Asia - metal processing. The first metal from which people learned to make tools was COPPER.

    The masters learned to work with precious metals– GOLD, SILVER. Jewelry was made from them.

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    Invention of the plow

    The invention of the wooden plow marked the beginning of plow farming. Thanks to the invention of the plow, the use of animals to loosen the earth, and the appearance of copper tools, there was no longer a need for the entire community to work together in the fields.

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    Each family has its own farm

    • The clan community was replaced by the neighbor community
    • Plowing the fields
    • Use of copper tools
    • More products coming
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    Society management

    • Tribal community
    • Neighborhood Community

    CHIEF – head of the tribe. He led the military actions of the tribe.

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    Emergence of inequality

    A neighboring community is a group of people who are not relatives, but who jointly perform a number of works (draining swamps, clearing forests for arable land, digging a pond, the water from which is used for irrigation, etc.).

    Different attitudes towards work, unexpected natural phenomena led to wealth inequality.

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    History of the Ancient World Grade 5
    and nobility.

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    Prepare for the test (paragraphs 1-5) Learn concepts in your notebook

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    check yourself
    From what human occupation did cattle breeding arise? From cattle breeding; 3. From collecting; From beekeeping; 4. From hunting. What is the name of an ancient tool made of bone or wood used for cutting (compressing) plants? Hoe; 3. Sickle; Axe; 4. Harpoon.

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    check yourself
    Who was involved in the manufacture of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products? Hunter; Farmer; Craftsman; Weaver. From what human occupation did agriculture originate? From cattle breeding; 3. From collecting; From beekeeping; 4. From hunting. A wooden stick with a knot at the end, used for cultivating the land, is a Hoe; 3. Rake; Sickle; 4. Braid.

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    1. Development of crafts. 2. Invention of the plow. 3. Each family has its own farm. 4. Selection of the nobility.

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    Development of crafts.
    Ancient people mastered technologies that were quite complex for that level - spinning, weaving, grinding and drilling. About nine thousand years ago, a new craft appeared in Western Asia - metal processing. Copper was the first metal from which people learned to make tools.

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    Without being distracted by other activities, the artisan was engaged in either pottery, or metal processing, or some other activity. Thus, the craft gradually separated from agriculture and cattle breeding. The artisan now exchanged his products for food Agriculture. Craftsmen settled in cities, and farmers and cattle breeders settled in villages. So between city and village, agricultural. There was an exchange between workers and artisans.

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    a person who is professionally engaged in the manufacture of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.
    production of vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

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    Invention of the plow.
    The invention of the wooden plow marked the beginning of plow farming. Thanks to the invention of the plow, the use of animals to loosen the earth, and the appearance of copper tools, there was no longer a need for the entire community to work together in the fields.

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    Each family has its own farm.
    Now each family could manage the household independently, which inevitably led to the disintegration of tribal communities. Livestock, tools, and housing become the property of a separate family. For changing family relations the neighbors came. A neighborhood community has formed.

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    Selection of the nobility.
    But all families are different: the more skillful ones harvested more crops and increased the number of livestock faster. Some families may have become wealthy over time. Inequality arose within the tribes: some were noble, others were ignorant; some were richer and others poorer.

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    Inequality - the emergence of rich and poor people

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    The state is an organization of society in which there are borders, power, laws and tax collection.

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    Find concepts in the textbook and write them down in your notebook: Leader, nobility, sanctuaries, king.

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    Connect the terms and their definitions.

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    Check yourself:
    Tribal community Neighborhood community Tribe Chief Inequality Religion
    Belief in supernatural beings. The leader of the tribe's warriors. Combination of several genera. A group of relatives who lived and worked together had common property. A community where families were connected not by kinship, but by neighborly relations. Distinguishing between rich and poor people.

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    Match events and dates. For each letter, select the corresponding number.

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    Establish a correspondence between definitions and concepts. Match each letter with the corresponding number.
    Definitions Concepts
    A) the ruler of the state; B) transfer of power from father to son; B) the head of the tribe; D) member of the tribe.

    1) leader; 2) fellow tribesman; 3) inheritance; 4) king; 5) know.

    The emergence of inequality and nobility ,

    Rassadina Irina Aleksandrovna

    history and social studies teacher,

    MBOU Odintsovo secondary school No. 1

    [email protected]

    2. Metal processing

    3. Definition of the concepts “artisan” and “craft”

    4. Definition of the concepts of “inequality” and “know”

    5. Selection of nobility

    7. Literature

    The goal is to lead students to understand the causes of inequality between people.

    • ensure the assimilation of the concepts of “inequality”, “neighborhood community”, “know”;
    • continue to develop the skills to retell the content of the textbook text;
    • compare and describe tools;
    • identify at the elementary level the causes of historical events.

    Development of human occupations

    obtaining food depended on the person himself

    Agriculture and cattle breeding

    a person improves his skills in these activities

    masters appear

    artisans - craft

    A craftsman is a person who makes vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

    Craft - making vessels, tools, fabrics or other products.

    Metal processing

    Copper axes

    Copper tools

    appearance of the plow

    development of crafts

    neighborhood community



    emergence of the state

    allocation of nobility

    Selection of the nobility

    Conclusion: Man has learned to process metal. Thanks to this, he mastered a new occupation - craft. There has been an improvement new tools. Some people have excess. There arises in society inequality. This process indicates the emergence states .



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